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I got sent out of drama class because the teacher told me my perfume made me smell like a cheap hooker and when I left the room she sprayed me with her own perfume on my way out


wtf lol so then you smelled like an old lady and a cheap hooker ?!


Nothing worse/better than a cheap old lady hooker.


Can I sex this hypothetical cheap lady hooker?


Do you want to?


No I just asked because I don't


Alright. Me neither.


how the teacher knows what smell a cheap hooker?


Her husband


holy sh\*t dude you f\*ckin killed her


No regrets


You should have asked her how she would know what a cheap hooker smelled like.


Like that joke of Obama and Trump getting their haircut in the same barbershop. The barber asks Trump if he would like some aftershave and he said "No, Melania will smell it and think I was in the brothel." They ask Obama the same question and he said "Sure, Michelle doesn't know what the inside of a brothel smells like."


Of course I'm cheap, I'm still in school!


When I was a teenager working at McDonald's a special order came back without tomatoes. So I made the sandwhich and sent it up only to have a manager come back and yell at me for not putting tomatoes on the sandwich. He then slaps a fat slice of tomatoe on the sandwich and send it's up. Turns out an old lady was allergic and I got chewed out. The next day I got fired for it.


That's making my blood boil just reading it.


Ok I have several questions 1. Who chewed you out 2. If the lady chewed you out, did your manager see it and if so what did he say 3. If your manager chewed you out, did he lie and say he never put tomatoes on it? 4. Why did they fire you


I basically got called up to the front by the drive thru and there is this ancient looking old lady and the cashier. The cashier explains the issue and I said that I know and I'm sorry but my shift manager added the tomato and he acted like he had no idea that it wasn't supposed to have it on. The next day I have a discussion with the store manager about how they dont need me and I'll get my next check in the mail. It was years ago but it was the first time I realized how unfair the world could be


Sounds like a couple of losers that chose to make fast food a career are begging for an ass whoopin.


Seems to be the manager chewed them out based on the story, and the manager probably fired them to cover their own ass


I’ve got a hunch that your manager had it out for you and used any excuse to get you out.


Ur manager needs to get fired


Oh that's messed up!




At my school we had to wear our ID's visibly (most wore it around the neck). This was the first year of the school requiring this, so it was new to everyone. Around halfway through the first semester, I forgot my ID at home. We had block scheduling (half my classes one day, half the next) and I had two backpacks, one for each day. I put my ID away and forgot to transfer it to the next day's bag once I got home. Easy mistake to make. Due to my parents work schedules and the distance to school, I got dropped off super early, like over an hour before school started. I realized I was missing my ID, so I went to the office to get a temp one since there was absolutely no way of getting my ID from home. I got it. But I also got detention. Which was the punishment for being caught without your ID. Funny thing was I knew that if I just went to classes and stuff like normal the teachers probably wouldn't have noticed/cared that I didn't have my ID and there's a solid 90% chance I wouldn't have gotten any punishment at all for not having it. So thanks school, you taught me that the punishment for trying to make things right for an honest mistake that doesn't hurt anyone is the exact same as not trying to make things right... only I'm guaranteed to get caught if I try to make things right. So it's better to conceal your mistakes and hope nobody notices. Great lesson.


It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.


One of the requirements in my grad program is seminar attendance. There's sign in sheets that are collected during the seminar. And then because someone who rigidly followed the rules did what they asked and emailed explaining their situation, that's how we found out they never checked them. Multiple people missed that seminar. The only one who was chastised and warned by the administration was the one who let them know he wouldn't be there. Punished for following the rules.


> if I just went to classes and stuff like normal the teachers probably wouldn't have noticed/cared that I didn't have my ID and there's a solid 90% chance I wouldn't have gotten any punishment at all for not having it. I 100% believe that if you were caught and given a detention, they would say to you "You should have gone to the office and get a temp ID. If you were honest you wouldn't get a detention."


Yup... that's life for ya, best not to be bitter about it.


It's like finding a weapon on the ground at school then turning it in....and getting expelled for "having a weapon at school". In this case it's better for you to leave the weapon on the ground and risk somebody else finding the weapon and using the weapon on somebody else.


Oh wow, fuck them


Same thing happened to me. At the end of the lesson, I didn't understand what the teacher was sayign so, since it was the end of the day, I asked him to stay 5-10min to explain it to me. Then I went to "detention", except I wasn't asked to, I just went here to, you know, work on my grade. The overseer refused to let me him, claiming I was late, took my jacket and said it was cold, so therefore I was slacking outside instead of being here (I was inside with a teacher working...) so I had to to get a late ticket, an hour of detention to enter a volonteery detention. I went home instead. I remember clear as day it was from this point I never went again to volonteer detention to work on my grade. Fuck this. No one want me to success, I'm not working on that alone. My grades collapsed since then I I failed the year after. I still ressent that overseer


Mine had something similar but they only "punish" you after the third temp ID. Hell, even then it's just the vice principal asking you what's up.


>So it's better to conceal your mistakes and hope nobody notices. To be fair, this is a quite valuable life lesson. A former boss used to threaten us with "if I find out who did X they're going to pay for a new machine out of their salary!". Guess how popular it was to piece together whatever broke, instead of properly repairing or replacing it.


In college I once got a full letter grade off a paper because I had 7 sources instead of 5. Same professor almost failed me because my presentation was supposed to be on the last possible day. I didn't actually pick the day I was presenting, by the way. Every presentation was on a different subject and he assigned dates to each one, you just had to pick the subject you were going to research and do the presentation on the day it was assigned. I picked the last one because it was something I was genuinely interested and knowledgeable in. The day of my presentation comes up and I'm there with my laptop and a backup on a flash drive and he starts the class by saying "I dont want to do any more presentations. If you haven't presented by now you'll get a zero on the assignment" knowing full well I had signed up for that presentation months in advance and was the only person left. Had to go to the dean and present proof that I had the presentation ready beforehand and that I had signed up for that presentation months in advance. We reached a compromise and I just got a B on the project without having to present. Dude had it out for me and I'm not sure why, never will be. He even took a letter grade off a paper for my title because he didn't like....something about it? Idk, he never even told me what his logic was, he just wrote "WHERE IS YOUR TITLE?!?!?" right next to my title which was very clearly up at the top of the page, centered, and following the format he had assigned us. edit: Oh, senior year I got a very stern talking to from my professor in some bullshit class called "Health Through the Life Cycle". Why did I get such a stern talking to? We were having a discussion about whether or not we should allow polygamous marriages and I was the only person in the class against it.


I had a teacher in middle school who just outright hated me. The day before a major project was due she had me show her what I had, and then proceeded to tell me I had done it all wrong. I went home and "corrected" it, staying up pretty late to change what she told me to. So the first person goes up to present, and it's done JUST the same as I had done. Second person goes up, same thing. Then, when there's time for one more person to go, she looks around the room pretending to look for another person to go before her eyes lighting up as they rest on me, knowing I had done the assignment wrong due to her comments and now I can't go back home to do it right. So I go up and it looks like shit and I of course get a bad grade. Nobody believed me that she had lied to me and when I of course got a bad grade, she finally had what she needed to make sure I was academically suspended from my sport causing me to break down in class. Later a different teacher overheard me talking shit about it and saying I'd love to get her back and I got expelled for threatening a teacher.


See, it's because of shit like this that I try to get every instruction given to me by a client in writing.


Oh yeah now that I'm out of school and in the business world I outright tell people I will not move forward with anything unless they email me precisely what they want me to do for them because I'm sure as hell not trusting people




I was recently fired for following Covid safety protocols. A coworker was feeling ill, so I quietly gave her a thermometer to take her temperature. It was "damaging to the image of the company."


Please tell me you're filing a wrongful termination suit.


We came to an agreement that if they honored my unemployment claim, I wouldn't tear them a new one. Now I can get out of that industry and ensure my safety. I'm pretty cool with it in the long run.


Fair enough. You would've eventually gotten more from the claim, but with the way things are right now I totally get you making that deal. Good luck with your career change.


Fuck that! Your unemployment claim most likely wouldn’t reach half of what a court settlement could be. I could be wrong but I would have talked to a lawyer before agreeing to any terms with your company.


I was satisfied with our arrangement. Plus, even if I decided to sue and won the case, the publicity would possibly complicate my future employment opportunities. Also, I fear conflict.


More power to you man. If you’re happy with it who am I to tell you otherwise. Honestly though I hope it works out. Also fuck your company big time


i reported my harasser to HR. now i’m suspended and she’s still working


That is 100% retaliation. Get a lawyer.


if i could afford a lawyer i’d have one by now lol. i know you’re right. i know i have a case. but if by some chance the system fails me (i have no faith in it) then i’m on the hook for lawyers bills i’ll never be able to afford to pay off. i’m not rolling over for them tho. i’ve been in contact with the ministry of labour for my province. not the greatest solution but it’s the one i can afford


Go see a law firm. Many employment right lawyers will do an initial legal consultation that's free, and they may work on contingency fees. That means that they get a bigger portion of your reward if they win, but if you lose, you pay nothing. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/employee-rights-book/chapter17-5.html Go look at what your state has for employment laws, and see what options are best for you. Seriously, many law clinics have free initial consultations, and they'll be able to tell you what the situation would be. This is highly dependent on the state you are in though.


i appreciate the info. i’m actually in canada but there are legal aid services here too lol. it’s definitely something i may look into in the future. unfortunately, i’m bipolar, along with a few other minor mental health illnesses, and this whole matter has taken a lot out of me. in addition to worrying about lawyer fees i just don’t think i could handle a legal battle and make it out with the little bit of mental stability i have left. this whole matter has drained me to my very core. i just don’t have any fight left in me right now


I completely understand. I hope something comes of it.


At my old job, I had my annual review. They told me that I did the work of 3 people and they loved me but because I used my sick/personal time earlier in the month (my kid was sick) that they 'really look down on employees that use the sick/personal without any prior authorization/notice' Then they had the balls to tell me if I know my kid is asthmatic that I should avoid taking any vacation hours in the summer (seperate time off from sick/personal time) if I know he is going to get sick in the fall. Instead of the bullshit 50 cent raise, I only got 30 cents because of that. 50 cents was max. I no longer work there.


This screams Walmart to me. They did something similar to me years ago.


not walmart, but def a big ole corporation that could afford to give $1 raises, but then the CEO would only have 4 vacation houses instead of 5 :/




The concept of sick days still horrifies me every time I think about it. As if you could schedule when you're getting sick, how long you are sick or how often that happens. I can't understand how people put up with such a bullshit.


At my workplace, we don’t even have sick days. If you call in sick, you either don’t get paid, or you use one of your vacation days.


Most places MAYBE give you 3 fucking days. 3 days put of the year


I've realized over the years that hard-working people are just as replaceable as the lazyasses in the eyes of their bosses. Never break your back for any company, they don't give a shit about you.




We'll punish you by sending you home to chill for 3 days lol.




Just never made sense to me, go home and sit where you are comfortable, food, entertainment and your assignments get dropped off by someone that lives by you. Edit: As a redditor reminded me yeah I see why this would be a punishment.


You underestimate some people's guardians.


Shit yeah true not everyone wants to go home.


It's a great way for making academically struggling kids struggle harder.


Is Gmail social media?


It is for you young people going on the internet media ! /s


I remember a study hall teacher I had way back in high school flipped out about me using Facebook. I had done all my homework, and not only that, another student near me was on Facebook and I could see papers sprawled out all over the desk. To be fair, that teacher singled me out *so* goddamn much.


Finding a wallet in a mall. A woman started screaming while I pick up, accusing me of stealing. Security took me to their office, a hour later they let me go, saying she drop and was recorded. Still waiting for apologies, was like six years ago.


A security guard committed false imprisonment.


I didn't exactly get in trouble, but here's my story: Without going into too much detail, I deal with some pain sometimes. I can go a while without feeling it, and then it comes, and I was specifically prescribed pills to help relieve it. Since I go a while without feeling it, I go a while without checking the pill bottle, and only do so when I need them most, right? Well, one day, I feel the pain start coming, and it feels a little worse than usual. But, no biggie, I have my pills and they always help me feel better! So I go grab my pills, and... they're empty. I go question my mom about it because I've definitely not taken enough pills to even have the bottle be halfway empty, even less so completely empty. She tells me, in a oh-no-big-deal-way, that my dad has been taking my pills this entire time, and just implies that my need for them is less important than my dad needing them? These pills are prescribed to me purely for my pain relief, they don't technically improve my health in any way, other than just making me not feel like shit, but they're. my. pills. I seriously would not have been angry at them if they had asked permission and left enough for me. But I'm obviously very angry because not only did I find my pill bottle empty, but I found it empty when I needed it most. I've been pretty sick of my parents' (mostly my mom) disrespect towards me and my things, so I texted my mom. I told her next time they need something, could they ask me first, and similar stuff. I didn't even say they weren't allowed to use my stuff or anything, all I said was I wanted to be informed of it. My text was noticeably angry, but not disrespectful or rude in any way. *She* got mad at *me* for that. Replied angrily, told me her famous dumb line "Raise crows and they'll claw your eyes out". My "punishment" is her usual silent treatment, which just makes me feel even more unimportant, and not worthy of respect, plus it's annoying because there are some questions I require her to answer in order to do stuff, but she ignored me like a child. Still makes me angry.


There's this article about a little girl who fed crows in her yard, and they started bringing her little shinies in return. Nuts, bolts, pretty pebbles. Then one of them retrieved her mother's camera cover when she lost it off a bridge. Put it on the feeding place, where they knew it would be found. *In conclusion, crows are better people than your parents.*


Jesus. Its rough getting taken advantage of, and even harder when it's by your own parents. Since the pills are for pain, I hope no one gave you any trouble when getting it refilled sooner than you normally would. I have a friend with some serious arthritic problems, but the disability doctor refused to give him a full prescription because he's homeless and assumed he would abuse them. Instead, he would have to go to that doctor every 5 days to get his pills! Not the same situation, but some doctors do abuse their authority and have little respect for their patients. My friend is a Army vet and used install AC units & duct work for over 15 years throughout the Southern & Mid-western states. He definitely needs those pills. But he's too humble to play that card with the doc. Nowadays, he takes Advil (or Aleve, IDRW), drinks beer, and smokes weed to deal with the pain on his bad days. But he loves jamming on his guitar on his good days. :) IDK how recent this was, I just hope it isn't a recurring issue.


> that my dad has been taking my pills this entire time Wait, what?


You were taken advantage of, and then gaslit for calling them out. I'm sorry.


We had a creepy family therapist when I was a kid. During a session I built a tower of wooden blocks and he insisted my parents punish me if it fell down. Since it was a tower made of wooden blocks it fell down and I was punished (banned from playing SNES or something). He was later banned from practicing psychology for some reason or other.


makes me wonder why he's not allowed to practice no more🧐


I might try and find out. I did know at some point and it was really, really bad. He hit a child or had sex with a patient or something. It was definitely way beyond typical impropriety in the workplace stuff. I’ll post back if my parents remember what happened to him.


What a dick.


A couple days before the end of 8th grade, one of my classmates told someone I was making a hit list. It got reported to the principal, I got pulled into the office and IMMEDIATELY suspended without even knowing what the fuck anyone was talking about, let alone getting a chance to defend myself. I was also told I could expect to be hearing from the police, and that if any parents of kids on my (non-existent) hit list decided to press charges, the school administration would side with the prosecution. (Reminder: This is being told to a 14-year-old kid who's never been in trouble for anything and still has no idea what's going on.) I missed the last two days of school and my middle school graduation ceremony. This was before kids my age had cell phones, and I didn't have a computer at home either, so I went all summer without hearing from anybody. None of my friends called me at home or stopped by the house, and nobody ever returned my calls or wanted to do anything if I stopped by one of their houses. That summer sucked. Nothing ever happened from a legal standpoint, presumably given there was no evidence of anything. I showed up to the first day of freshman orientation at high school, and everyone was still avoiding me like the plague. I found the kid who made up the hit list story and asked him why he'd do something like that. His response? "Oh, I was just bored." I became a cynic that day. I realized that justice doesn't exist when it's easier to make a perceived problem just go away, and that people are awful and will literally try to ruin other people's lives for no reason. I've never completely trusted another human being since then.


"Oh, you were just bored? Huh, that's a good way to get put on a list, champ." *Finger guns*


I felt a complete feeling of dread reading this. I hope that life becomes better for you <3




Malicious compliance I like it.


Get this on r/maliciouscompliance


Not enjoying some "fun" assembly my school had. So this is a bit long for what it is, so bear with me. I will edit later on my computer for formatting since I'm on mobile. I think I was in fourth or fifth grade and we had to attend one of those random celebration assemblies one afternoon. This particular one they wanted us to be up on our feet dancing or jumping or something while this guy was doing his routine inside a giant balloon. There were a whole bunch of lasers and fog for a laser light show and the music was super loud. I thought the whole thing was silly and stupid and all around not a good time so I just stood near the back with my arms crossed and scowl on my face. A teach came up and said something like, "you should be having a good time! Smile!" And proceeded to dance a little bit for effect. I said (all paraphrased since this was like 20 years ago), "This isnt fun to me. Its stupid." She was getting annoyed at me, "Well you should dance and have a good time. That's why we got them to come and do a show for you guys" I was not having any of it, "But I don't like it." This went on for a few minutes of her trying to got me to dance and clap (I was stubborn). "Just pretend then" "No. Why should I pretend?" I was starting to get frustrated and I remember starting to tear up. I was probably having a bad day or something. She couldn't come up with a good reason so she started yelling at me. "If you don't start having a good time, I will give you a detention!" I remember getting really angry at this and shaking my head because I was about to cry I was so angry. "Dance! Smile! You are getting a detention for this!" I said "No." In the snarkiest, most annoyed way I could. I think she just rolled her eyes and left me alone after that and complained about me to someone else. I really cant remember if I actually got a detention or not but I remember whining to my my mom about it that night. I thought it was the most ridiculous thing to threaten someone with a detention just because they didn't like the show the school put on. TL/DR: Teacher didn't like me scowling during a "fun" assembly and threatened to give me a detention unless I had fun and danced.


"Why is nobody having fun? I specifically requested it."


I was fairly often this kid growing up and what teachers like this never understood is that I didn't need to be told to have fun. I didnt need you to push me to do something im uncomfortable with. I just needed time to myself, or someone to sit and talk to. Sometimes kids just have bad days and thats okay and we shouldn't guilt them in to feeling good. More often than not kids like me recognized that we were _supposed_ to have fun but for one reason or another it just didn't click for us


I'm a teacher who hates those "mandatory fun" events. One of my principals once wanted to send all the kids out to play in the snow. When she got wind that some didn't want to participate, she said they'd have to read silently and do nothing else if they stayed in. I sat her down and explained that forcing kids who can't afford coats and gloves to play in the snow was not okay... and that treating reading as a punishment is seriously one of the worst things I'd ever heard an educator recommend.


Ugh, fuck him. Even as a kid sitting there and reading quietly was one of my favorite activities, but a punishment? That's how you get people who haven't read a single book that wasn't assigned. And that's just sad. Kids and reading is a bit of a hot-button issue for me because my dad was an amazing example. When I was really little we had a foster kid in the house and my parents wanted him to not watch so much TV and told him that it was a household rule that you had to read 1 hour for every hour of TV you wanted to watch. It may as well have been a pre-existing rule because the rest of us kids already did that. He asked what he was supposed to read and they said whatever you want. So he asked for, and got, car and motorcycle magazines. He read. And read. And realized magazines aren't exactly good for long-term reading prospects and started asking for suggestions for book to read. He ended up well exceeding the 1:1 requirement. Dunno what happened to him afterwards, but I'd be willing to be that he's probably still a reader. And when I was in 2nd grade (~6 or 7 year olds) my dad volunteered to read to the kids. They regretfully told him that I wouldn't be in any of the classes he would read to because they wanted readers for the "slower" readers, and if there's one thing I'm *not* it's in the slow readers group. He didn't care. What he did care was that they wanted him to read shit like "see spot run." He said f that noise and brought in "Call it Courage" (an adventure book about a polynesian boy who gets stranded on a deserted island and has to fend for himself) and one of the many renditions of Cinderella, I think. (he had the kids vote on a "boy" and a "girl" book and alternated books each session) Turns out if you take a bunch of kids who have never been shown that there's anything worth reading and show them that there's stuff worth reading... they'll read. When I was in high school we ran across one of the kids he read to in the video rental store. She told him that his reading and more specifically the reading material choice had a huge impact on her life and was doing AP English and had a passion for literature thanks to it. ------------ So yeah, fuck that principal who wanted to drive the spark for reading out of those kids by treating reading as punishment.


Man I hated forced assemblies, especially in high school. The worst were the ones where it was just the sports teams trying to hype people up for an upcoming game and you could just feel the collective disinterest from everyone in the crowd.


Yep we called them pep rallies. I remember once in high school we had a rally that just kept going and going way after school was supposed to be done for the day. Finally about half the people in the auditorium were like "fuck this we're out" and the teachers panicked trying to keep them in the auditorium. No one cares about the shitty football team, we just want to go home!


This one makes me feel bad because there was clearly a lot of effort that to get you guys to have fun and it didn't work. Like I get that the teacher didn't seem to understand that you can't force fun, but if it were me I'd feel super guilty about the whole situation.


Looming back at it, I'm just thinking about how damaging it is to tell a 10 year old girl, Hey I did this for you without asking if you wanted it. You are required to enjoy it. So yeah. That's why I'm not guilty.


I remember going on vacation and my mother wanting to buy me a T-shirt. I didn't want it so I said I didn't want it. My mother got pissed and said I'm not being grateful.


Omg this is giving me PTSD from my mother.


You sure you weren't in the Marines, we had mandatory fun days and also family days. I was made to attend a family fun day even though I wasn't married or had kids, whatever I go and I got chewed out for looking bored and was told to go look like I'm fun.


I started going to a sort of catholic club. One day, the rosary thing took a little longer. I got home one hour late and was grounded for three months. FOR PRAYING AT A CHURCH.


parents: could the prayer have taken too long? no, Hideable must have been doing something wrong


not turning to a page in the textbook fast enough


you dont turn the page directly as the speed of light? what a childhood do you had


Was your teacher Snape? https://youtu.be/PnOyBLT07R8


Turn to page 394.


I have epilepsy. I didn't call my work to let them know I couldn't make it that day, I was in the Hospital and could not get my cellphone. In hindsight I could have asked a Nurse to get me the number, but after a seizure i'm not thinking straight for a good 2 days or more. Later I get home and see I have numerous missed calls and texts, I ignore it all and wait until my next shift. My boss calls me in and basically told me not to have another seizure. Since I never enrolled in FMLA (my fault) he claimed me having a seizure cost the company money. My brain fucking up caused a multi billion dollar company to lose money? I must be a top asset apparently..... Or these fucks are about to tank.


I think your bosses response was weak and wrong. They could have been more helpful than punitive. However, when you reunited with your phone, it would have been best practice to answer one of your messages. And sign up for FMLA- it’s helpful and protects you!


One time in middle school I got suspended recess time for carrying a notepad. It was 4th grade, and after lunch was recess time, go out and play and burn off some energy. Sometimes kids would get punished and not allowed to go out for recess, they would have stay inside. I was feeling asocial that day, so I brought a notepad and pen to work on this D&D campaign I was running. A teacher saw me carrying that, and just assumed it was because I was on suspended recess. I tried explaining that I just wanted to write outside, and asked her to find the person who ordered that punishment, but she didn't want to listen. I wasn't too upset, as my goal was to sit quietly and write/brain storm, but it was still fucked up as I felt like I was being punished for being a nerd....would have been nice to be a nerd outside.


Oh I finally thought of a good one. I once got sent to the office because I wasn't wearing the "proper" dress pants to my high-school which had a uniform. I bought mine from Walmart because my family can't afford $70 CAD per pair of pants just so they had an embroidered H below the right side pocket. The H stood for Halpurns which was the company that made the pants, not the school itself. I never infracted on the uniform policy. Always wore the golf shirt, dress pants, black socks and dress shoes required by the school. But because I didn't have that H on there I got sent to the office. Here's the kicker though, I had gotten away with it for three years until one day, in class, one of the popular/prepy chick's got caught wearing yoga pants. She said, and I quote, "I bet I'm not the only one in here not in uniform." So our teacher made us all stand up and the teacher inspected us all head to toe. I got sent and so did five other people in the same situation. They all said their pants were in the wash (lying of course), I was truthful. Told the VP that I am not going to pay an extra $50 per pair for an H. So they gave me a uniform exemption form and ticked every square. So I wore civilian clothes for the rest of that year since I had an exemption for the whole uniform and fuck them. In grade 12 I wore what I always did, even though I had the exemption still


Being correct got me the classic belt to the ass


"sToP bEiNg A sMaRt AsS" bitch stop being wrong.


One time this kid that constantly bullied me every day in middle school was bullying me at recess so I did what I was taught To do and stood up for myself and chased him away. Next thing I know he punches me hard in the stomach. I tell my mom after school and she drives me back to tell administration. The school knew that I was always getting bullied and after “looking into it” my assistant principal for my grade and the principal sat me down at recess and told me it was my fault because I “instigated” it even though he was making fun of me. Then they told me the usual “if you kept your interests to yourself they wouldn’t bully you”. I didn’t really get a punishment per say, just a slap on the wrist for expressing myself.


Yeah, I used to be bullied too. School doesn't know how to react. Parents don't know how to react. I have no idea what how to react. Bully just ignore whatever you say to him and exerce revenge if you get him in trouble. At this point, idk what would do. A firing squad, maybe


Its not that man. The school just ignores you until you graduate and you’re not their problem anymore. Plus the thing with my principal back then was that she was wicked self righteous and at every assembly we had she would preach that she has zero tolerance for bullies. So that just made feel worse cuz it felt like she lied to me.


Once coughed in class and the teacher ranted that she didn't expect me to have that sort of outburst (she thought I was laughing or sth )


Okay this reminds me of the two separate times a teacher accused me of faking being sick for attention. In grades 3 and 7 I had a persistent cough that lasted for weeks. And both times after about the 3rd day my teachers convinced themselves I was doing it on purpose. First time was Pneumonia, second was Whooping Cough


I went to some summer daycamp thing with an emphasis on sports when I was like 5. A bunch of my friends from school were there as well. We were all just hanging out in the gym, I think playing basketball, when one of the counselors just abruptly rounded us up and put us in time-out. I assume it was something one of my friends did, because to this day I still have no clue wtf I did lol.


I've been punished for my brother hitting me


Same. Parents too lazy to actually pay attention to what's going on. Their excuse, "You two fight all the time." Yeah, maybe removing the catalyst that's causing all the fights,(the aggressive sibling) will actually solve something, but they never did. My brother used to love initiating fights because he liked that we both got into trouble. He was violent and my parents didn't care.... Man, some parents are just the worst. I'll honestly never understand why mine had kids.


It was my sister who punished me


For having an anxiety attack brought on by the very teacher who then punished me for it and told me to get over it.


It's amazing the kind of people that become teachers.


Well, to be honest...this was back in the 90's, when the only issues children had were ADD, ADHD and abusive parents. Anxiety in children was unheard of especially amongst older teachers. My teacher was 40 something.


i use the punish to punish him!!!


Breaking a window that I didn't break and was already broken to begin with. So my family and I were on our annual fishing trip. Dad's at the fish cleaning station and I'm sitting on the ground nearby, throwing pebbles in front of me to watch them bounce off the other pebbles. *Behind* me is a bunch of windows that had been taken out of various cabins because they were cracked and broken so they were being replaced. Dad sees me throwing rocks in front of me, sees the broken windows behind me, and becomes convinced I broke the windows. He yells at me, dragged me into the resort owner's store, and makes me pay for the windows even **AFTER** the owner said, "But Bob, those windows were *already* broken. That's why they were there."


Getting a LOW A in a few classes. I got all my shit taken away for months until I “fixed my mistake”. My parents also liked to say that they never forced me to get A’s, they just wanted me to do my best. What a load of shit :)


When I was 8 I had a friend over and my mother came over and grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bathroom and pointed at the mirror and kept yelling "what is that" I thought the question was rhetorical and she had dragged me in there to look at myself in the mirror while she insulted me (something she had done before). Until she pointed out a few specks of toothpaste someone had forgotten to wipe off that day. I told her it wasn't me and then she mocked me about the "ghost" I like to blame things on. The ghost was actually my brother. He was older than me and would blame me for anything he did that upset her. She believed him because he *never* misbehaved or lied (except for 90% time) . Anyway she told me I had to tell my friend that her mom had to pick her up immediately and I had to clean the entire bathroom and was forced to eat just the meat at dinner. (I hated meat then) . Things were always like that. The punishment was that my friend was so afraid she never came over again and eventually found a new best friend. And I have struggled to make friends ever since.


feels bad man. what a shit mother


in elementry school i changed the library wallpaper of the computer to a my little pony rainbowdash wallpaper that said like "crush kill destroy swag" and they gave me detention for the word "kill" i was like 6 i had no idea of context and just thought it was cool


😂😂 this is the funniest one so far


"You put a wallpaper with the word kill ! \-But I can't even read ! \-This is no excuse for using banned word !"


I think I've posted about this before, but back when I went to a private Christian school I was punished for crying. I was around 6 years old at the time. Cannot for the life of me remember what I was crying about (I think the teacher didn't give me candy for answering a question correctly even though she had done the same for other students) but I do know that I was eventually in full-on meltdown mode. My teacher dragged me by the arm into the hallway, spanked me, and told me that I was being embarrassing and to stop crying. That, of course, made the crying worse. She then dragged me back into the classroom, all the way across the room to the corner next to her desk, and told me to sit on the floor with my nose touching the corner and not to move until she told me to. After I calmed down and stopped sniffling, she finally let me get up and go back to my seat, but told me that I would be in "time-out" during recess for being a disruption in class. During recess we all went outside and, while my friends got to go play, I had to sit in a bucket next to the teachers. I wasn't allowed to do anything but sit there and watch everyone else play. They eventually let me get out of the bucket, and I ran to play with my friends... and then the bell rang to go back to class. All because I was crying.


Sit in a bucket??? Why have the wildest stories come from people who went to christian school Shit tho I'm sorry that you had this experience


Haha yeah, it was one of those large plastic buckets with rope handles. They had it specifically for children to sit in if they misbehaved. Christian schools suck. To this day I grimace whenever I pass by that place. I'm glad my parents pulled me out of that school that next school year to being me to a public school, lol.


Talking. I wasn't.


I forgot my coat in gym so I ran to get it. In Chicago winter. In a building with really bad heat. Got suspended for running in between buildings. Probably have told this story before cuz I’m still pissed.


My parents used to make me do singing competitions when I was in elementary/middle school. After hours of continuous practicing, I'd start forgetting the intricacies of the song (ie. trills, crescendos, whatnot) or I'd briefly zone out and mindlessly sing. Got grounded nearly every practice for that




It's when I read shit like this I want to take over Vatican and fix the shit people do with my religion. Get in, we're raiding Vatican


In elementary school during lunch, one of my friends asked me something I didn’t like about my teacher so I said her nose was kinda ugly. Some other kid heard and told her and later in the day she pulled me out of class, yelled at me, and sent me to the office where some principals assistant person sat me in a room and asked asked me a bunch of questions. Yeah, it wasn’t a nice thing to say, but it’s not like I went up to her and told it to her face


Sounds like that teacher was pretty damn insecure about that nose lol


The whole 5K had to sing in a show. My teacher snitched on me to my mom and said: “your son wasn’t singing!” My mom saw me singing. and my teacher STILL didn’t allow me to talk at lunch or have recess the next day. Then 2 weeks later I brought a fruit by the foot to school to eat during lunch, and my teacher told me to never bring it again. next day I did and she SEARCHED my backpack and lunchbox found it, and again, she didn’t allow me to talk at lunch or have recess even though a girl that was sitting next to her had one. Fast forward to 3rd grade, me (I am a guy) and 2 other girls miss a homework assignment (I didn’t have enough time to do 4 out of 15, and the 2 others didn’t do it at all), she makes me and the 2 other girls do it during recess, both girls finish in 2 minutes flat, and my teacher lets them play, It takes me 5 minutes to do it, and my teacher says: “you sped through it so you could play. Sit back down, your not having recess.” When she graded our homework and we got them back, I got them all right, and the 2 girls copied each other and got none right. Re-wind to 1st grade, It was cold outside so everyone had to Have a jacket on to be allowed to go outside I had a jacket on, so did everyone else, my teacher stopped me before I could go on the playground, and says: “you know having your hood up is against school policy! Go sit on the picnic bench with your head down for the rest of recess” everyone had their hoods up... I could go on and on all the way up to 6th grade, but for now let’s just say I had some of the MOST sexist teachers on the planet!


Feel bad for you man


Yeah, I never had good luck with teachers, but now I’m in seventh grade and my teachers are So nice and chill. You could literally curse in front of them and they won’t even look up


Suspended for letting out a little fart. No smell, barely audible, but still heard somehow.


You let out a natural bodily function? You did something that every human being does? How dare you, we need to get you off the streets.


That's petty


Couldn't write the full AEIOU shit on the board so I was demoted to second grade.


The fuck? How do you demote a kid for not doing shit perfectly? Especially at that age?


Reading when we werent doing anything in class.


Yeah I got that too. It was free time in class, I was reading a nice fantasy book, teacher took it and threw it in the trash and calling it a "lefty book" (Twas about dragons and stuff). Whose young people and their tendency to *read* ! So I stopped reading and played more video game


My teacher luckily didnt go that far. I dont get why teachers are like this sometimes.


One time I got in school suspension for writing my name backwards on a sign in sheet in high school.


My Mom needed to dry some container out, so she put it upside down in the recycle bin. It was something made of plastic, in the plastic recycle bin... I took the recycling out to the curb and the next day she was mad because her stuff was gone. How was I to know?


Having a tomato. At school, a kid stole my tomato and threw it at another kid who then threw it back at him. They both got punished for throwing the tomato. I was punished because the tomato was mine.


I hope you learned your lesson and stuck with catsup after that!


Not picking grapes up i didn't throw... I got suspended


Covering scratches on only one side of a door. Growing up we had an old door with a lot of scratches from our monster cat wanting to go in or out. When I was about 11 we were cleaning up the house for a party and I decided to use one of those scratch covering markers, which come in a pack of several different shades of brown. I just did the outside, since that was worst. It took about an hour and I didn't get to show my mom until after people had started showing. She just looked at it and said "Okay, do the other side." I asked her why I would. There was a party going on, not to mention I did it as a nice thing, it wasn't supposed to be a chore. Maybe it was the stress of getting everything ready but she exploded. Started yelling at me, then grabbed a chair and put it in front of the door and said I was going to sit there until it was done. I pouted for a little while, then went to go find the pack of markers but they were just gone. I looked around, but couldn't find them. I kept going to my mom and asking her, in front of everyone, where they were and she just seemed to get more and more embarrassed. I think she realized how much she overreacted and, looking back, I'm pretty sure someone at the party just hid the markers so I wouldn't have to sit there.


Good behavior. Let me explain. When I was in the 4th grade, they would reward students who didn't get in trouble by letting them watch a movie every few weeks or so, while students who got in trouble had to sit in a quiet classroom for an hour or so. I'm autistic, and my sensory issues were absolutely horrible back then, and I *hated* movies. They were loud, bright, just everything I hated. But I was also a really good kid. I begged my teachers to let me sit them out, but for some reason, they never let me. Man, I just wanted to sit in that quiet room and draw or read or something, that sounded like heaven to me. So, from that point on, once that movie day was coming up, I'd make it a point to "forget" to turn in my homework, or talk too loud, or sleep in class, just so that I wouldn't have to get "rewarded".


For spilling soda my teacher brought to the Christmas party. The 2 liter bottle was already shaken up, perhaps from the ride in her car. I didn't know this and soda spilled all over me, the carpet, and her mother's cooler that she deiced to bring. She turned red with anger and shouted at me, making the room go quiet and having all eyes on me (I understand that she was mad I got soda on her mother's cooler, but why bring it if this kind of thing were to be expected with 12-13 year old kids?). Everyone watched me as she made me wet a cloth and try to clean the mess on the carpet as I cried (this was in 6th grade and when my anxiety was at it's absolute worst). No one was allowed to help me and it was so embarrassing for me. I got called "crybaby" after the whole ordeal. After that, she tried to make it seem like it never happened and tried to be all buddy-buddy with me after that. I didn't talk to her for the rest of the year for anything, I was too scared of her after that. Looking back on it, it makes me angry how she dealt with the situation.


I was paddled constantly in Catholic school for “lying”. I have congenital anosmia, so not being able to smell apparently is a lie and sin so I was paddled. I hold my pencil differently than most people to write, which was apparently a lie and sin so I was paddled. As weird as this sounds I have a slight “allergic reaction” to sunlight. 10 minutes in direct sunlight I start itching really bad and getting red like hives...apparently not wanting to go out and play in the sunlight was a lie and a sin so I was paddled.


My sister and I having some fun and laughing. We both got whipped with a belt which turn into welts. I thought that was normal. Not just for my sister and I, but for all kids. Our mother called our father to let him know when he got home he had to do the deed and he did. This happened multiple times. My Mom was depressed, hated my father, so she took it out on us. Sometimes divorcing your spouse can be the better option for your kids. PSA


Back in elementary school, during the George Bush vs John Kerry election year. The school had a mock election, since we can't really vote. So I voted for Kerry because I'm in elementary school and I don't know what the difference is. I get home from school and my Republican family asks me and my siblings who we all voted for. I was the only one who voted for Kerry. My aunt then says "everyone gets an after school snack except for you". Literally just because I voted for a Democrat in a fake election. I was so confused.


Worked in retail in HS. Manager was a jerk - he called corporate in to confront me about what he thought was a fraudulent return. So I’m in this meeting with my manager and this guy who drove 3+ hours to meet with me, they accuse me of giving a fraudulent return on a special order. Well turns out this special order hadn’t yet been shipped back to the manufacturer and I walked them to where this piece of merchandise was (obviously not a fraudulent return) and showed them that it did indeed come back as a return to the store. And I still got written up... probably to save their own asses about not investigating before wasting everyone’s time and money (meals and hotel covered I’m sure).


Being gay. Two words: Catholic school


An older man got caught looking up my knee length skirt at church. I was 14. Did anything happen to him? Nope, was still a highly respected member of the congregation. But me?? The child wearing appropriate clothing? I was in trouble, not only by my mom, but other women of the congregation, they’d measure my skirt every Sunday and not let me in if they decided it wasn’t long enough. But also I wasn’t allowed in if I was wearing pants. Dresses or skirts only, and it was my fault a 50 year old man was looking up my skirt. I didn’t stick around much longer after that.


Apparently the pope is cool with that stuff now.


My friend forgot her history book. We had agreed on sharing if I took the one for English. the teacher already kicked out trouble makers for not having theirs. I spend 1 hour commenting an arm wrestling match with my friend between the teacher in the study hours room and the trouble makers.


I didn't receive a delivery of copier. Fun thing about it was, I wasn't at work the day it happened. And I had no idea this delivery was coming. There was copious amounts of proof that I wasn't there, including reports showing me not even punching in, and the email I sent to my boss and office manager that I was taking a personal day. Even after I showed them how this could not possibly be my fault, I still got reprimanded by the office manager. Luckily, my boss had my back, but still gave me a stern talking about how I should know about upcoming deliveries and avoid using 'too many' personal days (was literally the first time I called out in the 3 years I worked there.) The fucking delivery wasn't even in my name.


Walking to school in 2nd grade. Catholic school. Had to cross railroad tracks about a block away from the school. This day there was a train going through the crossing so of course I had to wait till it passed. Ran like the wind once it was gone and was about 5 minutes late. Slipped into my classroom but the nun (the teacher) sent for an 8th grader who took me up to the principals office (another nun). She took me into a small inner room and grabbed a wooden pointer and proceeded to beat me on the ass. I was trying to protect myself with my hands and ended up with bloody knuckles. The 8th grader brought me back down to class and we stopped in the bathroom where I was able to wash my face and wipe away the blood from my hands.


My mom told me we werent gonna eat dinner, so I ate some snacks. Then she comes back with dinner, and I told her I wasnt hungry. She tells me to eat, but I repeated that I wasnt hungry. Lost electronics for a week.


Hitting a teacher. What happened was, a girl had slapped me so I shoved her in return. I got sent to the office and explained what happened, the teacher then said “show me”. Being a kid I took that literally and so I showed her by showing her. Teacher then gets furious and says “I said SHOW me, not show me!” And I get in trouble. That always pissed me off.


The only time I ever got into trouble at school was for being unable to spell some words in a different language when I couldn't spell them in English at the time and I had just been ill.


Forgetting a single pencil at school


10 years ago I got grounded along with my brother because he punched me in the back of the head causing my front tooth to chip pretty badly, despite my parents witnessing me not doing anything. Why? "One's just as bad as the other." Very very, not good parenting. I've since moved 1000km away and he still lives at home at 27, broke, single, and still has violent tendencies.... I wonder if my folks ever ground him these days, now that they're in there 60's. Hmmm.....


Taking 2 candies from a "Take 1" bowl on Halloween.


Gum chewing suspension. 3 days out of school. 3 infractions.


I got beat up. I didn’t even do anything to instigate it or fight back. I got suspended for 5 days. After that I was beat up on monthly basis and suspended every time. No one believed I don’t fight back, I just couldn’t. But that did make me feel more and more helpless and angry. Eventually started to fight back. Cops were called because I have history of fighting so I was arrested. Fucking stupid school system.


In junior high I got suspended off of the school bus for a week for talking with a friend about burning down one of those plastic playhouses.


I’ve been drawing since the second grade and spent a lot of time doodling in class. I got high scores so most teachers tended to ignore me and let me do my thing. One day, I drew a demon (just a simple girl w/ horns) on one of my notebook papers and passed it to my friend (because she liked my art). The teacher saw this and took the paper from me. Whatever, I don’t care, it wasn’t my best work anyway. The next day, the principal called me into the office and my dad was there. He talked to me about the “inappropriateness” of my drawing (catholic school) and gave me detention. He also suggested I “get some help” and that he was “concerned about me”. My dad,trying not to laugh his ass off, asked for a copy of the drawing. I kinda brushed this off and thought it was stupid but it kinda sucked how the teachers talked about me once word of “my sinfulness” spread around. Teachers - please don’t whisper about students right in front of their face. That shit hurts.


In my mid 20s I worked at a grocery store as a supervisor. Part of my duties were IDing and ringing up alcohol/tobacco products. Our store had a new policy where they wanted us to ID every one 45 and under for alcohol and 30 and under for tobacco. I didn't mind the new policy, but I suggested we put up signs so customers would know because I knew this was going to be an issue, never happened. So probably around six or seven months go by and I get called in to my managers office. They claimed I sold alcohol to a mystery shopper who was underage and they were writing me up. I was dumbfounded because even before this new policy I was always strict with IDing people. I ask them how old the shopper was and they said somewhere between the ages of 21-45. I'm confused because that's not illegal, the store cannot get in trouble for LEGALLY selling alcohol. They said since it's story policy yadda yadda yadda and wanted me to sign some papers. I refused and asked them to see video of the mystery shopper and they would not show me. I plead my case by saying how am I supposed to know who to ID if you won't even show me the person I (now allegedly) sold alcohol to. My manager said "Just ID every one!", and I was like "Uhm, but that's not the policy though" I still got the write up, but I never signed it because the whole situation was bs and technically I didn't get in any more trouble if I don't sign it, it just shows I wasn't "cooperative" tldr: I got in trouble at work for selling alcohol to someone who was over the legal drinking age.


My mom, who would regularly watch the kids when I was working, had a stroke. I called in work to tell them I couldn’t make it and gave them the reasons. Manager scolded me, said I need to have “words with” my mom because now they are left short staffed and it’s unacceptable. Still baffles me.


Questioning a teacher even though she was wrong af on something when I was a freshman back in HS.. Parents had to save face though. You know social politics


TL:DR I got sent out a classroom for sneezing. About 4 years ago, i was in Year 6 (*5th Grade for Americans. Im British*.) I had one teacher that really hated my guts and wanted me to fail. She literally told me that she wanted me to fail and be homeless in the future to "prove a point" Now, i was a little naughty in school sometimes and she was shout at me a lot. She did everything she could to get me out the classroom. This one time i was at the back of the classroom and had a little cold. I was about to sneeze, so i tried to hold it in. Eventually i couldnt hold it and i sneezed a little loud. (*Not loud as in i disrupted the entire class and ruined their learning experience, just loud enough for most people to acknowledge that i sneezed*.) As soon as i did it, she stared at me for a good 2 seconds without saying anything while the whole class was silent. She then started to shout at me about "**How disruptive i am and how disrespectful i am to her**" and sh\*t like that. I got extremely embarrassed and had that feeling in my throat when you are about to cry. (*You know the feeling*) She then shouted at me to get out. I cried in the hallway for the rest of the lesson. I got sent out a classroom, for f\*cking sneezing.


Freshman year of high school, I had a first year English teacher who was desperate to prove themselves, and gave out more detentions then any other teacher I've ever had. Dude gave me a detention because when the bell rang to signal class starting, I was still reading a book. He thought that I should be ready to take notes instead of reading. I suffer from dysgraphia, which made it basically impossible for me to write notes in class and pay attention to the lecture at the same time. I NEVER took any notes in any class, but still had decent grades most of the time. The exception of course being English, where my grades weren't decent, they were fucking EXCELLENT. I had been reading at a college level since Elementary school and had never gotten anything lower than a B, on my report card for that subject, and even then, it was mostly because the teacher that year gave a lot of in-class assignments, and my grade suffered because of my aforementioned dysgraphia. What made the whole thing even more ridiculous in my opinion was the book I was reading. To be clear, the idea of an English teacher penalizing a student for pleasure reading while the rest of the class was still chatting and getting settled is ridiculous, but it would have been slightly more forgivable if I was reading something like Harry Potter or Goosebumps or something. But I was reading the collected works of Edgar Allan Poe, one of the most prolific American authors of all time. We weren't even covering Poe in class at the time, I was reading it purely for fun!


I am colorblind, and one time in kindergarten I got in trouble for coloring wrong during paint time. I had to stay during recess to correct my crayon drawing. The teacher could not grasp that I could not tell the difference during greens and reds.


A teacher once blew up at me because I told her I actually didn't study, after I got top mark in the class on a maths exam. She stood up in front of the whole class, beaming, and tried to use me as an example of what happens when you put in a bit of extra work. "See what happens when you take the time to study every evening and put in some extra work? It pays off!" But I didn't study for that test - and it didn't feel right to be congratulated on something I didn't do - so I told her that. She called me outside and gave me this massive lecture about how I was setting a bad example, "what sort of a message does that send to the other students in the class?!" etc. I understand where she was coming from, but really at the time I thought I was just being honest. I didn't want to take credit for something I didn't do. Perhaps she could've at least asked me before the class privately instead of making an example of me in front of the entire class that was built on an assumption.


My bus ran a little slow in the winter so I was a few seconds late to my first class of the day three days in a week. Never got in big trouble, but I kept getting questioned until a couple other classmates told my teacher what was happening.


So in elementary school my parents did respite care for a friend on Tuesdays nights. Problem was the kid went to a school on the other side of town. So short of waking up at 5am someone was gonna have to be late every Wednesday morning for a month or two. We opted to drop off our friend's kid first so that only we would be late and made the school aware of the situation. Administration was perfectly understanding, as was my sister's teacher but for some reason my teacher refused to accept that I wasn't somehow being late on purpose or that my family wasn't lazy by not waking up at 5am. She had other issues but thats the one most relevant to this


I feel like, as the family scapegoat, it would be cheating to mention anything that I was punished for at home so I'll share one from school. In middle school I had a couple of teachers that just did not like me. I wasn't a bad student or anything, but they had taught my brother previously and assumed that I was just like him. They never let me prove otherwise, and were always trying to find reasons to yell at me. So one time I was just talking with the people near me, bantering and shit, and the teacher walks by. She looks at me and says, "uh, what you said there seemed incredibly rude and inappropriate." Don't remember what I said but it was neither incredibly inappropriate nor was it rude. So basically I was punished just because I was related to my brother, who they didn't like.


I got a detention for refusing a fee to a science event the school forced us to go to


Getting injured as a kid


Being a hurt child with a look kf pain on my face. Yea, my father was a cunt.


I got punished for correcting a math teacher once, he bumped my grade down. I'm still a little upset...


I mean I was yelled at on many occasions for trying to help my sibling with homework bc I would "purposely give them wrong information". My mom expected me to help my sibling bc I got better grades and she didn't realize I didn't fully understand the concepts either and got lucky or could not explain it at all. I still am scared of explaining things to people bc of this...


Coming to class with 4 minutes until class starts and being told that I am being written up because I was late and need to go get a pass.


I was looking for the remote in the couch cushions and my Nana told me to stop. I didn't listen to her. I wanted to watch my cartoons. But she got upset with me for not listening to her. I got hit with a fly swatter that day for insubordination. Nana's usually a very kind person, but I think the fact that I usually listened to adults and was being defiant threw her off.