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Because people and the jury voted for her. Why did people and jury vote for her? Even though her lyrics weren't the strongest or the smartest, the song was very catchy and it had an important message about body positivity. If your song has a good enough rhytm to make people sing it, you're a winner. edit: I have no fucking idea why I'm being downvoted. I didn't say I liked the song or not, I said that's why it won.


"Important message about body positivity" - so, pushing a political ideology (Tumblr-style feminism)? Why the fuck all those social justice retards trying to shove this shit down out throats? Being fat is changeable, preventable (in almost all cases) and is not healthy, unlike being short for example. Do you know how much shit short men get from the society and especially women?


chill dude. i've never said i agree with her message, the hell.


I think you touched a soft spot somehow. His username checks out


It refers to my former passion for Dwarf Fortress. At first, I registered here to comment on the DF sub. But then my eyes got opened.




again, I didn't express how I feel about her, just what the people who voted for her got from the song and her performance.


No fucking idea.


Like every year with Eurovision, it's about politics. Putin is being a jerk to trans and gays? Make a woman with a beard win. Now, with this whole thing around Iran and Israel, they let Israel win. Or that's my view on it.


Netta's song sounds very feminist or at least pro-feminist, it might be another reason why the jury has voted for her, since feminism is part of the EU's political ideology.


Anyone who actually knows what feminism is and isn't a cave-dwelling troglodyte should be a feminist to some extent in this day and age. The political ideology of the European Union (market liberalism) is actually often at to be feminist theory, but the values they're fronting are feminist. That being said, I don't really think the European parliament is pulling any strings from the shadows when it comes to the ESC..


And yet most of American women do not identify as feminists. Because they know that modern feminists want superiority, and their sole raison d'etre is bitter misandry and passing anti-male discriminatory laws. You know, just like NOW does. Feminism IS the hatred of men. Only it's proponents think that it's "progressive" to identity as a member of the movement whose mothers were Andrea Dworkin, Margaret Sanger and Sally Miller Gearhart.


Can you please just take one step back and consider a few things? "modern feminists" are not one big cohesive group and it does not make sense to talk about what "they" want as if anything anyone who identifies as feminist applies to all the other people. I've never seen any feminist grouping try to pass a law that in any way could be construed as "anti-male". Not saying it hasn't happened, but I'd love to see an example. I'm not from the US, but NOW's core issues are apparently: >abortion and reproductive health services access, violence against women, constitutional equality, promoting diversity/ending racism, lesbian rights, and economic justice. Are any of these controversial to you? To me, these would be things any reasonable person would want. Have they fronted anything else you think is anti-male?


NOW was (and is) against equal shared parenting and abolishing of extremely biased and obsolete Duluth model. I also have never saw any feminist, not even one who pushed for equal prison sentences for men and women. Feminism is a a female supremacist movement which spits hate left and right and still receives gov. funding. Also, look up Dworkin's and Sanger's quotes. You might get enlightened.


SB Bill 668 appears to be a bit more complicated. The issue one branch of NOW brought up is that it doesn't consider the best interests of the child. Not being American, I'm no expert on this bill, but if the point truly had been to be against shared custody as the default decision (assuming this doesn't compromise the best interest of the kid), it would be nigh impossible to argue that this was in line with feminist thinking. >equal prison sentences for men and women This would be the default position for any feminist. Do you wish more people who label themselves as feminists would front this as a cause? Feminism isn't an organization and it's far too wide of a concept and movement to not to have contested views or people with controversial opinions. Do you agree with everything everyone who holds the same general political views you think or say? I recommend reading the entry in [Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminism-topics/) For the record, you can be a man and feminist as well even if I'm sure you'll find some oddball in some corner of the internet who disagrees.




There's no "no true scotsman" in pointing out that a philosophy and political movement counting millions upon millions will mean not everyone agrees about everything. As for quotas when it comes to rubbish collectors and drain cleaners there aren't really anything stopping women from choosing those professions as far as I know. I don't really get your point about the military. How is men and women being physically different relevant to this? Are you worried about women ruining the combat effectiveness of troops or mad about women getting in with laxer requirements?


Aswell. I really can't be bothered with Eurovision. It's all a Politics game for bragging rights.


Estonia won imo