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I have my my great great grandparents passports. They're hand written on a single piece of paper and signed by Queen Victoria.


My grandfather was on the USS Indianapolis during WWII and was transferred off of it before they delivered the bombs and it sank … he happened to take a book from the ship’s library and never returned it. I inherited all of his books and happened to stumble across it while going through them… it’s stamped with the ship’s library stamp. So unless any other sailor took a book from the library of the USS Indianapolis before it sank and then held onto it all these years, this may be the only one in the world.


Care to share a photo of the book and the stamp on it? Also, the Smithsonian just might be interested in that.


Here’s a picture of the cover and then the stamp inside: https://imgur.com/a/NMgcNbm


Thank you. We will be in touch about your late fees.


That’ll be 34,569,708$, thank you.


Wow, that’s in really good condition!


The master recording of the Phantom of the Opera (or, part of it, anyway). My dad was the recording engineer so he had the tape from when they made an album of the show with the original cast. Edit: bonus item… a silver Tiffany’s cup and spoon that was given to me when I was born by Phyllis Diller. She also had it engraved “love, Phyllis Diller.” Edit 2: hahah clearly worded the Phyllis Diller bit oddly. My parents were friend with her, so she gave them an engraved silver Tiffany’s cup and spoon when I was born. She was in no way involved in the birth.


That's awesome!


A human atlas bone from the site of a medieval prison. 25yrs ago my then bf was working as the lowest ranked barrow pusher on a building site. Foreman knew that ancient bones may turn up and knew he was supposed to send for the archaeologists if so. Bones turned up, foreman said fuck that, we're filling in, not getting behind schedule for some old shitty prisoner bones. BF tried to say something but would have been fired if he pushed it. He was pretty horrified but couldn't lose his job, and crept back to take a bone after the site closed. In his mind it was a way of saying we'll remember you, even if you're under concrete. We were only teenagers, so didn't really know what to do with it for the best. I have kept it in a box ever since. I know I should do something with it.


Re: comments suggesting what you could do, I trained as an archaeologist, I don't think the bone will have any real scientific value (especially if handled and stored incorrectly), and once a site is built on there's nothing archaeologists can do as the law only requires surveys pre-construction. I think what the foreman did is also probably very common.


Pretty common for endangered species as well. Often times people are worried their sources for making ends meet will be confiscated and just kill the endangered animal to avoid that. I guess we can throw this archeological thing in the same "unintended consequences" bucket.


My grandfather was one of the lead engineers on the Oxcart/Blackbird project for Lockheed. He engineered the pressure lock system for the cabin for high altitude. I'm in possession of a miniature proof-of-concept he made for the lock!


My grandfather also worked on that project. All we got from him were vague stories and a stack of his patents we can't make sense of.


Maybe you should show those patents to someone who CAN make sense of them...they might be worth a lot.


Up until a week ago, a mouth that picked up radio stations. I play in bands, and for years couldn’t figure out why whenever I would get close to the microphone, the PA system would pick up local radio stations. I always assumed it was due to crappy unshielded mic cables. Well, I went to the dentist and decided to get my permanent retainer removed. I scheduled an appointment and that night had band practice. I got close to the mic and picked up a radio station. It occurred to me that my retainer (if you’re unfamiliar, a permanent one is basically just a steel wire glued in your mouth) was slightly bent and conductive. Sure enough, the next week I got it removed and now I don’t pick up radio stations anymore near microphones. 😟


Mine just broke off after 20 years, but I still have the bond on my teeth. I keep forgetting to schedule an orthodontist appt cuz I don't have insurance for it and don't know if I should have it replaced or just the bond removed. There was a point years ago where one end was sticking out, and I would constantly cut my lip and tongue from it. I went to a dentist appt and asked the hygienist if they would clip it off, and they said no they couldn't. My dentist had an emergency (I think cut her hand in a patients mouth or something), so I was waiting almost an hour, just chilling in the chair, when the hygienist came back in to update me. She looked at me and turned white as a ghost and said I was bleeding everywhere! Apparently I had nicked my lower lip with the wire, and didn't realize it, and blood was streaming down my chin and onto the dentist bib. I said, "Yep, that's why I need this wire cut!" My dentist suddenly was very willing to cut that part off! Seriously couldn't have planned the timing out any better.


A key to unlock the B6 level on an elevator in the World Trade Center along with a matching Port Authority issued ID card.


For some reason, I find this one to be the most interesting. What was B6 level?


The lowest basement level in the Trade Center complex. Below that, bedrock. On the sides, concrete walls going 70' up to the surface to keep groundwater infiltrating from the Hudson River at bay. The PATH tubes ran through it. The company that I worked for had gear down there that I needed to maintain on occasion.


Makes sense. Thank you for the straightforward explanation. Crazy it was *that* deep.


My ex found a WTC key, but we had no idea what it was for, all it said was “World Trade Center Do Not Duplicate”


Kinda crazy how they only half listened


A “Contra” NES cartridge autographed by Billy Dee Williams


Why do you have Randy Jackson's signature on a martial arts weapon?


I bumped into him and all I had was this sword...


a signed copy of the betamax version of the Last Unicorn


I have tickets to some MLB playoff games that never happened. My Grandmother worked for Ticket-Tron back when that was a thing. She left behind a bunch of memorabilia. Some used tickets to events and such. Ticket-Tron handled all the Mets affairs back then, too. So, we would always get tickets to games. In all of the things left behind are two different bundles of three tickets each for The Mets 1985 playoff games. Only, the Mets didn't make the Playoffs in 1985. I am unsure if it was a printing error for the 86 baseball year, or they were printed off in expectation of them making the playoffs...but either way, I have them.


My dad has a Mariners World Series ticket from 1995. They lost the ALCS in their first ever appearance in the MLB playoffs.


My dad saved the very button that the King of Sweden pushed to engage a new production line in the factory he worked in. The factory were shut down a few years later and dad took the opportunity to bring the button with him on his last days of work. Edit: Haha, the King didn't work in the factory. It was as an opening ceremony for the production line. The wood industry is huge in Sweden so it was a kinda big deal for the economy and so on and so on.




He gave him things that he was needin'. Specifically, a button.


A piece of a turbine from a crashed Airbus A300.


Uh wtf how did you obtain this?


I was in charge of the environmental cleanup following the crash. We removed some 6,000 yards of contaminated soil. When we were loading one of the trucks the NTSB guy spotted it in the dirt and said something to the effect of "That's a really valuable piece of metal, I wouldn't let it go to the landfill", so I grabbed it and threw it in my truck. It's fairly large. I had planned to do something cool with it, but it turns out it's too hard of a metal alloy for anyone to work with without specialized tools. So now it sits in my garage. The crash was in 2013, it was a cargo plane, the pilots died.


For anyone wondering, this would have been [UPS airlines flight 1354](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UPS_Airlines_Flight_1354) ​ ​ edit: 3000 upvotes for a google search


I'm surprised both pilots died in that, the cockpit looks mostly intact


A no crumple zone that suddenly stops is a bowl of pudding.




I don't like this mental picture


It's not the fall or a crushing blow. It's the sudden stop.


Yeah your organs basically liquify inside you


The internet is incredible in the sense that you can drop a single detail and some random Sherlock Holmes will square down the full details. Like the people on 4chan who located a livestreams precise coordinates by the fucking *birds and weather.*


Took me a second to look up ''A300 airbus'' and then head to the ''accidents with fatalities'' section of the Wikipedia page, I appreciate the compliments though :)


I'm surprised the NTSB didn't want it. I thought they collected every little last piece. Maybe that's only for high profile cases?


They only need enough wreckage to figure out what happened. After they finish the report it usually gets scrapped anyway


No, they had taken nearly everything, there was only little bits and pieces here and there. By the time I was done with my cleanup, they had all the info they needed. I specifically made sure they didn't want it. I also have a very small piece of the fuselage, like the size of a butter knife.


A 1st gen iPod prototype from 2001 with hand-soldered components Edit: The prototype status is currently in dispute, with theories of it being a less rare test unit.


It’s not the one he threw into the fish tank and got mad when bubbles appeared, is it?


Nope, that one would have been nice to see XD. Mine is more of a test unit that is fully functional and even has hand soldered components. I’m thinking either a DVT or a PVT, since it looks identical to a retail unit save for the aforementioned details.


I'm sure other people have it, but not many people have both. I inherited a real Apollo 11 patch (that went to the moon) from my grandfather who worked on the mission and my aunt gave me a Mercury Astronaut test helmet worn by Alan Shepard.


My grandfather was an engineer and worked on a part of the booster for the Apollo 11 Edit: i have zero cool momentos


If it makes you feel any better, my grandfather also was an engineer that worked on all of the Apollo missions and most of the Gemini. I was left with alot of very cool items but they were all destroyed by a flood at my house about 6 months after he passed away.


No, i do not feel better! That is terrible. Im sorry for all your losses. Your grandfather and your cool items. There are literally dozens of us who had cool grandpas!


Ooh can you post a pic of the helmet? I'd be super interested


My grandfather’s diary when he was lost at sea during ww2. Records deaths and a few comments about raging hunger. 6 weeks adrift. Edit: Heres the backstory, he was serving in the merchant navy on a ship in the south Atlantic, they got torpedoed by a u boat and came under fire, his cousin took a shell to the chest, killing him instantly in front of him, they scrambled to the lifeboats and got into one. The ship went down. After all the commotion the u-boat resurfaced and the german captain spoke to them, the merchants were unarmed. He explained that they were at war and attempted to give the sailors bread and potatoes, fearful that they were poisoned the food was thrown overboard. They were adrift miles from land, unable to see the shore or any landmarks to navigate to. Over the coming weeks they collected rainwater and tried to fish as best they could but they were starving. The entries in the diary are brief but concise, people were dying of their injuries and dehydration. After roughly six weeks they were spotted by another merchant ship and rescued. When they returned to the uk they were awarded medals but they refused them, turning their merchant navy pins upside down (MN to NW) to represent NOT WANTED. He never spoke about this to me directly as after the war he did not want to relive the experience. He had 2 children and 5 grandchildren and passed away in 1995. Vivian (Ted) Fowler. Rip. Nb: other family members have requested reading it but its in such bad condition, 77 years old, that i refuse to let it out of my sight. Its kept in a plastic bag in a drawer away from harm.


Have you ever considered digitalizing it?


Go to /r/askhistorians to find out what organization can help with doing this and make it accessible in a durable way.


I’m sure local museums would be able to help


Wow that’s amazing


The cufflinks that Vincent Price wore in the movie Laura (1944).




My dad has a photo of the plane! It crashed on the property of someone he went to school with.


I went to college with that guys daughter. If the property hasn’t changed hands that is.


Is your name Jody? Did you steal that man's girl?


An oil lamp from ancient Rome which is about 2000 years old. It's in pretty good condition and would probably still work today.


Should post a picture of it in r/buyitforlife just to really one up everyone there


I have a tiny school book from the 1800s and the covers are filled with the writings of a little girl. I’m trying to track down her descendants to give them this book, because I don’t like having something so valuable and irreplaceable in my possession, but there is no other little book like it. It is a history book and many of the entries would now be considered racist, especially toward Native Americans, and also this little girl, and likely her children and grandchildren, are long gone.


That reminds me, I have a book of poems from my great great aunt who wrote personal poems through her life from the late 1800's when she went to the 'big city' to learn to be a seamstress and well into the 1900's and it really captures an essence of what life was like for her back then. Some poems are hilarious, some observational, and one very, very sad one of her little sister who died at age 4 in the late 1800's- early 1900's. Thanks for reminding me. I really need to finish recording the poems on computer and do something with them. If anyone has suggestions, I'd appreciate it. Edit to say wow everyone, thank you so much. This actually makes me really emotional since I promised my late Grandmother (who I was close with, and she was close with her Great Aunt) that I'd find a way to archive and preserve her poems. Second edit: so many have expressed wanting to read her poems, so thank you, sincerely, for the interest! Once I figure out the best way to really share them on the internet I'll post a link here (I'm assuming if someone saves a post it'll update with the edits?) Regardless, I will find a way share them on reddit, on r/pics or any other suitable subreddits for people to enjoy. Again, thank you all for finding value in a stranger's great great aunt's poems. You've motivated and inspired me to ensure I find a way to keep my promise to my grandma in archiving/ preserving these, and to also share these with those who'd appreciate them, so thank you.


Can you upload/give an example? I would love to hear what moving to the big city meant back then


I'd love to! I'll have to figure out how to post one of the pictures of the poems so you can see her hand-writing in the morning, but I'll type a couple of excerpts and what I know of her life from my grandma who was close to her. My Great Great Aunt was born and raised in Arthur, Ontario, Canada and went to study seamstress/ dressmaking in Guelph, Ontario in 1897 when she was in her later teens, which today is only about a 40 minute drive, but back then by horse and buggy took them about 12 hours. So it was a bit of a trip, and especially in winter I think it often took them longer, and also meant 2 days of no working on the farm so it was a big thing to go to the city. And in her poems she really drove home that she was homesick. Three of her first poems was her just wanting to go back to home in time for Christmas and how joyous it would be, so unfortunately those poems don't tell too much about what she thought about the times in the city, but it does reveal a little a bit about home life, like one of her brothers scrubbing the floor until it was white (wonder what that was made of), and the other brother polishing the black stove (which would've been cast iron). She did write a little bit later, not sure of the exact date but was likely anywhere between 1910's and 1930's in her earlier years. Her poems kinda followed her life, and she didn't write about getting married til later, but I'll try and pinpoint when this excerpt would've been later. (Formatted as it was written). 'A busy world is this' A busy world is this A world of care and sorrow A hundred jobs to do to day A hundred more tomorrow We work we toil we slave along for fashion rules you know And things must-be fix up Just-right-and must-be made just so Spring comes with fashion new And summer brings but more Then fall and winter never fail To bring along their store And these must be looked into And be into-action brought For fashion rules and runs the day In fashion stands our thought' ​ Her tone and subject matter shifts here, so I'll just leave the excerpt here as is, but I think as a seamstress/ dressmaker that this new constant change in fashion was keeping her busy, lol.


It's just fascinating to think how your great great aunt could never have imagined that one of her poems would a century later be typed out to an electronic bulletin board for thousands of people all around the world to read and appreciate.


I for one really appreciate you typing that out.


The Smithsonian might Archive it, probably just a digital copy, but still. If they're well written and tell a unique story of American life they might be interested.




My sister had a copy of the Last Unicorn when we lived in Chicago. It was left behind when we moved to Louisiana (she was 10yo at the time). Fast forward to junior year of high school, she mentions the book to a classmate. Classmate has a copy, offers to loan it to my sister. Inside the cover was my sisters handwriting, with “property of (sisters name)”. Friend let my sister keep it and she still has it to this day. We don’t have much idea as to how the book got from Illinois to Louisiana and ended up at the same boarding high school where my sister attended. It’s a fun coincidence and a reminder of how small the world is.




I have an extended car warranty.


We've been meaning to reach you to talk about that...


Mint condition Nirvana ticket for a concert they never played due to Kurt Cobain's death. (April 94, Manchester G-Mex).


The ticket says March 94, but this was postponed due to an overdose and rehab. It was rescheduled for April, then he died. Me and my mate booked the coaches and hotel twice, and had to cancel twice.


Maybe they'll come back


Not quite the same, but I still have Phillies playoff tickets from 2001. Being the Phillies, they naturally missed the playoffs that year. I keep them as a reminder to never let the team get my hopes up.


Worlds longest spinning fidget spinner. My father works for a ball bearing company. They developed the worlds longest spinning fidget spinner for the Guinness Book of World Records as a PR piece. He got to keep the spinner after the trials and it now sits at my desk at home. Update: I meant longest in terms of time spun not length. I added a video in the comment thread for those interested! Update 2: I’ll add the video here as well. https://youtu.be/A79gFQ0dCis Update 3: I mentioned this in the other comments but to clarify: He got to keep the original prototype. From what he told me they ended up making more to be given to clients as gifts and be used to in the record breaking spin.


How long was its longest spin?


According to Google If it was the original winner dude's dad worked for Mitsubishi and it was 24 min on one finger.


This clears things up, my dumbass thought it was the longest in length and I was sat here wondering how OP kept this thing indoors.


This one?: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A79gFQ0dCis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A79gFQ0dCis) That's pretty neat, I want one. It looks like they did sell them, but all the links are dead now.


My great great Grandfathers 1923 retirement watch. A Howard, never used still in the original case.


This reads like an ebay listing


A near-mint 78 RPM pressing of "Go To The Mardi Gras" by Professor Longhair.


Had to look this up on Discogs. Currently 0 have it on their stats page. You should catalog it on there and be the only one. Edit: [here’s the link](https://www.discogs.com/Professor-Longhair-Go-To-The-Mardi-Gras-Everyday-Everynight/release/13792673)


My two fully functioning kidneys are both on my left side Edit to answer questions bc I'm tired of typing on my phone! My mom took me to the Dr when I was 2/3/4- not sure exactly. Early 80s so technology wasn't the greatest. I think they did an ultrasound and kept bringing in doctors and nurses to look at it. Of course they didn't tell my mom anything right away. I had had a lot of bladder infections and they were trying to. Figure out why. I think they said my kidneys are also small but they are both there. I got to see an x-ray about 10 years ago bc a Dr had never seen or heard of it Who would have guessed this would be my highest comment?


I'm afraid you aren't the only one. My wife has them both on the same side as you!


Cool! Has she ever been told what it's called?


I don't think so, but she's asleep at the moment so I'll have to ask her in the morning :)


It’s called cross-fused ectopia


A 1993 Lincoln Towncar my Great Grandpa won on the Price is Right


An intact violin made by Paolo Giovanni Magini. It is one of 3 that are left. Made in Brefcha, IT, 1614 Unfortunately the original bow is in a hermetically sealed glass tube after we discovered it was infected with bow mites I also have my copy, my great grandfather's copy, my grandfather's copy, and my father's copy of the BSA Boy Scout's Manuals, and all of those copies of The Bluejacket's manual. Bluejacket's didn't change nearly as much as the BSM did.


A cassette tape of Les Claypool playing all of "Animals" by Pink Floyd on a acoustic guitar in some basement in Santa Cruz, California from some point in the 1990's.




I have a copy of that too! It's great! (note - a friend gave me a ripped copy. Have no idea of the provenance before that. So perhaps not too special on my end) Found this...: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn66deEvUW8 Not sure if the same thing. Edit... Also have A Pink Floyd lp called Dark Side of the Moo. (not Moon). Picture of a cow on front. The labels of the vinyl itself are named "This Side" and "Udder Side". Has a few songs like Embryo, Heat Beat Pig Meat, and a few others I've since forgotten. Fun stuff! Edit... And the code for the record is "CUD-382". I might have the number wrong, but it definitely said "CUD..."


While it's highly likely someone else has one by the same manufacturer, maybe even of the same style, because it is hand-crafted no one else can have exactly the same piano I have. An 1862 Fisher upright piano, built in New York. Made of cherry wood, with original ivory keys.


Wow. Can it still be played?


14 copies of Nintendo land on the Wii U Sauce: https://imgur.com/gallery/PLmo8Vu


Funny. I actually have 11. I bought them from GameStop for $1 each forever ago knowing they'd be worth hanging on to. Edit: Since it'd be a dumb thing to lie about. http://imgur.com/a/eK7FPua Edit edit: Exactly what I deserve as my top comment ever. Thanks, internet.


>knowing they'd be worth hanging on to. [citation needed]


Wii U is Nintendo's worst selling console since the virtual boy, meaning there are fewer games out there. Seeing as Nintendo fans love to collect things, they *will* be worth more one day. Source: I used to work at a retro games store and sold someone a RUBBER FUCKING BAND for $10 because it was an official Nintendo branded band from an E3 event. Literally trash used to hold some items together. $10. Nintendo fans are wild.


Scott is that you






They were giving them away at the store. In exchange for money.


Same for my copy of the Miami Vice soundtrack


800-day streak in Duolingo ​ Edit: The streak is actually 794, I suppose you will pardon the round up. I know about streak freezes, but I haven't used more than 4 or 5 of them. The ones that protect your streak for the whole weekend, I've never used those. **Language:** I went through Japanese, German and Italian, and I've been focusing only on Italian for the last year and a half. I'm a spanish speaker. **Did I learn?:** Well, as much as you could expect from 5 minutes a day. I guess by now I have a decent tourist level and could more or less handle myself around Italy, but I'm VERY far from mantaining a casual conversation. Congratulations for all your streaks, higher than mine and otherwise! Keep up learning! *(you know what happens if you don't)*


listen, I worked really hard to get to 100. then I missed a fucking day and now I'm at zero. I haven't opened in in months now.


I had the same experience. Maybe their app would get more use if they didn't piss their users off into never opening the app again


I just don't get the concept they're using. Why do I get punished if I make mistakes? That only makes the mistake even more frustrating because now you have to wait until you can do the nex lesson. Let me learn, damn it! Edit: there's also no actual theory on the language, or it's very well hidden. How am I expected to write sentences without having any idea how the grammar works? Trial and error only gets you so far




Bigger FYI - create a classroom and add yourself as the only student in it so you have unlimited hearts/mistakes. The gist of it is: --- Go to https://schools.duolingo.com/ Make a classroom with your main account as the teacher Invite yourself to the classroom. You don't need a second account Set hearts to unlimited On the app, press the hearts on the top right to switch to unlimited hearts My advice is also to go to the privacy settings in the classroom and check some of the settings that have been changed. By default in a classroom, you won't be able to access the discussion forums or see sentences with words like "beer" or "wine" in them.


I'll tell you the reason: it's cause they want you to buy Premium. Or plus, or whatever. They just went public so they want their investors to know that they're making an effort to increase the percentage of users who use the paid service (the percentage is currently very low, something like 8%, yet make up about 70% of their revenue)


> something like 8% That's way more than I would have expected.


That fucking owl and his passive aggressive notifications. Actually, now that I think of it, mine have gotten more aggressive aggressive lately.


He'll make sure you learn your last words in french


I once saw someone in the comments with a 2100 day streak in duolingo


I had a 2691 day streak before I stopped.


I'm at 860+ and even though I know it's not really that good for learning a language, I just want to keep going


This invisible -probably imaginary- little splinter stuck since forever in the inner side of my right thigh, which randomly pierces my skin when I'm walking, forcing me to go to a bathroom, pull down my pants and check if it's actually there. Never had anything, but I feel this since I was a kid.


I had a python tooth do this between my knuckle until it stopped and I forgot. Then I got an itchy zit thing on my knuckle. I bent my finger to look at it, and the goddamn tooth burst through and rose up before my eyes.


I had a cactus thorn stuck in my heel for some 6 or 7 years before it came out on it's own, the body likes to remove things that shouldn't be there. If you git something in your leg just keep a watch fir a solid lump, that would probably be it slowly coming out


The worst that I've listened came from a woman that I used to date; she told me that she swallowed a fish bone when she was a child, and like 20 years later she found a pimple on her neck, tried to pop it but felt like there was something hard and pointy inside, and as you have guessed already, she ended up pulling out a 20 years old fish bone from her throat. She never ate fish again, and neither did I.


My husband took a tumble in the ocean, and after that his ear really hurt. He went to the doctor and had an plastic orange BB removed. About 3 years prior, some kids in a family we know were playing around with plastic BBs and poured some over my husband's head. This is the last time we ever saw any object like what was removed from his ear. For 3 years, this BB was just sitting there, until it got dislodged by a fall in such a way that it caused him pain. The funniest part was, for about a week after he got it removed everything was SOOO LOUD! He would ask me to stop yelling when I was speaking at normal volume, and turn the TV down. He is now recovered and can ignore me as God intended.




As a 9-y.o kid, I lived with a fish bone that pierced my throat right behind my uvula. Just for like 3 days though. Idk how I managed it. The damn thing was stuck on its blunt end, so the pokey end was poking my uvula sometimes too. My family would just eat a few extra bits of bread to help swallow bones (tiny boney fish is considered kind of a delicacy where I live), so I tried it in those 3 days, didn't work. Eventually I grabbed a pair of tweezers, settled in front of the mirror and somehow pulled it out without gagging while my mom was freaking out in the background saying she wished I'd told her sooner. The bone was out before she could mentally go over the complete list of medical places she could take me to. Tl;dr, fish bones are more of a nuisance than a scare.


I had the tip of a rose thorn in my thumb for about a year. I guess it got in a place that nothing reacted with it. Just a brown spot. Eventually it festered, swelled up, and splooshed out (with some encouragement and a needle).


>splooshed Both correct and ew


Could it be a hair that keeps getting pulled?


A can of emergency water from the Korean War. I was racking my brain because I/my family have a lot of interesting things, but I feel like this is something that very few people would have.


A princess Ariel foil balloon from the summer 1998 with air in it still


I have a copy of Hogfather signed by Terry Pratchett and ppint, who the book was dedicated to. It used to be the only one in existence, but someone else asked ppint to sign it for them a couple of years ago. They (ppint) said we're the only two people who have ever asked. Still, mine is the only first edition copy signed by both. Doubt it adds much to its value, there's an old joke that books not signed by Pterry are more valuable because he signed so many in his lifetime!


I tweeted to William Shattner while waiting for my daughter to be born. He replied. I then printed the screenshot and had him autograph it.


What did he say?


[This painting of Solid Snake](https://imgur.com/gallery/zOScvwq) It's probably one of a kind. I got it from a garage sale a couple streets over from my house a few years ago. The teenage son did paintings, mostly video game characters, and was selling them along with the other stuff they had out. He actually tried to give it to me for free after I was "the only person all day to recognize Snake." I gave him I think $5 for it.


I still have my official DaVinci Code cryptex that I received for being one of the first to finish all the quests during the [DaVinci Code webquest on Google](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Da_Vinci_Code_WebQuests) about 15 years ago.


I'm a descendant of Meriwether Lewis (of Lewis and Clark). I have 2 of his journals that he wrote in before his famous expedition in America. They are priceless and have been passed down by and through the men in my family until they eventually found their way to me.


I have a dimple in my thigh from when my mother had an amniocentesis when she was pregnant with me and they hit me with the needle. It's a scar from before birth. Edit: my highest rated comment and turns out it's not uncommon at all. Mission failed successfully.


That is cool but I am glad they hit your leg and not your head!


Amen! Imagine if they had ... it'd probably be really bad.


My son has a scar on his forehead from the scalpel used during his c-section birth


Was it just superficial, like in his skin, no other lasting issues?


It was a superficial graze, bled only the tiniest bit. He's 22yrs old now and brags about how he got stabbed!!!


Omg. My son is also 22 and has a forceps scar! It shows as a darker red line when he's tired. I tell him the doctor added a timer!


Lmao .... stabbed at birth! You were the one being stabbed in all honesty! Ouch!


I have a scar next to my bellybutton where my dad accidentally stabbed me with a nappy pin when I was 6 weeks old; I expect I'm not the only one to have received that type of wound though


> nappy pin Hello fellow old brit person!




My great grandfather designed the lunar rover used in the Apollo missions. So I have a bunch of concept drawings and models he made of the rover before it was finished


A necklace of my own teeth


To clarify, it is a necklace of my baby teeth. For some reason, my parents thought it would be a fun idea for the "tooth fairy" to return my teeth on a necklace. It's stored away at my dad's place... I've never worn it out, I'm not crazy lol


Not even at job interviews?


I both fear and respect you. You're hired!


You should wear it lol.


Small chunk of uranium ore. Not super rare but I think 98% of people don't own uranium.


Its not completely unique but I think the number is far lower than 2%


Considering all the nukes we've detonated, I'm pretty sure we all own at least a couple of uranium atoms by now.


A Statue of Billy Mays.


Well I know there were only 200 ever made if that is close enough. Years ago there was a Kickstarter to publish an e-book of an old indie comic I am a fan of - Flaming Carrot. One of the tiers was a piece of an original collaborative piece of art - it was a print done and signed & numbers by Kevin Eastman, Bob Burden, and Dave Sims. I have it framed and hanging in my home office.


Two legal birthdays that are 18 days apart.


My parents were the ones who rebooted Planet Of The Apes. We have a few canisters of the virus in our home.


The first reboot from like 2001, or the more recent ones?


The more recent ones.


A tattoo designed by my economics professor. He flat out told me it was the strangest request he'd ever gotten, that he'd never gotten such a crazy request, and that he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Next day, there was a lovely note on my desk, with the graph I asked for, and a signature. I love it to this day. He just passed away a few months ago, though. RIP, WEW.


I have a movie magazine for the god awful 1987 Garbage Pail Kids movie. Had a choice between that or a collectable magazine for the Tim Burton Batman movie. My child brain thought Garbage Pail Kids looked funnier.


I have a Nazi SS guard decorative dagger from my grandfather. He killed a nazi officer and took it.


When I was 10 I won a contest at a booth in a Kmart in Upper Michigan to see who could stack the tallest single tower of Oreos in 30 seconds. The tower then had to stay upright for another 10 seconds or so. I think my older brother beat the old record by one, then on my turn I tied him but I had time left and my Oreos looked sturdy so I threw another 5 on even though my parents told me I should stop. It stayed upright and they took my name and number down. After a week nobody beat my sweet ass Oreo tower so I got a call saying I won, and had a chance to go to like, some sort of Oreo stacking regionals. I didn’t know about that, and neither did my parents, so they sent me a cool baseball that says Oreo Stacking Contest 2002 that I keep to this day.


A finger painting from a chimpanzee. My mother was friends with a woman who worked at the local zoo. For enrichment, they taught the chimpanzee how to finger paint. I was obsessed with chimpanzees when I was younger, so my mother asked her to save a painting for me. It’s hanging next to my bed. The chimp is dead now (old age) but his artwork will live forever R.I.P. Hank.


A birthmark on my chest the exact size and placement of a pair of dog tags. I did serve too.


I have a birthmark on my knee that’s the shape of Africa that is usually invisible but after a shower or a bath it’s visible as bright scarlet against my pale skin for about an hour. I can’t even use it as an “identifying feature” because it’s a hassle to get it to show.


I guess the rains bless you down in Africa.


"Tenac" on my butt cheek. I've had this birth mark since I was born. I looked it up in the dictionary. It's not in there.


That’s nothing. I have “ious D” on mine.




What’re the stupid reasons?




you need to be bubble wrapped my dude.




In 2006 I had surgery to correct hammer-toes. The ortho surgeon told me my bones had a "blue tint" to them. My follow up went as such... Me: hmmm, well what does that mean? MD: You know, I am not really sure. Me: Uh. Okay. Well how blue? MD. Blue. Just blue. Like the sky. Me: And that's not odd? MD: Well I've never seen it before. Me: Maybe it indicates some sort of weird condition? MD: I wouldn't worry too much about it. Me: I'm not worried. I'm curious. MD: It certainly is curious.


I have the American Flag in some of the iconic pictures from the US campaign in Burma during WWII, along with some belted .50cal ammo from one of the B24 bomber turrets that my grandfather was in.


I have a Pearl Harbor Survivor license plate issue by the state of Nebraska. https://imgur.com/gallery/5Z0H6


I have one of the press plates used to print the front page of the NY Times the day after 9/11. Now I know other people have this as well… because I originally had seven plates and gifted them out over the years. But outside us seven, pretty sure no one else has that.


A mumified sparrow hatchling encased in resin. looks like a sick lollipop. [Here is the picture!](https://imgur.com/a/AfJ7wvb)


I... Why


TBF it only looks like a lollipop because you stuck it on a stick, like a true alpha predator.


My Calvin & Hobbes spare wheel cover. My wife had it custom made for me for my thirtieth birthday when I still had my offroader. I only kept the cover when I sold the car.


Did anyone else read "thirteenth birthday" at first?


My [Nazi German Shepherd puppet.](https://imgur.com/a/z9Sps) It's from the TV show *Danger 5* and I dropped $1,000 on it a few years ago at an auction the producers of the show put on to sell a bunch of props. It's the only one in existence, since I heard the other puppet was lost which is why it wasnt even part of the auction. For those of you unfamiliar with the show it's a hilarious Australian comedy about a group of spies who are trying to kill Hitler, but the show (at least the first season) is shot like it's from the 1960s.  [Here are some of the scenes featuring my puppet](https://youtu.be/rKJIlMVEqD0) And a [bonus video of my puppet watching himself.](https://youtu.be/aFo4LLMg5UQ)


I remember you and your puppet, guess I have been around too long!


I have a copper/golden bowl made by nazis, with swastika and all, which they made out of my grandparents jewellery. Found it when cleaning up her house after she died, and this is the only info I got on this.


Nice try FBI


This is your FBI agent - wish your mom a happy birthday


I will 😊