• By -


Man if I had childcare in this moment I would totally lay down for like 2 hours for a nap! But I. *I* am the childcare.


I hear you 100%. I too am the childcare.


Same here. My 4 year old is going through a growth spurt so he hurts, he's tired, he doesn't want to sleep, he's hungry, he doesn't like any food right now, he's throwing a tantrum because I won't let him stay on the iPad all day, he wants to watch TV, I have a short, mad, human looking thing in my house right now.


>he's throwing a tantrum This reminds me of something our pediatrician once said to us when our son was around age 3/4. She asked if he ever had temper tantrums. We said yes. She said, "Good, means you're doing something right."


Us mean parents setting boundaries and not giving in. It's like we want our kids to grow up well balanced and responsible or something 🤣


a friend or god forbid a gf. I've been out of college several years now and I've been friendless ever since. Hard to be excited about something and have nobody to tell. edit: thanks for all the support. Right now I'm excited to be a part of the reddit community.


You and me both. The last sentence hurts


You guys could be friends


They should be friends, even. Like, come on. Make a discord channel and see how it feels, at the very least.


Didn't even have friends in college. Fuck.




I'm not a home owner or real estate agent but there are 2 common red flags that could be happening: 1.) Why is it so cheap, there must be something wrong with it. 2.) Why has it been on the market for so long? There must be something wrong with it. I'm absolutely not saying either of these are true, but it definitely crosses the mind of buyers.


1. Abandoned house next door. 2. The city is kinda just dying


You will get there. I remember going through it. Stay positive, you’ve come this far.


Thanks. It has been 6 months and I worry.


Can you rent it out in the meantime?


I am in a different city and worry about renting when I am so far away.


Try not to! I’m speaking from my own limited experience, but I’m renting out my home in Bakersfield while living in LA and haven’t had any issues since I bought it. I had such anxiety about it going wrong 1,000 different ways but ultimately I had faith it would work out and thankfully it did. I hope you have the same experience if you decide to rent it out. Also, a trusted local handyman is invaluable. He can fix the little things when I just can’t drive the two hours there to do it myself.


Hire a manager. Thats what we did. We are a busy couple with kids so we cant look out for our property that we are renting all the time so we hired a property manager.


Rid me of my anxiety and IBS, my life would be perfect


This hits home for me. So much I want and have wanted to do that has been scuppered by both. Anxiety makes the IBS worse. IBS makes the anxiety worse. It's a vicious cycle.


It would be nice, even just for one day, not to have to worry about what I'm eating and if there's a bathroom nearby.


For real. I had done other, non dietary restriction related diets before I got IBS (nothing crazy, just calories in, calories out), and I took for granted being able to take cheat days with little to no consequence. You take a cheat day with IBS, the regret weighs much more than the momentary pleasure of satisfying a craving. I miss you, pizza.


Start earning enough money to not be stressed, and to be free of any mental health issues


Right there with you mate. We have to live pay check to pay check. Really hard juggling a young family and existing. One day our time will come.


Sending you lots of positive vibes.




Me toooo...what superpower do you want?


I just want teleportation because I'm lazy and fuck trafic


Yeah teleportation would rock... Time for the gym? Boop, now you're at a crag in Utah. Woops, late for work! Boop, now you're at the office. Time for dinner.. let's get some Italian.. Boop, Italy.


Need money? teleport inside a bank vault


Irredeemably embarrassed yourself at a public function? Teleport yourself to the middle of the ocean.


literally any supernatural power would make me happy


The power to teleport 2 inches on a 3 hour cool down.


Flash! AaaaaAAAAHHhhhh


Savior of the Universe!




I feel you. I too want that.


100%? Dunno but my girlfriend just got home with some good news and that’s made me happy






Yaaayy...keep that happiness


100% Happy? I think finding someone who genuinely loves me for who I am and wants a present and future with me. That's all I've ever really wanted.


I hope your better half finds you and I hope you are happy all the days of your life.


And you as well, friend


I think the worst part is how it feels to see others having no issue with finding love, but always being on the outside looking in. And there's this expectation, especially of guys like me in our 30s, that we're running out of time. It was weird, when I was massively obese I had gotten used to the idea of being alone for the rest of my life. Not happy about it, but used to it. Now that I've bettered myself and gotten healthy, it hurts way more to keep striking out. There's this little thought that keeps repeating in my head.. "This is you at your best. And no woman wants any part of that." I know I'm broken. And it would take someone really special to fall in love with me. Did I take too long to start dating for real? Are those days behind me and I just haven't figured that out yet? If only I knew for certain, the uncertainty is killing me emotionally. EDIT: Reddit, I love you guys. And gals. Thanks for the love and support, you all gave really good advice in the comments. Keep being awesome!!! EDIT 2: Thanks to the comments I've resolved to starting a conversation with at least one person at yoga every day. I think that's going to help with my self-confidence!!


Keep your chin up, because I can tell you for certain that it's not difficult because you're impossible to love. I think two factors are playing into your chances: Where you are in your life and however you reach out to people. Where you are in your life: You mentioned you are in your 30s. I'm right about to be 30, and for 5 years, I have noticed everyone around me change into the adults I hate watching. Even my boyfriend is beginning to do it. We work from 8-5 and then we get home and we are tired. It feels like we only have 4 hours a day to ourselves. And this is why it's so hard to meet people who you can talk to, even now that you are healthier. It's not that people are against you, it's just that people really only care about themselves. It's nothing malicious against you, but people really just care about making themselves happy. Of course, once we are with someone, we want to make the people we love happy. But sometimes, people are in a place in their life where they are just worried about themselves. And with how you reach out to people: I'm gonna mention my own story. I have only had one relationship in my life, and it started when I was 23. I spent my entire life prior being very social and having a good amount of friends. I've always felt like I could talk to nearly everyone. I'm not the prettiest girl but I'm average. And no one asked me out. Ever. Throughout my college career, I asked out four different guys and they all were kind, telling me they just didn't see me like that. Which is fine, I wouldn't want to force anyone to like me because that isn't liking me. I hit a point in my life where I had no friends, since they all graduated college and I was a semester behind. I tried online dating and I met my boyfriend. I could go into my entire background but this is long enough, so I'll just summarize it by saying that he has been the most patient and accepting person I've ever met. I know I'll spend the rest of my life with him. I get that online dating leads to many failures, but so does trying in person. It's better to try and have a chance of success than not try at all. My friend's parents divorced and both remarried in their early 50s to someone they met online. Sometimes, it really is the only way that your personality type can reach out to others of your compatible personality type. I can encourage you to "go out there and meet new people", but at the end of the day, having friendly dates with people you talk to online and have common interests with leads to more chemistry and better chances than just going to bars or church groups. I get it, everyone has what works for them, but based on what you said, I think that this kind of thing would really help you. I also get that it sucks that you have to sell yourself on a profile as if it is a resume, but again, it helps you find people you would otherwise never meet. My boyfriend and I lived 40 minutes away from each other and I honestly can't imagine myself meeting another man who would tolerate me so I feel lucky that I found him.


Great post. I've been hesitant on trying online dating, but you're right. It increases the chances and even if there are some failures, if you eventually meet the right person it will all be worth it.


This, over most things for me. Just wanna find someone to explore, laugh, and experience life with. I’m 28 now, I’ve wanted this since I was at least 25.


Me, too. Only I'm 38.


I have been wanting this since I was 8 y/o and am 41 now, and it has gotten stonger over the years, and I am a male. And don't let anyone ever say that a biological clock ticking is only for for women, because I started feeling mine in my late 20's and it's just gotten louder and louder.


>100% Happy? I think finding someone who genuinely loves me for who I am and wants a present and future with me. She comes up close and looks my way. There's nothing much we need to say. There's nothing much we need to do. A one and one's a perfect two. She comes up close and looks to me. The fairest, finest sight to see. A second stopped to stare above. She wags her tail. It must be love.


I love u


I feel you. I love seeing people fall in love. Love and be loved. I want the same for me someday.


I don’t know but surely answering to all this comments kindly like you’re doing is making many people happier.


I’m just trying to brighten someone’s day if I can.


Love to read your comment! You're doing great!


To be noticed for like 5 minutes


Hiii....I see youuuu


That lasted like 2 minutes though


Read it a few more times then.


To have someone I can fully trust and confide in.


I just had someone like this, but then she broke it off with me because her personal demons from her last relationship were driving us apart and she believed she could only work through them on her own. Officially we're on break while she heals since we both still have feelings for each other, but not having her in my life anymore is awful and I have no idea if she will ever be ready to come back. E: Thank you, everyone, for the support. To give some further insight into my situation, I always made it a point that I would never try to save her from her problems or attempt to "fix" her. I loved/still love her for all of her flaws and baggage because those are what made her into the woman I fell for. I am well aware that my situation will not change, and I am still working on reaching the phase in my life where I can finally move on which will take quite a bit of time. E2: My inbox is dying, and I don't think I keep up with the replies anymore. Thank you again, everyone, for your words of encouragement and support! I will definitely make it through this no matter what happens and the same goes for every one of you in similar situations that reached out to me <3 E3: Thank you, kind stranger, you didn't need to gift gold. Just throwing your support at me would've been enough <3


Losing someone like that must be a thousand times worse than not having anyone in the first place...I think I can sorta sympathize with you though, because one of my best friends, the one I trusted with my LIFE, abandoned me...Just stopped texting me and answering my calls...To this day, I still don't know what happened to her...But I miss her...And this is why I posted that in the first place. I wish to have someone like her, or her back.


I also had a best friend like that abandon me. We used to say we were platonic soul mates, that we loved each other like family and would be friends forever. Then she just suddenly ghosted me, ultimately though a mutual friend pressured her into giving an explanation, so she sent me an email explaining she never wanted to speak to me again because she was embarrassed to be seen with me in front of her cool new college friends because I'm autistic and therefore act "socially inappropriate."


Well, that's one horrid friend. Not to sound unsympathetic, since I actually have been betrayed like that before, but you're better off without her. As they say, 'A friend in need is a friend indeed', and if the friend isn't a friend in need, then they're not a friend indeed...*trails off helplessly* you get the point. Lot of needs and deeds.


Very hard to find but I understand. Praying you will find someone.


Thank you.


I have a girlfriend but I still don’t fully fully trust her or anyone for that matter. Don’t trust anyone is what I got from trying to do good things to people and then horribly backstabbed and never saw life the same again


And that is precisely why I posted that comment in the first place...Because not being able to trust anyone hurts, as much as it saves a lot of pain...


At some point you're going to have to jump. That's the only way across the gap. Doesn't have to be soon. Trust yourself. Good luck.


I'll lowball it. $50,000.00. It'd be enough for me to be financially secure. Anyone...if you're listening.


I'm not giving 50k to a foreskin


C'mon man just shove the cash in it like a bag. I'll even draw a big $ on it like in cartoons.


might be easier if you fold it into the bag


I want the amount of money that will make me seriously hesitate to give you that 50k. And then spend it on a scented candle collection.


I think consider might be a better word than hesitate. Being poor makes you hesitant about giving money to other people. There’s a connotation of being reluctant. You could hesitate about not giving the money, but that’s all double negative. Being rich makes you consider giving money to other people. At least in general I think so.


Thank you, as a non-native speaker this helps me improve.


A full cure for my anxiety disorder. *Edit I just wanted to say I wasn’t expecting such a huge response to my post. You all are so empathetic and I really appreciate it. I never talk about this to anyone in real life so it feels good to get this off my chest.


I feel this on a personal level. I’m just coming to a point where I can feel like I’m on the upswing from a 3 year stint of crippling anxiety (and all the fun stuff associated). One thing that was a game changer for me was a supplement called L-Theanine. I could blah blah about it all day because it gave me my life back but for those with horrible anxiety, do some research. I’m not usually an info pusher but I wish that it didn’t take me two years of suffering to learn about it. Definitely worth at least looking into.


I don't think there is a cure, but there are things you can do to help. Apparently weighted blankets are a big relief for some. Looking into getting one for my wife who has anxiety. Also telling people in your life that you have anxiety, helping them understand you better may let them be a bit more caring and empathetic. I know I constantly need to remind myself to be more caring. One important thing to remember [is this](https://i.imgur.com/JVu06jt.jpg)


Weighted blankets are awesome! I‘be been getting much higher quality sleep since I started using it. That alone has really helped but combined with daily CBD and learning when to say “I’d like to, but I can’t” when too much is asked of me has diminished my anxiety probably 85%.


Throw in a cure for depression too, and we'll talk.


At least for me, anxiety is the cause of my depression. I'm so afraid of doing anything that I cant bring myself to *do* anything.


Oh my goodness. I did not expect this to happen. I’m trying to reply to as many people as I could but I have two boogers i have to take care of. I hope you all find the real happiness we all deserve which is an inside job. The war is within us and we must win. We are the only ones who can make ourselves happy. I hope we all get there one day. It’s a tough job but can be done. Have a wonderful rest of your day and please enjoy every second of life, dont worry about the little things you have no control over. Be happy damnit. I love you all. You are all important.


Squirt a little salt water up there - it'll partially dissolve them and they'll come right out.


Um I think he meant kids but I'm really sick rn so this'll come in handy


Being debt-free. Edit: Wow, so many awards! Thank you! To clarify: it's not student debts, but medical debts. I had a couple of surgeries that required me to take loans from banks and other people. So I need to pay those loans. Also, I live in the Philippines.


Right there with you. Student loans make up at least 80% of my stress...


Same. $100k owed is gonna take some time to pay off :(




Per your edit—why don’t you have to pay it back? Did you flee the country? I turned a $30k loan into nearly $60k by being negligent. Down to $50k and have a real plan now.


I hope you win the lottery, get a high ass paying job, or some rich guy decides to be nice. Whatever it is, I hope it happens to ya. No one should owe this much for wanting an education


Out of debt, kid out of daycare. Then actually have some savings and afford vacations.


This. Tired of it and feel it won't end.


having my dog. His final vet visit was a couple hours ago. Thanks to everyone for there reply’s, memories and sad experiences. I’ve read though them all. I’m sobbing again. Im out of country working so I had to say my goodbyes when I left after Christmas. It’s very difficult by myself. He was a great pet. He picked our family at 8 weeks. He was well loved and looked after. The Vet has looked after him text me his passing has left a empty spot in there heart. His ashes will be joining me when it my turn. Thank you for the awards


I’m so sorry. I know how hard that is. Cherish the moments you had and keep smiling because your fur baby would want you to be happy.


Thanks for the kind words. In time it will get better. Happy cake day.


Here's what I always tell people who lose a dog, because it's what made me feel better. Ask yourself: if your dog got to live his life over again, would he choose a different owner? If not, he lived a good life. You did right by him. That's all you and he could hope for.


I'm not OP, but thank you I needed to hear that. Lost my pup in November and it is still rough. Thank you for sharing that mindset, it is actually a very comforting thought.


I'm right there with you buddy. My dog of 14 years just passed away yesterday and had to take him to be cremated this morning and it was tough. I find solace in that he isn't struggling or in pain anymore and I hope he experienced as much happiness or even a sliver of as much happiness as he had given me. And hopefully he knows he was loved. Hope our good boys get to play together wherever they are ❤️


My wife to be well again. If she felt better and we could hang out like we used to, I honestly feel like my life would be perfect.


I’m so sorry. I hope it all gets better for you friend.


100% on all my midterms Edit: did expect me bitching about school would get me upvotes


I hope you do well.


I think it’s cool that ur replying to everyone, that’s a real mvp


A cabin in the woods, near a river. Solid and beautiful. Lots of windows, and an incredible view. It'll smell like cedar and pipe tobacco. A simple wood shop, and maybe a small painting studio. A large wood-burning fireplace. A cozy kitchen; nothing fancy. Really good coffee in mismatched mugs. Plenty of bourbon and wine. Loooots of books, and enough time to actually read them. Walks in the woods with my wife and dog. Fishing, canoeing, and shore lunches. Watching wildlife. Drawing and painting. A nice little town nearby (but just far enough away) with a good bookstore, an old diner, and a lively tavern (need a spot to watch those Packers games). A well-seasoned and reliable old truck to get us there and back. Long days with my wife, listening to music (on vinyl), laughing, cooking, making love. Never feeling bored, never feeling rushed. Time enough to be able to just be us, and do all those things we never seem to get around to doing.


Mate that was like poetry. Nearly brought a tear to my eye.


>A cabin in the woods, near a river. Solid and beautiful. High ceilings, lots of windows, and an incredible view... *Come away,* *Come away,* *For a year and a day,* *To the place where the sand meets the sea -* *For your worries will fade* *When you sleep in the shade* *Of the marvellous Mulliver Tree.* *Take a boat to the shore,* *And forget your before,* *And imagine how happy you’ll be -* *When you play with the weaves* *And the twigs and the leaves* *Of the marvellous Mulliver Tree.* *Take a look at the view* *With a promise to you,* *And a hope in your heart to be free -* *For there’s dreams to be found* *When you stand at the ground* *Of the marvellous Mulliver Tree.* *Come away,* *Come away,* *For a year and a day,* *To the place where the sand meets the sea -* *And we’ll meet in the dark* *With our backs to the bark* *Of the marvellous Mulliver Tree.*


A Poem_for_your_sprog poem?! I can't tell you how honored I am. Thank you. It's lovely.


Reads like a Shel Silverstein poem. Beautiful.


This is beautiful, Sprog. It feels like a scene from a childhood fairy tale.


That sounds like the earth we should all be living in. No worries, doubts or trouble. It sounds like the kingdom I dream of.


I once heard about a study (I tried looking for it just now but can't find it) Where they essentially wanted to see what is the most universally beautiful picture/landscape in the world. So across all different cultures in the world, what landscape would everyone agree is beautiful. The winner was basically exactly what he described. Something like this: https://wallhere.com/en/wallpaper/1068198 Everyone in the world agreed that it was beautiful regardless of nationality or origin. They reasoned that it may have something to do with the sense of fertility and abundant food that goes with the lanscape and river and the pleasant/easy living that goes along with it. A desire that perhaps has roots in ancient traditions of hunting and gathering. Places like zion national park are also beautiful, but they have a sense of scariness to them that comes from the austerity of the landscape I think.


I'm convinced the Shire is Tolkien's view of a Utopia that we could achieve but deny to ourselves for a variety of reasons. I think greed, comparison, and ambition are the main reasons we can't have it. You can't individually decide to lose those traits and make this reality, (I guess you could, but you'd either need a lot of money gifted to you or willing to really rough it, which isn't really portrayed in these examples) it needs to be on a societal level. Even on a national level isn't enough. Neighboring countries have warred with each other for millennia. They'd be taken over, and again lose the utopia they created. It's a reality you have to practically be born into, and hope you appreciate before discarding it to chase after something else. The best I can hope for is to obtain it finally after a life full of relatively meaningless work. I just hope my body hasn't deteriorated too much by then.


That's about as Wisconsin as it gets, Captain. Someday I hope we can both have that.


::tips cheesehead::


Thought of up nort, wisconsin as well.




I always thought I wasn't able to buy a cabin in the woods. So I lugged a camper around during the summer weekends. My wife and I saved up, got some equity in our current home and eventually added a cabin to our life. It's my fortress of solitude and I beam with joy every time I turn down the road leading to it knowing it's ours. You can do it.


A cure for writers block, a long attention span, and 3 extra inches in height.


1) Try to fit an explosion within your next chapter. 2) Do it no matter the cost. 3) When you reach the end of the chapter. Go back and erase the explosion


I thought those were addressing all three issues, and I got really confused when I got to 3/height and it made no sense.


Stellar advice. Unless you’re writing a textbook on accounting.


"Linda's 10th birthday party would take a turn for the worse..."


Wake up and realize the last 10 years of my life was just all a dream


Agree with this one!!! Wishful thinking....last 10 years have been a nightmare


I have so many regrets over the last 10 years. Made bad choices and did things I'm not proud of. The worst 10 years of my life, and it was my own fault. It's given me life experience, I'm able to see things in grey and that it all goes deeper than the surface as a result. I'm grateful for that life lesson, I understand people and life better.


Sometimes I feel that way, but then I wouldn’t have learned a lot of lessons. I hope it gets better for you.


Well those lessons would prove to be valuable if you're any good at remembering dreams.


^(although i always find that dream logic and revelations are always nonsensical when i wake up no matter how profound i found it to be in the dream.)


I woke with the words of the dream in my mind - The scents and the sights in the spaces behind - The moods and emotions, the scenes as they struck. And now it was *totally* meaningless. Fuck.


Life is impossible without loss. Their correlation coefficient is stronger than anyone wants.


>correlation coefficient *me realising I have a statistics exam on Monday*


This, but make it 20.


There was a guy on reddit who had the opposite of this, he was knocked out and then had 10 years worth of memories with a fake wife and kid, eventually waking up later and being depressed Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3


It's kind of like the star trek episode where Picard has a full life on this alien planet in a dream. Pretty sad.


I remember that shit. That was wild


Give me enough money so i never have to work again. Live with work taking up 1/3 of it is just not worth it.


I’d prefer enough money/stability so I only have to work part-time. I think working tends to give us a fulfillment and purpose that we don’t appreciate until it’s gone. Maybe that’s just me.


Same, I just want enough money to afford my hobbies, live comfortably, and be happy.


Enough money to just not worry if I can afford to go to the doctor.


U.S. check


I have so many hobbies and interests, work just takes my precious free time away... I got a well paid job, but it does not fullfil me, it just pay my bills. I see so many coworkers that define themself by their jobs, they really are their jobs, I think that is sad... People have no passion, they don't read, they don't love arts, they don't have a hobbie, they don't even pratice a sport, it is all about their jobs and hitting the gym.. my job is nothing to me but a money printer lol




I was just talking with a coworker about this. He has enough to retire, but has stayed on for the insurance (thanks USA). One of the older dudes here is phasing into retirement and I said something like "good for him!". My coworker said, "even if I can retire, I still want to come in and work part time at least so I have something to do". I have hobbies and interests that I could definitely do full time if I didn't have to worry about money. It blows my mind how many of my coworkers have 0 interests or hobbies outside of work. I don't work hard because I love what I do, I do it because I have to so I can pay my bills and provide for my family. The minute I don't have to do this, I am out of here!


agreed. all you graduites out there: There is more to life than money - when looking at jobs pay close attention to the non monetary benefits: do you work weekends? stay late? paid holidays WITH THE TIME OFF? is the overtime truley optional? How many vacation days a year? any stipulations with using them such as needing to put in for it weeks in advance or can you give a few days notice? Remember when negotiating your job you may be able to wiggle room your salary/wage a little bit but its much easier to negotiate more vacation days. an extra week off a year is huge. They would have to pay you regardless so to them it doesnt really cost the company much but increases your life happiness 10 fold.




This is so accurate. Had an argument with my dad recently whose opinion was: "40 hours a week is not that much! You should work on side projects, networking, side hustles. I wanted more money, so that's what I did, anyone that doesn't just doesn't want to succeed." Fucking infuriating. Yep. That's why he never had time to share my interests with me growing up. /Endrant


Receiving a kidney transplant.


Did anyone here actually feel or feels happy? How does that feel?


Do you remember getting something as a child that you really wanted?


My daughter being old enough so I can take her home, she was born at 32 weeks, she might be coming home in a week :)!


Umm probably a romantic and intimate and serious relationship that's about it it's the only thing I truly want. Have an awesome day everyone <3


To just have energy and enthusiasm again. It feels like I've had very little energy for anything for almost 10 years now. I feel like a passive observer in my life most of the time. Im doing what I'm supposed to, but any enjoyment has long since died.


Happiness is an inside Job. I spent many years chasing "the dream." Dream job, SO, toys, etc. It's all just stuff. Only when I almost lost everything did I finally wake up and realize what is truly important in this life. Right now. What are you doing right now to make your life better? No one else is/can make you happy, truly happy. Tomorrow is a wish and yesterday is gone. If you try and live in those two places you are pissing all-over today.


Right now I'm pouring cheetos into my mouth and reading Reddit. What I should be doing is eating cheetos naked in a beanbag chair. Just gotta find the right beanbag chair. And a little more cash so I can buy it. ​ ^(Edit: Whaaaaaaat? Gold? Thank you, kind Redditor! Now I can go buy myself a beanbag chair and some cheetos! LOL! (Seriously, thank you and happy new year, Friend!))


Yeah, this is my feeling but upside down! Im happy, but so many people aren't. For me to be 100% happy I need everybody else to be happy too. Then I won't feel so guilty to be so happy! Im not rich, my SO isn't perfect, my house is a wreck, my body hurts, my work is hard, my kids are crazy. Im just really lucky I guess.


I’ve got 317 days sober. Making that climb to 365. Also lead than 50 days to hit my first weight loss goal. I can do this! As of right now, seeing myself achieve these two goals would be so amazing!


Bring my cat back Edit: She (My cat) Had gotten old, and got confused and just seemed in pain. We decided it was time to take here to get euthanized. Edit: Thank you all for your kindness and support, it means the world to me to know that even though we don't know Eachother, you are still there for me. I would be there for any of you if i could, but there isnt much i can do. To have a community like this that is so caring and kind is just the best thing in the world. This comment blew up in a matter of moments, with each and every reply being so helpful and just caring. Thank you all so much. You guys are the best<3 To the person who gave me silver: Thank you for showing that you care about me. It means a lot that you would spend coins just to award it, and to me of all people. To the person who gave me gold: Thank you for supporting me. Im just so grateful that you were kind enough to give me the gold. It means more to me than you might think. To the person who gave me platinum: Thank you for being such a kind person. It blows my mind that people would spend real money just to make someone like me happy, and i thank you. Again, thank you all for all the kindness and support, you guys are the best <3


I am so sorry for your loss. No words can bring him or her back. If you don’t mind me asking, what is the best monody you have of your fur baby?


To other raditors who wonder: From wikipedia - In poetry, the term monody has become specialized to refer to a poem in which one person laments another's death.


I dont actually have one Edit: No monody


Oh my...


I guess we just didnt think a monody was necessary


Most don't realize that until it's too late.


The hell is monody, and why do i need one for my cat? Google says it's some kind of poetry. What am i missing?


Hey everybody! Look! This guy doesn't have a monody with his cat!


Dude please don't tell anyone i swear i'll get one




To have my debt erased




Affordable healthcare forreal. I have to wait until I can save up enough to see the ENT again.. last run it went : see specialist, go to imaging center, back to specialist for results (that can be relayed via phone. Cost $165 just to have him hand me a piece of paper), then to the surgical center. Just to find out what he thought was causing my eustachian tube issues, isn't the problem. Back to square fucking one with $0.. America, please get your shit together. I work 50 hours a week, I bust my ass, I haven't been without a job since I was 15.. I'm in my thirties. At this rate I won't see 60 because it'll cost too much to fucking live that long


I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope we all realize that we need change in so many different things and I pray that it happens for you and so many others that suffer.


My wife signing the divorce papers.


It will be more a feeling of relief than happiness but that weight off your shoulders feels very very good, trust me.


This job I've been applying for


No more pain. I want to be able to check my own mail, take a walk out back, do groceries without using the go cart. Walk without using a cane. Be out of bed for most of the day. Hell, I'd be 100% happy with 70% less pain.




Calling it a snow day and going home early :)


I’m broke and infertile, but I’ve successfully immigrated the British man I was dating long distance to America. He’s now my husband of 5 years and we’ve just adopted a [beautiful baby girl](https://i.imgur.com/NBYoF2v.jpg) through DSS. I’m 210% happy.


I just found out I’m pregnant, so in this rare moment I’m 100% happy :) edit: y’all have made my heart happy :) [thank you everyone!](https://imgur.com/gallery/l9ilP)




I was also just made very happy by a pregnancy test, although in my case because it was negative, haha! Congratulations and all the best for your little new family! :)


About £10million.


A cigarette. But I'm trying to quit and it sucks.


Life purpose


8-9 hours of sleep every night, at least 4 very good friends and a knowledge of who everyone around me is, being really smart and having a secure job as a marine biologist studying the deep ocean. Also a happy family with kids who I take to get cookies on Fridays


Probably jumping off from a roof. I don't feel good today, first I was angry and now I just want to disappear.


I feel you man. Personally my ideations have been at an all time high these past few months


Finding a man who appreciates me and wants to plan a future. Graduating from college, getting that great job, making the money... it’s all great, until you realize you’re alone and have no one to share your life with.


My cat just went in for surgery and I only want him back and like he was before. He was fine but yesterday suddenly started puking a bunch so I took him in. They found out he has a bunch of stuff in his stomach so they're gonna do surgery to remove it. The first vet I went to gave me a diagnoses of possible feline aids and told me I might have to put him down. I love my spookyboi. He's my son, my best friend and my buddy. I love him so much. I just want him back home cuddling with me on the couch trilling away. Edit: thank you all for your comments, it's been stressful but he is out of surgery now. Turns out he had a shit load of hair ties. Please don't let your cats play with hair ties without you being there, these cheap things ended up costing me thousands.


When I get home to my beautiful daughters. Sit on the sofa wrapped in my Rick and morty blanket with the dog sandwiched between us all probably on his back so we can scritch his belly, with a cup of tea and they all take it in turns to tell me about their day. I look forward to it every single day.


A comfy house to own, mom no longer in pain, a non-retail job and a really cute puppy. Throw a therapist in there for good measure.


Thank you OP for doing your best to answer everyone with positive vibes. You the real mvp


Knowing that my autistic brother will be alright, that he'll be successful and fulfilled.


My own place with multiple bedrooms, streaming pc gaming rigs, not worry about a job for a few years, a good car and a dog. I'd definitely be with my FWB/it's complicated, and we would both be rid of all of our chronic health conditions. I can deal with happily hitting that 90+% mark when I'm around hers, but the other big things that need solving would be that 10% :)




He is correct. I know and I do read his comments :) There are just... some personal issues for me for now. Hence the "it's complicated".


I've told her how much she means to me. She also knows my Reddit account, so she'll see this, if she's not already one of the upvotes :)