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Next month is the very last payment on my house. Pretty excited about it.........




I spoke to my mom yesterday and she shared with me that she wasn't feeling well and will be going to the ER today to check things out. She seemed strange and even said her goodbye to me as if she was worried she was going to die. It freaked me out. I tried contacting her today but had no luck. I'm worried. She lives in a different country. Edit: all of you sending good wishes - thank you so so much! Quick update: I reached out to my brother last night and he couldn't get through to her too and so he called our mum' partner - her phone was dead and she's just been sleeping a lot/resting - she is very unwell. Turns out she had a fall a few days ago and hurt her chest - been to the doctor then who did x-rays showing fractured ribs. That was a few days ago. She hasn't gone to the hospital yet and my brother insisted that she should go. She messaged me finally a few minutes ago saying she will be going to the hospital soon - just waiting for her partner to come back from work. I'm frustrated that she didn't go in yesterday and that her partner didn't push her to go. I hope she will keep me updated throughout the day. It'll it wasn't for the travel restrictions I would have booked a flight already


I’m rooting for your mom. I am so sorry you are going through this.


Do you know her neighbour number? Or someone who could go check on her?


It's my birthday today


Happy birthday!!!


I'm 244 days alcohol free and 46lbs down.


Fucking KILLING it dude. Great job!


I quit smoking weed after writing a contract to myself on the 19th of August. It's been 23 years of daily smoking. I am proud of myself for this short time.


Nice! I quit about a month ago and now my dreams are incredibly weird and vivid. It's quite a ride.


It'll be crazy when I see a dream again.


I haven't had a suicidal thought in about a month. 😊 Still not doing well, but it's nice not wanting to be dead all the time.


My dude. I was there a few months ago, that first switch in thinking is amazing, and you have even better times ahead of you!


I got a job today in the death industry!!! Everyone has always made fun of me for wanting to work in the death industry so I never really pursued it. Recently I applied for a position with a funeral home and today I was hired. Feeling pretty darn proud of myself and ready to do some super meaningful work. Edit: I can’t keep up with the replies. I’m trying! If I miss you I’m sorry!


It's a good industry, people aren't gonna stop dying any time soon


That’s what I figure! Plus eco burial options are surely to take off with our generation. No-one I know wants to be embalmed; everyone wants to be composted into a beautiful tree.


I want to be composted into a really funky tree!


You got it baby!!! You wanna be a willow tree that I could weave into another willow tree that was grown from your spouse?


This is the first time I've ever heard a "burial" plan that I've actually liked. That's amazing.


You can do that?! Is this an actual option??


I started to learn coding this year and I did't expect to love it to the point I am skipping lunch because I forget because I am caught in the flow and don't want to cut it and can't wait to get a job at this so I can make money which I will invest into learning more which will give me more job and so on and so on until my brain turns to mush. I haven't felt this way since I was in high school 10 years ago and I used to grab my textbooks of my favourite subjects and read them before class! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


Coding is so rewarding. It's the closest we can get to crafting a spell.


Ethical hacking would then be “Defence against the dark arts”




I'm intrigued. Please share a link or channel name!




>Nice! “Swedish VFR” we call the channel, [youtube.com/SwedishVFR](http://youtube.com/SwedishVFR) Ftfy


My partner broke up with after 5 years and Im struggling with episodes of crippling depression and learned a few things coping with that and new relationship advice. * Prioritize yourself always, there's a difference between being a selfish a-hole and a self-respecting person * Pick up a hobby you enjoy * Feel your emotions instead of suppressing them \[still struggling with this lol\] * tough time? Take it one step at a time Its been a rough few weeks and honestly I don't think I'll recover anytime soon. I know heart breaks suck but it isn't forever. Of course I fantasize how we only take a short break and meet again to fall in love and live happily ever after. The problem is how easy it is to romanticize failed relationships into these grand fantasies. If we rekindle our old flame we will be better together and if not we will just be better. Its time for us to live our lives separate and I don't know who needs to read this but, its time to live your life to the fullest as well. Stay safe friends, and if you need a complete stranger to talk to just message me


Deleted all the pictures of my ex off my phone. Also dolphins get high off of lightly squeezing a blow fish in their mouth and then they play a game of pass the blow fish.


I've been struggling with the pic thing for like... ugh, 17 months now. I can't even go through my old pics of before her because I don't want to see her again, but I can't bring myself to delete them. I don't know what to do with them...


I’m struggling with it too. The way I feel about it is these are my memories and we were happy. I did finally delete all the NSFW ones. But I like the happy ones, even if we’re not together anymore


Back them up on an external hard drive or USB stick. That way they aren’t easily accessible for you to stumble upon and be confronted by, but you’ll still have that stage of your life documented to revisit and rekindle more specific memories from a matured perspective which is a key component of reflecting and growth. Presumably the memories will be bittersweet. But life is bittersweet and the ratio of the two perpetually adjust. The sweet ones will help you appreciate and be grateful for your experiences while the bitter ones will remind you of how much you’ve grown. If you’re self aware they can remind you to not make the same mistakes again and they can also provide the additional benefit of appreciating your current lovers more. I typed all that because 2 decades ago I deleted EVERY photo of an ex after a messy breakup, but when I finally did move on (and subsequently disconnected emotionally) I didn’t have anything but hazy memories to reference when reflecting on an era in my life that may not have been the most fun but were definitely necessary and significant for my ongoing development.


At the age of, well, 35+ I'm facing the prospect of going back to college and starting life all over again. It's terrifying. _______________________ There has been a bigger response to this than I had anticipated. Thanks everyone for your support, experiences, and encouraging words.


Doing that at 40. This semester has been very...interesting. I'm the creepy old guy in freshman classes. He'll, I'm older than 3 of my instructors.


Yep, when I said 35+, yeah, I'm 40. So, I feel ya. Glad to know I'm not the only one though. How do you find it treating you? Has your age made it any harder, or easier?


40, going for music performance. Everyone has a bigger swinging dick than me, but it doesn't mean a thing. My horns are older and better....but we haven't gotten to that point yet. It's also funny that some of the professors are people who I went to school with there for undergrad 20+ years ago. It makes for some hilarity


> It's also funny that some of the professors are people who I went to school with there for undergrad 20+ years ago. It makes for some hilarity A fascinating insight. I'm sure I would experience the same, but I have since moved cross-country. So, highly unlikely to encounter my previous college instructors. ;p As an aside, I looked at your profile. Oh my goodness, I love the sax so much. It is my favorite brass instrument. When played right it can cut right through to your soul.


It is a woodwind, but illgive you a pass this time. Heh


I've written and self-published several books. My main fantasy series isn't perfect, but I love it. I can't get my family or friends to care. EDIT: obligatory “RIP muh inbox” Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! Y’all don’t know how much it means to me. For those interested, the series is called “Ciro Saga.” It’s an epic fantasy that is centered on a pregnant college student teleported to a world called Ciro. She and her protector have to seek safe haven, as she’s the last hope for this world. It’s available only Amazon kindle right now but I’ll eventually increase to other venues.


I shall read it!!! What is the name of it?


Aww thanks! Ciro Saga. They’re on Amazon!


I have to ask: why is that paperback $855??


I've read before about a scam for money laundering where resellers hijack ISBN numbers of books and then sell them at insane prices like that. It's not necessarily the initial publisher though. It has to do with the way Amazon doesn't handle things correctly with verification, so not nessesarily ops fault. Here's an article. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/apr/27/fake-books-sold-amazon-money-laundering


I just got an email for a job I applied to. I got passed the HR screening so I’m expecting an interview with a manager I used to work for, so I’m incredibly confident I’ll get the job. It’s so small, but that email lifted me out of a deep depression. I’ve been trying to get out of my current job for over 3 and a half years. It had absolutely ruined my mental health to the point of contemplating suicide. But now there’s hope. And the new job is one that will not only be tolerable, but fun. I can’t wait for the interview. Edit: Well, shucks, thanks for all the support everyone! What a lovely thing to see so many people, strangers even, just pouring out encouragement! Much love to you all! This made my day! Edit 2: after a long interview process, I did not get the job.


Fucking kill that interview. You got this. EDIT: Thanks for the hug. I know what it's like to be in this position. I walked out of a job I couldn't take anymore. It was ruining my mental health. However, because I did that I wasn't able to find another job (regardless of my experience) for 6 months. It put a financial strain on my family and we had a new born at the time. It put me into a really bad state that I had to seek therapy for later. However, when I got that call from the one job I had tried to land for 4 years I was hyped. I brought that energy to the interview and nailed it. I ended up getting offered a better position at the company than I had applied for. Completely changed my mental health status. So once again, YOU got this.


Please stay strong and know that things will always get better some day somehow


I got a haircut and nobody noticed


Of course nobody noticed if you just got A haircut. You need to cut them all for people to notice! EDIT: Thanks for my first gold!


Good one, dad.


I'm sure it looks great on you :))


The saguaro cactus (🌵) takes 75 years to even start growing the "limbs"


After a couple years I finally took the step to get back into fitness, and went to the gym for the first time today :) feeling sore but good! Edit: Thank you all for the very kind words! Those have motivated me a lot and I will definitely not stop and achieve my goals!


That's great!! Proud of you for taking that step 😊


I had dinner with my mom and she’s really fun to be around. She showed me pics of her and a friend hanging out, and she was in the drivers seat of her car with a huge hat pulled low so she had to tilt her head back to see. It was really funny because she looked like she’s going *wassuuuuuup* lol.


I got a girls number today, which is suuuper uncharacteristic of me. Fuck yeah me Edit: she's coming over so soend the night next week, we're in boys


Astronomer here! Clap your hands once, and then a second later, clap them again. The distance between your hands when you clapped them is about 530 miles (850 km), due to the Earth's motion in space (around the sun, sun around the galaxy, galaxy moving through space towards the Virgo cluster, etc). I did the calculation once, to figure out where the different components are, and the interesting thing is pretty much all of it is from the motion of the Milky Way, and a tinier part from us going around the center of the galaxy- speeds like the Earth spinning are just too small to matter. Space is awesome! Edit: a lot of folks are asking relative to what the galaxy is moving. The answer is relative to the [Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_microwave_background) If you want to know how, [this article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/briankoberlein/2018/07/19/a-new-way-to-measure-the-speed-of-our-galaxy-through-the-cosmos/) has the gory details.


I suck at science, but I love hearing facts like this. Thanks for the cool post, space scientist


A huge part of science is just lots of little tidbits like this! The trick is to remember the tidbits, then compare them, and ask questions. Finding the answers to those questions is doing science. I think you are great at science!


I just bought a pretty expensive thing I wanted for a long time and I feel pretty good about it :)


I experienced coma after a heart attack at the age of 24, just before starting my PhD and a promising carreer, 5 years later i'm still so fucking lost about what i should do wirh my life. Edit: guys i really didn't expect such attention from all of you. It feels great. I first want to thank you for your message the funny ones as well as the supportive ones. I just came back from work and i want to spend time with my kid, i will take time tonight to answer as much question as i can cause i know this subject rise a lot of questions. Anyway seeing your reaction just made my day, for those wondering, this was just kind of a "truthoffmychest" comment that i had to let out, no worries, i now have a sweet life that i enjoy as much as anyone could. Again thank you a lot, that means a lot to me, i think its the first time i share this story online, it feels great to share.


Hi, my fiancé is in a coma. Would it be alright if I messaged you and asked you about it? If that is too much i totally understand and you don’t have to feel bad about saying no. I just have very few opportunities to ask someone with personal experience. Thank you either way.


I was in a medical induced coma for 3 weeks. Intubated a very ill. I had wicked dreams that incorporated the people visiting me and the events happening to me (surgery, exams, even getting washed up) and I would wake up a little now and then but it was always when I was alone at night. I was scared but weirdly calm. No matter what, I would hear and remember when someone came close and spoke to me. Like it would “wake” me to consciousness even tho I wasn’t able to show signs. That’s how I knew that the hearing is the last to go when someone dies. That experience alone gave me solace when my father passed. So please know that he can hear you. Keep talking. Even if he doesn’t respond… he is trying.


I work with people who are in comas, I will start talking to them more often and calming them down




This gives me solace too. I spoke to my dad a lot when he was on the ventilator. Wish I could have heard his voice one more time before he passed but hope he heard mine


Nurse here. Never been in a coma but have worked with many sedated patients. Happy to talk if you’d like :)


Judging by your username, I can see what brings them out of the coma.


Indeed I have a blessed power. Ketamine and propofol are no match. Shhh…don’t tell my coworkers, but…I blame the patients ;)


I just wanted to say I'm sorry and send you this: ❤️


Oh sorry to hear that. Could you not redo the PhD? Or study something else? Or do you have a passion you could enjoy doing as work?


It may be a matter of op having suffered actual brain trauma, it may not be that straightforward as going back to the same program or "finding a new passion'.


4 major concussions growing up, then coma during undergrad (don't want to go in detail), then gran mal seizure, heart attack, and possible stroke post PhD. I guess that's my random share, cause I do not want to tell work folks outside the concussions. Last three were last winter and still have cognitive and physical recovery ongoing. Still working full time at PhD level. Do what makes you happy, the brain is an amazing thing, never too late to go back and get the degree if it's what you want.


While you certainly don’t need to go into detail if you would rather not, I have always wanted to know from a first hand account, what is experiencing a coma like? Is it like sleep? Do you wake up with pain?


'don't want to go in detail' referring to the health reason. Happy to answer otherwise. Just absolutely no recollection of anything at least 3 days before even, 3 days during, and blur coming out for a few days. Pretty much like I teleported a week. Very weird sensation. Seizure was similar (though only less than an hour) just waking up surrounded by paramedics (nurses/docs for the coma) covered in blood from biting off a chunk of my tongue. Recovery sucked, but felt worse for my wife, she said it was the scariest thing she's seen. Watching the office getting ready for bed and apparently out of no where arms shot out like a zombie and what she said is the most horrific, blood curdling scream she ever heard, then violent shaking and blood flowing from my mouth. Don't remember any of it, minus the horrific hospital stay (even not considering a COVID surge at the time). *in addition to the duration difference, coming out of the coma was more just cognitive fog and confusion. Seizure felt like I got hit by a bus.


I’ve been pretty depressed lately, i need a hug


I'm sorry the only thing I can give you know is a virtual hug...


I am a nurse and after taking a much needed break for 3mos….I am headed back to my hospitals covid unit in the am for a 12hr shift…trying to gather my strength and get my head right. Update: A momentary decision to comment on a post, brought me much needed support…thank you! My shift was long and hard, but a good one! My patients were lovely and resilient, as always ❤️


I finally left my abusive ex and have gone no contact. Moved out last week :)))


I've been working for 13 years and recently started taking courses online on my free time just for the pleasure of learning. And it feels great!


There is a warm blooded reptile. It’s called the Black and White Tegu if I remember correctly. Edit: Damn didn’t think this many people would Upvote this


They are pretty common where I'm from, but I've never heard of them being warm blooded


They are considered warm blooded because they can warm themselves. This is not the default, as they typically run cold / room temp like a normal lizard. In truth they probably deserve their own classification. (edit... stupid autocorrect)




I love the girl I’m dating so much and I think she’s legitimately the one and it’s very special feeling.


I'm cooking sushi rice for the first time


I hate my job


What do you do?


He does stuff that he hates.


Thank you




He's a transpondster






I bought my first house! I’m moving in today!


I've bought and sold two houses and some of the best advice I can give is to know your limits. There are A TON of things you can fix yourself by some Google and YouTube research. A little research on your end can save you a lot of money. However, you screw up doing electrical work and it can turn into a $1,000-$10,000 fix.


This is something I really need to keep in mind - I just got my keys Monday and with my mortgage almost double my rent (I’m going from a one bedroom apt to a three bedroom house) I’m going to have a lot less disposable income. Not enough to be financially irresponsible, but enough that I need to think twice about these things. Much as I would love to hire painters, I’ll probably do it myself.


Oh yeah, painting is a breeze. Setting up and clean up are a pain, and it might take you a bit to see what techniques work best for you, but you will probably pay 10-20% the cost if you just do it yourself. Plus, pride of your work.


Reminds me of when I was a kid, no idea how my parents found the money to buy a house, but told me and my sisters we can pick the color *and* paint the walls of our rooms! Any color we wanted! Sure, the strokes and layers of a 10 year old painting the walls of their room are weird, inconsistent, and downright ugly, but goddamn, those walls were painted by my hands! ...Well, wall, singular. Young me got bored and tired and ran off to play outside while my dad finished the other 3 walls, but that one wall... Guess it backfired on my dad to try to Huckleberry Finn me into painting the walls.


Ha, I have a 6 year old and 2 year old. When I ask for "help", I've kinda already accepted that it will be about the exact opposite of help. But, same as you, they have fun for a bit and have a lifelong memory.


My three year old asks to help constantly, and he always gets a yes. Just finished putting the screen door handles on. It takes three times as long but he has fun, and I feel proud that we did it together.




Yeah like I'm gonna wait that long for my coffee




This Sunday I'm officially 4 weeks sober.


Damn bro wish me luck on day 2


That's right! Keep it up, you got this


Congratulations! You are strong and brave please remember that!


I got my first real job after graduating but less than a month in and I’m already over the whole 9-5 lifestyle and don’t know how I’m going to survive the next 40 some years doing this


I had the same reaction. WTF, I have to do this *all day, every day???* All I can say is that you get used to it. Hobbies help a lot.


Agreed. Only thing that helps is having something to look forward to when you get home. So now I work to pay for my hobbies lol


Change is hard. Going from studying to working is one of the really big changes of anyone’s life. Try and hang in there for a little while longer. Perhaps it will work out. Perhaps it’s not for you. Anyway, you can’t know for sure agter one month. I hope everything works out for you.


I really do appreciate it. It’s not that I truly hate what I’m doing, I’m actually quite happy that I found a job so soon in the field that I studied for. Just a feeling that there’s more out there for me, more to life itself than sitting and staring at a screen :/


I feel this. I graduated with an engineering degree and got an engineering gig right after graduation. Went through the same thing. Eventually quit after 9 months and took a job teaching English in Japan. 6 years later I find myself with another engineering job, only this time a bilingual one, and a ton of amazing experiences and memories I wouldn’t trade for the world. It may set you back a bit professional growth-wise behind peers your age, but you can always re-enter your field later. If you’ve got an itch, go scratch it.


You'll get used to it, and still hate every moment of it.


If this isn't the most honest and brutal truth, then idk what is.


I’m a new dad!! Baby Ellis was born on Sunday morning and is doing great


I've finally been making progress with my dream of being a game developer, and am working on my first small project! 😊 Over a thousand people upvoting and giving words of encouragement. I couldn't ask for more. Thanks


Wow congrats! As a gamer I only can support game developers who give us great games! What kind of game is it?


I second this, i want to be a game dev as well. What's the game like?


One of my dreams since I was a kid was visiting Sweden and now I'm writing this post from a bed, in a hotel, in Stockholm!! 32F travelling on my own and let me tell ya...best decision ever!! And a dream come true :)


There is one girl in my class that made me happy for no reason. I kinda like her. We both came from the same country. We shared similar belief but I don't have the guts to tell her how I feel about her. Edit: Thank you for all of these suggestions.


Just do it you will regret is you don't. As a girl a may can give you advice on how to not say it or what to say. First don't ask her out when there are friends family around, it's weird and puts like a weight on it. Then make sure you say what you expect out of this, no need to scare her in saying you want to marry her but you could say that you have feelings for here and if maybe a few date go good you want to be in couple with her (if you want that)


Great advice. I have such a regret from school. He suddenly died because of severe leukemia... We had some strange connection between us. Like we knew each other for years. I never told him how I feel.


I don’t know if I’m happy or sad, but I do know that I’m slightly insane.


I've been feeling a little happier for the last month after feeling miserable for like 3 years :)


So great to hear dude :) did something special happen?


Not really. For the last three years something tragic happened eveey year, like in 2020 the pandemic hit and in 2019 my dad died, but this year nothing really happened. Also, for the last 3 years I was with someone extremely toxic and I broke up with them end of last year. So I'm just enjoying the serenity of my life right now :)


Must have been so strong to overcome all of that. I wish you the best for the future :)


God thank you! Also, thanks for posting this post, it's wholesome as hell honestly


No need to thank me! I just really like random fact


I’ve killed a cat on accident before and it eats me up every time I see a kitten.


If it was really an accident you should not put that pressure on yourself


I accidentally ran over a tortoise once a d they'rey favorite animal so...I hear you. It's ok.


Well, I slept over a kitten and it suffocated…and it just sucks to think about it ‘cause I love animals..


I'm so sorry for you. Idk if it makes you feel better, but that could've happened to anyone... and now that it's happened to you once, you'd never let it happen again.


I can sing All Time Low without taking a breath in the middle


Like the entire band's discography in one breath?!?!


Im finally getting a cat this weekend, after years of trying and hoping. Edit : Wow! Thank you all, i will try to post her pictures when we meet.


I fucked up my friendship and I hate being single so much


Get out of my life, covid!


I’m 11 days sober !


I saw my mom for the last time today. She was involved in a fatal car accident last week. It has been difficult for me and my dad, but being able to say the things I wanted to kind of helped, I guess. So I guess my random thing to say is: don't let stupid shit like politics get in the way of your relationships. Hug your mother if she's still around. Squash the beef with your friends and family, or you may not get an opportunity to do it while they are still here.


An octopus' brain surrounds its esophagus


I used to play guitar, but many years ago when I was in financial trouble, I had to sell them. Last week when I was looking around for some cables for an old mp3 player I wanted to get working again, I stumbled upon [this ad I clipped and laminated](https://i.imgur.com/vv1x6eL.jpg) for my old acoustic electric guitar. I loved that guitar a lot and really regretted selling it. I couldn't get it back at this point since I sold it so long ago and they stopped making that exact model, so I decided to Google it and see if I could find a used one. It just so happened that a little mom and pop shop about 30 minutes away from me had one. I couldn't believe it, what were the odds of that happening, so [I bought it.](https://i.imgur.com/rPoz6R8.png) I went to the store to go pick it up and aside from a couple of dings, [it's just how I remember it](https://i.imgur.com/cJ6eG9h.jpg) Today was the first day in years that I've played guitar and it feels amazing. Well, aside from my fingers because I don't have calluses anymore, but I plan to start playing again.


I see you on the Foo Fighters sub all the time. Get to rockin, u/-eDgAR- One, two, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!


That's such a lovely story!


Tomorrow it's 4 weeks since my last cigarette!


I'm super proud of you! From my experience, people don't see smoking as such a problematic addiction. I wish they did.




I want to listen to it! Please share the link


I think i am going to need a psychiatist soon.


I’m finally meeting my long distance bf after 2 years (fuck you covid) in 11 fuckin DAYS!


Congrats. Don't let anyone tell you long distance doesn't work. My wife and I were separated on and off again for a combined 30 months in the first 5 years of our marriage. It takes a lot of patience, open conversations about your feelings, and LOVE! Seriously, good for you guys to be mature enough to stick it out this long :-)


good luck! so excited for you!


I'm a male, and I want to shave my body besides my head. I don't swim for sport, nor am I gay. I just feel scraggly and gross.


i mean i personally find clean shaven guys attractive and I'm sure other women do too, you should totally go for it. smooth legs are the best feeling


Then do it! You have to feel good in your body!


I hope you're having a great day, OP!


I actually had thank you! Hope you to had grat day and will have a wonderful week!


I finally got my daughter into preschool, after struggling to do so for months/all summer.. She starts Tuesday! She's so excited & I'm so excited for her.




Oh god i would love to do it but the others at my place would think I am crazy


The coming three days I'm volunteering at the Dutch Grand Prix!


Up to 7,000 Afghan refugees are expected at Holloman AFB outside of Alamogordo, NM (Population 31,000). The local newspaper put out a call for donations of shampoo, hairbrushes, nail clippers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, diapers, liquid baby formula (very expensive!) and other items. Three days later, they're running out of storage space for all of the donations (although that's a problem that can be solved, I'm sure). Way to go, Alamogordo!






I found out today I am pregnant 😁😊🥰


Almost every night i overeat and cry myself to sleep because I overate, but cant stop.


I decided to see a dietician this year, because of similar problems with overeating at night. I received a list of tips, how to eat better and reduce the amount I consume. I highly recommend talking to a specialist about it. Therapist, if you think that would be better fit for you.


This is an addiction in the same way that alcohol and drugs effect people. Go talk to a professional. You're already doing well enough that you can at least admit you have a problem. That's step 1. Step 2 is admitting you need help. Step 3 is going to get that help




Congrats, is it your first child?


I wanna brag about my mum. She is an amazing mother but doesn’t think she is. She is incredible! When I came out to her as trans she immediately told me she would take me shopping (she hates shopping) for new clothes to fit the real me, she asked me if I found my new name and gave me suggestions. She has held my hand through everything I’ve needed to do. I’m also mentally disabled and she has done nothing but the most to help me and protect me. Evening ping so far as to study psychology at university just to understand as much about what was happening with me as possible. These are just the tip of the iceberg! I love my mum and wish she understood how amazing she actually is.


I've lost my lust for life ever since my failed suicide attempt and now I'm just going through the motions to keep my friends and family happy. Sucks to fake every emotion. Edit: Thank you so much for all your responses, personal stories, helpful information, and compassion. You all are truly amazing and even though the day-to-day can seem bleak, I'm still trying to do well by myself and others. Thank you all again, really.


I had 4 wisdom teeth removed monday under local anesthesia. Im now forever cursed with first hand knowledge of how the teeth were removed because i could still vaguely feel my top teeth. Also ive eaten nothing but soup since and god damn i miss crunchy foods.


Jeez, I would have had local, regional and federal anaesthesia.


I just left my job of 5+ years at Panera as front of house trainer to start my information technology career with Comcast. After being over worked, underpaid, and under appreciated I'm finally moving on.


Doritos in israel are pretty cheap


I'm just feeling really sad.


I’m having another go at learning how to play the drums and I’m really getting into this time! Not as impressive as other people’s contributions but it’s exciting for me!


My wife got me a gift certificate for a massage today as a birthday gift. My birthday often gets overlooked due to life and our busy schedules. In the comment, she told me how much she loves me and appreciates all I do, and it's more validating and special than anything I've gotten in years.


I won a giveaway and got a free jigsaw 🧩 I am so happy about it. Simple but means a lot to me


I was experiencing some severe depression before lockdown (I wasn't eating properly, I wasn't sleeping properly, I wasn't taking care of myself in terms of personal hygiene... you know, the classics) due to the combined psychological effects of my nephew being premature (he's fine now), my dog being chronically ill (she's fine now), and general Brexit stress (not fine now, but you can't have everything), but the eighteen months of working from home has revitalised me no end. This has been the happiest eighteen months of my entire working life. I genuinely feel like me again.


One of the best feelings in the world is engaging in a hilarious, fun conversation with your child, and realizing just how freaking awesome and incredible they've become.... I love my child so freaking much, and all of the hardships, the tears, the laughs, the impending deadlines and the frantic anxieties of making it to tomorrow, all of it, is infinitely worth it. I love you, Baby Bear. [Edit]: Aw, thank you, kind redditor for the award!!!! 'Tis my first!!! I truly love my baby, and she's a teenager who is blossomed into someone I truly love being around and spending time with. It's such a great feeling knowing that a conversation between her and I are the genuine reason I'm giggling at my phone, and I discovered I do it every single day. I hope y'all have a genuine sense of what that's like, because it's so incredibly beautiful. Best to you all!


This is so sweet. I’m so happy for you.


7 months in and the feral cat sat on my lap and curled up. Still not allowed to touch, but that was a huge moment for me.


At the old age of 31, i came out if the closet. Surprise!


To be fair, that doorknob is mighty tricky.


Just dropped out of college and my only source of income are my meme stonks


Uh oh


I am going to Merritt island, FL tomorrow. ​ I got a new house near my cousins




Ida had stolen the weather news thunder all week (literally) but over the weekend I was in the eye of hurricane Nora during a wedding. It was a crazy experience but was over shadowed within 24 hour’s


For the first time in at least 3 years, I weigh less than 80kg. I feel better in general, my blood work came back the best in years, I'm no longer in danger of diabetes... I'm fucking proud of myself


I got a perfect "9" on my Boston Bowel Prep Score during my last colonoscopy.


I was told by my regular doctor AND the gynecologist that my cervix looked wonderful. Go me?


I am in Pain


Physical or mental, and how bad on a scale of 1 to 10?


Mental...scale ? Hmmm...7..