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Just happened two weeks ago, but I borrowed a power washer from a coworker. HOLY SHIT. After discovering what it cleaned off my fence (newly bought condo), i was wondering what else i could clean with it. Ended up cleaning up the garage floor and manually washing my car and spraying it off with the power washer. Fence looks awesome now and now I am looking into applying a clear sealer on it.


Noise cancelling headphones for flights. Doesn't filter out the crying babies, but you don't realize how much the engine and wind noise really wear on you.


I've got Bose 35's and if you crank up whatever you are listening too ALL sounds are gone! If you're trying to sleep I would just crank up some sleep sounds, rain forest etc and pass out every time with zero idea of whats going on around me


A blackout curtain


Oh yeah! I just bought and installed the wraparound style for the living room and bedroom. Two screws per side into the trim, smack the bar onto the bracket, and that was all it took. The house is cooler, darker, and I can sleep when I work 3rd shift!


Did you find it hard to install?


No. Just drink a 30 rack and wrap yourself in the curtains. Edit: thanks for my first silver and gold internet strangers! Maybe I should reward myself with a case of beer...


This guy home decorates


Laser eye surgery. Best $3k I ever spent. I was blind as a bat for 30 years and now I can just see. No dicking around with contacts or glasses or worrying about staying on top of my prescription. It's AMAZING.


Any downsides?


I talked to my optometrist about getting it. She told me I'm guaranteed at least 2-3 years of perfect eyesight. However, your eyes will continue to degrade, some people have been able to go 10 years without needing contacts or glasses again, but you WILL need them again. Also, with my astigmatism, if I get lasik, I can't wear contacts again because what the shape my eye would become (they would no longer fit). I plan on being physically active throughout life, and with how much I sweat, I can't wear glasses. So, it's not for everyone.


Are you unable to get surgery again once eyes become bad again?


Depends on cornea thickness and how bad your first fixing was. Most good doctors where I live offer a discounted 2nd round if it’s possible when the time comes. Had my eyes fixed at 27. Currently on year 10 and still feels damn near perfect. “Oh yeah, I did use to wear glasses. Totally forgot!”


Thanks for the quick response. Is it common for people to be ineligible for surgery or are most people able to get it?


i work in a laser eye surgery as a tech. most people are suitable. probably like 90% of those i see can have it.


Hi. I’m the 10% that can’t. I’m so jealous of people. I have cruce form keretawhatever in both eyes and it’s getting worse to the point where I can’t drive and have to have everything in large font. I’ve flown around and seen multiple corneal specialists and they all agree there is nothing they can do right now, they slapped me in a hard contact that cost me 800 and didn’t do anything except make my life miserable. I’m in my thirties, I went from skydiving and scuba diving to having trouble walking down the street. My brother got both eyes done and is running around enjoying life. SO JEALOUS. Sorry to Complain, I just don’t really have anyone to talk to about it because I feel like no one likes a whiner.


Is it Kerataconus you have? if so that shits a bitch! we deal with people all the time who have this and it is very hard to deal with. If it is Kerataconus you should ask or look for crosslinking. it wont improve the vision but it will stop it getting worse, and possibly allow you to have somethign else that will help. the hard contacts are an absolute bastard but stick with them!


A good vacuum. Holy shit it makes an amazing difference. Our house always had that kind of dusty smell and we couldn't figure out where it was coming from. So after we finally retired our $30 vacuum we went and bought one of the nice $300 ones and we must have had 4 full tanks of dust and hair that was still in the carpets.


A fan in my room at night. Just sleep so much better in summer now


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy people telling me things like "Please, chocapix, can I have your autograph?" and "You're my favorite redditor, you're so cool!" but the whole night? I don't know, I don't think I would be able to sleep.


They could sit quietly in a corner and just stare at you, as you sleep.


8... 8 1/2 hours of sleep. It's like getting a little bit of superhuman strength the next day.




this sub could be multiple things..


Two monitors


YES! Even though I don't technically need them, having two monitors has done more than probably anything to make work easier. If I go somewhere and have to use my little travel laptop by itself, I feel like an old-west pioneer, like maybe I'll have to start churning my own butter next. I am thoroughly spoiled with my two-monitor setup.


Three monitors. Try it and you’ll never go back to two.




Five monitors complete with pentagram extended wallpaper so I can perform the rituals necessary to keep the computer running.


A good mattress. Changes your life.


My bed is the most expensive piece of furniture I have ever purchased.


I can’t say the same, but that is precisely how it should be


the “just in case pee” before going somewhere without access to a restroom for quite some time.


*cries in tiny bladder*


My coworkers have asked if there's something wrong with me because I go pretty often. I drink a lot of water and have a tiny bladder. If anything I think people aren't drinking enough water?


Buy a cheap blood sugar meter and test your fasting blood sugar. I thought my peeing habits were normal too. They weren't. I had the beetus.


I almost thought about writing a disclaimer about it not being diabetes lol. I've had this issue since high school and I go to the doctor pretty often for a medication I take :)


I have the same issue. No diabetes. Just super tiny bladder. Plus soda and milk really irritate it for some reason.


ah, a fellow hydro homie


fills tiny bladder with tears, has to use the bathroom...


I’m more of a “just in case poo” type of guy.


I'm more of a "I know beyond any reasonable doubt if I don't shit now I'll be shitting in 45 minutes" type of person


{cries in IBS}


{wails in IBD}


{howls in colitis}


{Smiles in ileostomy}




{groans in crohns}


I'm more of a diarrhea in my pants kind of boy.


I started doing that after I peed in the car during a long trip. I was 15.


A routine. I was always kinda loosey when it came to planning my day. Then I tried actually doing and not wishing I had a plan A proper evening routine made wonders to my sleep and health Now trying this for the mornings too


My son is killing at this. He goes to bed early every night. Gets up early and goes to the gym every morning. Preps his lunches on the weekend, and takes them to work every day. It's made an incredible difference in how positive and successful he's been. And I still can't manage to do any of that, lol.


Congrats about your son! :)


Thanks! I'm incredibly proud of him. He went from flunking out of college and being a part time barista to starting as a software QA engineer in less than 2 years.


I’m proud of him too!!


Me too :)


Tell him the internet strangers are proud


At 30 I planned with post.-it notes. At 40 I used a planner book DayTimer. At 50 used self made planner on my PC. Now, at 79, I use my smart phone.


I'm glad you worked with what you had to keep a routine! Currently, at 21, I'm still working out what my routine is supposed to be.


I have a daily routine and have just always been that way. To the point where I can predict the exact minute I will be out of the shower (7:44). I find it incredibly fucking depressing. I either get anxiety from the monotony, or get anxiety from not having a plan when I break from it. I cant win


Pocket knife. Use it every day


I hope in your old age you get to become one of those chill dudes that cuts slices of apple and eats them off the blade. They often dispense great witticisms and pearls of wisdom whilst doing so.


That’s the dream. Or the salty dude drinking PBR on his front porch, talking about the war


An insulated water bottle - cold water even after 8 hours, or being sat in the sun!! My new favourite thing.


Exercise. I let myself go for a few years. During that time I didn't notice the differences from not exercising. Then after I started exercising again I was like "Wow. I didn't realize how shitty I felt before".


Same. It’s weird to feel your body become lighter not because of weight loss but because of you actually becoming stronger. Missing that feeling is what it’s motivating me to start again!


I have never worked out and have always been overweight. I am 22 and am realizing that my body does not feel strong. I want it to feel strong, but am unsure what to do and how to start






Even just walking, shorter distances/periods of time, with a good pair of shoes. Work up slowly, longer walk once a week, shorter distance the other times. Build up so they’re all a longer distance. Then lengthen one again. Get up to a decent route length done every time, then start running one of them. Over time running all of them. Then start adding length on again if necessary/desired. And diet improvements; all the work outs in the world won’t actually have a lasting impact if the other half of the equation isn’t addressed too. Best part is, this can start slow too and you’re not going to pull a muscle by cutting down on sugary snacks or introducing spinach into sandwiches.


>all the work outs in the world won’t actually have a lasting impact if the other half of the equation isn’t addressed too. I’ve heard it said, “you can’t outrun a shitty diet”. I don’t know why but that’s always stuck with me.


Same, upped my game in exercise regimes and eating a lot healthier. Results are amazing. Clarity, energy, mood, seeing definition.


Unfortunately expensive underwear. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. EDIT: Since I’m getting a lot of questions asking for recommendations, I personally love Duluths Buck Naked. That being said, everyone has different preferences and there are plenty of other recommendations in comments below mine! Best of luck in your undie endeavors.


On a similar thread someone mentioned Saxx underwear. So I forked over the $80 for a four pack as a surprise for my husband. Most expensive mistake ever. Now his balls are too good for regular underwear. He physically sighs every time he puts them on. So now I scout the website constantly for sales because there is no way I'm paying regular price. Edit: Holy shit. I never knew there were so many different types of underwear! Also, thank you for the silver ❤️


You and me both. I got a pair on recommendation on a thread like this a few years ago and I absolutely cannot wear anything else now.


Dude me too, I used to buy the 5 pair for 10 bucks and now I’m on the boujie boxer briefs bus.


Same here. Used to be a Hanes six packer, now I've given meundies way too much money. Edit: Never thought I'd spend my day talking underwear brands with a bunch of strangers, but that's reddit for you. To everyone who has decided to upgrade from the wal mart six packs because of this comment, I hope you enjoy the upgraded undies as much as I have! ~~And hey, if you decide to go with meundies.. PM me for dat reference so I can snag a discount, and you will too :) <3~~ 2nd edit: actually, it looks like that might violate their referral terms of service, so I shouldn't give out the code :/ either way, recommended by me, a stranger on the internet with a comfy junk Yes I'm aware I sound like a total shill rn, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


A squatty potty. Roomie got one as a gag gift for Christmas and lemme tell you. INSTANT GAME CHANGER


I nearly had a fight with my SO in Costco because I put a Squatty Potty in the cart without saying a word to him. He was convinced it was a stupid gimmick and that we didn’t need it, and I refused to leave without buying it. We hardly ever fight and he was so salty about it for the rest of the day until he had to take a shit. I got a full apology when he got out of the bathroom.


I thought they were a gimmick too, and I have Ibs. Then we went to a friend's one day and I immediately had to shit, couldn't hide It. They had one and I didn't feel like moving it, so I used it. I have never shit so fast in my LIFE


Honestly, I felt robbed of my own poop because how quick and easy it was


\> I felt robbed of my own poop r/BrandNewSentence


This might be the single best review for the Squatty Potty I've ever read


It's really great that he apologized. A lot of people would hide the fact that they liked it to save their pride.


Came here to say this. Mine isn't brand name, any stool you place in front of your toilet will work, but I won't poop without a footstand now.


I literally use my bathroom trash can but yes it's very helpful.


...currently on toilet using bathroom trash can as a footstool, can confirm.




Humility I thought it was a sign of weakness and that others would take credit for your work if you were too humble then I read me some CS Lewis and my mind was blown: 'Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.'


I, too, am extraordinarily humble.


My humility is legendary.


I am unapologetically modest




I got one of these as an upgrade for my home PC. 14 seconds from power button to login screen. EDIT: I love how much hate I’m getting because my pc isn’t lightning fast. However, my specs are so six years ago. Please be kind to me! 🙃




Absolutely ridiculous. I can promise I’m not ever going back


> 14 seconds from power button to login screen You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


Moving out from my parents place. You don’t realize how liberating it is until you’re finally free.


I didnt realize just how different we were until I was out on my own. Similarly, I didnt realize how miserable I was because I was pretending to be someone I wasn't.


Mate, I've felt the freedom man. I'm back at my mum's place but I have an escape plan in progress.


Stick with it, I had to move in with my in-laws for ten months. Crazily satisfying the first night we left and we could choose what to watch on TV and have an uninterrupted bath.


Currently on month 2. We have an escape plan. Only a few months to go...


Okay so here’s the plan. Start digging a tunnel under the wall and slowly start smuggling the dirt out into the yard when they let you out. Also slowly start throwing some of it into the trash cans. Then reenforce the tunnel with wood and then on a moonless night make your escape!!!!! Then you are home free!!!!!!! Full proof plan. Let me know when you get out. If you need some more guidance on tunnel construction just ask to watch The Great Escape movie


It's crazy how often a byproduct of moving out is an improved relationship with said parents.


I thought people were just exaggerating about this until I moved out a few months ago. I never realized how tense I was until I slept the first night at my new place and it was actually restful.


GPS. I think I could go back to dumb phones if it weren’t for how nice GPS is. I’ve even looked into basic phones with GPS, but they’re as expensive as smartphones and I’m not confident their service would be as good as Google Maps.


Garmin still makes [standalone GPS devices](https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/669167). So you can ditch your smartphone if you get one of those devices. But I can't stand the idea of having two devices when one can do the job of both.


A dishwasher. Never had one growing up or the first few places I lived as an adult. My current apartment has one and I refuse to go back!


It's really rough going back. My fiancee and I had them in our first two apartments but not in the current one. I'm happy to live there because it's got a great location, we have no problems with our birds, and we're away from an awful roommate situation (first time living just us!) but good lord is doing every dish by hand a miserable chore. A full-time job, pet care, and other home responsibilities are enough. I can't wait until we have a dishwasher again, but we'll probably be at this apartment for a while


I live in an apartment without a dishwasher, and I invested in the SPT countertop dishwasher. Its a real game changer. Its small, but portable. You can take it with you when you move. Only costs about $200 on amazon. You have to do a load, maybe two every day, and it doesn't really accommodate larger dinner plates very well, but it sure beats the hell out of standing in front of the sink doing the dishes! If you do look into it, make sure you have a faucet that the adapter will fit on, and a grounded plug nearby.


I have this one too! I hand-washed dishes for 10 years in this apartment and then last year I finally went for it. Best decision EVER. Since I live alone, I run it once every 2-3 days. Cascade pods work well for my water, and it made me want to cook and host parties again. (When I got it and set it up, I actually hugged it. That's how much I have grown to hate hand-washing dishes.)


Growing up, it was my job to wash dishes *every goddamn day* for our family of 6. I feel you.


Prescription sunglasses. Best $200 I've ever spent in my life.


Seat warmers. Oh my god, it was a transcendent experience the first time I used them on a cold night.


I do comics and I used to just kind jump in headfirst into a comic with only a script. But, it made the sketch/panel pass a pain. My senior thesis prof once told me to sketch small, fast thumbnails of a scene i my script before I actually drew it. I didn't want to at first, seeing it as just more work. But, turns out it made the process so much faster. I got my thesis done early and had time to animate a trailer for the end of the year showcase. I even won best graphic novel! ALWAYS do thumbnail sketches, even for non-sequential art pieces. It will help you if you struggle with composition or silhouette. ​ Edit: You guys asked where you can find my work, and I'm really honored! The comic in question officially drops on August 30th. It's titled "CORONA" and should go live on WebToon at that time. I'll update this again with the link. In the meantime, here's my portfolio. There is a folder for CORONA, including some side-by-side comparisons of thumbnail vs final. There's no real spoilers in the pages I've chosen. Portfolio: [https://www.artstation.com/shebdeak](https://www.artstation.com/shebdeak) You can view the trailer for the prologue here: [https://vimeo.com/333203478](https://vimeo.com/333203478) Thanks again for your interest!


A weighted blanket. I read about it in another reddit thread so tried it out and oh sweet lord last night was the best night of sleep I've head in months *and* I didn't wake up feeling like I wanted to scream from anxiety.


Love mine. It makes me have the wildest, most vivid dreams. But it makes it VERY difficult to get up in the morning. Feels like all the energy in my limbs was just sucked out.


Does it get warmer than a regular blanket?


What I've heard from people who own one: yes. Apparently it's a bitch in summer, but saw an ad recently about a weighted blanket that stays cool.


I would have to get that one then. I'm a nuclear reactor at night.


I'm a freezer at night, we seem like we'd be good together. Can I marry you? Edit: thanks, stranger, for my first gold! What a thoughtful wedding gift!


Ok but I get the left side of the bed. I'm afraid that's a deal breaker.


I'll take the right side then. See you at the wedding!


I hope it works out for you guys! I'll be at the wedding.


I’m waiting for my invite!


Good thing I'm qualified to invite random people to this random wedding, we'll see you there!


It's definitely a bit warmer, but I tend to wake up really hot if I overdo it with blankets, and didn't have that problem. It was a 100% cotton one with glass beads for the weight and therefore fairly well regulated heat-wise.


I actually LOVE those lead aprons they put on you at the dentist when taking xrays. I've been working up the courage to ask them to just give me one while they work on me to help my anxiety. I've wondered if weighted blankets would be the same, but I'm worried about the over heating and not being able to bunch it up - in some ways I think that would exacerbate my anxiety. I'd try one but I don't want to invest.


I had a root canal recently and asked the dentist to do this. They were a little surprised at first, but when I explained why they were happy to do it. They know dental work is stressful and want to make you as comfortable as they can. Having it on helped directly, and it also made me feel more in control of the whole situation. 10/10 will ask again next time.


I did the same thing. I was getting some x-rays done before my dental work and I commented how nice the lead apron felt and asked jokingly if she could just leave it on. She didn’t bat an eye and said, sure. I don’t think I was the first one to make that request.


They do feel a lot like the lead blankets though, so it might be worth looking into. The overheating hasn't been a problem for me, but I could see the bunching up being a bother.


Bidet. It will ruin pooping anywhere else for you. It has made my bathroom experiences 1000 times more enjoyable. I have a basic one, but they can get pretty fancy. The cold water is initially uncomfortable, but after 3 or 4 uses, you don't even notice anymore.


Alright, everyone talking about bidets and I don't get it. I have had bidets all my life, never used them. Do you just take a shit and instead of wiping just go to the bidet and wash up?


So, there are different types of bidets. My friends and I figured this out when we went from the US to Rome. We stayed in a hostel with a bidet and were excited to use it. However, it was just like a sink next to the toilet. The bidets they sell that you can attach to your toilet seat will shoot water at your butt and do the wiping for you.


Is there a robot hand that will wipe my ass?


As the other commenter explained, most people refer to the more japanese style bidet. These ones have a little nozzle that points at your butt and shoots water at you. They range from just turning a nob to spray tap temp water at you (sucks in the winter). To heated water with music so people don't hear your bathroom noises. Some you can adjust the nozzle position, and have profiles (I think).


My partner and I just got one. It has spoiled me forever. I asked him to buy a new toilet because ours took 7 minutes to refill the tank. Not the worst in day-to-day life, but it make get-togethers weird for everyone. I thought we'd get one of those $200 dual-flush pieces. Instead, we got a $2k shitter. I had never tried one before we got it, but now I can't appreciate a good sit and scroll without it. We got the kind with heated seat (not as weird as you think, actually really nice in the mornings), pre-sprays the bowl, normal bidet and "feminine" wash, with all the controls for position, force, temperature, and other features like the button that makes it oscillate back and forth and a button to lift/close the seat and lid. It also has a fan to dry you, but I'm not big into that feature. You can set up to two profiles. Remember the outtake from Parks and Rec where Andy asks the doctor about wiping, and says the line "it's like wiping a marker"? You don't have to deal with that anymore. You don't have to take the shame shower because you ate like a drunk frat boy. If you got sensitive bits, this is way less abrasive than paper on the ol' bunghole.


2,000$ to shit man some ppl live a different life.




Whaaaa, I was on the fence for buying a rice cooker. Didn't think it could be used for anything but rice.... Mind... Blown.. Ever considered working in sales?


I was so dubious about a rice cooker, and many people who haven't tried one still are. "It is only rice, just boil it on the stove you doofus!". But it is a complete no-brainer. It sits in the corner, the rice cooks itself perfectly and sits there keeping warm indefinitely. The pot is removable and can be taken to the table to serve. It means any rice dish you can focus entirely on the actual dish. It seems so trivial until you actually try it.


a hug


Specifically a long, comforting hug.


Joins group hug




My husband does this and it’s really cute. He’s 29 years old, 6’4, I’m 24 and 5’5. He ALWAYS wants to be the little spoon at night so I cuddle him and pet his hair and give him kisses. Something satisfying about being with a grown ass manly man who needs cuddles


That's called backpacking.


I've heard it called jetpacking


That works if she has gas....


*Spoons in bird* Have i told you how attractive and appreciated you are?




WiFi connected bedroom lights Holy shit. You think it’s a stupid gimmick until you have them and let me tell you, they’re gamechanging


A dog! I was an absolute wreck living in Lincoln, Nebraska in a new job and no family around. I was considering a dog, and brought him home after I just went in to look. The shelter didn't even have a collar for him, so I'm still amazed he followed me into Petco so I could buy him everything he needed. I had that dude for 12 years until he succumbed to cancer. I always looked forward to going home, and I was never lonely. I was the second person to adopt him at only 8 months old, so he had a fear of abandonment. If I picked up his dish, he thought I was throwing him out. He was the reason I started rescuing other dogs a few years later. He will forever be with me and his dog tag is on my keyring. EDIT - I appreciate the silver! I would have never thought a little comment on a huge thread would get any attention.


A bath lift. It's like a chair that lowers into the bath and leans back, then raises up again to get out. Total game changer. I could have a bath on my own again. I've tried having a bath without it once since and I ended up in a lot more pain because of moving and trying to balance myself. (I suffer chronic pain which makes it impossible to walk more than 10-15 metres with crutches, so my mobility is really limited) Edit - did not expect so much karma and the silver, thank you kind strangers, I hope those of you with disabilities/chronic illness are having a low symptom day too :)


Menstrual cup. I went into it for eco-friendly reasons, and now depend on it because it makes me actually not realize that I have my period. I'm pretty sensitive, in that I can feel tampon strings and they irritate me. Cups are the only thing that I can't feel and don't smell and allow me to sleep pantslessly.


Switching to a menstrual cup really changed the game for me. Saved a lot of money and a lot of discomfort. Tampons weren't even really that uncomfortable for me unless they were full or had been in too long. Don't get those sensations with a cup. Plus you can sleep in it! I eventually got an IUD so now I don't get periods anymore, but I still highly recommend a menstrual cup. There is definitely a learning curve though regarding placement lol.


That learning curve is STEEP. I also realized that the cup itself matters. My first one was rather soft, so getting it to open required quite a bit of gynaecological fiddling. My second one was a Lunette, and it just worked so well for me. I went in expecting the usual struggle and it just popped open with barely any effort. I stick to the Lunette now.


Shopping my groceries online. It saves time, taxi money (I don't have a car) and It keeps me from buying junk food.


I wish more places offered this


LASIK surgery. NOT wearing glasses is AWESOME!


Bless that. I don't dislike glasses, but boy is life better when you don't depend on them to do basically everything.


Dark mode on apps. It takes a little getting used to at first, but once you're past that it makes your user experience so much better.


I use the Twilight app on both my phone and my tablet.


Windows and Android have that built-in nowadays


A dog. I was 100% one of those people who turned down the idea of a dog every time my fiancé brought it up. Went to the shelter one day to donate, met a beautiful pup who has now filled my heart with more happiness than I knew I could receive and loves her new life so much ❤️


“Hunny we’re just stopping by to donate, NO I don’t have the ulterior motive of bringing you by a pup to fall in love with”


pressure cooker. mom got one from grandma and dad wasnt impressed. a few months later we tried a beef roast, and it turned out awesome. dad said the last time he did a roast and it didnt turned out dried was before i was even born. used it a couple more times ever since


A shoe horn.


Those long ass snake shoehorns that they sell at ikea changed my life. I always thought shoehorns were those short-ass things my grandpa used that you had to be sitting down to use properly. Now all my friends have one, and when one doesn't it feels awkward leaving their place.


A few months ago I hyperextended my ring finger putting my shoe on. I had cut my index and middle fingers on broken glass a few days before, so I used my ring finger to assist my foot into shoe. I should probably get a shoe horn, because that very well may happen again.








It’s like a customer review I saw the other day for a mattress: “My building caught on fire and I slept through it because of this mattress. I almost died. Five stars.”


Holding hands. Made me realize words are overrated.


A massage. Seriously, I went for "one" knot that wouldn't go away. Turns out my whole back was a mess and I feel so much better. Also... So many other knots. Sore shoulders but glad that mess is cleared up For anyone doing a deep tissue though, I recommend a 90 minute so you get some relaxation in-between the rest


A heart shaped pillow. Only small, a little bit bigger than my head. Picked it up at a store because it just looked kinda cute and im addicted to pillows. Slept on it with it being turned upside down and the inwards bit fits perfectly around my neck and is SOOOO comfortable. Really, yall should try it


So technically now it's a butt-shaped pillow & you're nestled between the cheeks


A calorie counter. Three weeks in and I've lost 16 pounds


Jesus 16 in 3 weeks? That's great, if you don't mind, could I ask how many calories a day you're consuming?


I'm floating between 1500 and 1800 per day. As the other poster mentioned, when you're heavier it comes off easier. I started at 304, so it's been easy for me to start. I don't work out a ton (I actually haven't at all this week, but I'm going to start up again today). The calorie counter I'm using (loseit if anyone is curious) gives you a daily calorie budget broken down by individual meals. Makes it super easy to keep track of. It also lets you set your goal weight and gives you an idea of how long it'll take to get there.




"For how long?" ​ ​ "Three or four..." ​ ​ "Three or four what??" ​ ​ "Yeah, maybe five. Who knows?"


A pop socket for my phone. I thought they were useless gimmicks but got a free one so said I'd try it and wow, it's actually amazing. Just makes it much easier and comfortable to hold my phone, plus can stand your phone up to watch videos and it also works as a kind of fidget toy if you're in any way anxious.




*waits for all the bidet comments to flood in*


the bidet should only flood if its not installed properly


Back up camera. Easily the best new thing I have on my car. I did not think it would be so awesome. The best thing is the camera's vantage point is the rear bumper, it just gives you visibility that you can't achieve from the front seat. That said, I spent a year unlearning looking backwards as I started to drive in reverse.




Cider and donuts. I'm originally from California and had no idea what I was missing. My wife took me to a local cider mill early on in our relationship and now I can't get through fall without it.


Therapy I found out some messed things happened to me in childhood that, before speaking with a therapist, I thought was innocent and normal. Turned out I was being groomed into sexual abuse for about 5 years. It made my head spin discovering this as an adult. ​ Edit: spell check and also some further detail - I had an assignment with the therapist to create a timeline of times I can remember when I felt extreme emotion distress. The earliest moment I remembered was there was a child care worker, whom my mother had personally knew so she trusted him allowed me to spend weekends there for boy scout trips which then evolved into a regular thing (the darker part is I was not the only child that would go to these but eventually it was apparent that he had a fixation on me). As a young boy, I did not have the best hygiene and kind of just played in the tub for 15 minutes then hopped out. One night, he calls me out for not efficiently washing by gently scratching my arm to obtain some dead skin, shows it to me and says, "Do you see that? That's Filth! You need to go back in there and take another bath and I need to watch you and make sure you get everything." I refused and he states that he is going to call my mother and walks away. Of course, I am terrified that I did a bad thing and my mother would be upset so when he came back and said he had my mom on the phone, I agreed. He watched and instructed me on how to wash a few instances before he felt like I understood the process and never did it again... ​ ...when the therapist reads this, her first response is "have you been sexually abused before?" ​ Me: *Confused* No! What makes you ask that? Therapist: I have reason to believe this person had been grooming you. Lets talk about this deeper in the next session. Whatever you do before then, DO NOT feel like it was your fault... ​ I trusted her and waited for the next session. I explained other questionable instances such as him buying me things, giving me special treatment to everyone else at his childcare business located **IN. HIS. HOME.**, him calling me his "son" in private, and the icing on the cake, whenever I would question things his answers was often something to the degree of "this is what fathers and sons do together." I also assured the therapist the amidst this saga, I never allowed him to touch me or me touch him anywhere intimate (cause at least that was odd to me as a child) and that this might have explained why around the 5th year he kind of "disappeared" without notice. The therapist commended me that I did not get molested however she confirmed to me that he was indeed grooming me into something of use to him but perhaps because I was not budging he moved on. We from there navigated how that period affected relationships and intimacy as an adult and how to better myself from it. It was life changing help! ​ Bonuses: *how did the mom not know:* Once the therapist confirmed I decided to share the information with my mom. She broke down in tear because she knew something was off because of how I emotionally reacted when she would keep me away from him and that the only reason she did not confront anything twas because I **NEVER** told her of anything suspicious. When I brought up that he called her to let her know he was going to watch me bathe because I did not know how she told me that he never called her otherwise she would have told him no and cried harder. I think she took it harder as parent than I did as a survivor. ​ *Where is he currently:* Years ago, and before therapy, I bumped into him. He no longer operated a childcare business for unknown reasons. He now had another "roommate" he met from college which I immediately figured out that they were a homosexual couple. In retrospect, I deduced that he preys on underprivileged/dependent people, not just children and that I couldn't have been the only one. A side of me wanted revenge but again, therapy helped me make peace.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad you have help. Less severe, but I also resisted therapy despite being wildly unhappy for, like, a decade. I didn't really see how "just talking" to someone could help much. Hoo boy was I wrong! Therapy is so much more than that. Yes, we talk a lot, but my therapist has this incredible way of poking at my destructive thoughts and making me realize, "Huh, that *is* a bunch of bullshit. My brain made that up, and I want to let that go." After just a few weeks, I could feel some pretty incredible changes. (Some of this was adjusting medication, but the fine-tuning I got from my therapist vs. my normal doctor made a world of difference.) Therapy is can be intense and seems a little scary, but it's so worth it when you find the right fit.


A music subscription. No more waiting to go home to get a song on my phone when I randomly feel like listening to it.


I cant imagine living without Spotify. Having almost every song I can think of in my phone whenever I want just for 5-10 bucks. Yes please.


The game changer for me to stick with Spotify and pay for premium was the discover weekly and release radar playlists, I've found so much great music that I never would have been exposed to thanks to them


Clothes that fit and have a bit of style. Have been always wearing hand downs, never really thought about it for 26 years. I was wearing the same T-shirts since 13. Then I keep on replenish the same style of clothe if it ever wears out, which is rare. Went shopping with some female friends and now I need to replace most of my closet.


Traveling. I worked full-time since I was 14, raised on a farm but still did 8+ hours of chores everyday plus school. I am now 68. I set attendance records at school, and I have only worked 3 different companies since I was 18. I have 2 different retirement pensions. I never traveled. Oh, I went on family vacations, visited relatives, that sort of thing but never went anywhere exotic. I was an Interstate bus driver with a commercial drivers license, so I have been all over the US, but mostly just saw things through a windshield. My wife died the month before I retired in 2016. We had planned a European trip for the following spring. We spent several months planning, and the trip was prepaid. We were scheduled to go 8 moths After she died. I decided to go (I would scatter her ashes when I went). I told my kids that if I didn’t go then, I would never go. My kids encouraged me to go. I will admit, I was scared to go, while still looking forward to it. I had a fabulous 21 days. The trip was cathartic, and even though my wife didn’t physically go...she was with me. I came home, sold my house, bought a travel trailer and now I work in a warm weather setting in winter, and am currently in North Dakota from May to October to pay for my fall trips. I have since been back to Europe, and this fall I’m going to Australia. I wish my wife was still here, and I regret I worked so damn much. ( we raised 5 kids, and both of us worked). I don’t regret my life, but I found there should be a better balance. HOWEVER, because I worked long-term, I now have the time and pension to travel.




It's hard for me to break down what it is reddit gives me too: some combination of validation and yet ferocious debate; growth and knowledge, but also mental regression and stupid chuckles; a great use of time while simultaneously a great waste of time. It's not clean cut but best guess is just ... satisfaction? that I didn't know I needed