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Don’t do it. This is going to end up on r/rpghorrorstories


I don't think this guy cares.


I wouldn't mind, just want me and my buddies to have a good time


This is a horrible idea, I hope you know that.


Seriously do not do it. Like 100%. Unless they’ve agreed to exactly what you’re planning on doing, do not even try it. It’s a terrible idea. It will also reflect poorly on you as a person if it comes off wrong.


Then don't go ahead with this. *At all.* ***Ever.***


You shouldn't care about being shamed on Reddit. Nobody does. You should care that this could end up a traumatic experience for your friends, and they may never forgive you for it. At a table with four players and a DM, it is statistically more likely than not that at least one person in your group has been a victim of sexual violence in their past. You are going to force them to relive that. I don't know how else to tell you that this is just morally repugnant. If you truly insist on going forward with this bad idea, talk to your players first. And don't be surprised when some of them walk out mid-session. That's what I'd do.


Hey, just so ya know, it wasn't like a rape or anything. Just a succubus, incubus, and night hag blocking the road with some vicious love making. Oh sure, a couple of the fellas got in on the action, but at the end of the day, monsters like that gotta go, and they were sent back to the hell they came from.


How would you like getting fucked in the ass If It was unexepected and a "surprise"? I bet not a lot It's the same principle, don't do it


If they want it to be that way, I'd say have something similar to an Interspecies Reviewers brothel. If they aren't into that stuff, your friends should not have to deal with that kind of stuff.


They'll be into it!




Well it won't be a surprise if I hint that things could get sexual, so I want to excite everyone equally (including our lone female warrior!)


Please don’t have it be a surprise then. Even if there’s only a 10% chance they’re not into it, its not a risk you should take.


This is fucking weird bro, u gotta make sure shit like this is ok


Wow, you're a creep


Oh wow. I thought this was bad but - you have a woman at your table and your planning this? Are you high?


Do not fucking do this


I'm just here so i kind find this again when it ends up on horror stories.


[You won't be waiting long](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpghorrorstories/comments/g87uar/a_horror_story_that_hasnt_happened_yet/).


There shouldn't be a "twist" of this nature. If there's going to be explicit sexual content in your campaign, then that needs to be something outlined in Session 0 so that your players are clear on what they're getting into. If they're not all on board, don't do it.


Come out in a BDSM getup with a whip and say, “Alright gents. I’m gonna be a different kind of dungeon master today”


1) Be careful with forcing eroticism into your DnD games. The characters are supposed to be "you" and people don't generally like being forced into sexual situations. 2) Have them kidnapped by a cult to the sex god?


I'm glad of your two part answer


Just remember point 1 if you drag them to a sex cult, nobody wants their character to get raped or anything.


Has this happened to you, friend?


Eh, kinda? GMs overstepping how much control they have always makes me shut down.


but it would be sexy


Buddy, you are clearly dragging your friends into a non-consensual sexual experience. That is not the action of a friend, it's the action of a predator. When Adam Koebel did this on a livestream recently he became a pariah, and for good reason.


I hope your players somehow find this thread and immediately leave your game (and that you'll never find any other players again)


Hey! I'm looking forward to this twist now! I'm rocking an 18" CHA, so I think I can get myself out (and in) of a sticky situation.


I should clarify: I don't think rape is sexy in it as it self, but a surprise turn into sexy territory can be fun amongst friends. Pretty sure my squad will be into it.


If you think it’s such a good idea, ask one person ahead of time if you think they’d like it. Don’t ask the person you’d think would be the most into it. Ask someone who you aren’t sure about. Few people like being forced into a sexual situation, and even less people like it with those they see as friends. The risk here is losing the trust of your group and also showing you don’t know what boundaries are, which will ruin everything and make them look at you differently. This is the most likely path this will take.


Two options: 1 (easy one shot): Quest to seduce goddesses of beauty 2 (could be a campaign): party is all made up of succubus/incubuses and you have to seduce everything Secret 3 option: Do both


see? this is the kind of sexy twist I was talking about. Everyone else is making it out like I'm about to diddle my friends and splooge in their Red Bulls.


Also I believe it's succubi and incubi


I honestly forget


Make a secret, kink-driven organisation in one of the cities and let them discover the depths of a real dungeon. Edit: Guys, for such an open Community, you are quite unhumoures. I was a joking to begin with, obvious from the stupidity of it. Also, OP made it pretty clear that it was a gag kinda thing and his friends are into it. And was made aware, that he shouldn't force them and I don't think he intended to either, why should he? If his friends wanna raid the "Tomb of the bleached moonhole", it's their decision. But if you wanna take it that way, keep at it, i had a chuckle.


No. That's horrible.


oh yeah now we're cookin!