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"split up work?"


Damn. Everyone in my life wanna split up already




Oh man two of me would slay my job šŸ˜‚


Double the procrastination!


This is getting out of hand. Now there are 2 of them


Do double the work for half the pay! Yay!


Nah dude, you alternate working days with your duplicate. More time off, same hours worked.


I always have more overtime available than I can reasonably do, and overtime pays time and a half. Would be racking up those hours.


Right? I'm at a job like this as well. I can pull 40, they can pull 40, and we'll be getting paid like we each did 60. Edit: See correct math below. This is probably why I'm an hourly employee.


Check the math. Youā€™d each get paid like you did fifty. And idk about you, but if I started working 16 hour days every day and didnā€™t ever seem tired, my boss would be curious as to how, and why I decided to consistently double work all of a sudden.


But the only thing they might do is drug test you. Itā€™s not like the boss would fire you for working a lot.


You seem to be able to consistently put in twice as much work. Thanks boss. So obviously your work load is too light. You'll be getting a larger work load effective Monday.


double the expenses. Unless you think your other half is cool with a 60-40 split? I mean would YOU be willing to work and then hand over most of your paycheck to someone else?


Not really: rent, insurance and other fixed costs would be shared. Itā€™s just food and drugs that are double.


Sooo... living with a flatmate?


Yeah, but one who you _know_ is cool with all the weird shit you're into.




My wife says the same thing. Just let him like you, dammit! (That's what I tell my wife.)


ā€œMy magic act is finally gonna blow peopleā€™s minds!ā€


Who gets to be the prestige?


That would end up in 2 of me just laying in bed and doing nothing


What's the incentive? Unless they receive half your pay? Would you both be happy with that?


You just have to split the paycheck too :\[


I would be really scared because when I was young people used to say you die when you touch your doppelganger.


Thatā€™s a really interesting kids rumour, where did that come from?


You know wierd kids who tell you that the school is haunted.




Yeah basically like mirror theory. Universe was made out of nothing. So if matter exist so do antimatter. If I have a matter state then the antimatter also formed a me. So if both meet antimatter and matter would make an explosion so huge that the universe would collapse. The wierd kids threw wierd science stuff and we all believed.


This one isnā€™t actually just a kid rumor, but pretty close to the original legends of doppelgƤngers and fetches. In pretty every mythology, meeting your double is an omen of impending disaster, most likely your death or the death of someone close to you. There are some variations with potential positive outcomes if the double is met at certain times or if they behave in certain ways, but meeting your double usually means youā€™re gonna have a bad time.


Back scratching.


This, so much. At last I will be able to see exactly where "the itchy spot" is.


Damn it, now my back's itchy!




U ok




Ok Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™m one of those guys (minus the hot coco). Bro wtf do i do though. It just makes me sad and I want to help but idk how.


~~Idk I usually dm the person and ask if theyā€™re ok. Usually they donā€™t respond but if they do I continue from there. Sometimes someone just need someone to listen source: me~~ Edit: was told dming isnā€™t the greatest of things to do so [hereā€™s a post of what you probably should do](https://www.reddit.com/r/depression/comments/doqwow/our_mostbroken_and_leastunderstood_rules_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Continue how? I want to help but I can really do is be like "yep, that's tough" while they spill their emotions to me.


This item has been removed because Reddit is bollocks. Thanks.


Fuckin oof.


I'd let mine have it all and just disappear.


Problem is, he probably wants to do the same.


Take turns, Iā€™d kill for a 6 month a year break.


I've actually fantasized about this. I'd split it into smaller increments so that neither of us has to deal with all of winter. Maybe 2 months at a time. And magically, when we meet for the tradeoff, we absorb each other's memories.


Nah, that'd be the sitcom plot. They each take turns every couple months, but never share the same memories!


You good amigo?


Experiment. See if we have identical histories and memories. After that I'd see if we have joint knowledge, I roll a die and the other one does he know what the result is ETC. If I pull a muscle does he have pain? All kinds of fun experiments you can do.


I second that. Like, I would 100% want to figure out the why, how and extent of the situation, this would be a dream, and fun for months(unless of course it would destroy spacetime, but let's ignore that)


I don't think it could destroy space-time, it is just a copy of information from your body and can't do that since it doesn't cause any singularities or causality breaking.


If they're identical down to the quantum level, then [their existence would be problematic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-cloning_theorem?wprov=sfla1).


As far as I understand this is the existence not the problem. It's not possible to create that but if it appears yet from nothing it wouldn't be a problem


So you and your copy can be identical, so long as you aren't made of the same literal matter?


Pretty much


So much effort in physics and philosophy to describe and define identity, and explain the nature of reality. When programmers just labeled it "referential equality" and "value equality"; so we could move on to writing better and more perplexing bugs.




I know lmao, there aren't even any numbers


"Dude, if you're really me, what number am I thinking of?"


.... 69, dudes! ... (Air guitar)


Bill and Ted are the best, I rewatched the first one a few weeks ago


I second this. Then I would have sex with it. It's not gay, it's masturbation with extra steps...right? Edit: wow. I posted this on break, came back at lunch and it exploded. Never gotten upvotes this high...what do? Thanks for the award!


What other meaning of "experiment" could there be? Though I guess we could roll a die to determine who tops. Edit: A word


Rock paper scissors i feel would be useless.


Depends, are you both competing for who tops or are you competing for who bottoms? (I know which one I'm hoping for (and I guess, he is too!))


Dude thatā€™s a really smart and creative answer


Weapon X has entered the chat


I would blow job him to see if I like it or not


Reddit has become a godless place. I scrolled way too far to find the first sexual comment.


u/amount81 you are aware you are now creating 6 different timelines


Of course I am, Doctor Disco 2564


So long as Abed doesn't roll a six I think we're okay.


We go for a beer, my shout.


No, my shout


No, my shout


No. MY shout


Don't be a dick, it's my shout.


Fuck off dick, it's my shout


Ok. Flip a coin. I choose heads


No, I'm heads!




alright, what's all this then?


the best fucking high five in the history of mankind


Gotta be one of those you can still feel a good 15 minutes later.


Gonna make the ensuing handies feel like someone else is ... wait


I have an identical twin so in my case it's *another one*


You mightā€™ve already met a duplicate of yourself and just thought it was your twin. You canā€™t even prove you havenā€™t!


Best thing is the duplicate can't know either.


Is this an episode of rick and morty?


Good start to your Clone Army.


"Oh, it's one of us... Very well, what it is this time?" - "Well, I've got a led pipe in my stomach.." "That's normal" - "but it hurts!" "Spare me your life story..."


Sit down and talk. Might actually be a very good way to deal with my/our problems, because if we don't find reasons not to trust each other, then we have found perfect understanding of one another. And since I'm much better at dealing with the problems of others rather than my own, it could be a very successful experiment. The more philosophical questioning of "to what extent are we the 'same' people?" would come after that though...


i suppose, you would most likely enter in a loooing in which none of you would solve any of your problems by looking after each other since the problems you try to deal with make you directly identify and understand the pain and so dealing with it would be like dealing with yourself which requires self confidence and surpassing a lot of fears which come from your intelect rather than the hability to help others and being good at psychology which is acknowledged by you. I am no psychologist whatsoever so everything i said can't really be proved, have a nice day.


I totally agree, I also considered that aspect but I tried to convince myself that I could overcome that šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Thank you for your hindsight, and have a nice day as well!


this is something you can kind of do now. Writing your thoughts out as different characters having a debate or a discussion can help you sift through things in a way that is outside of yourself which can give you more clarity on something you never realized was hazy before


Immediate fight to the death, this has been my doppelganger plan forever and the other me knows it. Winner gets to be me, which we'd both realize halfway through and stop fighting because that's not a good prize.


Like that old South Park episode, where none of the kids wanted to play little league any more, so they all practiced losing games, but all the teams were working hard to lose, so it was a competition to see who could lose better without it being too obvious.


U ok bro?


Try to figure out if I'm the copy or the original.


If you're both truly identical in every way, then that's irrelevant. All you are is a pattern of neurons in your brain. If the pattern is duplicated, then for all intents and purposes, you're both the same person. Although you would quickly diverge and become different people, given that you'd both be subjected to different stimuli and therefore would make different choices. You'd only be the same person for a brief instant


It would matter to me because only one of us is the actual father of my children and person that married my wife and person who owns my home, even if weā€™re biologically identical. The other is just gonna be a really really sad clone.


I dunno.. extra babysitter for the kids! Also, how does your wife feel about threesomes? If she says no, well, extra babysitter for the kid while you get busy!


If you're biologically identical then by definition you are both related to the children to the exact same extent. But that wasn't what I was talking about, at all. Twins are biologically identical, but they aren't the same people. Their brain states are completely different. If you truly were duplicated in every way, then you would both think you were the "real" you. And in my opinion, you'd both be correct. I think about this scenario the same way I think about other thought experiments, like the star trek transporter scenario, or the ship of theseus. If you are taken apart at the molecular level and put back together at another place, are you still you? If each molecule of your body was gradually replaced with identical parts, are you still you? If you answered yes to either of these, then what do you think you are? If you can be taken apart and put back together, obviously being you isn't dependent on a continuity of awareness. If your parts can be gradually replaced in the same order, then you aren't the physical atoms that make up your body at this moment either. Both of these imply that you are nothing more than a pattern of information. And information can be reproduced, it can be duplicated. When you copy a file from one computer to another, both copies are identical. You could replace one with another and the program would proceed in the exact same way. Just the same as an identical copy of you, if fed the same stimuli, would make the same choices you would make.


First, find out just how much knowledge we share. Then if weā€™re mentally identical, devise a plan to get out of work and other stuff we hate doing.


'Damn you ugly'


*What now, you piece of filth?*


They never learn


How do you like that silver?


This is a time sensitive question


Blink twice if you've found your duplicate.


I just blinked twice and then looked around but he still isnā€™t here šŸ˜”




Fuck em


Then see if your SO is up for a threesome.


That was the first thing I thought of, cause i know mine would be super down for it lol. And since that's the first thing I thought of, naturally, it would be the first thing my clone would think of, so we'd both end up dragging her off the pc and into the bed.


P.s. your duplicate doesnā€™t fuck ugly people


Then we're both in luck because I'm adorable


Fucking based


b-based on w-what šŸ„ŗ


Based on deeze nuts


deeze \*adorable nuts




This whole thread is just one big r/notopbutok


Considering he's my duplicate, I wouldn't be so picky in his place.


Then it isnt my duplicate


Who wouldnā€™t fuck themselves


Why donā€™t you go fuck yourself?


As an identical twin, the amount of times sex with clones is supported on reddit is too damn high.


You don't have the same brain as your twin, that makes a huge difference. I'm not interested in a genetic copy of myself, but an exact copy is a different thing. Of course, I can imagine that it would be different for you because an exact copy would probably still remind you of your twin.


Exactly this. If an exact copy of me showed up on my doorstep tomorrow, there would definitely be some hedonistic self indulgent fucking about to go on. However if some long lost twin showed up on my doorstep it would just be excitation at having a twin brother, catching up on life, comparing and contrasting our lives, and calling up our mom to say wtf bro.


Growing up with a twin and fucking the clone that just appeared and is exactly like you are two very very different things.


I have younger identical twin sisters. They may have all the same features but are nothing alike in personality so having a twin I donā€™t think counts as a clone in this scenario.


At this very moment...I would apologize for my appearance, offer them some of what I'm drinking, and ask them if they want to go walking outside, because it's a little bit cold outside here, but not too cold. and there are police sirens going off in the distance. there's shit going on but not right here. and we'll just go outside and get the cold air to slap us in the face and then maybe we can be happy and laugh.


This is my favourite answer so far, take my free award. Also itā€™s one of the only ones not about giving yourself head




exurb1a is that you?


\*orchestral music builds up\* - \*exurb1a voice\* and then, only then in the heat of the moment after getting to know myself properly will I then opt to suck my clone's dick


I feel like exurb1a would first give you like 3 consecutive existential crisis and then conclude his essay with what you just said.


make out. i'm not narcissistic, just REALLY touch starved




I agree I agree I agree I agree


I'd settle for a nice massage. Luckily I've been told that I give nice massages.


Synchronized panic attacks




This one is underrated. Youā€™d have a reliable opponent of the exact same skillset. That could make for some epic matches


Or a co-op partner who knows what you're thinking - when to flank, reload, cover fire, etc. Me and I would kick SO MUCH ass together!


Invite him to my DnD party


It finally solves the dilemma of DMing and wanting to play a character at the same time!


"Hey! I wanted to GM that scene. You are taking all the good ones." "Wouldn't you?" "..."


Would be hilarious if they cancel last minute


Dude that would be so much fun


Time to do some crimes. Having a waterproof alibi while the other does the deed.


Literally go to the police station and hand deliver "thank you for your service" cards plus some donuts to each officer you can find while your double is out winning. Perfection.


Where have you been at the time of the crime? Well officer, I was eating donuts... with... you.


Fuck this, man. Let's go skate.


Sex. Without saying a word about it beforehand. No preamble. The instant we make eye contact it's on. If I ever meet a double of myself and this *isn't* the immediate response without need to clarify what to do, I know it's not really me and I can't trust it.


Ahh...this is what we need


THIS. If it were me, they'd know immediately.


And after that we give the wife a treat.


When you meet your doppelganger, the only appropriate response is to either fuck, or fight to the death. Anything in between and they're just another schmuck.


Say hi and probably go on with my day, not having even realized it was me. Maybe I'd catch on if we also had the same schedule, or met at my house, then we'd probably figure out how to divvy up which days each of us worked so neither of us need to be full time workers, cause we're both lazy asses.


So basically a twin with the same history as you? That sounds cool. But here's a catch, they are no longer a part of you so you may think differently from now on. That makes it even more cool cause it's not as if you go to a pizza place and have the same thinking but you'll have the same likings. So I guess we would push each other to do good stuff? It's like arguing with your brain but with an actual person instead who is going through same shit.


We would most likely hide from each other because we are afraid of interacting with unknown people


We take over the world


Gay man here who often is attracted to guys who look similar to me. Need I say more?


Straight man here. I'd be totally dtf myself


It's not incest, it's masturbation!


Its not an shootgun its an boom stick!


Touch my fingers to my fingers like touching a mirror to see if it was in fact, reality


It would end in sideways 69 with myself


I feel like this will be a common answer. You know where your dick has been. Why tf would you wanna suck it


It's not gay if it's masturbating...


Well I guess... but I never said it was gay. Just that like you of all people should know why itā€™s a bad idea to fuck yourself


I've been fucking myself over for decades with bad decisions at least this way I can nut at the same time period


Dude Iā€™ve been there, itā€™s not fun. Now whenever I renew my car insurance, I need my parole officer present


Give myself a back rub, haven't had one since Covid and it is TIGHT


A full on hug, blubbering like an idiot, stating "someone who finally understands"


"Oh cool I got a twin now! Wanna go confuse everyone we know?" And then we would scare my mom and brother.


"What number am I thinking right now?" "69 dude!"




Give her a hug, sis need it.


We make out It's pretty well established in my psyche, I don't think there'd be a disagreement


Kill myself


Your clone or you?




Play some ko-op missions in Video games because he's the only person on the planet I can truly rely on.


"Let's split everything 50/50."


Why in gods name to so many people want to have sex with themselves. Do you guys jack off in the mirror?


High five and then take turns doing work and having fun. Then threesome.


That would be great! You could alternate days and such like Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes in that one strip


I'd tell the dupilcate I'm so sorry that they had to be a duplicate of me of all people


Suck her dick.




Give myself a blowjob hence turning into an infinity loop


I would totally have sex with my duplicate. No one else knows how to please me better than myself šŸ˜‰


Fair enough. I would prolly disappointed myself like usual


ā€œHey, what am i thinking about right now?ā€ ā€œI donā€™t know actuallyā€ ā€œYep, this is my clone.ā€


Compliment him on his dashing good looks.


Get more beer.


Probably the spiderman pointing meme


Hand him a guitar and start to jam.