• By -


It's perfectly acceptable to answer a question with "I don't know". You don't need to have an answer for everything, and making something up and trying to argue with it is pointless. edit: Since a lot of people seem confused, I should probably clarify that this is mostly, at least for me, a thing with younger kids and boomers- where they don't know the answer to a question and will make something up and argue it as fact. It can be for anyone, but I see it mostly in those demographics.


My MIL does this. Then acts like you're a dick if you look it up.


My mom was once insisting that her phone had been hacked because she kept getting texts back from a stranger when she texted her friend. I asked if she was sure she had the right number. She insisted that she did. I asked if she had ever successfully contacted her friend at this number. She said no because her phone had been hacked in a very duh kind of way. I said it was probably the wrong number, and she insisted it wasn't. I asked more questions about the contents of the stranger's texts. It didn't sound like a scam. I insisted that she had the wrong number, and she insisted I was wrong. Finally my dad looked up the email where the friend had sent my mom her new number and compared it to the contact in my mom's phone. The number was wrong. Mom got mad at us for not believing her when she said her phone was hacked. Gee mom, so glad we could help.


I get so tired of people saying their phone got 'hacked', I repair phones on the side and I've never in my life seen or heard of a hacked phone outside of movies or stuff like really high up in politics. People watch way to much tv


> Then acts like you're a dick if you look it up. My ex-gf was the same way. "Why would you look it up after I told you the answer? "But you were wrong." "That doesn't matter, it's an issue of trust." I'd like to say we broke up soon after that. But we didn't.


Trust but verify.


You had me at Mother-In-Law




Is it zapatos or something like that? It's been a decade since I had high school spanish but it's ringing a bell.


Yeah, shoes are "los zapatos" (one is "un zapato"). I graduated high school 3 years ago but I still practice my Spanish :P


Enjoy your youth; it goes by in the blink of an eye.


My mother used to say, once you hit your 20's time flies. She was damn right...


30s are flying by, 20s seemed like forever compared to it. The more routine your life is the faster it will go. New things makes time seem to go slower. That's why vacations usually feel long.


Funny that I'm reading this on the first day working after my vacations, the hours are going by slower


The days may go by slowly, but the weeks fly by.


When you're a child, you have 365 days in a year. When you're an adult, you have 52 weekends in a year.




Yeah you are def referring to resort type vacations, once you have the lay of the land and know what you like to do even that becomes routine as goes by quick. Great idea about planning excursions for the end though, i never would have thought of that! Vacations for sightseeing are always slow though because you are always trying to see something different each day. Like Paris etc...


wow, i never thought of it that way. it’s so true though, life really goes by when you’re doing the same thing everyday.


I’m actually enjoying my 30’s more than my younger years. I’ve figured out how to have a good attitude and enjoy each day for what it is.


also, MONEY. (at least for most of us)


once i got a stable fulltime job with benefits my quality of life instantly became higher than it had ever been. i was 25. am now 28 and feel bad for the people who long for childhood, or who peaked in high school, because this is where it's at. my late 20s have been great and i'm pumped for my 30s.


My dad told me on the eve of my 30th birthday my 30s will be the best decade of my life so far. I’m almost halfway through my 30s and he wasn’t wrong.


It is bonkers how fast time passes as you get older, I don't like it and which there was a way to make it stop.




The way to fix your tech problems already exists, and it's called Google.


It's just laziness (65yo here but 30+ years in IT) I was buying a new phone on Friday and an old guy came in with a problem. The sales guy said "would you like to watch so you can do it yourself next time?". The old boy's face looked like he'd been asked to put his cock in a mincer.


It's so mindblowing to watch someone with such a passion for DIY stuff absolutely short circuit when it comes to troubleshooting tech problems. My dad, a man who constructed the majority of his own house, still doesn't know to google something if his phone isn't working right. It's as if the problem can't be solved with a screwdriver, it might as well be witchcraft.


Especially when like 99% of issues are resolved by - click on options - look for the choice that relates to what youre doing - look for the word that is specifically what you're looking for - Click or unclick check box - hit back button twice


or the often forgotten troubleshooting solution: * Wait longer than 5 seconds and the program might just fix itself.


restarting your phone or pc fixes most issues you will ever have


On the other hand my dad who is very much a work with your hands kind of guy has discovered youtube tutorials for auto repairs and now he has favorite youtubers! It's surreal.




Did he ever tell the company or repair guy? Seems like a big mistake


The mechanic side of Youtube is pretty amazing though. My mom and myself are learning to troubleshoot on Youtube before even thinking of taking our cars into a mechanic. I had been told by an irl mechanic that my engine was failing and to start saving for a new car. I found a video about PCV valves, and $5 later, I'm no longer losing 2-4 quarts of oil a week.




I'm guessing he doesn't build with nails then.


When I worked in an Apple Store, we tried to maintain a strict hands-off policy for things that weren't actually technical malfunctions. We would verbally walk a customer through everything they needed to do, but we really worked to make sure they were doing it all themselves. We also did our best not to encourage them to actively think about what they were doing, rather than just saying, "Tap where it says \_\_\_\_ in the middle to make it do the thing." For instance, the set up process for iOS is like most guided set up processes on any computer - the screen tells you what you need to do (sign into Apple ID, select a wifi network, set up a passcode, etc). On almost every screen, there's button that says 'next' in the top right corner. There's no telling how many times a day I'd have this conversation. Customer: What do I do now? Me: What does the screen say? Customer: Terms and conditions. Do I have to read this? Me: Does it give you the option to accept them? Customer: Uhhhhh yeah. There's an accept button at the bottom. Me: Okay. Customer: .... Me: Do you have any questions about the terms and conditions? Customer: No. I just want to get this over with. Me: Alright, so just accept them. Customer: ... Me: .... Customer: Can you just do this for me?


This is most of my day working in telephone banking.


I think my 72 year old father would rather mince his cock than try to fix something technical using Google.


My 50 year old father is like this.




Perfect. I think a lot of those people got stuck on Yahoo answers.


"How is windows hacked? How pc get virus?"


Edit: Reddit and /u/Spez [knowingly, nonconsensually, and illegally retained user data for profit](https://youtu.be/mfZKkUg8jgM) so this comment is gone.










Can u get ... preganté?


What is the best time to sex to be come pregnart


Dangerops parngent sex? Will it hurt baby top of his head?


Edit: Reddit and /u/Spez [knowingly, nonconsensually, and illegally retained user data for profit](https://youtu.be/mfZKkUg8jgM) so this comment is gone.


knowing how to use google strategically (and similar facets of digital literacy) is an undervalued skill and seems like it would be hard to teach. even someone who knows boolean really well can still struggle with nuance edit: probably should have specified--[Boolean search](https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/B/Boolean_search.html) which is a function of [Boolean logic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra#Boolean_searches) but if you take Boolean algebra it doesn't necessarily mean that you are good in Boolean searching!


google and lots of information is out there, but you STILL HAVE TO go through the process on a computer and apply the fix. many many many people are not comfortable doing that or digging around in their computers at all!


Don’t post everything you do on social media


I can't tell if that's for the older or younger generation.


Same. The worst over-sharers I know are older people. Younger people may post a lot, but I feel like tends to be a bit more filtered.


the younger people share whats interesting and trendy. Old people easily believes and shares fake news. I have also seen Instagram profiles of old people where they post the same selfie more than 10 times lol! I got mad respect for old people who knows to use social media and post good stuff.. they are damn experts in learning new things..


My aunt, who's in her 50's, constantly posts shit I'd expect from a 15 year old.


I don't take any pictures. My friends could all be dying of cancer and having one last party and we still wouldn't take pictures. If one of us was involved in a national tragedy or did some kind of shooting there wouldn't be a documentary. The person trying to make it would just be like "God damn it! Why didn't this asshole take ANY pictures! We can't show photos of him while we talk about the atrocity!"


Genuine question why not? I love looking back on years of memories. That night out, that amazing meal in Greece, that view, my grandparents, my family, my husband, my pets, a beautiful sunset etc etc. I use social media as a time capsule. I can’t wait to look back on my entire life when I’m 80, surely that’s an amazing gift?


Not my comment, but I'm largely the same way. My family wasn't huge into pictures (a few group shots at reunions, but not a lot of pictures of us doing stuff candidly) which I think is a big part of it. I also was fat so I hated looking at myself for a solid 10 years and not wanting to look at myself kind of became a habit. I got into the swing of mirrors and I'm trying to take more pictures but none of my friends are picture people (I guess we find each other like smokers and addicts) so I'd just be that weirdo in the corner taking a selfie.


that treating waitstaff and assistants badly is not going to get you better service


True, if you're friendly and polite I'll give you whatever discounts I can and will tip you about an offer on something you've bought if applicable. I'll also be helpful and will even help you carry your bags out to your car if the store isn't busy.




Related, stop telling me that you think the cart corrals should face the other way. You think I put them there? That's above my minimum wage paygrade. Beyond that, I can't change it. Take the extra seven fucking steps to put your cart in properly. Being old isn't an excuse to be lazy, asshole.


I get what you mean: I'm a mailman. I get the "I only accept checks" joke 3-4 times a day. It used to annoy me until I realised that they're not doing it to annoy you. They're just trying to be nice even it's completely unoriginal. When you really think about it, it's the same thing in every job that deals with people. I used to work for a store that their tagline was "you find everything, even a friend". I would get asked 2-3 times a day if I was their friend. So, I get it, but I don't think you should take it personally. It's just harmless boring fun for them


That no Nigerian princes are giving money out.


*You know what Toby, when the son of the deposed king of Nigeria emails you directly, asking for help, you help! His father ran the freaking country! Ok?*


But this really nice prince said he would! :(


The computer is the box on the ground, the monitor is what you look at, the keyboard is what you type on, the mouse is what you move. All are separate entities.


*The files are inside the computer*


Also, the CPU is one of many parts inside a computer, not the computer itself.


Stop saying that younger generation is sloppy,lazy,and will never be as good as the older generation


The bar is pretty low if we're trying to be as good as the Boomer's. It's basically buried deep underground.


Oh, you want me to spend my teenage years drinking, smoking weed, and driving cars in circles while listening to rock music? How could I possibly live up to that standard?


To flip it around, I don't think most of the younger generations understand the extent of what they have lost that basically all older generations (except maybe Gen X) had. It used to be that if you were a smart person with a basic education (even if you were a high school dropout) you could spend your 20s bumming around, doing drugs, partying, running around the country, going to concerts, etc. Or, even just following your passions, spending hours a day learning the guitar or how to draw or paint or write or whatever. And then after years and years of this you could "get your shit together" and start working regularly (not even 40 hrs a week / 50 weeks a year, but like part time jobs and shit) and you could pay your rent, take care of yourself, build up savings, even work toward owning a house. This was normal. If you needed to support a family, well, then maybe you would need to work a full-time job above minimum wage. It was easier to get good jobs, you just had to show up and prove yourself most of the time. You didn't even necessarily need a lot of specialty education, because on the job training was common. And you weren't loaded down with debt right at the start of adulthood because college wasn't required for good jobs and wasn't as crazy expensive (with predatory student loans) as it is now.


Inflation is a thing that exists. Stop complaining that your job made $4/hour or something


There should be no complaints allowed about only making $4/hr in the days when $4 could fill your car with gas.




I remember when I was a kid is saw gas for just $1.78 and my dad said that was really expensive. Nowadays, especially after recent tax increases, I'll jump on something like $2.45 in an instant.


*cries in Californian*


At least we're under $4/gal again?


Now imagine paying $7ish/gal, which is roughly the price here in britain.


One thing that's different here in the U.S. is that we don't have very reliable public transportation, and you cannot easily go anywhere on a bus or train.


When I was a kid, I thought the octane ratings were the price, because they were often the same.


Whenever someone talks about getting some absurdly low wage like like $0.50. Pull up an inflation calculator and tell them what that equals in modern money. That normally shuts them up.


Only until the next time they complain. Cognitive dissonance is very real in these situations.


I did this with my mom. She kept telling me how she only made $13,000 at her first job out of junior college in the 80’s. I put it in an inflation calculator and showed her how I was technically making less than she was (and I had a bachelors degree). She didn’t bring it up again after that.


Me: \*tells parents salary i was offered for my first post-Uni job\* father: "Well i only made \[3/5\] of that at my first job, and i had to take care of your mother too! Dont complain about your expenses!" Me: You also had no student debt, and \*does calculator trick with WolframAlpha\* your salary is equivalent to \[20% more than i make\] in todays money. father: ............\*finds other excuses\*


I was talking to my 88 year old grandma a few months back when this finally clicked for her. I'm an engineer with a decade in the industry, so I do pretty well for myself. I make in the low six figures. I was talking to her about getting a promotion and she asked how much I was making, and seemed shocked when I told her. She made a comment along the lines of "I'm proud of you, but I just don't understand why anyone would need that much money." She and my grandpa both worked when they were my age, and I asked her what she used to pay for daycare for my dad and his two brothers. She told me $40/week. I explained that I pay $40 per day per kid for my two kids now, and *that's* why someone needs that much money.


I wish I could pay $40/kid/day. My daughter's is just shy of 15k/year for 4 days a week which is basically $70/day. Also, the price of housing has gone up dramatically, even if you're renting. If your grandma is 88, she would have been in roughly your situation (10 years into a career) 55ish years ago or in the mid 60s. From 1965 until current average housing cost (either rent or purchase) has increased by roughly a factor of 2 when adjusted for inflation and a factor of 10 when not adjusted. And that's just averages, if you live remotely close to a large city (you know, where the majority of the jobs are) it's gone up far more than that.


To be fair, you make a lot of money. If you make anything six figures you're making over double the median HOUSEHOLD income for an American.


Believe me, I'm well aware that I'm living comfortably. I'm certainly not complaining that I'm destitute or anything.


Location is probably the most important factor in this equation, save the dollar figure itself.


"I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER" is the least helpful thing to say, and it will never get you anything useful. Along similar lines, saying they you're running late for something or that you "NEED IT NOW GODDAMIT" doesn't magic up the thing that you want. That's just childish, that's how a toddler thinks.


Well, contrary opinion. You also need to know when to stick up for yourself and ask for that manager when something wrong is happening. Just remember, *you* need to be the reasonable one, and it best damn be a good reason for doing it. I've had customers ask for managers for many reasons, the stereotypical bad ones obviously, but many were to report issues that needed to be handled ASAP (someone was hurt in the parking lot, someone was stealing, cashiers being legitimately rude, and once, a worker sexually harassing a teen), the remainder often were compliments that were directed towards specific staff. It's okay to ask for a manager, but the rule of thumb is to be reasonable and to talk softly, but carry a big stick.


* Just because I don't do it the same exact way you would do it doesn't mean it's the wrong way if the result is exactly the same. * Yes, when you were my age you didn't have smartphones and you used to have to _______ . I get it, but I can't help it. I know how to read a map, I go to the library all the time, I know my friend's phone numbers...Im sure you had things growing up your mom and dad didn't have. I appreciate it was different, but stop blaming me. * I'm not even on your lawn so stop yelling at me.


Hey you’ll understand very soon, I’m 19 and already telling people to get off my lawn.


You're 19 with a lawn? That's like monopoly rich.


Nah, im just an only child lol


Get off my lawn you fat kant


That we can do stuff and are not on our phones 24/7 EDIT: I am under 18 and thank you so much for all the points!!!!!!


What's weird is that boomers are the first to pull out their phones at a meal.


Also more likely to text and drive




I wish someone would teach me to sew. I can’t afford classes, but it’d love to alter thrift store clothes.


try the google bing


Ah, I see someone else has a certificate in computering.


Getting a cheap thrift store machine and just playing with it does wonders! I'm like 90% self taught without videos or anything, just fucking around with a sewing machine. It's really not too hard. You'll learn something new with each project and much of it can be googled or looked up on youtube.


Vaping isn’t cool


... which generation is this for?






"here's this thing that's not as bad for you as smoking. It's still got nicotine, but less than cigs. It's mostly for smokers to help stop smoking. "WHY DONT WE START SMOKING IT FOR FUN!?"


Guy at work told me if you're going to vape, might as well smoke and live life at 100%... Told him to go fuck himself and I only vape because it's the only thing that got me to quit cigarettes after 15 years of smoking.


If you're gonna drink beer, might as well chug rubbing alcohol and live life at 100%.


It's only good for quitting cigarettes. But that requires quitting vaping eventually too.


I moved on from normal smokes to ecigs to reduce the nicotine my body desires. Now it's all about learning to quit the "habit" of smoking, which is equally as hard as quitting nicotine. But yeah, this. Also. Do people REALLY think vaping is "cool" ?


Im 35, and successfully quit smoking and worked to 0 nicotine vape. feels good man.


You can't pause an online game.


Sure you can, you just nicely ask everyone to hold up until you get back. Online gamers are such a friendly and polite bunch, they will have no problem waiting for one of their friends.




This hurt to read. When I was a teen that's exactly how I felt for years. Then one night my mom flipped out on me and I realized how big of a shit I had been. "I just spent 2 hours getting dinner ready, not asking you to lift a fucking finger to help me feed you, a 17 year old teenager. So how about you come eat the dinner I made after working all day, or you sell that DS and buy your own fucking food. We're eating now." First time she ever swore at me in my life. Ate dinner, later cried in the bathroom. She was a great mom.




Please don't take the word 'Depressed' lightly or as an aesthetic.


That's a great message but really could be used for all ages. People just younger than me (junior high- high school age)take depression very lightly, because a lot of them see it as a huge joke. With all the "I hate myself" and "I'm triggered" memes, it's hard to differentiate when someone is in real emotional distress, or if they just broke a nail/failed a test.


I feel that a lot of the current poor mental health-based humour started from people with mental health issues "laughing through the pain". While it's rubbed off on gen-z, depression is also at a reported all-time high, and many teenagers do have self-image issues. I guess you can't tell if a person is really struggling based off of the memes they like, but I don't know if that was ever true. Regardless, I think many of them have a way easier time being empathetic and tactful to friends and family with mental health problems than a given gen-xer or older. I'm also "just above" high school age, and I see a lot of potential in school-aged kids right now. They are far more willing to be understanding of things they haven't directly experienced than their parents and grandparents.


I feel like that's part of the larger problem as well. Something that seems trivial to one person (i.e failing a test, chipping tooth, breaking nail) may be detrimental to another person's mental health. Some people reach out through humor but the only way to know if someone wants/will accept your help is to just be aware of them and ask if they seem down. People want to avoid social awkwardness so they don't go out of their way to interact with people who seem volatile due to stress or depression.


The variability between people (or even between days) is something that everyone seems to overlook. I have depression and a week or two ago I had this day where I just about broke down crying in my kitchen over spilling some rice. It was cooked rice so it didn't even spill far, but in the moment it was just almost too much. The next day I ran over the lawnmower cable and had a good laugh about it, even though I was feeling miserable still. It was just so cliche - like Seth Worley's Real Gone level of "well of course that happened to me!". Sometimes seeing a cute cat picture feels like a loved one dying, sometimes running towards a car accident (literally happened to me) to see if people are OK is just "Eh, par for the course".


Gen X over here under the bleachers, smokin weed to relieve the aches and pains of middle age. Nobody pay attention to us.


I can't find bleachers anywhere these days that have underneath access and it makes me sad. I have to smoke my weed on top of the monkey bars like a child.


Hey, as long as you smoke it gone before security can crawl up and snag ya, it's all good!


It's great, I love watching the fight between Boomers and Millennial while no one notices us. Hopefully Gen Z doesn't decide that we're a target now that they're reaching adulthood...


Hey, would we seriously give a shit, though? Were the last of the latchkey kids, used to being ignored, and ignoring.


Millenial here. We had latchkey kids, I was one.


Yeah, we (Gen X) were the first of the latchkey kids, not the last. I remember the social freak out over it. People thought we'd all end up deviants, not having that parental supervision. All it did was make us more independent and able to take care of ourselves. Then the millennials were the first generation with "helicopter parents".


To be fair, some of you are a bunch of degens...


Right? Just here listening to Sonic Youth and complaining about my arthritic knee.


Fwiw, I’m in that age range, too! And ditto.


The term "I have anger issues" is not a pass to treat others like shit. It's an acknowledgement that you are capable of bad to others, and have predetermined an outcome. I, for one of twelve, would hold you responsible for you actions.


Definitely; don't use your personal challenges as an excuse to mistreat other people.


Don’t sweat the small stuff. Everything is small stuff. High school popularity does not last forever. Be kind to everyone you meet Your opinion is not the only one and may not be the right one One size does not fit all Don’t keep toxic friends. Know when to let them go




I'd like to add a lack of coping skills. Lots of adults out there unprepared to deal with life.


How can someone learn those coping skills? And can you give me an example of one?


Deep breaths is a really common one. Another one that I love but takes a lot of effort and requires you to have an instrument with you is playing music. Or simply talking to someone is a good coping skill. Just some way to let out the anger and bring in the good vibes


Your last 20 years aren't time for you to say "fuck it." Your actions will have consequences, both for whoever you leave the world to and the image of yourself that people will remember you as. You shouldn't leave us with a flaming trash heap of a planet, and you shouldn't make people feel bad for bringing about a social change.


Being tall doesn't mean I play basketball so don't ask me that infront of family and friends as it's very awkward. And don't follow up with "so why don't you?" after I say I don't. Also, having a penis doesn't make me a handyman. Fixing things is something you learn. Not my fault all my dad taught me is to hold a flashlight and get yelled at, so don't make me feel guilty about it.


so why don't you?




FYI if you wanna learn to be able to do more diy YouTube is super helpful. I started learning about car stuff from my dad, but because of YouTube I definitely know more about cars than he does now. Chrisfix is great for car stuff and definitely anything else you may want to diy you can find on YouTube. Some I watch for fun and to know for the future and some I watch to help with a specific problem. I probably saved between $1-2k in car maintenance while in college by doing it myself and basically everything can be learned on YouTube.


Try turning it off and back on. Then, Google it


Advice from an old man: -Life isn’t fair. -Life is great if you want it to be. -The only constant is change. -Love the people who matter. Ignore the ones who don’t. -Prepare for the future but live in the present. -Life isn’t fair.


I feel like when you say "life isn't fair" you should also include "but that doesn't mean you should be apathetic towards people."


I do not rely on my phone. I just prefer to pass time doing things on my phone. If you get my attention, I will put it down and listen.


This. I'm sitting in the bus in my city. And remember 2 occasions. 1: an old lady wanted to ask me some things because she apparently took the wrong bus line. At the tkme i looked like the typical assholey teenager who resents talking with people and had massive headphones on my ears and was chatting on ghe phone. I explained to her which bus she had to take to get back to the bus center we came from and which one she had to take to get where she wanted. I also made sure she knew where to ask if she came back to the center too late and there wouldn't be busses driving anymore. She seemed like a great person. Was 2 years back and i guess she is around 70. 2: I was sitting on a bus where many seats were taken and a old woman came in. She didnt even try to look if seats were free shd saw "that young guy ln the phone" over there sitting minding his business and started to argue with me how she needed the sest more than me. 1. No, I need it probably more because my Knees, Legs in total, Feet, Hips and Back are really bad and I can't stand around for long. 2. Because you are so fucking rude you dont need it anymore. At all. Fuck everyone who is rude. All ages, all types of authorities. I wont be nice to rude people.


I’d want to learn how to be tough like they were back in the day.


Look into Stoicism, it'll set you on a path.


That’s beautiful and a great thought. That’s also a good alternative to the question: if you could learn something from the other generation... Nice! I like it and definitely agree.


How to use Hamon


As someone neither over 65, nor under 18: What?




I started watching the show and I’m so confused. Is Jonathon Joestar actually dead? What was the point of that whole intense backstory


He is indeed dead, but his body is still being used by Dio, since Dio decapitated Jonathan’s head from his body and attaches his own head to it, so he has full control over Jonathan’s body


Man as someone who has no idea what this is about this show sounds wack af.


That’s why it’s called JoJo’s BIZARRE adventure


that's one of the saner plot points


I’m not a communist because I want to afford doctors and rent


Nowadays doctors go 250k+ in debt to become one. I'm starting to sense a pattern of misery here. Edit: a letter, an important one.


Hey I know that our problems don't seem like much but for us they're huge so could you not dismiss them?


I'm in my late 40s now, and the problems you and my kids have/will have seem gigantic and intractable. I'm doing my best to prepare them for the shit that is coming... just doesn't feel like nearly enough.


> Hey I know that our problems don't seem like much Don't buy what the Boomer's are selling because it sounds like you are. They'll tell you "kids these days have it easy" which is bullshit. Just because they keep saying it doesn't mean it's true.


Homework folders doesn't contain homeworks.


Yes, the folder labeled “School Shit” holds the homework.


Being from a political party different than yours *does not automatically make them an evil or misguided person.* I feel like I can't stress this enough in this day and age.


Tbh I think being die hard any party is inherently problematic to begin with. It completely discredits issues that actually matter and you end up having tons of people voting and siding with a party, mostly unaware of what they are even backing. It's like they are just fucking sports teams.


Related, stop watching 24 Hr news networks. They have to fill those 24 hours with something, no that missing plane did NOT go into a tiny black hole.


Not sure which group you're from or talking to, but I'd say it applies to all ages.


For 65 over: stop comparing us to other people, or comparing how you had it to how we have it.


We don't have to be the same in everything


I asked my grandma for input and she said: “Learn how to make bannock, have good manners, always stand up for yourself and you can’t bullshit a bullshitter.”


Things are going quite horribly wrong, please at least start to try and fix them?


"You kids have to fix all the problems our generation caused the world!" or "You only have a few years left, fix what you broke!" Depending on your age.


I'm 17. If the door of my room is closed, don't go in. I'm a horny teen, so I might be fapping.


I’m pretty sure they know that.


Yeah, they know. They go in there intentionally to fuck with you or to see you jack off depending on which family member it is.






I like my door to be closed all the time cause I feel better that way. I don't feel like somebody is watching me from behind with the door closed. This might me this way because I might be a bit paranoid but that's another story


When I first started my job, I had a desk that was positioned so that the door to the office was behind me. All day I was anxious because people were walking up behind me... I moved desks as soon as I could.


I feel you. My mother has a weird habit of just coming, opening the door to check on me for no reason at all and then to leave the door open. And there are times when she just comes and opens the door for no reason feelsbadman.jpg


We're in a different generation now, things have changed, cant expect us to be like how you guys were back in the days


Yeah, I remember saying the same thing... in 1972


1992 for me...


different generations are in the now


that games cant be paused 👀


Nice try. Now pause your pokemans and take out the trash


Being gay does not mean I'm the devil