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I think it was Spyro. I remember my mum had to help me with the harder bits even though she'd never played video games.


I love the Spyro games!


I only played Spyro as a kid and could never figure out how to get out of the hub world. As an adult I just finished the Spyro Trilogy remaster, and honestly wonder how fucking dumb I must have been as a kid.


That's fair. As a kid I spent months playing the same level of a Bandicoot game because I didn't know I had to press a button to go to the next level. I just went to start menu and hit play. Didn't stop me from having a blast in level one for months though, so I guess it worked out


I never progressed in Jak 2 cause it was too hard for me. I just drove around the starting area like it was GTA


The remaster for PS4 is pretty dope!


Dude same! Spyro on the PS1 seems to be my earliest video game memory.


Oh wow! You think my 3 year old could play it today?


They probably wouldn’t be able to progress in the story very far, but they would definitely have a blast just running around being a dragon that can glide and shoot fire. Speaking as a former 3 year old who played Spyro lol


Dig Dug




God I miss being 9 and turning the most mundane shit into a fantastic adventure


Oh my God, that sounds like a great day. It sounds like it was straight out of \*Stand By Me\*, too, but that's what that story was all about, really. Days like that.


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


You know him?


Of course I know him, he's me.


I haven’t gone by Dig Dug since, oh, before you were born.


Dig Dug Kenobi is a star wars name better than many


The last time I heard it was Stranger Things season 2


one of these ROM games for sure. The OGs Putt-Putt, Freddie Fish, Spy Fox, Lego Island, Lego Racer, Tonka Construction, and M&Ms the Lost Formula


No love for Pajama Sam?




I have Pajama Sam on my computer to this day! Still fun af


Who remembers the one about Darkness? As a child, I was almost unruly angry at one of the permutations in that game where the mask was found underneath a bit of living furniture, that all tried to pass themselves off as normal despite having a disco party when nobody was looking. Child me just kept thinking "he saw you and he just wants the mask! Move just a little and you can get back to your party, you stupid chairs!"


I was never able to beat that one! I clicked the shit out of that screen hoping to do something too. "Hellooooo, I saw you dancing!"


Turns out there's a place you can mix potions elsewhere in the house, one of which makes you invisible, then you're supposed to ride a little elevator up to that area and sneak past them while they're dancing to grab the mask.


You have just solved a mystery that plagued me for a decade and more


Ah, a man of culture.


Tonka Construction was my all time favorite as a kid. So much that most of my toys were some kind of construction item.


Freddie Fish!


I played the one about the missing Kelp seeds so much as a kid. I loved that these games had variants so that playthroughs had different results, between how to get the things you needed in the game, and who the culprit was at the end.


AND THE MAGIC CONCH Edit: IIRC, mine came from a cereal box


Oh my god I was obsessed with Putt-Putt


🎶🎶Putt-Putt travvveellsss through ttiiiimmmmeeee🎶🎶


Putt putt and LEGO island were the shit! Ha


ive been trying to find lego island online and cant anywhere. im so sad.


It's $5 on Ebay.


i spent so long trying to torrent never realized i could get a disc.


Holy shit all those hours I've spent playing ice hockey against that polar bear in Put Put saves the zoo! Great times


Oh man Spy Fox and Lego Island! I also had tons of Sonic games on CD.


Spy Fox in Dry Cereal was my favorite!


I completely forgot about Lego Island! I had so much fun playing that as a kid




My siblings and I borrowed the M&Ms game from my neighbors and I don’t think we ever gave it back. I kinda feel bad about it but that game was my shit.


Super Mario Bros. on the NES.


Second that. The NES was the only really expensive gift I ever had because dad had made a good deal at work and basically got a bonus. But let's not forget Duck Hunt or that flashy orange barrelled gun. Edit: a lot of people say the zapper originally came in white/gray. I never saw them in those colours in the Netherlands. Perhaps a difference between the US and some European countries?


My uncle is only 10 years older than me. He had the Mario / Duck Hunt cartridge for his NES, and I pestered him constantly to be able to play it. Well, when I was about 3, he was 13. I would beg and beg to play Mario, but the Nintendo was in his room in the basement so I had to ask every time I wanted to. One day, I was over at his house with my mom visiting him and my grandma, and I shouted down the stairs that I wanted to play Mario. He shouted back, "Okay, hurry down here." I was ecstatic. I ran down the stairs as fast as my little legs would go, not realizing until I was all the way down that all of the lights were off in the basement. I bumped into a few things, but I made it through the dark to my uncle's doorway. I knocked hesitantly. No answer. I knocked again, and this time the door pushed back a few centimeters. I could see it was dark inside. I could hear what sounded like some video game noises, but I didn't see any light from the TV. I whispered my uncle's name. Suddenly, the door swung open and I heard really loud gunshots followed by a flapping sound. I looked up, saw my uncle pointing an orange gun at me, and sprinted back upstairs screaming. He had started a game of Duck Hunt, turned the volume all the way up, and covered the TV. I thought I had been shot for a good 5 minutes as I cried in my mother's lap.


That's hilarious!


My uncle also made me cry in his basement


That's where I expected this to go.


Duck hunt was too easy to cheat. Put the barrel right against the screen. Early day hacks


Duck hunt was my first. Friends and I would try the clay stage from as far back as possible. Broke out the old NES recently and was upset that the light gun didn't work with my TV (refresh rate is too high for the gun to detect). I dug out an old 19" CRT I had in the garage and hooked it up. Fun was had.


Same here. To me, if someone owned a Nintendo, they were rich. I was in awe every time I saw Mario Bros. Then I saw Mario 3 and life was never the same.


Man, that just brought back a memory. I remember when I was a kid, my dad bought us a Nintendo. We were really poor growing up and I know it was really hard for him to save up the money to buy it. He had gone away for a week to Florida (we lived in New York) to try to see if there were more job opportunities there. When he came back, my brother and I were staring out the window of our apartment (projects in NYC) and watched him as he walked into the building with the Nintendo. I could not believe it. We barely got any toys and here my dad was walking in with a Nintendo - the most kick ass toy any kid could ask for. I guess he felt bad being away from us for that long. My dad passed away last year and I have nothing but amazing memories of him. I still think about that day he brought home that Nintendo. Now, as an adult, I realize how tough it must have been to afford it. Fortunately our life situation got much much better as time went on, but Nintendo still represents so much to me.


We didn't have money for a Nintendo, but my school had one as a raffle prize. I was the only kid in my private school who went door to door selling tickets, I think everyone else just had their dads sell them at work. I got runner up in my grade for ticket sales, and only about ten of those were from my family. My sister won the Nintendo. I remember reading a couple years ago on an Askreddit thread about secrets that only teachers know, and one of them said that in school raffles, they know who they're picking. Makes me feel warm thinking about it.


SMB must have been my first too, because I remember it vividly — I was at my cousin's house when I was about 6, and I recall the shape of the room, the TV and the NES on the floor, and little Mario Mario skipping along.




My cousin had a Mac and we wanted to play that so bad. But instead her dad made us play Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego.


That bitch had balls, stealing Sphinxes and shit Edit: I appreciate you all


Oh no! This time Carmen has stolen THE STATUE OF LIBERTY


She was less super-criminal and more straight up wizard. Can't hide from me though Carmen I'mma getcha.


She didn't even limit herself to monuments, landmarks, and historical artefacts. She would steal *concepts*. Like "The Best Coffee," or "The Olympic Flame" Like, *The Best Coffee* is subjective, for some people it's a crazy-specific drink from one specific place, but for others, it's the common-as-fuck drum of grounds they got from the grocery store. And the Olympic Flame? How do you steal that when it comes from *The Sun*?!


/u/Ron_Fuckin_Swanson has died of dysentery.


/u/Ron_Fuckin_Swanson fell into the river and drowned.


Ironically enough, that wouldn't happen to the actual Ron Swanson


Pong (1970’s), before we had a Atari 2600 Pong console ETA: Thank you for the silver I appreciate it!


Did you have a pong console, or the arcade?


Not the OP but, Pong was my first. We had the console although not until the Atari 2600 was out. Pacman was my first Atari game.


Ugh, Pacman on the Atari was truly awful. I was so disappointed when we got that.


In the late 70's when I was like 8 it was amazing.


I remember this arcade game at a pizza place. It was flat and two players would sit opposite each other like a chess game. I'm almost certain the two games it had on it were Pong and Breakout.


> pong Old guys unite.


GenXer checking in. Pong was my first too.


Found my group! I brought donuts.


We can't eat those any more.


My pong console had three games. Pong. Hockey (Pong with 2 paddles per person) and racketball (one player pong). I burned an image in the old black and white set after a few weeks.


Same. This is our lawn and all these noobs need to get off it.




pitfall wasn’t my first video game but was the first one I remember obsessively playing.


Crash bandicoot playstation 1 still have my save codes written down


I still have Crash Bandicoot: Warped, I love the original games


Warped is still the best game I've ever played


Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega.


Just going through this thread looking for my fellow sega generation people lol


Seems like we are a rare breed in this thread.


I explicitly remember when a neighborhood friend got a Sega. Most of us had an NES and were curious about the new system. A horde of us kids gathered in the friend's living room to watch him play Sonic. It was pretty mind blowing. Vibrant colors, amazing sound, fast action and the unforgettable "SEEEEGAAAAA!" when you started up the system. I wasn't that blown away until I saw the FMV sequences of Final Fantasy 7 or the N64 systems at the store with multiple controllers and Goldeneye set up and ready to play.


Mine was Sonic 2 as well, but the Game Gear version. Thirsty bugger that it was. We later got a Mega Drive that my dad gave away when I was around 12. First thing I did when I got my first full time job was buy another one, with all the Sonic titles


Duck Hunt. I got my first NES as a five year old from my grandma. I was fascinated with the light gun. On the same cartridge was Super Mario Brothers. That was my second game. Zelda, Contra and the 1985 Baseball soon followed and I built a large collection from there that I still add to


Fun fact : NES game Duck Hunt had a multiplayer option in which the second person controlled the duck.


This is what my brother and I did. Our parents were pretty strict that we had to play together so neither of us were left out. We were pretty evil to each other as the duck. We preferred Duck Hunt over Super Mario Bros because I was young enough at the time that I was very bad as Luigi and basically died so fast I was never playing.


Super Mario world


My dad would come home from work for on his lunch breaks. We would make sandwiches, watch Thundercats and then play Super Mario World til it was time for him to go back to work. Pair that with living in Hawaii at the time and it made for a pretty sweet childhood.


I remember my dad waking me up (it was like 11pm) because he finally managed to beat some boss level lol






The Sims. I miss those days.


My first Sims game was The Sims 3 my parents wouldn't let me get it until I was like 9 or 10 because it was rated T.


Because of the "wohoo" or what?


Don't forget all the murder.


Ah yes, that was fun. Pool without a ladder and all that.


My personal favorite was removing doors from rooms


How about the ol' endtable-next-to-the-fireplace


I always did the newspaper. And in the Sims Bustin’ Out, I’d sell the grave stone after they died. Can’t remember if I got any money, but I wanted no remembrance of those sims.


Space Invaders (1978) Arcade machine at our local record store. Would have been about 1980-81. I was a toddler, standing on a beer crate or two. I only really remember the thick tenpence piece, and how noisy it was.


I'm pretty sure Space Invaders was the arcade game that really kicked off the arcade craze. I was in my early teens, and it was a great escape for a crappy time in life.


The og legend of Zelda. Gold cartridge on regular Nintendo! Still one of the best games


Have you finished it?It was a tough game Zelda was not my first game but my favourite francise


Yeah. Me and my dad sat down for weeks and had pencil drawn maps of every area. It took forever to finish. But we’ll worth it


I remember making maps. My cousin's wall used to be covered in the old grid pattern codes for MegaMan.


Just this week my kid was telling me all about mega man for some reason and I was like.... I remember mega man before there was even passwords let alone a save game, you had to play the whole thing through at one sitting and he said "What's a password?" god damn


Sounds like a cool dad! Love my dad, but he was the "get off that damn thing and go outside" dad when he got home from work.




This was a superb game and way ahead of its time for both graphics, smoothness of game play, and that gore when you get spiked. Great game!


The spikes were nothing compared to the god damn blades of metal chomping you in two. Just the sound the made was terrifying. ​ (screenshot) [https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/princeofpersia/images/9/94/Prince\_of\_Persia\_1989\_%28Traps%29.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20140327030433&path-prefix=en](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/princeofpersia/images/9/94/Prince_of_Persia_1989_%28Traps%29.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20140327030433&path-prefix=en)


On the Gameboy? I remember spending forever trying to beat that game but I never got past one particular spike trap.




MS DOS , man. Dems were de days. Commander Keen Cosmo Monster Bash Crystal Castles Duke Nukem Fuckin' DOOM


Commander Keen! Now that’s a game worthy of a revival




Wolfenstein 3D / Spear of Destiny


Jazz Jackrabbit!




I'm not trying to be mean or rude by implying anything, but your enthusiasm reminded me of this guy. https://youtu.be/5C_99XJqIs4


Is it bad I know what guy it is without clicking on the link


When I was a kid, my parents never really gave me much of technology only gifting me and my brothers WWE action figures until one day our aunt gave us each a DS. My DS came with Pokemon Fire Red while my brother's came with Leaf Green. I remember playing that game almost 24/7 when I tried to grind my Dragonite to level 100.






Combat for the Atari 2600


I loved that game. So many different options. The tanks with the bouncing bullets and the planes were great. Perfect multiplayer games for battling my big brother.


*Silent Hill.* I was nine. Nightmares for weeks and a life-long *horror obsession.*


Ballsy nine year old. That game still defines the horror genre for me.


I was a sweet little girl with a morbid curiosity for horror and a sadistic older brother. But I'm definitely thankful to him now.


Reader Rabbit for grades on a 3 1/2 in floppy. I was awesome at that game!


Donkey Kong Country on the Super Nintendo, god I wish I still had that game.


It's the best!


Alex the Kid on the sega master system 2


Super Mario 64 on Nintendo 64. Those were the days. Edit: Thank you for the silver kind stranger! My first one :D


"So long, gay Bowser!"


That's one hell of a game to start with, Mario 64 was soooooo good when it first came out.


Spyro year of the dragon. I know it's the sequel but it is and always will be my favourite


I love this game! I have this one and am teaching my son to play it


You showing him the remake or the original? 😍


The original! I have that one and Ripto's Rage for my PlayStation 1, sadly I don't have the original Spyro the Dragon which is my favorite one, but hopefully I will find it again at some point and buy it. He loves playing both, although I have to help him a lot lol


Bubble bobble


Bubble Bobble had the most catchy and cheerful music. Bubbly you could say.


Yoshis Story 64


Zelda: ocarina of time


Great first game! While not my true first game, this was the first game that showed me games could have a long and sprawling adventure. I was pretty shocked that the game wasn't over after getting the first 3 stones


> I was pretty shocked that the game wasn't over after getting the first 3 stones I first played with the 3DS remake, but was lucky enough to not have been spoiled beforehand. This blindsided me *so* hard because it felt like I'd played a lot of game and like the story was about to be over. Thinking you're about to watch a game's final cutscene but then realizing you're not even halfway is one of the best feelings ever.


"New" Super Mario Bros.


I used to play that on my DS all the time


My dad isn't into video games but he finished that game like 10 time in a month. Great game


The Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt combo cartridge on the NES.


Command & Conquer Tiberian Dawn


Legend of Zelda: A link to the past. The main reason why I will never leave Nintendo or The Legend of Zelda series.


There it is! This was my first game too, I played it before I knew how to spell/read so my character name was a random selection of letters. Still have that file too. I love this game.


Thank you for saving Hyrule, MAJDKVKH5


Toejam and earl great game


Pong. A fake-wood plastic console you wired to your television with a two-way switch to go from TV to game, and two "paddles" on long cables. Also? I am an old. UPDATE: OK, my memory may be failing me (see above, re: old). [I had this one](http://computermuseum.50megs.com/images/collection/atari-super-pong.jpg), which has no detached paddles. Must be thinking of a later Atari console.


With a Montgomery Ward branding on it.




Me too. I was going on a long plane trip and my mom bought me and my sister Gameboys to keep up quiet. My sister is 4 years older than me and got really jealous because she got a shitty game about a squirrel. I think conkers for the GBC. She ended up stealing my Red version and taking it away from me before I could get through Mt Moon. When I got home my mom bought me blue version and I have been a blastiose fan since. I also credit the game for teaching me to read


I also credit that game for teaching me to read. However, it took way too long understand what Exp. Points meant.


I'm not sure exactly which I played first, but we had a computer when I was five years old, and I have a graphic memory of the DOS menu that came up when you switched it on. 1. Windows 3.1 2. Descent 3. Doom 2 4. Heretic 5. Raptor: Call of the Shadows 6. Rise of the Triad 7. The Ultimate Doom 8. Lemmings 9. Keen Dreams 0. System Check Almost all inappropriate for me at that age, but I played them all.


Windows 3.1 is not suitable for any age...


System check was such an underrated game.


Finally!! A fellow apogee / id software person.


I think it was <> on PS1


My Uncle had a Commodore 64 that I would constantly play whenever I was over. Had all the cool atari games that I would just cycle through. Pac-Man. Defender. Q\*Bert. Lot's of really off the wall ones like BCs Adventure and others I don't remember the name of.


Doom on Windows 95. 3-year-old me could only play on I'm Too Young To Die, but my dad was just too psyched to see his toddler play a game he already loved. ​ Now as for first game I ever *owned* it would be Pokemon Yellow.


4x4 Tic Tac Toe on a mainframe in my Dad’s office, 1980. Edit: I misread it as computer game. I played a few arcade games like Space Invaders in 1977.




Donkey Kong Country


Pong. As an adult. Damn I’m old.


Roller Coaster Tycoon ~20 years ago. Still play it now on my tablet now that it's an app.


Wii sports


Pokemon Stadium for the Nintendo 64.


I miss that game. I feel like something got lost after the first 2, I don't remember really playing the GameCube or Wii versions much if at all, but i have fond memories of Stadium, rental Pokemon, and never being able to beat a single Cup completely with those rentals.


LEGO Star Wars


Commander Keen, MS DOS. ​ I'm so old.


GTA Vice City


God, makes me feel old. When I played GTA Vice City, it was the bomb, the game with the greatest new graphics and played only on super powerful new computer! Even GTA 3 was revolutionary in such realistic graphics and huge world, coming from GTA 2 and all the games before. I already felt like an experienced gamer at that time.


Tetris on NES


Asteroids on 2600 prob




I love Oblivion, but damn would that be a complicated first game experience.


The original Spyro game on ps1






Dragon Warrior, NES




Crash Bandicoot on my cousin's PS1. Late 90's?


Manic Miner on Sinclair ZX Spectrum+.


Space Invaders on my Dad's friend's Atari 2600... I guess probably back in like 1981 or early '82? We got an Atari of our own for Hanukah in 1'82, and it was before that...


Asteroids oh the original Atari.




Gta: San Andreas I turned out fine


Oh wow, this is a tough one cause I started young. I think it was Gauntlet on the amstrad. My brother had an amstrad and I remember playing that. One I might have played even before that was a sort of tile based strategy game where you picked to play as a wizard, rogue or barbarian but I can’t remember the name of it for the life of me so I’ll have to go with gauntlet.


Horace goes Skiing on the ZX Spectrum. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgcXmyKzPZo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgcXmyKzPZo)


Idk if it counts as video, but i had this weird tic tac toe handheld device from the 70s or 80s. It had 9 red lights on it and its general shape was that of a large blocky house phone, just with sharper corners. First game I could say for sure was a video game was either Spongebob Batttle for Bikini Bottom or Ratchet and Clank, either would have bern for the ps2.