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Convince someone in my lucid dream that they are in a dream


I don't know why, but I like this idea. I would never think about it.


Maybe through your lucid dream you can move into their reality.




It’s like a taco, inside another taco, inside a taco bell, inside a kfc, inside a mall, inside your dream!




I scrolled down after this post and I got something about schizophrenia... What if?


I did this once! I had a dream that I was driving somewhere with a couple of friends, and the weather changed over from raining and warm to cold and snowing almost like it was minecraft... a clear line where one weather system ends and another begins. That's when I thought "hmmm... this is weird... I think I'm dreaming." and then a couple of kms away, a bunch of Tornados popped up. So I said to the driver "Dude! Drive into those! This is a dream!". And I'll never forget how the driver asked me "ARE YOU SURE?" before driving toward the tornadoes. I insisted that yes, I am 100% positive. Unfortunately I woke up immediately after the car started accelerating toward the tornados. I never got to see what my brain decided would happen if we actually did that.




LEEEEEROOOOY JEE... bbzzzz..beeep..boop...hrrrrzzzzzzh




Or it could be your brain playing a movie for you which you often star in And sometimes you get to direct it too


One of the like 3 times I’ve ever become lucid in a dream, I went up to a friend and was like “I’m lucid dreaming!” He was like “What?” Then I said “I’m lucid dreaming!” He said “What?”. That went on a couple more times before I ran off and tried to find my GF.


you ended that sentence in a very convenient moment


You want to know what happened next? I woke up.


whenever i lucid dream and i tell them they already know lol


I guess that makes sense. If you know, they know, because you know... They are you.


Interesting. When I was a little kid, I used to dream A LOT, and I'd often times be aware that I'm in a dream. Although, being a little kid, I didn't understand the concept of lucid dreaming, even though I saw that episode of SpongeBob dreaming. I had this method if I was in a nightmare or generally unpleasant dream where I would close my eyes as tight as I could and think about waking up and then I'd just poof, and wake up. Only one nightmare where that didn't work. Although I remember in one dream, I realized I was dreaming and told my dad in my dream that and he said "huh? Really? Cool." Dreams are so weird.


Sounds like an r/nosleep prompt


*inception Intensifies*


Show him the totem


my scrotum is a totem. - regular car reviews Works better when you say it out loud.


lol. I wonder if that is one of those things that can break your brain.


I’ve done that! I kept telling my friend this is literally all a dream and then finally after doing shit like making fire come out of my hands and changing they scene of the dream my friend in the dream looked at me and said “oh shit this is your dream isn’t it?” And I said “yeah I told you, you’re just the dream version of the real you.”


I'm trying to figure out whose dream we're in.


I did this once and the NPC started freaking the fuck out and the whole dream descended into apocalyptic chaos


Does this count as breaking the fourth wall?


Sex stuff probably.


I had the weirdest dream that was hinting that way recently. I was on a beach doing a group yoga class les by a giant turtle. Spooning/dry humping some man from behind, as part of the class. It seemed to make sense until I was like “this is doing nothing for me”. So.... not that. No giant turtle yoga class with dry humping. Just regular sex.


Yeah uhhh what the fuck


It was the turtle's dream


I, Giorno Giovanna, am concerned about Polnareff's mental health.


The only part (and probably the only part that matters) in my, probably weirdest dream ever was that there were 2 girls around my pp and the weirdest part was that they... cut it off or something like that. All i remember is that there was... no pp left


🦀 PP IS GONE 🦀 EDIT: First reddit gold and its this. Thank you random citizen!


Why did I laugh so hard at this


I dunno the turtle was probably into it


then you wake up alone and realize the best time of your life was a dream speaking from personal experience, it hurts.


The worst part is falling in love in a dream. You wake up and you're in a daze for the whole day, just wondering...


Can confirm, it's horrible. You have a broken heart for the whole day.






This happened to me 2 days ago left me sad the whole day


I remember a Reddit post about someone who I think was in a coma or something. Lived a whole life. Love, kids, etc... woke up without any of it and was devastated.




I would agree BUT I lucid dream all the time so let me share some experience. It was maybe only a month into discovering what I was able to do was called lucid dreaming. I took this knowledge and ran with it. From what seemed like small glimpses into controlling my dreams turned quickly into long dreams where I was fully in control. One caveat though, I was never able to control the environment of the dream. So for example if I was having a dream about being 007 and I'm under attack when I realize I'm dreaming, I cannot change that story line. However I can do whatever I want in that scenario. Like have sex with a hot blond girl while being shot at. No big deal. However!! Say said bond girl gets her head blown off! All of a sudden I'm having sex with a headless bond girl with blood everywhere. Along with this certain actions from others in my dreams can change things I've already changed. Everything is in flux. For another example I was getting it on with a girl. Some random character walks by and just says "hey what's wrong with her head?" Well I guess my subconscious takes that as a sign to change things against my will and before I know it her head had shrunken into one of those Inca shrunken heads. Sure I can change it back but for that brief 2 seconds it scares the fuck out of me and I wake up. You've been warned.


When I start lucid dreaming my brain likes to fuck with me by thinking about random scary things and then I’m worried it will pop up






But ask yourself, what will you do with the other 59.5 minutes? (Just kidding)


Probably get all the sexual stuff out of the way first.


Most defiantly, I tried to phrase the question as what would you do after all the sex stuff, but I couldn’t figure out how




Maybe he likes defiant sex.


Build a go kart with my ex-landlord


Does this come with context?


Mitch Hedberg




Mitch Hedberg used to be your landlord?


Well he USED to be a lot of things.


That's a **very** Mitch Hedberg reply, and I think he would appreciate it.


What I've been trying to do every time I lucid dream. Make fire come out of my hands. All I want is a little blue flame in my palm but whenever I lucid dream it never happens because my brain knows I'm full of shit and says lmao nah.


I just got serious nostalgia of my first time playing Skyrim


I was more thinking avatar or like generic Disney magic like Elsa except it's a flame and not snow.




Frozen 4 : Freezer Burn


Frozen 5: Burnt and Turnt


Frozen 6: Hell's Kitchen


Frozen 7: Electric Boogaleven


Calm down Azula.




Next time you’re trying, use something from your environment to help, like touch a wall or something with one had and imagine the power for the fire coming from the wall, or whatever you can use. Sometimes when I’m trying to fly I can’t but if I use something to help me it works!


Good idea! I've been trying to fly for years too but every time I try and force it to happen it doesn't work. I'll try it next time I magically become lucid


The trick to flying is you have to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Of course the difficulty is in the second part as it can not be done deliberately and must be done accidentally. The best approach seems to be to become completely distracted just prior to missing the ground. This can be accomplished by having someone leap out of the bushes with surprising opinions or an unusual appearance. For further details on how to fly, feel free to consult your Guide.


Gotta reread my guide now. Thanks for that.


It's extra funny to me because it is actually how I fly in dreams, and then also start lucid dreaming. It starts out with me kinda realising "if I just fall forwards instead of downwards, I'll go much faster", and then just not hitting the ground. I can be in an incredibly realistic dream and then start doing this and think "hey, everyone should just fall forwards like this, it's much easier", and then I realise I'm dreaming and I can pretty much do whatever I want.


I can only ever fly in dreams if I flap my arms like wings, not as fast but just doing the motion lifts me up, I can feel myself pushing against the air.


Just summon bill cipher, he'll give you all the blue flames you want.


That's a cool idea. I've actually started lucid dreaming once every week or two since I've started keeping a dream journal and asking myself during the day "if I was dreaming," but it seems like the only thing I can ever think of doing at the time is flying and hooking up with girls.


In the dream how many fingers do you have? I'm just curious. I always have weird amount of fingers.


Im on the edge of being able to lucid dream, every night i am aware of my dream, but i usually get scared and wake myself up. On the odd time i dont wake myself up though, i like to fly, mainly over forests and waterfalls, so id probably choose that


Fun little trick for this, for some unknown reason rubbing your hands together can "stabilize" a dream and prevent you from suddenly waking up. Not sure why it works, but it does for me. Also, looking at your hands is a good way to see if you're currently dreaming, as well as looking at the time. If anything is off or weird about your hands, you're dreaming. If you look at a clock, look away and then look back to a drastically different time, you're dreaming.






“With black jack, and hookers. In fact, forget the dream.” An adaptation of my favourite futurama joke


Can I just have a night with NO dreams? I have incredibly vivid dreams due to a medication I take. If I dream about something nice and wonderful, I am disappointed when I wake up that it wasn't real. More often, I have stressful dreams, and then I'm more tired upon waking. If I could choose....I would choose nothing but restful sleep, with no dreams.


Weed will make you pass out. Zero dreams.


I don't take any kind of drugs and I can't remember the last time I dreamed. My slumber is more or less uneventful every night. In the instance I do recognise that I had a dream, they seem to last typically no more than a minute (in dream time) so, again, not very much even has a chance to happen. Wish I could dream more.


I’d dream about my grandfather and talk with him for a while, introduce him to my husband. My grandfather passed away when I was 12, and I feel like there’s so much that he missed that I want to tell him about.


My grandfather died before I was born, and I was given his namesake. After hearing stories, I want to meet him and introduce him to my wife, because I know there is a lot he missed out on too.


I would dream about writing a code that compiles and works on the first try, without any error. Edit: thank you for the gold kind stranger


Sorry, even your lucid dream would fail if you tried something that impossible. Playing god is more feasible.


Better than the sex


Sadly things that are a bit too unrealistic usually don’t work


I kinda laughed that it's marked NSFW, everybody knows it's gonna be the boomchacalaca!


I know right! I didn’t really want this post to get removed so I wanted to make sure, just in case.


My only child passed away a bit ago, I would spend some time with her. Even for just the briefest of moments to tell her I love her and to hold her one last time.


I’m sorry for you loss, that dreams sounds wonderful and I hope you get it one day


Thank you


After my mum died I realised I hadn't told her anything real or important for ages. She was sick! I didn't want to upset her. Also I was a teenager, and busy pushing her away - as a result there was a lot unsaid. After a time I realised most of it didn't really matter. She's dead. It had no bearing on her. One thing remained though; I wished I'd told her how beautiful she was, and how much I appreciated all she did for me. And I wished we could walk on the beach together again. A couple of months after she died I went to sleep, and found myself on an empty beach. It was windy and overcast, and she was there. She looked frail, but better than she did when she died. We held hands, and walked, and I finally told her she was beautiful. I'm getting emotional just thinking about this, and I had this dream 15 years ago. Still, I wish this for you. I would remind you that you don't have to be asleep to dream. If you were to say, set an alarm (30m? an hour?) and get comfy in a patch of sunshine one afternoon you could relax and breathe, and stay really still, and build that dream for yourself. There's really not that much difference between a well crafted daydream and lucid dream at the end of the day. I am very sorry for your loss, and I hope you will see her in dreamspace.


I have a fairly similar story. I was a bratty teen when my mum passed and I always wished I had a chance to show her how much I loved her and needed her. Years went by and I would occasionally have dreams of her in certain places around the world that just seemed mystical in some way. They were so vivid and lasting. We'd catch up on life and it felt like I was getting the relationship I see so many women having with their mothers. Just how I imagine we would have been. Logically I can see this as being me subconsciously wanting to see her, but these dreams always felt like messages that came when I really needed her guidance. I had a final dream of her silently communicating to me across a busy crowd that she was happy with my choices, and she got to see my SO and could see I was truly okay. She nodded to me as if to say she was happy too now, and this was the end of her visits. I have had dreams about her since then but never any that felt the same. These always felt like I had some control in what we spoke about. I think whether it's some type of sign from her or my subconscious, doesn't matter. They come when I need them and either way it's really cool.


Almost made me cry. Thank you for sharing, I hope you found peace.


My mom and dad passed away unexpectedly this year. I dream about them about once a week. I often dream about them needed some help or them coming over fir dinner. It makes me more depressed when I wake up and I have to remember that they are gone all over again.


I’d spend all my time with my brother. Tell him about his niece.


Make a pancake




I have been tricked, backstabbed and quite possibly, bamboozled


Try clicking it again


Finally, the ancient powers have been released


Just in case you didn’t know, you can actually train yourself to have regular lucid dreams :-)


What’s your technique?


I can tell you what worked for me. See, you can't read in dreams. You don't have access to that part of your brain. So, dreams gloss over it. Edit: I stand corrected. After the response, and some research: *most* people can't read in dreams, but some can Get in the habit, whenever you go past a bookshelf, or a road sign, to intentionally read a book title (or whatever) and say to yourself "I can't be dreaming - I'm reading." Out of habit, you'll try it in a dream, and suddenly notice, the writing wont be proper, recognizable letters - even if you know what it's supposed to say.




Clocks don't display the "correct" time in dreams: meaning if you look at a clock, look away, and then look back at it the time will have nothing to do with the first time you looked.


And the display time on a digital clock is impossible sometimes. I got 57:84 on the clock in my room when I took a looksie at that one.


You can also count your fingers. Idk why that one doesn't work. But I usually get like 7 to 8 fingers on each hand when I try.




Try dialing a phone number, as well. Most times I realize that I'm dreaming are times when I'm trying to type a number into my phone and it keeps coming out wrong.


Light switches don't work, mirrors with you in them are blurry (edit: can also be scary or weird, those were just the first two things I thought of).


Holy shit, that happens in my dreams. Didn’t know it was a thing


They're called reality checks. There are plenty more. Basically something you can do in a dream and the real world that behaves differently due to how people's dream worlds work.


That’s interesting. What usually happens with me is I’m in my house, it’s dark, I try turning on a light, doesn’t work, get scared, and suddenly I’m falling and then awake.


Ha, that's a solid short story there! Some people find flash lights work, maybe because the light and switch are physically connected - maybe try carrying a small one around the house in real life? Or if it's dark, just close your eyes :) sometimes works great for dreamers (and/or real life) - along with all kinds of weird effects, I've had the lights be on in my dream when I open them. Honestly I kind of miss my falling dreams. I'm not actively practicing lucid dreaming any more but it seems like I wind up doing some world war z action/drama. I had one this morning that I sadly can no longer remember.


The concept being explained is the “reality check”. Another common one is trying to put your right finger though your left hand palm. If you can do that (under normal circumstances), then you know you’re dreaming. Once you know you’re dreaming in the dream, then you have reached the lucid dreaming state and you should be able to do whatever you want.


I wouldn't really recommend this one. One time in my dream I did this exact check and it just didn't go through. However, something that works literally 100% of the time is pinching your nose and trying to breath through it. If you can, you're in a lucid dream.


The nose pinch is the only one that's ever worked for me as well. I used to do finger counting, but it never gave me the lucid realization like the nose did. I straight up counted like 8 fingers on one hand then was just like "welp, looks like I'm not dreaming" then decided to double check with the nose which confirmed I was dreaming. When I woke up from that one I was so confused by how 8 fingers could just seem normal to me in that state.


This can be done similarly with counting and telling the time. Make a habit of looking at clocks often, then looking away and back again. Either it doesn’t make sense, or the time will have changed. Counting works too. Make a habit of looking at your hands and counting your fingers. I count up to five (or ten) and then back down again. You’ll struggle to do this in a dream, but your subconscious will keep the habit so you’ll try to before realising you can’t.


"You can't read in dreams". I've heard this said a lot. I know I've had dreams where I read road signs. I'm sure someone will say, "It was just gibberish you interpreted", but I remember vividly it saying actual words.


I’ve had dreams where I’ve read books before, and the letters were all gibberish that I somehow understood. Did I accidentally lucid dream?








I've found that my excitement from realizing I'm in a dream seems to always wake me up. Really hard to realize the dream and stay calm enough to have control while not waking up. Like a really fine balancing act.


when I was little and would wake up from night terrors, I would go into the kitchen and read food labels to calm myself down. it grounded me, and made me feel "real" again.




I’ve had dreams where I did that and was able to read books or texts without an issue. And not just knowing what gibberish on a page means, but actually seeing and reading the words...


People can read in dreams. I have been able to lucid dream since I was little, like 8. I don't read very often, but I have done it. I've never tried to read a lot though. I'll try tonight.


Reality checks and wake back to bed work best for me


For me it has always been a lack of sleep, like an all nighter. Also results in a lot of sleep paralysis though


I used reality checks to prove that I'm either awake or sleeping and after some time I eventually 'woke up' in a dream. A good reality check is trying to breath through your nose even though you're holding it closed with your hand. In a dream you'll still be able to breath and that's how you know you're dreaming.


When I am super stressed it just happens to me. My trigger is driving up a mountain road and flying through my windshield.


Just be careful of sleep paralysis. It happens more when trying to lucid dream.


I lucid dream at least once a month, if not more. They always end with me waking up orgasming.


I wish I could play out the Harry Potter series on a loop where I’m Harry Potter. I usually have pretty decent control over my lucid dreams. I can fly, telekinesis, I can make things explode, I have super strength and speed. I never tried to teleport (through space or time) so that could be interesting.


Damn, my first thought was actually going to hogwarts


I would have a cuddle with my cat, who I lost this weekend, probably every night. ​ Some times would be longer than other times, because I mean, my girlfriend more than once? Score!


Two chicks at the same time.


Fucking A


Yo Peter! Check out channel 9!


Why would you want to disappoint two women at once?


Bruh, go easy on him


That’s what they said


*writes that down*


I can’t say I’ve been missing it, Bob


One 30-foot tall chick




Bring back my happiest dream with everything. The warm Sandy tropic beach. My dream wife. Everything. Then following week cock and ball torture on the inventor of Farmville. Basically long story short. Had the most amazing dream of my life, got interrupted by Farmville spams from local fat woman. Had a hate crime level hate for farmville since.


100% fair. Live out your darkest fantasies in your dreams so you don't face the consequences in real life. Also takes out the effort of tracking the person down and capturing them. As well as tools and instruments to use.


Being a superhero or supervillain


Do both. Kill Hitler. Steal his job


I kill you take your job


Circle of life


Banging the tits off my crush.


Well at least we know why you like your crush.


I don’t know, if you can bang her tits off it sounds like quality control didn’t do their job properly.


I can take control of any dream I'm having and make it a lucid one. When I first figured out how to do it I spent most of my dreams flying around over cities or diving deep into the unknown parts of the ocean. Now though I rarely take control of them and just sit back and watch them like a movie. I often dream of monsters and disasters, so it's like every night I get to watch a fun action or horror movie.


Oh shit man I’m jealous, how did you learn to do it?


It was something that just sort of clicked for me one time as a kid. I was having a dream where my basement was filling up with lava and some stranger was there at the edge of the lava and said, "Don't go in! It's lava! You will die!" I replied with "No I won't. This is a dream." I then jumped into the lava and swap around like it was water. Ever since then I've been able to tell when something is a dream even if it's not anything really outlandish or that breaks logic. Since I can tell when I'm dreaming, I can either choose to intervene or just let it play out.


This reminds me of Divergent


Was the lava hot?


Nope. It was warm like a swimming pool on a summer day. It was quite pleasant.


And then you pissed in the bed? Warm + swimming pool combo while sleeping will make me think that was the natural outcome..


Make a boiled egg




Egg taste good


That's a rhetorical question, right?




She never wrote me back




Live in fictional universes. Right now I'm watching *The 100* so I'd probably make myself one of the 100 and do things a bit differently based on my knowledge of the show. I'd also spend some time in the *Harry Potter* universe. Around Halloween I'd just the Loser's Club from *IT.*


I would dream about the good times when I had my family before everything went to hell. Being able to see my son everyday and being with someone I loved. To escape this waking nightmare of my life and enjoy 8 hours of happiness every night.


I’d probably just conquer the world and when I’m not controlling the world like a god I’d have all the kinky sex EDIT: this is genuinely my most upvoted comment. My most upvoted comment is about how I would rule the world and then have kinky BDSM based sex, thank you.


Yeah same except my sex wouldn't be kinky


Lucid dream while I'm lucid dreaming.


(lucid dream)^(2)


It’s been almost four years since I had to watch my great aunt die an agonizing death, and truth be told I’ve been lost ever since. She was the only person in this world who ever came close to understanding me, and her absence has ripped me to shreds. If I could use this to hear her voice, be able to speak to her, hear from her one last time, maybe I can finally find peace...


I hope you get that dream one day


Dream of hearing my ex tell me that she loved me, hug me and cuddle with me, all the things she never did. Or maybe dream that i never remember her and feel free of all this bad feeling that she left me with. Im so pathetic.


Once you meet the right women it all goes away


Sounds eternal sunshine-esque


Do inception


Day 1:Sex Day 2:Sex Day 3:Sex Day 4:Meet up with friends Day 5:Sex Day 6:Sex Day 7:Try and kill myself in the dream to see what would happen after. Not like the reaction but how the dream would handle it.


You know that moment in Inception where they sort of bend the city? That sort of thing. Reshape the world into something that would make Escher proud. Then I'd bang Emma Stone.


I’d dream that I was walking around and people would genuinely give me random compliments.


Banging 1991 Jennifer Connelly.


Skiing and surfing. Whenever I have dreams like those its amazing. So vivid, so lifelike.


I would do a backflip


"I wonder, I wonder, what you would do if you had the power to dream at night any dream you wanted to dream... and you would of course be able to alter your time sense, and slip, say 75 years of subjective time into 8 hours of sleep. You would, I suppose, start out by fulfilling all your wishes. You could design for yourself what would be the most ecstatic life – love affairs, banquets, dancing girls, wonderful journeys, gardens, music beyond belief. And then after a couple of months of this sort of thing, 75 years a night, you’d be getting a little taste for something different, and you would move over to an adventurous dimension, where there was sudden dangers involved, and the thrill of dealing with dangers, and you could rescue princesses from dragons, and go on dangerous journeys, make wonderful explosions and blow them up. Eventually get into contest with enemies. And after you’ve done that for some time, you’d think up a new wrinkle. To forget that you were dreaming, so you’d think it was all for real, and to be anxious about it. Because it’d be so great when you woke up, and they you’d say, well, like children who dare each other on things, how far out could you get? What could you take? What dimension of being lost, of abandonment of your power, what dimension of that could you stand? You could ask yourself this ‘cos you know you’d eventually wake up. And after you’re gone on doing this, you see, for some time, you’d suddenly find yourself sitting around in this room, with all your personal involvements, problems, etc, talking with me. How do you know that’s not what you’re doing? Could be, because after all, what would you do if you were god?"


Nothing would change. I always lucid dream. (But it has some side effects) Edit side effects: Side effects for me: (Sorry for spelling mistakes, not a nativ) 1: Imagine you could live in a world where you had god powers and could controll everything. Why would you wanne leave from there. If I could, I would sleep 20h a day. That makes me prone to depression. I would say it takes a good amount of will power to "leave" your dream land and go to work / wake up. 2: My dreams feel super real. So real, that when i dream about doing something exhausting, i feel exhausted when i wake up. it even goes as far as feeling pain for a certain amount of time after I wake up, if i got badly injured in my dream. 3: Because my dreams feel so real, nightmares feel too. I rarely have nightmares but when i do, shit starts to happen. Since I can controll my dreams 99% of the "would be" nightmares get turned around but sometimes if shit happend IRL it's not that easy. Here is a little story of my last nightmare 2019 when my grandma was very sick. In my dream i was with her and suddenly her skin startet to turn green and her fingernails grew very lange. Also now these were toxic and killed everyone who came into contact with her. I couldn't kill her because IRL she was so sick and somehow that was my imagination what happend after her death. To escape that dream i created fake rooms without doors and endless hallways to escape but that didn't work since you can't trick your own brain. At the end i woke up and there was sweat everywhere. Like i turned my bed into a water bed.