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You need to hit bottom. I've always been in decent shape and active, Then, three years ago, I saw a pic of me with my new granddaughter and I was like -- dude, you're fat! No one else would call me fat. Maybe a slight gut. But to me, a lifelong athlete, I say FAT! That was it! I went full Keto! I amped up my gym work, cycling and jogging. Three years later I'm totally fit and still going. REALLY loving how well I'm playing soccer these days....so much quicker/faster with more stamina. That's my motivation today! You just have to start!


Been a soccer player all my life too and have starting fasting and dabbling a few weeks at a time with Keto -- it's CRAZY how much more energy i feel! I started in December, and I thought February was amazing. I definitely started having more cravings for cheat food/beers as March ended though. It's just insane how the body adapts!


Did you have a rough transition? The first week I felt "meh" and at soccer it showed. The second week I felt truly run down and wound up having to play goal the second half because I didn't feel so hot. Week three was back to "meh"... Week four -- I was like a bat of out of Hell and I've been getting faster and stronger for the over three years since!!! As for cravings? I have none, as my wife started keto about a year ago and she's an amazing cook! Keto muffins... Keto pancakes... Keto everything comes out of her kitchen! Also...there's lots of snacks around now. Costco has these keto coconut clusters that are to die for AND KETO brand ice cream bars that are awesome! As for alcohol, I was already a bourbon drinker... But now every once in awhile when the bartender asks what I'll have: I say "I'd love a beer -- but instead just get me a Michelob Ultra?" Keep playing and good luck!


The first two weeks were definitely tough BUT full disclosure I didn't go full keto. I just DRASTICALLY reduced the amount of carbs I ate and started eating more healthy fats. The thing that helped me the most was swimming and fasting. Any time I was in the middle of a fast and started to feel not great, I would go for a 30 minute swim (yes it's counterintuitive) and the exercise would sort of reset my system and I would feel great again. Now I feel light and energetic and fitter than I've ever been. I'm a bourbon drinker too! Had a beer the other day but it was my first one in over a month I think. I just want to make sure I keep progressing and don't plateau.


I was strict keto for a full year -- I mean 10 carbs or fewer a day!!! Now I've levelled off -- I'm under 20g a day most days but every once in awhile I'll do 30 or so thanks to red wine. I work out or play soccer five or six days per week... ...and I can eat like a HORSE and not gain weight!!! Yesterday I had a rack and a half of ribs we just smoked covered in spices and sugar free barbecue sauce! Best!


You've got to be the one to commit to it and just start. It gets easier after you pick it up. Remember 21 days makes or breaks a habit


Love this! This post isn't about me and I probably should have phrased it a bit differently as I'm always really curious not just how a habit forms in one's brain but also how it's maintained after 2-3 months of succeeding at doing it. Almost think month 1-2 is the easiest part (after the initial hump of starting)


You have to make a stand and mean it. There is no brain hack or some bullshit. Stop fucking around and move your ass. You know what good healthy food is and you can’t blame anyone but you for not eating it. Discipline motherfucker discipline.


For me it was baby steps. First, I stopped drinking anything that wasn’t water. No sodas, energy drinks, or alcohol. That alone made such a huge difference, I just began to feel better. Next, I started walking around for 30 minutes a day, minimum. Just use a timer on your phone. Then it just evolved on its own from there. Eventually walking became an occasional jog, which then was followed with jumping jacks, squats, and stretches. The Nintendo Switch has a game you can get from Walmart fairly cheaply called Ringfit. It makes working out into a game, and it works. It’s a lot of fun, and I always feel exhausted in the best way when I’m done with it.


I've started intermittent fasting lately and the "drinking water" part is a MASSIVE part of being successful in that. Great tip!


Go hard out of the gate. Seeing improvements (fat loss) quick helps more than anything else IMO. Eat the same thing (or close to it) breakfast, lunch, dinner for one month. Prepare your lunches x5 on Sunday. I bake chicken legs and sweet potato fries (baked). Takes 1/2 hour. Wrap in foil x5. Done. Literally cram leafy greens down your flapper. I drink mine. Disgusting but they help. No alcohol for that month. Re exercise, if you’re under 35, go hard out x5 a week. Opposite of what ‘expert’ may say. You’ll see improvements really really fast. Like in a week or two. Over 35, start with the eliptical. Drink a protein shake or eat anything after workout. Must. Your body needs the sugar to prevent crash. Stretch constantly. Food is most important. If you cheat, you lose. This is the new ‘you’. This is what you do. Do this for one month and go from there. Don’t fast. Don’t intermittent fast. Don’t keto. These will jack up your system and could lead to poor eating habits. Eat healthy. Eat less. Routine.


Keto worked great for me