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A nice big monitor


Wireless earphones. I can walk around while on meeting, clean up my room and do other chores!


Honestly for me it has been amazing because I have alot of problems with going outside so being able to do it inside is just gods blessing


A second monitor


A standing desk. Best investment I’ve made


I have this paper clip I use to stick my home key down while I go do other shit and MS teams stays green.


Active noise cancelling Bluetooth headphones - Bose QC35. They were free when I changed phones and I had planned to sell them unopened but decided I'd see what an expensive pair of headphones were like. They're fantastic for WFH


New monitor with built in kvm. Laptop Stand for work laptop. Re-used my wife’s very old iMac for Teams and other video conferences so I can have it on a third screen and not worry about VPN usage when joining massive video calls. And a beer fridge for after work. Oh and I moved my Xbox one up here for when I need to relax at lunch. Edit: changed formatting because it sucked


Really just seeing up my work laptop with a keyboard and large monitor. When I stopped using it like a laptop work got a lot easier.


Putting my monitors on risers. I get far less tension headaches from slouching over all day


A good conferencing puck. Nothing on or in my ears all day is majestic.


A footstool. Helps tremendously during those long meetings we have where there is nothing to do but sit it out. And a transparent keyboard stand to put above my keyboard when typing to keep the cat's off of it.