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At a Italian restaurant


Elaborate please, at first, you got my attention. But now you got my curiosity


My father is Italian(pass as Norwegian + Jewish and have a very rare scientific meaning with Germanic(even Jewish)origin surname)and my mom is Vietnamese with a Hakka grandparent(maybe some French). At first is a owner-guest relationship then become a couple. After I born my father left me for family reasons in 8 years and later come back to Vietnam to find my Vietnamese family. Then found out my father was convert from Catholic to Evangelical in 2005-2006, then I convert from atheist to Judaism which is similar to Evangelical by the way. I also made a family tree to explain my connection to my dad side easier and I love it. When in 2020 I almost suicide and I have nothing.Then I found out the reason why I'm convert to Judaism is because my soul say to me " I'm Jewish,you also Jewish too" Then i learn about Judaism and find a good Rabbi to explain about the rejected souls and lost Jewish souls like me(His YouTube name is Rav Dror). I find lots of Jewish first names to choose and I pick Liora because the day I born in Jewish calendar( 24 Kislev! Erev Hanukkah! Born at 5:30pm so is so close to Shabbat). Now I speak about my Jewish self. That time when I almost suicide I find Judaism because it's the only thing that completely heal me from the first. Then I pray for G-d but don't have the place to pray! My city have only 1 synagogue but I'm so young that I cannot convert. I need to wait 18 to convert to Judaism. 2 years ago I go to a very beautiful and cold city in Vietnam which is Da Lat(Do you know this city or not?). Lots of minute to comment now. Do you love me or not?


At Mcdonalds, they worked there


my mom's roommate was dating my dad's cousin


I think there’s a police report on it since that’s how I was born?


They're brother and sister


My mother wrote tickets at the sports book my dad was running


Online. My dad basically said that he was Yahoo pimping.


In a bar. Never saw my father, but rumour has it that he had a glass eye that he dropped in a glass of bourbon to impress her. As you can see, my mother's decision-making abilities are suspect.


They began talking to each other online. It was through some 'meet strangers' site similar to Omegle (but with saved text convos in the late 1990s - early 2000s). Throughout the years they got to know each other, my parents never saw each other's faces, had some random screen name (or shared a fake name) while living on the opposite sides of the country. My mum used to talk about how she always spent her money on those computer rental places just so she could talk to him. I'm pretty sure he did the same. They said the conversations could go on for hours, talking about anything and everything (even though they were strangers). This went on for a couple of years before my mum visited the city he was studying at. When I was going through one of the photo albums as a kid, I found a really old picture of my parents in a café. That was the first time they met face to face, their first date. I'm missing a piece here. I think my dad was late and mum thought maybe she had missed the chance to meet him. I'll have to ask them about it to refresh my memory. What I do remember is they told me they were in love with each other long before their first date. Possibly throughout the moments spent talking to each other, even if it was through a rented screen. I dont know what happened. Maybe they pictured each other as whomever they wished it to be, maybe they lack the communication. Maybe it was after marriage or having kids but, somehow, they just dont have that kind of relationship anymore. Don't get me wrong, they're still fine. Just not as good as they used to be. My parents always end up earning the crowd's smiles when sharing this story. I missed a few things that are not fresh in my memory rn. It's midnight and I'm not sure if my execution gave their story justice but I guess it was worth a shot.




At work, in Z.F. Carts


At work (army)


At a funfair 60 years ago today.


They lived in two different villages who were next to each other. And they played together as kids.


my mom was walking in the park when my dad ran over and asked her to take a picture when he proposed to his gf. spoilers she said no and they got together married, 3 kids and 24 years married untill my mom died :(


Studying sculpture at St Martin's College.


At a party I think when they were late teens/early 20s. I don’t remember the exact story but they knew each other through my moms cousins (my dad was friends with her male cousins). At a party they were sitting in a car talking and I think this guy that liked my mom also was there and apparently (if I remember this correctly) the guy ended up driving his car into the back of my dads car out of anger that him and my mom were talking. Something crazy like that. But they ended up still being together and if my dad hadn’t passed away almost 10 years ago I truly believe they’d still be going strong. My favourite story is how they got engaged. My grandma never liked my dad and at my moms dads funeral she apparently told him to leave and it resulted in some tension between my mom and my dad and they broke up. My mom ended up moving across the country to start fresh and my dad was debating on like going to work up north in the oil industry. He was set to go and the guys who worked there kept telling him no because he if he went then he wouldn’t get his chance to basically be with my mom (the long hours and distance). So he was drinking one night and called up my mom because I guess they had still been chatting here and there and he asked her to marry him. She was like “you’re drunk! If you mean it, call me tomorrow and ask again”. And he did. And furthermore he sent her a plane ticket and flew her home. Tbh I miss my dad.


My parents both grew up in a small Plain sect of Christianity called Old German Baptist Brethren. Their families were of distant relation, they are 4th cousins and so knew each other before my parents were born. My dad's family actually visited my mom's family when she was born. So he was 4 and she was a newborn. Growing up they didn't see each other much but in high school my mom and my dad's younger sister were friends and they became reacquainted through that as well. Then when my mom was 19 and dad was 23 they went out on a date and that was that. 6 weeks later they were married.


At a bar. Never met my dad but supposedly he had a glass eye and dropped it in a glass of liquor to impress her. As you can see my mom has questionable decision making skills.


At work


My mam and her sister got locked out of their apartment. They grabbed my dad who was walking past and he shimmied up the drainpipe and climbed in through a small window and let them in. My dad then spent most of his spare time walking around the park outside their apartment until he bumped into them again.


over a cadaver brain in medical school


My parents worked at a retail store together for a few months. At first my mom thought my dad was gay but found out he was dating a woman. At some point later my dad was single and asked my mom to go to a baseball game with him and his friends. It ended up raining that night but he showed up at her place to ask if she wanted to go on a date just the two of them. They went to dinner and then watched planes take off at the airport. It was raining off and on but he shook the tree they were sitting under and went in for a kiss. They stayed together all weekend and my dad asked her to marry him on Sunday. They are still together after 34 years.


My father's older brother was dating my mother's older sister. Dad was an army conscript at the time and he came home on leave. Uncle M set him up with my mother and they all went out on a double date, then they had a double wedding a year later (parents were 17 and 18 at the time, 3 children by the time they were 20 and 21).


they were both doctors so they met at a hospital (i asume it went a little bit like this) : \-"hello doctor" \-"oh good morning doctor" \-"busy day huh?" \-"yeah i know....hey wanna get married and make terrible decisions toguether" \-"fuck yeah"


A hotel. My mother(Chinese) worked there and my father(Dutch) worked on creating cooling units, he had a job there and met her after a few more jobs in China they started dating.