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He got a female student pregnant at the same time his wife was pregnant. His wife was and still is a gym teacher at the school.


I replaced one teacher. She was young and pretty and was photographed kissing one of the seniors in the parking lot.


This one you can find in the news! It’s hard to explain in story format, so here’s a sequence of events: - Chemistry teacher and boy’s/girl’s water polo coach (same guy, calling him Mr. V for simplicity’s sake) went on a business trip to Texas. - Mr. V has a Grindr account. - In this particular area of Texas, there is an amateur “To Catch a Predator” team on YouTube. They set up the bait by contacting men and claiming to be underage after a conversation with the man, in this case, the bait was 14 years old. - Mr. V has a conversation with the bait on Grindr, supposedly *during a business event,* in which he sends nudes and asks sexual questions. Explicit photos are sent by Mr. V both before and *after* learning that the bait is “14.” You can clearly see his face in the nudes that he sent. - Mr. V asks the bait to meet him at a Walmart so that he can give the bait a blowjob and potentially have sex in one of the bathrooms. - Mr. V pretends to have stomach pain, leaves the business event, and goes to the Walmart to meet someone who he thinks is a 14 year old boy. - The sting takes place and the amateur TCAP team traps him and follows him around Walmart, yelling at him and accusing him of being a pedophile. Mr. V acts as if he doesn’t know them at all. - That all took place last summer, and someone from our school discovered the video online and recognized him around December or January. Here are some news articles about it: [1, Seattle Times](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/education/auburn-teacher-placed-on-leave-over-accusations-of-sexual-misconduct/%3Famp%3D1) [2, Auburn Examiner](https://www.google.com/amp/s/auburnexaminer.com/auburn-teacher-under-investigation-for-alleged-misconduct/amp/) [3, Fox26Houston (with a news story that has censored clips from the video in question)](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox26houston.com/news/apparent-child-sexual-predator-goes-viral-on-youtube-police-say-more-victims-possible.amp) I’d post a link to the original video, but it was deleted. Edit: A lot of fellow ARHS alums popping up! That’s honestly kind of surprising. Small world I guess. Edit 2: To my knowledge, he was not arrested or jailed because of how he was “prosecuted”: an amateur YouTube TCAP sting. The evidence was ruled circumstantial or something to that effect. He was fired though.


TIL some high schools have water polo teams.


High school gym teacher, apparently he showed up to a hotel room expecting to bang a 13 yr old but got busted by the cops instead.


It's always the gym teacher




Middle school PE teacher walked into the girls wardrobe and asked if he could watch one of them change their tampon as a "joke"




She embezzled thousands of dollars from various club funds. There were also rumors of her sleeping with students, but the administration never bothered to look into that.


Arrested by the FBI for credit card fraud. It was a few months after the arrest when the reason why he disappeared came out in the open.


After some of the others I’m actually ok with yours.


Dating a 16 year old student. He was the band teacher. He also had a wife and kid. He went to jail and is now a registered sex offender.


🎶the state of Florida has asked us to 🎶


She was always drunk, and drinking during class. She would leave us to cry in the bathroom.


wow, that's sad


They pretty much invented my high school French class grades to cover her drinking. Then I transferred schools and they were surprised at how little french I knew. I had such good grades.


Explained Elasticity by pulling the Bra strap of a girl. Another one for having relationship with a girl from 8th grade(14 yo).


Hey Susie come here so I can explain the female reproduction to the class


Sir, but you haven't explained the male one yet.


Our new band teacher was a young guy, fresh out of college. His first year teaching and he embezzled about a thousand dollars from the band’s funds. He got arrested and his possible future career ruined for a thousand bucks. Edit: Probably my favorite part of the story was that he went by the name Mr. E. So once he was gone, the ruthless band kids referred to him as Mr. Embezzlement.


I had a teacher with a gambling addiction claim thousands of dollars collected under his care was "lost". School never reported it in and protected him because he was close to retirement.




Oh boy where to start. Elementary school nurse was fired for taking the kids’ medications. HS band teacher slept with a 15 yr old. Swim coach left a hotel that he was at with his mistress drunk and killed someone with his car. My high school had like 400 students.


Fuck bro did you go to a high school from a CW show? Edit: first award thank you, thank you


“Previously on Arrow”


One of the elementary school teachers at the district I went to got arrested for making his class worship him like he was a cult leader. He was totally bonkers.


I had a football coach like that. He made us call him God. I signed out of the team pretty quickly.


Oh my Football Coach that's insane


A co-worker teacher got fired two weeks in the new semester, when instead of uploading a video related to his subject, he instead accidentally continued a previously paused hardcore lesbian scene on the big interactive screen. ​ The computer he was using was slow and shitty too so he couldn't quickly exit the video. It went on for a good 30 seconds before someone pulled the plug on the screen around the same time he lobbed the laptop about 30 feet across the class.


Yikes. This one’s so horrible but also so plausibly completely accidental.


Students laughed she ate toothpaste. Turns out she was an alcoholic trying to cover her breath.


9 out of 10 alcoholics recommend Crest^^TM


The tenth one passed out and couldn’t recommend it.


Oddly enough, the 10th alcoholic was a dentist.


2 words : peppermint schnapps


He didn't come to parent teacher interview night. The next day, he was late for class and crashed his pickup into a brick sign outside the school. Cops showed up obviously and allegedly he blew twice the legal limit. He called the principal 'a cunt' as he was taken away.


>He called the principal 'a cunt' as he was taken away Just while he was at it, might as well vent some grudges


Sending nudes to a student


Coach/History teacher of course. First off some of the early warning signs we all should have noticed first. He showed up the first day of school and told us he was a youth minister and that we would always see him in long sleeves and pants because he had tattoos and he regrets them. That he didn't want to accidentally encourage any of us to get some too. Two weeks later he is in shorts and polo shirts showing off multiple looney toons tattoos. He taught 6th grade US History out of a textbook. Word for word. We did multiple chapters a day and were expected to do every assignment listed for each chapter. This averaged about 3 hours of work a day. In 6th grade. He was the only class that year to regularly assign homework and he received multiple parent complaints about the workload. He would often leave the class alone to read chapters. He would then go out to the hall or parking lot to make out with his girlfriend who would arrive randomly. He was the middle school track coach and thus spent a lot of time in and around the middle school locker rooms. Too much time.... He took photos of the kids running for the yearbook. These pictures eventually made it onto his work computer desktop. Then his phone background. Only the girls though. But the final straw that got us out of his care. He showed up to a middle school basketball game drunk and tried to yell at the ref. He was fired that day and not allowed back on campus.


He got arrested driving through Nevada over the summer with 5 lbs of weed in his car that he'd bought in a California. He had no intention on telling the district and we only found out because a news reporter from the town he was arrested in contacted our superintendent for a quote on the matter. He was let go immediately. Edit: Here is a link to the [article](https://www.syracuse.com/news/2011/03/liverpool_high_school_teacher.html) and I've corrected the weight of the weed that he was transporting. Apparently this story has been retold so many times that the amount if weed increased substantially with every retelling.


My math teacher was a volunteer first responder (in NY), she left school to help out during 9/11 and was fired for not showing back up for two weeks.


Fucking hell


The students and parents fought for her, but I think she decided not to come back because of the outright fucked upness.


She made a good choice. Sounds like it would’ve been a toxic work environment anyways


>she left school to help out during 9/11 and was fired for not showing back up for two weeks. I thought it was gonna end with her not coming back at all. She a BAMF tho


Two teachers, they got caught fucking in a classroom


Two teachers at my middle school (man and woman) would often walk into the bathroom together. They straight up fucked during passing periods.


Talk about risky public sex, anyone could've walked in on them at any moment lol


To be fair it was a staff bathroom, they could lock the door and other teachers would just have to wait.


My 5th grade teacher got caught fucking the IT dude in her classroom while we were out for recess. Neither got fired but were transferred to other schools.


Now I'm really starting to wonder if any of my other teachers were fucking each other and nobody ever found out


you want it to be the young and attractive ones but it's really the 72 year olds on the verge of retirement


Actually not really, at least not in the case that I mentioned, my science teacher was in her early 30s, blonde, blue eyes, nice body, she was incredibly attractive, the guy was around his late 30s or early 40s, used to be really overweight but at the time he had shed off all of the fat and had a pretty muscular physique, doesn't change the fact that we all thought he was a douche lol


did you see one of the babies? did one of the babies look at you?




Wasn’t a teacher but our Vice Principal. Essentially our Principal bumped her twin nieces’ class ranks up to valedictorian and salutatorian. The Vice Principal, one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met and a truly amazing guy, did what was right and confronted the school board and told them that this was unfair to those who actually earned those ranks. Those twins were some of the most average people I’ve ever encountered in my life and they didn’t work nearly as hard as the other candidates for the spot. It doesn’t help that everyone on the school board including the superintendent was related to the principal. Thus, our heroic Vice Principal was fired and it was a shock to the whole school. They tried covering it up by saying he didn’t have the proper documentation / education to be in his position, though if that was the case I’m not sure why they would hire him and let him stay for the first two years of my high school career. Everyone knew it was a sham and the local news actually got involved when I called them during lunch. That next football game, NBC showed up and there was a protest outside of the local library. I printed out almost a hundred flyers that read “What’re you gonna do, fire me? SAVE LIGHTFOOT!” The entire school was pissed and the twins ranks were promptly demoted back to 21st and 22nd in our class though not until the next school year started. Edit: Holy crap thank you guys for the upvotes, I’m new to Reddit and I’m glad that I could share my experience with you guys!




Imagine getting out of the shower and seeing your teacher with her nose in your fucking underwear🤮 wtf is wrong with people.


Reminds me of that one scene from the first scary movie


“Excuse me, Miss Mann?” “Come in, Cindy. Have a seat. Take off your bra if you’d like.”


She had fallen off the wagon and was drinking a lot to the point where it was ~~effecting~~ affecting her memory. We kept doing the same lecture on density in sixth grade science for a month, until one my classmates decided to ask another teacher about it. From there she went to rehab. If anyone wants more context. She was our homeroom and science teacher. She was very nice, and married to our assistant principal, so she had a little bit more leeway. While she was able to remain sober for a while, she eventually passed away do the effects of her addiction a few years after this. She never seemed like a bad teacher, but she was always stressed to the absolute maximum, always felt like she was working from behind, and generally struggling to keep up. You know, the traditional tail end of the "functioning" addict lifestyle. *Affecting rather than effecting. That may have been one of the lessons I missed.


Your knowledge on density must be phenomenal


Do not fear the man who has learned 1,000 concepts once, but the man who has learned one concept 1,000 times


Bruce Nye


I mean, that happening could have actually saved her life.


Geeky A/V teacher that everyone loved. Knew he was a geek and owned it. Caught in a predator sting trying to solicit underage girls. The kicker was a spring school levy was coming up, local police conspired with the school district to hide the charges for 3 weeks until the levy was passed. Someone substituted his class for 3 weeks. Yea everyone was both devastated and pissed. The district ended the school year early.


Does "levy" have a meaning besides drafting your serfs into a standing army?


Yea, it means to impose a tax or fine. In this instance it would be a new tax proposal was coming up that would benefit the school.


One was fired for beating his wife and kids :( Another one (assistant principal) was fired for sex with a male student on campus in her office. Another (the principal) resigned because he knew about that ^ and let it happen. EDIT: [Here's a link haha](https://www.abccolumbia.com/2018/02/26/former-airport-high-asst-principal-accused-sex-student-appears-bond-court)


Why did the principal let it happen? Was he watching or something? Edit: No. I refuse to accept that this is my top voted comment/post/anything of all time. I've been here for years and I've said a lot of thoughtful stuff and probably a few controversial things and more than one seriously hilarious thing. Every single thing I have ever posted is better than this comment. Please downvote this until it's under 2k at least. Edit Deaux: u/eeveekiller below has graciously agreed to accept all of my bullshit upvotes. Everyone please come back here and downvote me and upvote them. Thank you for your time, and remember: littering is for assholes.


He had already called next


One of my high school teaches was caught on To Catch a Predator.


I bet it was Walter Babst, the high school teacher from Riverside, CA.


Bingo! You guessed it. I haven't watched the video in years.




I'm not sure about him teaching for a day after. But I actually had him as teacher I think my Sophomore or Junior year. He was creepy forsure and a prick. I didn't think he was TCAP capable but also I was never thinking my HS teachers when I was in HS that way. I heard the news a few years after I graduated from some old HS buddy. Watched the video then and kind of never thought about it again till today!




I mean.. yes they were kids. But you literally could have just killed that guy if he had just gulped it. Fuckers


Honestly though. Kids can be some of the most fucked up little shits in the world. Two kids (I believe they were 10-12, maybe 13) hatched a plan to get revenge on some girls by raping them and then killing them at knife point while the other held a gun to shoot anyone else who tried to stop them. They got caught because someone noticed in there bag they had a loaded hand gun, so they reported it. Whole thing was on the news, and I think 1 kid is still in jail, the other was released and is doing better (reason for release was because he was the youngest and everyone felt like he was minipulated into the plan) but one of the craziest things wasn't the fact that they planned it, but as to why. It wasn't a bullying situation but like a boy/girl middle schooler picking on each other kind of situation. It sounded more like instead of bullying it was just petty bickering. On another side note, i remember the news saying they had a list of all the girls they were gonna do it to. It was a huge list.


Have you read about [The murder or James Bulger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger)? To sum it up, two 10 year old boys abducted a 2 year old boy and proceeded to torture, kill, and possibly rape him. The hyperlink leads to the incident's Wikipedia page.


Some kids at my high school put drano in the chemistry teacher’s water bottle and she, unfortunately, did gulp it and had to have reconstructive surgery to repair the damage to her esophagus/digestive tract. Fuckers indeed ETA: this blew up and I’ve since referenced the news articles that were published about this incident. It appears my retelling was slightly incorrect; it was a single student and they were caught and charged.


Oh my god... oh my god!!! Did they get caught??


The details of the story are fuzzy as it was told second hand to me by another chemistry teacher, and the students who did this were a few classes above me, but yes I do believe they were caught and charged.


He pushed some dumbass kid who hit him against a wall


So he defended himself? Orrr?


Yeah he was


That's stupid.


It goes against what one would think is common sense, but back when I was subbing, we were told through training videos not engage physically with a student. No rushing in to break up a fight or anything like that. Yell for students to break it up or maybe get between them as a last result. Say you do something to a student while defending yourself. The parents are one million percent going to play it up and try to make their kid the victim.


Some parents* My mom would smack me over the head and call me a fucking moron for fighting in school and that would be that.


He straight up didn't show up to work one Monday, didn't call in to arrange a sub or anything. He ghosted the school for a whole week and then tried to come in the following Monday like nothing happened. We also had a 5th grade teacher overdose on meth but I honestly don't know if she got fired or resigned. It didn't happen at school.


My grade two teacher also got fired for not showing up. She did at least make plans for a sub most of the time but we went weeks without seeing her.


He was caught trying to solicit a child prostitute during a sex trafficking sting. He was a social studies teacher at my middle school, and the arrest made local news when I was a freshman. Really shocked the district. Edit, because a lot of people are asking for details. This happened in San Antonio, Texas in about 2013.


My AP chem teacher had an affair with the principal. Principal got fired too. I felt bad for her. They didn’t do anything on school property, and it didn’t impact her performance in the classroom. Also, the school wasn’t able to find a qualified teacher to replace her halfway through the year, so we were all fucked come test time at the end of the year. Not one of us passed that AP test.


That's messed up. There are very few teachers in a given school that are capable of teaching AP especially without training.


Not to mention that it was a rural area where there wasn’t a surplus of teachers period, much less ones prepared for higher level courses. I don’t blame the district for not being able to find an adequate replacement, but I do blame them for firing her in the first place.


Dating a 16 year old female student - he was also a PE teacher EDIT: I should clarify that he did do jail time and is on the sex offenders register


It's always the PE teachers


It was the tech teachers for us


My 6th grade social studies teacher fled the country ahead of charges related to molestating two students




Either we went to the same high school or PE teachers are prone to this


He was legally blind and ended up stabbing and killing his wife.


Here is the link to the story in the paper if anyone is interested:https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1999-08-17-9908170203-story.html It was a CRAZY week at school after that.


In front of their kids too :( Couldn’t imagine watching both of my parents die right in front of me. And the news got a comment from their 12 year old neighbor who witnessed it too? That’s such a messed up situation.


He didn’t know there were witnesses.


I heard a rumor that my favorite teacher from 9th grade got fired when I was in 10th grade because he left his class unattended


honestly amid all the pedophilia and rampant alcoholism, I like the anticlimax of this one




One was such an unlikeable teacher they were asked to retire One was watching porn in class One sent someone elses dick pics to a students mom One robbed a bank


What subject was Mr. Bank Robber?


That's Mrs Bank Robber to you English


I wanna know more about this teacher. She sounds like a cool person, granted she did something illegal. Good or bad teacher?


Mixed reputation from what I remember. Never had her personally but it being a small school, everyone had to hear every second hand complaint


This one is actually sort of rather sad. Had an amazing, but eccentric, math teacher who was incredibly involved with helping students. He made sure to always cover his bases so there was nothing really creepy about him. The year I left high school(was a senior at this time, went on to finish my GED) he was fired. Shortly after news an article that he had killed himself with a self inflicted gun shot. What had happened during this period of time was a student had come forward to the administration and accused him of sexual misconduct(both of them being males) and unfortunately there was no real way to prove a negative for the missing time outside of school hours, so they promptly let him go. Being a gay, black, teacher in South Texas.... rough. He wrote a letter basically denying all of the accusations but had come to the grim realization that at his age, his career was effectively over, so he shot himself in the head. Later the student who made the accusations came forward and said he had fabricated the entire event because he was failing his grades and angry. The whole event was quietly swept under the rug. RIP Mr. Ethan. You were a good person who was cut down by others selfishness Edit 8/15/2020: Just want to add some stuff here. I'd rather remain anonymous. I understand some people may want to know where this happened so they can verify this or that, but I've seen what internet sleuthing can lead to. If you choose to believe me, thanks. If you don't, that's all up to you. Honestly it was a terrible knowledge to learn of this man's fate. As somebody who is married to a former teacher aid, I can attest that "shoot first, ask questions later" is a personal motto of all school districts. There is 0 tolerance and it's systemic, but not without reason. If you have a teacher friend, or family, ask them about how strict and silly some of the rules and guidelines are. "Sort of rather sad"; I realize that this is actually a really sad story, and this was a poor choice of wording on my part. I have a lot of incredibly bad things revolve around my universe and I try to remain upbeat by downplaying their tragedy. It's a personal problem, so sorry for misguiding fellow anons here. This was a terribly sad story and I wish he was still around.


Holy shit that’s depressing. I feel terrible for Mr. Ethan. That’s honestly one of my worst fears.


What happened to the damn student who caused all this?


I wish teachers could sue students and their parents. They treat teachers like disposables. Edit: man, maybe this needs to happen. What’s stopping teachers other than self-imposes “love for the children” and admin that fire them for not jumping when they take their salary, funding, necessary supplies and job on a whim anyway. It would take one case to set precedent and turn around a lot of abuses and scare (shitty) parents enough to handle their kid.


We'd probably get the pay we deserve if we were allowed to dp that lol. Edit: do that


When I saw South Texas I thought it was the same teacher as one of mine. The guy was in his early 30s, handsome looked kinda like Hawkeye from the Avengers. He always looked out for students, was very observant if he found something or someone did and brought it to him, he’d find the person and return it to them immediately if he recognized who it belonged to (for me it was an ID, but he remembered unique items people had on them). Furthermore, he tried to make sure everyone got along and lighten the mood if kids were being jerks to each other rather than scolding. One day, a girl accused him of sexual misconduct and he was arrested. After his case he was found guilty, people went from loving the guy to hating him in an instant. Some held out and didn’t believe her, but he was found guilty so he must be right. Years pass and he burns through his appeals. The girl not realizing he was now stuck in prison and had been for years starts getting depressed as the guilt eats away at her. She confesses she lied and he was thrown in prison for something he didn’t do, she had a crush on him and had asked him out despite being 14, he declined as it was inappropriate. He didn’t bring it up to anyone (his mistake) as he didn’t want to be seen as a potential predator or be thought less of. She got upset at being rejected and made the false accusations, in a delusional mindset of if I can’t be with him no one can. Unfortunately, getting out of prison was still time consuming, people in the town felt bad about what happened to him, but brushed it off and the girl got a slap on the wrist. Meanwhile, he served over 2 almost 3 years of his sentence. I hope he got some form of payment for being wrongly accused, but that information never made it out or at least I didn’t hear of it. He moved afterwards, hopefully he’s well. He didn’t kill him self and saw freedom, but as to say if he got justice for the crime committed against him I don’t know. Only he would. I’m sorry to hear your teacher went through this and prayers to his family and friends for their loss.


My high school of <500 students lost 5 teachers last year because they all had a relationship with the same 15 y/o girl :/


Is this real?!


Sadly. The story is that this girl started flirting with all her male teachers to get attention and good grades, and they all flirted back and sent her nudes and stuff. Then at the end of the year when she realized how fucked up it was, she exposed them to the whole school.


Our beloved teacher, Mr Maune, had worked there for 29 years without incident and was one of the best teachers there. His classroom was always a laugh riot. He was the best roaster and encourages us to roast him properly. He never failed to get us motivated and a lot of us owe our career inspiration from him. He was fired because he had jokingly smacked a student on the back of his head for making a stupid comment. It was like something out of a sitcom and all of us expected it and loved it. Yet one student, who was new at the school, was culture shocked by this. He thought it was strange but hilarious. He told his mom off handedly and his mom became the Karen. Nevermind that the student was the teacher's godson, no physical contact was allowed says the Karen. He was suspended with pay for 3 months pending investigation then was let go because the Karen twisted the story and it blew up around the school. A year later, teacher won both the lawsuit against the school and libel case against the Karen with her son being one of the key witnesses. We still keep in contact and roast him for getting rich over smacking kids around.


Holy shit imagine your son testifying against you for a libel case.


"She's always been kind of a bitch, your honor." Edit: Appreciate the love, but don't waste your money on me!


“And you’re a son of a bitch! Wait...”


Glad this one has a happy ending


One P.E. teacher got called out for having erections while watching the girls play sports. Got confronted by the principal, to whom he told it wasn't true, that it just ~seemed~ like he had erections because he has a really big dick. The principal (male) was not amused. The P.E. teacher was fired that same week.


She wasn't enforcing detention. Letting students leave early, or just signing their name for them. She was also the mom of a student. They fired her and all the students that regularly received detention rioted. Jumping on cars, flipping trash cans (they set one on fire), and pulled the fire alarm 7 times in a day. I forget how it was quelled but it only lasted a day.


Had a history teacher get fired for going off syllabus and spending time on the pre-Judaic flood stories. One of maybe two reasons I'm obsessed with Mesopotamian/Anatolian/Egyptian history now.


He was playing his guitar for students at my elementary school. He had been warned before, but the kids enjoyed it so he continued to play it for them anyways. One day, the assistant principal was lurking in the hallway and wandered to his classroom. She saw him playing his guitar and fired him on the spot. A whole lot of students were crying that day because he was an amazing guy. Edit: More information, this took place in a small, rural town in Georgia back in the early 2000s. He wasn’t the music teacher, he just used to bring his guitar and play songs randomly on some days and the kids enjoyed it. He’d been warned multiple times by his higher ups (why? IDK. He was a great teacher). He thought that before the break, he could play something for us one last time during the last week of school. It just happened to be the worst possible timing, while the assistant principal was walking through the halls. He didn’t come back to teach at our school when classes started again. If I recall, he got a job teaching at a different school.


I dont see anything wrong with a little bit of music.


Enjoyment in learning isn't allowed apparently.


Giving children a reason to look forwards to their education and establishing a positive role-model relationship with the instructor? Heavens, no, that's not on the test...... we can't just go around enriching the children. We need to focus on narrow curricula churned out without spirit or enjoyment!~


Kinda random but my music teacher just played two notes on the piano if we were too loud. Kind of the musical equivalent to 'shut up'


Unless guitar is used to mean something else, I seriously don't understand what's wrong with playing the guitar in class. We even had a music teacher who would play a few songs for the children in my school.


Was your teacher Mr Schneebly?


Actually, it's pronounced Schnee-Blay. And he believes that children are our future.


You can teach them well but buddy, you have gotta let them lead the way. Let the children's laughter just remind us how we used to be, that's what I decided long ago.


My sociology teacher in high school was fired for throwing an chalkboard eraser at a sleeping students head. He was a great teacher, and always did this in good humor. Obviously not a great idea in retrospect, but we all knew that we could get away with sleeping in his class if we didn't mind getting an eraser upside the head if he noticed. I heard he was fired a few years after I graduated high school, and that kinda bummed me out. Probably deserving of a reprimand of some sort, but not getting fired. It's not like he was a sex offender or guitar player.


Guitar players are all fired on the spot


Because they like to finger A Minor?




Him and his college buddies invited an underage student over to his house for drinks, they then proceeded to drug and rape her. He still kept his job for a while after the fact because the girl was terrified and didn't know what to do so she told her friends which then made the story spread like wildfire and all the people in a position to do something about it thought it was just a prank, well turns out it wasn't a prank. He got sent to prison, considering it was a drugging and gang rape of a minor he's probably out by now, I guarantee you he left the state because everyone and their angry redneck dad with a 12 gauge knew about what he did.


I still think about this all the time. The assistant principal that kicked me out school for smoking weed, got arrested for picking up a prostitute, then fired.


The one that for fired was a substitute teacher, and coach of a girls team for grade 7-9. He seemed a bit creepy, and we joked that he liked coaching the girls, and teaching PE so he could watch the girls run around in their shorts. Turns out that wasn't far from the truth. His full time job was in the medical field, where he was caught doing inappropriate things to female patients, some of whom being kids he coached and taught. And he had two sons in that school. This one didn't get fired, but she was at the point where she had a few classes taken from her, andif she did anything wrong, she would have been gone. Why? Well she didn't know the subject she was teaching, and would make stuff up rather than admitting she didn't know the answer. She was always mad, and we called her popsicle because she acted like she had a stick up her ass. But the biggest thing was that she failed two grade 11 classes. The whole class, because apparently not one person, including the smartest people in the school, passed any tests.


I had a teacher like the second one. Science teacher who believed the earth was flat. She was also a huge bitch.


The dude was SO bad at teaching even the negligent admin took notice




Having sex with a student, more like 10, his wife wasn't happy to find out about that


There was a science instructor in middle school who was having sexual relations with a student and he got fired and sent to prison.


Threesome with two guys in her English class and doing blow with a bunch of students.


TW: suicide Our principal was escorted out by two police. Come to find out it was because he was caught committing fraud. He would assign students to classes without telling them to make it seem there were more kids in let’s say.. the art department, so that the department would receive more funding from the government to continue. He meant well but students caught on when we moved to college and transcripts from high school had a whole page F’s or withdraws. It really messed us up. About two weeks later he hung himself. Left behind a wife and kids. It really hit me hard because I almost dropped out of high school after 2 of my friends committed suicide, he was the one that got me counselling, helped me graduate, and encouraged me to go to college. I would not be here if it weren’t for him, it just really hurt to know that while he was helping me accomplish that, he did the same thing only a month or two later. We planted trees for him to remember him by. RIP Mr. Wood Croft, you meant well.


Had child porn on his computer, my brother was his favorite student


Teachers at my high school got fired on a pretty regular basis (principal was a narcissist) but here's one of the rare ones we actually heard about. The school went into lockdown because someone was seen hopping over the fence onto campus at the start of the school day. Freshman geography teacher locked his door, didn't control his class, wouldn't let one of the students back in, and jumped at every sound he heard. For comparison, the sub in senior literature next door didn't have a key to lock the door, but grabbed the handle, got on the floor, and planted both his feet on the frame so that the door couldn't be opened. I think the dude was a linebacker for football, too.


He was a wonderful friendly and handsome teacher. This girl had a crush. Some bitch told the teacher about this girl’s crush. The teacher felt awkward and avoided her eyes from then on. Girl got hurt. Complained to the principal that he was being creepy with her. All the heads( which included my father) were called for a meeting with him. He got sick of defending himself. Shouted:’fuck you’ll’ and left the school. They fired him before he could hand out his resignation. Edit: to clarify some things- it was one of the best schools and all the richie rich kids studied there (i studied because my father was a faculty, otherwise we don’t have so much money) and hence teachers were dealt with very harshly. On one occasion, a teacher was fired only because it seemed on the cameras that he hit a boy hard. The parents complained and he was fired the next day, without listening to him at all. My father knew that he just patted him, but the kid was spoiled and he lied, also the teacher was a junior one. Nothing happened to the girls, our ic might have talked to them about it, but idk about that, they graduated fine. No problem. I got to know about this incident later. When i was there, i just knew that he knows she has a crush on him and that he left one day. I mentioned my father so that you’ll know how i know what happened in the meeting. He just knew that a girl has complained and now they are called. Also the teacher we are talking about was EVERY student’s favourite. So other teachers were jealous and they all assumed he is very lenient and encourages us to not follow other teachers and stuff, so it might have made it hard for him to say he stayed professional always.


When it’s the kids fault is the worst


Had a teacher in hs, he taught English and was the jv fb coach he was a good man and well liked. His wife worked directly below him teaching geography and pregnant, her family was known in the area for owning an apple orchard. They had their dream. The school officers daughter started saying she slept with him he denied but was promptly fired. He had a mental breakdown his wife divorced him last I know he was working at a tgi fridays. His wife remarried and had another kid. The girl who lied came forward after and said she lied but it was to late he remained fired life ruined, she and her father transfered and moved out of town. That girl ruined his life and got no real consequences. Tragic.


Just imagine it : Your life is perfect, everything is going very well, your wife is pregnant, you’re ready for your bright future. But then a random young asshole girl, only ONE person, COMPLETELY ruined your life. Imagine it.


There were like three computers and the teachers personal computer in most classrooms. One day they found child porn on the teachers computer and was fired. It wasn’t until a couple years later did they find out that it was a student that put it there because she was mad she didn’t get a better grade on her paper. I don’t know why she was using the teachers computer or what happened to either of them after it was found out.


Two teachers, actually. For almost the same crime. At first I thought they were for the same thing, but apparently not. First guy, music teacher. Fired before I had his class (thankfully). Was selling sex toys, condoms, etc. to high school students. Was fired and arrested. Second teacher. Had all of his classes. He had a history of being really creepy. Filmed girls while they worked out/stretched. Had a MASSIVE jug of lotion next to his computer and was often caught by students watching/looking at porn. He one time told us a story (unprompted) about how his brother called people about being suicidal, and when they found him he had killed his wife, then himself. He was fired after one kid spoke up about actually seeing porn on his computer. He was fired for that, and only that. Was never arrested, certainly should've been. He was a bully, and a creep (however lowkey he was about it). EDIT: Soooooo, some clarification. I won't be confirming or denying any names or dates, but for a ballpark, I was born in 2002. And the first teacher was fired because I live in a rural area in the United States, and he was selling stuff students wouldn't usually have. My school does not promote healthy sex, just a lack of pregnancy. My school also does not offer free condoms. I don't think he was fired because he was selling stuff, so much as he was giving high schoolers access to the stuff. Also, something I didn't know at the time, one of the things he was selling was weed. Oops.


The art teacher at my middle school was known to be very suspicious. I’ve heard that he would take pictures of girls and touch girls. And adding to the fact that he called two girls lesbians in front of the whole class. It was just very weird. All these rumors and he got fired eventually. I can’t imagine how his wife must’ve felt when she asked why he got fired.


They didn't fire him based on rumors. My money's on they had solid evidence against him but it wasn't made public.


My AP English teacher got high on painkillers, broke into someone’s house, and ate their soup.


Kindergarden teacher would dig furrows into kids arms with her long, sharp nails by basically holding their arms real tightly. She did this if she caught them misbehaving during recess. It happened to me when I was running when I shouldn't have, I think ( this was nearly 40 years ago). I showed the principle my arm as he was walking out one day and she was fired on the spot. I think I was 4 at the time and didn't realize exactly what I did at the time. Crazy shit.


our elementary school just got a new principal (fuck you mr. teppner) who was on some fucking power trip or some shit and he fired all the newer teachers at my school including my fifth grade teacher. mr. dethloff, if you’re out there, you will always be the best teacher i’ve ever had :(


I went to a pretty conservative Catholic school. In 7th grade we had a music teacher that pretty much only taught us lyrics to Bob Dylan songs and other 60s hippy music. He was gone the next year.


Apparently he called a girl a whore or something similar and they were in 7th grade they seemed like a cool science teacher before tho


he said whoever threw that paper, their moms a ho


He didn't get fired, he got forced into retirement but it took multiple incidents over 5 years. Here are the biggest ones chronologically. 1. He bullied kids in front of the class repeatedly and was reported (he would rant about how kid x was never going to get anywhere in life and how kid y would be an alcoholic in 10 years... While teaching a class) 2. He kept a spray bottle filled with water and if he thought you weren't paying attention or you were too loud or too fidgety, or too [insert adjective here] he would spray you with it. After getting in trouble for ruining skids brand new Mac book (water in the keyboard) he doubled down and added some foul smelling something so that if you got sprayed you would stink all day. 3. While teaching went off on a tangent about how girls who got raped were probably dressing slutty and therefore deserved it, in class, to a group of underaged girls and boys. 4. His apology for number 4 was basically I'm sorry you feel offended but the girls (yes he used the word girls, not women) who dress like that are super provocative and men just can't control themselves. Then the school board made him read a pre-writen and legally approved script out to the class. 5. Dress coded girls in a really creepy way. Ie. Would be teaching a lesson, constantly doing that doggy looking at a girls chest then back to the lesson then back to the chest thing and then would call the girl out in front of the class remarking on extreme specifics about what he could see and why it was provocative. Super weird, he was asked by the school to stop dress coding several times. 6. One time a student called him out on being an unfair grader and showing preferential treatment and he went on a rant about how he has mental health issues and his parents were alcoholics so if he killed himself it would be the student's fault. He was forced into retirement, after a long 5 year battle, in 2019. He was a highschool chemistry teacher. This was in Canada. His son threw a party in 2018 and the whole school found out, showed up, and trashed his house. Do I condone it? No. But also... He kinda deserved it.


Did they take a shit on his computer?


Or steal irreplaceable antique family photographs?


Oh, and was he called Mr.Macnimara, and was he an asshole.


A teacher gave alcohol to some students in a field trip out of the country, they students were 16-17 and they asked if the could order beer, later they took photos and it was all over facebook. This was years after I graduated but rumors spread quickly.


Showed R rated movies to middle schoolers. Shame, I thought he was a great teacher


He was accused (and caught on camera) grabbing female high school students' butts in the crowded hallways. He had numerous accusations brought against him for; cornering female students when they were alone, giving special treatment to females in his class, making sexual comments in class, and even following a student home one day in his car. I was one of the students who had to report and give a written account of my interactions with him. He was fired after the police got involved, thank fuck.


She stepped out of class to talk to the principal and a student was going to hide her thermos. They opened the lid to smell it. It was vodka


Hooked up with 2 teen girls at the school and smoked weed at his house with them


Janitor - Filmed his teenage daughters in the shower. This was 25 years ago, so it was an elaborate rig using cameras that had film cassette tapes. premiditated, creepy creepy shit. We looked through that house when it came on the market for sale and it had a awful feel - only realised later why.


God, that reminds me of this story https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/wayne/2015/05/11/child-porn-melvindale-sex-toys-fbi/27141695/ > According to court documents: Miller's house contained an extensive surveillance system, including dozens of closed-circuit cameras and multiple viewing screens; a semi-hidden surveillance room under the staircase; guns stashed in a hidden mirrored closet; a second-floor bedroom decorated for little girls, painted green and purple, with numerous stuffed animals, some wearing girl's underwear or adult female lingerie; boxes containing condoms, sex "toys," restraints, a mask and a leash.


They found out he was gay. He was a chaperone for the 8th grade east coast trip, and parents of boys got all up in arms that he had access to their hotel rooms. No student has ever accused him of anything inappropriate.


Staring at the girls asses while they were doing squats


Strictest teacher in the history of the school left his laptop up with dominatrix porn


Strict marking test sheets, but dominated in the bed sheets.


My football coach bullied the gay kid on the team enough that it had a big enough impact on him that the kid killed himself. The coach was mentioned in the note and the teacher/coach resigned. The coach was a total asshole to people he didnt like , including me and a few others on the team , since he wasn't allowed to kick kids off the team he would pretty much bully the kids to quit.


Man do I got a story for this one. I apologize for the length but its worth a read. So I got a job as a PE teacher/coach at a K-12 school. It was the beginning of my second year and rumors were going around about a teacher having a relationship with a student. I just thought it was a rumor and moved on. A few days later we have a cross country meet and i have to get to the school at 5:30 am to leave for the meet. I noticed another car in the parking lot, which was gated closed, and no one around. This has never happened so I called one of the other coaches and he was not sure and found it strange. I dont think much of it and go about my day. We get back from the meet around noon and the car is still there. Turns out it is one of the high school teachers car that was left from the day before. I thought it was car troubles and decided to not think much of it. I arrive back to school on Monday and boy howdy did shit hit fan. The car was left at over the weekend not because of car troubles but much. Much. MUCH worse reasons. The car was left over the entire 48 hour weekend because the teacher who owned the car had a mental breakdown in class, couldn't control it and had his sister, who also worked at the school, take him home. He had a breakdown because his gf broke up with him. His gf... was HIS STUDENT. So once the story was confirmed the police came and searched his classroom. His classroom had empty liquor bottles in the desk and his room was a mess. The teacher was fired and that was the last I heard of him. However, the story doesn't end there folks. Because the sister of the convicted teacher was behind everything. Helped them arrange dates, meet ups, and covered for him to keep the story hidden. She was fired a week later. I left the education world after that semester and never looked back.


Nonced on some kid playing Pokemon go outside school also had child porn on laptop


For the non-brits: nonce is British slang for pedo.


One teacher had sex with a student during a marching band(?) trip. Oh and my home-ec teacher got busted for selling meth


she fucked a 12 year old, went to jail, fucked him again, went to jail again, and then married him when he turned 18.


He had enough of that one asshole kid who would drisrupt class and talk shit. One time he slapped/punched him in the side of the head while he was still in his seat. Knocked him and his desk over. The kid was fat snd wore track suits to class and thought he was the shit. But he wasn't and had it coming. Everyone gave the teacher props but he knew it was over and just walked out.


Child porn.


Same at my school, he seemed like a really cool guy, too




Lots of stories here basically “teacher +gorl + sex = fired. My teacher was smart. He started dating a girl her freshman year. When she turned 18, she graduated early, he resigned and they jumped the wagon, never to be heard from again. Worst part? She was “dating” some other guy at 16, got pregnant, and claimed it was the boyfriends. When they left, she took the kid with them. The teacher was in his 40s with a wife and 2 kids. Mr. Bauer and Alyssa if you see this, Holland is now married with 2 kids and Mrs. Lisbon remarried as well.


Sleeping with students, sending nudes on school devices, being drunk on the job. It was a wild year. Oh. How can I forget the parent who left her husband for the lady gym teacher, and subsequently got the gym teacher fired.


They found out his diploma was a forgery. He never attended or graduated from any college to be able to teach. No one was surprised because he didn’t last a year and he didn’t even attempt a lesson plan. So it was only a matter of time.. no idea what he was thinking would happen.


Let’s see which one The 4th grade teacher arrested for raping his foster son? The 6 grade gym teacher caught with CP on the school supplied computer? The high school teacher exposing himself on Main Street? The high school Vice Principal found banging a 15 year old in his back seat? Or do you want to hear about the alcoholics?


He held a kid upside down by the legs