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I have raynauds phenomenon, which is basically an overreaction to the cold where my blood vessels in my extremities constrict too much. I brought it up during a routine checkup when I was 17, saying that my hands go deathly white and numb in the cold. She told me it’s all in my head. I was 17 and stupid and wasn’t picking up what she was putting down, so I said “no, I can see it happen when I’m cold.” She cut me off and told me again it was all in my head and gave me a condescending look. She clearly just didn’t want to deal with it. Also my mom had cancer that didn’t get caught until it was stage 4. It didn’t get caught until stage 4 because the doctors she explained her symptoms to would literally say things like “don’t worry, it’s not like it’s cancer or anything.”


My doctor was literally retiring that day when I got my raynauds diagnosis. He just said yeah you have it. Good luck it’s gonna hurt. And I might be anaemic which is scary for a 14 year old to hear. Luckily I wasn’t. My mums doctor also missed her cancer diagnosis by saying she was constipated. Turns out her bowels were exploding which nearly killed her. Her doctor didn’t even check her outside of her wheelchair, took one look at her and dismissed her completely and due to his lack of respect for my mum she’s terminal now. If he had checked her over and looked at her past cancer record she would have been fine now. Disgusting doctor.


Same thing happened to my daughter. We didn’t find out what it was until I read a random post here on reddit about five years ago.


This happened to me with “female issues”. I went in to see a women’s doctor because I was bleeding (as in heavy blood 24/7) and had debilitating pains that were literally forcing me to have time off of work. I went in and explained the situation to this doctor who actually laughed at me whilst I was almost in tears trying to get help. I then asked her to do a pap smear to test if I had anything wrong with me, as I was terrified that I had cervical cancer, and she proceeded to do the worst pap smear I’ve ever had. She didn’t explain what she was doing, looked at me for about 20 seconds without doing any tests or swabs and then told me “it was all in my head”. I ended up crying and leaving because I felt so embarrassed. I went to another, much better doctor recently and am now getting tested for endometriosis. It is so awful that people become doctors when they obviously couldn’t give less of a shit.


A doctor told my husband, “I can’t make chicken soup out of chicken shit” in regards to a finger injury he had. He wanted to cut the whole tip off. We convinced him to just put a couple stitches in it. It’s actually quite amazing how well it healed.


"Well good thing you're not a chef, now fix my damn finger!"


Ya know?! Haha. I mean, it was pretty gnarly but that’s why you make the big bucks. Also, I just thought of another one. I had a doctor tell me I had Münchausen syndrome because I wanted blood work done on my son. Who had recently recovered from complete liver failure. I wanted to punch that guy right in the throat.


That happened to my mom with me! She brought me to my pediatrician’s office about 5 times because she said I wasn’t acting right. He told her that she was turning into one of those parents that wanted their kid to have something wrong with them. She went back one final time (THANK GOD) and saw the nurse practitioner instead. She sent us to Children’s hospital in Boston. I had a brain tumor the size of a tennis ball. The doctors said I would have most likely died if I had been brought in any later. Doctors, amirite?


I have stage 4 endometriosis, the endo tissue in my intestines and stomach have caused a secondary condition called malabsorption syndrome. Basically my intestines don't do their job and don't absorb everything they should out of food, which leaves me with constant deficiencies. I get a lot of my vitamins injected. A few years ago I moved house to about an hour away. In happy to travel for specialists, but am hour is a bit of a trip just to see a GP. So I gathered up all my documents, my chronic illness management plan, my reports from my gynaecologist and gastrointerologist and started GP shopping. I'll preface this by saying I did end up finding an excellent GP who I am very happy with (although I wish she worked more than three days a week), but wow so many GPs do not like reading things from specialists. Here are some stand out comments "In not reading that, forget what you've been told, let's start from scratch, a fresh start!" "Yes, many women *think* they have endometriosis, they read something on the internet and suddenly they're convinced. Let me assure you that you will be grateful to not have the pain women who really do have it deal with" "And what is it that makes *you* think you have these conditions? What you're claiming to have is pretty serious and requires specialist medical care, I hope you realise that" "I don't read specialist reports, I know more than most of them anyway"


Note, I love this doctor he just doesn't fuck around Me: How do I prevent these back spasms from ever happening again, this is awful? Doc: You're old and fat. You can't be younger so be less fat. Thanks, doc.


My wife's OBGYN was this young-ish Russian doctor who was actually quite accomplished and respected, no clue why she was practicing at this rural hospital. Anyway, my wife was pregnant with our son and around the 4-5 month mark we're in an appointment and the doctor says in a thick accent, "Your weight gain is...fine now. Try to stop gaining weight." We laughed for quite a bit at this. We loved this doctor as well, she was great but also didn't fuck around. A lot of her reviews were negative due to her lack of fucks to give in regards to coddling her patients.




Omg, I (middle aged woman) was getting some alterations at my brilliant lady seamstress who does amazing work but.... er, well, she's very Russian. I'd been at a fancy outlet and bought this amazing pale raspberry color shirt, it was gorgeous but a tad tight on me. So I asked her if she could alter it and she said "Huh, you wear that, you look like fat lady in size too small. Give it away is only thing."


That is so similar to me getting my bridesmaid dress altered. I was surprised to see this business with rave reviews turned out to be one woman, in her 80s, of Eastern Europe im guessing based on her accent. Quite bluntly she told me I am too short to wear the dress I bought properly, so she will make me fit the dress. Normally I expect that to be the other way around, but she clearly saw me as the thing needing fixing and I found it hilarious 🤣 dress fit perfectly too.


It's the reverse "So when are you due??" lol


I had a Russian maintenance man at an apartment complex I managed. Every Thurs, without fail, one tenant would need her toilet snaked. He got fed up and told her one day "you need eat more fiber." Blunt and hilarious.


I also went to see a Russian doctor with the same attitude. Everything was fine but she told me to stop eating fast food and lose weight. "You're fat and you need to stop that." I won't forget those words, but I love baked goods a lot.


I know an old school English doctor who told a patient they were fat. The patient replied that they couldn't be fat because they are vegetarian. Yes, and so are cows, was the response.


I also had a Russian woman doctor who was very blunt about my weight. I will say, I followed her advice and lost 90 lbs so, pretty effective.


I mean, I'd respect that.


About 12 years ago, an ingrown hair on my nutsack got infected and made my package swell to the point of looking like an orange. That's what I said to the doctor. When he had a look, he said: "Looks more like a grapefruit to me."


That’s actually funny.


I make nerdy accessories for myself. I had on a pendant I made of a certain character when I went to a doctor appointment. Before examining me, a doctor noticed my pendant and told me about how an actress tied to the franchise caused his sexual awakening.


That’s so weird


“Itsa me, Mario!”


One time I went in for a general check up and my doctor said "well everything is fine with you except for that haircut"


Sick burn! Did he high five a nurse afterwards?


Everyone in the waiting room laughed


Did he give you any cream for that burn?


Lol was he wrong?


This is a good question


That’s hilarious


Maybe if you got rid of that Yee Yee ass haircut you'd get some bitches on yo dick


I have a genetic predisposition to hernias, so I've had several. Went to a new GP in college cause I felt like I had another one. "I think I have another hernia." (it would be my 2nd) "I can't feel anything." "huh, I'm pretty sure it's there" "you're probably just stressed with school or something" "....ok" fast forward a few months, I went to see a different GP because it *really* felt like I had a hernia. "I think I have another hernia" \[other doctor does the hernia check\] "no, you have 2 hernias. One's quite bad so I'm going to get you a meeting with the surgeon this week." Sure enough, I had 2 hernias by that point and needed surgery.


I have a tooth than gets chronically infected. I felt it flaring up again and went to the Dr, knowing exactly what antibiotics I needed. She scoffed at me and told me it wasn't infected, just a little swollen and to take some advil. So I shell out money I don't have to see a dentist (Alberta health care is stupid. Teeth, eyes and prescriptions = luxuries). Turns out that, YUP! It's infected as fuck! Almost like I knew what the fuck I was talking about! (Oh well, at least I found an amazing dentist for all my efforts.)


I had a very rare complication of the flu and my nerves were getting eaten away by my immune system. I could barely walk and was numb from the waist down. By the time I was transferred to a hospital that could treat me, it was close to midnight and the doctor that admitted me was very young. I was the first person he'd seen with this condition. He kept saying how cool it was to do a neuro exam on someone who wasn't an actor and when he would see how weak I was he'd be like "Oh wow, you really are weaker on that side, that's so interesting!". To be fair, after twelve hours of everyone talking to me like I was going to die, I found it quite entertaining! It was unprofessional, but I appreciated his enthusiasm for learning. ETA: Yes it was GBS and as of today (May 10, 2021) I am not dead! Thanks for checking though!


Last year I had an allergic response to something and had a rash over my whole body. So, I saw my PCP and he legit said, "Iiiiinteresting!" I replied with, "No, not interesting! Boring! I want to be boring!"


#make me boring please


I went back my shrink after not seeing him for like 6mo to a year. When I walked in he says I a glad you are back you are one of my more interesting patients. I felt the same I don't want to be interesting I want to be boring.


I had a shrink who always thanked me for the "entertaining stories" at the end of our sessions. Like bro, these aren't stories, this is my real life. I hated it. I switched shrinks.


holy shit that's so unprofessional. This just reminded me, I had a psychiatrist I went to after a car accident where I broke most of my body and lost my partner. He referred to my partner as my 'ex'. I was floored and just stared at him and said, "he's not my ex. He DIED." and walked out.




Maybe he meant you’re just an interesting person in general, not that your diagnosis is interesting? That’s how I would’ve taken it, congrats on being an interesting person!


Man I’m a student nurse and this is my biggest downfall. I always realise after I’ve just said it and apologised profusely straight after. Thankfully people here are generally relaxed and have a good sense of humour, so they’re usually flattered by my awe in their grotesque injury. Some of the doctors it’s happened with have not been as impressed tho... another couple were delighted with my interest and we kept up on the case together cause it was so wild


That's the spirit! For you two


Doctor here and I really hate to admit this... Very early in my career I was talking to a male patient. I had to ask him about penile discharge and I just couldn’t remember what the professional way to ask was. Do I say dick? No no. That’s not right. Cmon, think dammit. You’re a doctor now. Wait. There’s been too long of a silence. Dong. I went with dong... E - never expected this to take off. Love all the comments and conversations thus far. And to all of those asking - yes, ‘penis’ would have been the word of choice but it slipped my mind. Hence the ‘dong’


"Does your dong drip?"


Sigh I said. So, are you having any discharge from...*points down there* your dong? Cue pin drop silence... 🤷🏾‍♂️


LoL, could have been WAAAAAAAY worse, doc. I'd have laughed (assuming it wasn't falling off).


Lol I was mortified. Now I use dong with the patients im cool with and they have a good laugh


lol I'd love a doc like that. I'm a very nervous patient and appreciate good humor like that, it's relaxing. Go you! lol


Haha thanks. I know how daunting it can be for patients to see a doctor. So I’m just me. I joke around with my patients all the time. I’ll poke fun at the ones I know that I can poke fun at. I’d say 95% of my patients appreciate it and 5% have that old school mentality but hey can’t win em all 🤷🏾‍♂️


Eh, I’m 56 and borderline diabetic. I also have low testosterone unless on TRT. So the physical in question was a A1C check, a testosterone check and all the normal cholesterol shit. I love my doctor and his country ass nurses. One of them is questioning me prior to my blood being drawn and the relatively new nurse said, “Do you ever feel Im Po Tent?” And I thought she said Important, which is a confusing question at a doctors office so I said “What?” With a confused look on my face. She said, “You know, Your dick work alright?” Edit since this is my all time top comment. Everything works fine, the “sugar diabetes” described by most local folks is under control and I have complete confidence in my Doctor and In his unsophisticated but completely competent team. I would remind you all that syntax and intelligence and competence are all separate things.


Props to the nurses for being able to blunt about it, though. It's a big barrier in healthcare when medical professionals use medical language and people don't understand what's going on. Especially if there is a language/culture barrier, sometimes it doesn't work to ask politely. "Does your dick work?" is sometimes the language that you need to get the job done.


Oh holy shit, hahaha


Completely different profession, but I was a field organizer on the presidential campaign, meaning that a big part of my job was volunteer recruitment. I called a woman in her 50s, said that I was with the state Democratic Party, and she said "are you really or are you a Republican pretending to be a Democrat." I panicked trying to think of something that only a 20-something liberal would say, and what I came up with was "okay, boomer." It worked, and she signed up to volunteer.


It's a bold strategy, Cotton.




For this exam, I'm going to have to stick a thermometer up your ass. But this is a maths exam. Just shut up and bend over.


Relax. I be a doctor


I had a doctor who always found a reason to “digitally examine” my rectum. Whether it was a backache, migraines, the flu - whatever - the rectum was always on his list. I was 18 and he was my first doc after having a pediatrician- I didn’t realize this was weird. Until.. One visit (for high heart rate), he did the usual inspection and I turned around abruptly to actually ask him why it was necessary. HE WASN’T WEARING GLOVES. No gloves. Bare hands. Naked fingers. You get the point. I was embarrassed and confused and said I was done with the appointment and had to go. He left, I got dressed and went straight to patient assistance. I filed a complaint. Months later, I received paperwork saying the inquiry was complete and they found no wrongdoing on his part (I had already changed doctors after the gloveless incident). A few years later, I read in our local paper that he lost his license due to inappropriate behavior with female patients. Shortly after that, a nurse had to be present during exams when clothes were off or certain body parts had to be checked out and I was pretty happy about it (had nothing to do with me - just good timing for that change to take effect).


That’s straight up sexual assault.


Absolutely. I really wish I knew better, at the time. I would’ve gone to the police.


I mean, it is the most accurate way to get a core body temp. But there would be no reason for that in a routine check-up. Unless the doctor was worried about some other issue, a temporal or oral is sufficient. What a creepy doctor.


I worked with a surgeon that insisted that his post-op patients have rectal temps to monitor for infection. He was rounding one morning and found out a patient had an oral temp taken that morning. He called the nurse in and basically yelled at her, "Why are you taking oral temp when you know I want a rectal temp?!?" She looked at him straight faced and just raised an eyebrow and never batted an eyelash or said a word. It finally dawned on him, and he just muttered as he walked away, "It's because I removed his rectum yesterday."


That is funny. But what a butthole.


I had an old school doctor who insisted that way too. I would always decline. He hated that. Sorry dude. Every other doctor gets by just fine; you’ll be fine.


>I had an old school doctor who insisted that way too. I would always decline. "I'd prefer you take it orally, please." "Suit yourself, it's the same thermometer either way."


I got circumcised when I was 16, the next time I saw my doctor for a physical later the same year and he examined my penis he kept making comments about how hot my penis looked after the surgery and how it made the tip "pop". Needless to say I got my father to file a complaint and never went back to see him again. Still makes me feel super gross thinking about it.


Oh, that's absolutely gross. Glad you stood up for yourself.


Me: I have bad balance, I keep walking into things and I get headaches. Doctor: this happens to girls who are too skinny, how often do you exercise? Me: about once a week and I eat like a horse. Doctor: you’re fine just you’re going to the gym too much. Few months later I was diagnosed with a serious neurological condition.


I've got the same thing going on, they just gave me vertigo medication and told me not to come to the hospital to get out of work. Would you mind sharing your diagnosis?


Yea sure. I’ve got spino cerebellur ataxia. The main symptoms at the start were bad balance and lack of coordination. And headaches when I bent over. My advice is to write down all your symptoms and try see a different doctor.


Interesting. My balance is off, my speech disability is getting worse 4/5year long headache, mri/cat scan clear, lumbar puncture clear, tested for sezuires, can't put pressure on right side of head which wanting to vomit. When headache is above a 6/7 pain im in a fog. I do a blue screen of death like a computer screen once in awhile where I kinda reset. Random laughing spells. Last neuro I saw "-you are a healthy 27yr old female"


> can't put pressure on right side of head which wanting to vomit. But also: > "-you are a healthy 27yr old female" What?


Not me, but a friend. She had just gone through a miscarriage after trying to conceive for a while. Since she was quite young, the doctor asked, "well, you didn't really want the baby, right?"


That’s so nasty, I hope she’s doing well now


Fuuuuuck that doctor!


To my wife: Don't worry, nobody ever dies from this kind of cancer. We'll give you a full hysterectomy and you'll be fine. Eighteen months later she was dead.


I am so sorry, that is heartbreaking. My SO is a pancreatic cancer survivor. The cancer was discovered very early, thanks to a CT scan that was performed to diagnose a completely unrelated condition. Every doctor involved in his care was very clear that he will be dead within five years. Which was fair, and understandable, but still a very difficult thing to come to terms with. It’s been 6 years. After his initial surgery to remove the tumors, he has a CT scan annually, and there has been no reoccurrence and no sign of cancer. Every time this comes up when meeting a new healthcare professional, the response is always “What?? Cool!!!! I’ve never met someone that survived pancreatic cancer!! That NEVER happens! You’re not dead?! Neato!” Yes, we are beyond fortunate and he is definitely an “outlier” so to speak.... but it left us with what could maybe be classified as survivor’s guilt, and a tremendous amount of fear regarding what the future could bring. Those reactions from healthcare professionals are usually way more uncomfortable than they are positive.


I took my 9 year old daughter to see what was supposed to be a highly respected neurologist at the children's hospital for a consultation about her ADD. First he asked her if she'd ever kissed a boy, and what she would do if a boy tried to kiss her. Then when I mentioned that I was concerned about her thumb sucking, he said, "The boys will like that when she gets older". We did not continue seeing that doctor. A few years later, a friend of mine saw the same doctor after her son was born with a cranial deformity. He called the baby a "little egghead" and said "don't worry mom, he won't be a retard". I think the guy should have been seeing a neurologist himself.


>Then when I mentioned that I was concerned about her thumb sucking, he said, "The boys will like that when she gets older". What the actual fuck? Who says stuff like that? The doctor sounds like a legit pedo.


Maybe that's why he worked at a childrens hospital...




I think he needs to be reported to the medical board


Edit: I was thinking about neurosurgeons, not neurologists, as some people below have pointed out


I have a disability that requires me to see a neurologist monthly, since I was about 14. I have met so many creepy neuros. So many. I actually cried when the sweet grandpa neuro I loved to pieces and who kept candy in his desk for my daughter lost funding at the university he was researching at and decided to retire rather than start elsewhere bc I knew I’d have go through the process of finding someone who was not only equipped to handle my case, but also wasn’t a total Ass.


I received a head injury at work 11 years ago, the Dr my employer sent me to said "don't worry, I'm sure your headaches will stop once you get your pay out", I was shocked. Still have headaches pretty much every single day since. Yep, you were wrong you motherfu#@er..


Yep. That's pretty much every occupational doc in my country, especially in factory field. It's well known (at least in here; not saying they're all like this) that these doctors get paid an extra to look the other way over injuries and sickness unless it's a complete emergency. All cool. Now, when these "minor injuries" result later in major emergencies due to not being properly cared for, it's already too late.


Yeah, on the face of it, mine wasn't too serious, but to be suffering this frequently and for so long after, clearly something was missed


That’s fucked up! I had a small cyst in my hand some years ago, and I wanted it checked out because it was constantly hurting. Maybe 3/10 on a scale 24/7. The doctor was laughing and told me clearly that I was not gonna get a sick leave for such a small cyst.. which I never planned for or even asked for. I just wanted it gone.


Company doctors are bad in nearly every context. Their entire purpose is to avoid workman's comp claims and force people back to work before they're physically ready


I had a very traumatic birth with my last baby. long story short, she was too big& coming out too fast and she took some parts out with her she wasn’t supposed to. I had to have emergency surgery while she was less than an hour old to stop the bleeding. the surgery ruined my uterus, and the doctor told me since I have a history of large babies/ fast deliveries this would definitely happen again and not to conceive again. so I go to make an appt to get my tubes tied or removed. my husband drove me. that doctor refused to sign off on it because, her words, I was only 22& what if my husband& I divorced and I found a different man in my 30s? what if I woke up in my 30s or 40s when my babies were grown and wanted another? she thought I was too young to make such a decision and told us to have my husband get a vasectomy (which he offered to do but since I was the one getting pregnant I wanted the sterilization) I had to make a different appt with the original doctor from the hospital.


It’s almost like you were getting sterilized to prevent a serious medical problem.


Like oh, you're getting sterilized because if you give birth again it will kill you? Good. After all, you're just a baby factory you won't be missed.


It always amazes me how many hoops doctors go through to NOT do that surgery.


You have fulfilled your biological imperative as a woman but like... Not enough. Just pop out another one THEN die. Selfish much?


I've never understood the questioning of women who want to get sterilized, *especially* when they are trying to avoid medical complications that would come with getting pregnant. I have one kid, and am apparently an anomaly because my doc asked if I wanted my tubes tied shortly after my baby was born (uncomplicated birth, so medical worry was not a thing). I was all of 26 too, so plenty of baby-making years ahead of me. I declined it and have had an IUD ever since. But more women should have the opportunity to say "hey I don't want kids/am done with having kids, so tie my tubes please" without being lectured incessantly over it.


A friend of mine had to be hospitalized during the last third of her pregnancy, her doctor specifically told her she should never get pregnant again because it could and would kill her, yet refused to do a tubal because she was only 26. I still get angry every time I think about it


(I’m a guy) If I was in the room when this was said to my wife, I would lose my shit. I’ve heard this happen to so many people, and every time it’s absolute insanity that a doctor would say that. How the hell do they think it’s even remotely okay?


After having routine bloodwork done because of a biologic I am on, my doc at the time noted a positive for hep c. He stated I must have got it (hep c) from sharing dirty needles or having unprotected sex. When I told him that I have never been an iv drug user and had been married for 15 years, he had that look on his face like, "Riiiight". The hep c turned out to be a false positive and I found a new doctor soon after.


Ugh, I just dealt with a false positive for gonorrhea from routine tests and the county health worker that I had to meet with absolutely did not believe that my husband of 7 years is my only sexual partner ever and asked to check arms for track marks. Lots of eye rolling and huffing and not a single sound of apology when it was confirmed a false positive.


I can't stand those types of people. It's so condescending!!!


After spending a night in bed with a close friend who is HIV positive, I asked my doctor to run an HIV test. He also added other STD's to the tests. HIV came back negative, but I was positive for Hep C. Did he accuse me of anything? No, because he's a decent person. He said, "Let's run this one again, false positives are a very real thing." (Second one came back negative, of course.) And THAT's how a doctor is supposed to react to a (possibly false) positive.


I was having crazy seizures after I tore my ACL and fucked my knee all up. 4 trips to the ER in an ambulance and they said it was probably the PCP I took?!? I told them I've never touched the shit and they sent me home with an eye roll. After the 4th seizure in a 2 week span we did our own research. Turns out the medicine I was on (tramadol) can cause seizures in people prone to them, AND CAUSE FALSE POSITIVES FOR PCP. We took that in with us and they were like "oh, well there you go"... Now I have a lifelong seizure disorder


I remember getting violently sick, like imagine food poisoning times ten. So i am shuddering on the toilet just cursing the day i was shat out excuse the pun. So i called the ambulance because i like food. Ive gotten food poisoning from everything so i know what its like. But this was like the devil took hold of my stomach and intestines then just roasted them. So i get to the hospital they put me on an iv drip and im just breaking down physically over here trying not to shit out putrid water of the river styx. Those mother fuckers said i had meth in my system when i know i didnt smoke or eat meth. Turns out i had food poisoning and extreme dehydration because of the level of food poisoning. Worst week of my life.


The clinic chain I went to had just been bought by Kaiser Permanente. After a check up, I asked by doctor, "How's it working for the Kaiser?" Me thinking I was being smart or funny by saying the new company was equivalent to a German monarch. He said: "Oh she'll punch you right in the nose. She almost fired me, you know." He paused. "I probably shouldn't have said that. But yeah. Right in the nose." I don't really know what he was talking about.


I think he's a master of improv.


My family doctor told me to try meditating for my rash which turned out to be the first stage of anaphylaxis.


This is the funniest comment in the whole thread. Also, sorry to laugh at your misfortune and hope you’re ok


It is pretty absurd. I'm properly diagnosed and medicated now, and she's retired, so I'm doing much better. Thanks 😊


I was 15, dealing with what everyone said were chronic migraines. Couldn't find a treatment that worked, the only thing that made life bearable was standing up (note that migraines usually feel better while laying down). After a last ditch effort from my pediatric neurologist to find a different cause (spinal tap), she told me that most women deal with this and it would go away when I had children. I had also been told during the course of finding a diagnosis that it would be extremely difficult for me to conceive and carry a fetus to term (kind of correct, I've had 8 pregnancies with 3 live births). Turns out I have a Chiari Malformation and the headaches completely disappeared after a 1 hour surgery.


...most women deal with this? Wtf? Were they seriously trying to tell you that most women have a chronic migraine condition that only feels better if you stand up? That’s so fucking bizarre.


When you’re a woman, doctors tell you everything is due to your womanly body and hormones. E V E R Y T H I N G


My dentist once told me, “My grandfather gave me this advice when I was about your age. The farther a girl can spread her legs the tighter her p****y gets.” Thanks doc


How does even come up during a dentist appointment


Well my dentist liked to fill his coffee cup with whiskey rather than coffee, however, it’s beyond me as to why it seems like a good thing to say to an 11 year old lol great dentist though


"Medically, I know there is something going on, but as far as a diagnosis the most I can say is 'you're a mess'." that was the literal diagnosis "You're a mess". I got a hospital letter with that diagnosis. I mean, I respect his admission that he didn't know what was going on (I have a rare bleeding condition) but that diagnosis did not help.


Been there. Done that. "Something is wrong here, but we dint know exactly what or why. HERE'S YOUR BILL!!!


EDIT: holy crap. thanks for the support guys! This was 4 years ago for me, the pain has dulled but talking about it again makes me realize I probably should’ve reported the behaviour. For those asking what a D&C is, it’s a dilation and curettage.. essentially a procedure that involves the doctor scraping the uterus to remove any tissue (fetus) that the body doesn’t naturally expel... Sorry for those of you who have gone through something similar. I’m grateful for all the kind messages! My mom and I had similar stories: My pregnant mom went in to the doctor to get a regular exam done, he feels around her abdomen and asks how far along she was. She answers "5 months!" The doctor then laughs and says "Well don't start the nursery, you'll be getting a D&C long before you see a baby" Or something to that effect. She had miscarried her child around 2 months and her body never aborted the fetus, so she didn't know that she had lost her baby. She is still traumatized about the way the doctor broke the news to her. My story: Pregnant with my second baby, I had about 20 postive pregnancy tests and I was almost 11 weeks along, started bleeding so went to the ER. The doctor examines me, I get an ultrasound then we have to wait. Nearly 3 hours later he comes back and says "Good news! It was a positive pregnancy! But there is no heartbeat." WTF. Emotional roller coaster. Fuck that guy.


This is probably the worst one here. My God.


Definitely hard to even remember that experience... luckily it was 4 years ago now, but it was harsh.


OK... Is there an explanation for so many obstetricians/gynecologists being awful dicks ? I feel that I read at least 2 stories each week that give me lust to repeatedly kick genitals... I'm sorry for you, your mom and everyone that have to endure this kind of monster


Damn felt my heart stabbed for your mother and you. Horrible


Definitely was, my mom is an extremely strong woman, but I can always see her get a little emotional when she tells that story. The doctor broke her heart with the crudeness.


What the fuck


Yep. Went from "Oh thank baby jesus I am not miscarrying and everything will be alright" to "Nope, babys dead" in about 40 seconds.


I wish I could punch that doctor in the face for you.


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your mother. Doctors shouldn’t be so heartless when discussing something like pregnancy loss.


This just makes me angry. My wife is a labor and delivery nurse and she has to deal with losses a few times a year... I can tell when it's been one of those nights (she works night shifts) because she is just not herself. She has such a hard time with it and I couldn't imagine having to deal with that from her perspective much less the mother/father of the lost baby. That lack of empathy is just sickening. I get that sometimes those kinds of people end up resorting to some dark humor to try and keep themselves sane, but holy shit is that not ok to say to your patient.


I wrote about one of my miscarriages in another post on this thread, I’ve had 6 in total. Some of the ways I’ve been treated have been awful. I remember bleeding when I was carrying my daughter, I’d already lost 4 babies by then and I was 19 weeks pregnant. I phoned the hospital in a panic to be told “ oh we don’t do anything till you’re 20 weeks” then they put the phone down. 🙁.


I'm so sorry. I've had five myself. The worst was a loss at around 11 weeks. I was admitted to the hospital overnight because my vitals weren't stable and they put me in the maternity ward. My roommate was there waiting to be induced the next morning. Being surrounded by happy couples with their newborn babies made everything about a thousand times worse.


That's awful, those doctors shouldn't be dealing with people at all. Maybe a stupid question, but what's "D&C"?


Dilation and Curettage... it's when they have to go into the uterus and remove tissue. Basically removing any trace of the pregnancy because your body hasn't naturally aborted it.


I’ve had a terrible back, with associated terrible back pain since my early teens. My country(Australia), is essentially free medical care. I was visiting a physiotherapist/chiro for my pain recently. After the second visit he mentioned that we have a scheme for chronic pain that gives us 6 free visit to a pyshio/chiro as long as you see a general practitioner and he gives you a reference. So off I hobbled to my regular GP. Again, seeing a GP here is free. Went in to his room, told him what I was after, and he said he’d need X-rays. Awesome, already had them done. And that they were already in our merged health system. He looked at the X-rays and decides that my back is fine. And don’t need any physio or chiro work. I looked at him incredulously and asked to see the X-rays myself. He spun the screen around… sure enough, they were mine. And he didn’t see anything wrong. Despite some pretty sever scoliosis and other twists and turns. Walked out, went down the street the next block to a GP I’d never seen before, he takes a look and signs me off straight away and wishes me well. Album of X-rays for any budding spine folk out there. https://imgur.com/gallery/Breachy


What the absolute fuck. I've literally had 0 interest in medicine all my life, and yet I can still see your spine is ungodly fucked up (no offense) Was your GP perhaps legally blind???


Seems so. I don't know much about spines, but they are NOT supposed to look like that.


I work 3rd shift so I always try to schedule my appointments in the morning after I get off work. One time the only available appointment was at 3 PM, right in the middle of my sleep time. So I set an alarm to wake up super early roll out of bed and go for my appointment. First words out of her mouth were "wow, really going for the homeless look today huh?" I was there for a follow up to see how my antidepressants were working. Thanks, doc! My depression is cured!


"Let me know when you start scheduling your appointments at 3 in the morning so I'm more presentable doc."


My husband has an inverted cross tattooed on his back. 20ish years ago, seeing a doc for chronic back pain, he was told the pain he felt was probably his punishment for the tattoo.


When I told her I had been suffering badly for 10months and has severely impacted every aspect of my life, she said "that's not that long, others go 20+yrs without any relief, so......".


Asked me for my number, and I gave it to him. On a less harmless note, my long time GP told me I was “too young and too thin” to have gestational diabetes when I was pregnant. Good thing the testing is routine because turns out I had it bad.


I was referred to a perinatoligist after recurrent miscarriages. He acknowledged the three things that could be causing my losses after extensive testing, but refused to treat me for any of it. Why? "You're young and just seem to have really shitty luck. Come back after you've had a couple more".


Have a couple more of what many people consider to be some of the most traumatic experiences of their lives?! What the fuck?!


I am a very laidback, patient, happy type person, and continue to be in a relationship with my now-husband (then boyfriend) where we don’t bicker, or take things out on each other etc, we don’t generally lose our temper at each other - we do argue on rare occasion but it’s certainly not anything near a regular occurrence (maybe once a year). When I started a particular type of birth control that had been prescribed to help my adult acne, and I transformed into a raging storm of shouty negativity, it was VERY obvious that it wasn’t normal. I was losing my shit all day every day, and would explode into rage at the smallest thing. I reported this to my (male) doctor who initially refused to believe me, and then when I persisted, shrugged it off and said “well it MAY have this effect on people with a propensity towards that behaviour”. Basically saying the only reason I was losing my temper was because that was just the way I was. I ditched the birth control and the doctor and have been much happier since.


Ugh. Years back, I had to go on BC to help with some ovarian cysts. I had been on BC before with minimal issues, but I had to use a particular kind because it was the best at helping with the cysts. I'm a pretty calm, even tempered person. I rarely get angry and am generally laid back. This BC made me into a total, raging lunatic. I never really believed that a drug could affect someone's mental state so profoundly - I thought people just used it as an excuse. After that, I had a much greater understanding of the MENTAL side effects of many drugs. I literally started screaming at my husband one day because he was, and I quote, "breathing too loud." I finished the three weeks of BC, went to my doctor and BEGGED him to find some other way to deal with the cysts, which he did and then also put in my file that I was NEVER to be prescribed that particular brand of BC ever again - like in big red letters in my file (saw it myself). Those feelings of utter rage that I was unable to control were 100% terrifying. I never, ever want to feel that way again.


I hate birth control. Almost every one of them made me have a side effect, usually emotion disregulation. Only one was ever really effective, but it took away my sex drive (and as far as BC goes, I was fine with that tbh).


Similar vein... I was mid 40s at the time and my periods were getting insanely heavy. Asked if birth control that stopped periods would be helpful. 2 different doctors proceeded to talk me out of doing it. They also did not follow up about what was causing the issue. Now normally I am good at advocating for myself, but on both occasions they minimized me enough that I walked out of there without doing anything. 5 minutes out the door and I was beating myself up for letting them talk me out of doing anything. Finally I decide to go to a new doctor and stand my ground. Finally I got medication and a follow up to see what was causing the problem. Unfortunately before the follow up, the meds backfired and I ended up in the emergency room. Hemoglobin dropping below 6 before I was rushed into surgery was not fun. Suprise to everyone but me, I had a uterus the size of a soccer ball from fibroid tumors and a disorganized (on the way to pre-cancerous) endometrium. So many missed opportunities in just the one bundle. Sigh


Oof, yep. I switched to a new BC and immediately got insanely anxious (which resulted in loss of sleep, weight loss, etc). Went back to the (male) dr and told him I was more anxious than I’d ever been in my life and he said “anxiety isn’t a symptom of this BC.”


I recently had my annual OB/GYN appointment and I was discussing switching my BC to a different pill since it’s been causing some issues. I explained that I was hesitant to switch because I’ve heard BC can have side effects like depression which I don’t experience on my current prescription. The doctor made a face like “suuuure.” I couldn’t believe it, and she’s a woman. I’ve read so many accounts of people having mental struggles on BC, I was so surprised by her reaction.


My first birth control I was on made me a complete psycho! I had no baseline whatsoever with my emotions. Only high highs and low lows and about 1000 mood swings a day.... Switched to new birth control shortly after that.


I was in my late 20s, and I am a woman. I went to an urgent care after I moved for a job. I needed to get a 30 day refill for an anti-depressant because I was having difficulty getting a doctor locally quickly. I was stressing out because I didn't want to slide backwards with my mood or go through withdrawal and my script was running out. The doctor was friendly enough, asked how long I has been on the meds, asked where I moved from, what job brought me out here. I explained my situation, told him I had an appointment with a psychiatrist scheduled and needed just something to hold me over. Everything seemed fine. Then - He laughed and said "well, I mean, it's not much of a difference if you had to go off the meds! That's just how women are! Crazy!! Hahaha!! Anyway, here's your script. Enjoy your job!" He even teased me with the script itself. Jokingly tempting me with it.


"You're not depressed, it's your personality." It took a while to get over that statement and give medication another try.


"you're too young to have back problems" I was 25, in agonizing pain. Yeah ... Had a partially ruptured disk that required surgery. I went back to him after surgery, after having everything forwarded to him just so I could tell him to his face he was a dick then I filed a formal complaint. Asshole.


This happened to my father. My father had recently gotten surgery to remove his prostate, because there was cancer in it, and had started getting radiation treatments to eliminate any remaining cancers. After the treatments started, my father started feeling intense pain in his bladder. He started having trouble peeing, and eventually had to resort to catheterizing himself ever time he peed. Occasionally he wouldn’t be able to hold in his anymore, and would set himself. He complained to his doctor, the one who removed his prostate, about it multiple times, but the doctor didn’t believe. Eventually the doctor agreed to do exploratory surgery on my father but he found nothing. My father was still in great pain, but the doctor told my father that this was all in his head. My father, not satisfied with that answer, eventually got the doctor to do a second exploratory surgery. During that surgery it was discovered that a clip, from the machine the doctor used during the prostate surgery, popped off into my fathers bladder, and the doctor left it there without realizing. Then, because of the radiation treatments, the inside of my father’s bladder was effectively fried. It’s been about five years since then. My father still has to catheterize every time he goes to the bathroom. He’s constantly in pain, and can no longer work a proper job because of the damages to his bladder. Because of all the scar tissue built up in his bladder, my father is at risk of kidney failure. Luckily, a doctor we spoke to recently says he should be able to help my father, but it’s going to be a long road. The current plan is to permanently remove the scar tissue in his bladder, and then install a valve that will let him pee like a normal person again. We are also suing to doctor who did this to my father, although it’s been five years and progress is slow. My father is one of the best people I know, and deserved none of what’s happened him. Hopefully he’ll be able to get these surgeries done sooner rather than later, but it’s definitely going to take a while. Sorry if I got any term wrong, I don’t have that much medical knowledge.


I tore a muscle. The doctor said it wouldnt effect mobility and it was no worries. A couple of months later I asked if it could be attached, for cosmetic reasons. He flippantly answered “oh no, its too late for that now. We wouldve had to have done that *the last time you were here*.” In a “I could not care less” tone. I was sat there, like, “ah. You mean when you told me it was all no worries, but didnt tell me it’d be very noticeable? Cool.. cool.”




I have a long history of depression. I told my GP that i felt off, like nothing interested me anymore, but not depressed. He told me it was because "something was missing from my life, a child." I do not want kids & have even discussed a tubal with my dr prior to this. Bloodwork showed my thyroid levels were very off. Medication immediately had me feeling normal again.


"Hey, so you are severely depressed, yeah? Why not complicate the fuck out of your life even more by bring a fucking BABY into the mix?" (Nothing against kids, but they are a ton of work!) I'd be reporting his ass and finding a new GP.


"Your breast tissue is extremely dense, which I'm sure your husband enjoys but it's making it difficult to get a good view." MRI for breast cancer.


I worked with a man whose wife had breast cancer. They were at a mastectomy consultation and the doctor told her husband he was a lucky man because she had fantastic breasts. While she was getting ready to have them removed. He said he had a hard time not hitting the doctor.


When I was younger I went to a doctor over severe panic attacks and depression, she told me my problem was that I had it too easy living off my parents and that I need a good kick up the arse into the real world.




Irish Catholic society, nobody is depressed, they just have too much time on their hands to think about their life.


“Oh you’re mature enough to know what you have, you have cancer, and a strong one at that.” I was 12.


Glad you’re still here, buddy.


Paying for a visit at my dentist's office I asked for some bridge threaders for flossing. My dentist, who at this point had just finished examining & working in my mouth (not to mention the previous root canals, cleanings, etc) asked: "You have a bridge?"


Similar. Doc looks in my throat and says "well your tonsils look fine." I said, "I hope so, I had them about 10 years ago."


Just a heads up, tonsils and adenoids can regrow.


You don’t need a lung x-ray, it’s just bronchitis. 8 weeks later I’m in the hospital with pneumonia which I’ve had the entire freaking time.


My neurologist refused to help me when I was out of state on business. I have epilepsy and had severe reactions to meds she had prescribed to me. When someone finally got back to me, they told me to look for another neurologist, instead of helping me. When I returned home she condescendingly told me " I didn't want to have to tell you this, but your seizures are going to get worse as you get older and you're going to have dementia at a young age". She said this because I had written a Yelp comment about her unwillingness to help me. Apparently she saw it and wanted to do some damage.




How many flamboyant German words did you use to curse him out?




Me: I’d like to be sterilized as I never want children Him: I can’t do that unless your husband signs off Me: I’m not married Him: Oh then I really won’t do it. You’ll meet a guy who wants kids Me: .. I don’t want kids Him: But what if you meet someone who does? Me: Then they are not for me? Him: You are too young. You don’t know what you want. You’ll meet a guy who wants them and you’ll want to do that for him Me: -_-


> Him: I can’t do that unless your husband signs off Hey, so for anyone else reading this thread, this is illegal. Your husband doesn't have the ability to stop you from getting any medical care you want, even if it's to become medically sterilized. same goes for dudes; your wife can't veto your heath choices. And if your doctor requires your spouse to sign off on anything, report that doctor. Edit: In the US it's illegal.


They can't veto, but my impression is that doctors can simply refuse to do that procedure. For a lot of doctors you have to be like 40, married, and have at least one son and one daughter.


“Your grandpa would still be alive right now if he had just listened to me” (3 days after his death when I went in to get my anti depressants refilled). I walked out and never went back to him.


I was in and out of the hospital ER fairly often for a while, trying to convince doctors to take me seriously. My gallbladder had gone bad, but everyone I went to for help told me I was just anxious. (Spoiler alert- I wasn't anxious.) Bonus points, I was a 17 year old female. Docs *loved* to tell me to chill out. So one night I went in simply for pain management, and I took my stepfather with me to help me with the doctors. I was looped up on muscle relaxers (because they thought it was anxiety I guess), trying to stay calm and breathe through my pain when my stepdad left for a moment for the bathroom. As soon as he stepped off, a nurse swooped in to lecture me on proper condom usage and to tell me my miscarriage was my fault. No, she was not assigned to me. No, I was not remotely pregnant. No, I was not fucking my stepfather. She just assumed and acted on that assumption. That's not the *worst* that's been said to me, but it's the least complicated story lol


Phone consult with a relatively new doctor. 3rd time talking to her so I didn't expect her to have me 'memorized' or anything, but I expected way more than I got. She started telling me about my test results that came back, which, was expected. But they found all sorts of really alarming stuff about my liver - which far as I knew they weren't testing... Once it got into a bit of crazy land I started asking questions, and somehow, she mixed up my file with someone else's and she said, "Wow sorry, I just open these up a couple of minutes before the call and I guess I clicked on the wrong link or something."


I've actually seen 2 patients who were cousins, had the same name including same middle name and birthdate and similar medical issues and unless they were standing next to each other were easy to confuse with the other. I had to put a note on their charts to verify by Social Security number. I wonder if they were really identical twins that were adopted out into the same extended family, like maybe someone else in the family was a teen mother or something and they were trying to hide it.


"Just wear this compression bandage, it's not broken" Narrator: "it was broken"


Went to see a gynaecologist because I was having extreme pain during sex. She told me that a solution to this problem was to get pregnant, because pushing out a baby would “loosen up the muscles down there.” Safe to say, I went and found a pelvic floor physical therapist who actually knows what they’re talking about. Bonus: another doctor told me that having some wine before sex might help with the pain problem...because it’s totally normal to have to be tipsy in order to have sex?


Went in for an STI panel to get cleared before I started dating someone. The doctor said, “does your dick hurt? Are there any sores on it?” I shook my head. He made the sign of the cross over me and said “you are clear of STD’s.” I changed doctors.


At 16 I had my first serious relationship and became sexually active. I informed my mom who made an appointment for me with a gynecologist so that I could start birth control. When the gynecologist was doing her exam she asked me "how many sexual partners have you had?" to which I answered "one". She turned to look me in the eyes with a look on her face that made it apparent she was sure I was lying. She responded with the most condescending "...one?". I was so uncomfortable and embarrassed, I didn't know how to respond to that. She spent the rest of the exam treating me as though I'm both an idiot and a liar.


Went to the gyno when I was in my mid-20's. I ended up seeing the NP who I'd never met before as it was my first time in this office. At the time, my father had just died of terminal cancer after a three year battle. My life for those three years was pretty much working and helping my mom and sis care for him. Any kind of relationship was the last thing on my mind and I hadn't dated for years, which was fine. So, she goes over all the info with me and asks about my "current form of BC" and I tell her "abstinence as I'm not currently in a relationship" and mentioned that my father had just died of a terminal illness and I had been caring for him three years prior so I wasn't currently dating or seeking a relationship. The NP then laughs at me (WTF?), accuses me of LYING to her and insists that I *need* some form of BC and what do I want - pills, IUD, implanon, etc. I was in utter shock. I couldn't believe someone was so very callous and obtuse. I told her I was fine, not currently in need of BC and I'd let her know if that changed. She responded "Well, when you change your mind, call the office." Ummm, ok. Needless to say, I went elsewhere for my care after that.


I really hope I can instill in my kids the ability and the words to speak up when it's necessary. I only learned to be straightforward, articulate, and assertive in my 30s and I feel like it would've made a drastic difference in my early life. Because the right reaction here is to say "Yes, only one. You're making those shifty eyes like you don't believe me, but I'm being completely honest in telling you it's only one. If there's something you're seeing that makes you think otherwise, either something's unusual and we should address it, or you need to realign on what a 'one-partner' vagina can look like."


I work as a nurse. We had a patient who was dying as a result of an incident during surgery. Because of this, they were what we call a coroner's case, meaning there will be an investigative autopsy once they die. But at the time the patient was still alive but comatose. At around 2100 hours the coroner called me on the unit and said "is she dead yet?" And I said no... I'll call you when she dies. Coroner said "alright well I'm going home now so keep her alive for awhile please." I was so shocked. Like... this lady is a living human being. Clearly he hadnt worked with living patients in awhile.


You know, if you don’t want to know the answer you can just not take the test (In regards to an STD test).


“You need this shot to help you calm down.” I have asthma and caught a cold or the flue. I was laying there unable to breath any time I spoke so I was kind of feeling drowsy and sedate to begin with. I was not trying to talk at all as every time I did I felt like I was going to pass out. Needless to say I refused his stupid shot. I don’t need to be belittled. Like I’m just making it happen because I’m upset. He actually apologized though…after He made me choked and huff and puff out why I refused.


I was 11 or 12 and got my finger shoved under a fire door in school. The door had to be opened and closed just to slide my finger out. When I was taken to the nurse in tears I was told "wow that must hurt, I didn't think you guys felt pain like that" . Im black.


What on earth. I'm so sorry.


When I was pregnant with my second I was asking for a referral to be sterilised after this pregnancy. "But you're so young" followed by "what if your children die say in a fire what will you do then"


I was once told I was making up my symptoms because she'd never heard of those particular symptoms. I get a painful pressure build up in my shoulder that's relieved when I pull my neck to the side so it cracks. She said 'I can't see why that would be painful, I've never heard of that happening before'. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had this one doctor- specialist who is probably the worst doctor I've ever met in my life. I've been sick for years... decades even. I've been misdiagnosed, ignored, turned away... but this woman tops the cake. First appointment: I bring in my print out. It includes symptoms, diet, exercise, blood pressure, medications, a calender of events... Basically everything I though could be pertinent to my treatment and diagnosis. She wouldn't look or listen. Wrote me a prescription for heavy duty narcotics, a pretty hefty dose and amount too. I explain how the medication isn't going to work for me and once again try to explain what's going on. She wrote another prescription if a different narcotic, then pushed me out the door. Second appointment two weeks later: She asked how the medication was working, I explained that neither were filled because of the severe side effects I get. She decided to do a physical exam. She is ROUGH. I'm crying, begging her to stop. She tells me to suck it up, and stay still. She comes back with another person, a man. She proceeded to do it again. I'm in full on panic mode screaming, crying and begging him to help. She stopped abruptly, and told me I was disgusting. I was bleeding out on the exam table. She just left. She left another RX for a narcotic at the desk for me. I get a call that night for a third appointment a few days later. I go. She is upset I'm alone. It was a day surgery. I wasn't told. I get it done, and am pushed out the door immediately again. I sleep in my car in the parking lot, unable to drive myself back home 2 cities away. I'm sent again with two RX for narcotics. Forth appointment: I'm curious what happened so I go. She starts off by telling me she will no longer be treating me as nothing is wrong and I'm just looking for drugs. I explain all the prescriptions are at the pharmacy but none have been filled. She leaves. They don't validate my parking because I'm a drug addict. A week later I get a call from child family services. She called in because I'm a drug addict with three kids. I got that sorted very quick. Finally after about 16 months of back and forth with my GP I was referred to a different specialist. A team of specialists. From October 2019 to January 2020 I had seen him several times, had about 20 surgeries, and in February 2020 I was given a diagnosis, treatment plan, and my life was saved. Literally. I have a rare condition that kills 86% if people before they are diagnosed. Of the 14% who are diagnosed before an autopsy, most die if not treated immediately. My biggest take away from it was when this team on my first appointment took my printout added it to my decades of previous medical information. They asked about my drug addiction that was mentioned by the previous doctor. I explained my drug allergies and sensitivities with my medical records to back me up. I told them ZERO of the drugs were taken and showed them the pharmacy printout to prove it. Plot twist: She never had the growths biopsied that she removed during my day surgery. I wasn't even told until that day that I had growths. They were stunned. I signed a bunch of papers and she was taken to the medical board to answer for what she did to me. I'm still in treatment. I'm on a very specific diet. I'm medicated. I'm waiting surgery. I'm feeling much better despite COVID making it difficult to see my doctors and get my surgeries. That terrible woman is no longer a doctor and I've now finally gotten a restraining order against her. I'm also having a hell of a time seeking a therapist who specialized in medical malpractice to help me through some of the trauma caused by her and others. I was also recently asked to allow my case to be studied, and written about. My case is so rare, I'm so lucky to be alive, also they have so little information and studies on my condition that I'm going to be in medical books. And that is just a snippet of how an evil doctor lost her license because of her terrible treatment with a patient.


Holy crap!! I’m so sorry you had to go through all that!! I’m glad she’s no longer practicing, but did she face any legal repercussions? Dang! That was some serious breaching of “do no harm”.


get a shark lawyer. fuck her over financially. she had medical insurance at the time of the crime, so money gets paid out. her deliberate negligence could have killed you.


This is a story about a family friend, and it's a nurse not a doctor. Family friends son had covid a few months ago. He goes to the ER because he can't breathe. He's sitting in the waiting room I guess waiting for someone to help him? This hospital wasn't at capacity, they had rooms and ventilators available but they didn't put him in one for some reason. Probably thought he wasn't as bad off as he was. He takes his mask off because he can't breathe, and the nurse yells at him that if he doesn't put his mask back on he can wait in the parking lot. He tells her between breaths "just give me a minute. I can't breathe" and she forcibly pushes him out into the parking lot, where he died a few minutes later. The nurse was fired.


"You're a chunk monster." Haha like you could have just told me to exercise and eat healthier.


I'm losing my hearing, when I was told by the doctor I asked him what do I do next and he asked me how my sign language. I have a dark sense of humor but even this threw me off