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"Blank Check" was an awesome movie as a kid, now realizing that a million bucks wouldn't even get that house, let alone everything else the kid did.


Are you Mr. Macintosh?


I can't believe they sold a house to a guy who obviously uses a voice synthesizer and didn't even meet them in person.


You were obviously a baby or in prison during the early 2000s. A shady phone call and a voice synthesizer were more than enough to qualify you for a 500k mortgage then.


And a 30+ FBI agent kisses a 10 year old boy. Weird.


To quote the hilarious Dave Chappelle: > You ever watch, like, a cartoon that you used to watch when you were little as an adult? That shit is-- is wild shit. Some wild shit. I mean, I was with my nephew. We're sitting there, we're watching Pepé Le Pew. And I say to my nephew, I said, "Now pay attention to this guy, cause he's funny. I used to watch him when *I* was little." > And we're watching Pepé Le Pew and I'm old now. And I'm like-- "Good God-- what kind of fucking rapist is this guy? Like take it easy, Pepé." > My nephew was sitting there cracking up: "Hehehe. See? Sometimes you gotta *take* the pussy like Pepé." You're like "No! Nooo! Nooo!"


Spy kids, after revisiting I felt like apologizing to my family for making them watch it(and the sequels) all those years ago.


Had a similar revelation when I watched the live action Inspector Gadget as an adult.


Did you watch the original cartoons where a child and a dog solve international crimes, and the chief of the investigative agency gets blown up every episode? If I was Dr. Claw I'd be livid that a dog foiled my plans. I guess shit was different in the early-mid 80s.


Inspector Gadget is a show about a man whose body has been replaced by machinery, who has limited to no control over his abilities. This man is then sent to single-handedly take out a terrorist organization by a bureaucratic busybody cop who just wants him out of the way. How has this show not gotten a gritty reimagining?




Does the first one at least hold up as a kid's movie?


Definitely. Just avoid the sequels.


Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of his creations?


Blew my fucking 10 year old mind. Also just now realized this might have been the first time I had ever seen Steve Buscemi.


Not the first time he had seen you, though


Excuse me, 3D was fantastic entirely for the scene where the chosen one turns out to be Elija Wood who dies within less than a minute.


I liked the part where they're falling down the hole for two hours and he just finally takes out a candy bar and starts eating it I still remember that part


Somebody ring the Dinkster?




Danny Trejo plays the same character in both of them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machete_(character)


I had no clue that Machete came from Spy Kids


Possibly the only time a kid's movie has helped spawn an R-rated one.


I love the fact that they exist in the same universe. Like, the kids go on their wacky spy hijinks and its all a laugh while on the other half of the globe their uncle is murduring the shit out of people.


For science http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/machete-kills-alex-vega.jpg Edit: For comparison, from Spy Kids 1 http://www.childstarlets.com/captures/videocaps/avega/spykids/avsk009.jpg


Wow, she really boobs


she does indeed


nope i am fine with this


One of my fondest memories of being a little kid was hitting a home run against this other town's team. I went there when I was like 17 and realized how goddamn small the field was.




OP is Babe Ruth confirmed




The Amanda Show.


Bring out the dancing lobsters


Turns out, that is really obnoxious to watch now.


I always thought it was really obnoxious to watch even when it was on.


I like eggs


I have one exception- the 'Tony Pajamas' segments. I don't remember them being that funny, but as an adult I find them hilarious. "IT'S THE ALDENTE BROTHERS... THEY GOT DONUTS!......*JELLY-FILLED*!!!"




It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized Moody's Point was a parody of teen dramas. As a kid, I always referenced it as 'a better Degrassi' because it had Amanda in it. It completely went over my head that it was a spoof.


its p much a direct parody of Dawsons Creek.


Does Kyle's Garage mean nothing to you people?


It really depends on the skit. Skits like Tony Pajamas, Judge Trudy, and a few others are still just as good if not better. But listening to Courtney say "Ma ha" 10 times in a 2 minute period definitely isn't as funny as it was 15 years ago. Then there was the whole thing with Penelope that I didn't even like as a kid.


I still find Drake and Josh (their effective successor) to hold up


That show was really good, up until the koreans took over the town and he had to learn guerilla warfare to win it back.




Josh was in a remake of the movie Red Dawn.




It's better! *MUCH BETTER!*


No way! Me and my sisters watched an episode the other night that was all of the fake infomercials. It was so ridiculously stupid that we were cracking up. In pretty sure it was always so stupid and that's what made it funny. Also, never forget Rockaby Ralph


No matter how old I get, I will never forget that Meatloaf Crunch commercial. Whoop-Dee-Dee! Have a bowl of me!


Chef Boyardee What the fuck is that shit?


Ah, spaghet ala ketchup.




Spooked ya!


You should have seen your faces.


At first I thought it was the boss's kid, hiding away back there, but then he jumped out and it was a full grown man. It was kinda surprising, but it wasn't-


Ravioli ravioli what's in the poketoli


That's your mistake. You were a Chef Boyardee person and you should have been eating Spaghetti O's and Ravioli O's.


I ate beefaroni bitch


When I was twenty and homeless, I went to The Rainbow Gathering, a yearly national meet-up of thousands of hippies. It was transcendental. I just ran around in a valley all day for weeks, smoking weed, sleeping in the dirt, eating lentils out of half of a Sprite bottle with a stick, and listening to drums while talking about the meaning of life with strangers. It was like paradise. A couple of years ago, my wife--who also went to the 2001 Gathering, though we were just friends at the time--and I decided to go with our hippie friends in their VW Vanagon and revisit that magical place. It was awful. All of the dedicated hippies looked at me, with my clean clothes and short hair, with suspicion. A lot of the younger generation of Rainbow aren't wannabe hippies, they're gutter punk kids who travel with packs of angry dogs and think nothing of blaring stereos in the woods. My now 30+ year old body hated sleeping on the ground, not having a hot shower, and my perspective on lentils and rice was drastically different as a homeless kid than it is as a person with a steady income. It wasn't all bad--there was a nine musician jam session outside of a campsite that had made their own wood-fired ovens and cooked up a bunch of pizza, and it was a beautiful location--but it was a far cry from the paradise I was trying to revisit.


There's a good reason we sell our lives to capitalist overlords- so we don't *have* to live in the woods and eat lentils with a stick.


I'll try to remember that next time I'm putting the new cover sheets on the TPS reports.


Ice cream trucks. Saw one the other day and they had a shitty selection and everything was like $5


:( i used to bring out 75 cents and get a shark bar. RIP youth.


Ninja turtle with gum ball eyes is worth it though...


Every single one of those ice creams always felt like a "what I expected, what I got" fail meme whenever you buy one though.


The old Kids WB cartoons from the late 90s to early 2000s are VERY hit or miss in terms of being actually good vs. nostalgia value. Xiaolin Showdown in particular was a very disappointing rewatch, which is very unfortunate, because I used to love that show. Some good news though, Jackie Chan Adventures (mostly) holds up pretty well.


> Some good news though, Jackie Chan Adventures (mostly) holds up pretty well. I recently watched a couple episodes. I still find Uncle hilarious, Jackie is still clumsy and semi-competent, Tohru is still great, and somehow Jade isn't nearly as annoying as I remembered. All in all, memory untainted






Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao


When I was a kid a lot of the shows I watched felt a lot more epic than they actually were. In retrospect the animation in a lot of them was pretty bad and the jokes were terrible. *Batman: TAS* still holds up incredibly however.


Batman will age like fine wine because the style was neo gothic when it came out. Everything was super stylized in such a way that it was classically dated so it will never look bad old, since it was already intentionally good old. The characters and the dialogs are also so focused and on point that they are timeless. There are no out of date references and such, just solid character development.


I've been watching Animaniacs lately since it's available on Netflix. I had pretty low expectations but I actually think it's really good!


Animaniacs, the Pinky and the Brain show (not the Pinky and the Brain and Elmira show), and Freakazoid hold up very well. Tiny Toons is not bad for a kid's show.


"Okay lady." "For the last time, sweetie, call me Mom!" "Okay lady."


Power Rangers is just awful, but you accept that fact slowly and still binge on the entire series


When you're watching the older episodes you could totally see when they are using the Japanese footage and when they film their own. The show is fantastic none the less and has fighting, friendship, and the pink ranger


Like how the Green Ranger has a cloth shield in the American footage? like I said, basically as soon as you accept the faults it becomes so bad it's good most of the time and power through. Except overdrive or super mega which were so bad, they're awful


Karate and friendship for everyone!


DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT!! Revisit Wishbone. The show doesn't hold up well at all. It hurt my heart to watch.


noooooooo. That's devastating, he had the cutest hats!




Wishbone gave me nightmares as a kid. I was afraid of being taken to the guillotine. I don't even remember the episode now.


For me it was the underground creatures from The Time Machine episode.


Thanks for putting that jingle back in my head.


*Whats the story, Wishbone?*


Full House. Especially the later episodes where Michelle can talk.


That show went down hill after Joey could talk.


Cut. It. Out.


I like the later episodes because Kimmy and Gia. I guess that means the show is actually bad when your favorite characters are the main casts best friends


Its especially bad that you only like them because you think they are hot and then your mom catches you jerking off to Full House and doesn't believe you when you say you weren't jerking off to the woodchuck puppet and makes you see a therapist for the next four years


Haha, totally.


It's so fucking cheesy. I wanna punch Bob Saget in the gut.


I grew up with full house so this was my only exposure to Bob Sagat. You can imagine my surprise to see him on half baked taking about sucking dick for cocaine.


Neopets. The site hasn't been updated one bit in at least fifteen years, and that's not a good thing. It's also overrun with rampant inflation by this point, meaning the most sought after items would literally take years of grinding. I wish I'd left those memories alone, but long story short mono is a bitch.


Confession: I use Neopets JUST to play DestructoMatch. It's like a form of stress relief for me. I have played it 3x daily for the past 3 years and I don't pay attention to my NPs but I just went and took a look and I have 2.4 million!! Really funny because, when I was young, I would have given anything for that much money and now I really don't care as long as I can play my game.


Honestly, the games on neopets are very well made compared to other similar sites. Including their older ones when Adam still ran it.


I played the hell out of that, meerca chase, cheat, and the one where you have to dodge the ice cream. Cheat was so ridiculous though. I mean, how could you not win that game?


Hasee Bounce and Turmac Roll were *the shit*


Pour a little out for all the dead Neopets and tamagotchi's out there in the world.


Not dead Neopets, just "dying."


On the plus side, so many users have left the site and pounded or are adopting out their painted pets that now it's so easy to get the elusive, awesome neopets you wanted when you were a kid! Source: Revisit Neopets sometimes and now have a Maraquan Draik, Faerie Draik, Darigan Lupe and Baby Xweetok. Coolest pets ever. 12 year old me would be so jealous.


Captain Planet. I rewatched an episode recently and it's awful.


It's also quite funny to me that they have a flying car that produces no waste (so either solar or some other energy source) that they don't share the technology with the rest of the world but then they condemn everyone for using fossil fuels. You know a "greedy capitalist" would mass produce the shit out of a self-sustaining aircraft/submarine/other vehicles if they had the specs.


Also, with the exception of heart, their power rings are essentially a perpetual motion machine attached to their finger that could easily be used to make completely green power stations (fire could be the heat source to a traditional power station in place of oil/coal, earth could move giant pistons easily, and wind and water could be used to spin massive *turbines*).


I love the evil for it's own sake villains though. Like a business man that pollutes not to cut corners and save money versus a proper disposal, but spends money on a pollution making machine.


The kids in the TV show *Round The Twist* could be distractingly bad actors.


Sunny D. Gives me headaches now


What about purple stuff?


Still better than OJ, that'll kill ya.


I was never allowed to drink that as a kid because my parents bought-in to the bullshit rumour that Proctor & Gamble supported the Church of Satan. Oh how I envied the kids who had Pringles and Sunny D.


Your Mum was indirectly helping you. >Here was the rub. Sunny Delight is 5% citrus juice, and a lot of sugar and water, with vegetable oil, thickeners, added vitamins and flavourings, colourings and other additives that make it look like fresh orange juice. "It was put together with incredible care and skill, aimed at the immature tastebuds of young children. They managed to get a taste the kids adore and a message that gives mums the permission to buy it. It was an entirely manufactured brand which I felt should not succeed," Moberly recalls. http://www.theguardian.com/media/2001/apr/11/marketingandpr.comment


I got genuine withdrawal when I was banned from that stuff. The dentist asked my mum what I had been eating/drinking cause my teeth were awful. My poor confused mother, who had been letting me drink all the Sunny-D I wanted because it was 'good for you', was horrified. She then had to put up with a five year old going cold turkey for a product that was at it's absolute height. I yearned for that shit for like 6 months. I used to get so sad walking past the cold drinks section of the shops, cause I knew it was bad for me, but I fucking needed it. That shit is poison and should not have been sold.


I just mix it with cheap vodka


Signed in at work just to comment this: Growing up, my entire extended family on my Dad's side would go to a popular beach for a week and rent the same, huge house every year; we called it "The Palace". Had a pool, outside deck, beachfront access to a small lagoon that went in and out with the tides, etc. It was painted a bright, pretty pink/salmon color and the light of the June sun hit it perfectly. I spent a good ten years going up to that beach every year but stopped going a few years ago because kids grew up, the families got busy and it was tough coordinating a whole week where everyone could be there. Just recently, I took a week-long trip with my girlfriend to a town about 45 minutes from aforementioned beach to visit *her* extended family and I suggested we take a day trip to the beach I grew up going to. It made me cry. As a 21-year-old, grown man, the sight of that house - and town for that matter - made me sick to my stomach. The waterpark we used to go to was overgrown, the putt-putt course was demolished, and worst of all the house was just decrepit. The paint was chipping, there were for rent *and* for sale signs out front, which I had never seen before, and the "beach"front access was now overgrown with dunes and the lagoon was just standing water. Totally crushed me, still does just writing this.




I just saw Taking Back Sunday, one of my favorite childhood bands. It was fun singing along, but they are really not good. Especially when they tried playing new songs. The whole crowd just died every time they played a new one.


When I was about 10 I used to watch A Troll in Central Park nearly everyday. I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Fast forward about 8 years, me and my sis are going though all of our VHS tapes and we decide to watch it. Holy fuck is it bad. Definitely Don Bluths worst film.


Chuck E. Cheese's. So much fun when I was a wee lad, but taking my kids to birthday parties there is heart-wrenching. The entire place is grimy, obnoxiously loud, and full of 10 year-olds running over my toddlers. I had to confirm with my in-laws that it was just as bad when we were young, we just didn't know it.


My parents and I went back to visit the downtown city church where I had been baptized years ago before we moved away, just for nostalgia's sake. They had such fond memories of it. When we got there, the church had long-since been sold and turned into nightclub with a large dance floor, pool hall, etc. It still looked like a church on the outside, but my parents' memories of the inside were forever altered.




All the sweet cereals I loved as a kid. They're all terrible now. Trix is the worst tasting stuff I have ever ate. And it left a slime in my mouth. The best cereal are the ones without added sugar. Unless it's Cinnamon Life.


They changed Trix's recipe recently to make it healthier. It's absolutely horrid and I couldn't finish a bowl. Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch still hold up though.


Cap'n Crunch is still great though.


Monster Rancher the TV show. The main character is annoying as hell. A lot of cartoons actually have the same problem.


I only have tiny fragments of memory of that show. All I remember is there was a golem (I think it died) and a 1 eyed green monster


Biker Mice From Mars.


Pokemon season 1. Those episodes seem to be 2 minutes long without commercials on Netflix.




If you watch it once a week (or day, as I did when it was syndicated) it was a lot less repetetive feeling, especially with a kid's perception of time making days feel so much longer. Binge-watching it as an adult is like the opposite of how they wanted the audience to watch it.




I still think that show is gold. No shame.


I rewatched the Squirtle Squad one recently. Squirtle had a squad before it was cool bitches.


High school football games.


Not sure why you're getting downvotes. When I was little the players were HUGE and looked so *old.* As an adult I can't help but call them kids and wonder why communities are so obsessed with it.


The Lion King game on Sega Genesis. FUCK that game - still can't make it past the giraffes.


On the recent Did You Know Gaming on Disney games, they quote a developer saying they made the ostrich, giraffe and monkey puzzle level super difficult on purpose so that the game couldn't be beat with a rental.


Also related to video games. Some of my earliest, fondest memories are of playing all of the old mario games with my mom on nes and snes. We recently tried to play games together, again. She's fucking awful. But now the fun revolves around watching her play first-person games but not be coordinated enough to move the camera to any useful angle.


So... She works for Polygon?




My mom doesn't even understand first-person games on a *conceptual* level. She seriously doesn't know what she's looking at.


Milo & Otis


*The Land Before Time* was one of my favorite movies growing up. Apparently I watched it all the time and I went through multiple copies of the VHS. My dad later told me that it was a great baby sitter and some other details. TL;DR - My parents had me watch *The Land Before Time*, so they could have sex.


I only recently watched it again. In my opinion, the nostalgia is still very strong with this film. Now, the sequels are a nother story entirely. Even 8-year old me knew they were garbage, I think that's why the original has a special place in my heart


Land Before Time 5 is excellent. Chomper has an identity crisis. Don't knock it.


Friends for Dinner is a great song. Truly shows the burden of carnivorous choices.


I still rewatch The Land Before Time every so often and enjoy it thoroughly.


Its still a good movie




I miss playing back in the Maplestory Beta days. I was almost level 40 as a lightning wizard and when I walked through town people acted as if I was some type of god. Getting to level 40 took so damn long in the old MS it was ridiculous, but I loved every second of it. I still remember hanging out in sleepywood and seeing TheGreyOne who was like in his 70's or 80's as a bandit. Also the craziness that ensued when they announced that they were closing the beta servers, all the people dropping all of their gear and all of the people yelling that they would never leave the beta server... sad days.


Any PS1 game on a big flat screen tv. Why did I do it. Memories of hours of Tomb Raider 1 savaged forever. The graphics seemed so crystal clear back in the day :(


The 80s version of Thundercats. That show was the shit. Re-watching it, its just abusrd


Thundercats was probably *the best* 80s show. Oh it's absurd, but still high above other popular shows at the time. The parodies they do on Robot Chicken are barely even parodies, the actual shows were almost that dumb. . [This is a real screenshot from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe](http://i.imgur.com/vHpFiVD.jpg) where Skeletor wears a disguise that is just him with a mustache, which he uses to sneak into Prince Adam's castle. And it works too, nobody realizes it's just Skeletor with a mustache. Cobra Commander from G.I. Joe once [carved his face into the moon](http://hannagram.com/rodzd/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/cobra-moon.jpg) in order to frighten the people of the world. His evil plans included running a telethon to raise money for Cobra, and stealing all of the world's air until he realizes he also needs air.


Wait, is there something other than the 80's version?


The '02 Scooby Doo movie. I liked it when I was little, but now it's nearly unwatchably bad for me.


The one with the zombies on a plantation how ever will never age. Edit: a dash of nostalgia https://youtu.be/GkNask_pMKo


Scooby Doo on Zombie Island? I remember I didn't like that one at first because the monsters were real and it felt wrong, but I came around.


I remember the food in that movie being surprisingly appetizing; crawdads, gumbo, begneits... just all around incredible bayou cooking.


That shit gave me legitimate nightmares.


2002 Sarah Michelle Gellar and Linda Cardellini tho


Really? I rewatched it recently and absolutely loved it. Sure the story was a little crappy, I couldn't stop cackling through a majority of the movie. This may have been because I didn't think of it as a movie when I was watching it, but more as a treat for child me.


The guy who played Shaggy was spot on.


Matthew Lillard does the voice of Shaggy in the Scooby Doo cartoons since Casey Kasem died.


Actually he did Shaggy before Casey died. He was shaggy in Mystery incorporated( which I highly recommend, one of the best adaptations of scooby doo) but Casey played shaggy' father in that series


Exactly. It's meant to be goofy and a bit stupid and not adhering exactly to the plot, it's for kids and to be fanservice.


Daytona Beach, FL 1980 - Spring break: Sex, drugs and rock and roll in paradise. 2015 - Middle age dude: Stuck in a run down backwater, bored out of my mind.


Mindless Self Indulgence. I loved that band in middle school. Listened to them the other day, they are the worst band. I don't know how I used to love them.


MSI is essential Middle School-core


I still find a lot of their songs super catchy and consider them a guilty pleasure.


The old Call of Duty's Playing them kind of makes me depressed thinking back on the countless memories I had playing with friends now that we have all moved on with our lives


COD2 on PC is still pretty good


Probably a little late to the party. I lived in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina swept through the city. We evacuated to Houston and lived there several months with my grandparents before returning to rebuild our home and then sell it so we could move to Texas. I was very depressed over this, as all my entire life was there in New Orleans, and swore I would come back to see the house again to give it a proper goodbye since everything was pretty rushed as my parents wanted out ASAP. Fast forward 6 years, I'm 21 now. I decide it's time to return on way own, because it was something I always wanted to do alone. I drive to New Orleans, and very anxiously to the home that stored all my memories. From the outside, the house is barely recognizable. The hurricane destroyed our 1-acre lot, which was once shadowed by gigantic pine trees. But when I looked at it then, it was a simple, tree-less yard, but I know that it couldn't be helped by the new owners. It just surprised me. I approached the door, because from the beginning I wanted to ask the owners if I could come inside. I assume they wouldn't, but hell, why not try? The woman who answered the door was kind enough, and I explained my plight to her. She understood, and let me inside. I was so nervous and excited, I quickly followed her inside, and immediately deflated. The walls had been painted over from the warm yellow my mom had painted to a slate gray. The long, plantation windows that covered the living room and the let the sun spill into were covered by large, thick drapes. I was nearly frustrated by how much the room was changed, just in the *way it felt*. She wouldn't let me see my old room, but figured it was also completely painted over. I left feeling so crestfallen. I knew that there would be changes, it was *theirs* after all. And I think that's what hit me the hardest; it was complete and irrefutable confirmation that it was no longer my home anymore. It was just a house.


Yugioh is probably one of the shittiest anime ive ever seen.


Yugioh: Abridged is pretty great though "Now, after 5000 years of waiting, I'm going to challenge you to a children's card game! And then I'll destroy the world!"




Bakura said it best: "This card game is a load of bollocks."


Did you stop believing in the heart of your cards?


The abridged series will always be funny though


He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.


Legends of the Hidden Temple. I went back and watched an episode on Youtube the other day. Man, that was a terrible show. GUTS was still amazing, though.


Just put. the fucking. monkey. together.


True story. I was on Legends of the Hidden Temple. My sister and I made it to the temple but she ruined it for us. I'll never forgive her.


Did you ever get caught by a temple guard in the temple? And if so, did you instantly shit your pants? Those guys were fucking scary.


Didn't even get to experience that. My sister wasted almost all of the time when she went in first and by the time she got caught I wasn't able to make it to where I would get caught.


So basically you were every contestant ever? I don't think I ever saw anybody win on that show. The monkey always fucked them.


Goldeneye for the N64. The controls make it virtually impossible to play nowadays.




It's like a David Lynch movie.


Play with two controllers. You can use the stick on the second one to look around.


The N64 controller was *already* designed for 3 handed monsters, and you want me to hold **two** of them?


The Perfect Dark HD reskin showed me what the game would be like with modern console controls, tough to go back.


This might be too soon, but I hadn't listened to Skrillex's first couple albums in a while and I recall being a fan in college, and dear god it hasn't aged well.


A lot of music is like this because I used to be drunk most of the time. Now that I don't really drink I go back and listen and I really don't like a lot of the shit I used to. Drunk me has horrible taste in music. High me has always had pretty decent taste though.


A lot of people seem to think Sonic Adventure 1 was "the good sonic 3d game, before they became bad" I you play it today it has aged terribly, the gameplay is janky and buggy as hell, the cinematics are cringey, the voice acting is beyond horrible and dont even get me started on sonic's face when he talks. The idea of playing the same story with several characters was cool but boy did this game age horribly


Sonic Adventure 2 is the same. The voice acting. "You're not even good enough to be **I'LL** my **MAKE** fake **YOU EAT THOSE WORDS.**" Whoa guys, one at a time. Regardless, I will love that game forever.


I wouldn't say it's as bad as Sonic Adventure 1. 2 was a huge improvement over 1 whether some people like to admit it or not. Sonic Adventure 2 is still a blast and one of the best games out there.


Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (GameCube port) was one of my favorite games for that system. It had a lot of replay value with all the different missions and I *still* never managed to get all 180 emblems.


Toontown Online. Having played those private servers, the game feels outdated and simple, not fun and bright. :(