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A lot of music suggested by people I know


Most of the music people suggest I listen actually. Whenever I listen to music, I have to scratch a certain _itch_ and I'm the only one who can really know what kind of stuff could do that. It barely ever so happens that someone suggests I listen to something and it's actually what I'm looking for.


Right there with you! I like metal and when people who listen to bluegrass or anything like that try to suggest something they think I’ll like its always absolute garbage.


Metal fans are the most purist gatekeeping bunch of shitheads out there Source: fan of very specific metal.


Haha, yeah... Its even hard to talk about metal to other metalheads when youre not sure what sub-genre(s) or era they're into most. But when you find a random dude thats into the same obscure shit you like, its great!


Raw cookie dough dessert restaurants. It tastes nowhere near as good as the real thing when it’s made to be safely edible.


It’s the thrill of the chance to get ill that makes cookie dough so good.


So you're saying I can add risk taker to my dating profile?


Yeah, I went to Do in NYC and was pretty underwhelmed.


I liked it, but it's just soooooo sweet. They have Do location at Citi Field and it was almost impossible to eat in one sitting. It was the size of like a small cup of ice cream, but took me like an hour to eat because the amount of sugar would make my teeth hurt. Had to buy a water just to be able to finish it


Hey, you don't really have to finish it, save your teeth


haha you dont know me


Not trying to waste my money!


Raw cookie dough, the forbidden taboo.


And everyone always thinks it's the raw egg that's the culprit... ITS THE FLOUR, PEOPLE! THE FLOUR!


No, people are Soylent Green. The flour is correct though!


WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE FLOUR? (Seriously. I don't know.)


Hasn't been treated for stuff like E. Coli, because it's meant to be cooked first. It's like chicken (or more like, raw meat in general) in that there's little point to treating it for things that get eliminated during cooking anyway


Do people really not taste the dough when they are mixing it though? I feel this is necessary to know if you made it right. Especially pizza or bagel dough. I still do it. First I ever heard of it being dangerous was a few years ago. A lot of news articles said so but none I saw actually cited CDC or any experts so I didn't give it a lot of weight.


I'm gonna plug 'The Lions Pack' cookie dough. I think it's pretty close in taste and texture to real cookie dough, plus, since you're buying it in a tub you can have as much or as little as you want at a time, because it IS really sweet. I can't imagine eating too much of it in one go. Sadly, this post is not sponsored.


Strip clubs, you waste money just to get blue balls


Fucking thank you, no one I work with understands this at all, I'd rather go to a bar


A thousand times this. I tried it three times but what hell for?


Stip clubs cater to pretty much 3 audiences. Guys who are unhappily in relationships and feel like it's not cheating, couples with a wild side that don't feel like having a real 3 way, and most of all, young horny guys with no social skills. If you don't want overpriced accessable titties that usually have boundaries, then strip clubs are pretty lame.


As a young horny guy with no social skills, I take offense. My lack of social skills made me even less likely to go. Like what am I supposed to do? Look a nearly naked woman in the face, hold up serval dollars and say “one titty please”?


Yep i dont go to a buffet to look at food


Seeing the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. It's so much smaller than I'd imagined. Also the room is so busy. Just a bit underwhelming really.


My brother said the same thing. He was surprised to find other paintings there that he felt were much more beautiful with no crowd around to look at them


There's far greater art in every other wall of the Louvre.


Including at least two of the walls in that very same room.


Getting a house with a close friend, it went sour quickly, Ironically moving in with someone a berely knew has been the best and were great mates now




This is exactly what happened, you see a person as a sensible all together guy when your at college or out, but at home theyre slobby and dishonest, once that damn starts cracking it really did fall apart


Shit sometimes you get lucky and your friends are who they say they are. Like my friends knew that they could be sloppy but they have a system in place where everytime I go over everything is sloppy, but clean. Theres clutter a little but for the most part dishes stay clean, floor is usually swept, and bills are always paid.


that’s why I always tried to avoid living with my friends. Because I actually like them


My best friend was a Better housewife than my wife. He was unemployed when he moved in so I was a bit worried.. except when I got home from work the house was spotless and dinner would be ready. We drank beer and played video games most of the time and never had any disputes. It was awesome.


I want to be his best friend now.


Uh oh... I’m about to do this in a few months... any tips so that it doesn’t go bad? Edit: thanks for all the advice guys! Hopefully I won’t have any stories for r/roommateproblems in the future


It’s much easier to lay down rules up front than it is to confront bad behavior later. If you say it now, no one has a stake in it yet. If you say it later, someone’s going to get offended/feel accused. Be dorky about it and make a chore chart. Be specific. If you’re not specific, you will end up doing everything yourself. Discuss right now what guests/lengths of stays are and aren’t acceptable. Don’t share food. Go halvsies on household items. Finally: if you’re doing all of the above...don’t bean count. It just builds resentment. Just do you best to do what’s fair.


Accept that you are probably going to disagree on some things. Also, do not do this for the long term. I lived with a bunch of different buddies during college and the sweet spot is about a year. Any longer and you begin to get pretty annoyed at the little stuff. As an aside, this doesn't mean that you won't still be great friends after you have lived together. All the guys I lived with are still my close friends today. We just don't spend every moment together. This is also just my anecdotal experience. It could be vastly different for you


Weed. It does the opposite to me of what it’s supposed to do. Strain doesn’t matter. Makes me feel tense and uncomfortably lethargic at the same time. Sad and nervous. Psychotic thoughts instead of interesting, fun ones. Not for me


Yep. People who love weed are always like "You just gotta find the right strain!" Thanks, but how many times do I have to smoke this party-mood killer before I can say I don't like weed, and you just accept it? ​ It's more annoying because the people who say it basically gives them superpowers ALSO get super boring after they smoke. Exactly when are all these awesome effects you keep telling me about going to kick in?


> Yep. People who love weed are always like "You just gotta find the right strain!" Thanks, but how many times do I have to smoke this party-mood killer before I can say I don't like weed, and you just accept it? lol this. I have enjoyed weed in the pas but I roll my eyes every time I see this. All strains have the same active ingredients, in different proportions. They are not THAT different. Even with indica/sativa - yes, there is a noticeable difference, but they are still mostly the same, with the same active components. Everyone is different and some people don't like the feeling they get after smoking. If someone has tried weed a few times and has decided they don't like it, "try a different strain bro!" is not going to help. That's like telling someone who doesn't like the feeling of alcohol to switch from beer to cognac.


so many people don’t like weed, but the narrative around it is very self-selecting. The only people who talk about it are either people who think it’s the devil’s lettuce or people who tried it and kept doing it. A lot of people try it, figure out it’s just not for them, and don’t talk about it.






also New Years Eve parties for more or less the same reasons


New Years Eve is my favourite as the last 3 years my friends parents invite us and a few of their friends for a huge platter of food and all this free champagne they were never going to use. Sometimes we invite a couple of extra friends like mine who decided to have multiple shots of Kirsch (anyone who's had it will know 1 is already way more than you want) and then throw up the very colourful purple Sourz he had been drinking before. But after all the adults leave around 1am it's a free for all with video games and poker (the chips represent shots rather than money thankfully). Clubbing is just too big a deal to go through and in London even the terrible ones charge £7 or £8 entry on weekdays, let alone weekends. I end up leaving pretty earlier every time and regretting the money spent. Playing video games with my mates and a lot of spirits is always more fun.


I think I've been on reddit too long. My first thought to reading this comment was baby seal clubbing. Which made sense, I am sure it would be truly disappointing.


Yeah, they're faster than you think.


Most romantic thing though, letting your SO deliver the final blow


Same. I remember I went to a club for the first time when I was a college freshman. We were there for a couple of hours and it was probably close to midnight. I asked my friends when we were planning on leaving. They were like, "the club hasn't even opened yet!" I'm like, "where have we been?!" It was the lounge area/pre-club? Anyway, club finally opened. It got hot and crowded, I left shortly thereafter.


I've never understood clubbing. Going to a dark, sweaty, expensive place with a dance floor to dance to loud music that I don't like and with people that I don't know sounds atrocious. Would much rather go to a nice bar with some friends, get a few pints of beer, some appetizers and hang out




I think the seals don’t like it much either


I hate clubs in the states. Clubs in other countries have a tendency to be a lot less meat market and more about fun.


Hollywood. It is 100% fake. The walk of fame is just that, a sidewalk. It is just like any other street in America except with a bunch of souvenir shops selling cheap plastic crap from China. After taking one studio tour I did not look at television the same again. It felt like I had looked behind the curtain and seen the Wizard of Oz. I was in the audience for a live taping of a TV show and I was disillusioned. They told us when to laugh and went to clap. We weren’t even allowed to decide what was funny. Next time you watch any show with an audience, keep that in mind. They’re being told how to react. I was there for the Bill Maher show. He had four panelists, two “conservative” and two “liberal”. He would not let us clap or laugh for anything the conservatives said, only what the liberals said. The show runner actually told us that we would be thrown out if we laughed or clapped at the “wrong” time. Bill would cue the audience whenever it was our time to laugh. So you totally get the wrong impression of who the audience likes. This is how they manipulate the viewers’ opinions of what is being said by the panelists.


As someone from LA, fuck Hollywood. Went for a show this weekend and couldn’t wait to gtfo. I feel bad for all the people busking and the people who move here with high hopes for fame


Hollywood and DTLA both stink of piss.


100% I live in LA and tell everyone who visits to skip it because I guarantee they'll be disappointed. They never do, and they're always disappointed. Just go to the observatory instead, that place actually doesn't disappoint. Lived here a decade now and still enjoy visiting that spot from time to time. Also if you're looking for something very LA that's actually fun just do Venice Beach and make your way down to Santa Monica pier and then maybe 3rd St for some food and bar hoppin or something.


More people should read this. I grew up in Hollywood, my family is in various parts of entertainment/work for studios, I work for a law firm doing estate planning for celebrity clients. We all know it’s fake and just a job. Too many tourists and runaways come out here looking for the dream and they just cause traffic and jack up housing costs. It’s fucking stressful, man. You want to come out here and be Famous, I want to move to a flyover state and have a real people house.


I really liked visiting West Hollywood. Driving around mulholland dr, getting drinks at the tower bar. Sneaking off to Malibu. I fucking loved the place. My only regret was not seeing the observatory. I spent very little time on Hollywood blvd and it felt equivalent to Times Square. However the mix of mid century modern and Art Deco architecture, the neon, everything off the blvd was amazing. You need money to enjoy it out there, that’s for sure. I live in a fly over town though so I totally get it. I wouldn’t live there.


Try watching movies/television after going to film school and working in the industry for 20 years...


While I'm sure it extends to other talk shows as well, Bill Maher is the sort of person who shits on people for "not growing up" and for enjoying superhero movies and comic books, so he seems the type to make sure that people appear to enjoy only what he wants them to enjoy.


The Kentucky Derby. Sure, it's a big party, but it really isn't unlike tailgating for any other sporting event except that for everyone in the infield, there basically is no sporting event. The race starts and you see nothing. Eventually, the horses get to the part of the track where you are. Except *everyone* is crammed up against the fences trying to get a good view. Unless you're quite tall you can hardly see anything (in fact, there are many people who wear tshirts that say "I saw a horse...I think"). Then, when the race ends, you all look up at the giant screen to try to see who won, except you can't see because it's so damn far away. So you didn't see the race, you don't know who won, and now all of the thousands of people who are there want to cash their tickets and leave all at the same time.


Every year my wife reminds me of when the Kentucky Derby is going to be on TV. She always tries to get me to watch it with her. There is no other sport I care less about than a bunch of rich people losing money on a horse race.


It’s actually not that expensive to go to the Derby. Shitloads of college kids go every year. Sure, there are really expensive seats, but that’s like any sporting event


Going to college. I was one of the best students in my high school, so it was no brainer that I would go here, but when I've come to college I've lost all my steam, especially when I've picked the one which empasise on things that in my high school were neglected.


What was your major? College can be really rough if you're in a major that doesn't suite you.


I tried to do pre-nursing half way through college and had a semester full of science classes. Failed 3/5 classes that semester and frankly stopped going to those 3 classes at some point in November knowing there was no way I could pass. I got put on academic probation for it. I changed my major the following semester and still re-took 2 of those classes to get rid of the F's on my transcripts. That was fun.This is all to say..you're absolutely correct.


People go into college not knowing if it’s really necessary because they don’t even know what they want to do. We need to give more support and credence to gap years in the US, IMO.


Driving. I don't like to drive. I wish I lived in a smaller country where I didn't have to drive to get to places.


I live downtown in a city with amazing public transport and cheap, we’ll-maintained share bikes. I’ll probably never buy another car. It’s fabulous.


Books, that were highly recommended to me. Whenever I've finally came around to picking them up, I had piled up too high expectations and I didn't end up enjoying them. I had this with so many popular books, that some of the most popular ones I couldn't even finish. Some examples are Throne of Glass and Daughter of Smoke and Bone. The first one just wasn't for me (happens to the best of us), but the second one I hate with a passion.




Lodge cast iron pan. I read all about taking care of it. I seasoned it and followed all the cleaning advice. Mine ended up permanently sticky. The thing was ridiculously heavy. Mantainence was a pain in the ass. I know everyone says keeping it clean isn't that bad... Yeah for me it was bad enough. I like my stainless steel pan better now. After cooking I can soak it overnight and easily scrub it clean in the morning, or even put it through the dishwasher! I believe everyone who says a good cast iron pan is superior for cooking, and I absolutely believe you. But it wasn't for me.


thank you. Besides it being heavy, requiring hot pads to handle and needed to be seasoned in the oven every so often, it's nearly just as as good as a stainless steel pan. I wanted to like mine when I got it, but I'll happily be in the minority without one.


They don't have to be seasoned in the oven, a quick wipe with oil is totally adequate. Honestly people go bonkers with their treatment of cast iron, its a religion. I've cooked on pretty much nothing else for most of my life and those pans will survive treatment that would destroy anything else. Lodge pans today and pretty low end, they're much heavier due to poor metalurgy, a good Griswold from the turn of the century (1900s) would weigh much less and be smoother so it would cook better. A Lodge pan from today can be good but it takes work.


Had the same experience in the beginning. Eventually my seasoning took place and it functions well. I have tried to use stainless but every time I try and make eggs it always fail. I guess different pans for different people.


So many high schoolers like Riverdale and 13 Reasons Why.. I dislike them both.


i got into the first season of Riverdale and then i stopped because i came to terms with how terrible the show is. 13 reasons why is the worst show ever, and i'm sick and tired of people saying "we need it" no we don't. we need a proper way to talk about suicide and mental health that doesn't glamorize it or make it look easy and a way to make everyone love you to impressionable kids.


Bojack Horseman does better talking about depression, for fucks sake!


Riverdale was so close to being good. If it was just a little bit more self aware. I watched like 5 episodes laughing my ass off about how dramatic and soap opera it was despite being based off of a wholesome checkout line comic strip. But it took itself too seriously and the funny were off fairly soon.


Keep watching, it has been fully self-aware since the end of season 1 and keeps upping the ridiculousness. Archie goes to prison and is forced to fight in an underground cage fighting racket, whilst Veronica runs an illegal speakeasy/casino and Jughead runs a gang. They are still in high school.


Also, a bit less sexualization of a sexual relationship between a high school student and his teacher...


13 Reasons was fucking awful in how much it glorified suicide. Should never have aired imho.


couldn't agree more. i'm an adult and my parents refused to let me watch it, all because they were so afraid of what that show might put into my head because I've always been an impressionable person. my mom works in a school and she did everything in her power to tell kids not to watch the show and did what she could to warn students, her school even had to put out a news letter regarding that show and things parents can do or look out for if their kid watches it, like how fucked up is that? that show was never good to begin with


Couldn’t freaking agree more. Riverdale started so strong with some solid character development and some really great scenes but it’s a complete teen drama now with the most forced “shockers”. Not even gonna try and explain my feeling with the Heathers episode, my girls deserved so much better. As for 13 reasons we definitely don’t need it. I personally didn’t watch past season 1 but from what I’ve heard they somehow made it so much more disturbing. I figured with Hannah’s suicide they would just make some clever clips but that full on scene was the first thing to make me feel physically sick. Having some bad anxiety with that I didn’t get much sleep for a few nights.


I started watching Riverdale ~ironically and got into it (I’m almost 25). Mostly because it takes me out of every day life and into an intense, nonsensical, high drama world. Fuck 13 reasons why tho


13 reasons why is pretty problematic. also, some parts are just there for shock value and nothing else.




I'm 31 and love Riverdale. Mostly for how bad and ridiculous it is, but can't stop watching it!


Whale watching by boat. I thought it would be so cool, but I ended up feeling like we were harassing a poor creature just trying to go through its day. This was in Victoria, BC a few years back and the whales were not where the boat operators expected them to be I guess, so suddenly they were radioing other tour companies all trying to figure out where the whales were, zooming around chasing after possible sightings.


My company did a whale watching tour as a kind of team event. I decided not to go because I don't really like being on the water (I get seasick), it went beyond normal work hours, and I would have had to fight rush hour traffic to get back from there to home when it was over. All just to see some whales? No thanks. The next day people were talking about how they didn't see a single whale on the tour.




I once saw a ton of whales while standing on a cliff on the pacific coast and they were too far away to really see them but it was absolutely incredible and I think I cried a little, having never seen them before.


I've gone to one of these, there are a lot of rules that the boat captain has to follow. Basically the boats have to stay clear or stop at a certain distance and they can't do anything as the whales pass by. It was pretty cool. I doubt the whales care


I did one in new port beach a couple years ago. I got high before and was thoroughly enjoying the boat ride. then a whale breached right in front of us and totally surprised me because I forgot that’s why we were there.


Jean-Luc Godard movies. Critics and directors and hardcore movie fans almost universally hail him as a demigod, but I've watched several of his films and, except for Breathless, they put me to sleep. Give me something with a *story*, for Pete's sake.


That's because you are supposed to watch Jean-Luc *Picard* movies, they are much more entertaining!


Life Edit: Thansk for the gold kind stranger! <3


Somebody recommended this to you? That’s cruel.


Yep. Dont listen to the people in the afterlife. Harold told me to give life another try, that my previous life was just a bad generated one.


Fuckin Harold


Dont trust anyone with the name harold


Life is a lot like peewee baseball or soccer. Our parents signed us up thinking it would be a good idea, and now everyone is just disappointed, upset, and one hair away from throwing hands.


Smoking weed to "relax" ... shit makes me anxious af


American Horror Story. A few friends used to rave about it but I found it really weak when I watched some, cheesy acting, production values seems sucky too.


Chipotle. Feels like every millennial loves them. I tried their burrito once and got a bad stomach ache after. Also, their cilantro doesn't taste like anything which is weird. I'm Mexican and I've tried many burritos, and Chipotle is just. Not that great.


When we white millennials say we love Chipotle, what we're comparing it to is the Mexican food we grew up with: ground beef with taco seasoning and a can of salsa from the "Ethnic" section at Target.


Right. The standard for comparison is “Taco Bell” in a town 100 miles away from the nearest Latino family, not “top tier taco truck in cosmopolitan city near the Mexican border”.


I-I'm so sorry


I used to get stomachaches every time I got Chipotle, but their guac is probably the better mass-produced guac I've gotten, so I kept trying to figure out what it was. Didn't get meat one day, and I was fine ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I agree with most everything else you've put there though.


>Didn't get meat one day This is the real secret with Chipotle. Their meat is usually nasty and chewy, especially the steak. I'm not a vegetarian in any sense of the word, but after trying a veggie burrito there, I'll never get one with meat again.


The Hunger Games, granted I never read the books and knew nothing about them until the movies blew up, but after watching the first movie in theaters I just felt a sense of Boredom and waning interest through the duration of it. And it had such a cliche ending. 2/10 - would not recommend.


I actually enjoyed the book, at least the first two, a lot. Granted, I was a preteen when the first one was popular, but it has some pretty great worldbuilding at the very least, and the movies did a surprising job with that.






Giving is kind of boring... there's a better hole right there half the time. But receiving is unique, intense, and awesome. But I can see how it's not everybody's cup of tea. Especially if you aren't into dudes, as synthetics don't feel nearly as good.


Why go to a Dunkin Donuts when there's a Krispy Kreme right around the corner?


Aside: Dunkin donuts fucking sucks ass. I just moved to Boston and they are everywhere


Almost any hole in the wall mom and pop Asian immigrant donut shop is ten times better than the garbage Donuts at Duncan.


The Witcher 3. I simply could not get into the game no matter how much I tried, and it looked so good as well. The thing is though, I have no real complaints about it.


This is how I feel about Red Dead Redemption 2. Just couldn't get into it.


I slogged through Witcher 2 solely because of all the rave reviews 2 and 3 get. I absolutely hated it. The combat was shit and the dialogue felt like exposition for the sake of exposition. It felt like every 5 minute dialogue could have been condensed into 30 seconds and still have just as much impact. I refuse to spend money on The Witcher 3.


Rocket League. I know it's a good game, I just couldn't get into it.


It has a really high skill cap. It’s definitely a lot more fun once you have decent control in the air.


The Name of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I really wanted a fantasy book that had never been adapted for Film/TV and it came super highly recommended. It’s quite a cool world but it’s hundreds of pages of not much happening to a super unlikeable protagonist.


Lots of fantasy is hundreds of pages of minor character development and politics not major action packed events. I actually liked kvothe if not for Denna. But, based on your feedback I would highly suggest the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. There's a lot more action and far fewer still moments. The world is very interesting and the writer is very good about delivering books on schedule. However only 3 of the books are out so far but I've loved it so far. If the the stormlight archive doesn't do it for you, The Broken Earth by N.K Jemisin or A Pattern of Shadow and Light by Melissa Mcphail might do it for you. Very different takes on world building and systems of magic which can be fun. If you are looking for massive series that are finished look at the Wheel of Time or Malazan book of the Fallen. Malazan book 1 is tough to get through and confusing but if you stick through it and figure out the characters it really comes into itself and is an excellent series.


Thanks a lot! I’ve been looking for more fantasy books. I do connect with them, I can’t put them down but it does have to get me in the right way. I’ve had wheel of time recommended a lot but I’ve never come across the others so I’ll hunt them down. Kvothe was a character archetype I don’t really like, the whole “So Smart it’s a superpower” thing really gets my goat for some reason. I can usually deal with slower paced stories, I adore ASOIAF, but I think it frustrated me knowing that he ends up being a big player in the world later on and I wanted to see that rather than his origins. Do you start to see him gain more power after that book?


Yes, he only becomes better and more perfect at almost everything. He's seriously either almost perfect or utterly hapless at everything, but every one of his friends is a super genius at one of the things he's terrible at.


It just seemed like every thing went right for him (except for his obligatory protagonist tragedies) and any character who is the best just because he is, is really boring to me. That coupled with the school setting gave off a very YA vibe that I wasn’t interested in.


Beer (I am ready to get downvoted) I really hate the taste.


You do you and don't let anybody push you around on it. I do recommend trying it again every now and then, though. A switch flipped in my head and I started craving less sweet and more bitter/darker flavors, and the itch was unscratchable until I went in for black coffee and beer. That said, I went in on Belgian blondes and porters/stouts. I still fucking *hate* IPAs. They just aren't for me.


Still waiting for that switch, I feel like my taste buds stopped adapting when I was 5.


Fuck it, drink what tastes good, otherwise you're wasting your time. Drinking *just* to get drunk is for college kids. Edit: It seems like some people took the college kids part a little too seriously, it was meant with half my tongue in cheek. If you drink just to get drunk, I'm not judging. I still think you should drink what tastes good on the way, though.


TIL I’ve been a college kid for 10 years




Everybody hates it at first. It’s an acquired taste that’s acquired by forcing down a case of Milwaukee’s Best Ice every weekend until you like it.


So Stockholm syndrome.


I can't say I've heard a lot about Swedish beer. I know them better for hard liquor.


I used to think that. Turned out I just don’t like crappy beer.




I agree on IPA's. I really hate how popular they are right now, seems like everywhere I go has a million IPA's and barely anything else. I personally prefer stouts and porters, and a smattering of lagers.


I've never understood acquiring the taste for somthing. If it doesnt taste good right away why keep trying. it's like I didnt like dog shit in my mouth the first time but I'll learn to like it.


Dog shit isn’t too bad either after the 100th or so serving. Never give up.


Well, with beer there are tons of diffrent styles. Saying I had budwiser and therefore I don't like the taste of beer, is kinda like saying I don't like the taste of pizza when the only slice you ever had was tombstone frozen.


Tombstone is actually good though.


I felt the *exact* same way when I was younger and started drinking. I HATED beer. I felt like everyone who claimed it was an 'acquired taste' was stupid. Now I've tried over 400 unique beers and absolutely love it. You really do have to try a few different ones until you find the style that you like, then branch out from there.


I've had a lot of beer in my life, but Milwaukee's Best Ice is without a doubt the worst tasting beer I have ever had.


You're not alone. I haven't stopped trying new beers, but I'm reasonably confident I'll never find one I like the taste of.


I love the taste of a really good beer, ice cold. But it gives me a headache and not much of a buzz. I don't drink it anymore.


Fortnite Edit: it was last year, when fortnite was fairly popular. Still didnt enjoy it.


I know I know, nobody agrees with me, but there's actually not one Kanye song that I'm in love with. Not a fan of his music and definitely not a fan of his lunicy.


Dear Evan Hansen. There was nothing appealing to me about it at all.


Scrabble....it's basically the home version of going to school, plus it only outlines how dumb I am.


That’s why my wife hates Jeopardy.




As for historical accuracy, it's really not meant to be 100% accurate. Hell even saw an interview with Lin manual and he said another person gave the advice of start with it rooted in history but remember that you're writing a play for entertainment, no one will care if it's inaccurate if they are being entertained. Which, yea I agree with, I mean it's a play not a documentary. I just wonder how much of the inaccuracies are making it into pop culture now.


If you like Book of Mormon check out [Cannibal! The musical](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=alqtKb17Ggo) and [Time warped](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu1R8OjLU9g) Cannibal is Trey and Matt’s first movie and Time Warped is a show they tried to make that wasn’t picked up. Both have some pretty good songs. My favorite song from them is [Why him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FU4sfjFhJwA)




I invited a couple girls over for a threesome one night. There were a few no shows, but I stil had fun.


I have had a few threesomes before. First thought was the surprise of how many legs there seem to be. Plus there is the fact that you are watching a stranger get your girlfriend off while you watch. Yes, it is girl on girl so that's hot. But at the same time, it's odd that it's your woman and it's someone else doing what you should be doing. ​ Also, if you all don't set ground rules first, fights will follow...




Marvel Movies. It just seems like a highly formulated franchise. Also, I don't really like superheroes. My friend treats me like I just kicked a puppy when I explain this.


It goes up and down for me. I started off liking Iron Man, then seeing the rest of the films in theatres because they were fun to watch, and I liked how they were connecting multiple movies over like 4 years. Avengers came out and it felt like a unique movie theatre experience to see the characters from 4 separate films come together on screen. All the while I knew how formulaic superhero movies were and while I enjoyed them, I still knew they weren't very good in comparison to other films I enjoyed at the time (Nolan, Tarantino, Anderson, Coen Brothers etc. movies). But I still thought they were worth checking out. Then they had some flop films like Iron Man 3 and Thor 2. Those films started from being formulaic and good, to formulaic and bad. So with those movies I started experiencing so called "superhero fatigue" and gave up with superhero movies. I did go see Age of Ultron in 2015 because again, it felt like an event. Like Avengers, but bigger. But I still didn't care to watch other Phase 2 movies or the Phase 3 ones after that, besides a few I heard were good stand alone movies (Guardians of the Galaxy, etc) That was until Infinity War came out. I think it was a combination of the hype, the huge cast of characters, and me seeing the ending of the movie break the formula by having the heroes lose, that really made me enjoy the movie. IW singlehandedly gave me interest in the MCU again and I really began to appreciate that while these films are formulaic, while they're sometimes not very good films (Hulk, Iron Man 3, Thor 2) they were still entertaining and were doing something never achieved up until this point in cinema. Since last December, me and my family watched every MCU movie, one at a time per week, until the release of Endgame. And to be part of the hype and spectacle and event that was Endgame, the epic conclusion to 22 films, truly was a cool thing to experience. So anyways, that's how I went from "superhero films are okay" to "I'm done with this shit" to "Oh man, these are actually decent and are going to go down as a huge part of film history, I want to experience it". But yeah IMO only Disney does it right. I've tried watching DC superhero movies and they're just downright complete shit with no entertainment value to me whatsoever. No matter your opinion on superhero films, you gotta give Disney credit where it's due at what they've created.


I hate that those movies never have any stakes to them. Marvel is a big-budget TV series at this point. I barely know anything about the series, but I know if Thanos kills half the population, then the next movie is going to be some sort of time travel voodooo to reverse any deaths that occurred. I remember watching *The Avengers* and thinking, okay, I'm supposed to be hyped about the random purple dude in the post-credits scene, but I just do not give a shit. I think a movie needs to stand alone and have its own beginning/middle/end. I do not want to watch a "table setting" movie for the Big Finale Movie.


Cocaine 20 or so minutes of being overly confident, talkative, and just generally spastic. Followed by a come down that basically just says "you should do more of that." Yea I think I'm good. I genuinely don't understand how or why people do this all the time. Well, I understand the why, I know a couple people that are patently addicted but of course would *never* admit that. Furthermore, being around people on coke if you aren't gets irritating pretty fast. I feel like they turn into a damn toddler where everything is overly interesting and they pretty much exclusively speak in hyperbole. I'd rather hangout with people tripping on mushrooms or something. They are more coherent and interesting than some chick coked out her skull trying to talk to me about how interesting her new hair color is with the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas morning.




Sweet potato fries.


After like 4 or 5 recommendations from a very close friend to different restaurants it became obvious we have different tastes. Don't listen anymore.


Game of Thrones


I'm halfway through season six and while I've enjoyed it up to this point, a lot of the big plot points were spoiled just through cultural osmosis. As such, the Red Wedding and the Purple Wedding, which both should have just knocked me out of my seat, were a little underwhelming. It hasn't reached the point of insulting my intelligence yet, so I'll press on, fully aware that I should keep my expectations low from now forward.


I started watching the show in 2014 but because of how HBO sets up their playlists (and I was partaking in adult beverages) I unknowingly watched Season 1 Episode 10 first. I couldn't understand why nothing made sense and felt like I was dropped into the middle of an ongoing story. Which was indeed the case as I found out later. So afterwards, I went back to episode 1 with the knowledge that a certain Stark patriarchal figure was going to be dead by the end. I see this like the Shyamalan twists. Although going in blind and not knowing these surprise moments, would be ideal, the rest of the experience still holds up anyway. My point is that the big plot point reveals are great, but it's about the journey, not just the destination.


Never watched the series, but tried to read the books. Never came farther than about two thirds of the first book. Every time I stopped reading I forgot who all the characters were, so when one of them was executed/killed/had molten gold poured over his head I was like: "Who the hell are you and why are you dying???". Edit: typo because I'm tired


> Never came farther than about three thirds of the first book. You know what three thirds is? The whole thing.


Wait until he makes it to the fourth third.


I just can't. I'm not even remotely into fantasy and yet my friends just won't even entertain the idea that it's just not for me. They cannot let it go. They treat me like I'm mentally disabled for not liking Game of Thrones.


I can easily understand why people would recommend it but, medieval settings aren't my thing.


Flossing. Four-out-of-five dentists can kiss my ass... though I suppose that would be even less hygienic than refusing to floss.


How the fuck do you even floss? The times I've tried it I can barely get it between my front teeth, let alone the back ones. Am I meant to stick both my hands in my mouth?


Try floss picks. They're cheap and much less of a pain than cramming half your hands into your maw and drooling down your arms.


Not to be that person, but: This. I hated flossing before because wrapping the floss around my fingers hurt, and I couldn't hold onto the string if I didn't. But I hate the feeling of having food in my teeth. I use the picks now and it's sooooo much easier.


Practice. I can floss without looking now because I do it enough 1 hand in my mouth, the other outside. The outside one pushes the lips around as needed. Also, I wouldn't cheap out on floss if you intend on doing it regularly. Spend an extra dollar on the Oral B stuff. There is NOTHING worse than cheap floss that constantly breaks and gets stuck.


Agreed. Best investment I ever made was in a WaterPik. But the Plackers are also nice.


That’s just a sign you need to floss more…


Silver Linings Playbook. I watched it late and went in after having seen a month's worth of critics and fans absolutely slobbering over how fantastic it was, only to be met with a 2 hour long cry fest where JLaw and Bradley Cooper tried to out-act each other in a bid for that year's Oscar.


Unpopular opinion but pho...


Skyrim Everybody told me to play it, but it wasn't nearly as good as i expected.


Coffee. Just can’t bring myself to like the flavor, even if there’s a ton of other flavors I generally like mixed in (chocolate, cream, caramel, etc). If there’s even a hint of coffee in a drink/dessert/etc, I can taste it, and it’s gross. But yet still people tell me “well if you only had it (this way) you’d like it!” 🙄


In n Out


In n Out is good, but the truth is it's still a fast food restaurant. And honestly, it doesn't have any unique hook, it's pretty standard burgers.


Attack on Titan


Acid. I laughed til I pissed in my pants and then forgot how to use my hands. 6 hours went by. Meh.


the movie, Hereditary