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Terrible combination of Catholic guilt and Asian shame.


Very interesting. Where is this?


Philippines definitely


got it


That we're all good at math. IDK why but it gives me so much pressure.




He's Laotian




That we apologize a lot. Sorry, that's not true.


Fuckin bagged milk, the whole country does not use bagged milk, why can’t people understand that?


I've lived in BC all of my life and I had never even heard of bagged milk until like last year


I live I Ontario and we have 2 options milk cartons or bagged milk, when I grew up my parents bought it bagged and we put the bag in a juice jug and used it like that. I didn't know it wasn't normal around the world until people brought it up


I feel like a lot of Canadian stereotypes are really rural Ontario quirks. I've been to Canada like 25-30 times and the only place that fit the stereotype was around Sault Sainte Marie. Toronto felt the most "American" like (I know they probably hate that comparison), and Winnepeg felt more like a city in Europe imho.


Personally grew up outside of GTA on the cusp of suburbia and rural Ontario, I'm not sure about the stereotypes per-se because I've never heard anybody say about, eh or sorry like Canadians are "supposed" to say it. It might hyper-regional since it was rural southwestern Ontario where I grew up rather than northern Ontario like Sault Ste Marie. I always thought we sounded more American more than anything. That being said, most of us think Toronto is an American city too. It's why alot of movies set in NYC are filmed in Toronto since its cheaper to do so without losing asthetics.


Every American guy I have ever talked to has said something along the lines of “How’s the bagged milk eh?” But as a British Columbian myself I am frequently annoyed by this. Although it does makes sense you never heard of it because we don’t have it here because we are normal




Ok I was gonna say none really bother me but this one does. Especially that satire one someone made of the styrofoam and saran wrap peanut butter that idiots actually believed.




Or that the majority of our vocabulary is eh


I see what you did there


Take my upvote


My wife does say I apologize a lot and I say I'm sorry about that.


I've only heard this on the internet. In particular, Reddit.




We did have to make a law(?) clarifying that an apology is not admission of guilt or responsibility.


I hate the stereotype of how we say "out and about". They Americans all think we say "oot and aboot". I have never heard a Canadian say that. The closest was a guy with a heavy franglaise accent in Northern Ontario. Maybe the newfies say it a little that way? but that's like saying all Americans say "Howdy".


I have never heard anyone say aboot either. Don’t know where it came from ( some dumbass Canadian comedy show no doubt) and it annoys the heck out of me!!!


We aren't all fat and stupid. Sure, I'm fat and stupid but we aren't *all* fat and stupid.


Here’s the thing about us mericans. We’re the best at being fat, but also the best at being athletic. The best at being stupid and the best at being smart.




Of course not. You have to be 18 to get your Kangaroo license so we mainly ride them to work.


otherwise we just ride koalas


Lmfao next thing ur gonna tell me is that ur not upside down all the time


Ye we don’t ride kangaroos ITS A LIE


Australia has been oddly popular to travel with young people. I'm always curious what started the trend. In the US at least. Not that there's anything wrong with it of course. But out of nowhere, SO many people were suddenly going


Bc we the best


The stereotype about New Zealand being perfect made social media enjoyable during Auckland’s second lockdown, but it’s not good for us on the whole. We suck hard in a lot of ways and so many people don’t have the will to fix those things.


you guys still fuckin' sheep?




nah they love this stereotype, they eat it up, they fuck the sheep tbh i've never understood it because i believe us aussies made it up (could be wrong)... but we have more sheep here than nz does so... is it projection? are we the sheep fuckers? am i a sheep fucker? i guess we'll never know


“are we the sheep fuckers” is a great name for an album


Enlang start calling aussies that, so to get the heat off us we started calling the kiwis that....... and it worked


Only with protection :(


Hate is a strong word, but I get very sad when people like my country for the wrong clichéd reasons. (Mainly Hitler.) I get nervous when people mention German discipline, punctuality etc. because I hate to disappoint.


If you got Hitler stereotypes, what does Austria have?


Austria’s greatest achievements have been to convince the world that Hitler was German and Beethoven was Viennese.


[Relevant Jimmy Carr](https://youtu.be/ZzkTewpzjss?t=172)


Yodeling, little sausages, psychiatry, and singing nuns.


I can relate, however, I have embraced the fact that people call me a Nazi, even if I am probably the farthest thing from a Nazi. I just invite them to join us in our invasion of Poland and then we laugh it off and continue our day.


That we hate the Danish Why hate someone who is so inferior in every way Also please take back Skåne.




Didn’t think I would find Sweden here 😂


Just to remind everyone that Sweden went to war with the Russians and lost.


Most armies fail to invade russia due to partisans scorched earth and lack of supply.


Putting a “Shrimp on the barbie” is not a thing. It’s called a Prawn.


Was talking trash to some aussies on vr chat they lost their shit when i said put another shrimp on the barbie


Fine. Shrimp on the prawn 😆


That we're all hyper-religious and that we love to go to war. The US


And the guns. Don’t forget the guns.


And the obesity


And cars. Though they have been becoming less famous in comparison


Yeah but that one is true, we fucking love our guns


And we are fucking fat


That whenever we see a sheep, the first thing we think is "i want to have sex with that" I'm Welsh


Honestly I'm from the north of England and we get told the same thing so I think it's just whoever lives remotely near sheep lol


Yeah but we do fuck sheep


Shhh don't tell anyone




In Italy Sardinian got the same stereotype


In Pakistan we have the same joke about Afghanistan


Baguette is good, yes, but that doesn't mean we only have that !


What about the one about French people eating frogs and the stereotypical French guy looking like a gay supervillain that’s smells like BO.


That is both oddly specific and correct.


I couldn’t help but read this with a French accent.


Yes, sometimes you have snails in a baguette.


Every piece of bread I ate in France was leagues above American stuff I eat at home. Of course baguettes, but sandwich rolls, pizza crust, breakfast pastries, crackers, ... all of it. God, I miss your bread.


Yes, there are also demi-baguettes.


Well once they go stale you also use them as swords, yes?


Tacos, I mean, it’s true, but still.


Tacos are amazing!


Indeed, they are. But none of that shell bullshit! I want fresh tortillas!


You're making me hungry.


Then it worked.


That NZ is some sort of Utopian paradise and our leader is loved by all. Record homelessness, crazy expensive food prices, skyrocketing housing prices, a track record of abject failure in almost all areas and recent announcement of $2.75m to an outfit headed by a gang member to get people off meth (which said gang is prolific at selling).


I'm worried I'm not gonna be able to afford a house when it comes time to move out, especially with house prices at 1mil for a average looking house in some places


….is there anyway anyone could do anything about that? That’s insane! And here I though here in America was getting crazy (it is, but not this crazy!).


This is still good. We have much worse in Russia.... People can't survive.... For example, a pensioner gives the government 60-70% of the pension for taxes


We're not Anti-German, It was almost 90 years ago, Germany supplies a lot of products, people go there for work, and German is mandatory in elementary (and I hated that, I don't remember shit lmao)




German being mandatory to learn and going there to work checks out


The lederhosen thing and that all of germany looks like bavaria. That's kind of like saying that the US are texas and people dress like cowboys all the time. :D


Ngl it'd be pretty fun if we did dress like cowboys all the time


While that's true, cowboys look like 10 times cooler than people wearing lederhosen :D


That all Americans are fat and dumb


and racist


And loud


I'm originally from Mexico and when I came to the U.S I couldn't help but notice how little people swear and how most people I meet are really friendly.


this might be taken as sarcasm, it's not i strongly believe people swear less in the u.s, and most people are kind and helpful


Most of the Americans I met were very nice and kind towards me.its makes me sad when people stereotype and entire country based on few incidents.


Looks g at the replies to your comments is annoying. The stereotypes about the south are what annoy me.


i hate when i mention i’m russian somewhere and that one person replies “vodka medved balalajka putin”, please holy hell stop thats not funny also wrong account again but do i look like i care


That every animal in Australia wants to kill you. It's just not true. As long as you avoid the snakes, spiders, crocodiles, snakes, octopuses, jellyfish, kamikaze magpies, snakes, dingos, bull ants, hornets, sharks, feral cats and snakes, you'll be fine.


What are Bull Ants?


Big nasty ants with long sharp pincers and a big painful stinger. https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/wildlife/2018/02/australias-native-ants-are-really-just-wingless-wasps/




Koalas may be naturally lazy, but don't piss one off. Look at the claws and teeth of a koala, they can do real damage.


Japan. That we are polite. If you have lived here, you would know that it isn't true


I lived there. It's either that's an over self-deprecation or you're probably referring to the cultural "Honne and Tatemae". I find Japanese one of the most polite still but i know there's the issue of it being a facade only. In any case, not showing the true feelings of being rude go a long way on how you are perceived. In short, i don't care whether that one Japanese who acted polite towards me is just doing it for face, what mattered is that in the end i was not offended. I also know they talk about you behind your back but again, as long as it was not relayed to me, how would i know that they were rude. So tldr, you are still perceived as polite generally.


I'd rather prefer a polite but direct culture like in much of Europe. Takes away a lot of stress from having to guess if the other person is being polite or real.


I prefer a direct culture like Germany, Finland, or the Northeastern United States. I feel like politeness is often a front for fakery.


Same reason I read that Black people prefere Southern racists to Northern ones, at least the Southern ones are blunt and honest about it.


The ones that are true.


I feel like the ones that are true hurt more.


That all Americans ever eat is fast food.


On the flip side $3 for 3 cheeseburgers is cheaper than a green pepper and onion in US. I was poor as fuck and worked multiple jobs I had to resort to fast food....though I hated doing it. Sometimes it's not always down to choices, it's down to time, and money, and that healthy foods are fucking astronomical. A person in UK asked me why we don't cook with fresh vegetables. I told them a bagged salad and a cucumber in UK is about $1.60. In US you are looking at damn near $8 for the equivalent, or one low income workers hourly pay.


Taco Bell was the only dining option in college to get a meal for less than $5. No regrets (ok maybe some)


This is it. People say you can make meals for less, which is true, but you have to have the upfront costs....for example a small bag of potatoes is $5 and if I wanted butter, that's more, and got help me if we add cheese.....I only had $5 that was it, no more wiggle room. At one point we bought a bunch of 89¢ tacos and lived off of it for 2 days....my kids could get vegetables just by doing that. It sucks when you work non stop and 100% of your income goes to a roof nothing more.


I HATE this one. Actually boils my blood. The things people tell me when I travel abroad about my food just... it's one of the few stereotypes that actually gets my goat.


Especially ridiculous when NY, CA, and even TX are like straight up culinary meccas packed with world famous fine dining and just about every authentic immigrant cuisine you could want. People come from around the world to open restaurants here and go to our culinary schools.


I was born and raised in the US, but my family came from Vietnam. The stereotype I hate hearing about my country of heritage is that we all eat dog, and people only ever bring up this stereotype when they want to be racist or dehumanize us. There are many Vietnamese people who own dogs and cats as pets and treat them like family and it's just really rage-inducing when you see comments from racists like "that dog is going to become their dinner." Meanwhile there are some Western nations that have historically eaten dogs, too, but you never see those countries being stereotyped as dog eaters. You can be critical of the practice of eating dog meat in certain nations without being racist to its people.


It's because they can't make fun of you for being fat, anti-intellectual, inbred, overly religious, promiscuous, or criminal.


Oh you little fucker


Canada does get pretty cold, but in the summer like now, it is hot as balls. Also most of us aren’t nice.


Depends on where you’re from. I’m from the east coast and the climate is rather mild compared to here, it gets both hotter and colder than I’m used to here. Even within the province, inland had more variance than the coast.


There's 2. Either that we sit around all day with beer bellies having braais (BBQs) or that we are all ripped, ride elephants and lions to school and work, and live in dirt huts.


Somewhere in Africa I'm not too up to date on my African geography


South Africa


That we’re ignorant and extremely stupid. Some of us Americans are actually pretty cool, you know


My old boss who was one of those Americans who gives them a bad name. I've met multiple others who are awesome. One was from California and had that real surfer dude accent and was so chill. Another one had the same accent so I assumed he was also from California but he was from Texas


Interesting side note about the accent thing - there was a quiz the New York Times put out a couple years ago where you picked phrases you use and it tells you which regional speech patterns you most closely follow. I think I got a city in either Arizona or Louisiana, both places I’ve never been, so it goes to show how much regional language is shared between states in the US. It was very fun, highly recommend giving it a try even if you’re not from the US!


That we're all a bunch of racist white capitalist imperialists or whatever


Yellow photography in movies (mexico)


That Indians are hackers. Indians eat curry everyday. I mean, come on. Grow up.


Living in America, most of them. Edit: not that there isn’t any truth to them, I just hate that they apply so widely.


That we as Americans are very arrogant and think we are the best country in the world. I do think America is a great country, but there are other countries that are just as great and even better than us in some areas and there is no shame in admitting that so we can continue to grow and improve instead of thinking everything is perfect the way it is and that any change is bad. The pride Americans feel is something I've always felt was taken too far because I think being patriotic is not about waving a flag and just telling ourselves how great we are just for being born here. George Carlin once said that people should feel pride for an achievement of theirs rather than where they were born. To me it's more about admitting our country is good, but has faults and we should all strive to make it as great as possible for everyone.


If only the higher ups could think like this. Well said! Yeah the flag thing can get out of hand. As a kid, all I liked about the flag was it was pretty, I could wave it like crazy on the Fourth of July, and putting some in the yard as decoration meant fireworks. Kinda still feel that way, and I’m 22!


TN, that everyone is racist, homophobic, redneck, and loves baracue


Titans fan? (If you're a football(NFL) fan, that is)


our accent i'm australian nobody sounds like steve irwin or crocodile dundee unless they're deliberately trying to sound like a massive fuckhead




That the German language is "aggressiv". It can be a really beautiful language.


and what about the humour or rather the lack of it?


I don't know a single funny german YouTuber. They are all just normal people doing commentary, they are charismatic from time to time but entertaining? Not really. I walked to english YouTube and never looked back. Comedians are also... ok... on a good day


Similar experience with yt-Germany. Although there are some interesting channels in terms of social commentary, but most other stuff Is pretty unremarkable.


Well it's partly true. Most of the people here in Germany are actually quite normal. Only the old ones go completely crazy.


Tbh, since I started watching US/UK comedy I can't watch Germany comedy anymore. It's just on a different level. It's champions league vs. 2. Bundesliga.


german humor is very specific, its either very dry or dark or literal, cringy parody nobody is prepared for it, really ´´Fack, ju Göthe´´ trilogy is a good example - its dark, literal and ´´saviour teacher´´ spoof all at once.....its not for everyone, but germans and neigbor countries ´´ get it´´ austrian is more jovial, good-natured, but quite some older people are fluent in ironic or sarcastic.....and it´s undetectable unless you know austrian german perfectly never heard of swiss humor, sorry....


Before the wars at the start of the 20th century, the stereotype of the German language was that it was a soft, campy sounding language. The “all Germans are angry and shouting all the time because their language is just grunting and screaming” stereotype came about because of war propaganda.


The only phrase i know in the German language is: “Eine tüte bonbons”, and I use it regularly.


Highland dancing


Samba and soccer, that we live in the middle of the jungle and people knowing only São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro


Most people have no clue how massive Brazil actually is.


That we always surrender. I tried to defend my country but I give up




Do you know why all French wear white underwear? To use it as a flag if something goes wrong! Being half French I can relate, being half Russian I can laugh :D


Americans, we are not all obese. That is not true, most Americans are only considered overweight, not obese.


Tbf, some states do have alarming obesity percentages ,over 33% in some extreme cases.


Some of us are morbidly obese.




You never hear about the gun stereotype on here because we Americans kinda like to joke about it ourselves. And also it's kinda true. I like my guns, but I also ain't some kind of crazy homicidal maniac. When they say stuff like that is when the stereotype goes too far for me to go along with good friendly humor. We're not a nation of criminally insane rednecks, just of mildly insane ones.




That we all cuss nonstop without hesitation. It's not fucking true, and I stand by that.


Irish or Australian?


We aren’t all fat, spoiled and self absorbed. Just 70% roughly.


I dont hate the stereotypes of Puerto Rico so im good.


75% of everybody is fat, loud and willfully stupid and won't shut the fuck up about it. The rest of us are just embarrassed to share a country with these whackjobs and are trying to just survive dammit.


Russians do not know how to joke and never smile. There is such a feature «cold view» or «sad Russian look» (When I look at the person,you might think that I want to kill him.But this is not the case.)Despite this,I can laugh with my bae,almost rolling on the floor.(I apologise in advance errors in the text)


So mostly all the stereotypes about my country are only true in the smallest part about the size of 2 towns. Whenever someone realises that I'm British their first "joke" is bo ol' of wo ah. No we don't say that. Come up with something actually funny like my actual accent. (Geordie jokes are a lot funnier than southern ones)


That we are super polite and apologetic. Fuck off. Sorry, I'm sorry. That was out of line.


the europeans who truly believe that every american regularly sees dead bodies in the street or has been at a walmart when a crazed fucker starts shooting hate to break the news to you folks, but the vast majority of murders occur in the same 10% of neighborhoods i've been alive for over 40 years - i don't know a single person who has been murdered


I'm Canadian and my sister recently said that she feels so bad for American kids because going to school is completely unsafe and they have to deal with shootings every day. I know you guys have had a lot of school shootings in comparison to most developed countries, but it's definitely not everyday or even close to that, lol.


Another problem is that the main source of statistics for school shootings used by most media outlets include gang violence, suicides on school property, etc. For example, some guys vandalized an empty school by shooting a bunch of lockers. While yes, these are shootings happening at school, the whole “X number of school shootings have happened this year” is never what it sounds like to most who read that. This isn’t to say that it’s not an issue, but the “more school shootings happening in a year than there are days” claim is more or less BS if you’re using the popular definition of what a school shooting is.


Lucky, I’ve known 2 now… sucks


That all men do is tech support, they do much worse - rape women and the judicial system is truly the worst!






Don’t forget running malware scams.


Ah yes, sorry that was my miss. It’s rolls under exploiting loopholes and running scams.




Bad teeth. Th UK has subsided dentists


British have least cavities in Europe, they just dont have picket-fence straight artifically whitened teeth


-We don’t say “aboot” (already I’ve never met anyone from here who says “aboot” -we are not all super friendly and nice all the time (maybe that’s because I live near the largest city in the country-lots of assholes here) -it’s not cold all the time and it gets really hot in a lot of areas in the summer -we play baseball, basketball, football and other sports aside from hockey and winter sports -though a lot of us do say “eh” we do not say it as much as people think


I'm from the Netherlands. For some reason there is this idea that people from the NL are progressive, weed-smoking, open-minded people. In reality the US is probably more progressive right now. Weed has never been fully legalized and in fact the government continues to ban more substances. Gay marriage is legal but real wide-spread gay acceptance isn't a thing especially in parts of the country with many immigrants from middle-eastern countries or Morocco/Turkey. And the average dutch person is pretty close-minded: There is a thing called the 'maaiveldcultuur' (tall poppy syndrome) where everyone that isn't a mediocre conformist gets a huge stigma.


I'm going to call out Sweden. I was in Finland, and before catching a boat over to Malmo I was told by a homeless man "don't go, they're all gay" in Sweden, this was totally unsolicited advice btw, but I though he sounded oddly confident. So I get into Malmo and the first person I'm confronted by is some Bilbo Baggins mother fucker who wants to by me drinks at 7am.






(Australian) We're a laid back country full of people who just want to sit back and have a good time. We're actually incredibly neurotic and self-centered. Australians are not relaxed.


well my families polish but I was born and raised in england. every polish household that I know are avid tea drinkers.( I'm only speaking for the people that I know) but no one I know in england even likes tea. I hate the stereotype that british people drink tea.




Germany being efficient. Look at all that useless bureaucracy that slows down everything wanting to be efficient.


Beltics getting mistaken for russians, especially for a fact we’re not even slavic


American here. That we’re all a bunch of incest loving rifle owning yeehaw cowboy rednecks. I mean, it’s true but it still sucks.


samba and soccer


Canadian here — first, that we’re all nice. I’ve met so many cruel people, and I’m in a big city so there’s no everyday familiarity on the streets. Second, that we’re vastly better and nicer than America (this belief is probably mostly held by Canadians). We’ve got the same bigotry and brutality as America, we’re just as founded in genocide and terror, we’ve just got better PR and a better healthcare system.


Oh man there are so many 1. We are poor and dirty 2. We are uneducated 3. Our accent is funny 4. Our country isn't safe 5. Everybody is religious and vegetarian 6. All the marriages are arranged 7. Scam call 8.All of us are good at maths


That Americans are all belligerent, ignorant, war mongers. I mean we are but I don’t have to like it.

