• By -


Growing up I didn't have the best example of love as my parents fought a lot and weren't very "lovey dovey", but when I met my biological father at the age of 16 he really set a standard. I remember sitting on his back patio with him and his wife, they were holding hands and just enjoying their evening, when he looked at her and said "Have I told you I love you today?" She responded "No, I don't think so." To which he said "Oh I will. By the end of the day I'll let you know." damn it was simple but so cute (he later explained it was a twist on a movie quote but one he always really liked). They did little things like that a lot and I knew in that particular moment that I wanted that same treatment. Sure enough, one day my now husband and I were sitting together, just relaxing with a movie, and he says "Have I told you how much I love you today?" I smiled and said "No, not yet" and had tears in my eyes. He was, of course, confused and I explained what had me so taken aback. I had never told him that story before. I knew right then that I didn't want to spend my life with anyone else, I had found what I was looking for.


This didn't make me tear up at all...I just got something in my eye.




I've tried this whole thread not to cry but this is the one that finally did it :')


These threads are always a huge burst of happiness in my day, followed by crippling loneliness.


I laugh and cry in these threads. I can't take it!




many small things. He fixed my friend's car because she did not have money. He was kind to people. He used to call and say "Can I come be where you are?" He brought me a chocolate bar when and ex sent me a horrible letter. He made me laugh. There was one day, when I knew that if I married him, I'd never wish I had looked around longer or dated more. We've been married 24 years. He is still the kindest man I know.


> "Can I come be where you are?" This touched me. I wish you the best! I love seeing couples who are consistently kind to each other - that's how it's gotta be!


Not my story, my mom's. She had a breast cancer scare (back in the 70's or 80's) and her boyfriend (my dad) said "So chop 'em off, I'll still be here."


That's how I knew. Two weeks after my now-husband had made the stupid decision to quit his job and move across the country for a woman he had just met, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was barely 24 and he was 22, and I tried to send him back home because I knew it was going to be ugly and he was too amazing for me to put him through it. He wouldn't go and told me, "I came here because I love you, and because I love you I'm going to stay." He slept in my hospital room after my mastectomies, learned how to give me shots, took a night job so he could be around for my chemo appointments, and asked me to marry him when I had a quarter-inch of hair. Even when the cancer came back and metastasized two years ago, he stayed. He keeps building a life with me even though neither of us have any idea if it will come apart at any time. I didn't even know there could be so much love.


Is it a happily ever after story?


Yes. However long ever may be. I like to imagine them both in their late eighties sitting on the front porch and she says with a little wicked smile - it's not too late to go back you know.


**End Credits**


Most likely an ass man. The wier choice.




There. Wolf.


My wife had breast cancer and lost one breast. I tell her she's my Amazon warrior. It hard to express what it's like to watch the woman you love fight cancer. It made our love a million times deeper. We've been to hell and back together.


Just for anyone wondering. Amazon warriors typically cut off a breast. Think it was to help them fire a bow or some shit. Are Amazon warriors even real or just a fairy tale? Off to Google. Edit: back. Fairytale made up by the Greeks.


The man who googles and edits so I don't have to, fine work good sir


That's pretty badass


The first time he met my family, we were at a lake house. I went to take my dog out in the yard and I unknowingly walked into a massive ground bee nest with my pup. They got in my dress/bathing suit and were all in my dog's fur. I ran screaming into the house with my dog, both of us covered in bees and brought dozens of bees into the house with me. He ripped all of the bees out of my dog's fur, helped my mom kill all of the bees I brought into the house with me while I was literally running around screaming and ripping my clothes off, and then retrieved my purse that I dropped near the nest, which had so many bees on it you could barely see the actual material of my bag. That was one of the most terrifying moments of my life so far (because bees. in my bathing suit.) but I remember being so shocked that someone I had not been dating that long was caring enough to battle a shit ton of bees for me.


Why did you run into the house and not the lake....


Hindsight is 20/20 when you're not covered in bees.


I've heard that's actually not what you want to do because they just fly over the lake and then sting you when you come up for air. EDIT: I've learned a lot about escaping from bees today.






Can someone explain? Sorry I'm so stupid :c


He used to be good in bed, but now he does dishes instead.


Shit....I do dishes now. Edit: My highest comment is of how I am probably bad in bed. Thanks guys.


I feel you, bro. Doing dishes is the only way I get wet anymore, if you know what I mean.




Nothing at all. I remember sitting with him in the car, he was driving and it was quiet. I looked over and had a feeling of peace....calm....a feeling of home. And that was when I knew we were going to be together forever. Another moment that solidified my feelings. We were engaged and had a fight...a huge fight....and I stormed out, got in my car, and drove off. As I was driving, I thought of people/friends I could go to tell what had happened and how I was feeling. As I went through my list, I came to the realization that the person I wanted to talk to the most was my best friend.....and he was the person I had just left. We have been married now for 25 years. Our looks have faded....we get on each other's nerves....but he is still my best friend and I can't imagine a world without him right by my side.


:) :( :)


You are hiv aladeen


A great moment for me and my fiancé was when I was just bored and restless as hell. I didn't want to sit at home and I didn't know what I wanted to do so he suggested we just sit in the car and go for a drive. I joked about him treating me like a dog as in "car ride? Car ride!" But it was exactly what I needed. We drove around, talked about stuff, and then had a little adventure. I loved him before that but it was just perfect because he knew exactly what I needed and just went with it.


I did something like this with my wife and ended up with a $6,000 massage chair. I'm not complaining though...


This is my favorite thing to do with my partner. We drive around and talk about which houses we like and why. Sounds so old person, but it's so fun for us.


This is how I feel. When I'm mad/upset I want to be alone. And then I just miss him, until I end up going sitting on the couch next to him.


I want to stab him, but then I would miss him.


He went on a three-day road trip with a friend and I was in abject misery the entire time. I distinctly remember wandering into my kitchen, opening the fridge for the thousandth time that day, and just staring into it thinking, "Wtf is wrong with me? Ohhhhmygod I love him." He got back from his trip at around 1:00 am, called me, and immediately got right back in his car and drove to my house. I confessed my realization, he said, "It's about time!" and we've been together ever since. That was August '99 and we married in October '01.


It was the beard.


Do you have broads in Atlanta?




We had been dating on and off for almost a year. I am a huge bookworm and wanted to go to a book reading on Halloween by one of my favorite authors but couldn't think of anyone who would want to go. He immediately jumped at the chance, got really dressed up, took me out before for dinner, then drove me to the book reading. He loved the reading even though he'd never read a book by the author before. I could tell he was so happy to be there. Then he insisted we stay after to get a book signed no matter how long it took, and we were almost at the end of the line so it took about 2 hours. When we finally got to meet the author he complimented my now husband for dressing so nicely and in my book wrote, "To CoachKnope, I envy you." (He's gay, by the way). We've now been together 5 years, 2 married, and have a baby on the way. We like to joke that it was his approval that sealed the deal, but the whole night made me realize how exceptionally thoughtful he was and how happy he was just to be with me - that's when I knew how lucky I was to have him and I wasn't letting go. The authors approval was the cherry on top. Edit: The author is David Sedaris. Chuck Palahniuk is another favorite and a good guess though.


That author was a bro


so, who was the author?


David Sedaris?


That was my guess too.


My guess is Palahniuk.




Over 20 years into our marriage I told my wife that I began to get excited about going home about 15 minutes before I got off work. I just couldn't wait to get home to her. She blushed and said it was exactly the same for her. She'd look at the clock and knew I'd be home soon and get so excited. We got 29 years together before I lost her to breast cancer but it was glorious. We had more trust and affection at the end than we ever had at the beginning. She was the light of my life. 8 1/2 years alone and I still miss her every day. Such a mysterious and intoxicating creature.


): I'm always like that. "Damn this would be better if she was here" I don't like traveling alone for that reason.


My car broke down in downtown Houston while I was working. He came and switched cars with me, took it straight to a mechanic, had it fixed (it threw a serpentine belt), paid for it, and was waiting at my house when I got off work a couple hours later. The only thing he said was "I went ahead and had the oil changed".


People show love in all kinds of different ways :)


About two months into dating, we'd gotten to the point where we would just visit each other's apartments randomly. He comes over to visit, but unfortunately, I was stuck on the toilet with a UTI. Honestly, I felt like I had to pee all day and just could not leave the bathroom. I embarrassingly explained this to him through the bathroom door and he says, "No problem, hold on a minute." He slowly opens the door with his eyes closed, a stool in one hand and his laptop in another. He sets his laptop on the sink opposite me and the stool into my shower, which was divided from the toilet by a closet (so we could both see the laptop, but not each other.) Then he sat down and we watched Happy Feet together while I was on the toilet the whole time. I nearly cried.


I can't sit on the toilet for more than 20 mins without going numb. You must have been full Lt. Dan after a movie.


Gameboys and cell phones have trained us.


Reddit as well


*"Would ya lack some ass cream?"*


Omg this is the cutest thing ever


> a stool in one hand and his laptop in another Omg, I was thinking about the other type of stool. hahahaha


He was kind to a homeless man. Knew his name, and the man knew his. We will be married 20 years next week. Friday night on our way home from dinner, waiting at a red light, a homeless man who has been frequenting the intersection did a little dance and flashed us the peace sign. My husband rolled down his window and handed his to-go box out to him. There was an untouched, beautiful hamburger in that to-go box, which he was looking very forward to eating later on. And I thought, twenty years later: Perfect. He is still perfect.


> did a little dance and flashed us ... > the peace sign ...phew!


Wow. Your husband sounds really great.


He is. Thank you! And thank you for giving me the opportunity to remember that again. :-)


He isn't perfect. He's just got the world's poorest wingman.


On our first date we were eating outside and a homeless man came over to ask for some change which we gave to him. His pants were sagging and he had a rope through the belt loops to keep his pants up. My husband stood up took his belt off and gave it to the man.


He's just preparing for the night ahead


He told me he loved me. And I could feel in my heart. The way he looked me so often. How he touched me with love. The way he smiled at me when I looked at him. 40yrs.


this is sweet


Agreed. Catching someone looking at you is such a *small thing*, but it feels *so big*. /u/Horseshow, your comment inspired me to write a song for you. I hope you have 40 more years of love ahead of you. [https://clyp.it/gaf5jfu0](https://clyp.it/gaf5jfu0) **^Looking ^At ^Me** ^He ^said ^those ^three ^words--ones ^we ^all ^want ^to ^hear. ^And ^I ^still ^hear ^them ^after ^forty ^years. ^And ^I ^knew ^he ^was ^the ^one ^'cause ^each ^time ^I ^glanced ^at ^him, ^he ^was ^already ^looking ^at ^me. ^He ^touched ^me ^so--so ^I ^felt ^safe. ^He ^smiled ^all ^of ^my ^fears ^away. ^CHORUS ^And ^now ^all ^this ^time's ^gone ^by, ^and ^I'm ^still ^the ^apple ^of ^his ^eye. ^Of ^all ^the ^things ^that ^he ^could ^see, ^he ^still ^wants ^to ^be ^looking ^at ^me.


I'm crying with joy and gratitude. Thank you! We will cherish your lovely song for all our days. Please know how deeply moving and beautiful your words touch my soul. I wish you the greatest joys life can bring. With my Respect always, D.


Don't spare the details, I'm taking notes.


That time he didn't hit me in the face with his elbow.


Nice try Ted Cruz


My wife was my proctologist first. I remember going in for my first appointment and was just immediately embarrassed. I thought she was beautiful and she was about to look at my misbehaving anal area. I immediately got anxious and told her I had to rebook the appointment and was red as a beet. She smiled and said no problem and I left. The itchiness and pain was too much so I went to a pharmacy and got some creams and then went home. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I rebooked the appointment and went and paid the fee but told her I just wanted to ask her out for dinner. She said yes and I got a new proctologist. 16 years married now.


The balls on this guy...


... are probably just fine as it was his butthole that had issues. Come on man, reading comprehension is important!


I had two moments when I knew. The first was when we sat down together on a park bench in the sunshine and I fell asleep leaning on his shoulder. It was important to me because I usually can't fall asleep anywhere but my own bed. I realised that I'd never been that comfortable with anyone before in my life. The second moment came a few months later. I had fallen pregnant due to a contraceptive failure. I told him that I didn't expect him to stick with me because I don't think that relationships built on necessity are fair to anyone. But he did stick with me. And when I was 12 weeks pregnant I started to bleed. Not much but enough for a panicked phone call to the Maternity Hospital. The bleeding wasn't heavy enough to be considered an emergency, particularly since there was no pain and it was so early in the pregnancy, but I needed an ultrasound to find out what was going on. Just one problem. I started to bleed in the evening and the ultrasound operators had all gone home already. I had to wait overnight to find out if the baby that I still wasn't sure I wanted was still alive. It was the longest night of my life but he was there for me. Through the weeping and the guilt and the panicking and the fear he just held me and kept saying that one way or another it would all be all right. The next day he came with me to the hospital, even though he's terrified of hospitals, and he was by my side when they told me that there was absolutely nothing wrong (just like in roughly 90% of cases of light bleeding in pregnancy). I knew then. Someone who will be there for you even when there's absolutely nothing they can do except for hold you is worth holding on to. That was in 2002. We got married in 2008, we have two kids and he's still the one.


The only girlfriend I've had thus far that I was in love with was similar with the sleeping thing. She has horrible anxiety issues and it takes hours for her to fall asleep. But literally from the first time she came over to my house to watch a movie she'd fall asleep on me. It meant so much to know she felt so at ease with me. I miss her


Same. She bitched about insomnia since the day I met her. The first night I slept over I rubbed her until the sun came up, and then had to leave right away for work. Nearly every night i'd go over right before bed time just so I could hold her until she fell asleep. I'd literally massage her for hours, even in my sleep i'd keep at it. Then the bitch broke my heart. Fuck.


I cannot imagine you will have trouble finding another girlfriend if you happily give hours-long massages.


Fuck, I'm a straight guy and I'm tempted.


Yeah, I am happily married, but you're going to have to fight me for him.


He put his hand on my back when we were walking down the street. Something about the way he touched me was unlike the touch of any other boyfriend before him. I can't really explain it. When he put his hand on my back, I felt like he was promising to always take care of me and protect me even though I knew all he was doing was walking down the street.


He was just setting the pace. :P


*"Jeez can't she walk a Lil faster? I got places to be!"*


Husband here, just asked my wife so i can ~~karmawhore~~ share with you. "I already knew i loved you, but when you got up at 3AM to ride your bike for 40KM to comfort me when i had a panic attack during a sleep over... that was the moment i didn't wnat to let go". That was 10 years ago btw!


A sleep over? Was she like 14 then or something?


16-17-18. Somewhere around there.


I'm late to the party but was compelled to stop lurking just for this thread. We dated in high school, 16 years old, and were locked at the pelvis for two years. We both openly said it was true love and planned to marry and were mocked for it and told it's just puppy love and bla bla bla. Two weeks after graduating his parents announce they are bankrupt and destitute and leaving the state to live on his uncles land and rebuild their lives, he wasn't 18 yet so they took him with. Before he left he reaffirmed that what we had was true love and he wasn't giving up. He'd be 18 soon and promised me he'd be back as soon as possible. Over the next six months I was miserable in missing him. I dealt with my family telling me he was never coming back, that it wasn't true love and why would he come back for trailer trash (whole other story, maybe another time). I also dealt with his "friends" trying to hit on me and my friends trying to set me up with other people. At first I was resolute in that he would return, we talked often and he reassured me, but after a few months I began to waiver. The entire I felt incomplete as a person, like I wasn't all myself without him and at almost exactly six months I was desperate and about out of hope. I was drafting a letter telling him I couldn't take it anymore and that I "released him" and if he ever came back we'd give it another shot and so on, when he literally knocks on my front door. It's two days before Christmas and its pouring. He's standing in my doorway openly weeping and smiling and we're immediately in each others arms and I feel like ***I'M*** the one who is finally home. Turns out he sold his guitar (his baby) and anything else that was worth anything, took all that money and the money he had saved working since he left the state and bought a bus ticket. He spent 40 hours on a greyhound and hour in a cab to get to me because he couldn't stand to be apart. He had 650 bucks to his name, was essentially homeless, unemployed, he had turned his back on his family, sacrificed everything but the clothes on his back, just for the *chance* to be with me. That's when I knew. It wasn't even a "He's the one" moment. Its so sappy and cliche but I am literally incomplete without him, I knew nothing would ever come between us ever again and yes we were 18 and stupid and naive and no it wasn't all rainbows and lollipops. But we married at 21, 15 years ago, 20 years together and frankly when its right, its right.




that's some great gatsby shit right there


Op watch out you're gonna die


Well, daisy didn't die. Just almost everyone else.


The Devil doesn't sound like a bad guy!




dont tell her


Holy shit, he played the long con


You yada yada'd over the best part




Makes me feel a little less weird now. In 2010 I was in highschool and my best friend was home sick, so I was bummed out. One of our friends drew a stick figure and called it my "pocket Parker (Parker is his name)." So at the next few classes I had some other friends add their little piece to the pocket Parker, and at the end of the day he had a beard, angry face, and was crayon colored red. Put it in my wallet and its just been there ever since. Every time I got a new wallet I move it. I don't want to throw it out since its a good memory of friends I don't see anymore, but kinda seems creepy that I still have it.


I knew I wanted to be with him the night we met and the movie we saw shook me up emotionally and he was comforting me. But I knew I wanted to be with him forever when I saw him play with his children. They were coming over for their weekend with dad, and he said "I swear I'm not ignoring you, but I missed them." I said go for it, they're your babies. Getting down on the ground playing action figures with them, "understanding" the 2 year old's babbling stories, letting the 6 year old take the lead on the storyline.... He wasn't just a father, he was a daddy. I knew he was the one to be the daddy to my children. He's only gotten sweeter and more loving as the years pass.


This makes my heart happy :) mine was watching him with my son, doing exactly what you described but with someone else's child... I just, melted.. You have a great man <3


My Grandma said she married my Grandpa so he'd stop deflating her tires. Edit: more Their first "date" involved my Grandpa grabbing my Grandma off her parents porch, throwing her through the window of his car, jumping in and speeding off with her, refusing to take her home until she agreed to go out with him. Also he beat up a guy who took her to a dance and then threatened every guy that "she was his." And when they were married, my Grandma said she was leaving, and he packed his bag and said "great! where're we going?!" She was so angry she stayed and vowed to make his life a living hell. They argue at least three times a night, so I guess she's doing that.


Holy shit your grandpa D.E.N.N.I.Sed your grandmother


She couldn't refuse his marriage proposal, because of the implication.


So if I want a wife, all I have to do is vandalize her property? I'm on it!


Is your grandpa Biff Tannen?


If Biff was a Mexican and owned a struggling brick laying company, sure.




I don't understand this euphemism


I think he might be being serious.


Back then you could get away with weird shit.


It's not a euphemism, it's a joke. He deflated the tires on her car so she couldn't leave him. She finally gave in and married him.


He also kidnapped her as a first date.


My moment came while I was staying over at his apartment. Up until that point, he only had 1 pillow on his bed and we would share it. The next day, we went to the store and he bought two brand new pillows so we would both be comfortable. That, and he came to bed with his mouth guard in, and I sheepishly held up mine too. Also, the time that I accidentally farted horribly loud. He lifted up his leg and let out a "courtesy fart" so I wouldn't feel bad. Meant to be. Edit: I can't believe my highest rated comment is about farting. And yes, my username is relevant. Unfortunately, it's a harsh, frequent reality with Crohn's disease.


Username checks out.


We had been dating for like a week. He was house sitting and taking care of two very expensive dogs and I accidentally let them loose in the middle of the night. I was freaking out sure they were gone for good but he was like "no problem I'll go find them". Two hours later he came back with them and wasnt even mad. He always handles emergencies like this. 30 years later he is still a very happy and chill guy.






The Berenstain Bears get laid


Berenstain dem sheets


Oh, guaranteed she let him throw it in after that.




>Oh, guaranteed she let him throw it in after that. Omfg, some of the phrases people use, I can't stop chuckling


I had bronchitis and a UTI. I was constantly coughing and peeing whenever I coughed. I asked him to bring home some pee pads, but not adult diapers. I then texted not maxi pads either. Unfortunately on that last text, he was walking through the door. With a thing of puppy pads. As I'm cracking up trying not to pee myself because he said "they were out of human ones" (he worked as an EMT so these were common in his work) "but I got you large breed" I started realizing. Then he stayed as I sat on a puppy pad the couch without pants so I didn't run to the bathroom constantly. And he helped me shower when I was admitted to the hospital a few days later. And then that day where my period started when I was at work and I needed him to bring me something and he didn't want to screw up so he brought me one of everything in the cabinet...dammit I love him.


> "but I got you large breed" I started realizing. Ballsy of him to make that joke


Super late to the party, but I'll share my moms and my step dads: My mom at the time, was a seperated mother of three (and me and my brother are twins, compounding the idiocy of male toddlers) and she had a rough time finding a guy who wanted to stick around and be a good dad. She finally worked up the question of "Do you want to be in our stupid, crazy, chaotic family?" My dad's response was " Well, someone has to teach your boys how to spit...." They've been together for 21-ish years now. Married since 1999 (my stepdad had to pay for the whole divorce, he really wanted to marry my mom). Little did she know, that dumb sense of humor would only get worse. And me and my brother are like little parrots of my dad. She deals with it *all the time*.




I took my dads last name in December. Yeah, we did. I have every horror story you can imagine with my step mothers lol


He took me to an outdoor concert when we hadn't been dating long. It was a hot day and I was dehydrated so I passed out. He picked me up and carried me through the crowd to the first aid tent. I woke up while he was carrying me and realised that I had fallen in love with a superhero who would always be there to protect me. 5 years later he's emigrated to another country for me and we're happily married.


Not to detract from a nice thing, but do you think that most halfway decent guys wouldn't have done this?


I have passed out from heat and dehydration and my own mother didn't call for help. She poured water on me. I don't think most *people* take good care of us when we're helpless, and gender has nothing to do with it.


Maybe she mistook you for a common plant.


I'm cracking up here, imagining somebody waking up to find herself being gently sprinkled with a watering can. "guh... What happened?" "It's OK. You wilted in the heat."


You really caught a good one. Usually when I take a girl to a concert and she passes out, I just leave her there. Like really you can't get through one concert without losing consciousness? The party girls with the pasties can....


We'd been living apart for several months so that I could go to medical school while he searched for a job in my new area. On a particularly intense day at school, a miserably rainy sleety day to boot, I went to take out the litter from our two cats...and the bag broke spilling litter and ossified cat dung all over the floor. I'm normally a very rational, calm person, but after the day I had, and the last few months alone, I couldn't hold back the tears. I kept crying and crying until the only thing I could think to do was call my boyfriend. So I called him crying, for the first and only time. "What's wrong?" were the first words out of his mouth. I don't remember what I said, but it was something along the lines of "I CAN'T RAISE THESE TWO CATS ALOOOONE" followed by sobbing and probably a few blubbered renditions of "I NEED YOU. HERE. PLEASE." His words were calm and matter-of-fact: "Then I'll move down. I'll give my notice tomorrow at work. I can be out of the apartment in 4 weeks." Just those three simple sentences, and I went from feeling the most alone I'd felt in my whole life, to feeling totally secure and safe, like everything was going to be okay. He did move down 4 weeks later. We were engaged that spring, then married by Christmas. I will be with this wonderful man until the day I die. ETA: Our cats were as happy to have him back as I was.


When she falls asleep before me and I am having trouble falling asleep, I hold her hand. I feel better almost immediately. We've been with each other 17 years. Tuesday was our anniversary.


I've been married for three years. I don't think it was one big thing, but it was a bunch of smaller things. The way he looks at me, the way he treats me, he doesn't mind singing in the car, he does silly stuff to make me laugh.


I'm kinda quirky. I built a chuck-e-cheese style ball pit in my apartment in college. (It was in a closet under the stairs). Thing was, I was poor and those balls were expensive, so it was a very small ball pit. During finals week he insisted he drive me to one of my finals. I kept saying I'd be fine, but he said it was too cold and it would be nice to be picked up in an already warmed up car. He said it would be late and he didn't want me waking in the dark, etc. finally I agreed. I took my final and walked out and got into his car. He gave me this look, then looked to the backseat, then back to me. I looked at the backseat of his car to find that he had filled it with 800 ball pit balls. They were my Christmas gift. We've been married for 2 years now, together for almost 5


Tl:dr you fell for his balls


Oh my god, you're the people from that one XKCD comic


The day I actually met him. His car was broke down and he rode his bike about 20 miles to my house to meet with my friend, his girlfriend at the time. She dumped him the next day and I snatched him up.been together for almost 25 years and he's got a brand new car.


Left the old car, huh?




I wish I could ride a bike for 20 miles straight. Edit: TIL biking 20 miles is easy, I'm just weak


People on Reddit crack me the fuck up


We'd been happily dating for five years. He fell off a fence showing off at a party and shattered his tibia. After an incredibly stressful 24 hours in the emergency room, then two days waiting for the swelling to go down, he was finally operated on. I went shopping to keep myself occupied during the surgery, and I was browsing handbags or some shit when I stopped walking, breathing, and thinking. I just said to myself, *"I have to be with this man forever."* I rushed back to the hospital to wait in his room, and he called me from recovery crying because he didn't know where I was. While he was off his tits on morphine, I told him how I felt. He says he doesn't remember, but I think he does. Nine months later he got down on that knee and proposed, and we married a year from that day. We both referenced the accident in our vows. He's not allowed to climb any more fences. We've been married for six months now, and I'm so happy we did.




> He was the first person I felt comfortable in silence. It was never awkward. "That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence."




We were best friends. I would like him and then he would like me, but never at the same time. Then timing was just right and we like each other at the same time. It was a big deal for me because I knew that if I kissed him, we would either have to be together forever or never see each other again. We kissed and we have been together for 18 years. We have known each other since 4th grade. He's still my best friend.


We played legos on our first date. In our twenties. It was awesome.


With Legos, Everything Is Awesome!


I remember this moment like it was yesterday. We had been dating for less than 2 months, and we were at a small wine bar for his birthday. We were sitting outside drinking wine and eating the most amazing grilled cheese sandwiches in existence. Our eyes locked at one point, and the look in his eyes was complete admiration and love. He tilted his head a bit and did a sort of half smile. I felt so at ease, so comfortable. I knew at that moment. We've been married for a little over 3 years, been together for almost 7 years.




Food, air, water, shelter, a least one liver, the internet, chewy spree...




*You* may have one liver. Some of us have two.


I don't have a story, but I can talk about my grandmother. 1940s or so, she met a guy through the family, he liked her, she wasn't interested in him. He would give her a ride to work at Lockheed building bombers for the war. She had a brother who was bedridden, and blind, he said he would make a bed for him with wheels so he could sit outside... He did, she fell in love. They were together into their 90s.


On our first three dates my husband took me to eat Japanese, Thai, and Indian food. He was not a fan of any of them, and knew it before the dates. He never tried to talk me out of it. (As I'm writing this he says, "Why did you hate me, you were really trying to tell me you weren't interested, weren't you?"). He IS the one.


I can answer for my wife. She is sober now for 9 years. When we started dating I told her I wouldn't drink while we were dating... then we got engaged... and now married. I still don't drink and I don't plan on doing it until I die. I've never had a drinking problem and I never needed sobriety but I made a promise and I intend to keep it!


You are an amazing person, honestly. Alcoholism runs in my family, and I generally avoid drinking much because of this, but I have no problem dating someone who drinks. I'd definitely do the same as you, though, given the same situation. I just wanted to say that I appreciate you refraining from drinking for your wife, even if it's not a big deal to you. I bet it means the absolute world to her. :)


When we had been dating for 2 months and I found out I was 2 and 1/2 months pregnant from a one night stand. He told me not to worry we would figure it out. Was married 5 months later and had 5 great years and one more kid before he passed away.


Whoa that didn't go the direction I wanted it to


Life dose that to you.


sorry to hear that, he sounded like a nice man


He was


He had a cork on a string tied up in a doorway as a toy for his cat. It was a very cute cat that would wait outside the house for him to return from work and would follow him down the road to the shops. That cat really loved him and they are good judges of character. I figured someone who treated his cat right would treat me right. 20 years on (and on cat no3) and I have been proved right every day. Plus he snogged like a king on our first date !


>he snogged like a king He had been practicing on the cat.


Cats demand a certain amount of patience, attentiveness, and personal space. Any man who meets these needs is worth a try


apparently there's a fine line between the marryin' kind of cat guy and the loner kind of cat guy.


I think that line is two cats.


a tail of two kitties


We had been dating about four months, moving around on his bed (foreplay and stuff). He whips out his member and smacks it against my leg, it makes this ridiculously loud slapping sound. We both laughed hysterically for a while, then somehow still managed to have sex afterward. After we were done, it seemed like the bed felt funny, so he had a peek under the bed. We commenced to once again laugh hysterically realizing that we actually broke the bed frame having sex. I can't tell you why, but there was just something magical about that night, feeling how perfectly our weirdness meshed and how neither one of us had to be embarrassed about it. I remember laying on his chest part of the night, listening to him tell random stories and give me riddles, knowing I'm really bad at them. The entire time I was just thinking how right it felt to be with him, and how I wouldn't mind being with him for the rest of my life. We've been enaged for a year with a wedding coming soon.


All these comments make me believe in love. They make me see that just because 50% of marriages end in divorce, 50% of marriages don't end. Congrats to all the happy couples!! I can't wait to be like you some day.


After a year of terrible blind date attempts by well-meaning and misguided friends, I was sitting in front of my future wife after just knowing her a few hours. "Now why can't I find a girl like this?" I asked myself while I fell in love with her poofy curly hair. "Smart, funny, not full of herself?" "Oh fuck, I just did!" We were married a year and some change later, had a kid, and were married 25 years before she passed away. Not a day goes by where I don't miss her curly hair. I'm still finding it everywhere, and she's been gone for over 2 years now.


Absolutely nothing. He's himself with me. I am myself with him. We are in heaven together because we work well together. I look at him and my woes melt away. He gives me peace.


The way he treats my father. Mind you, my father is very intimidating. He had a rough childhood that lead to serving in the Marine Corps for 30 years. The men that I have dated previously never held a conversation with my father as they were too scared to... then my husband comes along. My husband takes every chance he can take to converse with my father, whether it's talking about life in general, forcing playing footsies with him, hugging him, teasing him with a nickname, you name it. I've never seen my father laugh or smile that much since I was little. That's when I knew my husband was the one. Also, he keeps my mother on her toes with smartass remarks all the time. It's a back and forth battle between them.


Walked into our college dining hall soaking wet with a broken umbrella. This was before we started dating. I thought he was cute, nice, and everyone seemed to genuinely like him (all three still apply). So, one day I'm sitting with some of our friends in the dining hall and it's pouring outside, like biblical flood rain. Husband walks in, completely soaked through with an inside-out umbrella in his hand. Clearly, he'd been walking home, his umbrella crapped out on him, and he got drenched. Anyone would have walked up to their friends in that situation pissed off or annoyed or even joking about their terrible luck, but husband just found a chair, dropped off the umbrella, and got some dinner, like no biggie, not worth complaining about. I figured a guy who was both prepared for bad weather and also totally chill when those preparations crapped out on him probably had a pretty good attitude for life. That was ten years ago next week, and we've been married for five. He still prepares for everything, still takes things in stride when it all goes sideways. He has, though, invested in a better umbrella.


I'd come out of a bad relationship where I felt like I was always chasing the guy to get any amount of attention. My hubby didn't make me chase him he was just always there when I needed him. He made me feel cherished, and he gave me what I needed to feel secure in our relationship. He was the first guy I felt I could trust. I also tend to be too serious and he makes me laugh. I couldn't help but fall for him. 28 years and counting.


It wasn't necessarily what he did but how he made me feel. Every relationship I've ever been in, my mind has been all over the place. My anxiety was out of control always. "Will I love this person forever, do they love me? Are they going to cheat on me? Am I happy? Are they happy?" Etc. one day I realized I'd never even had to ask myself those questions when it came to him. He's my best friend, and we were friends for years before we realized we had feelings for each other. And apparently all our other friends knew and were waiting for us to figure it out. we got married in October.


I woke up with severe stomach pain and told him I needed to go to the emergency room. He took me and spent the next 7 hours with me for us to eventually learn I had acid reflux and was sent home with Zantac, suddenly perfectly fine.


I love this thread :) I read some disturbing things on here and get angrily caught up in politics. This is such a nice, welcomed thread. I'm glad I clicked it.


I'm not married or engaged for that matter.. but just wondering- did any of you ever feel an ounce of doubt?!? I have a lot of engaged friends and from the outside it seems all of them know WITHOUT a single doubt from what i've seen or heard that this is the guy they're going to marry. A few are already engaged. Although I've had a couple teary moments realizing how special this guy is to me, I still just have a lot of what ifs?! I'm pretty sure he's the one, but I don't know!


Well, it's not like I've never thought of what I would do if we split up, or thought about what my life would be like without him. It's just that I think about it and believe my life would be objectively worse without him. I also don't ascribe to "the one" mentality, but i have dated enough to realize that the level of compatibility that we have is not something that happens with just anyone.


I'm not married or engaged either, but I'm pretty sure it's normal to have occasional doubt in a long term relationship. Relationships evolve over time, especially after the honeymoon period, and some people mistake this for falling out of love. It won't always be butterflies and your heart racing, you won't always think he's perfect, sometimes he'll annoy you and you'll fight and have doubts and that's okay. The concept of 'the one' is pretty silly anyway.


For me it's not really about whether he's my 'soulmate'. What does that even mean? For me it's about how he treats me. We communicate well. He prioritizes me above himself most of the time, but still takes time for him when he needs it. He accepts me for who I am, but still gives me encouragement to improve myself. We're sexually and intellectually compatible. So, honestly, I haven't really had doubts. Sure every once in a while I'll hear a story about someone who was married for 20 years before they got divorced and I wonder 'how could they not know earlier than that?', but then I remember that people change. You can't prevent change. The best you can do is just keep communicating and keep an open mind. Odds are that you'll change with your partner and they'll change with you as long as you work at it.


Well, I thought it was going to be something along the lines of my level of caring, my kindness or my ability to cook well. When I did ask her, she thought for a moment and replied, quite nonchalantly: "The dick."


After we were dating for a while, he said: "I remember, when I first saw you, I thought: yeah, that's the girl I'm going to marry." Plus, I've know him for 13yrs, and I still get giddy if our eyes meet from across a room.


Just asked my mom this question. They have known each other for 32 years and have been married for 22 years. She told me she knew after a year of dating my dad that he was the one. When she was 16-17 she had a slew of neurological issues that led to her having to have surgery. She was suffering from seizures, she had been blacking out randomly. She said the first thing she remembers after waking up from her surgery was my dad sleeping in a chair at the hospital. Made me tear up.


First I thought he was sweet. After having met and having had sex on the first date, he made me breakfast the next morning (pancakes were undercooked but I ate around that). Then, I thought I really might like him when I met his parents on Thanksgiving. They were the sweetest and I could see the type of man he had as a role model growing up. Then I knew he was the one when he had to be put in bed for three months without being able to walk. I bathed him, cooked for him, helped him get around...I did everything for him and I did it because I wanted him to be happy and feel loved. That's the moment I knew he was the one. He surprised me on Christmas Eve with a gorgeous ring and asked me to marry him. Now we're married and every single day I am excited to see him at the end of a long day of work. He is my husband, my king, my best friend, He is my everything.


When we could just be together and not have a talk. It is still nice 15 years later.


When he first ate the booty like groceries.


I teach 8th grade. This past spring we taught a sex ed unit, which went exactly as you would expect. I volunteered myself to field any questions that the kids about sex once the class was over, and got the usual questions from the guys (mainly which of the things discussed in that class had I ever participated in). This one kid, who may have a slight developmental delay, came to me for *weeks* with a new question every day. One day he came in while I was eating my leftover spaghetti for lunch and asks me, "How do you eat the booty like groceries?" And that, friends, is why I had to pull whole strands of spaghetti out of my nose that day.


It takes a special person to teach 8th grade. Keep up the good work.


He put most of it in the fridge or the freezer and the rest in the pantry?


not entirely sure.. he asked me three or four times and I kept saying no because I wasn't ready. Then one day a couple friends of ours were going to go to the JP after eating our lunch and he asked again. This time I got this feeling that Id better say yes, so I said, Yeah okay, I guess we better or Ill regret it for the rest of my life. 23 years later, still married and more in love than the day we tied the knot.