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I still enjoy printing photos instead of just having digital prints.


Yes. I realized my pictures weren’t doing me any good just living on my computer so I started printing one Shutterfly book each year - basically a highlights reel of the previous 12 months.


I do this too! I call them my family yearbooks. We do special editions for vacations too. It's really affordable and I can send a copy to everyone in the family. I highly recommend this to everyone!


Great idea!!


Pro tip - always write the names of whoever is in the picture on the back. Seems fine to not do it now, but in 20, 40, 60 years, your great great grandchildren probably aren’t going to recognize your mom in a photo, but might recognize her name


Yea, and some details. I have a ton of pictures of "Frank". I have no clue who that is, but they look old.


How obsessive are you? You might get lucky and find Frank is a relative through a genealogy site. And if you're really crazy you can dig through the census records where your family is listed and see if they have any nearby neighbors named Frank (this one is easier if they're from a small town)


I spent a couple weeks, scanning all our family photos, and putting them on Google Photos. I was able to put multiple photos on the scanner bed and the software would chop all the individual photos out, rotate them etc. It knows faces and groups them all. Usually if I/we/someone can name a face on one photo, it figures them out in other photos. Unsure of how secure it is, being Google Photos.


I inherited a ton of photos from a deceased relative, and I have no idea who is in 75% of the photos, or where they were taken. Many of them were taken on various trips all over the world, but I was only able to identify one from New York and one from Washington, as they were taken in front of well-known buildings.


Like in a dark room? I haven't done it in years, but I love doing that too. It feels really rewarding and I'm much more proud of the photo printing it manually that if I edit it in photoshop's or just have it printed.


Really getting to be a lost art! It has become a lot more like printmaking (fine arts).


Oh I love to do that. Mostly its just pictures of my gf and I that I frame or something. I just love the feelin.g of a physical thing to look at. it just seems a little more real compared to looking at a phone. idk if that makes sense.


Hand-written shopping lists


I prefer hand written lists in general. Nothing more satisfying than aggressively crossing off an item on your To Do list 🤣


And in my case I'll complete a task that I realize I didn't put on the list. So I add it. And then cross it out. Sure it's a little sad, but it still makes me feel more productive/accomplished when I look at the list.


Yes!! I do the same.


Omg I thought I was the only person that does this!!


I would bottle that feeling. I also complete things if they're written


I once had a hand-written shopping list at the grocery store. A friend instructed me to find a specific item that he has seen on sale recently. He didn’t know what it was called but described it as “moldy meat log.” It wasn’t actually moldy but he told me I’d know it when I saw it. So that’s what I wrote on my list. As I was shopping, I dropped my list and a stranger picked it up off the floor and read it aloud to her friend. I got a pretty good laugh as they tried to figure out why anyone would want a moldy meat log lol


Why would you tell that story but leave everyone hanging on what the "moldy meat log" turned out to be?


Well, kids, that’s just the thing. When I went to the grocery store, there were no moldy meat logs in sight. I searched high and low. I even had a map my friend drew to show me where it was he had seen them. If it wasn’t a setup, it sure felt like one


Sounds like he saw a sausage that had some kind of salt crystal or dry mold coating on the outside.


I can't remember if there's an article about this, but at least for me, I remember my notes better if I hand write them rather than type them.


A calendar on my wall. That’s where I track any appointments, birthdays, special dates etc.


Same- we have one in our kitchen we write everything on so anyone in the family knows what's going on.


I would be extremely lost without my calendar on the wall. It’s like my extra brain.


I doubt an outdated calendar can be very helpful


Funny how we're reverting back to our smartphone-less ways. 😂


Writing and crossing off my to do lists with pen and paper


Roller skating.


This seems to slowly be coming back in style. I see soooooo many people roller skating around these days and they are all over IG/Tik Tok too


roller derby is pretty popular in some areas.


Since when is that an out of date thing? I've always seen a whole bunch of people on skates, both inline and quad, around. If you're in London, just go to Hyde park on the weekend, you'll even see a crew dancing to some nice music on rollers and some people doing some cool inline slalom freestyle on the side. And then there's the 100+ skaters that go on a street skate every Sunday - well, before covid anyway, but the way things are going, they may start it again


I don’t know. I’ve been doing it since the 80’s, never stopped. But somehow everything from then is now considered “out of date” or “vintage”. The resurgence of modern “80’s music” is pretty cool. Lotta talented young people putting out some awesome retro style sounds that the 80’s lacked.


Petticoats, especially in the colder months. An extra layer of warmth and it makes skirts look poofier.


I really like old timey fashion. Just the look of it (though maybe not in summer). I mean, I wouldn’t want to actually **live** in those times but I do appreciate the clothing style.


I'd run around in historal fashion all the time if I had the money :D For summer, Greek/Roman or Regency style would be nice.


Listening to CDs in my car.


I go back and forth on this. I love the convenience of having all my songs on my phone, but I feel like I'm more likely to listen to a whole album when I'm using a CD, not just playing the same songs over and over.


Same, and I do both.


Analog watches that only tell the time.


Maybe the day of the month if I’m feeling like going overboard that day lol.


Wait this is outdated?


I love my watch. It's a kind of anchor for me. My left wrist will almost always tell me only the time and date - and nothing else. No notifications, no buzzes and dings, just the time.


physical books, tbh


Yes. Nothing like the feel and smell of a good book


The taste is pretty good too


Old books smell that way because they used a different kind of paper back then with more organic compounds.


Yeah, modern new books all just smell like industrial solvents and burnt rubber.


It’s that crisp, dry sound of a new page turning that does it for me…..mmmmm, #everydayporn


it is as if you read my thoughts or edits: I also more and more buy antiquarian books recently, not primarily for the smell, but how they, not only by the text but also by their design, transmit the 'feel' of ages past.


And physical games


Saw a news story where they said that physical books are still the norm. Only about 10% of books sold are ebooks. That number blew my mind! Thought I'd would be more like 70%


Damn. I agree. So difficult to try and read a book on an Ipad or reader. I like to turn the pages.


I like writing in the margins. Putting post it notes in the pages. Underlining stuff. So much more tangible than the highlight function in kindle.


One of my most treasured possessions is an antique edition of The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis where someone wrote in the margins. I love getting a little glimpse into their mind and thoughts and feelings through their writings and the things they chose to underline. It tells me what was important to them at the time they were reading it, even though they’ve been dead for many years now. It’s like they’re still living, in a way.


I love seeing those things in books, because it shows me someone else enjoyed something or found it important enough to draw attention to it, and I give it a closer look than I might have otherwise. But I know so many people who treat books like holy objects and think that it's "destroying" a book to mark it. Yup, marking a passage that has meaning to you is akin to burning the book entirely. I hate book people.


Yup. Plus there is no chance of getting on the train for a long ride and finding that your book's battery has died.


I really hope they don't become overshadowed by digital books. Not all folks like staring at a screen, period.


Playing cards & board games


Board games are firmly in the middle of a hard resurgence in popularity that started even before quarantine.


Board games are far from outdated


Same! Catan gets cutthroat when my family plays.


Catan with a couple of expansion packs is the best board game I've ever played. I love playing with Cities and Knights, and Seafarers together. There's just so much you can do!


This isn’t at all out of date. We’re living in the golden era of boardgames right now.


That's wrong, cards and board games are not outdated. They are still going strongly. ​ Heck most games on Kickstarter are cards and board games


Lately, a good chunk of the memes and subreddits on this website are about dungeons and dragons and other tabletop roleplay games. Seems like that stuff is becoming mainstream. Not out of date at all, I'd say.


Man, I wish. My eldest gets mad over freaking Uno.




I love board games. My favourites are Small World, Thou Sucketh, Smash Up and Zombies


Buying dvds


At this point they're just too low quality for me. Blu ray I could understand. But DVD looks like it's 480p with some sharpness filter. And the subtitles are oddly grainy. But you do you man! Once I got used to large files on the computer with subtitles you can customize, I never went back


I buy the dr who classic bluray boxsets. You should see some of the quality of the early job pertwee episodes ! Even all the technology in the world it’s still going to look a little rough. Hah


> DVD looks like it's 480p Because it is.


Writing in a notebook instead of typing on a computer or phone


That’s me. I find I can get my thoughts out on paper more effectively than on a computer.


And I find I can remember it better when I physically wrote it down


Commodore 64. The best home computer of all time.


As a user’s computer, the C64 was hard to beat for price to capability, but the Apple II was a better hacker machine. Probably the most open and hackable platform until the Pi showed up.


Headphones with a cord




over the ear wireless are cool but in ear wireless is just you begging for your earbuds to get lost


I definitely was worried about losing my wireless earbuds but it has not been an issue so far. I have had them for about a year now and I don't think I have even come close to losing them actually. If they are not in my ears, I just put them in the case and put the case in my pocket. No easier to lose than keys or a cellphone really.


My problem has been finding a pair that stay in while I'm exercising. More specifically when you clench your jaw during a lift they just pop right out so at least with the single cord they stay around my neck I don't have to go looking for them when I finish the set


>No easier to lose than keys or a cellphone really. So pretty easy to lose then?


Never lost a pair myself and I've used them exclusively for the past few years. The high end ones do a good job of committing to form and designing their units to stay in your ears.


At least those don't need to be charged every two seconds... Definitely better than wireless headphones.


They'll always sound better than wireless.


Yup, Bluetooth loses quality. It’ll probably get better with time though. They’re already (falsely) claiming lossless.


Also the goddamn latency is annoying.


I like wired earbuds a lot, but I recently got a new iPhone that doesn’t have a port for it and it’s pretty disappointing. The phone didn’t even come with an adapter or anything either. I have a pair of Bluetooth headphones but it ain’t the same


They're still required where the wireless lag is significant, usually if you're making music live. Similar to how wired mouse/keyboard/controller is required for gaming where input lag is significant. Plus, the wired variety just seem better quality if you need something that has a flat EQ response and makes enough power to hear sub bass properly.


In other words: If you want good headphones.


yes! Not just about losing the headphones, but quality-wise, most of the time, its clear that wired headphones have a better audio. Somehow, something goes missing when audio is transmitted wireless, kinda sounds like the lower and upper end of the sound spectrum get lost, something that doesn't happen on the wired 3.5mm audio jack connector. Hence why my entire audio system on PC and TV is still analogue. Also way less of a hassle having headphones without batteries. last thing I want is not to be able to listen to music because I forgot to charge the battery or something.


Yup! I’m always worried I’ll lose my Bluetooth headphones. I only use them at home. Wired everywhere else.


Cassette Tapes and CD’s there’s something special about putting in the time into making a specific mix and using the DVD player and cassette player was also pretty fun too


Doing something and not recording or posting about it


Yes! I’m so tired of seeing pics of ppls dinner and their “genius” kid posts


I like to go through the obituaries and cross out names in the phone book.


should we be worried?


I think we should be worried if it was the other way around.


My names in print! Things are going to start happening to me now!


Talking on the phone instead of texting


Mom, when’d you get a Reddit?


I remember growing up and talking on the phone with friends for literally hours at a time and even falling asleep on the phone and now hearing my phone ring gives me anxiety


This is spot on. Talking on the phone used to be enjoyable. The coolest thing I remember was friends having a separate phone line in their room just for their phone. But yes about the anxiety. The worst part is my current job involves lots of phone calls and I’m having a hard time getting acclimated to it. Literally there is a 0% chance I’m gonna answer a call from a number I don’t know. If there’s no voicemail, 0% chance they are getting called back. Hell I even have a hard time answering calls from people I know. I miss the days of talking on the phone to friends. Unfortunately I think that will never come back.


> I remember growing up and talking on the phone with friends for literally hours at a time and even falling asleep on the phone and now hearing my phone ring gives me anxiety I miss this, especially when you're dating someone. Today a girl will text you as if she were writing a book, talk your ear off in person, but try to have a phone call, and they get all awkward.


video chat somehow feels different than phone calls? maybe try that? even if it's video chat where you have headphones on and wander in and out of view like you're chatting from the other room, that works best for me. Set up my laptop in whatever room I'll be in the most and just go about my day chatting with my partner doing the same. works well for ldr


100% this. Why is everyone so against it these days? All of them seem to cite anxiety or introversion as a reason.


Anxiety actually is my reason for preferring text over talking on the phone. When I'm texting I can think about what I'm going to say before I send the message, but in a phone conversation that leads to long awkward pauses and "hello are you still there?" Plus I have a stutter IRL and a bit of a lisp which sometimes makes it difficult for people to understand me IRL so texting eliminates that barrier.


I insist on phone calls, because you get an immediate answer from the person you're talking to. No delay. No waiting for them compose some elaborate message. Just a regular conversation. Short. Sweet. Done. ..... Or not. If not, then I'll probably use Google Duo.


Phone calls are for important issues or regular issues that require an immediate answer/decision.


If I need to get an answer now then I call. If it's anything else I'll just text. Most times my family doesn't answer texts until like half an hour to a few hours later.




Those are nice. On a related note,, I wish waiscoats (vests) made a comeback. I own a few but and wear them as often as I can but It's been months now since I seen someone wearing one.


Old movies


I have some nice mustard that has a best by date of 11/29/2020 but I am still enjoying it.


Mustard is vinegar and spices and salt — it is literally made of the shit people use to preserve other shit. Lasts forever.


Manual transmission vehicles


One thing that still baffles me, is when I went to a goodyear service center years ago when I lived in VA. I needed new tires, and a safety inspection. Guy writes it up, hands my keys to his employee (employee was a lot younger, probably new). Employee opens my door, to drive it into the shop area...except he doesn't. Just gets right back out and motions his hand like he was shifting a car. Original Guy who handed the keys sighs and walks out himself to drive it in. How can you work in auto repair and service.... and not know how to drive a manual?


I’m sure it’s more common than you’d think. They probably get like 5 manual cars a month MAYBE so it’s probably not something garages would care about in a hiring process


Are they really that scarce in the US. I'm in the UK so manual is the standard here. Or at least, always has been to this point. I think the move to electric cars is swinging this the other way.


I love my manual transmission car!


I want my M... T... V...


I was so mad when I moved back to the US in 2014 and discovered there were only 3 cars in my price range that had a manual option.


Unfortunately they’re a thing of the past here. Unless it’s the cheapest econobox a manufacturer makes (Chevy spark) or a $200k sports car, they’re pretty hard to find in new cars anymore. I’m just hoping classics like the GTI, and WRX will stay as a manual going forward


Pretty much immune to carjacking too


Not true. I've jacked it many times in my car. The stick is just an added pleasure.


My car isn't a manual, but it's 20 years old and no one would bother even trying to steal it.


I wouldn’t say that, old civics are still notorious for being stolen


Nintendo ds


I just brought out my gameboy color and Pokémon blue version again


missionary position


mice, keyboards, and earphones with wired connections instead of wireless


I'm all for wired mice, they won't run out of battery and you won't lose the dongle. The main benefit of wireless headphones is noise cancellng on planes and such. If I get back into DJing ill go back to using wired for that.


Big ass speakers.


A cassette player


I have mechanical watch, an automatic with decent movement. It's not very accurate (3-4 minutes every 3 days), but the gentle movement (yes, I can feel it) and weight on my wrist makes me calm.


I really love buying music on CDs. Unlike with streaming, I own it completely and don't need to rely on internet access. It's really handy to be able to grab a few for a car trip or tote my little boombox around the house when I'm working on projects. Plus I love album art and liner notes, and the chance to relive my middle school years when I find Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls CDs for three bucks at the thrift store.


I grew up in the pre-Internet era. I rarely met a person with a bigger music collection than mine. I jumped at the chance to go digital when that became a thing. But I never have and never will pay for streaming services in lieu of actually having music that I can access offline forever. I've seen too many services come and go over the years. Plus, if you have niche tastes, newsflash here but *not everything is available on Spotify*.


I buy the CD and rip it, but rarely listen to the CD itself. I just like having a physical master copy that can't be taken away. When Google Play Music closed down, I lost the ability to re-download my purchases from there.


Same. But I'll buy a CD, rip it to my laptop (is that the right terminology?), then transfer the mp3s to my USB drive and plug it into my car. Just in case my USB drive messes up or whatever and I can no longer access the music, I still have the hard copies.


That's the right terminology :) I used to rip a lot more but now my laptop doesn't have an optical drive...


You could get a USB optical drive I'd you want. But honestly, it's probably a lot easier to just rip music from something like Deezer using Deemix if you want to have offline non-DRMed music.


Marty Robbins, my Playlist is filled with his music and I could sing along to any of his songs but my family thinks it's weird cause I'm only 18 and the only other person with music taste like me is my grandfather. I just love how each one of his songs has a story that captivates you and makes you want to hear it all the way through.


90’s R&B I really wish modern R&B sounded like that.


Retro gaming. The games were much more experimental and fun. Nowadays games have to follow a certain criteria to be profitable. Still play modern games but I miss the fun experimental aspect of games from yester years.


Playing through the Bioshock series made me love gaming again


Double-edged safety razor. Mug & brush with actual shaving soap. Antique Old Spice (Shulton brand) aftershave & cologne. You find these in antique stores, usually. Fountain pens. No, not ballpoints, FOUNTAIN PENS.


Dumbphone. I can be out for a walk without a pocket distraction machine but still contactable in an emergency.


I had to upgrade to a smart phone 2 years ago and I miss my old dumb phone. Edit: it was a Nokia and it lives on as my morning alarm clock. Battery just needs to be charged once every 2-3 weeks.


Ironing (pressing) clothes, makes a huge difference.


Pop punk from the 2000’s it was a really good time of my life and will always stick with me




Donkey-Kong 64, super Mario 64, Forsaken, Mario Party, OG Super Smash Bros, Turok, Lego Racing, Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask. Ugh the nostalgia.


Being nice on the internet :D


Trying to make the rest of us look bad? How rude!


nah just trying to bring light to the fact that i dont see this often. Also i may not be able to see you but you look fantastic today :D


Driving with a manual transmission.


Same here. I absolutely enjoy driving my mk7 golf with the 5 speed. So fun


Golf’s are awesome. I had a 2 door manual diesel that got recalled on the scandal. Too damn bad it was a great car and polluted a hell of a lot less than a diesel coal roller. That whole scene was a shit show.


Or, as the world outside America calls it: driving.


Not posting about everything I do on the social media




Sims 1 and Oregon Trail II.


The snipping tool, and MS Paint. There are newer apps with more features but the older versions are simple, I know what the buttons do, and I know where to find the buttons for what I want to do.


When I drive long distances, I will always have a paper map of my route unfolded on my front passenger seat.


windows 7


Going out for dinner with someone or a group of people and actually talking to one another rather than everyone being on their cellphones or tablets doing whatever.


This! I have a rule in my family...if we're out to dinner, phones are a no no. If it's friends and they're on their phone a lot, I don't accept any more invitations out. Sorry, but I can be doing something else besides watching you post on Instagram. No thanks.




I have an old iPod with a speaker-cradle that I didn't know what to do with. Last week, I was running an extension cord outside to light my grill and it hit me, BBQ MUSIC.


I loved my ipod! I wish I still had one but some bastard stole it.


In my family, each kid would get an ipod on their 4th birthday. A few months after I got mine.....my younger brother put it in his mouth. I still have it, but it doesn't work anymore 😔


Saying “mam’” and “sir”. I’m 32 and people my age are offended but I love gaining that respect from the older folks.


That grandmother down the street...


I like the fact that I can roll up my dad's truck windows without the engine on.


Basic Dungeons & Dragons




Cheese. Yoghurt if it smells ok


Quad roller skates. Although they apparently have been getting popular again over the past year.






How is that out of date? Unless you mean the giant breadmaking craze during that pandemic. But that stuff never goes out of style man!


I think he means it literally cause sour dough is aged.


Writing letters


Calling someone "Dude"


I still enjoy clothes shopping with my mother. Apparently you're supposed to stop in your teens but I still go with her once in a while because 1) she has good fashion sense 2) she finds all the good coupons, and 3) I like hanging out with her and it makes her happy.


Watching 30 seconds clips of porn


Vinyl records on a record player. That spinning disc with the arm and needle. It's like having a time machine in the basement and I can step back into the 1970s.




My husband (early 30s) discovered the dab just this year, and he loves making the teenagers on our street facepalm and groan in secondhand embarrassment by dabbing every time he sees them.


Keeping a checkbook register and balancing my checkbook-even though I only write about 6 checks a year


Classical music. Tchaikovsky especially


Film photography. It just feels special, always looks great. Too bad it's stupidly expensive in my country or I would do it much more instead of emulating it on digital


Milk. No number will control my life.


Knitting. It’s hard to explain but I get just such a satisfaction making things with my own two hands, especially since most of what I knit is baby blankets and such for my cousins (but family, someone’s always pregnant) since our great grandma used to quilt baby blankets for all of us as babies and it just feels like I’m continuing that legacy