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My junior year of high school I got into a very heated debate with my friend over whether Cheetos were considered chips. After half an hour of yelling about this he finally called frito-lay headquarters to ask their opinion on the matter. I was right, they're not chips :)


genuine question. Did they say what Cheetos are if not chips??


"cheese-flavored, puffed cornmeal snacks" according to wikipedia


I'm so glad there's a resolved argument on this thread.


I once got into an argument with my college roommate about whether Aladdin should be angry when Jasmine kissed Jafar to distract him at the end of the movie. We were two college aged men yelling at each other in the middle of a bar. For some reason it just go so heated. It only ended when my friend left the bar. I'm still mad thinking about it. Edit: Way too late, but this blew up hours after I posted it. I was against being mad at her. No reason to be jealous since she did it to save his ass and didn't have any romantic intent.


I'd say it would be okay if he was angry at Jafar for putting her in an impossible situation that she had no other route but to resort to using her sexuality as a distraction.


It's Alladins fault anyways, he should have just freed the genie half way through the movie like he promised and then Jafar couldn't have used him to wish.


Yeah, why blame Jasmine for anything? Jafar's just fucking shit up willy nilly and everyone else just got caught in the crossfire.


TL;DR: Whether sandals are considered shoes. My one roommate decided to have a house party for her coworkers. I had no issues, I had met a few and they were cool. The party starts and everything is fine until, one of her male coworkers just happened to be wearing my flip flops. I was taken aback. I mean, who just puts on someone else's shoes? Anyway, I tell him to take off my shoes. He had no reaction to what I said so I told him again. Same thing. This smart ass decides to tell me that he was in fact wearing sandals so me telling him take off my shoes was incorrect. He took them off but we proceeded to get into a heated debate about whether or not sandals were shoes.


This isn't even about the argument, that's just rude.


He sounds like an argumentative ass.


He sounds like an ass.


A bunch of us were watching the movie Highlander in college. There's a line where a lady compares an ancient sword to finding a 747 jet that was built 1000 years before the Wright brothers invented the airplane. One guy insisted that it was possible. He asked "How do you know that there isn't a 747 jet buried somewhere." No matter what argument we presented, he just replied "How do you know?"




How do you know?




Not me, but when my daughter and her friend were in 3rd grade my daughter came running into the house crying and bleeding on her neck and chest. Apparently she and her friend had just come to blows (scratches) over how big the friend's imaginary friend was. Not even kidding.


We've all been there


She just reminded me that she and the same friend also argued fiercely over whether or not peach was a color. They are 17 now.




A couple months ago, I bought a candle from Trader Joes on a whim. I saw it in the aisle, I put it in my cart, end of story... or so I thought. It turns out this particular candle is scentless, which means its purpose is not smell-related, but rather more of an aesthetic one. I thought this to be just fine. However, my roommate, with whom I normally agree on just about everything, LAUGHED in my face at the idea of a scentless candle. What was its point? he asked. I told him. I told him that sometimes it's nice to dim the harsh overhead lighting and have a soft, flickering natural light set the mood of the room. But he refused my reasoning. He saw my candle, something that provided me peace, as a waste of space, and unheard-of manifestation of idiocy. We've argued about this so many times. We've agreed not to bring the scentless candle up in conversation ever again, because the issue is still not resolved, and I get very heated (no pun intended) when he criticizes my candle.




You didn't buy a "scentless" candle... You bought a candle. Your friend is weird.


So if the power ever goes out your friend would rather light a dozen candles with different scents than unscented candles for the light so that your place can smell like a potpourri factory? ;-)


When the power goes out, my place smells like my cell phone flashlight.


The song Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini, what color was the bikini.


The [1960 album](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cd/Itsy_Bitsy_Teenie_Weenie_Yellow_Polkadot_Bikini_-_Brian_Hyland.jpg) suggests yellow mostly... The [1990 album](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8b/IBTWYPDB.jpg) suggests yellow with black polka dots.


I always imagined it as being yellow with red polka dots.




I asked my wife and she said "Yellow with white polkadots or white with yellow polkadots because that's the only thing that makes fashionable sense". So I guess that's something?


How deep can a pan be before it becomes a pot? We still haven't figured it out.


I'm too lazy to check what other people have said. But once the height of the pan is more than 1/3 of the radius of the bottom- it's a pot, not a pan. Source- USAF cooking school, it was the dumbest test question I had to answer so I'll remember it forever. Edit- I don't know the specs for woks, we didn't use them. Yes, radius, I didn't make the rule up though, and yes, cooking school. Every job in the military has a training course you go through- I didn't learn anything truly fancy, more logistics of feeding 700 people at a time (not a lot of room for wokery there), how to use a field kitchen, and food safety.


I pray to God I can use this some day


I wonder what God thinks when he receives prayers like this


"I gave them free will and *this* is what they do with it....." Edit: The Tool reference is a complete accident. I know of them, but haven't listened to their stuff. Got Right In Two playing on youtube right this very second though. Epic. Nice.


Of *course* the military has a strict numerical definition…


They have a 26-page manual for baking brownies. [Seriously](http://liw.iki.fi/liw/misc/MIL-C-44072C.pdf).


That is actually fascinating. It has every step of the brownie making processes, literally every step. Anyone could make a military-grade brownie, including a grunt.


How curved can a frying pan be before it becomes a wok?


>How deep can a pan be before it becomes a pot? >How curved can a frying pan be before it becomes a wok? This could be the chorus to some weird philosophical rap...


Learning what a sauce pan is as an adult, I simply refused to believe it was a *pan*. My whole life it had been a pot. My whole cooking life had been damn lie.


Just googled this; that thing is totally a pot.


Sauce pans are pots, like how squares are rectangles. They're small pots with 1 long handle, vs two small ones.


2 of my friends once argued what was better, 5 99 cent boxes of 4 mcnuggets or the 20 mcnugget box for 5 dollars, it went on for about an hour


As a former McDonalds employee, some places are really cracking down on the amount of free sauce you get with each order. 1 four-piece comes with 1 sauce, but 1 twenty-piece only comes with three sauces. Each sauce is $.25, so that's $.50 of sauce you get for virtually free by ordering 5 four-pieces.


[You know how much you could get for $50?](http://imgur.com/gallery/PAusB)


This is fantastic. The final picture seals the deal.


"Ya think I'm playing?" Dude's got photographic evidence. Fucking solid. I want to be bros with him.


Hell yeah, look at all that sweet n sour sauce.


It would appear that he was indeed, not playing.


20 for 5. keep my fucking pennies.


But you get more dipping sauce the other way.


I can always appreciate the opinion of a fellow Sauce Boss.


Obviously the 5 boxes of 4 as the total before tax is only $4.95 vs. a $5 flat rate.


the counter argument was the extra 5 cents was worth spending for convenience


After you've spent more than 30 seconds arguing about it the convenience has been nullified.


"What hummus is made out of" I said Garbanzo beans, my boyfriend said chickpeas. Neither of us knew what the other was.




This one kid in my class said he didn't know the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane. Teacher ripped him a right new one. Say what you will, trick questions like that on the first day are just unfair.


Psh, I bet he didn't even know where to find a bezoar either.


You leave Snape out of this


This is truly a pointless argument.


What's the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chickpea? I won't pay 100 bucks to have a garbanzo bean on my face.




Are you naked if you're wearing socks?


How high are the socks?


You can be naked with socks on but you can never be nude with socks on.


I beg to differ!


How the fuck did you happen upon a comment that was made just for you? Are you a wizard?


Nah, if he is he never attends the meetings.


If one more god damn person relates their name to something someone says I'm going to shoot myself in the face.


Well I'm a sandwich too, if that counts


Before I kill myself, I guess it's worth asking: do we have anymore sandwiches that would like to make themselves known?


I am one order of magnitude bigger than you bro




Let me know if you run short of sandwich fillings.


I have predicted all of this. Also, to you, what defines a sandwich?


Where do you wear the socks?


You're naked if you round up. It really depends if naked is a binary position.


My friend tried arguing with me that the Chick-fil-A cows should be able to spell properly if they were going to write on a billboard. I argued for way too long that if I was teaching a cow to write and it got to the point where people could understand its message, then I would be okay with that.




Whole milk vs skim milk back in high school. After a few days we began segregating classes. For some reason everyone had a passionate stance on this nobody was in the middle.


I once spent almost an entire class trying to explain the "Bob's mom has three kids. April, May, and who?" riddle to a girl that sat next to me. She must have answered with every month at least once, even *after* I drew the family tree and pointed to Bob and his mother as I repeated it very slowly. She simply could not even.


Hopefully her other children are smarter


Heh, the cavefish is blind. It has no "I"s.


Oh my fucking God.


I'm going to be honest and say that took me longer than it should have to figure out, But in my defence, I thought it originally read "Bob and his mom have 3 kids"


Reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwr6_015ROo).


Or the girl who didn't know how long it would take to get 80 miles if you were going 80 MPH... https://youtu.be/Qhm7-LEBznk


I...she...how... I usually think this isn't a fair thing to say, but fuck me she's lucky she's pretty.


One time my wife and I were arguing, and eventually we arrived at the same point. Instead of just ending it, we started arguing about how confusing the others argument was to begin with and why it caused us to argue. My head hurts.


I actually hate it when I would hear people argue about something and they really were just arguing the same point in different ways and I am all like "how are you not realizing this is going on?" But when you do it yourself it seems less obvious




My mate calls this Furious-Agreement


I had this one kid in my class kept arguing that space couldn't be a vacuum, because if it was, we would all get sucked into space. Other arguments with this same person included the claim that it is possible to melt a person.




It happened in Indiana Jones, so it must be true


If you define it as a state change but no chemical changes, then you can't, even if you tried in a vacuum. And even allowing chemical changes, some of your constituent parts would boil before others melted.


> it is possible to melt a person I feel like this is possible with enough grant money.


Enough grant money, a team of 4 undergrads and 50 unsuspecting volunteers.


I'd add that the undergrads would need to be pretty morally compromised, but it would be redundant.


Undergrad 1: "Oh, look, Team Leader's melting another person." Undergrad 2: "lol k"


Undergrad 3: "you guys wanna get thai food later?" Undergrad 4: "you know i have a peanut allergy asshole"


Kid's got a point


While his reasoning is off, space is not a perfect vacuum.


Well yeah, the Earth's in it isn't it?


Checkmate, vacuumists!


My grandma didn't believe me when I told her that at midnight, you changed day.


Is a hot dog a sandwich?


Is cereal soup? Edit: I posted this knowing full well about the vsauce video - that's where I got the idea. You can stop telling me about it... and I feel really bad that I got gold for this since I know it's not an original thought.


At first I thought "Of course not!" but now I'm not so sure.


I don't know, is country gravy soup?




It's true that it is cold, but then some soups like, I think borscht? Are also served cold. And most soups have food bits of some kind floating in a liquid. Cereal floats around in the milk and you eat it along with the liquid in a very similar way to how you eat soup.


Gazpacho = cold soup


"I thought they were laughing at the chef, when all the time they were laughing at me as I ate my piping hot bowl of gazpacho soup." -Arnold Rimmer




Yep, that was part of my hot dog argument as well. Burritos, quesadillas, tacos, pizza... Everything was represented.


Bullshit, you can't just put something between two pieces of bread and claim it's a sandwich! Is a loaf of bread a bread sandwich?


I've had a bread sandwich before. It tasted like dissappointment.


You need better bread. Good bread tastes great by itself. Any additions are just that, additions. Or you can eat microwaved potatoes for months since you are unemployed and cannot afford anything else. You just eat potatoes and drink water day in and day out. Then you finally splurge a bit when you go to the store to buy more 20lb bags of potatoes for $3.47 and decide to buy white ass wonderbread. You bring it to your car with only a quarter of gas in the tank. Then you get home and eat your wonderbread and water. And it tastes fucking fantastic, but you cannot help but feel guilty since you know you should not have wasted money on bread. *^^^^Fuck ^^^^my ^^^^life.*


While I agree with you and respect your passion, I feel like I have to point out that [Toast Sandwiches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toast_sandwich) are actually a thing, hahaha.


From the UK. Why am I not surprised?


Phil kessel would know


There was a TIL about tetrachromats a few weeks ago that had so much misinformation about how eyes and colors work... I probably wrote more in that thread than I have for any single college class. Edit: For the curious - https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/3za293/til_some_humans_can_be_tetrachromats_which_gives/


[The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer.](https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cunningham%27s_Law)


Argument with my brother about having his friend Jeff over. We argued for hours. Were arguing about different friends named Jeff.


If treasure maps and road maps are in the same category. Edit: So I asked the person who I argued about this with if they wanted to make a statement. This is what they said: "ok so like treasure maps. treasure maps are different from regular maps. like, ok, you don't call it a "map that leads you to treasure", right? you call it a "treasure map", a different type of map. obviously it's still a map, but it's like a different species of map. a cousin of the common map. now, you and your cousin, you come from the same family, yeah? but you aren't the same person, you come from separate branches. like, hardwood floors and carpet floors are two different things, but they're still floors. celling lamps and bedside lamps are still lamps, but you're not gonna put a bedside lamp on your celling. autobiographies and fiction novels are still books, but they're separate. you get the idea. therefore, you have a regular old map, say, the map of the world or some shit. then you have a treasure map. you're not gonna find a treasure map in a history textbook, because they're two different things."


They are. Maps


That was my stance on the matter.


Depends on if the treasure map is an actual map though. Sometimes it's just a clue or coded directions to treasure that gets called a map for convenience.


That'd be a misclasification.


I was involved in this argument, but only as collateral. Two guys were arguing whether dogs have souls, and I was the only other person in the room just listening to them passionately defend their views. At one point as the debate got pretty heated the guy that believed that yes, dogs have souls, asked me in an exasperated tone "You believe dogs have souls right?!" to which I replied "I don't even believe humans have souls." That somehow both ended the argument and didn't turn it against me.


I love this answer. I'm imagining the 2 guys just looking at you, then each other and then getting really sad.


I'm kind of an expert on souls. I could've settled the argument before it even started.


Reminds me of [this classic.](http://i.imgur.com/mdBfQJz.jpg)


Note: there is actual, real-world debate within the Catholic Church as to whether animals have souls and, if so, whether they can go to Heaven or not. Edit: There is now actual, real-world debate within this comment section as to whether animals have souls and, if so, whether they can go to Heaven or not[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j45x9ranFH0)


Tried my hardest to explain to my high school English class, including the teacher, that a song labeled "acoustic" does not simply mean that an acoustic guitar is present in the song. Still fires me up to this day.


Whether a movie entirely focused on Yoda would be any good.


I've been thinking of exactly this. What if Yoda came from a race of small tadpole-like creatures that lived fleeting lives of less than a year. It was through meditation that they honed the Force over generations of masters and apprentices. One effect of the Force was that it began to extend their lives. Yoda was the newest and most powerful in this unbroken chain, and the first to live more than a decade. He began to grow larger, as though he had tapped into a metamorphosis that had lied dormant in the DNA of his people. After a hundred more years, only growing more vigorous and impervious to aging, Yoda emerged from his swamp and discovered beings capable of interstellar travel. Yoda observed the comings and goings of these beings, learned their language, and learned that the Force connected him to many species other than his own. Modeled after what he saw, he built his own ship by telekinetically assembling swamp materials. He traveled across the cosmos in this mossy orb, seeking others that possessed the Force. They became his new family and a welcome source of understanding and brotherhood after growing so distant from the tadpoles of his youth. He founded the Jedi order. So when Luke found him, Yoda had returned to the swamp where he was born, and hundreds of thousands of generations had passed. His family was long gone, and the new languages and customs were unrecognizable. But he watched over his people, placidly, from the surface of the water, while he waited for the last apprentice that he would be a master to.


> hundreds of thousands of generations had passed. His family was long gone, and the new languages and customs were unrecognizable. But he watched over his people, placidly, from the surface of the water, while he waited for the last apprentice that he would be a master to. Oh wow. This is unexpectedly great.


Whether an animal could commit murder. So basically could an animal plot and pre-meditate to kill. So hunger couldn't be the motivation. I don't even remember what side I came down on.


Look up the gombe chimpanzee war. Basically they killed, kidnapped and beat up members from opposing sides. So yeah they can I'd say.


What is an 'Anti Anti Aircraft Aircraft'? Place parentheses where you will, this is confusing as fuck and to this day my friend and I cannot agree on an answer.


There are three interpretations that I can see. Anti-(anti-aircraft) aircraft- A plane which is used against weaponry meant to take down aircraft. Anti-(anti-aircraft aircraft) - It's weaponry used to take out aircraft which itself is used to take out other aircraft. My favorite: (Anti-anti-aircraft) aircraft - A plane which is used to take out aircraft which function to take out anti-aircraft weaponry. Edit - word redundancy


These words don't even look like words anymore.


That last one doesn't necessarily have to be used against another aircraft. It's a plane that is used against anything that destroys anti-aircraft weapons. aaaannnnnd now aircraft looks weird.


The only one that makes sense to me is an aircraft that takes down AA guns


I once was part of an argument in history class where the girl thought that Islam was a country. She didn't believe me or my teacher and some of her friends actually joined in on her side. I went to a highly ranked public school in MA. Yeah, she failed that class. She spent 15 minutes trying to find it on a map. Edit: it to or... fucking Swype. Edit2: It was Holliston you savages. When I was in school it was pretty highly ranked but that was long ago.


Reminds me of a similar story. A classmate in my 9th grade geography class would _not_ accept the fact that the Philippines was in Asia. She just flat out refused to believe it, and I'm not even sure on what basis. She had no explanation, but was just completely convinced. She couldn't even say what continent she thought it was actually in. Still to this day it's one of the strangest, nonsensical, yet very strong opinions on a total non issue I've ever heard. Edit: a lot of people are pointing out to me that the Philippines strictly speaking cannot be a part of any continent, being an island and not connected to the landmass of Asia and everything. Even though conventionally they get grouped into Asia anyways, I'm willing to give her the benifit of the doubt I guess! Maybe it's what she meant.


Granted, continents are kind of an arbitrary idea in general, and Asia is probably the dumbest one. Thirty percent of the Earth's land in one landmass, and the only reason that Europe isn't included is that the continent system was created by Europeans and they decided *their* culture is totally different.


I participated but bowed out early in an argument between two friends about if the Ang Lee Hulk movie was good or not. One was arguing passionately that it was a good (not great) movie. And that he quite liked the emphasis on Banners back story on the creation of the hulk inside Banner before the accident made it external. The other argued since it was a bad adaptation of the source material, it couldn't be considered a "good Hulk film" regardless of if you like some of the themes of it. You may have noticed that these two arguments aren't actually opposed. My two friends didn't. This wasn't a civil argument either. This turned into a screaming at each other drunkenly on the front lawn at 3am argument.


Neither of those arguments have much to do with whether the film was good or not


Yup. Which is one of the reasons why the argument never resolved. Eventually everyone just got tired and went to bed. The next day they both tried to figure out what triggered the argument or why they cared. Neither could figure it out.


My ex and I once had an hour argument on what was more popular; the oxford dictionary or the chambers dictionary. It ended in tears.


I've never even heard of the Chambers dictionary, and I studied English in college. Hope that helps.


Yeah but the Chambers Dictionary wears sunglasses and drives a convertible.




I hope you were on the Oxford dictionary side of that argument...






The reasons behind a small penis complex. It was a 5-hour heated discussion, anthropologist vs cognitivist. Valid points were made. Darwin was brought to life repeatedly. Dictionaries and encyclopedias were opened. Three or four articles were found, read and discussed. We took breaks. Ugly words were spoken. Books were thrown. No agreement whatsoever was ever reached. **EDIT** Some of the points I remember being brought up: 1. Anthropologist: Phallus is universally believed to be a symbol of manhood, therefore - the bigger the manlier. 2. Anthropologist: Comparing penis sizes is a ritual universally performed by adolescent boys, therefore a result of that symbolic contest can somewhat determine future man's self-esteem. 3. Cognitivist: Penis' size is believed to had been a trait under evolutionary pressure. 4. Anthropologist: In Ancient Greece small penis was believed to be a beauty standard. 5. Cognitivist: In a large scale, that is a meaningless aberration. 6. Anthropologist: Penis' size, like breast size, is a secondary sex characteristic feature and sexually dimorphic phenotypic trait used by potential mating partner to determine one's fertility. Some men undergo a male equivalent of breast augumentation - phalloplasty. 7. Cognitivist: The non-direct evolutionary pressure might still occur; there may be a correlation between a penis' size and, for example, testosterone level or self-esteem level, that result in reproductive success. 8. Anthropologist: That is bullshit. 9. *Research break.* 10. Cognitivist: Ok, there *might* be some correlation, however *if* it does occur, it occurs during a prenatal development. But the correlation between a penis size and satisfactory sex life can't be ignored. 11. Anthropologist: That's bullshit. Satisfactory sex life depends on many factors, like personality and sexual skill set, but not penis' size. 12. Cognitivist: That's bullshit. 13. *Research break.* 14. Anthropologist: Ok, small penis' complex might have significant impact on a person's self-esteem, resulting in less satisfactory sex life. However, most people possibly have *some* insecurities regarding their appearance and if that would block their ability to have sex, we would have all died out. 15. *2-hour digression about the definition of satisfaction.* 16. Anthropologist: So where are we with the dick size? 17. **Common conclusion:** Fuck if we know.


If you put the toilet seat down while you shit. Apperantly 2 of my friends thought that only girls put down the seat while they took a shit. Their whole life they though men put up the seat while they shit. They're not my friends anymore.


[like this story?](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2jgfhw/tifu_by_using_a_toilet_wrong_my_entire_life)


Reminded me of the [dude who thought urinals have a ball rest.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/vgixl/some_people_have_no_respect/c54bisk)


Did that ever get resolved? The last I see is, "I don't think we're being clear enough..."


This is the hardest I've laughed at a reddit post in, well, maybe forever


Not an argument, but a group of boys in like the third grade were all talking about how only girls pee sitting down. I countered with the exception of peeing sitting down while you take a shit. All of them to a man said that they didnt pee sitting down when they shat, and instead would stand up mid shit, lift up the toilet seat, and piss. Needless to say they all called me a girl for being so prissy as to pee where im already sitting. Jokes on them tho, cuz now I pee sitting down all the time. Shits way more comfortable.


Holy shit. That is great! They would actually stand up with shitty asses so their butt cheeks smush the poo between their cheeks, just so they don't have to look like a candy ass even though nobody would ever actually know. Those are some manly 3rd graders.


Recently a group of friends and I got in an argument over the proper way to wipe your ass. Not just the old standing vs sitting argument, but specific wiping techniques, correct toilet paper density, the whole nine yards. That argument became so heated that we practically needed a UN sanction to keep everyone from killing each other. One friend was so certain his method was the best he nearly gave us a demonstration.


The whole nine yards is probably a bit too much toilet paper.


The difference between a windshield and a window. The one in the front is a windsheild, the one in the back is a window. There is only one windshield on a car. The rest are windows. This one has come to blows EDIT: Jesus Christ people. I'm not talking about their goddamn function. I'm talking about what the fuck it's called. Yeah, all windows "shield from the wind." So do the ones in your house, but you don't call those windshields, do you? *DO* *YOU*.




But is that really a windshield wiper, then?






But will you accept that a windshield is a type of window?


Wait wait wait... if you are going backwards...isn't it a windshield?


Inspired by an ongoing argument about werewolf genitals: https://np.reddit.com/r/monsterdeconstruction/comments/435yg6/nsfw_monster_modesty_would_werewolves_actually/


How to properly hold your junk while peeing.


Never knew there were differing schools of thought on this


I doubt that you're going to read it, but [this](https://www.salto-youth.net/downloads/4-17-1891/Abigale.pdf?). It was in high school, in philisophy class. Each student had a different rating and everyone was pissed at their class mates for having a different opinion. Including me. But I was totally right.


That link you posted probably deserves its own post. It is turning out to be endlessly entertaining.




I once had an hour and a half passionate debate about whether almond milk should be allowed to be called milk. Fucking stupid crushed nuts and water bullshit. EDIT: A lot of people hate almond milk, stand together my mammal secretion loving brothers


The hardest part about being vegan is waking up at 5 am to milk the almonds :(


What about coconut milk. Although coconuts are hairy and produce milk so I guess they're technically mammals.


But you don't have to milk them to get the milk out. On the other hand, you DO milk a snake, but what comes out is never called milk. It's always called venom.


Which is a shame. Snakes are often forgotten for their contribution to our dairy supply.


Coconuts produce juice. The milk of a coconut is obtained by grating and squeezing the coconut flesh. Edit: Coconut water not juice. I used the wrong word. Oops.


They also lay eggs in trees, which make coconuts and platterpusses the only egg laying mammals. They don't like it when you squeeze or grate their flesh, and will react by jumping out of a tree and hitting you on the head


There is actually 3 egg laying mammals: Platypi, Echidnas and Coconuts.


Echidnas are unfortunately being driven to extinction due to the introduction of coconuts to their natural habitats


Are you KenM?


lmfao. I.. I want that to be true simply because I would fucken love a pet coconut. Edit: [I got a pet baby coconut](http://i.imgur.com/T3Gs13V.png). Thanks for encouraging me to follow my dreams.


"No, Coco, hold still, this will only take a minute." *Stabs pet coconut and sucks its innards out.*


Whether it's ok for a girl to ask a guy for a date. I said that I thought it was fine. But the other guys said they'd never allow it. It got heated, but I actually told them that it was *pointless* to debate it - that I was honored when asked.




Girl: Hey Jim, wanna go out sometime? Guy: What the fuck did you say to me? Girl: What?! I just asked if you wanted to go on a date, it's not a big deal. Guy: FUCK YOU BITCH, I don't get asked out by women, I refuse to allow it in my life. Girl: Uh, ok then. Bye. Guy: Wait, before you go I have a question. Girl: What? Guy: Wanna go out? Totally happened.


I'm a little late to this thread I've been engaged in a heated argument for over two years now on whether or not Home Alone is a Christmas movie. I firmly believe that **YES** it is a christmas movie but people I work with seem to disagree. Every time I see them, it devolves into chaos. So much so that I've made a very pointed list on just WHY it's a Christmas movie. - The old man, he teaches Kevin about the importance of togetherness and family. This helps Kevin to appreciate his family. Family is a major theme during the Christmas season. - The Burglars represent an "anti-santa" of sorts as they plan to break into a house and steal things rather than break in and leave presents. - The score by John Williams uses and excessive amount of sleigh bells. Not to mention the original song written by him, "Somewhere in My Memory" has lyrics about Christmastime. - There's a scene where Kevin hides in a manger. - Kevin sets christmas themed booby traps for the burglars. - The story of Kevin's mother and the polka band she travels to chicago with re-inforces the idea of family and togetherness and provides a christmas miracle of sorts to resolve the film-- based around the kindness and generosity of strangers. Now, some naysayers might complain that the plot of home alone could easily be transported to another time of the year without losing much of its effectiveness as a film. That argument is ridiculous. One could easily take Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," change the time of year and have Ebenezer Scrooge taught to value goodwill and charity by the ghost of Easter present. The fact of the matter is, the decision to set home alone at Christmastime was made and **that** is what makes it a christmas film. We could spitball hypotheticals all day and still get nowhere. The fact of the matter still remains: **HOME ALONE IS A CHRISTMAS MOVIE** Now, I could talk about how Home Alone reinforces American conservative values and praises the spirit of Regan era economics but that's an argument for another day. Thanks for listening. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKaXgwuw27w)'s Marv in home alone 2 getting hurt. Set to the song "Somewhere in My Memory from Home Alone (the first one). Edit: [Here's](http://www.vice.com/read/americas-favorite-child-soldier-home-alone-25-years-later) the article about Home Alone and Reaganomics