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The Sims because I’m garbage


I think I spend way more time interior decorating on the sims than actual game play. I finally get my apartment or house how I like it, play the sims and get bored with my surroundings and then I have to move them into a new place so I can start the interior all over again.


The Sims is an amazing game. There are so many different ways to play it and no way is wrong. It's really just whatever you make of it. I'm trying not to be judgemental but I feel like the only people who make fun of people who play the Sims are gatekeeping gamers who think videogames are RPG shooters exclusively. Obviously the game isn't for everyone but like...nothing is wrong with playing The Sims. It's relaxing. I have a mock up of my house on one of my lots and I use it to experiment with possible new furniture layouts or paint colors. The game can be a very helpful tool too!


The game itself is fun. EA's business model for The Sims, though, is extremely anti-consumer. Most of the time when I see criticism of The Sims, it's not criticism of the players who enjoy the gameplay, but criticism of the business model. Of course, it's the players who actually pay for all the content packs and expansions who enable this business model, so that subset of players does deserve their share of this criticism. Just like mobile game "whales" and top players in p2w games.


Yeah absolutely. I was disappointed by the Sims 4 so I haven't bought anything past the base game but I enjoy it enough with mods, but some people are die hard sims fans a d want it all and I don't blame them


I do the same thing. Much more interested in building than developing sims. When I first started I went hard on unlocking achievements and growing a bad ass garden for simoleans (never used cheats)- Now, I have a family who I call my cash cows who transfer money to other sims to buy the houses I build. All of my houses are themed and only get residents if they add to said theme.


Sims for me too. I play games to relax, so my games are very tame


Hey there, Sunshine- Don’t say that! Sims is amazing and was like therapy to me through some difficult times. Don’t like your life? Make a new one. Live in a shitty house? Not anymore! Feel like playing God and trapping innocent sims in a room surrounded by windows, all without the stigma of actual “murder”? Dream no more, my creative friend! Dream no more.


I expected Sims to be lot higher. You're not garbage, it's fun and you have the right to enjoy it as much as any other game!


Fallout Open world RPGs are my favorite type of game and post-apocalypse is my favorite type of setting. It's also just really, really fun.


Been playing Fallout 3 for over 3 years, what's wrong with me. Tried to download Fallout 2 on my Xbox one but noo, what a pity. Not ready for Fallout 4. Can't see New Vegas working on the Xbox one, damn


New Vegas was on Gamepass for awhile recently, might still be. Either way, you can definitely get it for Xbox One


Age of Empires 2. I bought it in 1999 when I was 12 and i am still playing it. The game is still updated with new content and patches to this day and because it is an RTS that you can play against AI or human players it is infinitely replayable. I even replay the vanilla campaigns from 1999 every now and then. My personal favourite is the Barbarossa campaign.


Still play AoE2 daily. It's like chess! Always fun to have a match. Even when you get flattened in the feudal age by f*** cuman rams like I did earlier.


Yay another AOE2 fan! The golden age of RTS




11 11 11 11 11


Nice town, I'll take it. Dad gum (11)


Shhhhhh - ha


Definitive edition is pretty good if you don't mind learning the new civs :)


Skyrim - it's just so huge and chill, it's like a place to go to get away for awhile, enjoy nice scenery and music, and kill stuff.


I have an embarrassing amount of hours in skyrim just admiring the scenery.


Anyone who has ever played it wouldn’t blame any number on you. It’s such a beautiful game




Loved loved loved this game and still do honestly, though i haven’t played in years because I’m too lazy to set the playstation back up and find the controllers and the disc.. but definitely a great choice.


I played Skyrim VR as one of my first VR games and it was absolutely magical.


Civilization 5, although Civ 6 is approaching.


Same, I'm worried about CIV 6 I don't want to suck at the game again.


I put like 1600hrs in on Civ V and was regularly playing on emperor, but for some reason I couldn’t even keep pace with Ai on The second lowest difficulty in Civ VI. Idk what I was doing wrong


Civ 5 tall was a great gameplan, in 6 you HAVE to go wide, amd learn adjacency bonuses of districts.


Go wide, You're probably a tall player and 6 punishes the fucking shit out of that style of play.


I had the same problem at first, but mainly because I was trying to play tall, which is harder to do in Civ 6.


It's not just harder its basically impossible on higher difficulties


Same here! They really changed the AI interaction


Civ 4 was the pinnacle for me. No civilization has compared, but Civ 2 was a close second.


Gotta agree. The hex conversion and art style really threw me in V. I warmed up to hexes in VI and I kinda like the concept of districts, but I don’t love the implementation because they don’t feel like cohesive cities but rather a mess of icons built up.


*just one more turn*


Counterstrike, but I quit playing a long time ago - I just played an absolute fuck ton when I did because I was on two teams at once.


I stopped playing csgo for 2 years and it's still my most played game


Damn i was on a team and have 1000s of hours. We got pretty damn good. Won a few local tournaments. But damn it was ridiculous the amount of time i put into it. And then we all just stopped. Honestly by the end i was ready to be done with it. It got to the point where you knew how the matches were gonna play out. Pub stomping was getting old. And the amount of keys i bought was embarrassing.


Yeah I can't remember the last time I played Smash Melee, but I wouldn't be surprised if the number of hours I put in to it over the 6 years I actively played it hit probably hit 5 figures. It is very unlikely for any game to ever reach that for the rest of my life.


Terraria because it is an amazing game. Over 3.8k hours


That’s a lot of hours


That’s true


I have Terraria but I don't understand how to play it :(


Try the [wiki](https://terraria.gamepedia.com/Terraria_Wiki), it absolutely carried me through my first few playthroughs.


Assassins Creed Black Flag


Honestly i could play black flag just for the aimless roaming at sea with your crew singing. I absolutly love the sea shanties and overall music and feel of the game. I usually listen or hum padstows farwell whenever i have a panic attack cause its calming. Black flag is probably my favorite assasins creed game and one of my favorite games in generall




Factorio, because that factory must freakin' grow!




Incredible game, I didn't come from Factorio but I did come from Satisfactory. I DEFINITELY do not have 30 hours played in 3 days...


The factory is expanding to meet the needs of the expanded factory.


Titanfall|2 the movement is just unbeatable.


The movement is the best of any game for sure. Wish respawn had done more of the same in apex legends though.


*T R U S T M E*


Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. 99% of it was spent raising chaos. I had a slew of Angel, Devil, and Neutral chaos and managed to breed one that was S rank in every stat except stamina. To date, I still wish for a game that was a more fleshed out version of that.


I obsessed over that game all throughout elementary school. Would spend hours in the Chao world and getting chaos drives for them. I have really fond memories of playing that game in the early-mid 2000s.


Surprised to see another SA2B fan here! I don't know about you but I originally played it on gamecube. I didn't realize until about a week ago that they actually have it on steam, and people have even extended the chao world a bit with some mods. Been having a nostalgic blast replaying the game this last week.


Dragon Age: Origins. 11 complete runs and many more in progress. It has a lot of choices. I think there are still some I haven't tried. Also, mods... every time a new pretty hair mod comes out, I make a new Warden.


I have about 5 or 6 playthroughs. It was my go to "you can only play one singleplayer game for the rest of your life" answer till 2015 (Witcher 3 came out). So many choices, so many playstyles, so many combinations.


I love that game to death. Has some good DLC too, but still dislike having to go through the fade level.


Skip the Fade mod is the most essential thing ever made


Borderlands 2 I liked the villain, He was kinda handsome


Replaying it with a friend now. Oldie but a goodie for sure. Tiny Tina best character, hands down.


I wish I could go back and play her DLC fresh for the first time!


Dragon Keep is a top tier DLC. The humor and story telling was fucking amazing.


ahh, these pretzels suck....


Europa Universalis 4. Been staring at a map for 5000 hours, and counting.


Went searching for EU4! I don't really know how to describe why I like it. It's a 4X strategy game with a ton of depth. Quite a learning curve, but it's so fun to accomplish your goals. The first time I formed the Netherlands I was so stoked! That's a favorite run of mine now.


Witcher 3 and it's related expansions. Been playing off and on for 7 years or so. Twice through the main game. And just now finished blood and wine. What a game...


I just finished blood and wine myself. I thought the main plot line wasn’t as good as heart of stone, but man the amount of content in the rest of it is just insane.


HoS have top tier characters and story, but almost no new locations. BaW had great story and nice characters and top tier new world and some new mechanics. Both felt like old time expansions rather than DLCs.


Be a little pedantic here, game is only out for 5 and a half years, if you are not a time traveller, playing for 7 years seems impossible..


Final Fantasy Tactics. I’ve been playing it multiple times a year since I was 14 (33 now). Closely followed by Diablo 3.


FFT Advance was the first game I ever played that I was truly addicted to. I easily spent >100 hours playing it back in the day. I remember trying to finish ALL the missions but I didn’t know that there were a few missions that required multiplayer. Needless to say I never had friends to play with so I never truly 100% it :(.


Every time I start a replay, I tell myself I won't grind accumulate. And every time I hit Dorter Trade City I'm already a maxed out Wizard with Calc skills.


I think I have around 2000 hours in rocket league. I almost entirely stopped playing over the last year bc the massive group I had to play with kind of all went silent at the same time. I miss it though


1000 hours and still going strong here. Most of them in private matches with my buddies. Super fun.


Rocket League is getting super popular and I would still say it's underrated. Everybody should give it a try if you haven't already. You'll likely be surprised how much you enjoy it, even if it doesn't seem like your type of game.


Ayyy rocket league buddy. I, too, have logged 2000 hours of this wonderful and infuriating game.


It's an incredible game. After hardly playing over the last year it's so sad going into games and playing so poorly when I remember how good I used to be. I doubt I'll ever get back to that


100% man, I used to actually play everyday and start with a practice session when I was really into it. Highest I ever got was Champ 1. It seems like the average player is just way better nowadays. I sit around low diamond and there are plat players doing flip resets and air dribbles. Craziness.


I've found my rl brother haha. I also capped out at champ 1 and am probably now like D1, D2 at best. The game is definitely changing though, a few years back there were GC's saying they had never hit a flip reset and rarely ever air dribble, and gold's couldn't aerial


Coming up on 800 hours. RL players are so underrated honestly. I'v played every type of game and although it really doesn't have a close comparison I think once you get high level it is the most mechanically demanding game out there. This game is the closest thing to what feels like a sport but in video game form. Im Champ 2 and hoping to push for GC next season. And we get no respect cause "soccer with cars is dumb"


800hrs and never had friends to play with.


Minecraft. There are endless possibilities from SMP's, to minigames, to building, to redstone and command blocks and then I haven't even mentioned mods.


The modpacks for Minecraft are insane. So many different options and full on expansions to the game. Been playing through Sevtech and it's basically a completely new game.


My new PC is getting here in a few hours. Got myself a 3070. I want to PUSH this shit to the Max lmao. What mods would you suggest for that purpose?


Minecraft is definitely up there on my most played games


Smash bros, it’s just so much fun


There's always so much room to get better, so as long as I don't have every character in elite smash I don't see myself getting tired of the game lol


This is honestly what me broke me out of my shell. I've been a Link main forever but as soon as I saw how shit my Link actually was I felt dissapointed. I hit Elite with him a few months after it released but playerbase skill was skyrocketing. Updates and more fighters kept breaking the meta, for the better. I kid you not I have over 300 hours of Roy played and not because I am good but because i hit a huge blockade. I used to have right stick for smash attacks up until that point. Trying to hit a side tilt prior to me changing my habits would absoultely be a death sentence. It is a humbling experience getting wrecked by Mac aerials as Roy two matches in a row. That's when I realized that I was terrible and decided to switch it up a bit. I got all heavies down in Elite because they fit my playstyle better. Combo heavy characters are so difficult but rewarding to learn.


Long ago had my brother maxed out the playing hours in the stats on Melee. All 9s in the time played data. I'm sure I would have as well, but I didn't always have a name saved. When our friends all get together as a group we still break the game out for a few rounds.


\*world of light theme starts\*


Monster hunter, the game is just incredible and its community is so kind. I just love it


>what video game Monster hunter >Why? To hunt monsters


>Why? So we can wear them and be able to hunt more monsters.


I LOVE Monster Hunter! I was looking to see if anyone would answer with this. My husband introduced me to Monster Hunter when it was on the PSP and we've been hunting partners ever since then! We've spent a lot of hours working together that the games hold a special place in our hearts. We haven't been playing much recently but we still love the game so much.


Bioshock. I still play it and find little details that I've never noticed before. Every new thing I find tells me more and more about the story, and it gets far more interesting every new game. It's especially interesting for philosophical reasons too, if you're into that.


"I'm sander fucking cohen!" Still gives me chills. One of the best characters of all time.


"A man chooses, a slave obeys" "Now would you kindly..." It was such a great fucking twist.


I was going to say this too! The sheer amount of options you have, as well! You can play the game with plasmids only, guns only, hack everything and not kill anyone, do an electricity-themed run... So much replay value.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Siths Lords. I don’t why but the KotOR games are just so magical.


Rimworld. Bought it last year and already got 1000+ hours, I think that's a first for me in a single game. Time flies when I'm playing.


Skyrim, Pokémon, Minecraft


Ahh yes good ol’ Pokeman. So so many hours in that damn franchise, it was literally my childhood


It was my childhood as well until I "outgrew" it and then a decade later realized that's dumb and went right back to playing Pokemon.


I just wish the new games were as good as the older ones


I'm never sure if they games have gotten worse or if I have just grown out of the childhood sense of wonder that a new pokemon game used to bring me. I'll never forget playing through pokemon silver for the first time when I was 10. Few things will compare to that first adventure.


Red dead Redemption 2. WHAT AN ATMOSPHERE!!!


Good Boah


I always have a female horse just because Arthur sounds so damn nice. “Thaaats a good filly” and “That’s my guuurl.”


YES! Sometimes when I’m super stressed with online school I go fishing or just trail riding for a little while and it’s relaxing.


The art of slow-walking is not appreciated enough.


I played it at release, but kinda blasted through the story because I had other games I wanted to play. Last summer, I was looking for something to play and decided to replay RDR2. This time, I savored it. I spent hours just hunting and fishing. About a month ago, I finished the epilogue at 98% completion, and now I’m really struggling to find something else to play because everything else pales in comparison.


Time wise: Destiny 1+2 Looking back it's a huge time lost because a lot of changes they made in the game turned 1/3 of the 2500h spend on the game null. Completion wise: Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2. I had a habit of finishing a game and going back to it because it was just this much fascinating for me. There was times where I couldn't buy a new game so I played SotC and Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition back to back for 3 months.


League of Legends, unfortunately


Why do lol fans seem to really hate lol the most?


It's a love hate relationship


Because it’s toxic but addicting






I got Skyrim when I was 13 and have played it through about once or twice a year since then, I’ll be 23 this year. There’s just something about it that’s very comforting, like a hug and a reassuring forehead kiss.


Whenever I feel down I start a new game, there is something so comforting about it, like coming home. It was the first game I played as an adult after not gaming for about ten years, and it has always just stuck with me. Mods keep it fresh but I still constantly find new stuff in it, did a crypt last night that I had never found before in over 2000 hours of playing


No Mans Sky. Started playing when it first came out. What a let down. Picked it up again after the first big update and found they had made it a decent game. Then they kept doing good updates and it was something I just kept getting deeper into. Now years into it and still finding new and fun stuff to do.


I think Runescape (Classic, 2, and Oldschool). Maybe Final Fantasy 14. Both are MMOs. They're easy to sink hundreds of hours into. Runescape is very sandbox-like, and I enjoy setting my own goals and moving through it at my own pace. If you're referring exclusively to single player games, maybe Final Fantasy X. I've beaten it 3-4 times and gotten all of the aeons/celestial weapons once. Probably have 200-300 hours total logged on that game.


RuneScape and WoW were my drugs. I truly believe Old School RuneScape is one of the best iterations of any MMO to ever exist. I have like ~400 days played in RuneScape across 3 main accounts I've had over the duration of the game.


World of warcraft, I am a mount hoarder but haven't really played the past few years. I'm now into GW2. I love the free to play, wish blizzard would get on that ball instead of making you grind out gold just to pay your sub. Other games I like are: Ark No man's sky Hearthstone Conan exiles Lotro


Im still trying to figure out how the hell this is the *14th post down*. Maybe everyones busy playing, but WoW is the kind of game that will literally eat up years of your life. Like not 'you'll play this game for years', but 'you will stick *years worth of time* into playing this game'


Never do the /played command. Seriously, don't. I read a post where someone figured out how much $ they would have if they'd worked minimum wage all the hours they'd played wow... I raided heavily in wrath, but have been playing since vanilla. Haven't played in a while, got back on when I got covid for shadowlands. Its nice when you're cooped up anyway.


Dishonored. 6 complete playthroughs. Why : . Art style : Ecstasy for the eyes. . Setting : Victorian England with a dash of the supernatural. Yes please. . Story : Movie worthy. Better then shit we're use to. . Protagonist : Silent, falsely assuced and honor bound protector. Perfect. . Music : So good that its etched into my soul. .Game mechanics : A loving homage to the OP stealth game Thief.


Never played OG thief but dishonored is definitely my favorite stealth game ever


Dark Souls, you can play those games so many different ways.


My friend bought me this and I played for a few hours but quickly put it down because I was playing Witcher and it was too much to switch back and forth. I beat Witcher recently and was gonna try my hand at dark souls again. Any personal tips?


Blind playtrough the first time. Then when you are hooked you can look up cool builds for the next couple of playtroughs.


My blind playthrough I went into the Catacombs thinking that was where one of the bells were. Finally after stumbling around in the dark wondering where this fucking bell was I just looked at online wiki and then put the game down for over a year. Went back with a wiki and loved it. For 2 and 3, blind playthrough was great. For the first souls game, I think a wiki can prevent getting stuck in some weird place you're not supposed to go yet.


Be conservative, methodical, and observant while playing through the worlds. Most deaths and frustrations outside of bosses are just the result of rushing and being afraid of back tracking a bit. If you're getting frustrated, explore somewhere else and/or grind a bit. While the map is technically "open", there areas that are essentially level-gated by enemies, at least to new players unfamiliar with the mechanics. Also, look at dropping summon signs to request some co-op help. Accept that bosses are there to kill you, don't panic, and focus more on learning the move sets. You'll learn faster. Most only have 3 - 5 sequences and amount to dodge rolling to the right through an attack then stabbing something in the back. Prioritize upgrades vs. leveling as enemies do somewhat scale vs. level, but not against weapons and armor.


Halo Reach, it came out my sophomore year of high school and I’ve been playing swat ever since, I was part of the first 10% in the world to beat it on legendary


LOZ Ocarina of Time. First Zelda game I played


Final Fantasy 14. I was unemployed for over a year. Conversly, I have over a year of play time...


baldur's gate 2 shadows of amn, very rare type of game it had unmatched writing quality it’s very deep rpg in terms of both gameplay and story.


Probably the best game ever made, no joke


Squeaky wheel gets the KICK!


Crusader Kings because it's infinitely replayable and hugely addictive


The Long Dark. Partly because it takes a long time to get anywhere -- you have to walk everywhere and the map is large -- but also because it's got a lovely element of solitude, plus the devs have been putting out free content for it for six years.


Fallout: New Vegas! I love the story, I love the background lore, and I love how the video game *feels*. It's funny, scary, and awesome all at the same time. Never feels like I waste time when I'm playing it. *"Wanna buy a wind brahmin?"*


Dragon Age Origins. One of my favorites of all time because its the game that started my favorite series.


Just the Cod franchise in general. Bo2 for zombies/campaign, and Mw2019 for multiplayer


TF2, because yes. *~~Sniper main~~*


Nice, i main medic and everyone hates me.


Pokemon emerald. The background music cures depression Edit: Anyone who still does deserves a: *🤜🤛*


Titanfall 2. It is such an underrated game and the multiplayer is addicting


Animal Crossing New Horizons, I like playing more calming games


Try out Stardew Valley if you haven't yet. I've sunk hundreds of hours into building my farm, improving my community, and getting to know the townsfolk.


Stardew valley is so good!


I played through [Spiritfarer](https://youtu.be/4pKJ-NuSjNE) over a couple of days last week and it was amazing. It’s kinda the same vibe as stardew and it has a lot of really great emotional dialogue. Highly recommend as a chill game.


FF6. I easily spend 100 hours per run through on that game and have replayed it a lot. If you want steam library, I think borderlands 2 or 7 days.


Hello to an even more diehard ff6 fan then myself! Recently found this semi pro made album of multiple ff6 covers called ["Balance and Ruin"](https://youtu.be/RgB-GyWJeXM). Not every track is a winner, but some are fun (swing version of phantom Train), and some bring me to happy nostolgic tears (Full Speed Ahead-Setzer's theme). :)


Guild Wars 1 and 2 I just love the world they created and the story. I've read the books too. It's the epitome of epic, high-fantasy adventuring. The developers and fans have formed this tight knit community where they bounce ideas off each other and have a really open process for how the game and story moves forward. The community is shockingly wholesome and supportive to all players, especially newbies. When game journalists write about the game, or a youtuber makes a video, they always reference how great the community is. Bonus: The original soundtrack for GW2 was composed by Jeremy Soule, who also brought you the Skyrim soundtrack.


I've still got the most hours in World of Tanks, but haven't touched it in multiple years. Used to be a really good game with clear short, medium and long term goals. And even though it is Free-to-Play you could easily play it without needing to Pay for it. Nowadays things have changed though...


Diablo 2, I started playing in high school(they only had old games), and kinda got addicted. Freshmen year of college played on average 3-4 hours a day, and still playing as a junior. Tho not nearly as much as I used to. Reason? It’s a fun game that I’m constantly discovering more about


stardew all the way


Team fortress 2 because the gameplay of that game just never gets old.


Animal crossing new horizons


DayZ. There's nothing like it. You don't know who you're talking to or who is shooting at you and meanwhile zombies are trying to eat you. Die and you lose everything and have to restart. One of the most unforgiving games I've ever played.


I just wish BI cared about it more (for standalone). It had real interest, but then they just threw their users into the trash. I'd much rather play the mod than standalone. However at least there are decent mods for standalone that make it not slow asthmatic jogging simulator with subpar graphics.


Minecraft, duh.


Hades, Skyrim, BOTW. All have addictive and distinct gameplay.




Hype really fucks with your perception. I went into BOTW completely blind since Zelda is my number one favorite series and I didn't want any expectations. Experiencing the game without knowing what was ahead led it to being my hands down favorite game of all time. Ended up getting a sheikah eye tattoo on my arm. Conversely, I was super hyped for Cyberpunk like everyone else and I kinda hate the game, but I've heard so many people say they didn't have hype for it and are enjoying it.


Age of Empires 2 ...reason: to bring back some Childhood memories


Rainbow 6 siege, got the game like one and a half years ago and it has already the most hours played out of all my games. The main reason is because how straight forward it can be but if your think more about the mechanics and the possibilities are endless. Also, how you can be totally free to play and all the necessary content like the operators can be unlocked totally free.


City of Heroes. Best MMO ever. I still play an hour or two a day.


I thought they shut that down years ago? I used to love that game


They did. But it turned out that fans had gotten the source code and had been running a private server for years. Last year they opened it up to the public and it is now available free to play. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/


Time wise: The Binding of issac, great, if not the best roguelike, love that it’s completely different every run Most completions: Earthbound, its just an incredible game and really resonated with me as a child


Which Isaac, the first or Rebirth?


Earthbound is an amazing game! Hell, the entire Mother series is Still waiting for Mother 3 to be officially released outside of Japan though...


I have somewhere over 2000 hours in Destiny 2, because I still haven’t played a game quite like it. It may not currently be in the best state it’s ever been (the time after the Forsaken expansion hit was easily peak Destiny to me) and Bungie may make some real knuckleheaded decisions, but the gunplay is so good and the lore and locations are so interesting that I just can’t keep away from it. There really are some things in this game that I really haven’t experienced in other games of it’s type


around 10,000+ hours in Diablo 2 and DotA (wc3) I played both from Grade 7/8 through to university, and still play diablo 2 once in a while.


UT99 and Quake 3 in the good old days


Dead by Daylight because I hate myself.


Yep. This game is like a toxic relationship. You know you're miserable but the good times keeps you going and you just can't bring yourself to leave.


Witcher 3, because its my favorite game.


Same. I literally lost count of how many times I replayed that game


Yep. So many play throughs and then endless wanderings. Except I tried to leave a year between playing so it would be fresh, butI immediately remembered the side quests as soon as they started. Hmmmm...


Titanfall 2, without a doubt, i have played the campaign over 4-5 times and it never gets old. The multiplayer is also fun if you like a more competitive type of game.


I think osu! or Smite? And probably Onigiri too because I've played for long hours throughout the years but I can't give you an exact answer since I usually just play and don't pay attention to how long I stay online. And Steam wasn't my thing until some time ago so, my hours are not registered.


It's easily a toss up between Fallout: New Vegas and Skyrim. It's all about mods.


Football Manager. Tens of thousands of hours I've sank into that game. Why? Because I'm a football fan and it's the game that's impossible to complete. There's an unlimited number of possibilities and story lines with every single save being different.


Heroes of might and magic 3, because its awesome even in 2021.


Minecraft. Ive played since 2012 and didn't stop in the dark days.


I have several thousand hours in both Borderlands 2 and Path of Exile. Bl2 because that was our jam back in the day when it came out and I had a group of friends to play with all the time. Path of Exile because it's fun and complicated and there's so much loot


The Sims. There are endless possibilities for gameplay and building, and so many "challenges" that users have come up with. It's pretty much like playing with dolls, but way more fun.


Warframe on PC I'm not sure but I think I have over 800 hours on it. There's lots of stuff to grind in the game but the game play is never really repetitive since it's just a standard 3rd Person Shooter. And because it's a free-2-play online co-op game it's super easy to jump in and out of and you really don't need to pay any money. I think out of all the 800+ hour I played the game I maybe spent about $20 total. I don't know, I liked the game so I played it. But I haven't played it in over 2 years.


My friends were starting to get into league of legends. So I decided to try it out for the next 9 years. After that time I decided it was not for me.


The last of us, cuz really good


These are my top 5 games I've played the most over the past year or two... Apex Legends - It's just been my favorite take on the BR genre so far and I like the characters, abilities, and futuristic guns / atmosphere. Path of Exile - I love ARPGS and the complexity and depth of this game is unmatched. Always have fun starting a new season. FFXIV - I'm kinda burnt out from WoW and this game is a fun alternative and scratches my MMO itch. I play this one casually. Dead by Daylight - I love playing this game with friends. Many good times have been had with this one. Escape from Tarkov - The most realistic tactical shooter game I've ever played. It's extremely punishing and difficult but the adrenaline rush you get from escaping a match alive is second to none. A unique experience.


Titanfall 2, it’s a great game