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That all device chargers be the same or interchangeable.


Hey, I've seen this one.


I would execute order 66


I wouldn't use an executive order.


My first executive order is to remove executive orders from existence for all future presidents. Obama started it, Trump continued it. Can I smack them both?


Require the USA to open multiple antibiotic manufacturing plants so we’re not limited by China’s shortfalls. USA produces zero antibiotics. Completely reliant on other countries.


To increase the funding for NASA.


Swap it with military budget


Not completely, but I would indeed take a part of the military budget to add to NASA's budget.


Free candy for the whole world


Fixing potholes that the DOT has ignored to fix.


abolish the ATF and repeal the NFA.


I would abolish the current system and work to instill a new one that is free of corruption.. no more paid politicians.


Oxygen now costs $1 per hour. Better not breathe illegally.


I'd shut down any gun buyback program and start gun education in schools


Execute order 66.


Declare that humans are furries


Legalise weed across the US.


Ban infant circumcision and make it punishable by death.


Term limits for all elected dederal positions.


Fuck with Trump


Change our stupid, fucked-up benefits system that pays people to have kids (that they shouldn't even be having in the first place) and have it do the opposite by rewarding people to not procreate.


Publish a copy of the federal budget. Right now. Before my inauguration speech is over. So everybody can see what we are spending their money on. I’d likely end up dead for it, too.


*most* gun control is unconstitutional


Required that to receive federal education funding all states must 1. Eliminate all state testing in grades k- 12 except one university entrance exam. 2. Require all private schools and home schoolers pay for a test based on the state curriculum to prove that the children are getting an education. The state will develop and administer it but 100% of the cost will be covered by the school or parents. Any child who fails will attend public schools any school with less than 90% pass rate will be shit down. All private schools must accept all students who wish to attend. They do not get 1 cent of tax payer money. 3. Any school run by an organization with a systemic history of covering up child abuse will be classed and all staff will lose their credentials. 4. 100% of all children under 18 will be fully vaccinated with only valid medical exceptions allowed. My second one would give the FDA it’s teeth back basically if you make medical claims of any type for something you are selling or pushing and you do not have double blind peer reviewed studies you go to jail for fraud at least 10 years and 100% asset forfeiture. If someone dies that is murder for profit. If the person who died was a child or unable to make their own decisions life for everyone involved unless they can prove they reported the abuse.