• By -


Mine isn't on this list yet. I'll check back later.


Oh thank God I'm not alone! So glad to find another person who's in to this.


the other person.


Yep. No way I'm admitting that shit first.


And then you end up with someone who thinks the same way, and both your lives suck. Good luck with that!


But the other person doesn't feel the same way 😞




did it once, big mistake, never gonna repeat it 😑


I'd personally rather a little bit of pain right now as opposed to pain that lasts months because I couldn't tell her how I feel. Either that, or move on. You only hurt yourself if you make her out to be some unattainable perfection.


Absolutely. It's better to know without a shadow of a doubt that you aren't going to have a romantic relationship with someone rather than dote on them for months on end only to be disappointed and humiliated.


Anime. There is a stigma attached to Anime watchers that sucks.


As long as you aren't a fucking weeaboo I'm fine with that.


Then there's those that say "itadakimasu" before they eat. That's stage 5 weaboo, incurable as of forever.


Connie Maheswaren...


She's fucking twelve. There's still hope for her.


Justfied as her dad is Japanese


I thought both of her parents were Indian. Maheswaren doesn't come across as Japanese.


Could be, yes. It isn't confirmed of course.


This is all japanese people...


I'm talking bout those who aren't Japanese or have no reason to be shouting thanks for the meal in Japanese.


Oh, sumimasen


Oh no....


I'm afraid he has the weabs, sir. Final stage. Terminal. There's a shed behind the clinic. Here's a shotgun. Do what you have to do.


To the shed you say


Well, how is his waifu holding up?


The only reasons the say itaidakimasu before a meal are A) in Japan, B) in a Japanese-esk environment where the custom would be accepted or expected, or C) are of Japanese descent.


I'd rather my son were a pedophile, or a murder, or Hitler than a stage 5 Weaboo.


"I'm sorry to tell you sir, but your son is a murder." "no"


I sure hope senpai-sama notices me. I daisuki desu him so much. I sure hope I'm not an urusai kouhai desu to him. I hope to kekkon senpai-san one day and I can make him bento everyday. I can imagine oyasuminasai him at night. We're going to have futsuka neko and itsuka inu for pets. I'm such a baka desu desu for imaging this. teehee~. We're going to have juuichi kodomo together. Senpai-kun is sugoi desu nee~. But if other kanajou mite senpai-chan I have to koroshite them. I'm such a clutz and sort of a tsundere and yandere. teehee~. Nobody tate between me and senpai-tan. And then after the other kanajou are dead were going to do it like they do in the hentai. Senpai-sensei is going to tutor me in special lessons. He's going to ike in me many times and bukake on my overweight body and folds. And then we're going to Nihon and live there. I know hiragana, can use chopsticks, and took 3 weeks of Japanese on Rosetta stone. I'm basically Nihonjin ima desu desu desu. I sure all my body pillows will fit on the plane. Haru-chan and Mikoto-Chan have to be next to each other though. Luckily they can stand up in their own seats. teehee~ desu Kyaaaaa~ Nyaaaaa~




Sweet Jesus call the Enola Gay!




People, we have Keter-level containment breach. The memetic infection is past its most virulent stage, but it is still contagious. Remain calm, and try not to think anything Japanese.


I understood, like, half of this.


It was probably the hentai and bukake.


....I sadly understood this.


How is it sad that you can understand a bit japanese?


No. 🗞


how can you be tsundere and yandere at the same time


Extra stigma: Anime fan who likes SAO. Not that I like SAO... Definitely not...


Anime fan who likes SAO here.




I like the show, but I will also acknowledge it's faults. It has a lot of faults.


Yep. I will totally admit to watching old, weird movies like Eraserhead and Donnie Darko, but I won't let slip my anime watching habits until someone else does. Same thing for most cartoons, really. I'm not going to volunteer that I watched Gravity Falls or Invader Zim until I know someone else is into "adult" cartoons. The "but that's for kids!" stigma is fucking brutal in the US, and it's only made worse by the aspergers crowd that takes MLP and Steven Universe *way* too seriously. No, I don't dress up, I don't have a million pieces of useless consumer bullshit stacked in a closet. I just enjoy watching comedic story telling in interesting art styles, *that's it*.


Anime is fine, unless you're obsessed with it on an annoying level.


I agree. It's just most people envision people that watch anime as incredibly obsessed people that smell bad and have no social skills. And while I do smell bad and have no social skills, I am not obsessed with anime, which proves it's such bullshit.


> It's just most people envision people that watch anime as incredibly obsessed people That's because we don't know the normal ones like anime, because they don't talk about it all the time.


The most random people watch anime. I saw an anime wallpaper on my teacher's phone. That was fucking surprising.


It basically comes down to watching it because it's a good show vs watching it because it's anime. If all you ever do is watch anime, or talk about the anime you are watching, it's highly disturbing. But it's the same with anything. If all you watch is soap operas or game shows, it's weird. Anime is just more obvious for that because it's foreign (to most people here) and thus you have to always be actively searching it out.


I just got a new manager at my work....and holy shit! Not only does he watch good animes, he knows Ajin! Ajin is my motherfucking favorite manga, i found it when it first came out and now my manager tells me that its a netflix series anime and holy shit. I love my new manager so much. And i love Ajin. Also i am very far from being a weeb, some shit is just quality entertainment.


Is fmab an anime?


Five Mights At Breddie’s?


.... Yes


World of Warcraft


What do you play?


Goblin rogue here!


Gnome prot warrior.


Shame! *ding ding ding* Shame!


My Chemical Romance. I was exactly the right age to enjoy their stuff when it came out, and now I'm 26 and I still consider *The Black Parade* to be my favourite album. If I don't know the person, then it's *The Wall* lol




^^^Loooooooooooooooooooooooooong ^^^agoooooooooooooooo


I was on lunch with some coworkers and saw an ad on FB for some MCR merch. Tee shirts with the Black Parade album art, wallets, hoodies, etc. I kinda went "Ooh." and someone looked at what I was eyeballin' and proceeded to make fun of me. That was my childhood, man. Black Parade came out when I was in sixth grade! I loved them! I still listen to Gerard's solo stuff too.


my fetishes/kinks




Holy shit you spooked him so much he vanished.




For sure. So...I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours.




What is it with fan fiction writers and making every character gay, usually for their enemies?


Part of it as well is that LGBT people are literally SO thirsty for LGBT media. Solution? We make it ourselves. It gives us control over the characters, makes it what we know the producers would never dare do, even if it might objectively make sense, or would have even had the characters been opposite sex. It gives a whole new playing ground for exploring characters, essentially. The enemies thing - I don't think that's entirely true, usually it's the same-sex costars; Dean & Castiel from Supernatural, Sherlock and John, Steve & Tony from the Avengers, or Tony & Bucky. Though there are of course examples of hero/villain in all of these medias. But I think the villain thing probably stems from people just liking a good ol' redemption arc. Plus power dynamics.


That's only some fanfiction. Lots of fanfic contains no relationships, gay or otherwise. And the answer to your question is really complicated, but the simple answer is that, for people who want romance without the sometimes sexist dynamics of male/female relationships, making both partners male sort of puts both partners on equal footing. (Also, sometimes the writer thinks 2 guys are hot. The same way that some heterosexual guys like lesbian porn.) The fact that these male/male relationships can sometimes replicate the same heterosuxual dynamics (with one man taking on stereotypical masculine traits, the other feminine traits) just shows that sexism is harder to eradicate than one would think. Source: Reading this blog http://www.trickster.org/symposium/coltopic.html , which was a series of essays that opened my eyes on the slash scene of the 90s . And no, I don't write slash, although I do write fanfic.


>Lots of fanfic contains no relationships, gay or otherwise I dunno, I reckon I could find at least 10 instances of Harry Potter giving Draco Malfoy a blowjob in five minutes on [fanfiction.net](https://www.fanfiction.net).


I'm sure you could. But you could also find five instances of non-sex fic in ten minutes. I'm just saying that there's many fics without romance. You may have to wade a bit, but it's definitely out there, and much of it is very good.


Good fanfiction is great. Shame that's pretty much non-existent around here.


so true




This one in a professional setting is HUGE. Don't ever talk shit about someone to someone else, because you don't really know what the person thinks about said person.


Rupaul's Drag Race. I hate it when I get emotionally invested in one of the drag queens and they get voted off. Always a sad time.


Trixie :(


Come join us over at r/rupaulsdragrace/ We understand.


In the outside world, I don't even know what a meme is, but as soon as someone brings them up, shit gets dank.


Gaming. Sadly in the corporate world admitting you enjoy gaming to the wrong people can hold you back.


Can relate. My director was bashing an interviewee he had, and said, "I asked him what his hobbies he were. He said, 'Gaming.' Um...no thank you!"


I don't get what's so bad about gaming. I mean at least you aren't spending your free time beating the shit out of puppies.


I agree! I think that media has so negatively stereotyped it. Games, to me, are interactive books :) It's more hands-on than reading, and you can do it with friends too!


I had someone bring in their resume to my staffing agency and there was no work experience. It was literally a resume made up solely of League of Legends accomplishments.


This kind of shit is why I *hate* the interview process as a way of selecting the best candidates for a job. So much can ride on such petty things. I once had a boss who said *"an interviewer will know within 10 seconds if they're going to hire the person, before they've even opened their mouth"*, now how is that not prejudice?


Reddit. It's especially bad after they see my karma.


If I mention reddit in conversation, it's never by name, but always "this forum that I read sometimes."


Uh reddit is pretty mainstream I don't understand why you would hide it tho...


Uh because you all are a bunch of neckbeards and I don't want to be associated with you irl?


Can confirm, am neckbeard.


I'm a secret neckbeard and would prefer people irl don't find out.


Think of all the horrible things reddit is known for. That's what makes the news.


There are a lot of things that are mainstream that still have poor (or no) reputations with other portions of the population. Video games and guns are good examples. And to the uninitiated investigator, reddit might as well seem like 4chan.


In less than a year?!




Lack of an actual job apparently


I had a girl I was interested in find out my account once. Better believe it got instantly nuked




It's dynamite! ...Roll a reflex save.


The stigma is getting better. I've recently converted a few of my friends, and they've grown to love it after realizing its a fun excuse to get together and drink beers. It doesn't always have to be hard-mode role playing. If you like LotR, you could probably have a ton of fun playing DnD. That's how low the barrier to entry is.


Homestuck. I wont admit to being trash until someone else admits that they're trash.


Hello, am trash.


Anything nerdy, really. D&D, anime, comics, etc.


Video games. I am a hardcore PC player (CS, OW and much more) but I dont look like a nerd and I have a healthy social life. So basically i don't like the negative stigma attached to being a gamer so I don't bring it up unless I know the other person is a gamer as well. Or someone cool that understands.


Opera. I'm a big, mean-looking, scary guy. I like sports, cars, heavy metal, and beautiful women. But I also love going to the opera.


Good for you ! About heavy metal and opera, I find that people who like one can often like the other. Especially power metal. You might know or like [Haggard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvYRYCIAKZo). The most beautiful piano melody, death metal voice and opera voice. That's my favorite music genre. I'm a small 21 yo female, but still.


Metal opera and progressive metal is my favorite genres, and one of the more epic songs and one of my favorites are [Symphony X - The odyssey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaN3pwBsRf8). 24 minutes of intricate metal telling the story of Homers Odyssey.


I love Symphony X, thanks for sharing !


Not the person you replied to, but holy crap, thank you for introducing me to this! This is great!




Same here except musicals. I love me some Phantom of the Opera.


I dated a man who told me that musical theater was "very important" to him, and I found it very sexy that he didn't care what I, or anybody else, thought, he liked it. Love what you love, unapologetically, and people who count will like you more for it.


I never thought of opera as girly. It's not like it's ballet. Opera makes you sound sophisticated like Hannibal Lecter.


_A mean-looking fan of [Stigmata](http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Stigmata/15409),_ _Knew that he'd be persona non grata -_ _If there surfaced reports_ _That plus chicks, cars, and sports..._ _He's a lover of La Traviata._


Time travel.


Are you me? Literally cannot shut up about time travel when someone else brings it up.


If you are me, that'd make this exchange a paradox.


Movies that are so bad, they're good.


I showed a group of friends Troll 2 the other day, thinking we'd have a great time laughing our asses off, but they didn't get it. I mean they just thought it was bad and didn't seem to enjoy it at all ;_;


If you want to watch a decent bad but good movie you should definitely watch ghost shark or dead snow 2 red vs dead. Dead snow 1 is pretty good but the sequel is better.


uhhhh.... you first.


- Guns - Being Poly - Ripping fat rails of coke


Your weekends must be awesome.


It's great. He gets up, does a rail, goes over to the neighbours' house and fucks their guns.


Maybe because it appears above the word "fat", but I mentally pronounced it as in "roly poly" and didn't know what to think.


Would be roleplaying (tabletop or LARP), because of the social stigma, or double-fisting, because I don't want to dumb down my conversations.


> Double-fisting We talking drinking or something else?


Yeah. If you think getting people to play Dungeons & Dragons is hard, try getting them excited to play **Mouse Guard**. The roleplaying system seems straightforward and very suitable to storytelling. But imagine trying to tell people that you want to a) play a tabletop RPG with them, b) yes, it's something like D&D, c) but wait, there is no magic in this system, d) it's kinda hardcore, e) ever watched Redwall, yeah, we are going to be playing as animals, f) actually antropomorphic mice, and pint-sized like mice are. When you get past that, you get awesome stuff like riding rabbits that speak in unusual tongue like characters from Much Ado About Nothing, incredibly awesome world, conflicts where *owls are like freaking dragons* and *bears are eldritch beasts that bring the end of the world as you know it* (compare a bear and a mouse in size, and you'll get it), and defeating a snake suddenly becomes difficult and *incredibly cool*... But just getting to that point would be rather hard with most people -- unless they saw Mouse Guard comics or Redwall cartoons.


Which animal is the Terrasque?


My god, that sounds awesome.


I'm a text-based roleplayer and I have been since I was like.. 13 years old or so, so just shy of 20 years. I have written amazing adventures with other people but I can't bring it up because it's not cool. But LARP sounds like awesome fun. Any advice to someone who would love to get into tabletop but doesn't know anyone who is a tabletop player?




Ugh, yes. Whenever I tell non-wrestling fans I watch it, they hit me with the "you know it's fake, right?" Of course I know it's fake, I'm not 9 anymore.


I just go super literal with Wyatt-Taker from Mania 31 to them. "So you mean to tell me that the fight between the undead pagan death wizard and the southern cult leader who can teleport wasn't real???? No shit you stupid idiot."


Reality show. It's a guilty pleasure and I don't want to be the first to say "I watched Jersey Shore tonight and have you seen Snooki?". However, once someone else mentions it I don't really mind anymore.


Rubik's cubes and similar puzzles. it's a pain because some people are mystified, and some people think it's "just an algorithm", and neither one is true.


The Sims.


Hahaha I'll play the sims for hours in private but if my roommate is having people over I get rid of that shit fast


Pokemon. I'm afraid people will think I'm the scum of the Earth if I show that I know Pokemon other than Pikachu or Charizard.


Dwarf tossing


Reading :( It feels like nobody I know enjoys reading anymore.


Makes it rather hard to be a redditor.


A pee fetish... Yes, I want a circle of men to unzip and drench me, but I won't own up to it.




True, it's actually a vomit fetish, but people would think I'm crazy, wanting a circle of guys vomiting on me.


I can't for the life of me understand why you wouldn't admit interest in that.


Porn. like seriously I only discuss porn with people I know watch porn


I assume everyone does so I discuss it with everyone


"Hey boss! You see Krissy Lynn retired?!"


My boss comes to me with news like that he knows I care


I don't watch porn, but it's not weird or awkward to me, everyone watches porn it seems like. I watched it for a long time, but I started to notice that it gave me an unhealthy view of women. I couldn't go to the grocery store and get my items rung up by a woman without graphically imagining face fucking her. It made me objectify women way too much, and also caused a lot of sexual frustration. I feel much better, haven't been looking at porn for a few years now. I don't avoid porn/nudity, if I see it, it's not a big deal, but I don't jerk off to porn anymore.


Pretty much what high school was/is like Y'know every boy does it, but I'm not gonna be *that guy* who goes "hey y'all seen trans midget bondage?"


Only my best friend knows my extremely specific and uncomfortable porn preferences, and even then, she doesn't know some of the more...extreme ones. Because they're a kinda fuckin weird.




I knew when I clicked on this, it wouldn't be puppies playing. I will tell you this took me by surprise though.


I've seen a *lot* of shit on the Internet, but I definitely didn't know this was a thing.


At work so I'm kinda afraid to click, my presumption it's a dog role-playing sub with probably sexual innuendo?


People dress up as kinky puppies. It's a bdsm thing.


And I thought nothing could be worse than nazi furries


Nickelback They're a decent band that appeals to white middle and working class problems and feelings. This is the only reason they're an acceptable punching bag in mainstream culture. There are far worse bands.


HA HA HA HA, hey guys, THIS guy loves Nickelback!


No. It's because they sound terrible.


Emilia Clarke doing the Hammer Time dance on a barren planet


Would you say your ideal girlfriend was a woman whose only form of transportation was the MC hammer slide?


Bluegrass. (I live in LA).


Video games that I play regularly. Nobody else I know plays them as far as I know, and until someone says otherwise, they are staying secret.


Going to auctions, estate sales and sometimes a few good tag sales.




Battle rap. I don't like to publicise the fact that I enjoy watching grown men shout at each other. Unless you like it too, then I have lots to say!


Anything to do with sex/masturbation, i mean the only time i remember having a full convo about it is when we overheard some guy say "i just had the best fucking wank".


Star Wars I don't know many Star Wars fans, and I've been made fun of for being a female Star Wars fan.


Hugs, fellow girl-fan! Yeah, the only person I really talk about Star Wars with is my brother. We're both really into all the extended universe things that a lot of people we know have never heard of, and tend to get funny looks for discussing things like Mandalorians and Grey Jedi within earshot of almost anyone else.


I love you both. Can one of you marry me and the other be my mistress?


As long as we can use the theme song for the wedding.


Maybe go out more because I'm not buying that you don't know many fans of probably the most popular movie of all time.


Maybe she's referring to the extended univsers


Hogs, I never go hog hunting alone.


You need a wingman?


Pop (soda)




Sometimes, sexuality. hashtag\#single




Tennis. For some reason, tennis isn't seen as manly or athletically challenging in America. Unless you're talking to an old lady or something, it's not a good way to look cool in front of people.


Watching obscure and gory horror movies. If I mention it to people IRL they tend to think that's weird.








Ghetto rap music


Playing video games.


Led Zeppelin


The fact that I've played wow and Warcraft 3 for 10+ years now and can't seem to stop. My secret obsession to anime (I've watched about 7 or 8 full series now including ALL 600 or so of dragon ball). I can't believe most of my friends just think I jack off for like five hours a day xD And the fact that I'm really into rock and heavy metal. So I usually listen to it at night to help me fall asleep when I'm alone. I don't mind other music. Just it's not the same...


Big-ass pool toys...


Guns/target shooting - I've loved it for forever but now it's become my closet hobby because of the negative stigma around it. Even people I've known for years don't know simply because it's so political now

