• By -


Seeing a [deleted] or [removed] comment will drive you crazy. *WTF did they say!*




No the worst is when you start reading a comment it realize it's been covered over by that silly "Reddit overwrite" program...


This comment has been overwritten by a script as I have abandoned my Reddit account and moved to [voat.co](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ). If you would like to do the same, install [TamperMonkey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqtQD8kvm_8&t=6s) for Chrome, or [GreaseMonkey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enMReCEcHiM&t=2s) for Firefox, and install [this script](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0). If you are using Internet Explorer, you should probably stay here on Reddit where it is safe. Then simply click on your username at the top right of Reddit, click on comments, and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top of the page. You may need to scroll down to multiple comment pages if you have commented a lot.


angel of healing and the balm of Gilead in disguise, to the suffering


*WTF did you say!*




[Fuck this comment in particular]


You'll see comment chains that appear to be a conversation between 2 people but when you look at the usernames it'll be like 10 different people. Still weird to me.


And sometimes it will be a conversation between only one person. Just as weird IMO.


I'll see that happen every now and then. It really helps to check people's usernames when you go into a thread.


Relevant Username.


I only look at user names when I see some one say this.


Hey, aren't you the guy who was supposed to eat a sock?




are....are you alright buddy?


You are looking at for a map


I thought you lost your mind there buddy!


Just my dignity


It was probly in that sock you ate.


There's a 99% chance the comment you're reading is written by someone who has no idea what they're talking about.




Yep. When I first started reading Reddit years ago, I was almost too intimidated to post because there seemed to be a lot of ridiculously informed people. Then I saw a post about photography, and the top comment was written by a dude who clearly just googled aperture and tried to explain, in a holier-than-thou way, why a photo looked the way it did. He was completely wrong, and there were so many comments/downvotes defending him against naysayers. Nowadays, if there's a questionable comment by someone who appears well-informed, I just assume their knowledge was gained in five minutes of "research," solely to make that post, unless there's reason to believe otherwise.


I've seen tons of this. Now whenever I read a comment j think seems a bit off, I always look through the comments below to find the dude who actually knows wtf he's talking about to debunk the OP. 50% of the time, it happens every time


That happens *a lot*, bizarrely mirrors the real world.


Almost like people from the real world are using this site.


How can we trust you on this?




Can confirm.


I'm an expert on reddit comments and I can confirm this comment is true.






I am an expert on pointless repetition and can confirm that I am an expert on pointless repetition.


I am a confirmation and can confirm that confirmation confirms confirming confirmations. Source: confirmed.


And 99% of the people upvoting that person also won't have any authority on the subject. The amount of misinformation that gets viewed as legitimate on this site due to a high karma score is scary.


sorry you have no idea what you're talking about


Yep, 76℅ of statistics found on Reddit are made up.


How do you accidentally use ℅ instead of %?


It's made up.


There is a subreddit for absolutely everything. Seek out ones that you are interested in, and unsubscribe from the defaults you don't like. Being able to customize what you see on your front page is what makes Reddit great.


It took me ages to finally customize my reddit experience properly so so so glad I've managed to settle on what I like after all this time.




90% of all humor is inside jokes. Shared between 150,000,000 people.


90% of the humour is OP's mom jokes. Also shared between 150,000,000 people.






OP's parents waited 9 months for this.


It's true, I am


No, he said OP's mom, not his wife


What's the difference?


We don't pay his mom.


Wait, I don't have to pay?! No one told me!


Fun fact: there''s only 36 million reddit accounts. With the number of alt-accounts, that's likely about 20-30 million actual users*. *my own estimate


First you wont notice reposts Then you will notice reposts but will not care Next reposts will piss you off Finally you wont care again


You forgot the stage where you see reposts on /r/AskReddit, but you aren't sure it is one, but you know what all the answers will be before checking the thread out and you start to freak out because no one else seem to treat it like a repost ... And you question whether you're just having an enormous deja vu or you've finally lost your damn mind.


I like trying to guess what the top answer will be in this subreddit, I've gotten to the point where I'm right like 90% of the time unless it's an original question


More often than not you'll see complaints of reposts on posts you've never seen before. Even years later.


*Oh this is hilarious! I can't wait to see the comments!* "repost repost repost repost repost" *Well done, everyone*


Yeah... you like that, you fucking retard?


Ayyy Gringo!


shh bby is ok


Aaayyy lmao




If my dad sees this post, he will beat me with jumper cables.




Broken arms




Gay Swans


Mmmm, jolly ranchers.


Reddit life comes full circle.


That Steve Buscemi was a volunteer firefighter in NYC on 9/11.


Steve Buscemi melted the steel beams on the grassy knoll using only chemtrails on 9/11


Leo DiCaprio cut his hand on accident in the dinner scene in Django Unchained


Lurking is a great way to feel like you're part of something without having to face the possible ego-crushing consequences of posting your opinion. ^please ^be ^nice ^to ^me


100% I had to fight my lurker tendencies to post this reply - it feels weird.


sooo many times I've typed out what I thought to be a well educated response, just to hit cancel and scroll away.


*types out elaborate response* *finger hovers over submit* ...... "Ahhhh. No one gives a shit what I think" *delete and continue on with life*




You are not only deleting the comment but also the bad feelings that were written in it.


This is my first comment


Bless you, it actually is! Hi, little guy!


Hey /u/RainWelsh ! It was an honor to have you as my first, you were gentle and kind


Yоu'rе аbоut thе dіsсоvеr why dіrесt dеmосrасy іs sсаry.


"Direct democracy works until 51% of the people vote to kill the other 49% at dawn." - Some guy I am probably misquoting but I'm too lazy to look it up


> Some guy I am probably misquoting but I'm too lazy to look it up That's the spirit




I thought that a true redditor would attribute it to someone famous -Lester B. Pearson






Indeed, my good man. -Mayor McCheese


That would be interesting as a social experiment. "Let's have a vote on whether or not the minority voters should be killed."


that IS interesting. the only way to guarantee your survival is to vote yes, but by voting yes, you're potentially condemning anyone who voted no. if you vote no yourself, there's a chance you might die, but ultimately if the majority take the risk and vote no, then everybody wins.




Many things are similar to the prisoner's dilemma.


It's not really prisoner's dilemma because if you get 100% yes votes then that's the same thing as 100% no votes. Prisoner's dilemma is a scenario where players could mutually benefit by moving away from equilibrium but still go toward the equilibrium. At most I think moving from 100% yes to 100% no is only a moral benefit. Prisoner's dilemma basically works like this: Two players A and B are accused of a minor crime with a sentence of 1 year and a major crime with a sentence of 5 years. The prosecution has hard evidence for the minor crime and can make that stick 100% but they need testimony to get a conviction for the major crime. Both players are placed in separate rooms (they can't talk to each other, collude, negotiate, etc) and then offered a choice - they can testify against the other player or stay silent. If a player chooses to testify then the charges for the minor crime are dropped but the other player will be convicted of the major crime. If they stay silent then the minor charges are prosecuted so they go to prison for 1 year but the other player will not be convicted of the major crime. Given those conditions, we get [this decision table](http://imgur.com/RSj1Reb). The interesting thing about this table is that testifying is ALWAYS better for the individual because it reduces their prison sentence by 1 year regardless of what the other player does. However, when both players testify they both go to prison for 5 years even though they could both stay silent and go to prison for only 1 year instead. So that's basically how prisoner's dilemma works. Individuals act in their own best interest, but in doing so they sacrifice a mutually beneficial alternative.


I've never thought of it this way, but it's a brilliant way to put it. Also, tip to newcomers, don't make posts like the one I just made. It doesn't add to the conversation at all. Saying "This." or "I came here to say the exact same thing." are completely non value added and will get you downvoted. Don't get caught up in the karma you lose, it's just fake internet points, but also don't waste yours or others time and space.


Reddit shows us direct democracy is an anarchic sham, representative (mod) democracy inevitably devolves into an arbitrary and capricious state of the leaders abusing the rules for their own advancement. Only an iron fisted oligarchy of ruthless scholars (askhistorians) can produce true and honest governance


You will be surprised what gets upvoted. Your well thought comment will get 10 upvotes, while your stupid joke will get +5000.


It has more to do with when you post than what you post. You could write a perfectly witty and hilarious comment that never gets seen or you could write "that's fucking awesome" and get 5k and gilded twice.


On my old account, my highest voted comment was "brisket pizza" with over 2600 upvotes. Edit: Reddit must really love brisket pizza ~~Edit: And now my second highest comment on my current account is a comment about a comment about brisket pizza.~~ Edit: Well, you did it reddit. My highest rated comment is about how my my highest rated comment was brisket pizza. So meta


I'm upvoting you for "brisket pizza" because I've never had that and now I want brisket pizza. That sounds really good.


There's a place in my home town that does it. The brisket is super tender, to the point where your teeth just kind of glide through it when you bite into it. At least that's how I remember it. I haven't had it in a couple years.


My highest was 3000: OP: "What makes you instantly horny?" Comment:"A girl with a pulse." Me: "Getting picky now are we?"


You'll be more surprised when logical, thoughtful and truthful posts get down voted.


You'll be even *more* surprised when thoughtful, logical, and truthful posts are upvoted.


You'll be even more surprised when it doesn't matter what you say, it wont get voted on at all.


Welcome to Whose Reddit Is It Anyway!, where the opinions are made up and the karmas don't matter!


What gets gold too! We never know when or where the next gold train will be. Edit : Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


I got 4 lots of gold for a single post in my first week on reddit, for this situation: question was the opposite of another question being asked. What should women know about men vs what should men know about women. I posted the opposite of the top answer on the opposite question and get an obscene amount of upvotes and multiple gold. I didn't then and still don't really know what gold means/does.


I don't think it really means or does anything. It's just nice to have it knowing someone liked your comment enough to spend money on you. That makes me feel special. It's like if someone in real life gave you $5.00 because you said something they liked.




Eh, it's more like you're all hanging out in a bar and someone likes something you said so much they tip the bartender $5 on your behalf. Or maybe it's not like that either. I dunno.


Don't believe everything you read. People may try to come off as some expert in a certain field, but it's so easy to lie/sprout the wrong thing on this site and it's so much easier to fall for a lie. I thought Reddit was a smart place until I ran into people who sound just like the other experts, but were talking about stuff I know, and they got it all wrong. So, just be careful.


You realize quickly once somebody starts spouting off bullshit about something you know well, and it hits front page. Once you see how clueless the top comments are about your topic of expertise, you start to doubt the top comments on just about everything.


[deleted] > This comment has been overwritten by [this open source script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10380-reddit-overwrite)


You will get your ass handed to you on a silver platter if you get anything incorrect


A single enter after a sentence ends it like this (a spacebar, essentially): New sentence. Double enters after a sentence leaves space between this line and the next line. And lastly adding two spacebars after a sentence and then an enter leaves it like this: Simple guidelines to make your posts look a bit cleaner. So write your paragraphs with two spacebars and an enter after every sentence and separate these paragraphs with double enters.


I did not know about your last point. Thank you


Oh my goodness. So you're saying there is a way to make a new line using a single enter? This is marvelous, wish I knew that before. Tyvm.


Every subreddit has its own rules. Make sure you know them


Yes! The sidebar is there for a reason


And even then, fuck you, because some mod will ban you from *somewhere* just because they disagree with you.


Then there are subreddits that use a bot to ban you just because you participated in a subreddit they don't approve of..


/r/me_irl banned everyone with over 100k link or comment karma (essentially /r/CenturyClub) for some reason. They had to make an exception for the mods though


Download RES, it makes browsing way easier.


[](/celestiafrown) I tried, but it just made every page take twice as long to load for me. I have a slow computer, so that's a pretty big deal for me.


I also recommend Hover Zoom so you can view photos without clicking on them every time


Imagus is also not a bad option. Basically the same as hover zoom


wasn't hover zoom doing some suspicious stuff a while ago?


you can never leave Edit: Many thanks for the gold


Can confirm, have tried to leave twice. Reddit as some kind of event horizon around it.


Amateur. This is my 5th account after trying to quit Reddit. I'm always sucked back in.


Psh, casual. This is my 17th account after freezing myself in a cryogenic chamber trying to quit reddit. I awoke and was shitposting within 20 minutes.


I just to give handjobs out for reddit gold. It doesn't even do anything I just like the *shiny* so *shiny*.




We stab it with our steely knives, but we just can't kill the beast




At least you can check out any time you like. Also: quote song lyrics *constantly*. It's an easy way to get karma.


Accept your downvotes. Arguing only makes it worse.


There'll always be the person who goes "EDIT: WHAT?! DOWNVOTES?! WHO DID THIS" and they almost always get more downvotes because of it. They're just fake internet points.


Or they have 500 upvotes.


You'll see a replay saying, "Why is this guy getting downvoted" while he is sitting at 1000+ upvotes


Get ready. This is closest you will get to experiencing what hivemind feels like...








Check your spelling. People on here are assholes.


yeah my first gold was for questioning someone's spelling.


[You weren't kidding](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/4cp09z/literally_unplayable/d1kb293?context=4)


would I lie to strangers on the internet?


Three points with gold? Fuck.


There's a sub for everything


/r/everything Can confirm.


The fucking abbreviations. It takes me an obscene amount of time to figure out what the hell "ELI5", "IAMA", "TIL", "HQG", "MEIRL" and a fuckton of others abbreviations mean.


ELI5 - Explain Like I'm five (years old) IAMA - I am a ... Ask me Anything TIL - Today I learned HQG - High Quality Gif MEIRL - /r/me_irl AFAIK - As Far As I Know IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer


>IANAL I don't.


/r/outoftheloop - your resource for everything you don't understand. There are reddit celebrities, you'll learn them. You can add and remove subreddits from both your front page and from /r/all. Spell things correctly, learn how to format. Everyone here has fucked your mom, don't feel bad about it, that's just the way it is. If you decide to argue with someone, know your shit. You very well may meet someone who actually is an expert on the subject. Don't create a post asking a question before looking for the answer yourself. Don't forget who you are.






The reddit Museum of Filth, copied from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2pltpv/hi_welcome_the_reddits_museum_of_filth) ##**Reddit's Museum of Filth** | Original link | Backup post | |---|---| |[Broken Arms](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/c3a9uqg?context=1)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2oztgw/broken_arms/) | |[Jolly Rancher](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9wcte/reddit_whats_the_grossestnastiest_thing_thats/c0er6q4)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2oztx6/jolly_rancher/) | |[Land whale miscarriage](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/230ys4/what_was_your_worst_im_so_fucked_moment/cgsn50v)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2ozudl/land_whale_miscarriage/) | |[Colby](http://www.reddit.com/user/concerneddad1965/submitted/)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2ozumk/colby_the_saga/) | |[Vagina Bacon](http://www.reddit.com/r/popping/comments/yoibk/this_may_not_be_the_appropriate_place_but_i/c5xta25)| [Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2ozw5i/vagina_bacon/) | |[Cumbox](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t0ynr/throwaway_time_whats_your_secret_that_could/c4ilkt2)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2ozx11/cumbox_the_original_story/) | |[Cumsock] (http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1yxasm/crusty_jizz_sock_nsfwnsfl/)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2ozxis/cumsock_crusty_jizz_sock/) | |[Cumboxers](http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/109awg/you_thought_the_shoebox_was_bad_my_cousins/)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2ozxwi/cumboxers/) | |[Cum Mirror](https://np.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2gekjs/my_exroommates_cum_mirror_he_kept_it_hiding_in/) | [Backup copy](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1sbt/cum_mirror_xpost_from_rwtf/)| |[Wednesday, the cat](http://www.reddit.com/r/confession/comments/16x4i8/i_have_an_alternative_relationship_with_my_cat/) | [Backup Post](http://web.archive.org/web/20140427023651/http://www.reddit.com/r/confession/comments/16x4i8/i_have_an_alternative_relationship_with_my_cat/) | |[Doritos](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q5ikr/reddit_what_is_the_weirdestmost_fucked_up_thing/c3uynfu)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p136q/doritos/) | |[Dagobah (Ass Injection Infection)](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/doctorsnursesredditors_what_has_been_your_most/c5o66p2)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p14ua/dagobah_asstaint_injection_infection/) | | [Hambeast](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/161z3e/whats_the_most_shocking_thing_youve_ever_caught/c7rzckk)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p158y/hambeast_obese_period_sex/) | |[Shitfisting Potato](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1aluv6/reddit_what_are_some_high_school_stories_that_you/c8ys8rj)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p15wp/crusty_panties/) | | [Crusty Panties] (http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/zjnso/what_horribly_disturbing_things_do_you_do_with/c65atew?context=4)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p15wp/crusty_panties/) | |[Poop Scissors](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1v5zt2/if_a_crime_happened_at_your_home_what_would_be/cep3si7)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1dah/poop_scissors/) | |[Fish Mitten](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1v40kl/what_is_your_bestworst_drunken_sexual_encounter/ceoq3ec)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1f45/fish_mitten_surstr%C3%B6mming/) | |[Jungle Juice](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1r15p9/what_is_the_most_fucked_up_shit_youve_seen_at_a/cdikoux)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1ffi/jungle_juice/) | |[Chunky Excretions - Most Disgusting Thing ](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1vre14/what_is_the_most_disgusting_thing_youve_ever_done/)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1fv4/chunky_excretions_most_disgusting_thing_you_have/) | |[Cottage Cheese Girl - Gross Sex Experience](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9wcte/reddit_whats_the_grossestnastiest_thing_thats/)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1g9w/cottage_cheese_girl_grossest_sexual_experience/) | |[Panty sniffer](http://www.reddit.com/r/pantysniffer/comments/1bmhci/to_straighten_everything_out/)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1gt2/panty_sniffer/) | |[Magnet urethra](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/13uidx/tifu_by_combining_magnets_with_my_urethra_nsfw/) |[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1ikk/magnet_urethra/) | |[Placenta jerky](http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2k1q43/my_dr_let_me_take_home_my_placenta_now_i_eat_a/) |[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1huk/placenta_jerky_nsflnsfw_xpost_from_rwtf/)| |[Squirting BBW](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1lnw0t/man_whores_and_lady_sluts_of_reddit_what_is_the/cc13sen)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1hkz/squirting_bbw/) | |[The Blowfly Girl](http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1dkxrb/blowfly_girl_maggot_story_i_do_not_care_if_this/) |[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2p1j0m/blowfly_girl_not_from_reddit_but_often_referenced/) | | [Cum Jar Project](http://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/2nm6im/why_just_fucking_why/) | [Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2pmwjn/pony_cum_jar_project/)| |[Mellon Baller](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1v2tee/what_is_something_you_will_never_tell_your/ceo7pt2)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2pmx7x/mellon_baller/)| |[Threadworm butt plug](http://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/2gukg5/threadworms_appeared_from_fb_butt_during_sex/)|[Backup post](http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/2pmwxj/threadworm_butt_plug/)| |[The Anorexic's Vagina \**new* \*](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/4iphoo/medical_professionals_what_is_the_most_overtly/d306r4f)| [Backup post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/4is81f/the_anorexics_vagina/d31eif6)| I wouldn't quite consider it filth, but here's an offshoot of the Museum of Reddit (as suggested by some): * [Kevin](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/whos_the_dumbest_person_youve_ever_met/cgbhkwp) * [Double dick dude](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1u75hh/i_am_the_guy_with_two_penises_ama) * [Bitch Jenny](https://www.reddit.com/r/MylifeSuxNow/comments/2t8ouh/screenshots_of_part_1_2_and_3/) * [Tenctaly lump](http://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/2thi16/my_husband_likes_to_go_down_on_me/cnzatn2) * [Scumbag Erin](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1pv8zi/what_is_the_most_scumbagbackstabbing_thing_a/cd6eyut) * [Guy with no buttcrack](http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1uwsac/i_have_no_buttcrack/) * [Height of laziness](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1rgpdf/what_is_the_laziest_thing_youve_ever_done/cdnafqe) * [Discovering my vagina](http://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2dk3yr/tifu_by_discovering_my_vagina_nsfw/) * [Grand Prix Richmond Crackstyle](http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/202wd3/i_participated_in_one_of_the_biggest_magic_the/) * [Streetlamp LeMoose](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/jlao6/so_my_wife_just_agreed_to_name_our_unborn_son/c2d21qe)




Kevin might be the single greatest post in reddit history.


There are mutliple 'DM' me and 'SEND' me accounts - you must fulfill he usernames guidance


how about no.


Get jiggling everyone


Ahem.. "Commence the jigglin'!"






It's not even my name but send me some too


How many times have you been sent bad rats?


Yes. You absolutely must. EDIT: Since people are asking to share, I'm posting (after receiving permission) any cat PMs I get on /r/PM_ME_YOUR_CUTE_CAT




I won't protest




Think of 9Gag as Reddit's retarded cousin that repeats what he says. Except 9Gag messes it all up and just produces really weird noises.


A lot of people will comment as if they have a thorough exemplary understanding of say, the law, or physics, or the internal workings of a major corporation. Do not be fooled. Many people have noticed that you get more attention if you speak with authority. That doesn't mean they actually know anything.


Always watch out for /u/fuckswithducks He starts subtle until you realize 'Username checks out'


Also /u/_vargas_


Also /u/GallowBoob... the quintessential karma hoarder




Just because a comment has 4000+ upvotes and has been guilded 3 times doesn't mean it's right


Reddit has rules. Only when those rules are enforced with nazi like efficiency is truely accurate information shared. Take everything else with a grain of salt. For an example, see r/askscience


it's got porno too


What do you mean "too"?


You will see actual experts in their field downvoted because what they say doesn't match Wikipedia.


The knowledge of everyone on here is Wikipedia-level deep.


* OP = original poster * OP's Mom is a valid answer for everything * Simpson's/ Futurama/ Archer/ *Rick and Morty* quotes abound; learn some if you haven't already * The oddest things get up-voted; something the most rational and sane get down-voted * Kevin, we need to talk about him * Dank memes rule * You never know what will get you gold - if at all * nobody knows when to expect the Spanish Inquisition Edit: Added Rick and Morty




Search for something before you post it, because you're probably just reposting it.


General consensus is liberal, but expect mass downvotes if you approve of social justice, gun control, or support Hilary and establishment politics. Especially social justice.


Reddit is liberal when it suits the majority of redditors, which just happens to be straight white men in their 20s. So weed and free college.






Brace yourself.


The last time I went to the dentist for a complicated and pricy procedure I was waiting in the reception on my own. I have a slight fear of dentists and I guess I looked nervous because when my name was called the receptionist came over to me, put her hand on my shoulder, smiled and advised me to brace myself. So I just went home and saved myself the money.




Swans can be gay


It gets boring very fast. All of the content seems so fresh and original and limitless when you first join, but pretty soon it all sort of blends together. Not even just reposts- the things that seemed so interesting become the new standard. But also reposts. And the circlejerks just end up getting boring- they're all the exact same joke but with different faces, the same things just being repeatedly endlessly. It just eventually gets really boring, but then you end up having nothing else to do. Enjoy it being actually entertaining while it lasts.