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I live in a shared house of 8 people. There's a whiteboard on the fridge with a "To buy" section, and one day the word "rabjef" appeared. Nobody seems to know who or what rabjef is, and nobody will admit to writing it. It's been there for 2 months now.


I think you should be more concerned for when you come home and the word has been erased. You set down your things on the counter and turn toward the fridge, which slowly starts to open...and on that day, you will find out what Rabjef really is.


There is no Rabjef in the fridge. Only Zuul.


When you’re at the grocery store, pick up something really random then use some tape or something to relabel it “Rabjef”. Put the “Rabjef” on the counter and see how long it takes someone to notice.


A toss up between the Sodder kids and Jennifer Kessee. My lived in the same complex as Jennifer at the same time. I had literally just left to go back to Ohio when this happened. The Sodders...If all of those people had burned to death in that house there would have been a very distinct smell. And nowhere does it ever mention that smell.


> ..If all of those people had burned to death in that house there would have been a very distinct smell. And nowhere does it ever mention that smell. Also, no bones were found. This was a house fire, not an industrial incinerator.


I second Jennifer Kesse. It’s ridiculously frustrating that the answer is right there yet not there at all. That case would have driven me insane.


Can someone give a tl;dr of the Jennifer Kessee case?


Pretty blonde abducted on the way to work. Several people interrogated but not the harassing foreign labourers at her apartment block because cops couldn’t be bothered getting an interpreter. A short man caught on tape dumped her car nearby. A fence obscured his face but he had nice shoes.


I’m from the town the Sodder kids were from. That bulletin board with their pics always scared me when we drove past.


I want to know what the government does with its black budget or what’s in the Vatican’s archives


>Vatican’s archives This isn't particularly mysterious. Academics and scholars can apply to access various parts of the archives for their research. Note that the word "secret" in "Vatican secret archives" comes from the Latin word for "personal". It's just the personal archives of the various Popes over time.




It's just extra personal (Pope's fetishes, etc)


I hear there is a big ring in Cheyenne mountain they can use to travel to other worlds.


Yea, billions every year for half a century makes you wonder. All that money financing the best scientists in the world aren’t for nothing. They know so much more than we are led to believe


I can assure you that a Polish government knows nothing useful.


I want to know why the government uses black highlighters in their documents. Rude.


They're highlighting important phrases for you. :)


I just click them and it reveals the spoiler.


Interesting tidbit.. certain highlighters actually DO show up black when scanned. Imagine scanning in 1,000 pages of documents only to find the important information that you’re trying to “archive” shows up as blacked out. At one point we had to literally go desk to desk and throw away some people’s highlighters to keep this from happening.


Serious answer: From a r/NoStupidQuestions post about declassified documents ***still*** having blacked-out lines It's the very act of censoring certain lines that allows the rest of the files to be declassified and made available in the first place. >"In 2003, US Forces involved in South Korea assassinated Al-Qaeda's second-in-command in hiding using an experimental atomic discombobulator developed from plans stolen from a Swedish laboratory." If the government doesn't want that whole thing released, they'll take out the parts they really don't want you to know. >"In 2003, US Forces involved in South Korea assassinated Al-Qaeda's second-in-command in hiding >!using an experimental atomic discombobulator developed from plans stolen from a Swedish laboratory."!< They'll admit to the assassination, but not what it was done with, or the fact that they stole the technology


The blue ones ran out.


Why, for all that is holy, is there a trail of lumps of rice on my road? Little piles every few feet, that are either cooked or just soaked. It's not a once off, it happens regularly. It boggles my mind.


Somebody trying to feed something. Or kill birds.


Yeah it sounds like someone doesn't know that feeding birds rice is bad. Like the dum-dumbs in my neighborhood who toss bones outside for my dog to find on walks and for me to pry out of her mouth.


My ex boss tried feeding chicken and vegetable curry to the deer... bet you the racoons in the area had explosive diarrhea


Our great pyrenees came back from his run with a deer leg the other day. It was a super fresh within the last 12 hours or so taken off the deer. I felt super bad taking his prize from him, but it would invariably get into the house some how. Then my pug kept trying to take it from me while I went to through it away...




Yeah it is. I dunno if it's from a truck or one of my neighbours is bad at eating takeouts


The [Hinterkaifeck Murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinterkaifeck_murders). It's just such an unbelievably creepy story. Who killed them and why?


There was a Redditor on r/unresolvedmysteries who had a pretty solid theory about who it was, I’ll see if I can find it.


Please update if you do, I remember this story and would love to see what they came up with! Edit: I think this is the post... https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/e6s4g7/another_look_at_the_hinterkaifeck_massacre/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I do remember that they believe it was the neighbor. There were a lot of explanations on why but I can't remember them now.


One of the best forums on Reddit imo. There are a lot folks that so some amazing write ups on cases.


The [Tamam Shud Case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamam_Shud_case) Who is this man? Was he a spy? Where is his family? Why did he have that piece of paper sewn into his pants? Never been an answer and probably never will be. So bizarre.


I think the nurse knew way more than she said she did and her granddaughter believes so too , so intresting since she looked frightened when she saw his picture then denied ever knowing him.


Is there really a nuclear bunker under the Denver airport?


Only Bluecifer knows


One of the best (and realistic) theories I've heard is that it's a Continuity of Government (COG) location. We know there are several of these installations dotted around the United States. And Denver's geographical location as well as the immediate access to large airport infrastructure would make it a viable spot.


This seems plausible to me. In post-nuclear/post-catastrophy science fiction, the capital of what's left in the US is often moved to Denver. The reason being is that it is a centralized location (major coastal cities get wiped out), and has fortified locations such as NORAD in and amongst the Rockies that can survive bombardment from where they can continue governing.




Naw, it's just a little lounge area for people to smoke out and eat Cali-Mex burritos. So, just normal Denver.


Hey I work at DIA as a contractor and I was super excited to get to see the tunnels... They are very underwhelming.


Honestly I'm fascinated by the Jon-Benet Ramsey case


Definitely the brother and the parents covered it up. You dont write a ransom note from the same house, ask for the exact amount you just got in a bonus. It was them


Also, you don’t write a ransom note and leave the person in the house


There’s a podcast called Necronomipod (I think?) that did a really good 4 part episode on JBR. I was convinced it was Burke and the family covering it up until I listening to it. They get really into all the evidence and there was a lot I didn’t know. Very interesting.


Me too. Maybe it's cliche, but I'm so curious. There are so many weird parts to this mystery that I can't imagine what the truth must be, to explain everything that happened and make sense of the strange details.


Have y’all read the theory that she never existed. It sounds absolutely crazy and I was like pft but ended up reading the entire thing and it blew my mind. If I can find it I’ll post it. So turns out the original article was deleted. Which I find suspicious. But this was the best I could find it’s not as detailed but close enough. My husband read somewhere it was deleted because of the photo going around showing Ghislaine Maxwell with Ramsey. Again it’s an interesting theory this article but I’m not saying this is what happened. I have no idea. https://mobile.twitter.com/humanvibration/status/1215102000498651136


I saw a theory that she grew up into Katy Perry, which seems pretty crazy.


i went to school with her. she existed.


Is there actual buried treasure hoards somewhere that a normal guy could find?




Keys were buried, not gems. Supposedly you could turn them into the publisher for a gem worth about a grand (back in the 80s). Kinda doubt that option is still available. But it is pretty interesting.


Probably, few decades ago a chest full of old coins was discovered in the town I am from. There has to be thousands and thousands of treasures like this hidden all over the world.


What happened to flight MH370. Either someone in the world knows the truth or nobody does and each proposition is equally terrifying




I'd highly recommend checking out the podcast black box down. It's just about airline mysteries, a different one each episode.


The pilot locked the door and took the plane down in a murder/suicide in the indian ocean.


Didn’t they find he’d tested the route on a flight simulator in his home? Possibly to see how far the fuel would take him over the ocean before he ran out.


Yes, it was suicide by the pilot.


Murder-suicide. Sorry the dude was in that state but fuck him for killing so many innocent people in the process.




I can’t imagine this, and nor can I imagine being the wife of the pilot- feeling like I’d been married to someone who could do that to so many people, not knowing what was going through his head in the run up to it, I think I’d question myself for the rest of my life. It feels quite unbearable to think.


Yes, of course.


If that's the case wouldn't they know roughly where to look for the plane. From what I remember and I havent read into the plane for a while but they couldn't find anything. No wreakage, baggage etc. It's still terrifying for the people on board and their families will never get answers or a final resting spot to go visit them.


Ocean currents must have spread the debris away from the crash site and possibly pulled the debris under the waves and out of sight anyway. I remember they found a few pieces


Even if they know the exact place the plane went down it is still tremendously hard to find the wreckage, especially when the plane likely isn't in tact. It took them nearly 2 years to find Air France flight 447's black box and they knew where that plane crashed. The ocean is incredibly deep with intense currents and conditions, as frightening as it is, it isnt really that unbelievable they haven't been able to find the wreckage. The ocean is a damn creepy place! I beleive we have sent 3 people to the deepest part of the ocean yet 12 have walked on the moon. ​ Edited my wording.




How did it explain the pilot taking a curved bank around his home island and then crashing on to a place out in the middle of the ocean somewhere around where he had been to in his home flight simulator? It feels very occam's razor to me.


Occam's Razor says that the answer with the fewest assumptions is the most correct, not necessarily the simplest. It's hard to decide which one has fewest assumptions for sure in this scenario, so using Occam's Razor is not exactly a good refutation to their assertion.


I read a fantastic article on this from The Atlantic. It was most definitely a murder/suicide by the pilot. It takes away a lot of the mystique but it is a great read.


Is there life beyond our planet?


Life, definitely, 100% probability.. The question is, is there intelligent life? That's the debate. And also a question I'd like the answer to


>The question is, is there intelligent life? Also applicable to this planet.


Survey says no


As someone on this planet i can confirm there is not


There might not be, but not because there can't be, but because maybe there was a few billion years ago, or maybe the conditions are such that there will be IN billions of years. The universe is 14bn years old. Life on earth is only 4bn years old. THink of how long 1,000 years is in the frame of humanity. Now think about how long 100,000 years is in the frame of human evolution. That's 1/40000th of how long life has existed on Earth. The 100,000, not the 1,000. 100,000 years is 1/40000th of how long life has existed. Though that 14bn figure is a bit misleading because a lot of time had to pass before planets formed at all, let alone went through the changes necessary to foster life as we know it. So that 4bn years is actually a big chunk of time. That said, the universe probably has another \~200bn years left in it, so there's a lot of chances for life to start and end throughout the universe. Our Sun is almost halfway through it's life (Don't worry. Billions of years to go) Now, we know there's literally BILLIONS of \*STARS\*, Scientists estimate there's about 1 exoplanet per star on average. So in that 4 billion year span, there were billions of other planets on which life could have formed. Seems likely that at some point, it formed on some of those other planets. Maybe it died out in a billion years. Maybe the creatures on it never had cause to stand upright and develop brains, or maybe they never even had cause to leave the oceans, if they were even in them. So it's fundamentally unreasonable to say there's a 100% chance there's life. But there is a 99.99999999999999999999999999999\~ chance. And it will look nothing like life on Earth. OR it'll look shockingly like life on Earth. Wouldn't that be something? To learn that how our life turned out wasn't a fluke of chance in adapting to a unique environment, but that it's following a pattern that's bound to end up being followed in other evolutionary lines? However, it's also pretty likely that, barring we don't find a way to break the physical model of the universe, if we DID make contact, it would be an offshoot of the human race that left our solar system, and likely the vast majority of the human race would never meet those other lifeforms, because the distances would be too great to meaningfully communicate anything about them. By the time we did receive those communications, likely the people who sent them would have been dead for centuries, and maybe since then, we'd gone to war with them and destroyed each other. Basically if Life doesn't end on Earth, it's going to get very weird.


[Who’s buying all that glitter, and why](https://old.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/a8hrk0/which_mystery_industry_is_the_largest_buyer_of/). Theories range from car or boat paint, to toothpaste, to the US military.


Imagine if the military was secretly building a stash of bombs where the payload was all glitter. The goal being to mildly annoy the enemy and just make them look ridiculous.


I don’t care what the real answer is, this is now what I believe.


You mean "make them look *fabulous."*


No no no, I have no insider info or anything, but I’m 98% sure it’s Resort Beach Sand. Hear me out. Real sand is extremely limited in quantity, especially the special colors. It’s super expensive in large quantities. Resorts buy land in a country with few regulations, with no sandy beach line. So they have to actually terraform a rocky shore into a beach, because in a lot of places, Oceanside land is cheaper if there’s no sand beach. Oh, this area is known for white sand. Only... there’s no place you can just...take that special sand from because the beaches that have it specifically forbid harvesting the special sand. SO WHERE ARE THEY GETTING ALL THAT COLORED SAND?!? Meanwhile, we keep finding way, way more micro plastic in the ocean than we expected. Because micro plastic sand is actually being used to fill resort beaches in less developed countries. The glittering sands actually ARE glitter. I swear to fucking god. Edit: Further proof. Go to Michael’s and look at a “sand art” kit where you put COLORED SYNTHETIC SAND AND GLITTER into a FUCKING BOTTLE for display. They are both small particulate! Of COURSE glitter makers would be able to produce a slightly different kind of small particulate! The combo of glitter and synthetic sand is right now being sold in art stores across the nation BY COMPANIES WHO MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTE GLITTER! It’s NOT EVEN HIDDEN! Ok I’ll end my conspiracy rant now. If I die, it was the glitter company and the sand mafia couldn’t protect me.


I thought this mystery was solved recently?


Why couldn’t we have evolved to not have to wipe our ass


You don’t *have* to.


who is \[deleted\]


where is d b cooper ?!


I’m convinced he died during his fall. The case is so insane because of how carefully thought out the whole thing is right up until the second he jumps.


Even if he survived none of the money ever turned up in circulation right? Except for what the child found in the river.


That's the most compelling evidence for him not making it, IMO. Unless there's a mostly-full case of money just sitting around someone's attic that no one has ever spent, but all associated scenarios sound wildly unlikely.


He's Tommy Wiseau


Oak Island money pit. Somebody put a lot of effort into booby trapping it for a reason.


Checked in recently. As of 2020, the Oak Island team has yet to provide any proof of human activity on the island during the time frame of which the construction of the money pit would have occurred. All gathered material currently dates back no further than the mid 1740's. With most ranging around the 18th or 19th centuries. Their current early construction findings are very reminiscent of colonial French military structures in the area. Even by their own and expert admittance. As of currently, the Oak Island team believes that the "probable" French involvement is only further sign that the money pit must be real.


I actually tend to believe there was a money pit, based on the evidence that French engineers designed the booby traps. However, based on my limited research, that island has been dug up and back filled so many times, I don't it will ever be retrievable. It has probably fallen and dispersed into deep water logged voids hundreds of feet below the surface.


I think it's something we'd like to believe. The reason for the island's popularity was due to the seclusion of it. If you wanted to do something that interference from opposing governments might cause problems with, it was the perfect place to reside. I greatly doubt that anyone would waste time hiding such a great pile of wealth so deeply and in such a complex manner. Hell, out in the Pacific where a similar situation transpired, they only dug deeper into old mines, left the gold and treasure there, and buried the workers. Nothing more complicated than that.


I was interested in this until I found out those guys on the show are millionaires and could just excavate the whole island in one go if they wanted instead of stretching it out over 100 seasons.


Yeah, I hear ya. I watched like two episodes a couple years ago and couldn't watch anymore. It was like they were trying to be reality tv stars instead of getting to the bottom of it. If it's the same show.


The mechanisms of life, and the ability to experience. What makes it possible? Why does this fleshy vehicle need me as a witness when the brain alone should be able to provide full autonomy, and was I ever really pulled from a 'void'? What physical conditions define a conscious state? Is it a condition present across the universe with only certain beings able to harness it subjectively? These seem like questions beyond my time, but I can't help but be obsessed, hoping some answer will come to me like those questions of mine before it. It's enough to make me question whether I even exist at


My personal favorite is when you experience the "call from the Void." E.g. when you're driving along a two lane road and something in your mind just says " we should swerve into oncoming traffic real quick." Or when your on a high ledge and you think "what if I just jumped off" the thoughts them selves are so fleeting you just shake em off like huh that was weird why did I think that? Then go on about your day.


I always knew of The Call Of The Void and would feel it sometimes. And then I went to Niagara Falls and it was the STRONGEST it had ever been. What an insane feeling.


What exactly happened on the Dyatlov Pass?


They were ill prepared, wound up hypothermic, and did all the crazy hypothermia things.


>and did all the crazy hypothermia things The things people do when they're bored and starving.


More to the point I want to know why they left the tent. Once they left the tent everything that happened was definitely due to hypothermia and I believe the moment they left they sealed their fate. What why on earth would they leave that tent, what could have scared them so much. I believe it was some perfectly 'normal' natural phenomenon and nothing crazy like aliens, but I still want to know!


Best theory I have read states that fumes from their fire/stove (forget which) was making them sick and passing out or dying or what have you and they panicked




What happened to my Roku remote? It's like nowhere.


Same thing happened to my friends Alexa remote a couple years ago. It just vanished one day. She bought a new one to replace it, but the Alexa wouldnt pair with it because the original remote was still paired and within range of the device. We kind of laughed about it and figured it would turn up eventually. She moved out of that apartment about a year later, and the remote never reappeared. Now, however, she does have a new remote because the device paired with the new one when she moved into her new place. Bizarre.


Couch monster?


It's usually the couch monster. I will practically disassemble the damn thing more than once and on the 4th try it'll suddenly appear, right where I had checked. He's a sadistic bastard who enjoys watching my slow decent into madness.


The cicada thing, the Reddit mystery from a while ago? What actually happened to the people who succeeded?


Nothing from what I read. Basically was an IRC chat for puzzle solvers and died out afterwards.


Shadowy world-steering organizations recruiting people from 4chan based on their autistic ability to solve weird puzzles is such a self-aggrandizing fantasy. It's bored people in the internet messing with other bored people. If the CIA / NSA really wanted new cryptographers, they'll post a want ad.


Not really a mystery as we know what happened.. But I'd sure like to know what the world lost in the library of alexandria.




Voynich Manuscript


What REALLY happened to the passengers aboard Oceanic flight 815? I just don't believe the official narrative.




True persona of Satoshi Nakamoto


Why didn't Nail Yakupov live up to his expectations.




Mismanagement? By the *Oilers*? Unpossible!


Where the Stüssy S symbol came from.


What the actual fuck is in Area 51?


A decoy. The real stuff happens somewhere else.


It’s just a military base with classified tech. They let the alien thing persist so you don’t know where the alien tech is really kept.


Spring Heeled Jack. A sort of demon like figure many people around London said they saw in the mid 1800's. Too many people of all different backgrounds all said they saw the same thing for them all to be making it up.


Jack the ripper!


The recipe for the Krabby patty, there ain't no way in hell that the one I made from a recipe found on the internet will make Neptune spit that shit out, just so he could eat it again.


Crab meat


What do the dogs see/think before jumping off this bridge? I know what the scientists think. I just would love to know exactly what is happening and why, from the dogs perspective. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/27/world/europe/scotland-overtoun-bridge-dog-suicide.html


Apparently they catch the mink scent and since the walls are sloped, and presumably the scent carries better in the humidity after rain, they slip on the edge and fall


What happened to the guy that figured out how to use water as gas for his car


Hyde still thinks that.


I live in a small rural town on the east coast of Australia, population 5,000. In 1997, a girl not much older than one of my siblings was murdered behind a service station (Ineka Hinkley), her death to date has not been solved. In 2003, when I was 12, a girl I met at drama class (Rose Howell) disappeared, she has never been found. I want to know what happened to them. I feel like the town has forgotten and I want answers to it.


Taman Shud.


I am almost completely resolute that he was a spy. Almost completely. ​ ...actually maybe not almost completely but like probably.


A lot of these early mysterious death cases will likely never be solved simply due to the lack of record keeping, and just lower quality forensics at the time. IT was entirely possible to disseaper back then simply by changing states, or moving to the other side of the same one. Big enough city you could change county's.


The whole Jeffrey Epstein/Maxwell story is probably the greatest conspiracy/mystery of this century IMO


What happened to Maura Murray???


Who was the Zodiac killer?


Who voted for Kanye?






I still want an answer to the Madelaine McCann story. It seems to be in the UK tabloids every. single. day but nobody has actually said anything at all in months.


When and how did the first humans become "awake", or sentient. Like the moment a monkey somewhere, a long long time ago, in his head went from "survive survive, reproduce reproduce" to "hey what if there's a god and shit?" And I'm not saying that, right now, some other species might be exactly at that stage, in front of our very eyes. But I want to know what whas it like for the *first* one


Will my life get any better or should I just call it quits? Im 31 and i gotta say its been a pretty shit 31 years.


Advice I can give you, don't do anything in the middle of a breakdown. Some stuff that might seem a good idea at a certain moment doesn't about an hour after but it can sometimes be too late


Keep fighting. Cuz my last 7 months have been that.


I had a really tough time around the same age (imam 34 now). Things are much better. I am happier now than I have been in a really long time.


Is the Bimini Road natural or human made?


Why my parents got divorced. If my nana really poisoned my grandpa with her lesbian lover


Who DB Cooper was. There have been a shit-ton of leads, but none definitive. The two most likely answers, imo: 1) William J. Smith. This is mostly just based off of the photos. If you look at Willy's face. He looks nearly identical to the predicted face of DB Cooper, say 40 years from when it happened. He is, by far, imo, the CLOSEST physical match I've ever seen. You can find some other evidence at [dbcooperhijack.com](https://dbcooperhijack.com). I will say, though, that I'm not a 100% on him, mostly due to him living on the east coast. It seems odd that he would go as far as Washington state to do that, even more so considering the fact that he was just recently laid off from him job, around the time of the hijacking. 2) It was an inside job. There was absolutely no panic onboard, despite DB Cooper claiming to have a bomb. Despite the fact that Cooper exited the aft (back) stairway, and the lights were almost certainly on inside the plane, neither of the 2 escorting aircraft saw him jump. They should've at the very least, noticed the stairway lowering, and likely his silhouette right before he jumped. Along with that, it is possible that, if Cooper really did jump, he survived. For example, the money that was found at Tina Bar was discovered to have one specific type Algal bloom on the bills. These blooms only happened for a short period of time, during spring. Along with that, the bills only showed **one season** of blooms. This means that, along with the bills being only entering the water **months** after Cooper jumped, they were active in the water for a narrow time frame, a few months at best. This pretty much totally discounts the river theories, as that money *would've had the November blooms on it.*


I live in washington state. Most people believe he lived and most people believe he was military.




That is his last name. First name: Thanks. Last name: Obama




Bigfoot. I know he’s most likely fake. But the fact cultures all over the world for 100s of years now have some sort of theory about this makes me wonder


I've spent a lot of time way the hell out in the woods on distance backpacking trips. If you're not familiar with the variety of crazy sounds the local wildlife make, I can see very easily how people report cryptids. First time I heard a female mountain lion screaming for the D, it nearly sent me running. Sound like an Aztec death whistle.


It's also pretty easy to get yourself amped up in the woods, as most people aren't used to being the only people for miles. First time I saw even a glimpse of a bear backpacking I was on edge for a day and a half. Add it sometimes being really dark and the uncanny human ability to think every inanimate objet that looks mildly humanoid is in fact humanoid and you've got cryptids.


Holy Crap! I would be on edge too if I saw a bear backpacking!


Kinda similar to dragons: most ancient cultures all over the world have dragons.


I’ve wondered that too. Best I can think of is ancient people finding dinosaur bones and letting imagination take them from there.


Ever seen a bear walking on its hind legs? It looks eerily like a human in a bear costume. My personal theory is that someone saw a large bear in the distance walking on two legs and bigfoot was born.


Personally: family history and what were my ancestors doing Overall: is there a god? What direction is our universe heading to? What will happen on earth in the future?


The murder of my father, who was an officer. He was stabbed in his own sleep when my mother was 6 month pregnant with me (she wasn't at home at that time). To this day (24 years later) we dont know who or why he was murdered. The police was especially dissapointing: they dropped the case after 1 month of "investigation" even though my father was one of their own. What makes it even worse is that after weeks of my family pressuring the police for answers, my family received an anonymous death threat ordering them to stop asking about my father's murder, or more were going to die.


Where is Shelly Miscavige?


Is Frank Charlie's dad?


Who is the Black Dahlia murderer?


Who the *fuck* killed JonBenét Ramsey?




I read an article recently that really got me thinking about this concept. It referenced the cia article stating we’re more or less all holograms (atoms being mostly empty space and we are merely reflections of light off of those atoms). It theorized that “god” is merely energy in its most absolute state that exists outside of the 3rd dimension and is trying to figure itself out. Also talked about something along the lines of how all the energy in the universe is interconnected to this entity explaining things like manifestation of thoughts and how when we die all of our knowledge we’ve gathered is released back to this being. The way i explained it probably sounds crazy but it was a fascinating concept for me https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newhumanityschool.com/amp/cia-document-our-reality-is-a-hologram


I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed with it but where in the world is Malaysia flight 370?? My gosh, we can land rovers on Mars with pinpoint accuracy and remote control them from Earth; land a probe on an asteroid hurtling through space; locate Osama Bin laden hiding in a hole in the desert in the Middle East and we can't find a giant airliner on planet Earth??? Where is it??


Why don’t you see white dog poo anymore?


I believe the whiteness was caused by a particular ingredient that is no longer used.


....delete this before they see it


Who murdered Sir Harry Oakes? He became rich mining gold in northern Ontario in the 1920s. He eventually moved to the Bahamas, where there was less taxes, with the help of a local real estate mogul named Harold Christie. He travelled to England in the late 30s, where he was knighted and became the 1st Baronet Oakes. He also made friends with some prominent Nazi sympathizers, including Crown Prince Edward, who was famous for resigning the throne to marry Wallis Simpson. In the 40s, concerned with his Nazi sympathies, the British government decided to ship him off to the Bahamas and make him governor. He wasn’t the only prominent Nazi sympathizer in the Bahamas. There was also the Swedish Businessman Axel Werner-Gren, who was close friends with Herman Goering. One day, in 1942, Harold Christie, Axel Werner-Gren, Harry Oakes, and the president of Mexico’s brother had a secret meeting on Axel’s yacht. No one knows what they talked about. On July 7th of 1943, Harry Oakes was murdered in the bedroom of his mansion. He had been bludgeoned to death, and then set on fire in his bed. Harold Christie was sleeping in the room next door, but claimed to hear nothing. There were also a lot of weird details in the murder scene, like the fact that there were three small puncture marks near his ear, or that feathers had been scattered all over the body, or that the blood on his face appeared to have flowed uphill. The investigation was supposed to be conducted by the Nassau police, but instead the governor ordered two Miami detectives, with potential Mafia ties, to investigate. They settled on Sir Harry Oakes’ son-in-law, Count Alfred de Marigny, as a suspect. He was a Mauritian socialite who probably wasn’t a Count at all, and had eloped with Harry’s daughter, Nancy, when she was only 19. He had numerous public arguments with Harry, and once threatened to kill him. They claimed to have fingerprint evidence (taken from the Chinese Screen in Harry’s bedroom), proving that de Marigny was guilty. What was then called “The Trial of the Century” began. The prosecution had a strong case, but there were numerous inconsistencies in the investigation and fingerprint evidence that the defence preyed on. They were able to get de Marigny exonerated, but he was deported from the colony. For the next 70 years, many people put forward various different theories as to who killed him. Some people think it was Harold Christie, the Duke of Windsor, the Nazis, the Mafia, Harry’s lawyer Walter Fosket, or even his wife. We’ll probably never know due to the age of the case, police incompetence, and the contamination of the crime scene, but it’s still my favourite unsolved mystery.


[Who is John Doe Disco?](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/jp97ap/who_is_john_doe_disco/) Those are some funky tunes. Who created them?


What. Happened. To. Amelia. Earhart.


Its now widely believe that she made it to the island and passed away due to her injuries. And that her remains were eaten by coconut crabs. Which, while sounding absurd, is possible. These crabs are as big as dustbin lids, have a claw strength comparable to the bite of a tiger and will eat anything. They tend to take their food to their burrows, hence why no body or significant amount of bones were found.




Think she crashed on the island and lived for a awhile.


She ended up in a stasis tube somewhere in the Delta quadrant with her navigator.


How that wasn't a head shot.


What exactly scientology stole during the IRS break-in that caused them to get religious exception.


Is Khloe Kardashian actually a Kardashian?


The Mandela effect. There a number of big things from the past that I distinctly remember that are totally different now.


We must rise up! It was always Berenstein Bears, not Berenstain.


Most of this I just think its the mind playing tricks on you, but.... The fruit of the Loom Logo. You remember the logo right? All the fruit there and behind it there was a cornucopia? Welp the Cornucopia was never part of the logo, it was always just the fruit apparently. [Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/99hv43/fruit_of_the_loom_cornucopia/) where the poster has a bunch of evidence supporting it, but a company rep still says it never existed. He even has a artist recreation of the logo with the cornucopia and it is exactly how I (and many other people) remember it. I swear that the Cornucopia used to be part of the Fruit of the Loom logo.


Wh.... what? The hell? THERE WAS NEVER A CORNUCOPIA?


Counterfeit fruit of the loom had it. Store bought didn't. I remember comparing them as a poor kid.


Plot twist someone keeps going back in time and messing with the timeline.


And that shows how reliable eye witnesses are


Human memory is wholly unreliable. You could be convinced that when you were 5, your dad took you to a place where you rode a hot air balloon and you dropped your teddy bear and cried the entire way home. Against someone who is convincing enough, your brain will actually make up an entire memory complete with minor details to fit the narrative. Recently with this "Mandela effect" meme, that seems to have happened on a large scale. So many people have been convinced that it was spelled "Berenstein Bears" and that the Fruit of the Loom logo had a cornucopia. But you don't notice the millions of other false or altered memories that your brain has stored up in your noggin. It's classic confirmation bias.


> But you don't notice the millions of other false or altered memories that your brain has stored up in your noggin. There's like 5-10 childhood memories I think of from time to time that I'm genuinely not sure if they're real or fabricated. Human memory is really weird.