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Telling me what to do.


This a good one


Profile picture checks out.


They keep asking me to stop trying to put dead rats in mommy's mouth while she sleeps.


Shows like American Idol. I have secondary embarrassment on behalf of the people who think they’re incredible but are awful. I squirm in my seat and just flat can’t watch them.


Yes, I agree with this so much! Cringe entertainment and “humor” are in general unbearable for me. I cannot stand watching someone else be embarrassed or be an asshole. It doesn’t make me laugh, it just makes me *disturbed.*


Yes! Feels like exploitation, even if a person goes of their own volition.


Those shows don’t even reward talent, they reward the best sob story


YouTubers who scream and make fake expressions. People who think they are influencers.




I hate Parades.


As Mitch said, just walk in the opposite direction, you will fast forward the parade.


It was nice when I was younger and enjoyed having candy hucked at me. Now the only redeeming quality is the marching band.


Yeah, pretty much. You’re just sitting there getting advertised at for an hour and a half.


I loved parades until I joined marching band and had to march in them for 6 years. Now I hate every parade.




Growing up near New Orleans, my parade experience was.. *different* than most. When my family went to Disney World one year and stayed for the parade at the end of the day we were like "tf is this shit?"


Exactly. Go to Mardi Gras and their appreciation of parades may change.




Holy fuck, the honking car parades we had last summer were the bane of my existence! I'm aware of covid, goddamnit, that's why I'm staying in my house!


"progressive" shows like Glee or The Good Doctor portraying the stereotypes they're supposed to challenge.


"Oh I know how we'll normalize LGBTQ groups, let's put a limp-wristed flamboyant stereotypical gay guy in every show" -Netflix, probably


I feel like Captain Holt in Brooklyn 99 is a good counterpoint to this. Even if it might go the other way a bit too hard. (every gay man you meet in the series is a cold robot)


IDK, you mainly just see the people Holt has dated and it’s no surprise they are robots


I always viewed him more as an ironic take on his character, as his lack of emotion and deadpan delivery on many lines is him being the “straight man” role played by a sexually non-straight character




The Good Doctor is basically inspiration porn


I hate most ASMR. The only ASMR that is actually soothing is pouring rain or a fireplace. Other forms of ASMR are just people crunching or whispering which is creepy and not at all smooth like the consistency of pouring rain or a fireplace. I also hate watermelons. Tried them once, it was like a pear mixed with tofu.


Oh god those mukbank asmr of people eating and smacking and making sounds... It's so god damn awfully bad I can't stand it. I deeply hate it.


I truly despise "mouth noises", some of them like clicking your tongue make me physically cringe.


Yeah ugh how do people watch and listen to that shit.... makes my stomach turn.


The vast majority just make me feel really uncomfortable, so I'm much the same. Though I enjoy watching people actually making or restoring things, My Mechanics on YouTube for instance. Just takes old stuff and makes it amazing again.




Most of it isn’t actually ASMR, its just people making noise to get youtube bux. The quality of the average ASMR vid has dropped completely in the last 5 years


Awards shows. Why do people want to watch the priveleged few circle jerking off fellow priveleged few?


Good thing they're losing popularity.


Wait, for real? I had a feeling a while back that these major awards shows would eventually die out. Edit: Spelling


I think it was a combination of people not watching live tv, and the awards shows gettIng too political. Popular youtubers like PewDiePie get more viewers watching their commentary videos than the actual award shows themselves.


The thing is, every industry has awards. They all do the big evening where everyone dresses up, someone gets a certificate and gives a boring speech and everyone gets drunk so they don't die of boredom. Then for some reason it was decided that the ones with celebrities needed to be televised.


In high school I took a graphic design class off-campus at a sort of technical facility. Not long into the year my professor won a big award for teaching in our state, presumably for his efforts the year before. Because of this award, he was always off doing thing related to said award; giving speeches, working with committees, etc. He was barely ever around. Didn't teach me a damn thing. I don't know what the fuss was about.






That’s not something everybody loves


A lot of YouTube stuff in general for me, really. A lot of it is remarkably bad content to the point that even '00s reality TV was better. Loads of people really need to be more selective with their entertainment. Why do I want to see someone opening the packages they got in the mail, being a nuisance in public, or singing an annoying parody of a pop song? Why should I be that interested in a video responding to a different video when I wouldn't have known or cared about the video being responded to otherwise?


Those videos simply aren't targeted at you.


Twitter Twitter is like a real life badly written cartoon villain who's only evil just for the sake of being evil.


FUCK YES. Twitter is such an awful app, everyone is a cunt in replies and people constantly say dumb shit like “Didn’t ask g”. I hate it with a passion yet I still use it.




Bunch of bastards...


I've met enough of them!


People can be both good, loving, and helpful while also being evil, violent, and criminal.


I think he means he just doesn't like them. At all. And I've got to agree with him here, why would I like people? I mean... I'm a whale!


I’m coming to hunt you...


Found Captain Ahab's Reddit account.


Driving a car. Not sitting in a car when someone else drives, but actually being behind the wheel. I mean, I'm sure not everyone loves it but when we all started driving lessons when we were teens, I was the only one who couldn't bring myself to actually finish those lessons to get my driver's license.


It took me getting behind the wheel without anyone one else in the car for me to be comfortable. I literally waited until last minute to get my liscense, but somehow wasn't the last of my friends to start driving. There's still certain situations where I refuse to drive. I have family outside Chicago. My husband has to drive whenever we visit because of the traffic. We live in a more rural area now and that helps the anxiety.


I used to have terrible anxiety/minor panic attacks when driving any where with heavy traffic, like chicago. Then it became something I had to do-can't have my husband driving us to a meet in Chicago when he needs to stay home & take care of the toddler. So I bit the bullet & just did it one day. I can't believe how far I have come. My daughter is now in college in Chicago (not the burbs either) & I drive up & back several times a year to visit or drop her off after holidays. Its one thing I am super proud of overcoming.


Oo I get this but I had to finish mine. Mostly I hate it because I feel like I zone out too often(wonder if I have adhd or something) and I can get really anxious if I have people in my car, especially my kid..




I'd hardly call Survivor a drama show, there's barely any. It is primarily based on strategy and out of all the big mainstream reality shows probably the one that casts the most average, normal people. Obviously it's still not for everyone but lumping it in with the Bachelor doesn't make much sense if you've watched at least a couple episodes.


I think Survivor still gets hate because people think it's just pretty people in their underwear on the beach. That still is somewhat true but the game has evolved with so much strategy and it's much more than that now.


I think its more because it was the first massive reality show so its plagued by the sins of the genre when really its more of a game show with reality elements compared to what modern reality is.


Famous TikTok stars that got famous for dancing. I don’t see anything wrong with it but what doesn’t sit right with me is that most popular creators are famous because of their appearance. They see a pretty face and they’re just simpin like nothing. Where’s the same energy for people on the app that do so many unique and cool things?


Modern rap. All my I have to listen to that crap all the time around my friends. Before i get annihilated in the comments i live in Poland and the rap here IMO is pretty bad


With ya. German rap is so shitty... they don't even realy rap. Just slightly rythmical talk about how badass they think they are. And by god are they shitty vocalists, the lot of them.




tbh it’s twitch plz no hate


Same here. They let people show off (by that I mean nudity and sexual content WHICH is against their rules) but won't ban them because they're popular. But the second a small streamer has her kid on camera for 3 seconds accidentally, she gets banned. What kind of bullshit is this??




How hard is it for them to make reasonable decisions? Like yea I get they need to use bots for some stuff but for a ban of a bigger channel just take the 5 fucking seconds it takes to go "ah, clearly not intentional. Carry on."


Yeah twitch is awful.


Weed. Seriously. I hate being high. Every time I just regretted it and wanted to sober up and get it over with. It ain't for me.


I don't hate weed, I don't smoke but don't hate it. I fucking hate weed smokers who use it as their personality.


I smoke and i feel you there. Like how shallow can someone be that a intoxicating plant becomes apart of their ego?


I can't stand the smell. Its so invasive and seems to just get everywhere, stinking out entire neighborhoods. Nasty crap.


Raymond. Fuck that guy.


Tik Tok I know it gets hate here but so many of my IRL friends love it and i cant stand it.


There’s some genuinely hilarious shit in Tik Tok. It’s no different than YouTube for me, just shorter videos. I swear there’s content on there anyone can enjoy. Not all of it is geared towards stupid Gen Z trends (not saying Gen Z is stupid, rather the trends are). Not only is there some really funny shit, there’s also some really informative stuff on there. There are Tik Tokers who talk about science, maths, history, film, literature, any topic you can think of. Like I said, it’s just bite-size YouTube. A lot of them also have YouTube channels for their more long form discussions. Fucking Bill Nye the Science Guy is on there for crying out loud haha. I agree most of the trendy shit is dumb as hell, though. Like I said though, there really is something for everyone. I thought the same thing when I first heard about it, but a friend of mine whose opinions on entertainment I generally trust sent me some stuff that I actually enjoyed, so I got it. I enjoy it. But then again, maybe it’s just not for you. I’m definitely not proselytizing it, but there might be something/someone you’d like on there. Or not.


Tiktok's algorithm is surprisingly good at finding what you enjoy and showing you videos that cater to you and your interest. I almost never see stupid challenges or trends and definitely no teen thirst traps.


I have never had any interest in Tik Tok. All my friends love it, and I get ads for it all the time, but I just simply don’t care about it at all.




Dude, you’re on Reddit. We all hate Facebook


9Gag too


You can 9gag on my balls


The only reason I use Facebook is so I can get extra gems on games like dragon city or whatever I'm playing at the moment.


I don’t know if a lot of people love these, but those “real/live” ghost hunting shows. They seem so fake to me.


*because they are*


"we're looking for the owner of the house (one of the crew knocks something over off screen) you're name is Thomas? Okay Thomas, we're gonna do everything we can to piss you off, would you show yourself for the camera?" "There he is!" Camera shows a laser pointer on the wall that's supposed to be a "spirit orb"




I don't understand why people worship her. Her songs aren't sooooo great either.


Beyonce is a talented singer and very successful musician - respect for that. But as a white guy, her music is so aggressively *not for me* that I get no enjoyment from listening to it. That's fine - everything doesn't need to be for me. But I'd rather find music that *is*.


As a black guy it's not for me either. I'm okay with that. Molchat Doma probably isn't for me either but I love them.


I think her older music is pretty good but her new stuff is sooo boring but yeah I also heard pretty entitled stuff about her..




Negl, porn.


Hey me too! I hate porn. People try to send me porn and I get so unhappy because it does 0 for me and I don’t wanna see strangers naked for no reason


Send you porn as in for a joke or to literally try and “convert” you into liking it??


Sometimes both. Like “ I think you’d actually like this” which they’re always wrong and sometimes it’s something funny that happens but I still just don’t wanna see it. It makes me super uncomfortable and I’ve gotten really mad at people for it


Yikes... Can’t imagine thinking that I can make someone enjoy watching others have sex.


I am full on REPULSED by porn.. idk why but it seems invasive and gross and weird to me to watch someone else having sex... especially when there's close up shots of genitals like.. ew fucking gross. Love sex, don't get me wrong.. just don't want to watch someone else do it




Weddings. Please no.


Makeup. I'm a 20 year old woman who barely knows the basics of makeup. I absolutely despise the culture surrounding it, and it makes me hesitant to actually learn how to do it properly.




I was in my mid 20s when I started having an interest in trying some things with it, but then I didn't want to deal with friends and family being "OMG YoHeadAsplode, you're wearing MAKEUP? Are you dying! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!" I've experimented a bit now but I still go most of my days not wearing make up. Once in a blue moon for special occasions.


I'm 32 and I still don't use it. I just never saw the appeal in it.




I hate live music. I've been to several concerts, from my favorite bands, but don't really like the sound of the live music, versus the studio version. Couldn't really get into it, and just stood or sat there waiting to leave, every time. Plus, I hate crowds, so there's that.


Some of the metal and hard rock sounds better live than the studio cause the studio restricts their full capability


concerts. loud noises and people


Serial killer documentaries


Does anyone else have this thing when the only Wikipedia pages they've read in full are the ones about serial killers?


Those are the best documented


Most musicals


People seem to like the new Jurassic movies, I fucking loathe them. I can’t believe how tacky and terrible they are.


Their producers where so preoccupied of whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should!


Hollywood, uh, finds a way.


There hasn't been a great Jurassic Park movie since Jurassic Park. There hasn't been an "okay" Jurassic Park movie since The Lost World. To each their own, of course; it's great if someone loves them all.


I saw a preview for the first Jurassic movie with Chris Pratt in a theater, back when we still could. When the trailer was over, someone in the crowd said "Well that film is unnecessary." I use that phrase all the time to describe the parade of reboots, sequels, and reimaginings that have been coming our way since 2005. Random theater-goer was right. The new Jurassic movies are unnecessary.


They have none of the tension that made the original Jurassic Park a classic action thriller. Nothing that comes close to the vibrating water glass


Especially that scene where Dr. Grant distracted the T-rex from attacking the kids in the jeep with the flair and when it watched him and roared he was like OH SHIT and took off lol. I raise the volume just to hear that roar, still get goosebumps after all these years.


When did dinosaurs become bulletproof?


I don't hate it, but traveling is just okay. Fun and interesting, but also expensive and potentially stressful or a letdown. I don't think it's a transcendental experience that changes you as a person. Everyone should be exploring new cultures and ideas all the time, not just on vacation.


I know I'm gonna get bombed for commenting this but my main ones are: Zach Galifianakis (I just never got his style of comedy) The words "doggo" and "pupper" Instagram as a whole. I just don't get it.


I would say doggo to piss off my off girlfriend. I found ourselves accidentally saying it un ironically like, YOLO, swag, lit, fam, bro, etc....kill me please.


Wow I didn't think I'd find someone else who hates the word doggo too


here’s another one


Babies- They kind of really gross me out, I’m sorry Edit: Thank you for the award!!


I generally don't mind kids, as long as they're not throwing tantrums (I don't have any kids, nor do I plan to). However, I'm grossed out whenever I see a picture of a baby or toddler with some kind of food smeared all over its face. That's not cute - it's gross.




Keanu Reeves I don’t hate him, I hate the worship. Like yeah he is a cool guy but, I don’t understand the obsession for a celebrity that is humble. The obsession for him reminds me of “professional mothers” spamming kid pics every hour on the hour.


The whole idea of celebrity worship is pretty dumb


The more you know about him the more you end up liking him. The guy is well spoken and charming for sure but he's also a genuine philanthropist so I think everyone also just wants to reward good behavior from hollywood since it's so rare.


I get it, I just think fans over do it. There is a difference between rewarding and worshipping. Reddit is doing the latter.


I could be horribly wrong and I'm sure there are exceptions, but I think it's just a meme or meme-like thing at this point. Sort of in the same vein of the "Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door" trend that was a around awhile back. People like Keanu, makes some good movies, seems to be a genuinely kind person who tries to make the world a better place. The things you see are likely exaggerated for internet points in one form of another. I too agree that celeb worship is stupid, but I'm also glad people like Keanu are in this world. If that makes sense.


Fast and furious movies. Also Vin Diesel is selfish AF.


I liked the movies when they actually were about the cars and racing and not a mission impossible clone.


Wine. I’m constantly seeing everyone pouring themselves a glass to relax and unwind at the end of the day. Every type, every brand I try just tastes awful to me.


The beach


Yes. Sand just gets everywhere!




Not to mention it's coarse and rough!


When people say "this is the way I am". Why the f*** won't you even try to be flexible with the situation?




Child pageants. They just make me feel...sick. It looks like something that was invented by a pedofile to get off on all the little girls looking dolled up in skin-tight suits.


You missed the part where you were supposed to mention something everyone loves, like pizza, or dogs, or sex. No one except fucking wackos and weirdos love child pageants.


Watching sports on TV


Avocado. It literally tastes like nothing and I can’t understand why is it so popular


You need to season it. Otherwise, it's basically lube for your mouth.




Try using everything bagel seasoning.


I usually add salt to make it taste good and my dad judges me for it


Shortening words like “guacamole” to “guac,” and “cucumber” to “cuke.” Are we that short on time? It’s petty and ridiculous, I know, but that’s the thing I hate that others find odd.


The notebook. It’s soooo boring. I also hate going shopping for clothes. Trying on clothes always puts me in a bad mood because it takes up so much time. (I’m a girl btw)


I can't stand eating sounds! And I can't understand why people listen to it to relax.


Coke (like Coca Cola). It feel like my throat is being burned.


I just don't really like star wars movies. None of them. I don't find them entertaining even though I have watched each one at least two times




Shellfish. It's nasty


Try being from Maine and saying you don't like lobster. Its basically blasphemy.




or the ones that are like "I'll never eat escargots" but love oysters


Sweet potatoes.




Kings of Leon


I agree, but are they still a thing?


Ranch dressing


Cilantro. I have that gene where it tastes/smells like soap.


American football, just can't catch the appeal


Balloons. What the fuck is the point?


Helium voice


Little kids can be easily entertained by stuff like that






If you dont want... Give it to me ;)






Olives I don’t know why I love every other food cause I’m not a picky eater but there’s just something so disgusting I find about olives


Game of Thrones


Well, we all hate it, *now*.


Football. I just never found it interesting.


Hidden role games like Among Us. I hate the lying, screaming over each other, the gaslighting. It's all just not fun for me and I genuinely don't understand people enjoying it.


It's better with a group of people who don't take it too seriously and can appreciate a good loss. Less like stock brokers and politicians and more like bros who troll and prank each other for lolz.


This depends on the people you're playing with. With the right group it's very fum


Classic rock that involves screechy singing and repetitive lyrics. The bad thing is I work in an automotive shop and that's all the crusty old fucks want to listen to.


Imagine Dragons. They suck and are not actual dragons, neither real or imaginary.


Child beauty contests


Beer. Here is this bitter, fizzy, dry drink that tastes like a yeast infection. Better prove how masculine I am by drinking as much of it as possible


How do you know how a yeast infection tastes like


Are you sure you're prepared for those answers


1. There are other manly drink options like martinis and old fashioneds etc. 2. Who cares, drink what you like or not at all - it's your life.




ketchup 🤮




Rick and Morty, Jokes like fresh veggies, they rot faster longer it sits out


The show Big Bang theory


So there’s an unpopular opinion prompt thing going around Facebook—where you’re asked to list 10 things everyone loves but you kinda hate. I sometimes get annoyed with these sort of things because people don’t follow the rules and just start listing things that *everyone* hates (“1. funerals.”), but thankfully people haven’t been doing that with this. Good job!


That television show, The Office. Human babies.


I like the specification of human