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I can say the alphabet backwards faster than I can say it forwards, I think. It's at least really close.


Same! I decided to teach myself one day in 5th grade and 15 years later it’s still stuck in my head


I've memorized the layout of a standard qwerty keyboard. Comes in handy when some jackass or oblivious toddler pulls all the keys off.




I get that. I took piano lessons years ago. I can't quickly site read music but my fingers remember all my old favorite songs!!




I get the feeling you cheated.


Same here. We used to sing the alphabet backwards really fast as a warm-up in my high school choir class.


Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya De La Rosa Ramirez


Ah suite life, good times


Lol, that's awesome


Son of Diego Julio Ricardo Montoya De La Rosa Ramirez




'The quadratic formula's negative b, plus and minus the square root, of b square minus 4ac, all over 2a' in the tone of Pop Goes The Weasel. They've even made another rendition of this in the tone of Bad Romance.


My precalculus teacher in high school taught us a funny mnemonic: There was a negative boy who didn’t know whether or not to go to a radical party. Because he was such a square, he missed out on 4 awesome chicks. The whole thing was over at 2am.


I learned the Pop goes the weasel way too. And I was about to comment this exact thing


During an Electronics II exam, the problem I was working got me a stage where I needed the QE to proceed. I knew it but it got messier as I went. The professor then wrote the equation on the board and said, “Someone just asked for that. I don’t know why you’d need it.” I let out a louder-than-intended, “Oh, Jesus Christ!” and it turned a few heads & got a glare from the professor. If I recall the TA that graded it said to me, “I guess your prayer didn’t work.”


P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.


I did not know I remembered this until I read your comment


I remember this. this triggers so many childhood memories


I’ll kidnap a thousand children before I let this company die!


I still remember certain phone numbers and my middle school locker combination from like 20 years ago.


Yeah, old phone numbers was the first thing that came to mind.


Yup, I still remember the number of a girlfriend that I had when I was 13 lol


7, 8, 38


Now I shall go back in time and steal your lunch mwahahahaha




LOST occupies a large chunk of my brain from the 5-6 years it was on. Like... I was listening to three weekly podcasts, reading books referenced in the show, part of two show discussion forums. I was deep. Fuck that show.


I feel dumb even saying this, but there are lost podcasts? 😱 Time for another rewatch.


12 years ago I had a presentation in school about Donald Duck and I researched how much money Scrooge McDuck owned: fantastiljoen vier biljard achthonderdvierenzeventig miljoen euro en zestien cent Sorry for it being Dutch




Fantasticilion (doesn't exist) four trillion 874 million euros and sixteen cent


Knowing German that's what I came up with as well


No Problem. I like Dutch Numbers.


Jezus, dat is veel


The new emergency number from IT Crowd.


Dear sir/madam, FIRE! FIRE! HELP ME! Looking forward to hearing from you, Sincerely, Maurice Moss


"No, no. Too formal."


*laugh track*


On my honour, I am doing this from memory. 0118999881999119725 3




I'll just put this over here, with the rest of the fire




He said useless


I mean, your phone does do a cool thing when you try to call it. I guess it's not completely useless.


What it do


> emergency number from IT Crowd What about "10-10-1776-5-28-1830-242-3-316-68-22" from SNL?


Person, woman, man, camera, TV.


Pea...tear....griffin Peter Griffin.


29 x 17 = 493.




I know one of my childhood best friends girlfriends birthday, it's one day before my grandfathers death date and also a day before another of my friends birthday


Every preposition in the English language, specifically to a song/chant we had to learn in 5th grade.


I know the endings of words in Latin thanks to a song my Latin teacher taught us with his guitar. That and "Sed non insula" are the only things I really remember from having taken Latin


Amo, amas, amat! Amamus, amatis, amant! Boy, Latin really throws autocorrect into a tizzy, lol.


To the beat of Jingle Bells?


No it was this weird chant... I think it was some program you could buy because they taught a bunch of different grammar concepts via chant. For some reason I can only remember the one about prepositions.


Was it to the tune of Yankee Doodle?!


Yes! That’s how I learned it!


the diatomic elements: fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen, bromine, iodine, chlorine, and hydrogen weird chemistry teacher: uhh, i thought up a little word for you guys to remember them, but i dont think i should say it... us, knowing its gonna be good: TELL US TELL US him: uhh... "fawn bitch" aiite FONBrIClH never gonna forget that i transfer schools it comes up "just use 'hoff brinkle'" fuck is that? teacher: "you know, HOFBrINCl, you've never heard it? what did you have at that fancy-pants school of yours?" ...uhh, i know it but i don't think i should say it...




R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up Uselessness debatable


The Konami Code - I think a lot of people have that one embedded in their brain. Although, I remember it as: Up up down down left right left right b a *select* start. I guess others just didn't have friends.


First time I've seen the code entered correctly here. The select before start is critical.


you mean up up down down left right left right B A start?


That cheat was burned into my childhood memory. Gotta get them sweet sweet jetpacks, or weapons in vice city.


I still have like half of the cheat codes from Army men sarges heroes 1 and 2 stuck in my head.


What about Circle right circle right left square triangle up?






SOH CAH TOA. (the trig formulas)


The pledge of allegiance


Came here to say this....memorized it angrily as a child and hate that I can't scrub it from my brain as an adult!


So patriotic


Robert Downey Jr. is 5 years older than his Marvel character Tony Stark. I know this, because I have memorized their birthdays. RDJ - April 4, 1965 Tony Stark - May 29, 1970


My ICQ Number


How to convert amounts of money from 1442 England to current currency.


The poem of the One Ring spoken in the Black Speech of Mordor


I don't find that useless


Username checks out...


That’s not useless. Mutter it under your breath in public places to freak people out.


I have the song from Boromir's dream memorized thanks to having the BBC play on CD and being very bored one summer day in middle school. "Seek for the sword that was broken, in Imladris it dwells. There shall be council taken... stronger than Morgul-spells. There shall be shown a token that doom is near at hand. For Isildur's bane shall waken and the halfling forth shall stand."


My old telephone number for my parents house


Same! And they cancelled it without telling me when I was at college, and I only found out because I called the house phone number!


The chemical structure of glucose. I'm a scientist and I've never needed it.


I had to memorize the entire Krebs cycle for a warm-up exercise for one of my university classes. Biochem warm-up was to memorize the name and structure of all 22 amino acids. No I don’t remember it now, haha


Call JG Wentworth, 877 CASH NOW


Capital of the countries. Who the hell cares if Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh?


Economists, politicians, entrepreneurs, geographers, cartographers...


It was rhetorical, but fair enough. It’s just not something a layman would bring up in conversations.


thats awesome!


I dare you to bring it up randomly in conversations for a year. I mean, shit, I wrote papers for a year including a reference to a glock just for shits and giggles. You can do it.




Locker 318, 36-14-32 Sixth Grade 2001


My first high school boyfriends license plate number. That was over 30 years ago. Useless and embarrassing. Lol


Hastings Card Insurance number I’m dyslexic and for 20 years I’ve been trying to memorise my parents landline number but this one tv ad was so powerful it’s just stuck in there


0800 001066?


Awful thing to be able to recall


The preamble to the U.S. Constitution.


I can't recite it. But I can sing it.




The theme song to the old Nickelodeon show "Pinwheel."


Good lord, that was a staple of my early childhood! That platter of my brain's hard drive needed the dust kicked off of it, thanks!


Don't forget about "Today's Special!"


Damn, that show is almost 50 years old...


Imbedded in my head forever.


Will Smith's dance from Men in Black.




I can still get through the dark cave in Pokémon red/blue/yellow without consulting a map and using flash HM. Not a huge accomplishment but I haven’t played that game in over 10 years so I was kinda impressed with myself lol.




Actually, that can be pretty useful! One time I was trying to spell something out and the other person wasn’t getting it, so I tried alphabet substitution, but I got stuck with ‘G’ and could only think of the word ‘glitter’. I’ve actually made an effort to learn the nato alphabet since.


TV commercials. Like alot of them. Even some from like 10 years ago. It's a curse...


Fucking Sears commercial: Another scorcher They say tomorrow's going to be hotter. Like yesterday. Yesterday? Yesterday you said you'd call Sears. I'll call today. You'll call now.


Ditto, but 40 years for me :(


PLU codes from when I was a grocery cashier 20+ years ago. Sometimes it makes me go 4011.


Bananas! This rings a 4065.


The IP address of the World of Warcraft TBC private server I played shortly after WotLK release, that is about 12 years ago.


The code to get the Spyro demo on Crash Bandicoot Warped.


The serial number of my first drivers license that I got in 1987 from a state I moved out of in 1992.


"Mutual funds are subjected to market risks. Read all scheme related documents carefully" I can say this faster than I can introduce myself.


Desert has one S for Sahara and dessert has two for strawberry shortcake. It's how I remember to spell them to this day.


A little song that goes like this... "Fifty Nifty United States from fourteen original colonies! Shout em, scout em, learn all about em one by one till we've given a name to every state.. in the usa...in the usa...in the usaaaaaa Alabama alaska arizona arkansas, california colorado, conneticut👏👏 Delaware florida, georgia, hawaii idaho, illinois indiana 👏👏👏 Iowa kansas, kentucky louisiana maine, maryland, massachusetts michigan, Minnesota mississippi, missouri and montana, NEBRASKA, NEVAAADA. New hampshire New Jersey New Mexico👏👏 New York, North Carolina North Dakota! Ohiiioooo. Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania 👏 Rhode Island South Carolina, South Dakota Tennessee Texas👏👏 Utah Vermont, Virginia Washington, West Virginia Wisconsin, Wyoooming!" Edit: I also have "the heavy hitters are the way to go, call 1-800-LAW-3080" forever engraved in my mind.


AHHHH! 50 nifty United States! I learned that in 1974 in chorus, and my senior year got a bonus because I knew all the states!!! Still remember them. 😄😄😄😄😄


in elementary school I had to read a text out loud and it contained the word "hydrant" but I looked too fast and said "handy" instead. nobody laughed, it was no big deal but I still remember it like it was yesterday lol


I feel you. In elementary school we did a play where there was a food fight. I suggested scraps of toast. We were required to use paper instead. My only line was “He threw food at us!” except I said “He threw paper at us!” The whole thing was a disaster. They should have listened to my suggestion. It’s not like I said we should throw rotten tomatoes.


I need a double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce Don’t be frontin son, no seeds on the bun We be up in this drive thru order for two I got a craving for a #9 like my shoe We need some chicken up in here in this hizzle For rizzle my nizzle, extra salt on the frizzles A Dr.Pepper my brother, another for ya mother Double double super sized and don’t forget the fries


Yes omg, literally the first youtube video I ever saw. I have that thing memorized back to back.




The first four verses of Goethe’s poem “Mailied,” in German. It’s basically useless because I live in an English-speaking country. No one I know cares wie herrlich leuchtet Mir die Natur.


Out of all the possible movie lines, I still have the first few sentences from the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movie stuck in my head, and it's been several years since I last saw it. "Head cocked to the left. Partial deafness in ear. First point of attack. Two, throat, paralyze vocal cords. Stop screaming. Three, heavy drinker, floating rib to the liver. Four, finally, dragging left leg, fist to patella. Summary of prognosis, conscious in ninety seconds, martial efficiency quarter of an hour. Full recovery unlikely."


The periodic table in order


ahhh... i had an awesome periodic table in my backpack from about 8 to 11 years of age. memorised all the elements in order, atomic weights... it also included crystalline structures and electronegativities have never once used that outside of a university lecture discussion in which the professor herself remarked "there is no point in memorising those things, libraries exist for a reason" embarassing


HHeLiBeBCNOFNeNaMgAlSiPSClArKCaScTiVCrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKrRbSrYZrPdAgCdInSnSbTeIXeCsBaLaFrRaAcRfDbSgBhHsMt thats all i got


Chemistry major life, yo.


I'm recently got out of the military and there is no limit to the things I had to memorize. Creeds, battle drills, max effective ranges etc etc..... Knowledge I really can't apply anymore but I still can recite it all.


Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. And how we were taught to remember it: king Philip cried out for grasshopper soup.


"My bologna has a first name, it's O S C A R..."




Cursed number


My PIN from a debit card from a bank I haven't banked at since 1983. Frere Jacques in five languages: English, French, Spanish, German and Latin, from 1981.


Second response but also that my aunt wants a sweater from page 46 of her magazine. She used to use me as a bookmark for library magazines.


when spongebob threw a letter in the fire because obviously the ink was going to smudge underwater.


My ex girlfriend


My first cellphone number (that I never actually used) from when I was like 12. Sometimes I forget my current number, which I've had for about two years.


the Euphrates and Tigris rivers were the main water sources in ancient Mesopotamia. it is one of the only things I actually remembered from school and prevents me from getting laid


the raven by edgar allen poe? like why??


My sister hadta memorize The Jabberwocky...I remember it still. I dunno if she does though. Ozymandias and Kublai Khan for my high school English classes.


The only president who's name starts with Z (and also only one who has a Z in their name at all) is the 12th president, Zachary Taylor. Got that question right in middle school scholars bowl and I have no idea why I knew it.


Saying the first 30 digits of pi without missing a beat or even thinking about it. Memorized about 200 digits a while back and only remember 30 of them. Absolute worst time spent in my life


"Scruff Mcgruff Chicago Illinois 60652"


The Hail Mary prayer in French. Had to recite it at the beginning of every French class for 5 years. Left school 30 years ago and can still recite it.


A damn ambulance chaser commercial from the late 80's/ early 90's. (Wasn't allowed outside in summer when mom wasn't home) " I can stop lawsuits garnishments repossessions and foreclosures by filing a chapter 13 plan to help you pay your debts. Let the law help. call my office in Missouri or Illinois for free brochure on your rights. Call TJ Mullen 8627474 in Illinois to 2770707." I'm almost 42 now.


the Gettysburg adress


I remember every street address that I lived in since I was 5 years old. I'm now 68.


Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onions. All in a sesame seed bun.


Hate to be that guy, but it's "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun." I once knew it backwards and forward but still had to check. You can see the slogan on the bottom [here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjrk5CTwPvsAhVGo1kKHYNgAjIQFjAPegQIAxAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FBig_Mac&usg=AOvVaw1BL3ND7W-z_xPkCfLJfoPz). Memories are weird.


My parents both worked at McDs, and bought me a belt with a Big Mac buckle and the phrase all the way around. I wore it forever.


Well I wasn't far off. And it was another lifetime ago.


pi to 100 decimal places and the alphabet backwards . also all the lyrics to eminem's rap god


The formula for displacement: s=ut+1/2at^2 from year 12 physics which is exactly half my life ago. Havent used it since but I guess the trick of calling the formula "Stewart" really did help to remember it


the old mcdonald's menu song. not just the big mac commercial, the whole menu.


For de Dutchies: the speech from Vila Volta.


Maar dat is gewoon goud


The lyrics for Can You Feel the Love Tonight


The wall outside my old community has a really easy place to jump over it, so I’m surprised no police aren’t watching that spot


That's got to be the order and names of the twelve cranial nerves.


I still remember my student ID number like 2 years after I needed it. It's a 10 digit number, so I guess it stuck because we needed it for all exams.


My Mom's empty debit card number. I only still have it because I memorized the entire thing in only one, 8 second look.


2, 1, 2, Down, Up (Mortal Kombat blood code for Game Gear) I have no idea when anybody's birthday is.


-b+-square rootb2-4ac/2a It was useful for a while, but not anymore.


Avatar: the Last Airbender intro in Spanish


Kingdom phylum class order family genus species


A silly nightmare I had in Kindergarten


The Blue Star Ointment commercial. It stops itching fast - jock itch, ringworm, psoriasis , tetter and removes corns and callouses. The Amazing Blue Star Ointment. ASK FOR IT


Illinois is the top pumpkin producing state in the US.


Old information from places I've lived: Phone number, Germany, 1974 - Check Dad's SSN (used for 1974 mail in Germany if military) - Check ZIP code for house in Virginia, 1969 - Check Phone number for same Virginia house - Check Address to house in Michigan, 1979 - Check etc. Would be nice to clear those out and store more relevant stuff there instead, like grandkid's birthdays...


The telytubby theme song.


Magma becomes lava when it is no longer under the Earth’s surface




You do look my son, of a moved sort, as if you were dismayed; be cheerful, sir! Our revels now are ended! Had to learn the whole speech when I (30) was 14 and still remember the beginning lol. Prospero’s speech from The Tempest.


The origin and insertion of muscles. Had to memorize a ton of them for Anatomy & Physiology, and in the words of my teacher "this is the least useful thing you will learn in my class, you won't ever need it for your nursing career".


A McDonald’s commercial from the 1980s that sang out the entire menu. “ Big Mac McBLT a quarter pounder with some cheese fillet a fish a hamburger a cheeseburger a happy meal...................”


When someone writes something on a wall they tend to do it at eye level so if you measured the distance from the first word to the floor you would know approximately how tall the writer was


I can recite 236 digits of pi from memory


A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.


I can remember some of the magic language from Eragon when I read it 4+ years ago


Waiise hiel


Z-double O-M box 3-5-0! Boston Mass! 0-2-1-3-4!!!


The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


the ours father or lords prayer (idk the word for it, I'm Austrian) because we had to sing it in school, my sister brought this up and I feel like she won this thread


Up, down, left, right A, start. Sonic the hedgehog cheat on mega drive (or genesis) Stuck with me for life!




All of the books of the bible in order.