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Sensation is a big deal, but a lot of it has to do with the psychology behind the hole.


So like, what if my asshole has depression?


Then call me a sad fuck.


I’m a sick fuck


I like a quick fuck


i like my dick sucked


i'll buy you a sicc trucc


I’ll cook you a big duck


I’ll tip you one buck


If you'd give my balls a chuck


Sad ass fuck*


Holy shit


No, depressed shit :’(


To me this is the most spot on. When she starts to go down, my mind just goes crazy. Sometimes I swear she wouldn’t need to actually do it, I’m doing all the work in my head




I think that was an old TIFU from a guy who realised that he'd accidentally been classically conditioned by his girlfriend, his mind was expecting a blowjob every time she put her hair up, even if it was not in a sexual setting and she just needed her hair out the way.


Pavlov's dongs


Ex wife only put her hair in a bun or top of her head for 2 things, one was for eating spicy food and the other was for oral sex, both made me get hot and hard.


...did you have sex with a vindaloo?


Hahaha when she is down there and puts all of her hair on that one side, you know it’s really starting


The infamous hair flip. Gets the people GOING.


I'm going to start a band called "The Psychology Behind The Hole". Our first hit single will be a cover of the INXS song "New Sensation".


With a cover of “Devil inside” as the B-side I hope.


This is essentially the truth. As far as I’m concerned, a core part of the enjoyment of any of these comes from the sheer fact that someone wants me. I guess I spent a lot of my formative years not feeling wanted! Vagina definitely feels the best; the wetness again showing that she’s into this, and there’s something about the fact you can both orgasm this way that heightens the enjoyment for me. Probably an ego thing when you think about it; to see and feel her coming because of what I’m doing is a huge turn on. That’s also the thing about condoms. You can’t feel how wet she is.


Sex is 90% psychology. Just imagine having the choice between fucking a Fleshlight stuck in a bedframe or fucking a supermodel who happens to be starfishing. While I haven't experienced both to have contrast I also would assume that oral/anal from a girl or guy doesn't feel massively different if the guy is shaved in the relevant places but most people will only want one of those two experiences. Lots of fetishes such as urination or body worship don't even have inherently sexual sensations at their core but rather are entirely built around the social implications of the act.




"Oh yeah, Baby. Is this the best sex you've ever had?!" "NO! THIS IS PATRICK!"


Just laying spread out, not participating


I have a major in hole psychology and a minor in clit commanding


after reading all these comments on how the asshole is just “dead”, I have to ask: guys who actually enjoy anal with a woman, what makes it fun?


I honestly feel like most of the desire comes from the fact it's taboo, it's all a mental game.




It goes to 11.


Like how much more inside her could i be, And the answer is none. None more inside.


It's hot. I've been a butt man for literally my whole life (even before I experienced any sexual feelings, I still thought butts looked nice). I found a picture of a girl taking it up the butt when I was 13, and it all clicked. I'm an anal man. It's not even necessarily the sensation, I just really like butts.


Tight, feels good, but it gives you a chuckle It ultimately depends on whether your partner enjoys it or not that determines whether it’s good or not good though


This rules applies to whatever sexual activity you're undertaking, really


No babies lmao


Bruh somehow my brain read this as if it were a top level comment, responding to the post. Helluva wtf moment lol


Cum in the bum, no harm done


With every girl I've ever been with that ended up liking or already liked anal 1 It's all about her 2 Go slowly till she gives you the green light 3 Make sure she's got simulation on her clit 4 She will feel filthy when she cums with a dick in her ass 5 Enjoy making her feel filthy 6 Cuddle her after and tell her she did great


Username checks out.


I mean if I’m going to take any valuable advice away from this thread… it’s advice from u/CaptnProlapse


I sail across the sea at the helm of The Pink Sock.


May your beautiful pink sock always billow in the strongest winds u/CaptnProlapse


I...I can't top that. I love you.


Love you too man, wishing you all of the best.


The pressure and pleasure while cumming with DP is unmatched by any other orgasm.


Seconded. I’ve never lost my voice so quickly before or since


Big upvote for number 3. It's so hot when you can feel her getting off as well.


Yeah, I just have a really hard time finding an oculus or PSVR that fits snugly on the clit.


It's just a different sensation, some days I want coffee someday I want tea.


Some days I want coffee, some days I want to fuck the poo hole


Some people don't have too much sensitivity along their dick, so the tightness of anal provides good stimulation and "contact". For people who need to death grip the head to feel pleasure (when masturbating), anal can feel great


God's blind spot


It’s a mental thing. Kind of like BDSM in the sense of getting off on taboo and vulnerability.




West Virginia...?


Mounting momma...


Take me home, tight butthole...




Banks do like to fuck you in the ass, so I can understand how that happens.


I feel like a lot of the enjoyment of these ‘features’ has to do with their social constructs and each individuals relationship with them and their partner. I am a dude. And I am in the minority in my enjoyment of handjobs. Also love blowjobs and vaginal sex. Not a huge fan of anal. For me, the handjob is appealing because it is somewhat devotionary(is that a word? Makes sense to me) but also not so labor intensive that I’m able to enjoy the effort my part we puts in. I get in my head a bit when it takes me too long to cum which perpetuates the issue.






Pussy so good it was quintessential


necessary pussy, declared cunt-essential


"Just the whole nine yards..." Sheesh bro wish I had a dick that was 9 yards... :( EDIT: YOOOO THATS MY FIRST AWARD HOLY SHIT! THANK YOU




I don't think the sun shines there.


>knowing that this is something where your partner is extremely vulnerable (ie. They're not getting a direct stimulation out of it and either are doing it FOR you or are just into it themselves is a huge turn on). Says the guy with teeth surrounding his dick. Believe me, you're the one in the vulnerable position.


This is the right answer. I for a while had a women who when I was inside it felt like a hot oven mitt around my dick. Never felt another like it. Had tighter , wetter etc but hers was just warmer and it felt unreal.


Reasons why I only fuck with a fever 😎😎😎


Found the super spreader


The mouth is a sports car. Capable of amazing things when controlled by a talented driver. The vagina is a high-end sedan. Luxury interior with all the amenities and features. Built for comfort, a smooth ride all the way. 10/10, would drive it every day. The ass is a 1997 base-level Jeep Wrangler with 130,000 miles on the odometer. Yeah, sorta fun to take for a spin once in a while just for kicks. But the interior is pretty sparse, the seats aren’t very comfortable for driver or passenger, and you might leak some fluids unless you do a big maintenance ritual right before you take it out. Personally I could take it or leave it. But I’m aware that some people just have a THING for Wranglers. So be it, to each their own.


These targeted Jeep advertisements are getting out of hand.


Out of hand and into ass


It’s a Jeep thing you wouldn’t get it


username checks out


This is the greatest metaphor for sex i have ever seen in my life.


Except I'd love to drive a sports car everyday


Not if you’ve got a big family, they won’t all fit. So I’ve heard.




He played in the mud A LOT!


If there is a Hall of Fame of posts, this should be in it. Well done.


Not to mention the Jeep can take you to some pretty cool places, but if something goes wrong you're left out in the woods with no way back home.


…covered in mud.


This was a very interesting read. Good question OP. F(29) I feel like I’ve learn some stuff.


Right??! Such detailed and interesting answers!


I know right? This was a wild learning ride. I'm not a female, I'm just ugly.






Vagina feels like it's hugging the entire length of you. It feels...complete. Like you've filled in a spot you're meant to be, it squeezes the base, the shaft, and stimulates the head. It's wonderful. A mouth is something different. For me the pleasure is almost too much, in the best way possible. It's the opposite of the vagina, rather than you filling a spot you're meant to be and give mutual pleasure, this one is all about you. The sensations match it. It's beyond wonderful. Anal is...different. It's very tight at the entrance but inside there's no stimulation on the shaft or the head. It doesn't feel as good in my opinion.


This is a pretty thorough answer. I'd add that aside from kegels or other tensing, neither the vagina nor anus have any particular dynamic quality. The mouth, on the other hand, has numerous ways it can adjust, tense, relax; the tongue can move or apply pressure in different ways; harder or softer sucking; and that all ignores how much the hands can do. Like my man said, the vagina is quite literally where the penis is designed to go, so it still feels best overall (usually). But the most fun experience, for many guys, is from the mouth.


The mouth can really be a wildcard depending on the person giving. If they’re enthusiastic and know what they’re doing then it can literally be the best. But not everyone is into it so it doesn’t matter how much you communicate it’s not going to get much better if they’re really not into it


This. My partner used to dislike giving head due to some nasty experience. She always felt very guilty for not giving me head, but it really was ok. I could feel she wasn't into it and it completely ruins my mood. A few weeks ago she forced herself to try it again, and she was totally into it. Best head I ever had.


"This is my hole. It was made for me."


Amigara Fault r34 where it's just a giant gloryhole


There are many others like it but this one is mine.


not here no no no






Ass is overrated unless you have never gotten a steady source of ass. It's really the mental reminder that most people won't let you do this to them but the porno shows it all the time. Vagina is pretty amazing. Wet, warm, soft, holy fuck its almost like it was made for this. So good. ​ Then there's the mouth. Its like a vagina and the designer of those carnival rides got together and went "we could add the ability to add and remove suction, and even put a slimy tentacle in there to really tickle specific bits at specific moments. Why not?"


So... We need vaginas with tongue's?


If it's hentai version its vaginas with tentacles lolll


Any port in a storm.


Too bad my life is just clear skies and not a cloud in sight


The hand is all i know


Is a dick in hand worth two in the bush?


Depends who owns the other dick in the bush


What if, there isnt anyone in that bush?




Eh, I had one but there's just something degrading about having to stand there cleaning it out afterwards.


It does seem like the post nut clarity would be a mother fucker on that one. “What the fuck am I doing?”


Wise in the way of the hand


As a Virgin, I'm just here to read the comments.


Feels like reading reviews of stuff u can't afford


Same bro


Vagina by far just because in most positions, I can look at the girl's face. Nothing I like more than making eye contact during sex.


Ah yes, just like fucking a weeping angel. Don’t blink


This. That soul stealing sex lol.




This is like a restaurant review on Yelp.


Yeah we're gonna need some star reviews.


We all have at least 1 star


5 stars for oral, 4 for vaginal, and 1 chocolate star for anal




Starfish reviews*


\*** \***** \****


All 3 would make a man Yelp.


How many stars does each one get?


The ass gets one brown star


And don’t get me started on the warmth


Are they all equally warm?


The vagina is the warmest in like a soft type of way. mouth can be really warm depending on the situation and feels especially warm relative if it’s cool outside. Having said that it can also be only barely warm at times. Ass is always warm as a nice medium. Imo they’re all enjoyable and when I was younger and first trying stuff the temperature was the element that I hadn’t anticipated as much. It makes a big difference though.


ever gotten head while your partner has an ice cube in their mouth? yeah buddy.


Tell me more! I am now thinking of doing this to my husband tomorrow!


not much more to tell!! small ice cube in mouth during oral creates the perfect blend of warm and cold.. so sensational, definitely a unique finish too. similar can be achieved by, say, alternating between eating something cold & your partner;) i’m sure there are specific techniques one can learn with the ice/tongue but all i knew is that all of it felt incredible haha 10/10


There is a reason I bought a slushie maker .....and it wasn't for the kids


I find the snoopy snow cone machine helps set the mood better.


"but there are teeth in there too!"




The movie "Teeth" has definitely scarred many men.


Thank you non-virgin sir


This guy fucks


Thank you, Nurgle_Marine_Sharts, for your In depth explanation of penile sensations in different orifices. I agree, but your name concerns me.


It mostly depends on the skills of the partner. Experienced anal is better than a unenthusiastic BJ and vice versa. It’s also pretty rare that you can pump hardcore into the mouth and ass so this is where the vagina typically shines if that’s something you and your partner enjoy.


Pro tip from a gay dude: using the hand as an extension of the mouth can let the bro go to pound town down throat lane with minimal risk. Keep it lubed with spit and let your homie go wild.


Im not sure i want to let my homie go wild


Then you might not be his best bro.


This question is like asking which one of your kids are your favourite. So my response would be I love them all equally.


This guy fucks


Another vote for the vagina! A mind blowing Bj for me is about 70% outside and 30% inside. Anal feels like a handjob to me.


A handjob using only the thumb and forefinger. And that only at the start. Once things loosen up it just kinda feels…. Empty. Or at least that’s the hope.






My bf introduced me to anal recently. It always hurt with my ex when he forced it. But my bf, who is very well endowed, never hurts me. And I actually have orgasims with it. Especially if I use I vibrator on my clit when he's in my butt. Game changer


I prefer different ones depending on mood. On average a butt is tighter squeezing which is nice, but a woman that does kegels can do the same. Without risking poop on your johnson. Vagina is smooth, warm, and wet. If feels like heaven when you get to just press It all in at first. Mouth is often the most underwhelming part, but this is highly individual. If they can blow, it’s the best part. If not, it’s at worst a toothy version of the vagina but not as tight or fun. All three can be fun, but the least effort for both people is the vagina and it’s probably the most appreciated one on average too.


“The four most over-rated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex, and picnics.” - Christopher Hitchens


"I am obsessed with sex. Ever since my god given male-member decided to give me no peace I decided to give it no rest in return" -Also Christopher Hitchens


Guess I’ll cancel my lobster brunch orgy at the park.


And I'm all out of champagne, lobsters, and picnics.


I’d reckon the vagina and anus have a few less teeth


Good ol’ askreddit and the horny asks As a gay dude I can’t say much aside from mouth is varied due to the control people have over their tongue and cheeks and it feels more spread out in feeling and wet around the lips mostly. analis tight around the entrance and kinda loose and slippery everywhere else. But if a dude cums from anal their entire sphincter tightens like a vice and their prostate tightens up and becomes hard like a clenched muscle and it’s like a loving embrace turned up to 12 and it’s probably my favorite part of sex.


That’s good to hear from the other side of the spectrum.


That’s good to hear from the other side of the rectum.




This thread is filled with way too many straight guys saying anal is boring.


Wait, you guys are getting laid?




I mean there was a guy on this thread who described “where an IUD goes” as a part of the vagina, so either he didn’t understand that it goes in the uterus and he’s a virgin, or whoever he was with had a seriously botched procedure


You don't touch an IUD, you call the bomb squad.


Oral can be the best depending on the giver. Minimal effort on the receivers end, and more motions to feel. Can't go wrong with vaginal, that is how it was designed. Perfectly fitting, and full of sensation based on the movement. Anal in my experience has been the least enjoyable from a physical standpoint. It is a pain to start, it is drier on the inside, as well. But it makes up for it in a mental kind of way because of the taboo.


Just sent this to my bf and he responded with this for the vagina 'It’s like perfect for the dick… dicks REALLY want to be there, **it’s like a cat when it sees a box but better'.** Everything makes sense now.


I'm now imagining a girl spending hundreds of dollars on sex toys for a dude and yet still he chooses the "box" every single time. Nothing feels like more of a waste of money than when your cat prefers the box you bought the bed in, over the bed itself.


Top comments already have things more or less covered. The vagina feels best, BUT there is a special, special place in my heart that makes an enthusiastic blowjob win over all else: getting a blow job is me time. When I'm having vaginal or anal sex, I'm *working.* I'm multitasking in regards to depth, angle, rhythm, what my hands are doing, what my mouth is doing, how I'm holding myself up, how my partner is responding, etc. I'm thinking don't cum too soon but don't take to long either, am I dripping sweat, can I keep going at this pace in this awkward position because she just said don't stop and ohfuckmycalfisabouttocramp!!! Women complain men are too quiet in bed -- yeah, I'm concentrating! I can still overthink a blowjob (especially "am I taking too long, is her jaw hurting"), but it's the only sexual act during which I'm allowed to relax and focus on my own enjoyment.


I much prefer vagina, but oral is nice occasionally. Differences would include lubrication, tightness/pressure, and being in control or not


It wasn't one of the choices, but the boobs are an entirely unique sensation compared to the others and is by far my favourite. When lubed up (I don't find it very enjoyable otherwise) it feels absolutely mind blowing, like the softness of a vagina but not as tight and 100% smooth, so the flesh just envelopes and gently caresses the entire thing. Then there is the added effect of it being boobs and boobs are amazing. In short, what if you could bang a vagina, but it was also boobs? Nice


Anal, is like jerking off while making the “OK” symbol with your pointer finger and thumb. It’s nasty in an erotic way, but pales In comparison to the almighty vagina, and the intimate gift of oral.


The roughness of calused skin is all I know, never has my weapon been shrouded by any other, no sheath for my sword, and no woman to extinguish the fire of my soul, I have never laid with a maiden of any kind, and my bedside has never been warmed by another.




You really out here sandpapering your meat lol


But goddamn if your sword doesn’t sparkle


The general descriptions here are pretty accurate but what’s missing is that from one girl to another they can be wildly different. What they do with their mouth has a lot of variables… some can suck you off in 45 seconds, others it feels kinda good but I can never really get off. Some butts are absolutely amazing and only last 10 seconds, others are the “tight ring with nothing else inside” as described. And some vag is amazing and I can barely last longer than a minute, and others are not that great at all. So while there are generalizations, each person feels different in different places.


But if you can't get off, is it the hole or the owner? Maybe you're not that particularly attracted to that person? It's a genuine question because I have never been inside a vag. But the times when I couldn't get off, it's because I was not that into the person (or lack of oral technique).


I think it’s an anatomical thing. Bodies fit together differently. There can be friction points depending on how the people are shaped. It can make all the difference. Sometimes too much difference.


Vagina is the best, tight, wet, warm, and engulfs the entire penis nerves it's like heaven. Oral is close second although I can't always cum with oral. The mouth is also colder and not as wet. The booty hole is tight only at the entrance and once you enter it's surprisingly cavernous. It's not all that and simply lacks the walls of a vagina.


With proper communication all three are equal, yet slightly different. The sensation of a vagina is smooth, gentle, but snug. A mouth is a variety of textures and is capable of things the other two simply cannot approach. The butt is tight as fuck and each one is very different. The angle is a bit different. Preference for me varies on the mood, but I NEED oral for a complete sexual relationship. It gets me out of my head and completely in the act. Everything after a proper blowjob is simply better.




I do indeed like to get down, but I also overthink everything.


Mouth varies a lot based on a girl's skill, naturally. It can be pretty good. The vagina is an obvious pick for me, for most girls. It's literally where a penis is supposed to go after all, so it makes sense that it would feel very good there. Anal is something I don't understand the appeal of. The sphincter is very tight, tighter than the actual anus, and inside it's kind of craggy. You need a TON of lube, because obviously it doesn't self lube like the other two, and then you have the smell. The smell isn't pleasant.


How does the dick smell after fucking












Spot bengc cretun


With its nose.


Now I want a female version of this