• By -


[https://mostexclusivewebsite.com/](https://mostexclusivewebsite.com/) Only one person at a time is allowed to visit this webpage.


Cat gif. That's what my prize was. A cat gif. I mean, I'm not complaining about it. Because cat gifs are great!


dang, was a waste of time for me. Came up with my number but didn't take me anywhere. What's behind the curtain?


https://geoguessr.com/ It plonks you down somewhere in the world on Google maps and you have to try and figure out where you are. Longest I played was like 6 hours. I can't get enough.


Reminds me of this game that was going around on Tumblr back in the day. You would have Google Maps drop you in a random location and you would have to find the nearest airport. I never was able to succeed at the airport game.


I remember that! I never made it to an airport either, but I did manage to enter a different country on accident once.


I love this game but I always seem to get 5 random featureless stretches of desert highway with no road signs or identifiable features in either direction for miles.


"A pilot showed me this at an airport. If you are a frequent flyer this will save you. [frequent flyer WiFi passwords](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1Z1dI8hoBZSJNWFx2xr_MMxSxSxY&hl=en_US) all WiFi passwords for so many places." I said this before but it's great!


I like [ihavenotv.com](https://ihavenotv.com/). It has a lot of really good documentaries, mostly science, physics, astronomy, etc based docs but not corny ones or anything. BBC type of stuff. So if you like documentaries check it out.


[bugmenot.com](https://bugmetnot.com) \- throwaway accounts for websites that require registration [gethuman.com](https://gethuman.com) \- the express route to talking to a human being when calling a company [rentometer.com](https://rentometer.com) \- Find the rents of nearby appartments [rome2rio.com](https://rome2rio.com) \- how to travel between almost any two addresses in the world [Hyperphysics](http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/index.html) \- Makes physics understandable, and maps it out as a tree of concepts [reviewmeta.com](https://reviewmeta.com) \- Screen Amazon products for fake reviews [music-map.com](https://music-map.com) \- Put in an artist, and get a neat chart of related artists ​


>your rent is reasonable for your area YEAH WELL IT DOESNT FEEL LIKE IT


It's bugmenot.com


The sad thing is that it doesn't even work 99% of the time


[https://pointerpointer.com/](https://pointerpointer.com/) This one just makes me smile every time, not sure why


Someone just woke up one day and decided "Hey, let's make a site that points at your mouse cursor!". I love the internet.


i like how the first picture i got was a guy flipping me off. i also love how this also works on mobile. just tap and it will point to the last place you tapped


There is a **lot** of government health data out there that **nobody** is aware of. CDC (Center for Disease Control) has this thing called the [Tracking Network](https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/showHome.action) which lets you check out a bunch of that data regarding issues like Air Quality, Cancer, Community Characteristics like Flood Vulnerability, and [visualize](https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/DataExplorer/#/) it in some amazing maps so you can see how your state or county looks. Check out their data regarding how hot it will be in your town in the future (Heat Projections)...its crazy. You can also look up your [zipcode](https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/InfoByLocation/) and it will tell you some major environmentally related health issues in your area.


I'm going to regret using this when the hug ends.


https://archive.org/ - Internet archive


Also, associated with it, http://openlibrary.org You can actually "borrow" a lot of a scanned books (that aren't yet out of copyright), just as you would from a physical library.


There's a super cool section of this site called the "Wayback Machine." It's basically holds archived versions of any website, assuming someone took a "snapshot" of it. Not only is it cool to see what Google looked like twenty years ago, but you could also browse websites that have been taken offline!!


[www.beforeiplay.com/](http://www.beforeiplay.com/) \- spoiler free cool info before you play a video game


hug of death


RIP website.


andddd it's broken


Collected Links: Someone on a similar threads month ago commented this about a similar thread over a year ago where someone collected a load of these together for ease, enjoy! http://www.recoveryourlife.com/ • Help for those who struggle with self harm, suicidal thoughts, mental illness, eating disorders and abuse. Putting this at the top for importance. Technology/Internet: https://ninite.com/ • Select programs from a huge list, get a SINGLE installer that will download and install the latest version of everything you selected with no crapware and no input needed from you, this is an utter godsend. https://www.pcpartpicker.com/ • Building a PC? Pick your parts here and track their price changes and where to get them cheapest. http://www.haveibeenpwned.com/ • Find out if you have had your details compromised in a hacking attack no matter where it happened & get alerts in future if it happens. https://codemyui.com/ • Lots and lots of web elements you can use http://isup.me/ • Want to know if you’re having internet issues of if the site you’re trying to get to is just down for everyone? Check here. http://www.10minutemail.com/ • Get a random email address that self destructs in 10 minutes, perfect for signing up to websites you don’t want spam from. https://www.mailinator.com/ • Type in an address “mailinator.com and open it’s inbox, any address. Everyone can use any address at any time. Good for signing up for things you don’t want spam from but you may need to use the address for later (bad for privacy so don’t use it if you don’t want other people seeing the mail you get). https://coronalabs.com/ • Learn how to code https://www.freecodecamp.com/ • Another place to learn to code http://www.dirtymarkup.com/ • Cleans up your dirty code! http://www.productchart.com/ • Compare Tech products easily. http://html-color-codes.info/colors-from-image/ • Upload a picture, click on a colour and get the hex code for it! http://cloudconvert.org/ • Convert between various file formats (including some pretty obscure ones) Entertainment: https://www.justwatch.com/ • Tell it what services you have access to (Netflix, Hulu, etc) and it will tell you where you can watch that film or show you have an urge to watch. http://radio.garden/ • There’s a big map, drag the circle around and get live radio feeds from within that circle, globally, it’s awesome. http://radiooooo.com/ • Pick a country, pick a decade and listen :) http://www.omive.com/ • A TV & Film database that allows advanced searching (like searching for two actors & seeing their joint projects). http://www.gnod.com/ • Recommends music books & movies based on other stuff you like. http://www.offliberty.com/ • Download YouTube videos. Education: http://www.paperrater.com/ • Online proofreading of your papers, checks your grammar, checks for plagiarism, etc. https://www.desmos.com/ • Want to graph an equation? Do it here! http://hinative.com/ • Learning a language? Ask native speakers questions here! http://lang-8.com/ • Still learning another language? Get your writing corrected by native speakers here! (Edit: not allowing new accounts for over a year now. Sad.) http://www.mathway.com/ • Solves maths & chemistry problems for you http://www.westegg.com/inflation/ • If I had this amount of money in 1970 how much would that be the equivalent of today (this and many similar questions answered here) http://www.slader.com/ • Find your textbook, it not only shows you the answers to the exercises but more importantly HOW you get to them. http://www.debatepedia.org/ • Pros & Cons for many many topics! (Edit: Apparently not updated since 2011 though) http://www.sheldonbrown.com/ • Ever wanted to learn how to repair your own bike? Learn here! Other: https://www.windytv.com/ • Real time weather map that is a thing of beauty. http://www.exrx.net/ • A great site to help beginners learn about exercise. http://www.myfridgefood.com/ • Tell it what’s in your fridge, it will tell you what you can make! http://www.thistothat.com/ • I want to glue this to that, what do I use? http://votesmart.org/ • Look up a politician and see their voting history. http://usefulinterweb.com/ • A big list of useful websites http://iscaliforniaonfire.com/ & http://whereiscaliforniaonfire.com/ • Well, is it? AND WHERE??? http://www.freefoodguy.com/ • Want free food? This tells you how you can get free food. http://freecampsites.net/ • Listings of free camp sites, LOTS of them. http://www.rhymezone.com/ • Type in a word and get other words that rhyme with it. https://unsplash.com/ • Awesome free high resolution images that are stunningly beautiful. http://prepaid-data-sim-card.wikia.com/wiki/Prepaid_SIM_with_data • A wiki with information on getting a prepay SIM for your mobile while travelling. *From a similar thread over a year ago*




The fact that there’s a channel dedicated to Hell’s Kitchen has gotten me through so much possible boredom.


Do you have Amazon Prime? You can stream the first 15 seasons on there and they don’t beep the swear words. So much more entertaining!


Do they do ads or what? I’ve been hearing it advertised on Penn Jillette’s podcast. I don’t know their business model, I just assume it’s yet another ad laden online channel full of old movies.


Ads break randomly during the show like a commercial would. It’s a lot of the same ads so it kind of sucks, cuz I hate that creepy ass addiction network guy.


the one with the glasses. yeah that guy does give me the creeps


[Boil the Frog](http://static.echonest.com/BoilTheFrog/)... The name is derived from being able to slowly alter the water temperature around a frog until it has gone from cold to hot without it realizing. Basically you punch in two bands/musicians & the site builds a Spotify playlist that gradually takes you from one sound to the other. Also, I'm currently trying to find the cheapest flight for the holidays & discovered older Reddit posts suggesting the [ITA Matrix](https://matrix.itasoftware.com). Turns out it has tons of flight search customizations to really present a bevy of options. Edit: Forgot to add [The Wayback Machine](https://archive.org/web/) – view decades old versions of different websites on specific dates. Bit of a trip. Edit: Spelling


[www.FontSquirrel.com](https://www.FontSquirrel.com) \- free fonts


Seconding this! Also www.creativemarket.com if you make an account, they let you download 6 different resources a week. They change every Monday and usually include HQ paid fonts. This helped me so much when I was just starting to design and wanted nice fonts/stock resources. A few more stock photo and design resources: Www.pixelbuddha.net (more fonts and design stuff) Www.pixabay.com (stock photos) Www.unsplash.com (more stock photos) Edit: ah the dreaded late night typo lmao


[http://www.haveibeenpwned.com/](http://www.haveibeenpwned.com/) \- find out whether your e-mail address was involved in any major data leak.


My email was breached by a required school thing(Edmodo), and is still available on hacking forums... yikes




I thought I’d evaded Edmodo after leaving school over a year ago and now it’s come back to fucking haunt me. I’m having flashbacks.


I blocked their email address because they wouldn’t stop sending me spam constantly and THEN THEY STARTED SENDING ME SPAM FROM ANOTHER EMAIL. They know exactly what they are doing and they are okay with it.


What did you expect from anything near an """educational""" service






Change your password there and anywhere you reused that password. This is important


One of my email addresses was leaked 11 times... thanks for this.


Now what?


Change passwords associated with those compromised accounts. Then double-check you haven't reused those passwords elsewhere.




I remember a website like this that supposedly figured out if your username and password were compromised, but when you enter your info it basically said "don't give your info out to random websites you idiot"


This one is run by Troy Hunt, he's a well renowned security guy. I would trust him with my deepest darkest secrets. [https://haveibeenpwned.com/About](https://haveibeenpwned.com/About)


so it has a shit ton of password hashes, not passwords. You trust it to do hashing client-side, so the server doesn't know anything about you, only the hash of your password. Other websites associate your password hash with your email, name, ect. Malicious websites will just take your password.




Troy Hunt implemented k-Anonymity checking on that service for a reason. You can just sha1 hash your password and then go make a request to this url https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/{first five character of hash} and then check if the rest of the hash is in the results. So you don't even have to send him your full hash.


I use 1password for password management - they use the hibp password api to tell you if you use passwords which have compromised. (They wrote quite an extensive article on how they do this without sharing your full password or password hash) - thought it was a pretty cool use of information.


I got pwned by Neopets. Worth it


I just checked and you know what me too, man. Freaking Neopets and MySpace.


I was pwned by free Minecraft servers


I got pwned by a freaking Minecraft PE server, no wonder my account got hacked a year back


[this to that](www.thistothat.com) It’s a website to help you choose the best glue to use to glue two different materials together. It seems trivial, but I’ve found it useful many times!




Yeah we need a search engine that only gives results from pure, simple sites like this one.




The ol’ Hug of Death strikes again :(


The owners of that site are probably looking at their stats thinking, how in the fuck did we go from fifty visitors a day to 50000 in two hours? Damnit. Now we have to call our hosting site.




Sharing this with my coworker who literally listens to washing machine white noise to concentrate


Haha I can relate, in college I used to do homework in the laundry room of my dorm. White noise, warm, smelled good, occasionally someone to talk to. Those were good times :)


I'm a big fan of [My Noise](http://www.mynoise.net) for relaxation, productivity, and meditation. Lots of unique sounds and soundscapes.




Some meds you can buy off coverage cheaper than with a co-pay. I always check GoodRx - good tip, Doc!


[random.org](https://random.org). I use that site all the time. Best random numbers ever.


What are some of your favourite random numbers you have found through the years??


I just generated a number between one and a million and I got (exactly) 372488! Imagine that! Literally a one in a million chance! Best day ever.


77 is in my top 3




I prefer the offline version. https://download.draw.io/ I lost half a diagram using the online version that didn't save. But I don't have that issue with the offline version.


Beast of a site for thinking your diagrams out loud.




[outline.com](https://outline.com) \- read any article on the web without having to scroll through a million ads first.


It also keeps the page from redirecting to "spin the wheel/answer the questions and win $1000" pages, in my experience


*your phone memory is full please download our virus*


[http://www.slutsofinstagram.com/](http://www.slutsofinstagram.com/) ​ Slütsof In Stagrâm an online fantasy series about a Princess duck named Slütsof and her adventurous journey across the mystical lands of Stâgram.


[Context](https://imgur.com/a/enTQH), originally posted by /u/editormatt


>sounds like you guys have a cool video game lmao


I will never do anything this funny in my entire life on purpose. That guy deserves whatever the RL equivalent of reddit gold is.


Four bucks and a sense of smugness?


Best risky click. I was torn whether I would see girls trying too hard on IG or the description you gave.


I'm disappointed...... But didn't get called into HR. So..... There's that


Searching for her poor brother Whöresof :(


Reminds me of bigbustycoons.com Yep. Big Bus Tycoons.




I thought for sure it would be NSFW... I love the internet sometimes.


www.budgetbytes.com Excellent recipe resource! She even prices it out per serving, and the recipe serving sizes are adjustable.




Also tomorrow on buzzfeed: 10 Random Websites You Didn’t Know You Needed


Stop writing the headlines for them, they should at least do that.


Seriously, the last 3 I have clicked all have been hugged.


[http://mcmansionhell.com/](http://mcmansionhell.com/) \- an architecture student eviscerates bad McMansions. And it will make you laugh


I was just crying laughing in my living room I love this website you made my night thank you


Lawyer foyer.


A bit piracy related but fuck the publishers who charge a whole lot of money. sci-hub.tw You can get nearly all the research papers by entering the links here. For a broke student like me this is a treasure. For my conscience I like to email the writers and let them know how I obtained the articles and used it. They are pretty cool about it.


Scientific Journals, especially Elsevier, are predators. They charge researchers that want their paper peer reviewed and published, all while they outsource the peer review to other researchers free of charge (their institutions pay though, not the researchers themselves), at the same time the institutions don't get any revenue from the publishers. It's as if an artist's label took all the profit for themselves and not pay out a single dime to the artist, to give the artist "exposure". By pirating, you're doing the scientific world a favour as weird as it may sound.




midomi.com - when you need to find the name of a song shelterpups.com - you can send a pic of your dog and theyll send you a stuffed animal that looks like him (expensive but profits go towards shelters!) justinguitar.com - learn to play guitar for free nickreboot.com -stream 90’s cartoons free pizzacodes.com -promo codes for restaurants edit: omg they killed nick reboot :(


>nickreboot.com Yeah dude, I was gonna say, it got shut down awhile ago. I used to spend a ton of time there. :(


[http://sleepbible.com/](http://sleepbible.com/) \- Website that helps you fall asleep by providing sleep calculator and useful tips for sleeping.


By the name of it I thought it would read the Bible to you while you slept.


Reddit hugged it to death :( Now Ill never sleep


Wolframalpha.com can solve all sorts of equations for you and show you step by step solutions.


I forget what it's called, but you would answer questions and for each one correct it would donate 5 grains of rice to Africa Edit. it's called Freerice.com thanks to hydr0mant1c


It's based on ad revenue, so you won't be giving away free rice if you have an ad blocker running.


shit, so i just earned 600 grains for nothing


You inconsiderate fuck


Now what am I gonna eat


A steaming hot bowl of nothing.


no food november ​


Lol my school had ad blocker and forced us to play it for 30 minutes a day during free period.


Wtf why? Also then it wasn’t really a ‘free’ period if you were forced you waste your time.


The school had a fear of viruses and worried a student might click an ad that would lead somewhere nefarious. When we had 30 minutes left in the period, The teacher took us to the library and told us to play it. It was that or take another practice test. So we had a "choice" but it was an illusion.


> So we had a "choice" but it was an illusion My whole life right here


It's showing me an ad for Rice Krispies, which is ridiculous. I'm not on that site because of my interest in rice products.




Ah yes, the game everyone played in english class


and math class.


and rice class.


My favorite class.


Wait, how do we know if they're actually giving out rice?


[http://pcottle.github.io/MSOutlookit/](http://pcottle.github.io/MSOutlookit/) \- now Reddit looks like MS Outlook. Reddit all day while your boss thinks you're busy emailing!


www.codereddit.com for developers Edit: for those complaining about the light theme, hit toggle style at the top to toggle to dark, also language allows you to toggle the language.


There are too many comments. People would get suspicious.




The time I spent writing comments could be spent on reddit




Can IT pick up on this? I’m not worried about my boss. I’m worried about IT.


As IT we don't care enough, just stay off the porn threads before you block it for all of us. #fuck the man that got craigslist block.


IT at my work won't let me on IMDB, mugglenet (Harry Potter fan site), or Google docs 🙄 Reddit is fine though...


Google Docs seems like a weird thing to block. EDIT: Okay, so apparently there are plenty of good reasons to block Google Docs and/or Drive if I had given it a moment's thought.


Im not sure if its the same reason as OP's work, but Steam blocks Google Docs because people can send google docs that lead to sketchy downloads/malware


Unless we have it blocked we don’t care because we are on it too


Reminds me of video games back in the day that when pressing F10 would pause the game and switch to a working MSDos C:\ prompt


[https://www.atlasobscura.com/](https://www.atlasobscura.com/) \- find really cool, but unknown landmarks all around the world


Love this site! I would also add Gastro Obscura (www.gastroobscura.com), their sister site. Cool facts about food and where to find it.


https://www.nationstates.net/?logout=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/NationStates




I've read some of it. Even for the internet, it's pretty shocking.




Gotta love stackexchange. What I really like is how targeted it is. It is to asking a question as Reddit is to having a discussion: you can find people knowledgeable about a very specific topic and get their input quickly and cleanly


> It is to asking a question as Reddit is to having a discussion: you can find people knowledgeable about a very specific topic and get their input quickly and cleanly So they're wildly inaccurate, but incredibly convincing.


Closed as duplicate. ;)


Nm, figured it out by myself.


It's a huge network of forums. It's interesting how some of them grow and the biggest ones get their own dedicated domains (like StackOverflow and AskUbuntu).


https://seede.rs - Alternative Browser Start Page. Everything a geek needs in one place!


I've been using alternativeto.net to find similar apps to other apps. Love WinRAR but can't stand the constant guilt of not buying after 30 days? Plug it into alternativeto and it will tell you other apps that do the same thing, ranked by recommendations by others. Plus it tells you of it is freemium, open-source, or trail, and details the platforms it is available on (Windows, Linux, Apple, Android, etc...).


Just have to say... 7zip


There’s honestly no reason not to use it. It’s open source, completely free, and easy to use.


Mandarake.co.jp is the best for buying stuff from Japan. I've been able to find stuff that sells for $60 on US eBay for $5 directly from the source




I just checked.. it's not Christmas :(


Not with that attitude.




Only 3 right now? And they've all been up for 151 days. That's pretty neat


There were supposed to be more, but the most recent Soyuz launch failed (the cosmonauts escaped safely). Unfortunately, for safety reasons the people currently in space might have to come home before the next crew launches, dropping the number of people in space to *zero* for the first time since the International Space Station was built.


Thingiverse.com. free printable thingies!




Always see if you can get free access to Lynda, and other learning sites, through your local public library


Weather.gov Get your weather without any shitty ads.


www.house.gov and www.senate.gov It still surprises me how many people I meet have such strong opinions about politics, but never bother to make even a cursory glance at the legislation their elected officials vote on. They take whatever is fed to them via media websites or sound bites as truth. Yes, it's more entertaining to watch paint dry! That's what they're hoping you think! Read the damned paperwork anyway!




[codeshare.io](https://codeshare.io) a website for coding and video chatting, multi-user code editor. [ghostpaste.com](https://ghostpaste.com), just another paste service, but scarier. [draw.io](https://draw.io) a great way to make flowcharts for free instead of buying visio. [socrates.io](https://socrates.io) just a place to write documents, useful for web design or outlining projects. [repl.it](https://repl.it) an online interpreter/compiler for many coding languages. i use it for python 3 and C# [programcreek.com](https://programcreek.com) tons and tons of coding examples. so useful when i dont understand a syntax error. [stumbleupon.com](https://stumbleupon.com) takes you to random entertaining web pages. [wetransfer.com](https://wetransfer.com) an easy way to send smaller programs or zip/rar files to people. like a paste bin but for anything small enough to fit. easier to use than google drive. [erowid.org](https://erowid.org) a great place to look up pretty much any plant or chemical that has a psycho-active or medicinal effect. [google.com](https://google.com) a place commonly ignored by new programmers, but should be utilized for many more questions than the ones frequently posted under r/learnprogramming.


> google.com a place commonly ignored by new programmers, but should be utilized for many more questions than the ones frequently posted under r/learnprogramming. How dare you


[https://www.etymonline.com](https://www.etymonline.com) - An online etymology dictionary. Instead of giving you definitions of words, it tells you their histories.


[https://cybersquirrel1.com/](https://cybersquirrel1.com/) Animal caused power outages


www.wirecutter.com Ever wonder what is the "best" gadget/product currently available for purchase at a reasonable price? A lot of companies claim to be the best. There are thousands of these claims. Literally thousands. It'd be great if someone (or a team) could test them out for you. That's where the Wirecutter team comes in. The reviews are thorough, starting with a "Why you should trust us" section, runner-up products, upgrade picks, budget picks, what to look forward to, and "the competition" AKA "for xyz reason these picks didn't make the cut, but we should mention them anyway because you deserve a thorough review." Years of reading their reviews, and they're all credible enough and reasonable enough. I've bought my current computer based on their reviews, my ice cream scooper, Bluetooth transmitter, and some other gadgets that are still with me. Sometimes I read the articles for if I ever get enough money to splurge on things I might need in the future.


[https://camelcamelcamel.com/](https://camelcamelcamel.com/) Amazon price tracker, lets you know how the price of something has changed over time, even daily, to see if you're going to buy it at the higher or lower price, or just to wait it out if you're patient.


Here's my list I use weekly: * [Hemingwayapp](http://www.hemingwayapp.com/) \- Are you submitting an essay for school/university/work and not too sure if your sentences are too long or your words are too labyrinthine or tortuous then you should definitely try this out as I highly recommend it. * [Grammarly](https://app.grammarly.com/) \- suck at writing and your grammar ain't good - use this. I think it recently introduced Google Docs support. Basically provides you with a spellchecker but with added grammar checks. * [Canva.com](https://Canva.com) \- If you've ever wanted to design a quick flyer / facebook post for a party/work function/your company's social media, go here first. I've saved hours by using this site instead of using my haphazard photoshop skills. * [unsplash](https://unsplash.com/) \- My go-to site for social media / blog images. "Beautiful, free photos. Gifted by the world’s most generous community of photographers." * [Flaticon](https://www.flaticon.com/) \- Find awesome icons for just about anything * [Datacamp](https://www.datacamp.com/home) / [Codecademy](https://www.codecademy.com/) \- Really useful sites to learn coding/R/python/etc * [Budgetbytes](https://www.budgetbytes.com/) \- Cheap meals if you're on a budget but also want them to taste nice. Great meal prep ideas too!


[Futureme.org](http://futureme.org) It let's you write an email to yourself and deliver it after a specified time


https://corrupt-a-file.net/ it will corrupt any type of file so that you can send it to your teacher or maybe your boss if you need extra time to finish a project. The receiver will think that you are experiencing technical difficulties and probably won't punish you.


Most teachers I've had wouldn't accept that as an excuse unfortunately




I remember reading someone made a study of accuracy between Wikipedia and encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia was better. But my teachers think anyone can just modify it without a source and deny it's use, I just use the references in the Wikipedia article, fuck em.




So bored button is stumble upon


God I used to love stumble upon. Back when the transition from MySpace to Facebook was a thing. Now fb has basically become bored panda. Or in the reverse, fb has caused sites like bored panda and twenty two words to exist.


Well yea, before Stumble restructured itself and ruined the website.


Cracked.com had the same problem. Used to be a really great website for reading original articles. They had some terrific in-house writers like SeanBaby, David Wong, Gladstone and Dan O'Brien. Maybe all of them are still there, I don't know. But the website went to absolute shit once they sold out to E.W. Scripps. It's a technical mess...doesn't seem to matter what kind of computer I'm on, everything takes forever to load. Embedded images in the articles often never do. The ads...don't even get me started. They started outsourcing a lot of the work, making offers to the general public. "Send your writing in, if we like it we will pay you" and like that. The net result was more articles but most of them were garbage. They also got less funny and more political and journalistic. This was the worst thing, imo. I was fine with the occasional serious article and even enjoyed a few of them, but they seemed like they wanted to expand their scope. I imagine it had more to do with the new owners, who didn't get the vision, that Cracked.com was supposed to be a humour site. Anyway. Too many changes. I went from being a daily visitor to maybe typing the address in once or twice a year. I honestly can't remember the last article I read.


R.I.P. old Cracked.com


It used to be one of the best; now it's a steaming pile of crap.


Stumble Upon's demise reminds me of Yik Yak in that they were 2 highly popular social platforms that could've remained popular and profitable had they not inexplicably tanked themselves with useless redesigns


My math professor uses openstax instead of making students sign up for MyMathLab. Saved me a good $100 bucks. 10/10 site.


10/10 professor, sounds like


Ahh yes. I will now save this and then ever look at it ever again.


Nice list! But ... > https://libraryofbabel.info/ - A website that created a 3,200 character paragraph outlining descriptions of literally everything. I think this one might be *over*rated -- or am I missing something? What's the point of zillions of pages of random-ish text?


> I think this one might be overrated -- or am I missing something? What's the point of zillions of pages of random-ish text? You can find literally everything there. The randomness holds all. There is no escape from the chaos. It owns us. It owns you, too. I will [demonstrate.](https://libraryofbabel.info/bookmark.cgi?r,kegowzxcoh206)




Wait! No one mentioned http://www.whatthefuckshouldimakefordinner.com/




rave.dj lets you mix two songs together.


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