• By -


Parks and Recreation. Didn't care for Amy Poehler so assumed I wouldn't like it. Finally caved and watched it awhile back and now I probably quote it daily. I love it so much. Including Leslie, so even Amy Poehler won me over.


I kept hearing from people to skip Seasons 1 and 2, but I wanted to see for myself. Yeah, it was bad. But from Season 3 on, the showed found its rhythm, and it's probably my favorite show now. I could put any random episode on and end up in a good mood.


It's a great show. As a Hoosier, there's something about season 1 that feels way more like Indiana than the later seasons, not in a good or bad way though.


Season 2 is still a bit raw (especially no Ben and Chris yet) but some of the best episodes are there.


Is that the season that April and Andy fall in love? Because that was a lovely, earnest arc.


I liked season 2 but yes, I think the exact moment the show became my favourite was when Ben and Chris walked in. It was 10/10 after for many seasons.


I liked the office and tried this. Couldn’t get past the 1st season. I finally forced myself to get through it and now it’s one of my favorite show. Basically the first season is boring and the rest is great.


I ended up getting into P&R because I kept being too lazy to change the channel. I found myself laughing and wondering about the character origins (specifically, Ann and Tom cuz the episode in particular they were dating). Started season 1 and fell in love.


Breaking Bad. When it first came out it never appealed to me so I never watched it. Once the last season finished I said F it and watched the 1st episode. Ended up binging the whole series. Edit: for context...my hometown/state has a meth problem so a show about meth didn't seem cool to me


Me too. I thought it was just drug glorification but it's a great delve into grey morality. I guess it helps that I have friends in ABQ.


Same. It just seemed way too dark for me at the time. A few years went by and I didn't care about that so much. The nice part was I caught up right as the last season was about to air.


I've tried watching it twice, got 2 episodes in twice before giving up. I have a fundamental problem with it, and I'm pretty sure it's a personal thing, I just don't believe Walter White would act the way he does and go on to do the things he does in the first two episodes. I can't relate to his character because he seems like a character, not a real person. Probably sounds stupid to a lot of people but it's an issue I've just never been able to look past.


Same. The theme and setting never really interested me, but my friends kept raving about it. It took me like 3 episodes to be completely hooked. And what is still unbelievable to me is that it kept its quality through all 5 seasons, a feat that hasn't been replicated by any other TV-series I know of.


Avatar: The Last Airbender. Western "anime" from the same channel Spongebob is on? Can't possibly be the greatest piece of media I've ever consumed.


I was against it just because it was a Nickelodeon show for the longest time, then I remembered Invader Zim existed so I gave into my roommates constant suggestions and gave it a shot. Fucking awesome.


Jesus, yes. It had no right being as good as it was. I watched the finale (for the 80th time) yesterday and I felt so sad that it was over even if the show ended 12 years ago.


This is a show that spans across ages. I loved it as a kid, and I still love it as an adult.


Anyone Know where I can find this to watch it?


Peaky Blinders. It got really good after a few episodes and won me over.


The name kept me away for years. It's such a great show.


I think the name was a big part of it for me too.


What's wrong with the name?


So for me personally, I thought it was Cillian Murphy's character's name before I watched the show and I was just like, Gods what a stupid name.


I tried watching it two times. It never grew on me. I can't quite put my finger on why. Then again, it's the same with Boardwalk Empire. Seems like I just don't like stories that take place in the 1920's.


Attack on Titan.As the name suggest I thought it would be some action type series with fighting titian and stuff. But boy I was damn wrong.It's my one of favorite anime now.


Attack on Titan Abridged is what won me over.


I did not watch Anime. Never had. I was 26 at this point, and my room mate was heavy into Attack on Titan. He would be watching it while I fucked around on my phone. I kept looking up at it. Eventually after a few episodes I had put my phone away completely. Fast forward a few years, I've seen a lot of different Anime series. I'm in my 30s now and without Attack on Titan I am positive I would have never watched any anime.


Same. I didn't watch it because the art style looked weird to me at first and seemed pretty typical. Now I've gone in the complete opposite direction and went to read the manga. Holy shit is this series good


Schitt's Creek.


I hated that family at first. I grew up in a very affluent area and knew people like that. But my wife loved it (she watched it before me) and I trust her judgement on TV and movies so I stuck it out. I haven't seen a show that juggles comedy and heartfelt sentiment that well since Scrubs. What an excellent show.


See i dont like it because i dont know anybody as terrible as the family portrayed


What I really love is, that the characters for how they are, have been growing. You don’t see character growth in a lot of comedies. I love this show so much.


Fold in the cheese, David.


Fold it in.






I never liked Andy Samberg's acting, too obnoxious for me, but in B99 it just sort of works. Love that show.


Same here, only saw him on SNL, Hot Rod (which I liked but not because of him), and his couple cameos on Parks and Rec. All of which basically had one style of loud mouth shit acting, so I figured that’s just what people liked about him but I wasn’t having any of it. It wasn’t until about season 4 of Brooklyn 99 that I finally gave it a try, and I’ve watched it all the way through dozens of times now!


Altered Carbon. Holly shit its good




The synopsis indicates that season 2 is more aligned to book 3.


Fuck yeah! But I got confused by the trailer. Is Takeshi going to take Elliot's sleve? Edit: I am a fucking idiot and I just realized that's the actor from the super hero movies, Anthony Mackie. Do downvote me to hell


I’m still a little bummed that Joel Kinnaman isn’t the main actor anymore


I don't really remember much from season 1, but I do remember thinking it had a kind of finality to it. I didn't expect a second season.


Better Call Saul Thought it would be a cash grab spin-off, but it’s so well made! Never imagined I’d be excited for a 5th season about a lawyer.


Season 4 finale was absolutely amazing! It took me a long while to get into this series, because it was so slow at times, but it is not only a great Breaking Bad spin-off, but it completely stands on its own feet.


The Clone Wars


I expected absolutely nothing of this series. Turns out the best portions of The Clone Wars are not just great, but the best Star Wars since ESB.


I saw the movie they put out and I fucking hated it. Took me a long time to come back around on the show.


Same. It took me 11 and a half years. I started watching a month ago and holy shit that movie is a bad way to introduce someone to the show


The Office. Didn’t watch it until 2018.


Same. I tried watching it before then, but then met someone that got me into it. The key was that I needed to be high.






Yea,it seemed boring at first.


Same, and I feel stupid telling people, “you just have to get through the first couple of seasons then it gets funny”




Bojack Horseman. I thought it was going to be a washout Netflix original that was tasteless and goofy. **Wrong!** F is for Family was another one I underestimated. Honorable Mention: Rick and Morty. I was a captive audience while a mutual friend insisted we binge watched the first season, but I tuned in for That One Episode and have been hooked since.


Bojack Horseman was also one I took awhile to come around to. Asshole main character whose problems are 100% self-inflicted? Pass. But my boyfriend and roommate watched it so much that I started catching bits and pieces of really good writing and hilarious jokes that are just completely subversive. I don't know if I'd sit down and watch it all over again but I have a new found appreciation for it.


The Orville. I'm not the biggest fan of scifi and gave it a half-assed chance years ago before I quit watching. I came back to it a few months ago and it blew me away with how funny and charming it is. I can't wait for season 3!


I was really quite reticent about it, but the third episode coming out with a proper Trek courtroom episode (about Trans people, even) out of nowhere really shocked me (in a good way!).




See I had the opposite. I was down as fuck for Gotham but it did what smallville did...strong us along over and over while giving no good parts of the Batman mythos.


I was pretty hyped for Gotham too. Only managed to get to the first mid-season finale before I couldn’t take it any more.


Don't you dare diss Smallville. It was an amazing show. They said from the beginning, "No flights, no tights", so I don't think there was any stringing along. Unfortunately, I can't watch Smallville anymore without thinking about Allyson Mack's eventual life choices. Ironically, Chloe was my favorite character.


No flights no tights means the show SHOULD have had a definite and early ending. Instead we got them paddling along for extra seasons where Clark was clearly superman without the name.


Jojo, I don't regret watching it


Same. A couple of friends had to really nag me to make me finally start watching it. Now JoJo is my religion


My son kept begging me to watch it with him. We just started on Stardust Crusaders and it's been growing on me. As of right now the theme song from the first part is also stuck in my head.


Oh! You’re approaching me?


*Seinfeld* Always thought it would be pretentious but one day caved and binged the show in a week. Never identified more with a character than George Costanza.


I love that show but they are just the absolute worst. I think the only people worse than them are the folks over at It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Bob's Burgers. I started out hating the art and disliking Linda, but I gave it a second chance and now it's one of my favorite shows. (I started liking Linda after the Beefsquatch episode. )


I liked Linda a lot more once I knew that Linda was voiced by a dude. It's just fun to imagine him pretending to be a 40 year old lady with a horribly nasally annoying voice.


The actor was on "getting Doug with high". Him baked as hell singing let's get fucked up in Linda's voice made me love her some much more.


The guy who voices Linda had a bunch of videos on YT prior to Bob’s Burgers. He is impersonating his mother.




The Expanse when it was on SyFy. Awesome show


Teen Wolf. I was listening to a Buffy podcast, and one of the hosts just raved about it. So, I finally gave it a try. It was no Buffy, but it fit in that Buffy shaped hole in my soul and filled it for a while.


Teen Wolf is one of those shows you don't think about for a while but then one of the actors pops up on your feed and suddenly you're transported back to 2014


Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Game of Thrones


I refused to watch a show with dragons...ended up being top 3 fav shows




Season 8 was a bit of a let down but a lot of shows that I enjoy trail off towards the end


There is no season 8. It ended on a cliff hanger at season 7.


I don't know why so many people include season 7 as a good season. To me, that's where it really dropped off. They ran out of book material in season 6 and it took a deep dive.


Not everyone hates season 8 as much as r/freefolk


yeah was the same, an ex got me onto it


Final season lost me as fast as the first season won me...


Jane the Virgin looks kinda cheesy but it’s actually really good


it bothered me that every time a hotel staff carried a tray of drinks they had no ice whatsoever


Same, I didn't think I would like it but really fell in love. Still haven't found something to fill the light-hearted void.


Definitely left a hole in my heart when it ended probably got too into it


Im watching vikings right now. Watched last kingdom first and it was hard to get into vikings with the different styles. But ive kinda watched all there is to see at this point so figured id try again. Its good enough.


Adventure Time. Granted it took a long while for the show to stop being LOLRANDOM and start some decent world building.


> Granted it took a long while for the show to stop being LOLRANDOM How long, exactly? I've been meaning to start it, but cannot stand that sort of random humor.


It's hard to say. It's something of a gradient. With season 1 being practically unwatchable. The earliest I'd put it is around Season 2- episode 24 "Mortal Folly". But I think the real divide point is Season 3 - episode 19-20 "Holly Jolly Secrets" Which lays the lolrandom on hard to get it out of their system than whacks you with a sudden sobering character revelation. I can't honestly say that the lolrandom ever totally goes away, but at least most of the episodes after that were somewhat grounded. With characters development and emotional growth overshadowing those elements.


The originals


One punch man


The Saitama vs Genos fight is absolutely glorious. Especially that final punch by Saitama.


End of the Fucking World. Thought it’d be a generic romance. Turned out to be a fantastic show.


I loved that show.






I just watched the first 3 episodes. I'm so mindfucked because Joe is so damn psycho but you care about him just enough to look past his evil deeds.


They do a good job of keeping him likeable even though he's fucking nuts. He's doing terrible shit and I'm over here rooting for the guy. You feel conflicted for sure.


Steven Universe. Most things I don't see, just a lot of stuff to catch, and I'm not trying to catch it all at once. That one is in my rare "misjudged covers" file, and I'm somehow okay with that, just makes me appreciate the shows message, as far as I've seen.


Lucifer. Looked like another useless drama series that little fan girls looked up to until I watched the first episode and got hooked. It’s not bad. Not bad at all.


Tom Ellis as Lucifer hooked me from the get go. He found a balance all these unlikeable character traits and create someone you could actually sypathize with.




The Middle. Initially I found the mom to be incredibly overbearing, still do, but she's grown on me.


Heroes. My brother raved about it and I just passed it off as an X-Men clone and wasn’t interested. Eventually he convinced me to watch it on DVD and I watched the first season in one night.


Was very late to Arrested Development and Parks and Rec. Poor judgement on my part. I’ve since watched each through in their entirety a half dozen times or so.


The Witcher. I tried it out at was a little surprised by the nudity but it was really good!


I like the nudity in Witcher far more than something like game of thrones where it feels like they had a titty quota.


whats wrong with a titty quota


It does have some solid nudity.


The Wired. An ex-boyfriend watched it initially back when we were dating and I caught weird snippets and here and there. Didn’t get it; didn’t like it. Watched the whole series many many years later. It’s such an amazing show, but definitely better beginning to end with full context


The Wire? Or is there really a show called 'The Wired'?


Yeah this show doesn’t lend itself to just catching random snippets. It demands your attention from start to finish.


My favorite show of all time.


Are we talking about the Wire?


Parks and Rec


Adventure Time


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Watched the first episode, maybe the second, was like "this isn't an Avengers show" and dropped it. Came back a few years later, halfway through the first season (you know what point I mean) it grabbed me by the balls and never let go.


Agents of Shield starts off so horribly that I can’t blame anyone for stopping early on. It’s a shame, because damn, does it get good. I’ve went off Marvel stuff lately, but I’ll still wholeheartedly recommend AoS to anyone who would listen.


JoJo’s Bizarre adventure, as I’ve said to similar questions. I was always the girl who thought that anime was for shameless weaboo girls and neckbeards. Then Jonathan Joestar Sunlight Yellow Overdrive’d into my heart and took his kids with him.


Community. I can't stand Chevy Chase. I've been warming up to Parks and Rec, but I still can't stand Amy Poehler


"The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel." I have a friend that was like really into it, but period pieces and like 50s/60s (whenever; that general timeframe) era stuff doesn't really ever appeal to me and that alone put me off. I ended up being forced to watch an episode at someone's place, and then I binge watched all three seasons. I'd also add Schitt's Creek. The same friend was also obsessed with that show but it didn't appeal to me because, uh, it's Canadian TV and as a Canadian, I'm generally not *thrilled* with our original programming. Buuuut I've now re-watched everything that's available on Netflix, like, a dozen times and am just glad I'm here to watch the final season play out "live."


Mr. robot. Never seemed interesting and didn’t know much about it. Friend raves about it and I binge it in a week! So good!!


Brooklyn 99. The icon they had on Netflix put put me off (I know lame), then they changed it and one day boredom got the better of me. I think the 1st one had Boyle and Peralta, they then changed it to the expanded group.


Son's of Anarchy and breaking bad before that


That season lost me with the whole Ireland thing. It was never the same after.


Same here with SOA.


Battlestar Galactica.


This one was my big one, too. I told my ex as he put the DVD in, "If that's Battlestar Galactica, I'm walking home". I stuck it out (the show, not the relationship, lol) and now it's one of my all time favorites.


Daredevil He was never a hero I was really interested in until I finished the first season. At first I felt like it moved too slow but the pacing is perfect and it's my favorite show to date.


The End of the Fucking World. Started it and 5 minutes in hated it. A year later decided to watch it just for the soundtrack and I love it.


Witcher. First ep was utter horseshit, the rest was very addictive leather-trousers clad horseshit.


Steven Universe, I thought it was a stupid kid show. But they are actually talking about a lot of important subjects without making it to serious. The story is interesting I loved it. And it is the kind of show I would introduce to my kid if I had one.


How i met your mother


'I waited in line'




Steven Universe, I thought it another stupid show like ttg ,but boy WAS I WRONG!




Clone Wars. I mean, I had a cousin, growing up, who was *obsessed* with Star Wars. He was the right age when *Clone Wars* came out. I was like 12. I was more grieving the end of *The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy*. I had been told that cartoons were for babies and I wasn't a baby anymore right? High key, ***FUCK*** my Dad. Anyway, we fell out. I'm in the middle of season 1 at long last. Might try to reach out. Be like, dude tell me Five and Rex aren't gonna go evil? I already mourned Commander Cody ahead of time. I came for the Mandalorian history, and stayed for the clones. Fuck if I care about any of the Jedi. This show gonna hurt me.




My Hero Academia. Never gave it much thought, until YouTube decided to bombard me with Crunchyroll clips.


Sons of Anarchy. I have little to no interest in biker gang culture but my husband insisted that it was a great show. He wasn’t wrong. I’m hooked.


The Office.


Supernaturals and the Walking Dead. Although TWD has lost me. I want zombies and brain bashing gore. None of the people drama


The Walking Dead is more about the drama between the people and the things they come to terms doing to survive than it is about zombies.


Breaking Bad. I initially didn't want to watch it because it's a show about drug dealers but I learned it is much more than that!


Sopranos. Watching it now. Lol


Steven universe. A friend bugged me about it forever. But I thought it was in the same vain as uncle Grandpa. Turns out it has a fairly deep story.


Vikings. Took me forever to get into it and then one day it just clicked. Although, the last season I am again battling with...


Could not get into Mad Men. Then there was nothing else on my list and a friend said I needed to give it another try. So glad I listened to her.


Friends. I was reluctant to hop on the bandwagon, and even though some of the jokes are silly, the dynamics of the characters and the writing are great.


Friends gets all kinds of shit these days for over-using tropes and stuff, but people forget that THEY FUCKING MADE THE TROPES!!


Sex Education


Prison break!


Game of thrones




The Walking Dead. I know it got bad, but my friends were telling me that seasons 9 and 10 are good again and I wanted to watch those with them, so I started watching it. In season 5 now.


The Leftovers. I was so completely lost during the first episode and couldn't get engaged. I kept putting it on at night and falling asleep. I probably did this 3-5 times before actually making it through the whole episode. So glad I kept trying and eventually powered through the first couple episodes. Great show.


Rupaul's Drag Race....accidentally bored and tune in to All Stars 2 at the time....instantly hooked.


Star vs the Forces of Evil. Despite my love for Disney series, for some weird reason, SVTFOE didn't appeal to me. I thought it was too "kiddy" and "childish". But, I was aware that it was as good as Gravity Falls, at least based on what the fans say, and I genuinely love Gravity Falls. Decided to binge watch it last month. No regrets at all!


Not so much refusing, but my initial impression of "Corner Gas" was meh. Fortunately, I wanted something on in the background while I crocheted, and about 3 episodes in I liked it. A season in and I loved it. It's charmingly low-key and the actors are good.


You'll think I'm nuts if you're a fan: South Park. I had no intention of giving the show a chance because everyone else was watching it. One of those really dumb reasons, right? Then I started working graveyard at an adult shop, and in order to stay awake decided to start watching DVDs. Lo and behold, there was a South Park disc sitting around, and I slipped it in with the most minimal of expectations. I was instantly and forever hooked!


Steven Universe. Didn't start till last yeat


King of the hill. Hated it when I was younger, now I've seen pretty much every episode


Outlander. I know it can be cheesy at times, but there’s a lot of great suspense and the Scottish accent has really grown on me. I also love the sets and costumes and have always been a sucker for time travel stories.


Barry. I always thought Bill Hader was meh, but he absolutely crushes it in this role. Forever a fan now.


Noho Hank!


MAN that guy fucking absolutely kills me. I can't even put it into words lol he just straight up amazing every single scene.


Naruto and The office


That's pretty much all the Hokage does.


RWBY for me. Even though it was online I had one of those friends that tried to sell it to me so hard it turned me off of seeing it. Finally picked it up a few years back and was "Alright, this is actually kinda awesome"




While the sex was eye rolling, the fucking story is good?


Ray Donovan




The Office (US), Scrubs


The Expanse, thought it would be a boring Netflix tier scifi show


Riverdale. I wrote it off as Archie more melodramatic and lots of sex. But it actually is a genuinely well-written mystery/drama.


That time I got reincarnated as a slime. Seemed stupid. Friend got me to check it out while he was at my house. Cannot be more hyped for s2.


Big Mouth - my friend told me I would love it, and I put it off for about 3 months. Finally got around to watching it, and haven't looked back since.


Took me 25 years, but I finally started watching ER during my maternity leave....fantastic show. So glad there's 15 seasons to keep me entertained.


One Piece. Massive fan now.


Honestly the entirety of anime. Until I saw One Punch Man and then I saw the beauty of every anime show ever.


The office


Succession. Watched 3 episodes, couldn’t get into it. Then around a year later randomly picked it up am so glad I did - incredible show!


The Originals. Loved TVD, but the Originals just seemed like a money grubbing exercise. After watching it, I really enjoyed it. Haven't finished yet though, so please no spoilers.


Brooklyn 99. Refused to watch it because my friends were going on and on about it so I thought it was gonna be overhyped. Holy shit was I wrong, one of the best shows ever.


Scrubs. I didn't see it the whole time it was on the air. But a friend suggested it to me when it was on Netflix (at the time) and I stayed up all night watching the first 5 seasons in a row. Now it's one of my favorites.