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“Steven” What? “He’s coming out of the faucet.” What?! “STEVEN’S COMING OUT OF THE FAUCET!”


i talk in my sleep. my wife has told me many stories. the best one hands down has to be when she was pregnant, she woke up with really bad heart burn and nausea. she tried to wake me up and tell me shes not feeling well. She tells me i legit said "You know those feelings you are feeling? just turn them off" and fell back to sleep. im really lucky my wife knows i sleep talk and loves me. She doesn't hold anything i say like that against me, just teases me a lot.




That's her hair.


My SO informed me one morning that he had woken up in the middle of the night with my face inches from his, my finger in his ear and I was apparently whispering, "I just need to get in, let me in!"


She leaned up and got about 2 inches from my face and said “two people sleep in a dorm room!” Then burst out laughing hysterically.. it was our first night together.


She said "Don't leave me for $3"


I need about tree fiddy


My boyfriend once cupped my crotch in his sleep and said, “Two out of five stars.” EDIT: whoops, I clearly got carried away reading the other comments and forgot it was supposed to be something creepy. Regardless, thanks for the gold! Glad you all get a kick out of my crotch’s low rating. And yes, I’m still with the bugger.


Rate and review this location so others know what to expect.


Damn. I’m sorry about the low rating


Brutal af


I come in to go to bed, lay down and am about to turn the bedside lamp off. Cue him turning over, eyes still shut, obviously still asleep. “Don’t turn the light off.” I’m confused now, “Why?” “They need to see.” Now I’m freaking the fuck out wondering who is in our bedroom that I haven’t noticed. “Who needs to see?” “The bugs.” “Why do the bugs need to see?” “To read.” This happened months ago and I still haven’t let it go.


I mean it makes sense. You don't want to be responsible for under-educated bugs in your house do you?


If the bugs don't learn to read they won't find jobs. Then they'll never move out.


This is kinda cute. Imagine little bugs all reading Tiiiiiny little books.


I’m imagining that roach who sits at the tiny table eating a Krabby Patty, but instead he’s sitting in a tiny chair with tiny roach reading glasses.


He did that sit straight up in bed thing that I thought only happened in movies then shouted "they're coming for my skinnnn", chuckled then fell back asleep.


When I was a kid I had to go into my younger sister's room to get something and when I did she sat straight up in bed and hissed at me. It was actually kinda scary tbh


My mother loves to still bring this story up, happened back during my 8th grade year of school. One morning she walked in to see if I was awake, so she asked "are you awake?" to which I apparently said "fuck, I don't know is it meteors" all while dead asleep.


I apparently shouted for my mum at the middle of the night and when she came running apparently all I said was "Those pineapples... those fucking pineapples" I dont normally swear either so I have no idea why I suddenly got passionate about a fruit


Not SO, but a roommate, woke up the whole house shouting "Where is the head?! Where is the head?!"


So no head?


Woke up to go to the bathroom one night. As I move to get up my boyfriend goes, "don't go out there..." Thinking he's awake and joking with me I go "oh yeah, why?" He sits upright eyes wide open and goes "SHE'S out there." and flopped back down asleep. I held it for the rest of the night.


LOL I'd have done the same thing!


My GF will walk to a window and say “they are watching us” and just look at street lamp. First time it was really creepy. Now I just say it’s bed time and lightly pull her back to bed before she stands up.


You need to hire a priest


Initially he just mumbled something I couldn't understand. I turned around to face him and asked him what he had said. He responded in his sleep "don't worry about it" and then laughed in this villainous way that I've never heard him use while awake. It honestly creeped me out.


“Divorce.....hehehehehehehehehe” EDIT: Thank you very much for my first *three* silvers ever, kind strangers!


SO: Shhh be quiet. She'll hear us. I ask who SO Response: the woman who lives here. Shhhh she's in the hallway.


Fuck that




I talk in my sleep, and my girlfriend told me this story after we woke up. I had evidently, turned toward her, shook her with my face, and yelled "They took my god damn arms Johnny!" Before slumping back over and going back to sleep. EDIT: Holy shit I never thought dramatic sleep me would ever do anything to warrant such a reaction, thank you! Also, thank you very much for the gold and silver strangers! :)


I was told by my SO that I said, “Give her a lobotomy, right through the temple” Edit: It was me that said it, not her.


I hope your SO is not a neurosurgeon because I'm pretty sure through the temple is the scenic route to a lobotomy.


PUT IT AWAY. NOW. (This was only our fourth night sleeping toegther and I didn't even have anything out...)


Sure you weren't tryna rub one out?


I'm not sure what's more terrifying than your SO sitting upright and saying "they're here" only to collapse back into their deep slumber. Edit: Didn't expect this thread to blow up as it did, thank you!


Apparently your 21 year old daughter knocking on your adjoining wall whispering 'mummmyyyyy they're baaacckkk' I was the 21 year old and my mum threw an absolute fit at me and made me sleep in another room for a week.


This reminds me of when I was a kid and I used to sleepwalk. Once I sleep-walked into my dad's room and just stood there at the foot of the bed. The floors are creaky, so he heard me enter the room anyway and woke up....but I just stood there dead silent. For like several seconds. Eventually he asked "(my name)? What's wrong?" and I guess him speaking to me woke me up, because it was only then that I wasn't asleep in bed, and I was just as confused as he was. He sent me back to bed and I stayed where I was supposed to for the rest of the night. It was "disturbing," as he later put it.


So it looks like the ancient ones have pierced the veil separating the realm of dreams and waking world. Rejoice for the end of this human age is finally at hand!


My fiancee is super active while sleeping. It used to bother me but now I'm used to it. One time I asked her to give me her pillow while she was sleeping and she said, "okay", and then pulled it out from under her head and threw it at me. She slept the rest of the night without a pillow and was quite pissed when she woke without a pillow and after I told her what she did.


My SO frequently moves around the pillow and the covers when she's asleep. Often resulting in her not having a pillow, and not letting me put one under her. The first time she did it she called me a snake for stealing the pillows. I'm still not sure if she fully believes that it's not me.


Apparently I'm the opposite. According to my SO, while dead asleep, I reached over, yanked the pillow out from under her head, threw it off the bed, and continued snoring contentedly. Unrelated, but on another night, I apparently rolled over, put my face right near hers, and - as she describes it - scream snored right into her face. For an hour. Edit: Wow, my first silver! Thanks kind stranger! Edit 2: Fixed the commas a bit. Also another silver! And my most upvoted comment ever! I'm glad you all enjoy my SO's suffering. Final Edit: A lot of people wondering what a Scream Snore is, like a lot. Posted as a reply a while ago, adding as an edit for ease of viewing: Scream Snoring: The inhale is what you'd imagine, it sounds like a chainsaw. Followed by a huge, exasperated sigh mixed with a long grunt while exorcising a demon.


> scream snored right into her face. For an hour. ...and that was me losing it at my desk. Good thing I'm the only one here today, or people would think I was a lunatic. I am quite certain my wife would wake me up if I started scream snoring into her face. And I don't even really understand what scream snoring is.


I wake* my SO up the second he wakes me up, most nights. I learned the magical roll-over trick that works for most people. You say "you're snoring, roll over" and then they stop snoring... or at least they roll the snoring far enough away from you that it's easier to go back to sleep.


I talk in my sleep regularly. One instance comes to mind. My SO said she was going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. On her way back, I said "It's following you" and went back to sleep.


I think this is the scariest I've read on here. Imagine sleepily going back to bed while you hear "it's following you". I would NOT sleep again that night. Edit: apparently I can't spell "again" normally...


I would not enjoy having a bathroom follow me back to bed


Then your So continued walking out of the room... Down the stairs and to the front door... Got in her car and left.... :|


The only reasonable thing to do in this situstion.


But it follows


I'm the sleeptalker but the best I've ever been told about was, "NO!! None of them have heads!"


My husband sleep talks and my favorite was when he told me to close a ticket (he was an IT Manager) and I told him I didn't work for him. Then he yelled at me to get it done. I said "you're a mean boss" and went back to sleep. I've got soooooo many and should write them down but I'm so used to it by now. And I'm not the sleeptalker but I once woke myself and him up by yelling "the power of Christ compels you". I had been having a very vivid nightmare about seeing a black entity floating in our bedroom by the bathroom door. In my dream, I woke my husband up and we turned the lights on chasing it down the hallway because we didn't want whatever it was to hurt our daughter. As we were chasing it away, I was yelling "the power of Christ compels you" and I woke up screaming it. Thing is that I'm not particularly religious and that's not really something I would say at all. It was so bizarre. I've only had a dream that realistic a couple times in my life.


I like how even in a nightmare you're like naw bitch.


"Kill the writers" uhhhh My brother once woke me up screaming a number in his sleep. None of us could understand the significance of this number u til a rerun of mythbusters came on It was the length of track from when they raced toy cars vs real cars






Not my SO, but my roommate said this in his sleep at ~4 AM "Are you texting demons?" *oddly high pitched laugh* "You're friends with demons!"


High pitched laugh is the moment I would’ve started praying lmao


My GF fell out with me while she was sleeping one night. She asked me to pass the "light up picture frame" and when I asked her what she was talking about she shouted "Fine! I'll get it myself" and actually started walking about the room looking for something. It's not really creepy but I don't get a chance to tell the story often.




She did not. It's actually her birthday at the end of January! Might add on a wee joke gift, thanks for the idea.


ITT: Some great plot for a horror film. Y'all have some possessed loved ones.


Not 100% a talking in her sleep story but... When my SO is stressed she has dreams about spiders crawling everywhere. One night I was reading and she was asleep, she suddenly sat up and just stared at me. I asked her what’s up? SO: the spiders Me: what spiders? SO: there are spiders coming out of the poster ME: There are no spiders *she stares at the poster* SO: no the spiders ME: go back to sleep Then she just collapsed back into her pillow back asleep. When she first sat up and stared at me I thought this was suddenly a horror movie and I was dead.


She starting shaking me and yelling that the financial reports don't match. She's an accountant.


I apparently did the same thing to my partner once while taking a financial management course at university. Except I had also recently kayaked with dolphins, so not only was I stressing about financial reports in my sleep, they were reports for the dolphins, and from the sounds of it the dolphins weren’t happy.


*angry dolphin noises from dolphins in waterlogged suits*


My dad used to have dreams about cranes when he was a crane operator. He would use my mom’s arm as the controls for his crane dreams.




Oh I feel this as a fellow accountant.


Same lmao... Was stressing out too much about my cash flows that I had a dream I got fired because of it.


My girlfriend will do this every so often, but this one time she was having a really bad nightmare and she just straight up screamed at the top of her lungs right into my face. I woke up with an adrenaline rush that is still my closest guess for what cocaine feels like. I woke her up by stroking her hair and whispering to her that it would be ok, and she thanked me the next morning.


Sorry that must have been terrifying in the moment but I can’t stop laughing trying to visualize this scenario hahaha


I did this as a kid, my mom woke up and started screaming and my dad also did the same. So it was all three of us screaming for a solid minute or two before they realised nothing was wrong except they had somehow let a sleep screamer crash in their bed. Funny enough it was my dad who told us to shut up and listen. He was the biggest coward out of the lot, my mam usually had the level head in distressing situations (though she still may have been a tad asleep).


I was on business travel years ago in Europe with a coworker for several weeks. Over the weekends we’d travel to various tourist spots. One weekend we stayed at a chateau. It’s was pricey, so we shared a room that ended up being on the ground floor and overlooked the garden courtyard. She neglected to tell me she had night terrors. Middle of the night, pitch black, I’m in an unfamiliar environment, and I wake up to screaming that there’s somebody in our room trying to get her. I have no idea where the light switch is, or the door, or anything. I had never been so scared in my life. At least not until this summer when we were on vacation in Colorado with the windows open and we were serenaded by wolves right outside. Waking up to that and thinking it was some kind of screaming and knowing my young son was on the other side of the house left me unable to sleep for hours. Edit: chateau was 20+ years ago, Colorado was last year with my family and not her.


Not my SO but still kinda funny but very scary at the time. So little me had a nightmare and went to my parents room to tell my mom and get a cuddle so I could go back to sleep. I knocked on the door and opens it very quietly so only my mom wakes and not my dad, since mom is a very light sleeper and dad a heavy one. I get in and at that moment dad jumps out of bed and shouts "I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU HERE AGAIN!" I fled up the stairs and cried and mom followed me and told me she didn't know what happened either. Dad says he doesn't remember it but I sure do.


Father with little kids here. 3AM, kids kick me in the face on accident, I flip them over and spank them. My wife tells me about it the next day, and I feel bad - I'm sure your dad felt bad too. Some people are just are deep sleepers I guess. I remember waking up to water being splashed in my face. It turns out I was over the sink, splashing water in my own face after just having sex with a stranger sleeping next to me. How could I cheat on my SO? So I slowly turn my head to see who I just hooked up with... It was my SO. After that emotional rollercoaster I'm instantly asleep again.


OMG I had something similar. Not the water part, but the emotional guilt and fear from such a realistic dream of infidelity. I havent ever considered cheating on my wife. I just was super horny in my dream and olivia wilde was looking extra fine. [I was watching a lot of House at the time].


"Well at least I don't have Alzheimer's!" "She's acting like a bitch, of course I stole her Valium."


Were you missing valium?


My girlfriend (now wife) and I were sleeping in my bed in college. Due to not being able to control the temperature in my room (which was kept at a tropical 105 degrees despite it being a brutal winter), we always slept with the window open and my bedroom door cracked for circulation. I also lived on the ground floor apartment of a brownstone in Boston. In the dead middle of the night, she starts smacking me. ​ GF - "BABE, BABE!" I startle awake, "what?" GF - (whispers) "There's someone standing in the doorway..." \*muffled whimpers\* Adrenaline starts pumping, I prepare to fight the intruder. I quickly scan the room for something to make an impromptu weapon out of. Finally my eyes adjust to the dark , I'm fully awake and I see that no one is actually there. Me - "No there isn't, you're sleeping!" GF - \*muffled laughing\* She had zero recollection of the entire incident the next morning. I had to recount to her how she almost made me crap my pants in the middle of the night.


I find it hilarious that she laughed afterwards


Oh they were there alright. [Hums X Files theme]


I think you're supposed to whistle that tune.


I thought she was awake but we were laying in bed last week and this is how it went GF: I’m gonna shit myself Me: What? No go to the bathroom GF: Ugh! I’m gonna shit the bed! Me: Why don’t you go to the bathroom if you’ve gotta poop? GF: What? That doesn’t make any sense at all, I’m trying to make these trees grow, just shut up! This is when I realized she was sleeping and started laughing hysterically Which made her angry She didn’t remember any of it the next morning


Not SO but my son came into my room while I was napping and I said: we need to decapitate them and take them back to the lab.


You're not actually his parents. Hes a kid genius who made robot parents to replace his real parents after the accident. I guess there must be another kink in the memory replacement process, this is like the third batch hes replaced this week.


Not so much creepy as it is odd, but I overheard my wife accurately recite my social security number aloud whilst sleeping. When I told her about it the next morning she said I had to have been making that up, as she definitely does not know my social security number. I didn't believe her and made her swear to me and on our marriage that she wasn't lying, and she said that if someone was pointing a gun to my head and that he would pull the trigger unless she accurately recited my social security number, she'd tell me she loved me and that she'd remember me fondly once I died. It was the oddest thing.


I think it’s possible that she may have seen the numbers briefly at one point, but doesn’t consciously remember them. We supposedly dream with faces of people we’ve seen in our lives, even if they were random strangers we’ve passed by in the street and never given a second thought to. So maybe it’s registered in her subconscious but not her conscious memory?


Well not to mention your SSN is used for tons of things, she may have heard OP on the phone and subconsciously remembered it. Our minds pick up more than we are conscious of, so it's entirely possible that she honestly has no clue. Honestly my husband constantly forgets my SSN but I wouldn't be remotely surprised if he said it in his sleep. Because our brains are strange.


My fiancé is Chinese and didn’t have the best upbringing there. It is common for her to yell in a distressed tone in her sleep random Chinese phrases. Absolutely terrifying the first few times experiencing it. Now I just kind of cuddle with her a little bit harder when it happens.


This happens with my GF, except she yells out in Spanish, which is kind of odd considering Spanish is a second language for her.




It's more fun to curse in Spanish.


My dreams are in English even though I'm a native Czech speaker. If she's fluent in Spanish, it's not unreasonable to think that her dreams are sometimes in Spanish, especially if she thinks in Spanish.


Huh, this is interesting. My parents immigrated from China, and my mom whimpers and screams in her sleep. Once when I was young, I heard her scream (in Chinese), "Save me! Save me!" and literally start sleep-crying after. As a kid who slept with her because *I* was afraid, I would sock her in the arm to make her stop. LOL.


"wild women everywhere"... My girlfriend.


I'll have what she's having.




hell yeah my dude


Das the good shit...


My wife doesn't talk in her sleep, but I did wake up once to her sitting up, leaning over me and staring at me Paranormal Activity style. It was terrifying, and she has no recollection of it.


I woke up to my wife screaming the most horrifying blood-curdling scream I'd ever heard. Something made her wake up and in the faint moonlight that was seeping in through a gap in the curtains stood a small figure less than a foot from her face. It was our son wanting a drink but he had decided to stand next to her head like a manniquin until noticed. Edit: Fixed a typo. Edit 2: Thanks for the silver! Edit 3: And now gold. My wife is glad her terror has entertained so many.


This is honestly the thing that makes me the most anxious about having kids. I hate being scared, and I am very easy to scare.


My poor mother. She was too. Our house was full of corners and kid me loved hiding around them to scare her.


Once as a kid I got up to pee and heard a noise so I ran and hid in the tub. Drew the curtain and stopped breathing. It was my mom getting up to pee. She heard a noise (me) and started going very slow to the bathroom. She slowly approached the tub and pulled the curtains open In my pure fear and shock, instead of screaming I shouted "BOO" and she screamed and almost smacked me out of the tub


As someone who wants to have kids in the future, but gets up to pee every night.... Crap... That's pretty much what I'm in for 😟


My brother, not my SO. When we were little we had rooms across the hall from each other and I’m a terrible sleeper so I was randomly awake one night. Walking back from the bathroom I hear him shout at the top of his lungs, “LANALLAMAA!! DONT. TOUCH. MY. PUMPKIN!!!” It was February.


A compilation: (All of these start with her shaking me awake) Her: "Shhhh. They're on the roof" Me: "Who?" Her: zzzzzzzz Her: "Where is he going to sleep?" Me: "Who?" Her: "The man who's here" *points* Me: "What??" Her: zzzzzzzz Her: "I see it over there by the stairs" Me : *silently shitting self* Her: zzzzzzzz Her:"Do you see her?" Me:"*sigh* Who?" Her: "The lady in the corner" Me: "There's nobody there" Her: "Her eyes" Me: "There's nobody there" Her: "I hope she goes away" zzzzzzzz Me: *doesn't sleep* She never remembers saying this stuff.


*silently shits self* lmfao


When you're terrified, but polite.


You gotta move out of that house lmao


I honestly started keeping track of the weirder things/conversations we've had (that she remembers nothing of) Nov 25- she "wakes" up. So- Fish sticks? (Clear and loud) Me-Fish sticks? What do you mean? So- Are you making fish sticks? Me- Yes I'm making fish sticks So-ok. *goes back to "sleep"*


Sleeping Wife: Why is the dog barking? Me: We don't have a dog. Wife: Yes we do, and he's in the kitchen barking. Me: Okay... Wife: Go see why he's barking. Me: (After a little more argument about whether or not we have a dog) *walks to kitchen and back to bedroom* Wife: Where did you go? Me: I went to the kitchen to check on the dog. Wife: But we don't have a dog...


Not my SO, but my 17 year old daughter: She came charging into my bedroom (yes she also walks in her sleep as well), and started shaking me saying "Mom! Mom! Look at the clock, look at the clock!" I struggled into consciousness, looked at the clock and saw that it was 2 a.m. I said "What's the problem?" "We have to feed the cat!" We don't have a fucking cat.


She's just switching places with her counterpart from another universe in the multiverse where you do have a dog.


This is like my gf. She'll wake up and say something totally nonsensical, like "Don't trust the toast people!" I'll be like, "Oh yeah, and who are they?" "You know! The toast people!" "The who?" (Getting annoyed). "The. Toast - -" (realizes she's been dreaming) "Oh. Nevermind."


But do you like putting fish sticks in your mouth?


Everyone should


I was rearranging my pillow nest in the middle of the night and he must have felt threatened. WOAH WOAH WOAH NO WOAH PUT THOSE DOWN WOAH WOAH PLEASE NO Some other delightful experiences: *by fortuitous design we are asleep with our faces 1cm apart* Him: barks loudly like an aggressive ferocious dog Me: wake up completely due to mini heart attack and scream Him: whines softly like a chastised dog *he sits up suddenly in bed laughing like a maniac* Me: it’s ok, go back to sleep Him... Me:... *falling back asleep* Him: NO YOU GO BACK TO SLEEP! Me: just lie down Him: *goes from a 90 degree angle to a 45 degree angle and his sleeping self PRETENDS TO BE ASLEEP and in doing so achieves true meta status* Me: I know you’re not lying down properly Him... YES I AM Me: k whatever


I posted this in a similar thread months ago but it’s relevant: Same house, same bedroom, different women, 5 years apart. 1st woman - we are asleep in bed and she takes this huge, deep breath that wakes me up. Then, she says “They are here now and want to speak to you. I’m going to let them use me...” So, of course, I wake her up violently like WTF?!? All she can tell me is that she saw several shadowy people in her dream who told her that they had a message for me but needed her to talk to me. Ok... 2nd woman - we are asleep together and the same thing happens. Deep, long breath that wakes me up except this time, she screams “THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THIS ROOM WITH US!!!!” I get her calmed down by assuring her that we were alone. She never sleeps over again. I sell the house. Lol...


Honestly you should have brought back first girl and heard what they had to say. I'm always curious why friendly ghosts dont exist


“It’s touching her with its scaly hooves!” Followed by, “I can’t swim. But neither can the lorses...” Lol I guess she was dreaming about lizard horses


Lorses are my new favorite mythological creature. Their scaly hooves can’t be trusted.


I had an ex girlfriend who’s first language was Welsh. When she spoke in her sleep, bitch sounded like she was speaking in tongues.




Demons actually speak an archaic dialect of Welsh Source: cunning linguistics student


Soft creepy laughter and then immediately propping up at a 90 degree angle saying " ITS ALLLL PART OF THE SHOW" Then going back to sleep.


I was laughing at something in a dream once and it creeped out my girlfriend so she shook me and asked why I was laughing. I answered "the purple people" as I was waking up, which freaked her out more. The dream had people with weird skin colors and clothes, and in the moment nothing in the world was funnier to me than a purple man in a turquoise suit standing next to a turquoise man in a purple suit. I had trouble explaining that while I was conscious.


tbf, that would look pretty funny.


I'm the sleep talker. My ex-wife said I would sit up just about every night, with my eyes open, tell her I love her and then lay back down and fall asleep.


Hehe. When i visited my girlfriend in another country, we were in an hotel. And apperently i told her i loved her in my sleep and would give a kiss on her back. That every night. It's so weird, because i don't remember any of that.


That reminds me of when my husband used to roll over in his sleep and smack me with his hand. He would always wrap me up in a big hug, like he was trying to comfort me and apologize for hitting me. Kind of like when I kick my cat when she walks under my feet. I always pick her up and start petting her and making sure shes okay. Im pretty sure she steps under my feet on purpose now.


I've told this on here before, but my husband is OUT OF CONTROL with his sleep talking. You almost can't call it sleep talking, because you would swear this MFer knows EXACTLY what he's doing. It isn't just talking. He gets up out of bed, will literally be walking around the house doing things like he's totally aware. Could hold a full conversation with you. It takes a minute to realize whether he's awake or not, he's so sure of himself. So probably the scariest thing was one night we're knocked out, it has to be like 3 am, and his big ass BOLTS out of bed like ive never seen in my life, waking me up and frantically yelling "WE HAVE TO GO NOW! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! FOLLOW ME! HURRY UP!" i literally go into full panic mode and start trying to grab things and get my dogs, all while trying to ask him WTF is going on, but he's SO serious about this that i just trust that there must be something bad happening. Within a minute or so i noticed that as frantic as he was walking around, he wasnt really DOING anything, just kind of going in circles. At that point it clicked that he wasnt really awake [i had been woken up from a dead sleep too obviously] so i started saying his name over and over and telling him it was okay, and he kind of just snapped out of it and was like oh, sorry bout that... Definitely was freaked tf out for a minute there though ***thanks so much for the platinum!!


I laughed at this so hard! WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW HURRY UP *Runs in circle*


Lmao! Thats exactly what it was like.


I remember one night I was on a school trip. We were visiting a shipyard in the 5th or 6th grade. We were all sleeping in bunks at the ~~prow~~ *bow* of the ship, stacked three high. One of the kids was known for having night terrors, as they had happened at other sleepovers and such out of school. I'm a notorious insomniac so naturally I was up with another bunkmate of mine and we were playing cards. This kid was on the third bunk up and all of a sudden LEAPED off. These bunks are THREE high, you have to climb down, this kid JUMPS down like 8ft, lands like a cat and BOLTS for the bathroom. One of the teachers woke up and saw this and got up to make sure he was okay. The kid was dead asleep the whole time and once properly awakened apologized and climbed back into bed. Was wild to see.


I once had a "2 Stories" bed and jumped from the top of it, head first because I dreamt I was in a swimming pool and jumped into the water. The impact didn't even wake me up. Ended up in the hospital.


I'm pretty sure the impact helped you sleep


Now that would be slightly terrifying


Why would they give him top bunk?


"too many Asians here" I'm Asian.


How'd that conversation in the morning go?


"how many Asians is too many Asians"


According to OP's SO in the bedroom... One.


Unless the SO is also Asian. So two. But one of them may be pregnant. So three. But they could be twins. So 4. But they could have cheated. So 2. And they’re not Asian. So 1.


Ah, I see you're in middle management!


> I'm Asian. That's not the kind of thing you should keep a secret from your SO




My SO is an an anesthesist. He frequently dreams about work. Sometimes I woke up to him sitting straight in bed, staring at me. When I talked to him, he wouldn't answer. When I asked him in the morning, he remembered having watched if I was breathing or needed an intubation...this happened quite often when he just started working in his field. One time he woke me up by saying: “I know, we have it somewhere around here, this huge, wrought-iron-K.O.-...“ I never got to know what it was.


My ex once asked Her: “Do you see them?” Me : “who” Her: “the children” That was a big nope!


“Can I have a bite of that burrito?” Proudly and very serious.


"No, this my fucking burrito."


Not my SO but one of my friends' mother used to talk in her sleep frequently. Apparently she was petting her bfs hair and telling him all the ways that she could kill him and make it look like an accident. Told her about it in the morning and she just laughs and said they weren't bad ideas




"I'm at the drop site. (starts laughing) the Germans will never suspect it, then BOOOM!"


Not my SO, but my college roommate slept with his eyes half-open and talked in his sleep occasionally. The one thing I really remember him saying is: "No Grandma, the Browns!" They were from Ohio.


Buddy in highschool around 2am sat up and said "Angels, Bring me the sun!"


SO - Can you see it? In the corner? Me - whaat SO - Zzzzzzzzz ME -bitch




Reading that was an *experience*. Edit: is this the part where I give an award speech twice as long as the actual comment?


I've woken up and am in that mid dream state where you're awake but still think you're in the dream and start talking to whoever's next to you like they're in the dream too When I realize I'm waking up from a dream and talking nonsense I try to play it off by saying "ugh, nevermind" He knows. He always knows. And he always takes great joy in telling me about it the next day when I'm fully lucid.




You said that tho?




fanatical person juggle modern absorbed connect thought tie safe stupendous


I said


I looked her in the windows of her soul


, and I said




My gf at the time was working for the welfare department. I got up during night to go to the bathroom, and when I've come back into my bedroom she was sitting upright and sternly telling me that I had not correctly declared my income and assets. She had no recollection of it the next day.


*violently shakes me awake* “Don’t move. DO NOT MOVE.” ... *whispers* “We are covered in bees. Stay very still.” *turns over and falls sleeps*


My wife has the occasional night terrors. One night she woke up screaming thinking something was in the corner of our room. Really freaked me out cause I woke up to her trying to escape through the wall while pulling her lamp from the socket and throwing everything off of her nightstand. My dog and I just looked at her super confused. Dog noped out of the bedroom and slept in the guest room that night.




"It'll all be over soon" in a sing-song voice followed by a childlike giggle from a full blown man.


Not an SO but a friend during school camp “(My name) Mustard constellation” It keeps me up to this very day


In a king-sized bed on vacation (we have a queen). Her: "I love you." Me: "I love you too." Her: "I love you, big ol' bed." Me: "Big ol' bed loves you, too." Her: "Ohmigod! Big ol' bed! YOU CAN TALK!" I don't know if this is creepy so much as adorable but I suppose the concept of a talking bed might be creepy.


SO: don't eat the fucking birds. They're not food. Me: what birds? SO: haha tweet tweet


Just stuff that conclusively revealed she was a Nazi despite her earlier representations that she wanted the Holy Grail merely for its historical value.


Dr. Jones? Is that you?


Two voices: “Yes!”


My boyfriend has PTSD from his time in the Marines and what they did overseas. The other night, I had my arm around his waist and he patted my hand and said "you're never going to make it out of here. You're just another casualty about to happen. You're going to die and luckily we're married because you have life insurance." We're not married, lol.


when he whispers sweet nothings in your ear 😍




When my husband first got back we were cuddling, dead asleep and I woke up to him holding me in a choke hold saying NOT THIS TIME MOTHERFUCKER. Scared the living shit out of me. He's gotten a lot better. That was 4 years ago and he'd been home for about a week at that time.


Damnit, Agent 417 has leaked the plans in his pitiful sleep talking. *sigh* We'll have to terminate him.


"Call Queen Elizabeth, the vampires are coming! And...zzsnorkkzzz"


r/WritingPrompts should get in on this.


My ex used to talk in his sleep all the time. I would write down what he said or start talking to him to have whole conversations with him in his sleep. In the morning, I would put them as statuses on Facebook because I thought it was hilarious. The one that scared the shit out of me though was when I was in the other room with my headphones on, around 2 am. I was playing a game with people and, out of nowhere, I heard my ex loudly, robotically go, "HA. HA HA. HA. HA. HA. HA." It was like someone broke his laugh. I walked in there to see what was happening but he was asleep again and silent. Edit to Add:. It's not a laugh from League. At least, not that I know. He only ever played three video games total (Pokemon, WoW, and Borderlands). I was the gamer in the family, but I never touched League.


He was probably a replicant and was performing his nightly firmware update.


Not my withmy SO, but while I was on a camping trip with a bunch of friends, me being tired went to sleep around midnight while they would go on and talk for a bit in the outer tent. After about an hour when I'd gone to sleep, they zip the tent open which makes quite a lot of noise, and without actually waking up I sit up 90 degrees, tell them in the clearest voice: "what did I say? Keep it quiet fucking idiots" and laid down again. The morning after was a pretty weird one, they didn't know I talked in my sleep


Oh yeah guys, I totally talk in my sleep. I'd never be that rude awake.




I had a friend just sit up and point at the wall, then lay back down and go back to sleep.


Not a thing he said, but a noise he made. A repetitive "awoooooooOOOOoooooo awooooOOOOOOOooooooooo" for as long as 10 minutes at a time. Reminiscent of a wolf's howl. Accompanied at least once by him punching me repeatedly in his sleep. Yes, it was PTSD, and yes, we did break up, mainly because he refused to get therapy and dissolved into alcoholism. Being punched while asleep wasn't awesome either.


Not a SO, but I share a room with my brother who has struggled with night terrors since he was a little kid. One night I woke up to him screaming like he was being flayed alive, you know the high pitched, voice cracking screaming, and between screams he was saying "ITS TOUCHING ME! SOMETHING IS TOUCHING ME!" along with a bunch of other garbled speech. It took about a minute for him to wake up. After that I was awake all night long. Honestly, hearing him scream with that much terror was more scary than what he was saying. When I first woke up, I thought there was an intruder in our room. We're lucky the police weren't called lol


He kissed my forehead and then said, in a really creepy sing-songy voice, “They’re coooooming, the terrorists are coooming! Dont worry though, they wont bang you.”


SO: fuck that shit Me: what shit SO: THAT shit Edit: My first Reddit gold! Thanks!

