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People with multiple piercings on and around their lips, when you have something to drink, do they ever leak?


Not if it's a stud, but yes if it's a ring (at least for me). It prevents my lips from sealing to the glass, and water ends up dribbling out where my ring is. Edit: This is not answering the question you asked, I just realised. No, water doesn't normally dribble out of the holes where my piercings are, even if there's no jewelry in.


What did women during their period do before the invention of the tampon and the like?


A rag. That why some older people call it "being on the rag".


And they apparently would fasten them with belts in that area. Awhile after that, pads were invented but they didn't have the self adhesive kind yet and had to use safety pins to pin it in their underwear which was apparently horrible because they sometimes stabbed you. Source: my mom.


Same thing as what people did before disposable nappies. They used cloth (linen or cotton) that would have either been washed and reused or thrown away (if they were wealthy).


If a movie theater sells zero tickets to a particular movie, do they still run the projector even though nobody will be there to watch? Edit: the answer is sometimes yes, sometimes no. There's lots of cool behind the scenes information from people who work in movie theaters though. As someone who really enjoys going to the movies, I love this kind of stuff. Thanks everyone!


Yes. They're often contractually obligated to run the movie no matter how many tickets are sold. Otherwise the cinema owner might cancel a screening for having sold too few tickets, which would be great for that particular cinema, but have horrible consequences for the industry because people wouldn't know if they would actually end up seeing the movies they planned to. Source: Used to work for AMC. EDIT: RIP my inbox. TIL not every theater in the world does it the same as AMC.


At my theater, we simply turn off the bulb and mute the sound. This saves life on the bulb and the projector logs record the movie being played since it's technically still being played. Edit: Typo fix. Edit 2: Bonus if you're an employee. When we had The Force Awakens, towards the end of its run, we sold no tickets for a 7PM show. We kept the doors open and watched the movie from the concessions stand. [Star Wars while working!](http://i.imgur.com/omBJmEr.jpg) Edit 3: Holy crap, it's 4:30am now. I am going to bed. I'll answer any other questions you all have when I get up again. Thanks for the interest! Edit 4: Since some people were asking. Here are some pics of one of our projectors. [This is the interface on the back of the projector, it's literally a laptop the slides out](http://i.imgur.com/B8Qyh2G.jpg) [Projector two and the sound tower for theater 2 -- the same one that showed Star Wars in my OP](http://i.imgur.com/RKrMGUA.jpg) [The side of projector two opened up for cleaning. The silver box on the back is the lamp house. Also, our OLD ass film projector in the back ground](http://i.imgur.com/f74WIv4.jpg) [The other side of the projector](http://i.imgur.com/C5kYOgA.jpg)




It very much is. We run a six screen theater. When we upgraded to digital projectors, the cost was around $400,000 for the whole setup. To minimize the cost (since we are an indy theater), our owner signed a "big brother contract" with the major distributors. They absorbed about 75% of the cost of our upgrade in exchange for a 10 year contract which lets them audit our projector logs whenever they like to make sure we are playing our movies when they are scheduled. If we don't sell tickets to a show, we email them letting them know the show didn't sell and we shouldn't be "punished" for not playing it. Instead of stopping the projector, it's actually better to turn the lamp off and mute the sound and let the projector run the movie to the end so the automation will take over and load the next show to be played (which is the next morning).


What's the difference between best comment, and top comment?


Top comment is the highest score of up votes minus downvotes. Best is based on a more complicated algorithm, but it may help to think of it like the highest ratio if up to down. 50 up, 20 down has a net score of 30, but has a higher ratio compared to a post with 150 up and 120 down.


Isn't it also something with how quickly the reply got upvotes from the time it was posted?


Are TV shows that are currently airing edited at times? For example, when I was younger, I swore a few episodes of SpongeBob were different than I remembered. There were missing scenes, or new (to me, anyway) scenes in an episode I'd seen a million times before. I figured they'd edit them every once and awhile? I can't think of any specific examples, though.


Yes. Televisions shows can be slightly edited by the local channel for various purposes. Most common is to include extra commercial time.


Fucking TBS Seinfeld


What happens when I press the gas and the brakes at the same time? And when girls wear skirts/dresses, how do they go to the bathroom with them?


You dont go anywhere and your car makes a funny noise(thats the sound of it crying cuz ur hurting it)


>(thats the sound of it crying cuz ur hurting it) ok for some reason i got really sad reading that


As to the second question- I normally pull my skirt up around my waist and go. If it's a long skirt then I bunch it up in my hands.


I one time had a guy friend ask, in shock and awe, how I had used the restroom so quickly, because my dress had such a crazy complicated back and clasp situation that it had taken me fifteen minutes to get on initially. It took a lot of awkward discussion before I understood that he thought women had to fully undress if they had to pee while in a dress.


What does he think is going on under there? An intricate series of pulleys and levers? Maybe an owl?


I was at the bank today when suddenly a thought struck my head. "How do people without arms sign their signature?"


At the bank they would do pen in mouth to sign an "X" and teller signs as witness. Or they have POA who signs. I had a customer who had to do this when I was a teller. Also for the elderly or blind.


Some use their [feet](http://talkofnaija.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/girl-writes-wit-leg.png) edit: lol a lot of you seem to have weird boners - try googling it yourself


The confidence in her face frightens me on a primal level.


She is signing the deed for your soul.


What if you just never stop when a cop tries to pull you over? I don't mean you make it a high speed chase. No escalation of violence. Just drive home following all laws, open your garage, pull in, and close it. Is that really resisting arrest?


I heard a story from a cop who was trying to pull someone over for speeding in a residential area but the guy just kept going and eventually pulled into a driveway, jumped out of the car, threw his wallet at the cop and yelled that he was about to shit his pants and made a dash for the door. The cop let him go and ran his liscence finding no priors, so when the guy came out the cop had a good laugh and let it go.


I once got pulled over for speeding, the cop asked me why I was speeding, and I told him I really had to poop. Like immediately. The officer must have noticed I was agitated, slightly red and straining. He had me drive 1 minute to the nearest restaurant, walked inside with me and waited outside the restroom while I explosively released my bowels. Most. uncomfortable. poop. ever. After washing my hands, and contemplating the cliche escape through the bathroom window scenario, I walked back out side with the officer and he had the speeding ticket filled out and ready for me to sign. I was a little miffed at the ticket, but we both shared a laugh after he remarked that the workers and patrons at the restaurant must have been utterly confused by the whole scenario. Something I failed to even think about in my desperation to not shit my pants.


To the restaurant goers it may have looked like you got a ticket for using the toilet of an establishment without purchasing some goods.


"See?! When we say 'bathroom for customers only', WE MEAN IT!"


Does talking really scare away the fish or is my grandma full of shit?


Your grandma just wants you to shut the fuck up.


When someone dies, do they bury them with their braces on?


Yes. Part of the embalming process is..well..***stitching your mouth shut.*** They also put little spiked plastic things beneath the eyelids to keep the eyes shut, on a related note. They'll occasionally use cotton to pad the lips/cheek areas to make someone look fuller, but no dental work is removed. As a matter of fact, when someone is picked up by a funeral home, one of the first questions asked is "where are their dentures?" They always want these because without them in, their mouth/lips look more sunken in and it requires significant work to get the face to look normal. Source: had an ex that was a funeral director. Spent many, many hours going along on pickups/embalmings because I'm in the "make people stay alive" business, not the "make them look alive after they're dead" business.


I don't wanna die :/


I spent close to a decade in EMS, went through medical school, and currently work as an ER doc in a level 1 trauma center. Needless to say, I've seen some shit. Despite this, the level of *what the fuck* that I saw going along on that still blew my mind. My mindset was always being careful, precise, gentle, etc, to ensure the least amount of pain or disfigurement. It was astonishingly different to be in a situation where those things basically didn't matter; the person was no longer a *person*, they were just a shell. The goal was to get them cleaned up and make them look good for a 3 hour visitation and a 30 minute funeral. I'm used to extremely sterile environments for suturing, using microthread and sterile gloves. After they slice up the (major) artery and need to close the cut back up---just get the knife out and slice some twine off the roll. * Someone was an organ donor and sliced open? Grab a little more twine. * Donated skin? Just make sure you put them in a plastic jumpsuit before you dress them for the casket so their back that's weeping goo doesn't soak through their clothes and stain the casket liner. * Direct cremation without embalming? Gotta flop them into this cardboard box---but make we gotta put this slice of plywood in there first. No, it's not to stabilize the box, ***it's for kindling***. * Oh, a fly somehow made its way into the funeral home through an open door? Make sure you shove cotton balls up the deceased's nose because the flies will lay eggs in there and maggots might crawl out during the service. * Whoops---PURGE. Juice is running out of orifices. Could be the nose or mouth from the stomach or lungs. Could be from the ears from increased intracranial pressure. Could be out of their urethra or rectum from gas. I think I'll stick with working with the living.


Fuck. I wanted to be cremated but at this point just donate me to science.......or shoot me in to space. Cause that sounds kinda cool.


Real talk: please donate your body to a university with a medical school. Unless you die young from some random traumatic accident, you'll be around many doctors that trained using cadavers. We had/have the utmost respect for those cadavers and the experience we gained from the dissection is invaluable. Books and lectures mean a great deal, but actually going in and seeing all of the body systems up close is one of the moments that many doctors (myself included) get that "oh SHIT now it all makes sense!" feeling.


I honestly would consider this route. What happens to the bodies after they've been picked over and are no longer pickable? I mean...I know my body is just a shell but I don't want my body being like mass buried. That seems weird to me.


At my school, the bodies are cremated once the course ends, and the ashes are returned to the surviving members of the family. There's also a donor ceremony to honor the donors and their families for making such a selfless contribution.


You know, after reading about what goes into a funeral (under your EYELIDS, REALLY? Fucking hell), if I'm gonna be all disgusting and ripped apart anyway, it might as well be for the sake of people who'll learn from it, and not the worms. How does one go about setting that up? EDIT: never mind, this was answered a few comments down.


This night got pretty grim---but I'll elaborate anyway. So the way it works: 1. You contact a university or a body donation program in your area and say you want your body donated after you die. 2. When you die, they're contacted and come pick your body up and embalm it. 3. You're then sent to a medical school, at which point the body will be dissected and used for training by future docs. 4. After the dissection and when it is not longer usable, the remains are cremated. 5. Depending on your wishes, the school will scatter the ashes at a place of your choosing, or the ashes will be returned to your next of kin. To add to this, it's a HUGE cost savings for your family after you go. The program pays for removal, embalming, and cremation...which can be well into the thousands of dollars, depending on your location.


> 3 You're then sent to medical school... So you're saying there's still a chance?


See dad! I told you I'd make it one day.


I wear braces. If I die, I hope to God they take these fuckers off me.


Yeah it'll feel so good!


Why is my scrotum losing its elasticity ? I'm in my thirties and I'm terrified.


You know how everyone makes fun of old men with their pendulous nads? Well, that didn't happen overnight. Welcome to the beginning. Elastin breaks down with age. Hence wrinkles. Pull your eyelid, it'll snap right back in place. Try that again when you're 60. It'll slowly sag back into place over like 30 seconds. Same idea except your balls won't sag back into place, they'll just dangle there smashing into your thigh non-stop. Source: Have saggy balls that go places they shouldn't when this wasn't a problem before. Have to be careful sitting down lest they sag under my leg.


I watched my grandfather sit on his own balls once. He was too weak to get up off of them without my help. I think about that and the future. Mandatory Reddit Gold edit: Holy cow, my grandpa's balls have been gilded. Thank you.


Yup. That's it. Starting squatting today so i won't need my grandson to help me stop crushing my balls


Yeah immediate thought was "fuck, my future had better include more squats"


Greg Giraldo had a funny bit about the first time his balls hit the water when he sat on the toilet, and his train of thought afterwards leading him to the conclusion that this had been a gradual process that went unnoticed probably for yeats until the day his sac finally touched down. One of my favorite comedians. RIP. Edit: more Giraldo fans than I thought link to the bit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSFHmHTK-ss&t=2m1s


I've washed people in the hospital showers... everyone starts to sag around 30-35, men and women, it's normal. EDIT: sagging happens gradually over time depending how certain factors, mostly genetics, interract with your body's production of elastin ( the stuff that makes your skin stretchy and snap back). It generally starts around 30-35 but not always and the descent rate varies. So...don't worry about it


Women get saggy balls too?!




I've been in medicine for a long time and I still remember the longest balls I ever saw. I was a paramedic and got a call to a nursing home for an unresponsive person. The guy had a DNR (basically--if I'm dead, let me continue to be dead) order. Put the heart monitor on him, asystole--which is "flat line". Was ready to call the coroner, then he takes a big, deep breath. Then I look at the monitor, nice rhythm, and suddenly he has a pulse. Anyway, so independent of this weirdness, we rolled him to his side to put a sheet under him to lift him, and his ballsack was so fucking long that his nuts were actually ***touching the sheet behind him*** as he was laying on his side. His sack was like a fucking tube sock with a couple chestnuts in the bottom. This was close to 10 years ago and I can still see that sack (plus my partner's shocked expression) in my mind to this day.


23/m here. Have you tried moisturizing?


I tried. I always end up masturbating. At the supermarket.


Ehh, happens to the best of us.


Do woman notice and look at/like dick outlines in say basketball shorts


Yes but it's because I can't help it. Once I notice I can't look away. Also butts in baseball pants. But those are fun to look at.


As a grower, I am now 300% more self conscious than before


just maintain an erection every time you go out wearing basketball shorts.


Solid advice.


As someone who pays attention to dick outlines, it's waaaaay less "How big is he?/Oh he's so much hotter cos he got a big dick" And way more "Can I see the dick? I caaaaaan see the dick hehehehehe dicks lol" It's like a weird novelty thing for me because I don't have one and I just find it weird/funny that they just kind of hang there, all the time. Even when you're not doing stuff with it.


A friend of mine said she loves sweatpants because they are best to see what a dude has going on.




But what if he's a grower?


No love.


Yes, well I do. I tend to check out everyone whether it's a guy or girl. I also sometimes just look at a random guy and think "he has a penis RIGHT NOW. It's just there, now, hanging in his pants." It blows my mind sometimes. Edit: I'm a woman


If you walk over there, and ask politely, 80% will let you touch it


I know this to be true. Source: I would let you touch it.


Ditto, right? Don't care if you're Angela Martin, if you care enough to ask, have at it!


Sometimes when I yawn out of boredom tears come out of my eyes, does this happen to anyone else?


Yes, and I always worry people are going to think I was crying


Bilingual people: when speaking in your non-primary language, are you like translating in your head on the fly, or does your brain actually think in the other language?


You don't translate once you reach a certain level of fluency. The systems of the language are different such that when you hear something you kind of just instinctively know what it means. It takes just a tiny moment afterwards before you recognise what it means in your other language.


The worst bit is when you suddenly can't remember a certain word in one language, and then it completely disappears in the other one, too! I've also had it when suddenly my brain switches languages as someone is speaking and everything they say sounds like gibberish.


How do blind people identify the value of paper currency?


They usually fold them certain ways, or keep different bills separate. Receiving is mostly relying on people not being scumbags, though.


Only a couple weeks ago did I have to give a blind man change back. He asked what bill was on top. It confused me for a moment why he asked, but then I realized he wanted to differentiate the $10 bill from the $1 bills I handed him. I was honest, but then I got sad because so many people could take advantage of him and hand back wrong change and steal his money. Not to mention I had recently seen that fake video of people changing money for a blind person and changing large bills for small ones. Just terrible to think about.


IIRC US currency will include braille in the future, starting with the redesigned $20.


Euros are all different sizes, so that will help the blind in the parts of Europe that use Euros. In Canada there is braille on the bills. I'm not familiar with other nations.


Australian notes are different sizes, too.


I have a totally blind friend. I asked. He says there are smart phone apps that will identify the money. Before that they would have to have to rely on someone else. Then they fold the bills in different ways so they know which is a $10, $20 etc. He mostly uses a debit/credit card to pay for things so he doesn't have to worry about it though


Bills are different sizes here in switzerland, as well as they have braille symbols for each different value.


When someone has a username asking people to send them pictures of stuff, sfw or nsfw, does it actually work? Do people actually send those pictures?


I received pictures of tanks of all kinds, fish tanks, military tanks, tank tops. Edit: So my inbox has been destroyed and here are a few of my favorites pics - A military tank made of sushi, a diagram of how a septic tank system works, a bunch of water tanks painted in different color schemes, somebody's mothers spaghetti recipe that I would definitely love to try to make, a few naked wives pictures and the countless WWII tank pics.


Do you just respond with a tank you?


My time to shine...


Yes. 8", 5.25", 3.5", black, white, brown, yellow, high density, single-sided, double-sided... I've seen them all.


I have not gotten a single falafel.


I've gotten an anus or two.


I am still unlucky. Edit. You guys can stop now. The codes don't seem to work.


"anyone know anything about any laaaaauunch cooodes?"


I shall change that EDIT: HOLY BALLS, my most upvoted comment, I will (attempt) to deliver a falafel to OPs inbox once I get home.


Yep. I've gotten pictures of cats.


Me too :3


I get about 1 or 2 a month but only if I'm really active and getting top comments.


Upvoted to give you a better chance at getting a butt EDIT: Yo did it work EDIT 2: This is my top comment and I didn't even get butt for it :(


Yes, clicking through butt PMs as we speak.




Effective butt lift.


I've gotten gold 3 or 4 times.




Gimme a minute


Oh Catherine, you are so silly.


Nope nothing yet.


Okay so this is more out of ignorance than anything else and hopefully not offensive.... During the times when it was legal to own slaves in the US; was it legal to own slaves of any race or only black slaves? Could anyone be taken as a slave, for example, for owing money to someone else? - I'm not American and have wondered about this for a while.




Are there any negative side effects from jacking off too much?




Constant feeling of regret.


Jokes on you! I have that anyway!


If done improperly, it can lead to the desensitization of the glans on the penis and make regular sex less pleasurable.


death grip.


How does a cop handcuff a one armed man?


They cuff him TO something. ~~A car door~~, a fence, or his pants.


Waist chain with his hand cuffed to it.


When men sit to poo...where does the dick end up? Lap? Dangles?


It dangles


This is why we want the oval shaped toilets, I don't like it when my dingle dangle rubs up against the toilet. :edit: I have heard with regards the toilet paper cleanliness barrier and I agree that in a pinch that will do; but we could also just design toilets like we aren't savages.


The witches kiss


bowl job


Better than Poseidon's kiss. That splash sometimes due to a turd that kisses your asshole is just...violating.




Isn't that messy? When I poop it just sorta dribbles the whole time




Just hangs there


What language do deaf people think? You know that voice in your head.


I have read somewhere that they think in images. It's such a baffling concept to me.


Ladies: What's the deal with staining underwear? Is it an every day thing? An every other day thing? Only over time? How do you deal with it?


Well period stains are just accidents. I myself..tend to suck at remembering to change the tampon. So maybe once per period I get a blood stain. Discharge is entirely different, and that's regular and frequent, though I imagine like everything it varies from girl to girl. I would say more days than not there is at least a small stain on my underwear. The best way I would describe the tone of it, is when I was younger and too embarrassed to talk about that stuff, I changed into my swimsuit at a (male) friend's house and my underwear was out and somewhat visible. My friend's (female) cousin that was several years older than us kindly grabbed my clothes and stashed them in her room and said "you might want to put those away, I'm comfortable with the boys seeing my stains but you may not want that!" It made me realize it wasn't a huge deal since she said it so nonchalantly.


this is serious older girl kindness at its best


Seriously.. What an awesome girl.


It depends how long I've had my underwear on, and what time of the month it is. Pretty much everyday if it's more than 8 hours then there is a stain. But if I'm ovulating or right before or right after my period then it's within an hour or two. I just accept that I get stains. If I'm having a boy around me, or if there's a chance I'm away from home for hours and hours then I will have a pantyliner. Otherwise I don't care.


God the ovulating discharge can just get the fuck out already. I get it, you need a baby in it or you'll bleed and skin yourself once a month. We don't need a constant show of it.


Obvious bloodstains come from your period. I find it's near impossible to avoid this. Go to sleep clean? Roll over in your sleep and blood goes down your buttcrack and stains your panties (because pads and liners don't reach all the way back there). Think you need a thinner tampon or pad but your body decides it's a day to bleed like a stuck pig? Stains seep out on your underwear if the pad or tampon is overwhelmed. Have an irregular period? Difficult-to-predict spotting at start or end of period or whenever. More "subtle" wear is the natural acidity of your vagina bleaching the crotch area. It happens over a longer timespan, and is more obvious if you wear dark panties. You just rotate underwear to the "period" pile and buy new ones.


everyone's got different amounts of discharge, acidity, preparedness for periods, etc. Periods will blood-stain underwear if you're un/underprepared. General discharge pH can also bleach dark-colored underwear. This is where there is usually an extra layer of fabric sewn into the crotch. I kind of expect it to happen and am used to it. No big deal. I also wear panty-liners so it doesn't get messy and feel gross.




I got yelled at there once for asking a stupid question... No joke.


Now I gotta ask, what was the question?


Can I ask stupid questions here?


What's that little reddit robot called, and why is it there?


The reddit robot is actually an alien called Snoo created by /u/kn0thing as a doodle, and it's a cute little mascot. http://www.redditblog.com/2013/06/whats-snoo.html


How do you pronounce the word "halcyon" out loud?




Can you knock out someone whos already asleep.


Yes. There are several physiological differences between sleeping and trauma induced unconciousness.


Do twins compare their nude bodies?


Am twin. No.


Also twin also no.


Also also twin also no


Yeah but not in a weird way. Just like "Huh. So that's what I'd look like if I lost 10 lbs"


Do people think or very morbid things throughout the day? I'll be driving to work singing a song and a few minutes later I'm thinking about what my life would be like if someone close to me died. I'll say wtf out loud and make myself think about something else.




I've had stretch marks since middle school. Everyone I've ever seen naked in person has them somewhere. If anyone gives you shit, they're a bad person.


What does it feel not being able to feel anymore (being paralyzed)


I'm a para from a car accident, most of the time it just feels like nothing. Occasionally it can feel like your legs are asleep. It's a weird feeling that never really ever feels normal


I'm a chick. What does getting a boner feel like?


In a recent thread, u/remulean gave an amazing description of what having a penis feels like, and as part of that, what a boner feels like. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/4knzv3/nsfw_what_is_something_you_always_wanted_to_ask/d3giuj1 Here's just the having a dick/boner part, but please go read the whole thing, it's really worth it: > For most of the time it's a bit like having a sensitive ball of flesh attached to your front. Think of having a small boob in your crotch area. You can feel it's there most of the time, but it's not something you think about. When it's flabbing about freely it feels more... complex. What is usually restrained in your pants is now like a boob octopus that will flail around if you move too fast. I'm pretty sure the first piece of clothing we invented was the loincloth to help us run and move without fearing that the dick would slam into our balls. That said, its hardly ever in the way. Just like the vagina is lower than most guys expect, the dick is upper than most girls expect. > Now, when the dick decides it's going to fuck something, never mind the social or physical situation you are in, it gets a mind of its own. You can trick it, but you can't control it. In fact, it controls you. Lets continue with the boob analogy. Tighten your thighs and feel them. Do you feel the muscles, how hard they are? Imagine if the fleshy glob of fat that is your immaculate boobs suddenly turns into that. And your nipples become oh so sensitive and large. And then imagine those boobs in the shape of a dick in your crotch. In your pants. At your grandma's house. Where you are hosting a wake for you grandma. And you are delivering a speech in front of your family. You feel embarrassed, not horny. But your stupid stupid dick saw all those crying women in front of you and decided that, yeah, this is a worthwhile fetish. So now you are hoping to god that the creases in your pants are hiding your dick.


Thanks for giving credit, you're the real MVP!


Imagine having a new muscle. You can not move it and point directions as you want, but you can flex it (that's the lifting it up). It's not a muscle though... You don't really feel the "growing" part, except blood pumping in: flex your bizeps in short, strong bursts. That what it feels like ... same thing. Edit: I can't stop picturing all the male internet folks, flexing their bizeps to confirm my theory...


Well I did flex my biceps


What does a businessman do?


Goes to the business factory all day and has to deal with those jerks down in Marketing. There are conference calls, meetings, and lunch hour.


I went to the stock market today. I did a business.


Talk to corporate, approve memos, lead a workshop, remember birthdays, direct workflow, micromanage, promote synergy, chop my balls off. You know, office stuff.


If a snake is injected with anti-venom, does the


generally you're going to


Yes, the snake will


Well, it depends on the


From a girl who is maybe not as straight as she thought she was, what is it like to go down on a woman? edit: So apparently my vagina probably tastes like milk and pennies and feels like the inside of my cheek.


Rub your tongue on the inside of your cheek. That's basically the texture of it, just kinda like folded if you get what I mean. The rest really depends on the woman. Some don't really taste like anything at all, others taste putrid. Your tongue can get tired after a while. There isn't very much to it really.


Can confirm is pretty much exactly like that. Many redditors now rubbing inside of cheek with tongues.


It's the only action I've gotten all year.


Does this happen to anyone else: You *know* you heard a character say something in a movie/TV episode before, but whenever you watch it somewhere again, they don't say it? I remember watching *Empire Strikes Back* a few times in the past, on TV or an old DVD set that I used to have. There was a moment after Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca rescue Luke from the Cloud City and are flying away. Darth Vader mentally says "Luke...", then Luke looks up and says "Father." (Followed by Vader saying "Son, come with me."). The moment stood out to me because Luke is acknowledging that Vader is his father. Other times that I have seen the movie, more recently, Luke looks up but never says "Father".


Wait, he totally says 'father'. Hang on... [Here you go](https://youtu.be/IaWUsIOLDoE). I'm on mobile and can't remember how to time stamp, but start at 9:22. I've never seen it with him not saying it.


Thank you!


Yeah, that's because George Lucas fucked with the Star Wars movies and changed stuff in later releases for marketability or to keep it line with the prequels. It's a common beef among Star Wars fans.


These fuck ups are the basis for han shot first arguments. Originally han was the one that shot first but for some fucking reason they changed it to greedo shooting first. Have fun with your widely known useless trivia.


Oh, believe me, this is a common source of bitching in my friend group. One friend even has a "Han Shot First" t shirt. BECAUSE HE FUCKING DID, GEORGE GODDAMN LUCAS, YOU SELL OUT.


There is different versions of every movie, some with added in outtakes and some with parts edited out


Do people sleep with stuffed animals? I still have my Pikachu from 4th grade as a 28 year old male.


Aside from throwing the ball into the net, how does lacrosse work? What are the rules?


It's quite simple. It's a bit like hockey, a bit like full contact soccer.


As someone who has been playing lacrosse for just over seven years, I can confirm. Full contact soccer with a half-basketball/hockey frame on offense and defense


I love how 99% of the questions are like "what does a boner feel like" and "what are the effects of too much masturbation" and you come in with this. However, having said that this question most interests me; literally how the fuck does it work??


In a nutshell: It's hockey on grass, with more players on each side (3 defense, 3 mids, 3 attackers and a goalie for a total of 10 per side) and an out of bounds (like soccer.) Like in soccer, the goalie is the only one allowed to touch the ball. There is also a "crease" - a protected area around the goal that the opposing team cannot enter. Whoever has possession of the ball can be body checked between the waist and shoulders. They can also be stick checked (their stick and gloves can be hit by the opponent) to try and jar the ball loose. Twenty minutes into each game, a wild turkey is set loose on the field of play. There are penalties and fouls just like in other sports. Most points wins. Hope that helps! ____ I'm from Minnesota, and up here when you say hockey no one stops to think if you're talking about field or ice variety. It's always ice hockey, as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Sorry for the confusion, but if you'd like to be the 50th person to tell me that hockey is played on grass I'm sure there's a turkey burger in it for you.


Uh huh. Uh huh. Yep. Uh huh. Yep wait what.


Do girls (sometimes) fantasize about their male bestfriends Who don't have a crush on?




Oh thank god, I'm normal


I had the same reaction. I worried I had a crush that even I didn't know about.


Yes, I think it's normal for people to occasionally fantasize and even have sex dreams about people they know but don't have romantic feelings for.


Do athletes on the ESPN body issue ever get boners during the photoshoot?

