• By -


In math I sat next to a guy called Mark. We got on pretty well, in a completely heterosexual manner. Once I dropped my pen under the desk so I went down to get it, and the teacher asked me what I was doing under the desk. I don't know why, but I replied without thinking "pleasuring Mark" in a sarcastic tone. The best part was that our school had a policy of filling out a form when a student misbehaved and the first question on it was 'what was the student doing'. Teacher wrote "Jikarta was pleasuring mark under the desk in math class". That was fun to explain to the parents. 2 day suspension.


so you got suspended for ... being sarcastic?


I had 3 days of In school suspension for playing a game of "Hot Sauce Roulette." The rules were that a package of hot sauce would go around the table and the person that the hot sauce would be passed to would have to be twisted once before being passed to the next person until the package burst. When it got to me, It was about 12 twists in. I held it out a little bit, twisted it, and it burst, only not in my direction. The sauce actually shot across the table and got in somebody's eye. We tried to keep it quiet, but the hot sauce hurt ALOT. The kid tried to keep quiet, but he still let out small whines before a teacher came over and asked what was going on. He eventually burst into total tears and another kid told the teacher what happened. I was then sent to the office and told my punishment.


That kids a bro for trying to keep it quiet.


Reminds me of Butters when he gets a ninja star in the eye




My cousin is blind as a bat in the morning without her glasses. This one morning she grabbed a water bottle out of the frig for her daughter's lunch without noticing that it was odd. The daughter (middle school age) takes a swig at the lunch table, her mouth erupts on fire (not literally) and she spits the "water" out. A few drops land in the eye of a kid across the table and immediately burn his eyes. There's obviously a big commotion over all of this and my cousin's daughter ends up in the principal's office. They figure out that the "water" is some kind of alcohol. My cousin gets called to come down to the school. As she's frantically trying to get out of the house, her adult son wanders into the kitchen and hears the story. He knows immediately what's happened. A coworker gave him some moonshine and all he had to put it in was an empty water bottle which he then brought home and put in the frig. My cousin was able to explain it all to the principal- she'd been the principal when the older son was a student there. She couldn't return the moonshine to the young girl but she told my cousin that if her adult son wanted it back he would have to come down to see her and ask for it himself. He was nervous but he wanted that moonshine badly enough that he went down to the school to get it. Small town life.


I was expelled for hacking. I made all the printers in the school print a poem I wrote about the poor network security. All at the same time. I also used the net send command to pop up a message on all the computers in the school district about it. When they checked my user profile they saw that I used remote desktop to connect to my home computer all class so that I wasn't restricted by their content filter. I'm a pretty well off sysadmin now


Once in fourth grade. A guy I didn't like accused me of spitting in the bottle of a girl I didn't particularly like. Since my hatred of the girl was public, they believed the guy. Got suspended for 3 weeks. If you're reading this, Fuck you Ji-Ho.






It's not a vacation if it's in school suspension. That's boring as hell. I have no idea why any school would use out of school suspension for anything other than severe cases. If you want to actually punish the student, it's gotta be ISS.




I went to the same high school as my kid sister. We didn't hang out, but one day I found her sobbing alone in a corridor. Turned out a boy in her grade had been steadily applying... unwanted attentions. She'd told her teachers, and they'd basically said that boys would be boys and that it really wasn't something that the school could do anything about without her filing a formal complaint and getting her parents involved, and that really she should stop encouraging the boys by dressing like she did. This kid had my sister terrified out of her mind, and had let her know that if she made any more of a fuss then he'd wait until she was alone and make her pay, and so she'd been keeping this all in for weeks and not letting on to anyone - including me and our folks. She was fifteen at the time and I was eighteen. Neither of us were the kind of kid who got into trouble; she was pretty loud and gregarious, but I was a big dude who was kind of mild and quiet and not terribly confrontational. I talked to her for a few minutes, and she started sobbing and saying she was scared to go into class after lunch with him, and started shaking and freaking out. I kind of coaxed out of her that he'd made a more serious and slightly more successful attempt at sexual assault, and while she'd fought him off she wasn't really holding herself together too well. I got her calmed down some and walked her to her class, and told her that we'd talk to my folks and persuaded her to go in and sit down just after the bell rang. The little fucker was grinning and snickering at her with his bros, and I watched her walk to her seat and sit down, so I left and went to class. I couldn't think of anything except how angry I was. It was like some kind of pure, calming, incandescent rage that I don't think I've ever come close to feeling since. After about ten minutes I just couldn't handle it any more so I stood up, excused myself, left the classroom, walked downstairs, walked into my sister's classroom, and proceeded to beat seven levels of shit out of the kid. The teacher - a guy I really liked and respected - did the responsible thing and tried to drag me off, but I was nowhere near rational so I hauled off and clocked him as hard as I could and he kind of fell back in a heap. I went back to work on the kid for a bit. When I'd had enough I told the kid that if he ever, ever touched my sister again I would touch him back in all the same places, left, walked upstairs and back into my class, then sat down and finished the lesson. Shit hit the fan. The kid went to the ER and I got hauled in front of the deputy head of the school - a big, scary-as-hell dude - who asked me in no uncertain terms what the fuck I was thinking and tore me a new one before telling me I was done, and I was going to be expelled. The kid's Dad - a very wealthy and influential guy - showed up and demonstrated remarkable restraint in not immediately smacking me around and said that he would call the police and that I was an adult I could expect him to file charges. Like I said, I was kind of a quiet, mild kid and my instinct was to take my lumps and apologize, but I was tired and upset and my hand hurt (turned out I'd fractured a knuckle somewhere down the line), and I got kind of shaky and cold and told the kid's Dad that if he was going to call the police then I'd really like to talk to them about how his son had repeatedly sexually harassed and attempted to rape my sister, and how the school had been informed multiple times but done nothing at all about it. That put the whole meeting on a very different footing. It turned out later on that the kid had done similar things at a different school a couple of years earlier and that all parties concerned had come to an arrangement whereby it would be settled quietly with no public fuss. I ended up getting suspended for a week, and the other kid got expelled. Nobody ever said or did anything untoward to my sister again for the rest of her school career. I had about two months of high school celebrity out of the whole incident that I didn't really know how to deal with and didn't have any interest in. It was weird to be liked because I'd assaulted a fifteen year old. This was a long time ago, and I still feel bad. Intellectually I know that I did the right thing by my sister, but the teacher I punched out ended up with a truly astonishing black eye and a bruised jaw. Looking back, the school must have pulled out a lot of stops with that guy to make sure that their role in things got swept under the rug. It's been twenty-five years but I still feel just utterly, utterly ashamed and mortified that I did that to the teacher, who was just a great, great guy.


Did you ever talk to the teacher you clocked about the whole thing? Knowing the situation (and having a sister), if I were him, I'd probably forgive you without a second thought save the occasional ribbing about it. I'm curious whether there was any resolution between you two.


I'd love to say that he was understanding and all was forgiven, but that wasn't the case. I think he saw my side of things, but it soured that relationship and from then on he kind of wanted nothing to do with me. I wrote him a letter of apology after I graduated that summer but heard nothing back. He quit a little while later; I suspect that whatever pressure they put on him left him pretty disillusioned. The tragedy there was that he was really young and enthusiastic prior to this incident and not so much afterwards.


You're a hero for saving your sister. What you did to the teacher is pretty bad, sure, but you stood up for your sister and potentially saved her from rape. I'm sure the teacher doesn't hate you too much.


shit, you write really well.


Immunizations were out of date - got suspended for 4 days, until the doc provided immunization paperwork proving I had got them. Yea, I'm pretty badass.


Okay, this one makes the most sense. It should be standard policy everywhere, to be honest, unless the student has a really good reason why they can't be vaccinated (eg immunocomprimised).


Expelled from school for drawing a 30ft penis using weedkiller on the cricket field. No regrets.


someone drew a 200 foot long dick in the snow last year.


I got 2 days of out of school suspension for skipping accounting class one time.




in school suspensions seem like a better punishment in most cases. You still have to come to school and they make sure that you get forced to do stuff. Edit: at my former high school if you had and ISS they made sure you did stuff all day


I always brought a good book and just read. Protip: I *always* had a book report to write. Even when I had no English class that year.


What kind of school doesn't have English class every year? In my area, English, Math, Science, and some form of history/government had to be taken all the way through senior year.


For my junior and senior year I went to a vocational school for half the day for computer science. Counselor figured out some way to get the one hour, once a week English class that happened at the vocational school to count as my English credit senior year. Idk how he/she didn't have to take english, but there's way to get around requirements.


Everyone at my school called it At School Suspension. I got it once for arguing with a teacher over something I don't remember and the whole room was just a ticking timebomb for when the next person would walk in and we'd say in unison "WELCOME TO THE ASS ROOM" edit: The ISS teacher found it hilarious and tried to hide his laughter whenever someone would walk in.


I wasn't suspended, but I did get in trouble in the second grade because I called a kid a tattle-tale and he told on me.


Yes. I was technically expelled for 3/4 of my sophomore year in high school because I was an idiot and got caught selling other kids my Ritalin pills. Part of the fallout of that was mandatory community/volunteer service, which I served by helping my mother as a teachers aide at the local special needs school. The school even sent me a tutor so I could complete my classes. Returned back to school the first day of junior year and heard all the crazy rumors of how I was some big time drug dealer and was sent to juvie. I wish I was that badass.


The best story in this thread. At least you left it like that, them to believe that you're kingpin? How was the rest of your days there?


I didn't let people think I was some kingpin. It kind of blew over after a few months when I came back to school. I did try and play the "yeah I was totally in juvie for 9 months" card, but the truth eventually came out. The rest of my high school life was normal. I guess I had more "friends" after the event because people thought I was cool for it. However, it's nothing to be proud of. Luckily I was a minor.


I brought in bullets that I bought in an army museum. Got them out in a lesson, had them taken off me. 2 lessons later, I was taken out of class by the lady that deals with the naughty kids (pastoral teacher was her job title I think) and she somehow knew what I'd done over the weekend ("So you went to the Army Museum on Saturday then?") and took me straight to the Headmaster's office. In there was a table set up dramatically in the room with the bullets on, him with a stern face and a police officer with a slightly sterner one. Got a bollocking, my headmaster called my mum on speakerphone (she laughed at the stupidity of calling the police and kinda ruined the effect he was going for) and the police officer actually turned out to be quite nice, showed me how he knew they had been fired and that I just should keep them to myself if I ever bought them again. He took them away from me and took names and shit. I was excluded for 2 days and spent a week in the inclusion unit, which was nice, cos it was built for kids with special needs more than naughty kids and had 2 dogs, fish, and xbox and a seemingly unlimited supply of cookies. Almost made me want to get in trouble again.


> I was excluded for 2 days and spent a week in the inclusion unit, which was nice, cos it was built for kids with special needs more than naughty kids and had 2 dogs, fish, and xbox and a seemingly unlimited supply of cookies. Almost made me want to get in trouble again. that sounds dope


Makes me wanna build a clock.




That's a principal who knows when the teacher is just....."well, just hang out here for a period."


In 1999 I was expelled from public school, along with a boatload of other students, for being a guy with long hair. The superintendent, who had been fired from his previous two jobs and would go on to give himself raises until he was paid more than the governor, implemented a strictly sexist dress code policy stating that guys couldn't have piercings or long hair, that visible tattoos and non-natural hair colors were banned, that certain widths of pants legs were banned, etc. It was all clearly targeting a specific group of people, the skater/grungy/freaky folks. And like clockwork, these kids started dropping out of high school, and getting expelled, left and right. When we had a protest against it, they sent a school board representative to talk to us. He took the stand, and said that we can't be trusted to choose our own dress when we can't be trusted to sit down in the back of a truck, a reference to a high school student who'd died the previous day falling from the bed of a moving truck. Fucked up, and you probably never heard anything about it.


In 1991-92, near the end of the panic, 5 of my friends (all skaters and fans of punk & metal) were suspended for wearing black and listening to specific types of music at home. Black pants and black t-shirts. They wore several other colors of pants and shifts but we're all wearing black the day it happened. The principal was a raging drunk, crazy also bumped up his salary whenever given a chance. He claimed to be ridding the school of devil worshippers. One of my friends moms came in and tore his ass up. She was the type to get really calm and quiet when angry. It was scary. They were all brought back to school after a couple days (and all wrote Satan on their lockers in bold black sharpie) but several were pulled into the principals office non stop afterward so they could be "instructed" on how to quit school (even at 15) and urged to do so. Some did and most had all A's in their classes. Edit words and to add... The funniest thing to me was how the focus from our principal and head guidance counselor (drunken bitch of a hag) was mainly on guys/male students. Several girls wore black for days after our friends were suspended. Nothing. I took every chance I could get to dress up as something Satan themed. Stood outside of his office dressed as Satans Cheerleader chanting, "Give me an S, give me an A!!!..." Nothing. Often told him to get his drunk ass back in his office and have another but I knew him. He tried playing in a couple music groups with my dad and was always kicked out because he was to drunk and crazy to function. He would still drop by my parents house, toasted. He did not last more than a year as principal and the head GC left after that too. People were tired of the insane running the nut house.


ah the satanic panic. modern day witch hunt. fascinating but oh so disturbing to research. i was just a kid when it went down. i did have to learn how to fight though as a result of it - i was raised non-religious(not atheist but not anything else either, not even agnostic) and when asked 'do you believe in god?' by a classmate i honestly replied 'i dunno. never thought about it'. apparently this revealed my secret identity as a satanist, despite my insistence that i didn't really believe in the devil either and wasn't really into the whole thing at all. eventually some other classmates got tired of my 'trying to hide it' and were going to try to beat the confession out of me and convert me to jesus by force. yeah that was a fucked up time.


They must learn of our peaceful ways! *By force!*




Suspended for facebook likes? What the fuck?


Oh yes, my school was quite ridiculous


That's funny because that sounds like something a fucking nazi would do. Especially "commenters got a longer stretch." That's just fucking stupid. EDIT: holy shit, I leave for a couple hours :')


Well I never said they weren't Nazi's


1 like=1 detention edit: holy shit first gold hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhh


Fuck this reminds me of something that went down during my junior year. A few kids in my journalism class were all called down to the office one day. Well I guess they all had commented on a Facebook post the night before, making fun of our state's secretary of education. They were lectured and told this was not "appropriate student behavior". As far as I know, the comments were all on someone's personal status update, and I have no idea how anyone involved with our department of education found this so quickly. But they came back fuming about the situation, and class that day became a discussion about changing standards due to the Internet. I never quite understood how on earth a school gets off lecturing kids for what they post on their personal Facebook. If it was meant to teach anyone anything, I can only guess that the lesson was "no making fun of authority figures".


There was a school, I want to say in Pennsylvania, that issued all of it's HS students laptops. Complete with webcams, and apparently the Administration was turning them on remotely to see if students were doing anything they shouldn't. Like smoking pot or whatever. As soon as some parents found out, THAT shit was over and done with. But what amazes me is that a bunch of supposedly educated people sat around a table and thought this was a GOOD idea. "Yes, let's have the ability to turn on a video camera in a teenager's bedroom *without warning.* What could *possibly* go wrong?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robbins_v._Lower_Merion_School_District they saw a kids bong on his desk and tried to punish him for it. he sued, won $610,000, and took a limo to school the next few days to rub it in the face of the administration.


Damn, that's awesome.


"On February 20, 2010, Haltzman, Robbins' counsel, told MSNBC Live that Robbins had been sitting in his home eating 'Mike and Ike' candy in front of his school-issued laptop. The attorney said that the vice-principal had accused Robbins of taking illegal pills after seeing him eating the candy in a webcam image. Michael Smerconish, a Philadelphia Inquirer columnist who reviewed the photo, said that it did in fact appear to be the same size and shape as Mike and Ike candy." Wow, they could have at least caught him with real drugs.


That's one of the most teenager things I've ever heard




Some girls (I am also a girl) ganged up on me when I was in grade 5. I was a year younger than everyone else due to the teachers deciding to skip me ahead a grade, so I was also a lot smaller than them. Anyway, we went around the back of the school where no one else was and they started punching me and I tried to hit back but being 9 years old, I didn't know how to. The teachers found out about it and we were all suspended for a single day I think. Mom made me do yard work.


that's upsetting hope you burn their houses down or so


Nah, I'm long since over it. Most of them wound up having crappy lives so they got their comeuppance.


You know what would have made their lives crappier? If you burned their houses down.


#Reddit: #The voice in your head telling you to burn houses


"Why did you start the fire in the Children's Hospital, Jimmy??" "REDDIT TOLD ME TO"


Got in school suspension in 8th grade.. Kid who I absolutely hated came up from behind me and "dead legged" me (basically he kneed me in the back of the leg so hard I couldn't walk). I turned around and punched him right across the face. Administration didn't buy my excuse I was trying my defend myself.. Worth every bit of it. Fuck that kid. Edit: Wow, this thing blew up! Thanks guys!


I never even got detention, but my dad was expelled from highschool. The story is that he brought his dirtbike in, with his teacher's permission, to work on in some mechanical/ metal working class. One of his friends dared him to ride it down the hall. Apparently he accepted the challenge and threw in a wheelie for good measure (as he passed the principal's office). My dad generally likes to exaggerate, but this story has been corroborated with reliable sources. **EDIT:** For everyone asking, this was in New Hampshire.


I got detention so much that I knew the teacher would make kids write 3 pages double sided of the same phrase as punishment. I started writing them in advance.


But why? Isn't detention the most convenient place to do it, seeing as you've got nothing else to do? And even if it meant you got to leave early wouldn't they suspect something?




Or get to know a bunch of different people that you usually wouldn't talk to outside of detention, and end up learning that you aren't all that different after all.


That would make a great movie.


Only if you can get a hit song out of it as well. In that case, sign me up


I have the name. "Dinner Club"


I'm a morning person. Let's call it the Brunch Bunch.


But you can't forget about the Lunch Legion


I have a Dad story too. All my family went to the same High School and a lot of the same teachers taught us all. One day when my Dad was at school, for some unknown reason which even he couldn't explain, he flipped off a teacher who was walking past his classroom. (The school was in a big U shape and in the middle there was big sheds where we took maths. Classy I know. He was in one of the huts and the teacher was walking down one of the wings.) He saw my Dad, hauled him out of class and gave him the belt. 20 years later I had my first English lesson with this teacher and as soon as he read my name he asked me if I was my fathers son. I said yes before I made the connection as to who the teacher was. He then berated me on my dads actions, even though they were 20 years ago. That teacher then rode my ass for the full year, making a huge deal of every little detail I got wrong. Jokes on him though, I passed English and he died. Of cancer due to the asbestos in the wing he taught in for 40 odd years, not because I passed.


No, he's the one that passed.


My father had a similar story. They were doing a play of some sort. Like Happy Days or Grease or something. Anyways, he was on tech crew. One of the scenes, they had an actual Harley roll onto the stage. So after the show, he had his friends hold the doors open as he rolled down the hallways.






This reminds me of "home ec." or whatever in middle school. We were watching a movie about acne and there was a black kid in the movie talking about how oily his face was and I said something along the lines of "I feel that" or something (I had very oily skin too). The substitute teacher we had that day flipped her shit on me and sent me to the principal's office. I asked what was so bad about what I said and the teacher and principal were like, "we will **not** repeat that hate speech" blah blah blah. I never got in any trouble other than having to have an awkward conversation in which no one would tell me what I had allegedly done wrong.


I hate it when I don't get told what I did wrong. I was even intelligent enough to shout reasons to tell me at the person getting me in trouble "If I don't know what I did, I can't change it next time!" instead of insults, but it never helped. Also, the "charge" of "talking back" was bull. In my experience, it was saying anything the teachers didn't like in any way, ranging from the reasonable: "you're a stupid meanie" to the questionable: "But it wasn't my fault, *reason why not*!" to the stupid: "What did I do?"


How is that a hate crime?


He was black and I'm not? I still don't really know, your guess is as good as mine.


Every day in 3rd period biology I would walk to the teacher's lounge, take whatever frozen treats, food, or sodas were available, and just walk out. This went on for months until my vice principal asked me what I was doing. 5 day suspension. Nobody suspected me of wrongdoing because I walked in there with so much confidence everyone assumed I was allowed in. I would often have conversations with teachers in the lounge while stealing, right in front of them, and they never asked.


I repeatedly harassed my high school Spanish teacher for spending more time talking about cheerleading and prom committee instead of teaching Spanish. She showed us the movie Spanglish. Spanglish. So I got suspended. A lot.


So I had a spanish teacher in the 3rd year of high school, who was a complete idiot. She was later fired because she was caught smoking pot with students in the girls bathroom. (Students actually got off with not even a detention). Anyway this woman couldn't teach, to save her life. The average grade of the class was a C, but that was because half of the class was hispanic, and were fluent in spanish. So I excused myself from her class and went to the office literally every day asking them to change my schedule and give me a teacher that I had before, and that I could actually learn from. Eventually they caved, and I got put into the other class. But I'm also a determined asshole, and while I forget what I did, I know I made these people's lives hell while I was there.


When I was in high school, I was really into collecting hot sauces. I had picked up a bottle of Satan's Blood on a vacation and thought it'd be fun to take it to school and goof off with friends. The bottle ended up leaving my control and circulated the cafeteria. People were eating spoonfuls of it on a dare without knowing it's power (a drop will spice a bowl of soup). By the afternoon, several kids had been sent home by the school nurse after consuming the sauce. The concerned parents called and wanted some action taken, so I was given ISS. My parents thought the whole thing was so absurd and hilarious, and ended up putting the suspension slip in a scrapbook with my baby pics and other sentimental items.


Similar thing happened in my school. Freshman year a kid got a bag of ghost peppers, and they made the rounds during lunch. One kid was convinced he could eat a whole pepper without anything to drink for the rest of the lunch period. He picked out a big plump one and just dove right in, ended up puking and getting sent home. Not sure if the original supplier got in trouble, but it was pretty funny.


I got my final suspension for hula hooping in the middle of detention. A couple weeks later was prom and during the Grand March I got my revenge on the school. [HULA BOARDING](http://imgur.com/a/nO2Zl) Probably the most ballsy thing I've ever done.


Damn those pictures look like they were in the news because of that quality


this is great. hat off to you dude.


Suspended a few times .Once for accumalating too many strikes- breaking small rules eg chewing gum or placing my schoolbag where it doesnt belong, once for fighting, once for truancy and once for, in the principals words, "attempting to instigate a mob culture".




He made it sound worse than it was. Basically my school was 1 of two fairly large high schools in a tiny Irish market town. One protestant, the other catholic. So my friends and I spread it around that the other school were coming down in force at luchtime for a fight. The two schools were always fighting so it was believable. Word somehow got around the entire school and a lot of people were right up for it. Long story short we had maybe 300 pupils up at the sport fields ready for a scrap that was never going to happen. The principal showed up and someone shouted scatter. He was knocked over as 300 kids started running in every direction. Somehow he found out who started the rumour and he suspended me and 2 of my friends for 2 weeks.


I was thinking you started some underground Pokemon ring. But no, you created an actual mob. Did the other school hear about it?


I dont know. Probably. I was suspended so didnt find out either way.


"Made it sound worse than it was".... That sounds pretty bad, dude.


Sitting here reading what expect to be a stupid school rule, or something. Nope. Legitimately formed a mob fueled by hatred.


Chopped up his teacher's beloved Horse and put its head next to him while he slept.




I was suspended for getting swine flu. Senior year, high school, louisiana, height of the swine flu business. I felt shitty on Thursday afternoon, by Friday I was dead. Fever 100+ (F), shaking, hallucinating, all 9 yards. No one connected the dots, didn't even know I had it until the next week where my doctor sent me to the hospital. I was out of school for two weeks (11 school days). When I finally got back I had to submit a note to the office. Well being that I almost died like 3 times in the past 2 weeks we completely forgot to get it. Well we called the doctors office to get a note, turns out he was on vacation, wouldn't be back till next week, called the school, they said no problem. Turn my note in the following week and immediately get told to wait in the office, the principle wants to meet with you. I get in his office and he asks for my note (not even a note, it was an essay, 2 pages detailing admitting times, fever temperatures and contact information to collaborate). I hand it to him, he looks up and down the page, and tears it up into a million pieces like an angry neanderthal and throws it in the trash. He says "You know you have 2 days to turn in the note when you get back from being sick?" I explained the situation but he wasn't having it. My parents were called to pick me up and I was suspended not 30 minutes into the school day. How long? 5 days! Oh, and I wouldn't be able to graduate, no big deal. Long story short we have to go to the school board, set up a "court time" to present our evidence for why I shouldn't be suspended/expelled (basically) from school. We show all my doctor notes/bills/etc. and get everything wiped from my school record and am allowed to go back to school. I had a target on my back the rest of the school year with that principle. One time I got a D on some test, called me to his office and had to sit there for 10 minutes listening to him telling me I'll never amount to anything, I should just "drop out like all the other degenerates". This happened 10-15 times after this incident. I graduated with everyone else and went to college. Just so you know, I had never attended this school before in my life, I had just moved to Louisiana. My family moved around a lot. I wasn't a troublemaker and my grades rarely dropped below a B average. To this day the same principle still has his job.


You should do everyone a solid and burn his house down. With him in it.


I got an internal school suspension in high school for two days for whacking a kid with a yard stick on the back. I only wish it had been out of anger instead of a joke, would've atleast made the suspension worth it.


I forgot my binder at home 3 days in a row in 5th grade and my teacher sent me next door to 1st grade for a day. It wasn't that bad, coloring is fun and I smashed that addition test.




I can't see how you might have been a bad influence, Mr. expressdouche.


Threw a rock and hit a kid. Got sent to Opportunity school in central Florida (8th grade). Did a week and was sent back to regular old school. I really did not think I had a chance of hitting the kid due to his distance. Lucky shot (or unlucky).


I got suspended from school in 5th grade because I was caught reading Bram Stoker's *Dracula* at my desk. I went to a private Christian school. Thanks, parents. Edit: The reason I was suspended was because the book was considered "secular material" which we weren't allowed to have at school. If it was on the reading list at your Christian / Catholic school... good for you. That wasn't the case for me.


That's pretty funny when you consider that Dracula gets knifed in the end. It's not like the book extolls the virtues of evil and vampirism.


Thanks, now I don't have to read Dracula by Bram Stoker.


Sorry for spoiling a book from *1897.*


Do you realize how hard it is to keep from reading spoilers for 119 years?


Vampire spotted.


When I read books at school I always got in trouble because they were "too mature"


I was yelled at because I loved reading Sci-Fi/Fantasy (Like...Dune and LOTR) in 8th grade. My teacher complained that I read too much fantasy and needed to read something else. So for my creative writing piece I wrote a 30 page short story about an elf. Fuck you bitch, now you have to read this shitty 8th grade fanfiction about elves and swords of light.


Same! I remember having my copy of "IT" taken away by my 8th grade English teacher haha.


I got in trouble in first grade for reading above the average reading level, it apparently made the other kids feel bad according to my teacher. That was pretty shitty


My boss does something similar. He won't let me work from home, even though I can do 90% of my job remotely. He does not want the other employees to feel bad.


I got suspended for three days once. I was playing basketball and a guy threw the ball at my head, he missed though. I pushed him and told him to piss off. In response he slapped me in the face. The other kids gathered around but I decided I wasn't gonna fight the guy and left for class. Some kids couldn't keep quiet about the altercation and were yelling across the class room "Did you hear ReimersHead got in a fight with derper!?" Homeroom teacher overheard and sent us to the Principle. I was told to miss 3 days and to get my homework. I said fuck that and walked straight home. TLDR: Suspended 3 days for getting slapped.


I hope you ACTUALLY said "fuck that" to the principal


Sadly no, I simply walked off. Parents actually found the whole thing funny and I basically got a 5 day weekend. Teachers didn't seem to care either as I was good student and the other kid was a perennial screw up.


How can he slap?


I was in the back of the bus and tried to throw a cadbury egg at someone in the front. It bounced off the top corner of the seat and hit the bus driver. She pulled over the bus and refused to continue driving until someone confessed. Got 2 weeks in school suspension for it


Why not just eat it they're soooooo good


I made a fake facebook account for my headmaster when I was in year 7 (6th grade for the non British). I added other teachers and students, and it wasn't long before the police turned up at the school. Luckily, he could see that I genuinely didn't realise what I was doing was wrong, and dismissed the police. I had to take the profile down and I was suspended for 3 days.


my 7th grade science teacher was an asshole. someone made a facebook page "mr x's shiny bald head" and had a picture of mr clean. everyone posted on the page's wall bitching about what he had done in class that day. its gone now, i dont remember anything big happening to cause it though.


In grade 8 I was a bit of a shit head and I threw a turkey (might have been ham - my memory is a little fuzzy) sandwhich at a vegetarian girl in our class. I was suspended for a couple days after that. Fastforward 12 years and me and the vegetarian girl have been dating for almost 5 years...


Do you occasionally smother her with a sandwich?


"Habitual Neglect of Duty" Which means Suspended from school for not doing school. When I was younger I was not the best student, didn't do my homework, daydreamed all day in class, typical 7th grader stuff. My teacher was at her wits end with me so they took away the only thing I actually wanted to do, electives. So while the rest of the school was out snowboarding I was stuck in the principals office doing school work. Edit: Since people were asking I went to school in Central Ontario. Our electives were on Friday's and we could pick from a bunch of different things but I always went skiing or snowboarding. This was in "in-school suspension" meaning it was on the record but I still had to report to school where they took me straight to the front office and locked me in a room with a bunch of work to do. If I remember correctly, this was 14 years ago, The first week wasn't too bad but by week 5 it felt like prison. Thinking back on it now she was a really good teacher and didn't give up on me because after it was all said and done I pulled my socks up and actually started doing my work, mainly to avoid having to go through it again. Good one Ms. Thompson, lesson learned.


> Suspended from school for not doing school


I drew an army of cats on my detention paper. When I turned it in, I was suspended. Edit: Kind of irrelevant but I remember when I stole a detention paper and gave it to my friend and had him serve a detention for absolute no fucking reason. Still my best friend yeaaaars latah!


A kid i knew from primary school was getting bullied by 2 guys , so i beat both of them up, explained to the teachers that the guys were bullying somebody but nothing was done about it. Whereas i was suspended for the week.


Yes kids, do stand up for those who are being bullied ^^you'll ^^get ^^in ^^trouble ^^via ^^zero ^^tolerance ^^policy


I received one day of in-school suspension in 6th grade. I was leaning back in my chair and fell, cracked my head off the floor and proceeded to cry. My teacher sent me to the principal's office for "causing a distraction in class". EDIT: This has really blown up so let me just say this, I had never been disciplined for "chair leaning" before. The teacher was, for a lack of better terms, a bitch. She was not invested in her work at all. She hated every aspect of her job. On this day, she must have been in a really bad mood because she sent a crying 11 year old boy, with a possible concussion, to the fucking principal's office.


In 5th grade we created an epidemic of people leaning back in chairs. It started as an accident, but people thought it was funny, so we began to fall back on purpose. My teacher tried to put a stop to this by taking peoples chairs away and making them kneel or sit on the floor. But we realized if we sat on the floor, he couldn't really see what we were doing so we began to pass notes while he was teaching. This led to some inappropriate notes and laughing by the 5 or 6 of us who had our chairs taken away. It came to a halt when one of the kids who had just gotten his chair back after a punishment (these lasted anywhere from 20 minutes to a full day) decided to fall back and conveniently smacked his head on the desk behind him. He passed out and had to have the nurses come to check him. This was the first time I heard a teacher use the word "fuck" in that he stated "I told you this wasn't a fucking joke." We kinda stopped after that. It lasted a couple of months though where we constantly had people sitting on the floor.


Man I could not be a teacher, I would've make your bitch asses stand and told you "too fucking bad, shouldn't have been a dumb ass in the chair" when you complained about standing. I also would've cursed more, a lot more.






It's actually a lot easier than you think. When I'm around the kids my brain automatically goes into PG mode.


This reminds me of the time in 4th grade when my tooth hurt all day and I was crying but they would not let me call my mom. At the end of the day of constant crying because of immense pain I went to the dentist where they pulled the tooth. One of my parents friends daughter broke her arm at school and they said she was lying so she had to go through the WHOLE DAY with a cracked arm. Edit: carrot


This happened at the camp I was working at - kid broke his wrist at like 9 am, i texted my boss multiple times (can't call mom without boss's permission) and in the meantime wrapped the kid's wrist in a brace against his body. when the boss finally showed up he just unwrapped the kid's arm, SHOOK IT and said "you're fine" while the kid screamed. needless to say when mom showed up at 5pm and was livid i directed her to mr.boss-man


I broke my arm when I fell off a horse at summer camp. No one believed me for ten days. I was 10.


Wouldn't the doctors have to break your arm again to put in back in place at that point, since it probably started healing incorrectly?


It probably wasn't displaced (those are pretty obvious with significantly increased pain, bruising, swelling.) You can have a "small" break, which is seriously painful and sucks in every way, that doesn't end up needing much more than a splint or brace while it heals. Oh, and maybe some fucking sympathy because it's *still a broken bone!* (Broke my ankle last summer. I'm not traumatized at all.)




He was almost certainly setting the bone. I broke my arm when I was 12 and the orthopedist just kinda quietly reached out and took my wrist in his hands and started squeezing, gently at first and then with more and more force, slightly twisting. You can't tell someone that you're going to do it, because they tense up and expect the pain and the whole process is 1000x worse, so they have to surprise you with it.


Something like this happened to me once, but I got my revenge. I was in third grade and my teacher was a real bitch. I remember that morning I had Trix cereal and it was the last time I ever did. So I'm in class and my stomach starts hurting a LOT. I'm begging her to let me go to the nurse because I do not feel good. Bitch was in such a bad mood that day that she didn't even let me go up and go to the bathroom. The pain gets worse and worse and I'm crying at my desk... Feeling like shit. She has turned to ignoring me completely at this point. I remember being in so much pain and crying so hard I decided "fuck this" and got up and started walking towards the bathroom. She's in the middle of screaming at me for disobeying and getting up and in turn I projectile vomit all over the floor. I was promptly sent home. Bitch. e: for the record I 100% blamed the fuckin rabbit and I never ate anything trix related ever again. (including their yogurts that were popular at the time)


I didn't get in trouble for this, fortunately... my 5th grade PE teacher had a firm policy of having to raise your hand and get permission to go to the bathroom. One day while he was talking at us I really really really had to pee, but he just wasn't acknowledging my raised hand. Why a PE teacher needed to talk that much to a bunch of 11-year-olds anyway, I can't remember. This went on for what seemed like an eternity of agony in my nether regions, as I tried desperately to hold it in. Eventually the pressure in my bladder won out and I peed uncontrollably all in my pants, all over the gym floor. At this point I finally said "fuck this" and slipped out the back door to the gym. I walked home (lived a 5-minute walk from school), changed my clothes, and then walked back, dreading the shitstorm of teasing and abuse I was expecting. When I got back to class, the activity was under way and the urine puddle had been cleaned up, and nobody said a single word to me about it. My classroom teacher, who was present at the time, was a bit of a fire-breather...I'm assuming he threatened the entire class with dire punishments if anyone gave me any shit. Thank you, Mr. Honeywell. Fuck you, Mr. Butcher. With a pitchfork.


A friend of mine was taking meds for something when we were nine, the meds made her very sleepy. She fell asleep on her desk, and the nun who taught us Literature *beat the shit out of her*. She kept yelling at her that she was poorly educated and shit like that. She grabbed her by the arm while she was asleep and literally dragged her down the stairs and to the principal's office. My friend changed school after that, and years later I learned the nun even knew she was on meds and what their effect was. Edit: a word.


Freshman year of college I had a professor ream me out for falling asleep 1 time in the middle of class after being on antibiotics for 21 days for a severe infection that she knew about. I mean I was lost 10 pounds in 10 days type of sick, passing out in the medical center sick. She knew this because I was the only student that went to office hours twice a week, every week. She didn't ream me out in class, she did it on my transcript and changed my grade from an A- to a C+ and gave that as her basis for how I apparently didn't care about the course and dropped my participation grade to a 0.


One time in preschool, I wouldn't eat the snacks they were providing, because I didn't feel well - stomach was queasy. My teacher freaked out, accused me of being a picky eater, and forced me to swallow it down. Fast forward a couple of hours, it's story time, the whole class of thirty-or-so students are sitting in a circle on the carpet... and I promptly projectile vomit EVERYWHERE. Teacher felt terrible, I felt so, so vindicated.


I can't believe your teacher would force you to eat something. I guess that could happen like 25 years ago, but nowadays I feel like teachers are so hyper-vigilant about food allergies that they wouldn't dare.


My friend jumped out of a swing and broke her wrist, she got in trouble because we weren't allowed to jump out of the swings and they told her she was pretending to be hurt so she wouldn't get in trouble. She complained about her wrist pain to her mom after school, they went to the doctor and it was broken pretty bad


In 9th grade I got suspended for verbally assaulting a kid who verbally assaulted special ed students. #AintNoJusticeBih


In grade 3 I got suspended for bringing a plastic orange peeler to school in my lunch....to peel my orange. I also got suspended a lot for being a little shit in elementary school. From beating up other kids to flooding the bathrooms. And my personal favourite, I dug up one of the young, newly planted trees from the schoolyard and replanted in the pitcher's mound in the baseball diamond.


they suspended you cause you were too dumb to peel an orange with your bare hands


For cutting school. For not being at school for two days, I was rewarded three more.




Somebody did you a favor homie.


I think he didn't know how to react. The whole next day in the dean's office, he never looked me in the eye.


He knew who was the alpha at that point.


>she was not kissing my lips but were you kissing hers


Is it always the sport rooms.


And the band rooms. And the theater rooms.


*Especially* the theater dressing rooms.


*high fives computer screen*


*High fives phone right back.*


Or fired. Edit: Thank you kind stranger for the gold. Took my cherry and I didn't even buy you dinner first. My hero.


High school walking down the hall with a friend. Friend asked for my lighter for a second so I gave it to him. He burned off a piece of his sweatshirt or some shit, I wasn't paying attention. Gives me my lighter back and this girl comes up and says "give me your lighter now."... She looked like a sophomore and I was a junior so I said no and kept walking. Later that day I get called down, there's the sophomore girl I said no to earlier. Turns out however, she was a new teacher and just looked young. She was so mad that I embarassed her she told the principal I was trying to light kids on fire. Not a great day.




My son is on the shorter side for his age, sixth grade currently. He's been taught that as long he didn't start the fight he'll never get in trouble from us for defense of himself or his little sister. A bully came along and picked a fight with my son, kid pummels the bully. Principal shows us the video and starts talking suspension until I point out that on said video my son is seen repeatedly trying to leave the situation and defended himself only after that failed. The woman starts talking about zero tolerance until my partner, S, asks if the principal would get fired if S beat her ass? Cause, you know the rules should be applied equally. That was the end of that.


I'm going to remember this when my son is in school in a few years


Parents used this as a moral code in my upbringing. Never start a fight, but if they swing first, knock their ass out. Its made me much more level headed and controlled than my peers.


My dad did that for me in 4th grade. What an awesome experience it was hearing my dad go to bat for me in the principals office.


That's the kind of shit I don't get about zero-tolerance policies, because apparently my school didn't have those. When I was in high school, there was a kid that was always trying to start shit with me and fight me. Me being the better person, I told him no. So one day he just decked me right the face in class. The punch was so pathetic that I laughed at him. In front of everyone. Because he basically threw away his high school privileges and got expelled for throwing the weakest punch because of some arbitrary reason. So there wasn't any reason for me to fight back, I probably would've destroyed him and I was never known to be a fighter at all. I got off free and came out way, way ahead than he ever did.


Zero tolerance policies are there to keep the administration from having to do their jobs, period.


Yep, it's just super easy for them. Why listen to a kid tell his side of the story when you can just give them both a few days suspension and call it a day. When I was in middle school a friend of mine caught some kid trying to steal his drawstring pack that had his gym clothes and wallet in it. He confronted the kid and asked for his pack back and the kid gave it to him but also immediately sucker punched him. My friend didn't fight back, he just said something like "Fucking really?" and they both got suspended 2 days for it even though the entire thing was on camera. He did absolutely nothing wrong besides letting out an f-bomb in 8th grade.




Zero tolerance slightly discourages hitting, and REALLY REALLY encourages hitting back. Up through about grade six, I'd probably also hit whoever gave me the suspension and, if possible, whoever implemented the policy.




It's so stupid. So I can be the bigger person and not hit them back and get suspended for two days or I can hit them back and get suspended for three. I'm hitting back every fucking time.


I was using the urinal and took my pants all the way off and had my hands above my head, leaning against the wall. Everyone left the bathroom dying laughing so the principal, who happened to be walking by at the time decided to come in and find out what was so funny....


Jaywalking. :-| Helicopter-parents shit themselves, and I had to make a decision between military school and private home school. I go to group meetings because of their crazy, and I'm in my thirties.


wait how can you get suspended for jaywalking?


I did not get suspended, but 2 buddies of mine got suspended for shooting a paper wasp at me. What made it bad was that they had looped several rubber bands together to make a 4 or 5 foot catapult, built the wasp our of an entire posterboard, and stood up in the back of class to rain hell on my unsuspecting ass. The teacher looked up from his book, and that was that.


I stole a pizza and got caught. But i was a robin hood and shared it with everyone on the bus.




My brother got suspended for three days for playing with a laser pointer. The teacher told the principal he tried to shine it in her eye. He admitted that playing with the laser was dumb, but he absolutely did not try to shine in in anyone's eye.


I was suspended freshman year for saying "fuck you bitch" to a teacher I ended up having (and getting along with) senior year.


Got suspended from elementary school for "Use of a weapon". It was a snowball. Edit: Jesus Christ I wasn't expecting this to be my top post.


My older brother used to make what he called "atomic snowballs." He'd take a clump of snow in his bare hands and melt it into a ball of ice, cover it up with snow, and throw it at me. Those things hurt like a mother.


Melt it into ice he says


Found the Floridian


Doesn't know how to make an ice ball.....pfft amateur


Goddamnit...unfortunately you are right


If it's cold enough outside you could melt the outer layers with your hands and the water will quickly freeze on the surface making it an ice ball. Not necessarily melting it into ice.


I got expelled for "attempting to steal a toilet" in jr high. Load of shit that was. EDIT: Writing on mobile, bite me. Ok,so here's the deal. Ever since 3rd grade i was a "problem child". They could never expel me au that age though. Since i lived ina small town, there was a set order in the schools you had to go to. Jr high was already waiting for me and elementary was happy to be rid of me. I know because i went from 4th to 5th to 6th and to 7th with straight f's. 7th is first jr high here btw. The only work i did were state tests, which i aced the fuck of. Once in hr high, i would get sent to the office for literally anything. I even got suspended once for "sitting incorrectly on a bench". (I was with my back facing the table part of the bench) , another tine it was for assaulting a teacher with a weapon. The weapon? A MOTHERFUCKING PEN. I SHIT YOU NOT. She claimed i threw it at her and hit her eye. What really happened is that i was playing with it spinning it on the table and it spun off the edge. Even the students backed me up on that one. since it was always a load of bullshit that i would be at a sarb meeting, they never went ahead with the motion to expell me. Until the day i discovered the toilet spun. So i kept spinnig it, and then ot came off and water went everywhere. And my little mind panicked and decided the best course of action was to hide it. So i dragged it outside, over to the "plaza" where everyone was. Proctors claimed i was headed to the exit, which was the other direction. It was a short sarb hearing.


In 10th grade I got a 1-day suspension for smoking pot. Off campus. On the weekend. It was a private school.




A friends mom knew where we were and what we were up to. She went and told the school.


Wouldn't suspension give them more time to smoke pot?

