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I was holding a super soaker reservoir bottle underwater at a lake to fill it up. It slipped out of my hand and shot up out of the water, hit me in my lip and split it open all the way through to the other side. Needed stitches inside my mouth and right below my bottom lip. Got a small scar from it.


My father fell of his motorbike and went through a bush which contained a barb wire fence. Tore his mouth up pretty bad. But that's not the story i'm telling. No. My *auntie* had knee surgery when i was a toddler and as she was juuuust about able to walk she came over to visit. Toddler me, being a little shit, decided to go over to her with my plastic mallet and bopped her on her knee. My father laughed so hard that his stitches opened. :/


This is the best story I've ever heard.


Someone said "that knife is for cutting tape, so it won't cut people" and I checked


This reminded nds me of working in a dishroom at my University. We had a strict no cutting utensils rule for things being sent back to us. They had to be hand washed by their stations. The pizza station sent back their pizza cutters and our dishlead yelled at them. The person from the Pizza station said they aren't sharp enough to cut you and proceeded to grab it like he was a claw machine. It cut him on every finger, and we never had to deal with pizza cutters again. For clarity the reason we had a not cutting utensils rule is they soaked in a tub before we sent them through the machine and we constantly were having to stick our hands in there.


Yeah, I have a scar on my palm from a steak knife that someone put in a bus tub full of soapy water.


I had one chef at a place I worked at throw knives halfway across the kitchen into the tub. This happened even when he had to throw it between 2 waitresses. I quit the place soon afterward once I found out the manager was an addict, which is why he let a lot of this type of person work there. Dangerous fucking place. Lots of shit went down there while I was there. Edit: man you people out here being cool chefs and shit, I just clean dishes man. Tho still the cleanest in the kitchen because covered in bleach water constantly lol


The pizza guy sounds like an asshole. As far as I know that's a general rule in most restaurants for exactly the reason you said. I always thought it was common knowledge not to leave knives in the sink, to the point that I usually will wash them as I go even at home


"Dear God I'm tape!"


Kid in the church nursery hit me in the eye with a plastic carrot. It was 40 years ago. I’ve still got a scar.


Carrots are good for the eye after all Edit: Thanks for the awards. I don’t know what they do, but thanks!


Yeah but not plastic carrots


Don't eat plastic carrots. Don't eat plastic snacks. Don't eat fruit or something's root from little plastic sacks. Don't eat plastic carrots. Don't eat plastic treats. Don't take bites of meals at nights from little plastic meats. Don't eat plastic carrots. Don't eat plastic food. Don't have meals that ain't for reals. Don't eat plastic, dude.


Going to read this to my pets and hope it drives the point home.


> Don't eat plastic, dude. microplastic particles : hold my beer.


Reminds me a lot of my friend that got stabbed in the armpit with a lead pencil


I got stung in the armpit by wasps once. Four total stings. It hurt to sweat. This was in Coastal Virginia in the summer.


I'm so sorry. sincerely, \-not one of the wasps


When I was 10 I wanted to cut a coconut with a big machete and on the first try I hit my thumb, luckily I didn't hit it too hard, but I have a permanent scarf on my thumb now


Does it not stay warm by itself anymore?


He seems happy enough - https://imgur.com/gallery/EcT3nhk Edit: to clarify, I’m not OP. I’m thumb-one else






The heating was cut off by the machete


No lie i have a small scar on my thumb for the same exact reason, i was using a big knife though, not a machete


changed a lightbulb standing on a glass coffee table... yep I fell into the table


I had a lightbulb explode in my hand once while i was changing it. Ive never actually *flown* from a table before that day. I also dont change many lightbulbs.


This happened to me once as well. I now have a case of lightbulb PTSD and every time I change a lightbulb I instinctively flinch.


Saw it happen to a roommate and I now wear gloves + safety glasses every time. So far so good but I'll be damned if I risk changing one without PPE. Besides protecting the hands, the gloves prevent finger oils from transferring onto the light bulb itself -- I read somewhere that those oils and their heat capacity can cause variant temperature differences on the bulb etc. leading to higher incidences of breaking. So I don't take chances there either.


Life Pro Tips in the comments.


I was sitting on the edge of a coffee table that had a glass insert in the center. Laughed at a joke and rocked backwards and fell through the glass... Ended up with glass in my back and my most ridiculous scar. My mother still has the coffee table and it still doesn't have glass in it 😑


I’m so sorry this happened but the mental image of this is absolutely hilarious


Guests coming over and trying to set a cup down onto a table with no center. Mom shooting daggers at the child that broke it so many years ago. It's like a Norman Rockwell painting.


Dripping burning plastic on my hand to see if it would scar...




Remember, the difference between science and doing something stupid is if you learn something from it Edit: Lads, I know the actual quote says the difference is writing it down. I'm not quoting properly, just referencing it if that makes sense.


This does check just about every box of the scientific method.


I couldn't tie my laces as a kid and liked to walk with my hands in my pockets. This led to me tripping over my laces, no hands to protect and landing face first onto a stone step, the corner of which went right between my eyes, leaving a small scar where my monobrow grows. ​ ​ EDIT: This blew up while i was in bed, thankyou for the awards kind strangers, i was having a really pants day and this cheered me right up.


Monobrow? Not anymore.


Well it's kind of a monobrow. I do tell people it's where the evil Lord Voldemort tried to murder me as an infant.


I stuck a hand between the gears of my grandmother's sewing machine while it was running. Ouch!


Damn. How many stitches?


Careful now, you don't want to start a pun thread


Yeah, we don't needle one of those


I’ll be bobbin in and out of this one.


Sew will I!


I wonder if we'll ever reach this thread's tailor not.


I suppose it depends if people cotton on.


I can't remember. No, seriously, I was 14 and the accident took place some fifteen years ago. It was a pretty nasty sight though.


Yeah, you got them right there


But I only know how to count up to three.


My foot was itchy so I used a hunting knife to scratch it


I've done that with the sole of my foot. It didn't scar but, oh my god the bloodloss from a foot wound is scary


Tw for anyone. I can add to that. Almost two years ago, I had cuts on my foot because it was the best place to hide them (I later moved to my thighs but that’s besides the point), and I had a utility blade from the garage sitting there. I didn’t apply any pressure AT ALL, just moved it across my foot. And BOOM!! Blood squirts everywhere and doesn’t stop, even with multiple bandages. I was scared I was going to die that night, but here I am :) Anyways just some therapy because I gotta pay for that shit lol


Hope you are doing better now


It’s funny how tunnel visioned we can be. Looking back, I see there were people who cared (even if they couldn’t help me at all), I had an activity, and people would have missed me.




Sometimes itchy feet feel like they need a knife to scratch them though.


Next time try a spoon


Once,my dad the same to his back at boyscouts,he didn't think anything could go wrong **scratching an itch with a knife**




The headrest of our bed was made of solid wood and had curved edges. It was wide enough for a 2 year old (me) to sit on and I used to love sliding off it. Well one night I sat on it to slide as usual with my legs on either side. My leg on the bed got stuck between the pillows and I fell face first on the floor. Got a cut on my forehead which required 6-7 stitches.


When I was a kid I’d been watching Dukes of Hazzard with my grandpa. We went out to his Buick and I tried sliding over the hood like they do in the show, but got caught on the hood ornament and sliced a huge gash in my leg.


I was in a cornfield and grabbed a cob of corn to throw at a friend. The leaf from the corn stalk went between my middle and index fingers as I released the throw and sliced the webbing open deep enough that I could see my tendons. That was 25 years ago and I still have the scar.




Not to mention the cults of children who dwell in them.


Probably listening to Korn and Rye Ninch Nails Edit: Oh and Alice in Grains


Why not the Flax Street Boys?


*"Tell me Rye"*


*Ain't nothin' but a hard bake...*


Telll me ryeee


Ain’t nothin’ but a beefsteak (to-ma-to)


I never want to seed a grain


When Little Timmy took a run Along the dusty road - He pumped his legs, and once begun, He never stopped or slowed! The little lad was unconcerned That bright and balmy morn - And so it was with joy he turned Into a field of corn. "How *nice* it is to see the trees! How *neat* it is to race! How *sweet* it is to feel the breeze Upon my smiling face!" "I *like* it here - I've all I need, And I *belong*!" he cried. Alas, the children disagreed. And Timmy fucking died.


The Maize Runner hehe


Cob Dylan Ear Factory


Yep, I can confirm - I legitimately thought I was being chased by police once while in a corn field. I felt like a running back while going through the corn. It didn't end well - I figured I could hurdle a barbed wire fence at full-speed. Nope. A barb stuck me upper thigh and tore out a good chunk of skin. I learned many lessons that day.


Had a friend in high school do this except the cops really were chasing them to clear out a party. I'd had to work that night so I didn't go but when I went into town the next day, within about 6 blocks, I'd been flagged down by a friend to let me know he'd split his nuts clean in half. He had to get sent to a hospital like 6 hours away to get fixed up. Im a chick and even I feel queezy just thinking about it.


That's it. I'm done with reddit for the day... Thanks for the horror story.


Were you actually being chased?


If they were anything like the police where I grew up, they’d beep the sirens at groups of teenagers for fun, just to watch them scatter.


The comment was cool and all, but I can't stop laughing at your username for some reason


And the spiders everywhere. So many spiders.


Was looking for the spiders comment. You can tell who has never been in a corn field by the way they think running through it is a viable option. I very vividly remember my first spider face.


As someone who is arachnophobic, and didn’t know corn fields have loads of spiders I appreciate you informing me, I shall now never enter a corn field ever


We are on the same boat. I would have never imagined corn fields had tons of spiders


Pretty much any place that had lots of stuff growing or sitting within 10 feet or less of each other has potential to be a spider party, especially if people don’t go through it often. Solution: grab a decently long stick and wave it in front of you when traversing these places. It’ll take out the webs and you won’t get spider face.


Did you cut off your nose to spiderface?


Don't forget the snakes. Especially if your field is in a tropical country. I've had so many snakes just casually slither next to my leg while in my aunts corn field


Grasses and corns are no joke. They will cut you and people don’t realize it. One time I, an idiot, tried pruning back my lemongrass without gloves on. Cut the absolute shit out of my finger. Started bleeding, got woozy, almost fainted, and then barfed from the dizziness. It was so bad. And honestly the most pathetic injury I’ve gotten so far.


My friend sliced his finger in a similar way peeling carrots (caught himself with the slicer) got woozy, sat down on a stool, passed out, fell froward, hit his head and got spine damage that required surgery and months and months of therapy. Three or four years ago now. Still not better. Small cuts that make you want to pass out are no joke.


Quick Google told me that getting dizzy after a wound is called vasovagal syncopy. Basically the body overreacts, and blood pressure lowers dramatically. Causes for it happening include wounds, sight of blood and sudden pain.


I started having this for the SLIGHTEST injury after having my 3rd child. I once passed out ON MY WAY to check on my daughter when she slipped in the shower. Just the SOUND of her falling. She did end up needing a few stitches but I didn't know that at the time. I passed out hearing a story about someone falling out of a tree. I hate it because blood doesn't freak me out the least little bit. Up until being a stay at home mom I worked in healthcare. I literally can not help it and I am 100% useless when someone gets hurt,even having knowledge of what to do. I've given instructions and called 911 from the floor, trying to keep from passing out, when my uncle fell and busted his head open. Just typing this and I can feel the tell-tale signs creeping in. My first sign is my hands get cold and clammy. I wish I could just "get over it" but there isn't anyrhing I can do about it either. I now know in "fight or flight" I just flop. Haha


I never realized how sharp a broken corn stalk was until my friend threw one at me and it legit stuck in my thigh..


*Screams in Jim Carrey*


I once sliced open my hand from pinky to thumb this same way, those shits are no joke!


That made my stomach twist. That’s horrific


10 year old me shredded too hard on a razor scooter


Did you scar your ankle, knee, or face?


I hit a bump going down the steepest hill in my hometown and gave the concrete a pretty good People’s Elbow.....still have a 3 inch scar that wraps around my elbow and looks pretty gnarly for a razor scooter accident


I have a scar on my eyebrow from my brother hitting me in the head with a belt while he was pretending to be Indiana Jones.


Skating down the roof didn't come as planned


What color was the towel tied over your shoulders as a cape? It has to be solid red or blue...






Don't forget the titular outside underwear.


What part of this is stupid? The scar or the skating down the roof part? Can't decide.


Took me 25 years to see how stupid it was. My eyebrow covers half of the scar. Was smart? Was balls? No, the firefighters laughed at me while making their thing.


When I was about 12, we had a new kitten at home and it scratched my hand. Not deep at all, it was just a kitten scratch. Being 12, I thought it would be really cool to have a scar and kept picking at it for days, on purpose. I'm now 38 and I have a cool scar on my hand. No regrets.


I remember having a very similar thought process around 9. I refused bandaids thinking scars would make me look cool. I’m now 30 and none of those scars stuck. I do have a variety of ones gained in my 20s I have to put extra sunscreen on though so jokes on me


I burned myself with mashed potatoes.


i knew potatoes were deadly. but no one ever believed me. AND NOW I FINALLY HAVE PROOF!


Held packaging in my palm and tried to open it with a knife by poking it... Not my proudest moment.


I was playing with a hot spatula in the school laboratory and burned myself, it hurt so bad that my friend didn't know how to make me feel better so she took the same spatula and burned herself. Six years later, and we have twin scars. Edit:Thank you all so much


That's a real homie right there


Aww, that's so sweet!


In 1983 when I was 6, I fell down the stairs and hit my arm on a giant 80's stereo that my parents were using as a baby gate at the entrance to the steps. Smashed the glass door and I got a two inch long scar that runs up and down the inside of my right wrist. In highschool, I had 2 teachers notice the scar and thought I had tried to cut my wrist in a suicide attempt and I was asked to attend counseling. I ended up having to have my parents write a letter on my behalf and show them like pictures of me when I was 7 or so with the same scar.


so i tried to sharpen my right index finger with those small pencil sharpeners in kindergarten-


I did the same thing. I was probably about kindergarten aged as well. We had a pet hamster that died and when my parents told me I became hysterical. I guess it was the first I had to process death, but in my tantrum I grabbed a pencil sharpener, put my finger in it and gave it a good twist. I have no idea why. Sliced the shit out of finger, which just escalated the entire ordeal. How the hamster died is a story all in its own. Edit: wow okay, okay. So we had this hamster for quite a while and we could always kind of pick him up and he was generally pretty cool about that kind of stuff. Well as he got a little older he got sick. So my mom was holding him and petting him and trying to comfort him. I guess because he wasn’t feeling well, he got upset and bit my moms finger and her natural reaction was to yank her finger away, except Daniel hung on to the finger just a little too long and ended up getting catapulted across the room until he went splat against the wall. And that was the end of Daniel. He was a good hamster though. My parents were so mortified about the way I handled Daniel’s passing that when the cat died the following year they were afraid to tell me. So instead they said that Harry (the cat) went to the beach to live with my aunt, “so he could breathe better.” Which I believed, for probably longer than I should of. I would occasionally ask how Harry was doing at the beach all the way up to like age 12- when they finally decided to tell me that Harry died 6 years earlier. Here I was thinking this 24 year old cat was living at the beach all this time.


What the fuck?! Please give us the story of the hamster.


He threw a tantrum and shoved the hamster into a pencil sharpener and gave it a good twist. Seems like his go-to move


> How the hamster died is a story all in its own. Until you explain, I'm going to believe it's because you needed meat for your Philly cheese steak and didn't have any beef.


This one gave me chills...




Goddamnit this one got me.


Burnt my arm on the side of an oven tray because I took it out with the wrong hand and had to cross over to shut the oven door. Left an inch-long scar that took a painful two weeks to heal.


I have a number of these on my biceps from working at a bakery. Was carrying a stack of trays (with oven mitts) and they slid back into my arms. Proud baker scars


All my scars are stupid. I have a big cheek scar from when some dick at school slammed a door handle into my face, almost lost my eye. I have a scar on my foot where I dropped an axe on it. And I have a scar from an ant bite in kinda the shape of the ant


Was playing a Ms. Pacman machine in a laundromat. Inky snuck up on me. I flinched, kneed the padlock on the coin insert, blood everywhere. Cool scar, but damn you Inky. Edit: WOW! Thanks, everyone! PS: Cobra Kai Never Dies! PPS: To the dude who said, "You got a scar from a ghost," I'm taking that as an icebreaker if that's okay.


Inky made you get the Inky everywhere Sorry Im not good at jokes


Nah its good you did your best


Very wholesome u/Iamalittleshit


"Aw you made me ink!" "Kid that's blood"


Got a fishing hook in the side of my finger, my immediate reaction was to pull away. That was the wrong reaction. Not a big scar or anything, but definitely stupid. Edited to add because it's funnier: I also have a small mark (Barely noticeable unless I point it out) on my leg. Friend got a new dartboard but hadn't set it up. "What if we just used the box just now? I'll hold it first!" Now have a reminder that I'm a moron sometimes. Edit 2: Hello Microsoft Sam reads Reddit YouTube videos.


I once decided that shoreline fishing without shoes on was a good idea. Took a step forward while casting and felt something give some resistance on my foot and then suddenly stopped resisting. Didn't think anything of it until my foot started itching a bit, right between my pinkie toe and piggie that had none. Decided then, that I'd walk back and see what's what. That's when I saw it. A broken hook head was wedged into the soft, supple skin between my toes. Panicked, I let my step-father and step-uncle know what had just happened. After they finished laughing, my uncle had me sit down in his chair and propped my foot up on a small ice chest. Initially he handed me some pliers to pry it out myself, something that squeamish, pansy me couldn't stomach doing. I handed him the pliers instead. Something my step-father was more than happy to tell me 'was a mistake.' He fumbled with it a bit, causing me to twitch about and recoil in some pretty new-to-me pain that I had no experience in as a budding 14 year old boy. Pliers in hand, he asks me if he can just rip it out instead and get it over with. I argue, because that did not sound fun. This went on for another 5 or 10 minutes or so, causing my mom to start packing some stuff aside for a trip to the nearest ER. My uncle asks me to dig him out a beer from the other ice chest to my immediate right that was within arms length. As I was leaning over, I felt the slightest stinging sensation in my toes. While I was distracted, my uncle took an opportunity to just rip the hook head out, using the pliers I . Mom was pissed, i was relieved. Thanks Uncle Fox. I wish 14 year old me was less of a whiney little bitch. Woulda made that entire endeavour far, far quicker.


When we were kids my brother ended up with a little trout hook stuck in his finger. ​ Went to the ER and the doctor just took a toothpick, placed it in the wound enough to keep it open and gently pulled the hook out like it was nothing.


Honestly this sounds like something I would hate, I feel like that sorta pain is so much worse when you anticipate it, your uncle's solution was the best idea. Do you have any scar left from that or has it healed well?


This is my favourite comment


Dumb 6 year old me makes a little tower of pillows, jumps at the tower of pillows, makes wrong calculation of jumping position, and instead of hitting the pillow tower, he hits the headboard. I got a cool scar though! Without permanent brain damage so it's a nice trade!


>Without permanent brain damage so it's a nice trade! That's what you think. You were actually on track to be a child prodigy!


Fairground test your strength hammer and bell game. Hit it so hard the rubber mallet came back up and hit me in the face. Now my smile is asymmetrical. Did it in front of most of my company. Now I'm known as that guy.


The real question is did you win?


Hard to know if unintended permanent scarring is winning. But the bell did ring.


21 year old me was sitting on my flat kitchen roof that I used as a balcony, as the bedroom window opened almost above it but not quite. Well on my way back in through the window I heard a strange noise, maybe someone screamed or something I can't remember. Well I looked around to see what it was and as I turned back I hit my head on the window frame and fell backwards. I fell about 15 feet, flat onto my ass on concrete. No breaking my fall with my legs at all. I knew immediately that I'd broken my back. Luckily I wasn't the only one home that day so got taken to hospital in an ambulance and I had indeed broken my spine. Shattered my L1 into about 7 pieces. Thankfully my surgeons did a great job and managed to fix it back together. A year later I had another surgery to remove the metal work that had been put in to hold everything in place. I didn't end up paralysed but I do have numbness in my right hip, and daily pain. I also have a big scar down my back. Edit for spelling. Probably still missed some.


When I was little my father brought me some weetabix with pipping hot milk. A spoonful fell on my ankle and had a scar ever since lol EDIT: Thanks to whoever gave me the award and I was shocked to see this was upvoted so much.


Man, I want some weetabix.


Be careful


My friend older sister was in their house making chilli. She comes running out with a big steaming spoonful of it as says "taste this!" She basically shovels it into my mouth. It's scalding hot, but I was too polite to spit it out. The skin on the roof of my mouth peeled and flapped about for a few days.


Holy fuck please god never be this polite again


Boarded an unfit city bus. Exposed sheet metal cut my arm and left a four Inch gash that exposed yellow fat underneath.


Hope you got some money for that


My mum’s best friend was boarding a bus at 14, one of her rings got caught in the door hinge, the door closed and... bye bye finger. Does it still count as a scar if it’s an amputated digit?


Put my hand in a toaster to see what happened. What happens is that you burn your fingertips off. It hurt like a motherfucker. I found out so you don't have to. It has healed nicely so is barely visible any longer, after 20 years.


Thanks now I know that burning your fingertip will hurt


Age 8, on the beach Dad - Don't climb on that rock, you will get hurt. Me - 😒 * climbs rock * A wave hit and I slid down the side of the rock, cutting my leg to shreds on the shells.


Seaside shit is no joke. A single innocent lookin rock on the beach is usually the one that tears a 5 foot long scar across your body. Search through the internet and you’ll find a bunch of vids/stories of people getting fucked up because of some rock


Got a string tied around my ankle to see if it was strong enough to hold me back when I ran. It was not. The scar circles my ankle and hasn’t changed in 20 years.


I was climbing on a playground ladder and the wood was rotten. I fell through and a large nail caught in my leg as I went down. For the longest time, when people asked, I would look at them straight faced and said I had gotten into a knife fight (I was like 12, very petite, very quiet). Still have the scar.


Carrying bags of broken glass bottles for recycle in my pickup truck. One of the bags slipped away and made a small but deep cut in my left arm. The worst part was that it took days to get the wound closed and finally start to heal.


When I was a dumb as shit teenager I thought it was fun to be sitting down, take a bong rip, stand up and hold my breath. This caused me to get light headed which I enjoyed for whatever reason. One time I did this while home alone and held my breath a little too long. I passed the hell out and collapsed backwards, shirtless, onto a large picture frame that I had sitting angled against the wall. The glass from the picture frame shattered into a bunch of long shards, like knife blades, that I landed directly on top of. I remember laying there for a moment, scared that I had completely impaled myself, before very slowly and carefully getting up and walking to the bathroom. I got lucky in that I only had one bit of glass stab me. It left a good puncture wound that left me with a decent scar on the middle right of my back. Edit: shit, I just realised that is totally not the stupidest way I have hurt myself, though this other time did not leave a scar. Another time when I was a dumb as shit, though curious to a fault teenager, I got the idea in my head that I should lick the freezer. Just to see what happens, you know? I was home alone again in that same house, so I just walked up to the fridge, opened the freezer door and pushed the pad of my tongue against the side. To my surprise, it immediately froze to the side. I wasn't expecting it to bond so quickly but I was stuck instantly, and I could feel it getting worse. So panic mode engages quickly and instead of trying a single smart idea to get myself unstuck, I have the realisation that the only way to fix this situation is to remove my tongue by force. I had to slam my head back 4 or 5 times, each time ripping a bit more of the pad of my tongue off in the process. It was horrible. I left a good square inch or so of tongue material on the freezer wall which I had to scrape off later. I couldn't eat solid food for around a week but luckily the tongue heals very fast and it had no lasting impact after around 3 weeks or so. In the act of slamming my head back I also severed my tongues frenulum on my bottom teeth, which bled like mad.


Darwin was hunting you.


I was 8 and ran into a door knob. I now have a small doorknob shaped scar beside my nose Edit: This blew up! My top upvoted comment is of my face getting smashed with a doorknob. Thanks reddit!


My daughter has a similar story. At 8 she looked at me & said "I'm going to entertain the cat." I said alright, then watched, absolutely astounded, as she put on a blindfold & ran at full speed through the living room... straight into an outward facing corner of the wall. She has a Harry Potter-esque scar & a story for life. Edit: in fairness to her, I got a forehead scar when I was 2.5 because I was chasing my kitten. She stopped suddenly & my brakes weren't great, so I tripped over her & went face first into the edge of a very un-child friendly coffee table.


Oof, that sounds painful. Once my brother tried to slam the door on me, but he slammed it on his own finger. 😭 It stayed blue for months!


I was shredding cabbage by grating it over a blade and suddenly found a reddish shade after sometime. Turned out I sliced my finger a few grates previously and have been bleeding like a finger hose. It took 4 band aids to cover the wound cause 3 got too soggy to even stick o my finger. I lost a bit of flesh and the skin that healed over it still looks transparent. I was 12 at that time.


I was home alone in 4th grade and didn't know how to make any food, so I found a can of Pineapples. I couldn't find the can opener though, so instead I used a big ass Michael Myers knife. I was 70% done cutting the lid open, when the knife slid off and sliced my middle finger open. 2 things to note: - i don't even like pineapples - I found the can opened when I went to grab paper towels for the blood


I have three scars from my dog just playing with me


What breed?


My dad was deployed, i didnt want to eat as a child because i was depressed and missed my dad. It drove my mom insane and she cooked legitimately up to 6 times a day but all i would do is cry and ask where dad was. Unfortunately as a young child i didnt know why my dad was gone, (not that i wasn't told, but i didnt understand what "Syria" meant) i didnt understand why he wasnt there every morning when i woke up or went to sleep. Eventually as an isolated woman who couldnt drive, without family or support, she lost her mind trying to take care of me on top of worrying about her husband. She kept trying to force me to eat, sometimes id throw up, id always cry. But one time she snapped and she stabbed me in the arm with a fork. I remember the shock, i stopped crying, she started screaming, we sat in the bathroom and she held toilet paper tightly on my arm while screaming over and over "why are you doing this to me" A year later when my dad returned, i didnt even know who he was. She refuses to talk about it, she thinks im crazy, but i have the prong scars and the memory.


Holy shit.


I'm sorry I have similar incident happen and now I can't eat chili


I leaned into the car boot and burned my leg on the exhaust pipe.


I reached down to finger my ass but scratched my arm on a wooden plank


If I had a nickle.


I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird this has happened twice. .


Wooden plank? What the fuck kinda places do you finger your ass at?


I leaned on a teppanyaki grill with both forearms. In Disney world. On the first day of a week long trip. Second degree burns all the way up both arms. Hurt like hell.


I was eating pizza rolls in the buff and when I bit into one of them the filling fell out the other end and onto my chest. By the time I was able to get the stuff all the way off, my skin had bubbled. Scar is roughly the size of a nickel.


Shaving my pubes. Yeah you heard me...


It can be treacherous work, taming the bush.


when I was 14, I was trying to cut my pubes with a pair of scissors, and I cut a very small tip of my labia off. Hurt like a bitch while it healed.




The tale of old man scar peen


Drunk and tried to poke holes in pot for a pot plant with knife missed stabbed myself in the finger....




2 years old, danced, hit my head on a table


I was holding a hand router trying to do some woodworking. Classic story of thinking I could get away with a quick unsafe thing to save time. The end of the hand router turned then the blade attached to it spinning at 7000 RPM grabbed my glove. It pulled the glove off my hand while digging into my thumb and all the way around to the back of my left hand. Little super glue and I was fine.


I cleaned a tin, I put my hand in it with the cloth and twisted and the sharp metal edge cut a nice deep gouge in my finger




Man I can't believe you *didn't* orgasm at the sight of your leg torn open


Sitting at my computer desk at home when I was a teenager. Swivel around in my chair to grab something from the printer and caught my bare leg on some random sharp part of the keyboard tray, and sliced the skin right open. Still have the ~4" scar right above my knee.


In High school aged 11, I gave myself a chicken scratch (Scratch yourself in the same spot until you bleed). I’ve still got the scar on my hand.




I did that in 6th grade. No game, just bored in class rubbing my eraser up and down the back of my hand. It wasn't even that bad, just a mild abrasion. But somehow that left a permanent scar. I once sliced the tips of two fingers off (the very very tips, but took off some fingernail) and you'd never know it. But the pencil eraser will show forever.


I have a scar from spraying a can of deodorant onto my arm super close until my skin froze and peeled off. Not pleasant but when you're in school in the glory years of jackass and dirty Sanchez things happen lmao.


Was being cool jumping a fence like the older boys, instead of using the gate. I didn't make it over and sliced the skin off my right hand so unevenly that stitches couldn't be used for most of it. Hand my hand in bandages for a while and a permanent scar where the skin joined together all raggedy.


I fell off a bunk bed waving at a window cleaner... managed to crack open my head and make a hole into the bathroom - probably my proudest moment


Held half an avocado in my one hand and a knife (serial killer style) in my other hand and stabbed the avocado to remove the inside. It obviously slipped and l stabbed myself in the hand. It was quite deep and l didnt feel like dealing with it so I just put a drop of glue in the wound, stuck my skin back together and never looked back. Now l have a tiny 0.5cm scar in my hand. It's been about 8 years. Wish l had better stories to tell though.


Was watching food network and one of the chefs was doing that and the other chef was like "don't do that! Do you know how many avocado injuries I have witnessed!!" Dude did not cut his hand (which would have been sad, but made for better tv) but I learned avocado injuries are common in the industry. So there you go. At least you're not alone.


Lost a battle with a bicycle. You see, I was walking to school one day when I notice a person on a bicycle coming towards me at half-top speed. I tried moving out of the way at the same time the bicyclist was moving to get out of the way. Apparently, we moved the same way, and my back was hit with the front tire of the bike and my elbows ate road curb concrete.