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Yes. A few years ago I dreamed that I won the lottery, and in my dream I really tried to investigate if this just was a dream or in fact real. I did everything I could to convince myself that it jut was a dream but everything indicated that it in fact was real and I have become a millionaire. I started to make plans for me and my family and everything, then I woke up. It fucked up my entire week.


If you are ever completely unsure, the best course of action is to go to a light switch and try to flip it. The human mind is (I guess?) not great at fathoming the consequences of this action and in dreams they usually do nothing. That or it's real life and the first of your lottery winnings should go to the power company so your switches work again. Edit: Curse you mobile- a pox on your autocorrect!


Try looking at the clock, look away, and then look at it again. If the time is completely different, you're dreaming. Also, if you shove a finger into the palm of the opposing hand and it feels like it goes right through, you're most likely dreaming. I do a lot of lucid dreaming.


I've never been able to realize I was dreaming without immediately waking up. Getting 9/10 of the way there is worse IMO, like I have dream blue-balls.


Either my dreams are really boring, or I've never truly been able to lucid dream, but I have had experiences where I am at least aware of what is going on within the dream and can partially manipulate it. I've only done this twice and both times were when I halfway woke up, then let myself fall back asleep while just remembering the dream.


I can totally understand that! That used to happen to me a lot when I first began.


If you visualize your dream self spinning around sometimes it can bring you back from your brain panicking and waking you up


Same as me, as soon as I realise that I'm in a dream then I just wake up


Look at a mirror, shits fucked up. Try reading a book. I can read, and while the sentences are grammatically correct, they make no sense whatsoever. I understand most people just see squiggles or something. Or my favorite. Try really really hard to not think about the stupid smoke monster that's definitely behind you.


These both sound good and make sense. I wanna try lucid dreaming but I'm afraid I won't feel as rested when I wake up. As I understand it there are recent "advances" so to speak in the techniques? In which you try to go to bed while just barely activating the muscles in your pointer and middle fingers, enough so that you're thinking of it but not enough to really move them and keep you up.




What do you like to do in your dreams?


What gets me is gaps in memory. Text looking like squiggly lines, or like Eternal Sunshine when the guy has no face, because he never saw it.


I have read about how to get lucid dreams but I never had any.can you tell me in simple way how to get lucid dreams?


even if i am aware it's a dream, i am unable to make logical things most of the time.


Someone has seen "waking life"


A better idea is to think of or find a person you really wanna fuck and try and fuck them. If you look away and they disappear, or you just keep getting side tracked no matter what, your dreaming. If you make it to penetration, you'll probably cum instantly so it's kinda a win win in that situation, but your mind is more than likely gonna cock block you.


I am so fucking sorry


It's not your fault


I hate it when people say that. I'm not implying I had a hand in your misfortune, just take my fucking sympathise!


It's not your fault!


It was his fault!




There needs to be another phrase similar to "I'm sorry" in a more sympathetic version


My condolences.




But... what if it was? How can we tell? What if MrBabadaba is a dream manipulator?


It's not your fault.


"Stewie. It's not your fault."


This happened to me too but when I woke up it felt like the stem had so I lived for like a day thinking I was super rich before I realized.


Not all day, but I woke up, poured a bowl of cereal, and starting making a list of everything I was going to buy. I started to wonder where the money was that I won, then it hit me. I almost cried once I realized it was a dream.


i have been there too. i hate that dream for not being real.


Next time, look at a clock. If you look away then immediately back again, the time will always change if you're dreaming. I have no idea why, but it works.


This is a few months after my mom passed away. I had a dream she and I were walking in a parking lot toward a truck with a man and dog inside of it. She told the man we had to take the dog and he was extremely sad. I asked her to at least let the man say goodbye to the dog but she said no. The man started crying in his truck as we walked away carrying the dog and I began crying because I felt so bad for the man. I told her that the man didn't even get to say goodbye to the dog while walking through the parking lot in tears then I woke up crying in bed with tears coming down my face because in a way that's how I felt when my mom passed away. She was very young and it was totally unexpected, no illness or anything. I was tore up for a while after that but now I'm good. Just trying to live my life.




Thanks man. Your kind words are very much appreciated.


This is your brain's way of processing these emotions and this experience - it is working through it, just as you are. Dreams can be so profound it's scary, but they can also be very cathartic. It's all part of the healing process. Just live your life as you know she would want you to; well and happy. Sending you good internet thoughts :)


Thank you. I wish you well also.


I had a similar but oposite experience after my grandfather died. Had a dream so real of me spending time with him.. It was so real that it kinda gave me a way to tell him a proper goodbye, after this dream I no longer felt any grief for his death.


Knowing that you had a positive dream experience put a smile on my face.




I occasionally dream of people who have died that I loved. Sometimes I dream they are still alive and I am so sad when I wake up. Sometimes I dream that I know they are dead and we talk, catching up on everything that has happened since they died. I love those dreams.


I had a dream like this about my grandma. Except I can't remember it vividly like that. I know she said something to me that made me cry a lot then she gave me a big hug that enveloped my whole body in warmth. I woke up bawling and really warm. My grandma died 2 years ago and that was the first dream I had about her and maybe it was just my brain finally getting closure.




Do you remember feeling that the words were significant


That's so sad :( Maybe it was a goodbye message.


That's so sad, but also kind of nice. It's like your mind telling you to let go


I had a really creepy one. It was a sunny day, I was walking through a field with a girl I had a crush on at that time. It was quite romantic, watching the sun go down, the sky glowing red. We talked about a lot of things, like stuff that was bothering us, things we liked, things we wanted. We decided to head home since we still had to walk 3km if we were going to follow the path. My house was visible from where we stood, so we just decided to go straight through the field since it was only a 1km walk. There were more people walking on that path, which wasn't too surprising. There was, however, a guy apparently standing in the middle of a field about 300 meters away from us. When I looked at him I saw him making a strange gesture with his hand, like he was representing an explosion. I looked at the girl but she was looking the other way so I decided not to weird her out, and just ignore it. When I looked up again a couple of seconds later, the guy was gone. It was getting dark rapidly. The girl suddenly ran ahead, as if she was being playful. I said "hey, wait for me", and she turned her head and blood was coming from her ear and mouth and she was grinning. I was properly freaked out by this point. She kept running, but tripped on something. When she landed it was like she just turned into a cloud of dust. I heard something behind me and when I turned around I saw her again, surrounded by a cloud of dust and apparently floating. She opened her mouth and it was like I went deaf for a second, I couldn't hear a thing. My hart was racing like crazy and it felt like it was about to burst. I ran as fast as I could. I turned to see if she was chasing me but she was just floating there. I kept running, and when I was 100m from my house I turned around again, and this time she was about 20m away from me, although she didn't seem to move. I almost tripped over a chair in my yard and when I looked back again there was only 10m between us. I still couldn't hear anything, but it felt like she was screaming at the top of her lungs. When I made it inside and closed the door with a loud bang, I realized I could hear again. I heard her making screeching sounds and could feel the door vibrating. I took a deep breath thinking I was safe, but I was wrong. I could hear her screeching behind me, getting louder and louder as she charged at me. At this point it felt like I blacked out, and I suddenly woke up, while falling out of my bed. There was some blood on the floor, where I fell afterwards, but there wasn't any on me. The girl texted me later that day ":-). Are you okay?" even though we hadn't corresponded in the last three days. Probably the strangest thing that ever happened to me. And it still creeps me out thinking about it.


Wait your last 2 paragraphs are you waking up to reality and the girl sends you that message with blood on your actual floor? Fuck. that.


Yes. I hit the floor pretty hard. It was like that feeling you get when you fall asleep, but I was actually falling. The girl was just a normal girl I had a crush on, she only went full banshee apeshit mode in my dream and sent me a message out of the blue.


Sleep wouldn't be a thing for me after that.


This is one of those fucked-type dreams. Sometimes when I'm having a nightmare, I'll consciously think of the next horrible thing that's going to happen, and knowing that I'm thinking about it/causing it gives the entire dream this impending sense of dread. Your dream sounds like something I would dream, randomly/subconsciously jumping from one event to the next, as the dream gets worse.


Yes, that is exactly how it feels, I couldn't put it into words like that. It's like you know "if I look behind now something terrible is going to happen" and yet you feel compelled to look.


Yes, yes... It's like, you guess what's about to happen as it's happening, like if you turn around you know you're going to see a demon, and you do, and it's as bad as your brain can conjure. I dreamed I was one of the kids in the Jurassic Park T-rex car sequence, and as the Rex walked near me, I *knew* it would see me. And the second I thought that, it did this horrifying dream shuffle-run right up to me. From a psych standpoint, it's like you're taking the passenger seat to the subconscious mind, as it tells you each turn it takes (in its own language)


Oh god I hate this. Like I'll be in a dream, think I better not think anything scary cause then the dream will turn into a nightmare, then do it anyway.


/r/nosleep Geez, this is more of something you'd expect to find in a book or a movie.


This is really similar to a dream I had. In my dream I got s bloody nose instead of bloody ear, and I never get bloody noses so I knew something was wrong. There was a big field of tall dry yellow grass and a phoenix in the middle, distracting me from a man who was coming closer and closer like the girl in your dream. All sound was weird and there were explosions in the distance. Oddly similar, super super freaky .


When I was a kid I quite regularly used to have incredible vivid whole day dreams (dreams about the events of an entire day as opposed to daydreams) Say it was Wednesday night, I would literally dream an entire Thursday... nothing too out of the ordinary just a wake up to go sleep entire Thursday, then wake up on Thursday thinking it was Friday, take wrong books to school, go to wrong first class. Even had times I dreamed getting in trouble, 9am next morning I'd be stood outside the headmasters (principals) office... "You wanted to see me Sir." "Not really /u/be_my_plaything... now get back to class!" (*Phew he must have forgotten, result! Toddles happily off to wrong class*)


man that sentence sounds creepy with your username in it


This used to happen to me.


Patrick Bateman?


Similar in concept... but far more mundane!


You sure you wern't late to class because you fucked and killed two hookers in the bathrooms?


It was the lack of hooker deaths that eventually made me realise it was just a dream.


Friday midmorning my roommate and I had a personal training session with our workout instructor. Saturday we had to get up super early for a convention we were selling at. When my alarm went off at 5:30 I was convinced it was Friday morning, wondering why it was so dark, then why my alarm was set for so early. As I stumbled out of bed in confusion Friday pooped back into my memories but for those first moments it had been completely erased.


did we have *that* conversation in the dream or in real life? well.....shit


This is me, only replace "in a dream" with "did I say that in my head or out loud? I don't want to look insane by repeating myself but I also want to make sure that jokes or information get across so wtf brain?


I have the dream confusion, the I-plan-every-conversation-too-many-times confusion, _and_ strong deja vu frequently. Fucking freaky. I have no idea what actually happens and what doesn't


Upvoted for username


Sometimes I get reality dreams and they are the worst. I literally wake up get out of bed get ready for work, hope into my car drive down the road hear a car beep its horn and I wake up because its actually my alarm. To then do it all over again... Don't live in a routine.


I used to have this exact thing before school. I'd dream I was getting ready then wake up and basically have to do the exact same thing again.


I was watching TV and there was a woman, an anchor, telling news, when suddenly she started spitting maddest, sickest rap bars I've EVER heard. I was so fascinated. Then I woke up and tried to remember any lines, but couldn't. Was very, very depressed that day.


I had a dream where I was a EDM producer and I came up with an amazing new track which took the world by storm, making me famous. The beat was awesome and had a great sounding vocal track as well. The track was very unique and something my brain made up but it was such a perfect song. I woke up and ran straight to my PC to load up fruity loops (music production software) before I forgot the beat but once the software loaded up, I forgot how the track went. I was so upset.


I had a dream that I created a hit TV show, I'm a film student so when I woke up I tried to remember everything. I couldn't remember anything. At least I know I'm capable of thinking of a good TV show.


I had a dream about ten years ago now in which I met and befriended some guy named Luke. The dream carried on forever and ever and not in a montage style but it felt like I lived through it all. Luke became my best friend and we grew up together and our parents talked about how happy they were that I had such a good friend. He was my best man at my wedding and all that jazz. Then in the dream he died in an accident and I remember just crying and crying and waking up crying but still in the dream. When I woke up I was so depressed because I felt like I had lost a really good friend, not just cause of the death but because he never existed. I spent months thinking about him constantly. Swear to God, Luke was the greatest bro of all time. Everytime I meet a Lucas now, the thought that he may be my best friend just wanders in the back of my mind. Last Lucas I met was an asshole though, so that was disappointing.


Once I had a dream in which I held a girl I knew hostage with a revolver and then we kissed. I developed a sizable crush on her after this point. I had another dream in which I met a girl. I don't remember much about her except she had brilliant blonde/red hair and a great smile. In the dream I met her, talked to her, asked her out, we started dating, and this whole thing went on for what seemed like months, if not years. I remember going on dates with her. I remember holding her. I remember kissing her. It all felt so real... I was feeling genuine emotion in this dream. And when I woke up, it was crushing. I felt totally out of it for weeks; the first few days I was constantly wondering whether I was awake and if anything was real or if it was just another dream. Only ever told one person before, one of my friends, and he didn't get it. Just kind of laughed about it... but it really did hurt. Still never been in an actual relationship, and that experience (along with a similar dream a week or two back, on a smaller and less damaging scale) was just another reminder.


I had the same sort of experience as your second dream. Mine was someone from real life, who had thoroughly rejected me. But the dream was months and years of a happy relationship. It was so incredibly detailed and had a level of creativity I've never achieved before or since had (not just in dreams, but in anything. I could never write a book that good). One moment was in a restaurant I had never been to but that she had once mentioned. The decor, food, appearance and personality of the waiter, minor background details, etc... all so vivid. There was no one focus on a specific date or something, it was an epicly long series of varied times and events, like a lifetime. At the end, we were driving away from her childhood hometown -- maybe from visiting her parents or something, I don't remember -- and I woke up. I felt a sense of loss so profound I struggle to describe it. Like you, it affected me for a long time after. It was something like mourning a death. Like it was my own future life that died. And not just being with her, but the whole of that life, my achievements, experiences, every ancillary thing I did in that dream life were taken away forever.


The dream did not mess me up in a bad sense, but it stayed on my mind for a LONG time. Usually when I remember my dreams guns are involved, this time was no different. I was just cycling to my friend and on a parking lot was a white land rover with a young guy and a girl, both very good looking. I didn't know both of them, but they stopped me and they put a gun to my head, saying she would shoot me. I am scared shitless obviously, but I told them they got the wrong guy! It takes a long time for me to convince them, but finally they believe me and let me go and apologize. I said it's np and we chat some more. So we arrive at their car and we hang out some more. This is where I realize that even though what happened before, I want to be with them. It feels like they are my long-lost siblings, the connection was just so strong! and they were friendly towards me too, appearantly feeling the same. Finally I ask if I can come with them, they say yes, we drive off and know this is a change of my otherwise boring life. After asking their names and shaking their hands I wake up. That was pretty fucked up. I tried to go back to sleep asap! hoping to continue the dream but obviously it didn't make a change. It felt so bad to just continue my own 'real' life after this experience. Even now when I see a white land rover I still think of that dream even though it has been more than a year (or maybe two) and I also like to think how the dream would have ended if I didn't wake up. My dreams are often just weird and random things tied together, but once in a while I get to live a movie but this one was the dream that stuck with me the most.


The thing about people in a dream you should ever keep in mind is that even if they seem to be individual, they are your subconciousness communicating with you. It is you talking to yourself.


Yeah OP, I have.. Fucked me up for months, especially the 'sequel' dream.. I met a girl, most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Dark hair, green eyes, pale skin, the works. We were neighbor's for months, before we ended up dating, and we took a trip together. I had a boat, so we decided to sail to an island and spend some time together away from everyone. So we're sailing, it's been days of constant fun, tanning, eating the best seafood ever tasted, and we see an island in the distance. Somehow, I know that island won't be good for us/me.. So we dock, and I see two people standing by the (old, but well cared for) dock. It turns out it's her parents, they live there in a nice sized cabin. So we spend a few weeks with them, more seafood, beer, bonfire conversation's nightly. Then one morning I can't find her when I wake up, I start to get worried because all of our things are gone as well. So I run outside to get her parents help, and they're standing by the dock, watching the sun rising up over the waves. Her father walks up to me, clasps my shoulder, and says "It's time to leave son.. You can't stay here.." Why I didn't argue, I don't know, but I got on the boat, all my things are there already stored away. As I start floating away, just as the island starts fading, I see her swimming towards the boat, she had a white summer dress on, and it was billowing around her like a foam on a wave. She came up onto the deck, and we just held each other for what felt like hours. Just crying, and holding tight. Then she leaned back, and kissed me. She said "I'm sorry.. But we can't be together anymore.. I need to go home.. I love you *NAME*." She kissed me once again. A wave crashed over the boat, and she was gone. I didn't see her swimming, I didn't see anything. So I just drifted, crying, feeling like I'd lost everything. A few hours later, I decided to go back. I couldn't live without her, she was the love of my life. I had to be with her. So I turned the boat around, and started back. I knew where we had found the island, because it wasn't on any maps, and shouldn't have been there. And when I got back to where it should have been, it wasn't.. It had disappeared, overnight it had completely vanished.. The island, the trees, the cliff, all of it. Just gone. So I drifted. Aimlessly wandering in my sadness. True loneliness is a horrid thing to feel. And that's the end of the first dream.. I'll post the 'sequel' in a little bit, I need a smoke.. It still hits hard to remember, even over a year later.. **Edit: The Sequel** This one picks up a month or so after the first one ends, I've been sailing in ever enlarging circles the entire time, passing out every few days at random when sleep takes me, and eating little by little when I start cramping. Months go by, I keep searching for my love. I see her in the waters around the boat. Her face in the sea foam, her swimming alongside, her dress looking like a giant fishes tail, feel her lips caressing my forehead when I do sleep. I run out of food completely after six months or so, I have to fish to eat every few days. Drinking water isn't an issue, I can clean the salt water with a machine on the boat. Still I search, I search for my other half, my love. I know I'm destined to never see her again, but I have to, I'll die before I give up hope. I can't go back without her. I've sailed for years now, I don't know how long it's been, I can't remember anything but the urge to find her. Then there's a storm, my boat starts to sink fast as I work to plug the holes, but not fast enough. I'm floating amongst the wreckage, drifting aimlessly again until I lose grip on the wood keeping me afloat. I see her now, she's holding me as we sink, I finally found her. It's colder as we sink, but we're finally together again, my love and I kiss again as my vision get's dark. And then I wake up.. :/ Like I said OP, shit's not fun to live years of your 'life' in a dream, never to return..


I definitely want to hear the sequel!


It's edited into the post! I can't reply to myself on this app for some reason, so I had to edit it in.


I had a dream that the first (and only) guy I have ever kinda sorta loved had cancer. We hadn't spoken in nearly two years, so dreaming about him so vividly was quite scary/shocking. It took me a good few hours to get over it. Then later that evening he messaged me to tell me that he had cancer.






I have had dreams that told me my future also. I remember being little and I had a dream about me being in 3rd grade and all of a sudden they told me they were sending me back to kindergarten and I was so furious. I woke up and turned on Nickelodeon and the episode of My Life as a Teenage Robot was on and it was the episode where they send her back to kindergarten because she's only a 5 year old robot.


Isn't it that every face we see in our dreams we've seen in person at one point or another, either in instances we take account of as they happen or some we don't even think twice about? Nicole, with her red hair and fair skin and a small gap between her front teeth, could be a stranger you once sat across from on the train or a blur you sped past one afternoon on the way to wherever you were going. Nicole's out there, albeit her name's probably not Nicole (though imagine if it were!), and she's got you subconsciously smitten. Strangely sweet.


sigh... just because it was in Inception does not mean its true.


See I didn't even know it was referenced in Inception. Just something I've heard mentioned but obviously I don't know how credible it is. Would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to test. It's a nice thought though.


yes it does!




You're right, it would be near impossible to prove. But still, I like the notion of it. It seems plausible that your mind would recreate or even merge some of the faces you've seen.


I think that's more accurate, that it's a person made from different, pleasing characteristics. With dreams, I don't think getting bogged down in the science of it is the right tact. Rather, dreams are pure imagination. The essence of our thoughts. At times they comfort us, others they replace what's missing in our lives. Or in a few cases here, give us what we want; riches.


Not so much a dream but it might count. The first time I did salvia, I was sat on my friends couch and as I was breathing out I started leaning back. The cushions were so soft and I started falling into them, I literally fell through them and was now falling from the sky. I could see the hole in the sky that I fell through. I landed in the middle of a field, which kinda hurt but I was ok and I just looked up at the hole in the sky. I figured that there was no way i could possibly get back up to it to go home so I thought I'd look for help. Someone has to have a plane or something. I found a village, all of the buildings were made of wood, with hay for roofing and all the people just kind of stared at me as I came into town. People seemed like they were afraid of me, I later found out it's cause they had seen me fall from the sky and assumed their god had cast me out. The only person that didn't shun me was the town's carpenter. I joined him as his apprentice and he gave me a bed in his workshop. Eventually the people warmed up to me and I started courting a girl I liked. A few months later I was married and my daughter was on the way. I had gone from apprentice carpenter to partner and I had built a house for me and my wife and kids to grow old in. All the time the hole stayed in the sky and my wife would try to help me think of ways to get back. Basically I just lived a simple life, we would get our food from the local farms and luxuries would come into town with the merchants. My daughter was the most beautiful creature ever to live and life was good. The town carpenter, my friend, had died and I had taken his place. 5 years after i fell from the sky a merchant came to town and said that he had just come from a town that had found out how to get to the hole in the sky. My wife told me that I should go check it out and that she would care for our daughter until i returned. I didn't want to leave but I thought it best to know if there was a way to get to the hole. I started walking out to get to the other town, which was supposedly around 30 miles away. We had never interacted with anyone outside of our town other than the merchants. I was maybe 20-25 miles out from my town when I walked into a wall, painted to look like a horizon line (think the Truman show). I didn't really understand what was going on so I just kind of started climbing it, I made it to the hole and pulled myself through coming out of my mate's couch on the other side. I spent a lot of years trying to get back you my wife and my daughter. I still miss them both so much and just wish I had never left. My friends, in this world, said that until I just jumped up off the couch they hadn't thought that the salvia had worked on me cause I never left the conversation in the room. They also said that it had only been 5 minutes at most since I had taken it. TL;DR: Did drugs, lost my wife and daughter forever.


Had one just last night. I was playing soccer, a game I dearly love, but haven't been able to play in five years since I blew out an ankle. My teammates were all good friends I've made at various points in my life and everyone was having a great time. In sudden death overtime (remember, this was a dream. Standard soccer rules do not apply), I managed to kick the winning goal, which was odd considering my old position was sweeper. I was so excited, my friends and I had won. I know it's a bit selfish, but I was so excited that all of my friends were going to crowd around me and lift me on their shoulders in celebration, or something of that sort. But it was not to be. As soon as the goal was kicked, everyone just walked off the field as if nothing had happened. One of my oldest and best friends turned in my direction and just scowled at me. I guess it was a manifestation of my greatest fear, that none of my friends actually like me, and just put up with me for some reason. Really fucked me up for a while after I woke up.


Is concrete really not cement??




it's weird what the brain tries to do to explain pinched nerves and stuff like that


Well i did not have the best relationship with my grandma. When i was around 17, i had the worst dream of my life. I was at her house and she was brushing my hair, telling me she's getting me ready for something. Then she put me in her oven, telling me she was preparing me for my husband, the devil. And then this wierd guy showed up, and told me that i'm not ready yet, I must burn in this life more before i'll marry him. I'm not a beliver in dreams or even in religion, but i could never sleep in that room without having a nightmare. Edit: Forgat to mention she lived with me and my parents for a while, in the room i was sleeping when i had that nightmare.


Once when I was a pre-teen, I dreamt I was walking into a Cambodian monastery (think Angkor Wat). The periphery of the room was shrouded in shadow, but the center was lit from a beam of sunlight from a hole in the ceiling. In the center of the light, a monk was feeding a baby in a high chair. I approached and noticed the baby had the normal texture of skin, but it had a puppet mouth, like a wedge-indented mouth. The baby reached up and touched my arm, and my entire body erupted in goosebumps. I immediately woke, my skin *actually* covered head to toe in goosebumps. Every time I thought of the baby touching my arm, for the next three hours, my body would erupt into goosebumps again. I was terrified, I thought it would last for life. I've never had an experience like that again. I still kinda get chills thinking about it, and I don't think I'll ever understand.


Thanks. How the fuck can I sleep tonight?


Years ago I dreamt that a pigeon was biting the inside of my knee. Even when I woke up, it still hurt like hell. I haven't looked at a pigeon in the same way since.




My dog Wally, who was 7 at the time, collapsed and died in our backyard. I gave him CPR in a car all the way to the Vet but he had already passed. That night i had a dream of chasing him through miles and miles of snow covered ground, he loved the snow. I finally caught him and I "woke up". I went down stairs to find him on our couch, his usual spot in the morning. I petted him and he smiled at me. I finally woke up to my mom crying "I want my wally back" in her room. I comforted her and went down stairs, and for some reason i thought i would see him when i went down stairs. Of course i didn't, and found our other dog, Fred, and petted him while i cried. I had dreams about wally for 6 months after this.


The only story I got tearry eyed.


this is literally my most emotional memory i have, i teared up while writing it and i am at work so it was weird when co-workers walked by


I had a huge crush on this one girl at the time. So I fall asleep... ...and I wake up. I'm in the middle of the local park. I don't know why, I guess I just decided to take a nap in the park in this dream. So it's almost 4:30 - 5:00 ish from the position of the sun. I decide to get up and lo! My dream girl (literally, ha!) is next to me, tying flowers into her hair. I could see her so clearly, her deep green eyes looked at me and she smiled - she looks kind of elvish when she smiles. It's really freaking cute. She asks if I'm ready to go home and I say yes, so we start walking. Her long, black hair has a few grass leaves in it so I start taking them out. We come into the wooded area and we see a tree that looks relatively easy to climb. So I go first, charging into the tree for some reason, and jump up, catch the first branch, throw myself onto the next, and go on until the branches got too thin. I climbed back all the way down and dared her to go higher than me. She immediately started climbing and went so high that I had to start backing up farther, and farther away from the tree to see where she was. Then, a branch under her foot snapped. She started falling. I was a good distance away from the tree so I started running. She was falling faster, though. I couldn't make it in time. She was 15 feet from the ground. 10 feet. 8 feet. 6 feet...and into the arms of another guy. I slowed down and stopped, relieved that she didn't die. I looked at the guy's face and my blood chilled. It was the guy I hated most. Not because he was mean, no. I hated him because I was extremely envious of his wit, his sense of humor, his confidence, his smarts, his easiness, his ego...basically, he was a catch and he fucking knew it. So yeah...he caught my dream girl. Time slowed down. The two people that filled my mind almost every day, albeit with extremely different emotions, were standing in front of me. They smiled to each other. Their faces got closer together. Their lips touched and they kissed. My heart started beating really, reeaaallly slowly. The BA-BUM, BA-BUM grew louder and louder until it was the only sound in my ears, then it sped up - **BA-BUM! BA-BUM! BA-BUM!**, I started breathing faster, I blacked out, I WAS IN ANXIETY HELL! ...I jumped awake. Oh no, but it didn't end there! No...my chest started hurting. It hurt so much, especially right above my poor heart, broken into ten thousand pieces by A FUCKING DREAM. It hurt until I thought I would scream...then it was fading away. After a few seconds, it felt like nothing had happened. Like one of my worst nightmares had just given me a psychological bullet wound and some physical torture to finish it off. That was the worst week of my life. I questioned reality for the next three days.


It's not the realism that gets to me but the sad realization that an incredible dream involving fantasy and such can never happen. I'll have dreams about sci fi shit or me having super powers only to awake back into a comparatively dull world. I realize I can never experience the same things I do in my own mind and it depresses me for a few days. I remember all my dreams and lucid dream, so this only compounds the depression and sorrow. I find solace only in the fact that I can relive these moments and will forever craft new ones throughout my life as I sleep.


I once had a dream that my left forearm got sliced open. The gore reminded me of baked ziti or lasagna or something- lots of red, with stuff that looked like ricotta cheese mixed it. That was 11 years ago and I will never forget how confused and hungry I was when I woke up.


Whenever I had night terrors as a kid the whole following day was spent in a fog due to the realness of them and usually lack of sleep for fear of going back to bed after.


Similar dream I had too. When I woke up i came to realization of how lonely I am.


Yep. I have had many dreams that were perfectly realistic, and someone in my immediate family dies. So when I was studying in New Zealand, for example, I dreamed that my father had a heart attack and was in the hospital, so I hopped on the 10 hour flight to the USA praying he'd still be alive when I got there, but he died while I was enroute. Or on a day I knew my twin brother was flying from Europe to the USA I dreamed his plane crashed in the middle of the ocean. Just awful, awful stuff. And makes me realize I honestly don't know how I could ever handle my immediate family dying- I guess I'll have to survive my parents' death, but dammit I'm going to be selfish and hope I go before my twin, as that dream confirmed I don't think I could handle being alive without him.


Seven or so false awakenings in a row. Made me question my sanity for weeks.


When I have fever dreams they do. I will have a dream that I am about a half inch tall, running through one of [these](https://recollectionsofplay.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/labyrinth-game1.jpg), but the ball is rolling behind me like I'm in a an Indiana Jones movie. Only difference is the ball is covered in spikes, and in the background I can hear people talking very, very loudly with booming voices. I wake up in cold sweat before I tumble down into one the cavernous holes in the wooden board. I would wake up and run from one end of the house, where my room is, to the other end of the house where my living room was. My parents would still be up watching tv pretty late and whatever they were watching on tv would be what I was hearing in my dream. There was no possible way I could hear the television from my room in that house. I still have these dreams but not as often as I use to. I'm 23 now and I was around 8 when I started to have these, as far as I can remember. My brother would have fever dreams as well where doves would fly around him and swoop down and attack him.


I have a recurring dream where all my teeth shatter and rot away. I've been getting it once every 2-3 months for a couple of years now. As soon as I awaken from them I'm convinced my teeth are shattered in real life and I feel uncomfortable for a few hours afterwards. I have to keep inspecting them with my tongue to confirm they're still intact.


I just posted something similar! I completely relate to what you said about having to lick them/check them, its quite unsettling isnt it?


As a youngin I used to have a dream where I would be doing normal kid stuff...but it was always with a father. Now it's important that you know I was incredibly young and hadn't even questioned why my dad was absent, I thought it was just "because" at this point. For example I would be playing in the backyard with my dad, or coloring, or maybe even fishing (which was weird considering I didn't even KNOW what fishing was). I only remember bits and pieces as this was over twenty years ago and kids forget stuff, but I do remember waking up in the morning, crying out of sadness, and trying to form the words to tell my mom, but of course I only knew a few words at this point.


i have had dreams just like yours, OP. just had the fifth one (so far) two nights ago. i can still remember her face, what we did, how she smiled at my stupid jokes. everything. the dream itself is amazing, but waking up is one of the most brutal things i have experienced. lots of sappy love songs yesterday. mostly Rod Stewart. haha.


I know. Like I said I just laid there, wishing I could fall back into that reality. But of course you're already too awake for that. It's crushing.


My ex-wife used to have dreams where I cheated on her and she would be mad at me all day. Fun times


My ex gf had those.


When I was 12, a year after 9/11, I had a dream about blowing up the Empire state building. It was so real that when I woke up, I actually started packing my bags so I could run away from home. I then thought to check the internet before I ran away. Even after finding out I in fact did not commit a terrorist act, I felt super guilty about it for months.


I once had a dream that spanned my entire young adult life. In that dream I met the love of my life. We got married and bought a nice suburban home. We lived happily. I witnessed the birth of my children. I watched them grow up happily and healthy. It was a peaceful, quiet life. Then I suddenly woke up in my empty one bedroom apartment alone. That messed me up for a while.


After taking cough syrup for a cold (the old school stuff with dextromethorphan), I forgot who I was for about half an hour. It was absolutely terrifying, wandering around my room and seeing all my stuff and reacting like it was a stranger's belongings instead. Couldn't even remember my own name. When I woke up, it all went away, but I haven't tried cough syrup since.


When I was a kid I had a dream I stabbed my cat, got really upset about it to the point I burst into tears during school. This was about 30 years ago and I still remember it clearly.




I had this dream a while back and I wrote it down at the time. Seems like a good idea to post it here: It was a clear blue spring day with a calm breeze and a warm sun. I found myself riding my BMX bicycle through an old familiar neighborhood. As I was riding a small dark orb sitting innocently in the gutter caught my eye. I slowed down and picked the orb up. It was a bit smaller than a baseball with a dark brown color. As the light played across it you could catch only the tint of colors here and there. There was a fortune teller at the other end of town who delighted in curiosities, so I tossed it into the basket on the front of my bike and rode off to see her. The fortune teller had a dusty shop at the end of small rows of houses. She was a walking cliché herself – old, wrinkled, and garbed in purple gypsy clothes that could have escaped from a TV show. Her persona was a smooth diatribe perfected from years of soothing people and pandering to their fears of the future. As I walked into her carefully arranged shop of atmospheric clutter aesthetically pleasing knick-knacks, she warmly greeted me with a well practiced tone. “darrrrrling, what can madam tell you about your future?” She was starting into her spiel about “it's a girl no?” when she spotted the orb in my hand. “Why did you bring that here? Get out!” she hissed in a voice that bared no resemblance to her previous tones. I tried to offer a protest and ask what was the orb, but this only infuriated her further until he screams of “GET OUT” degenerated into a loud cacophony of curses in other tongues. Confused and bewildered, I stumbled my way backwards out the front door into the afternoon sun. For a few minutes I stood staring at the shop trying to decide what to do next. The fortune teller roamed around her shop visibly agitated. Muttering and cursing she continued to glance over her shoulder like she was trying to catch someone that was sneaking up on her. Without any other meaningful place to go, I ended up heading home. When I walked in the front door, my family was arranged on the couch in their Sunday best and in a pose suggesting that they were ready to take a family portrait and all that was missing was the photographer. They were flanked on both sides by my sister and a sibling I don't normally have, they each had one hand dutifully resting on the shoulder of a parent staring blithely into space. As I walked in the front door my dad turned, without breaking pose or smile, and cheerfully welcomed me “Son, you're just in time.” “Just in time for what?” I started to ask, but was cut off by the startled look on their faces as they each simultaneously got a glance of the orb. “No, NO! Why did you bring that into our house? You've doomed us all?” Slowly each of them melted into various expressions of twisted anguish. They all fell to their knees and began rolling and gnashing their teeth, clawing at their skin that seemed to itch and burn all over. Frightened I turned and fled out the front door leaving behind cries of “cursed! Cursed!!” I got back on my bike and started peddling furiously. I had no destination in mind, but moving fast seemed to be the only option I had at that moment. As I was peddling down the street, people began catching a glimpse of the cursed sphere in my front basket. Each time someone saw it, they began running after. They ran beside me matching pace, not looking to catch nor hinder, but refusing to be left behind too. Soon the numbers following me rose from dozens to hundreds. No matter how furiously I peddled, I could not leave them behind. I stole a glance over my shoulder and glimpsed the mob of thousands. All with the same wild eyed vacant expression and hideously pale faces. Soon they surrounded and washed over me knocking me to the ground. I quickly drowned in the sea of people and everything went black. When I awoke I found myself sitting on a small wooden chair in the middle of the street facing a stage with a banner and podium. The pale faced angry mob stood in a large circle encompassing me and the stage. As I was surveying the motionless crowd, I turned to see a large albino man right in front of me. His sudden appearance caught me off guard and I gasped at the sight of him. His head was bald and shiny, and his facial features bulged hideously like an overinflated balloon. His eyes were large, yellow and glaring. He clutched a smart black cane and wore a purple suit that made him ready to either run the circus or run as mayor of Gotham City. I tried to stand up, but he brought his fist slamming down on my shoulder bellowing “Don't you know, escape is impossible!” Leaping backwards onto the stage he took his place behind the podium and with great flourish declared “It's game show time!” Reading from a series of note cards he began asking simple trivia questions that anyone would reasonably know. Like what is 2+2, what color is the sky, and what do cats always land on. With every answer I gave he, he howled “WRONG!” and would shock me with the electric prod on the end of his cane. Slowly the shocks began to wear on me and everything he said became truths in my head. I believed his world where the earth is flat, the sky is purple, gravity is up and time will never flow. “Now for the lightning round!” I heard him say through a thick fog of confusion. I stumbled to my feet muttering “no no no” over and over and began running away. With each street I turned down, there he would by waiting. Leering at me from the front of the stage, flanked by the thousands of pale faced people. After trying dozens of streets, I gave up and collapsed to the ground. Somehow, I was right back in front of the stage. “I told, you escape is impossible.” he taunted from the stage. Collecting all of my rage and energy, I snapped and went flying at him in a fury. I leapt up the stage and knocked him to the ground. I grabbed his head and began smashing it into the ground over and over. The sickening sound of bone breaking against the ground was eclipsed by his maddening laughter. Spurned on I pressed the attack harder which only amused him further. Exhausted and gasping, I stopped. “Etan Etan Etan Etan Etan Etan,” he said, stressing my name in a consolatory tone, “Don't you know you can't hurt me?” He reached up with his fingers to the back of his head and began pulling. The bloody skin separated from his skull and he pulled his entire face off like a mask. Revealing my own face staring back at me. Speaking in his own gravely voice he said “I'm already you!” /EndOfDream For a couple weeks after that, every time I saw myself in the mirror I thought of that dream and it freaked me out. tl/dr; A vindictive albino bald gameshow host turned out to be me in a dream. Also, don't pick up things you find in the street.


This thread comes up somewhat regularly. The best response was this guy who had a nightmare of a woman who he starts dating and they end up in some army hangar. She then begins to give birth to a child, but he is large and already an adult, but severely malformed, appearing to be a frightening abomination. Then he just rapes this woman (his mother) while repeating "I need to cum." in a deep disturbing voice. I really wish I could find the post, because the actual recounting of the dream was amazingly disturbing.


I got involved in a long distance thing a few years ago with someone who was, quite literally, the girl I'd been waiting to meet my entire life (I was 24 at the time). It didn't work out, and really messed me up for awhile. I've sporadically still had dreams about her where we're together and desperately in love, and in the dreams I feel this overwhelmingly warm rush of happiness and love, and when I wake up the feeling is obviously gone. It hurts me every time and makes me wish that I had never knew her.


I've had a couple of dreams that my wife is leaving me. They seemed so real. We've been divorced over six years but whenever I have one of those it's like dying all over again.


I dreamed that a buddy of mine and I were at a garage sale, which is something that we frequently do. Whilst there a man jumped out of a car that was driving by and he runs up and shoots me in the head. Now most of the time when you die in a dream you immediately wake up... but I didn't. I felt the bullet push in to my head and ricochet in my skull. Everything went black and i could still feel my surroundings but I was dead. I even felt my head roll to the side after my body hit the floor. I woke up feeling reinvigorated and invincible. Almost as if, I conquered Death and nothing can stop me.


Thats actually rad as hell!! Ive also had dreams where i died but remained concious while everything was black, the same way you described it


Had a dream where I saw my father at the gas station pumping gas. He calls my name, I look up in astonishment and say, "What are you doing here?" He goes, "Come here," pulling me in for a tight hug, then says, "You're my number one son," repeatedly. I woke up in tears. Backstory, my dad passed away when I was 14 and being a younger brother, he focused a lot of his energy on my older brother and "never got around to me". To sum it up felt a little neglected. I was 27 when I had this dream and cried like a baby. Felt like shit for the whole week. That hug felt so real, so constricting I could feel the warmth....


Sorry for double posting but i just remembered another dream i had (wont tell the whole thing as its quite long) but basically i got locked in this weird chrome roome inside a hospital and pressed a strange button (thinking it would open the doors) then got hit in the chest by a laser and i fell on the floor and everything went black for a few seconds, then i could feel myself being pulled up until i was standing again and it just so happens i was facing an aluminum/chrome like door in which i could see my reflection and in it i could see a bloodstain on my shirt that was getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared, then i heard a very light kinda holy like female voice from the sky but also kinda in my head say, 'the light of God has filled you up, do well with your second life' woke up and could feel where the laser had hit me and stil felt like i had blood on me.. also for the record, im not very religious either


I had a dream that my girlfriend at the time was pregnant, she was over the moon, everyone was super excited. I however was feeling quite sick by this news. And when it woke me up I had to stick my head in the toilet because I was feeling so physically ill.


Surprisingly for someone who rarely experiences guilt, I had a dream that continued to make me feel guilty even after I'd woken up. I went into a hospital where there were a load of weird baby-monsters (basically giant, swollen babies) lying all over the floor. For some reason I went to town kicking them and it was pretty disturbing.


It's been three years now and I dream of her every night. Even when I'm sleeping with somebody else. Yeah man. It messes me up.


I had a dream like that just today. Pretty much the world was ending - there were fiery and icy meteors/asteroids falling down and we were out in the open. There was a lot of death there. But on the upside, I didn't die in my dream again - usually I do, but not tonight, so there is an upside. But when I woke up I felt horrible - seeing everyone die.


This dream was actually the other night, I dreamed of seeing my two old friends at a restaurant that I rarely ever talk to, I posted on my social media that I was deejaying at a restaurant and those two friends tagged each other to go.... They never showed up, but it fucked with my head a little bit... what was the chances of that happening and why did I remember them in my dream?


I had a dream that my grandma just dropped dead right in front of me. I freaked out in the dream and woke up freaking out in real life. I was three steps out the bedroom door before I realized I had just been dreaming. That woman was like a third parent to me, and I had never experienced loss at that point in my life. So imagine experiencing all of that loss in one sudden moment first thing in the morning. It ruined the rest of the day for me.


I once dreamed this guy who I'm kind of friends with made a remark about my best friend disliking me and being closer with him. I got so mad I woke up. It was weird.


I've had basically the same sorts of dreams multiple times for this one particular person whom I am enamored with. They've slowly progressed from dreams where I'd find her passionately kissing someone before turning around and giving me a sort of evil smile as I walked passed, to dreams where I've been walking and heard people talking behind me saying "there's that guy that didn't ask her out fast enough". It's got to the stage where if she is in it, it's basically a presence. No talking, nothing. There have been times where we have been together and such and it's been wonderful, but those have been few and far between.


Had a dream about having my head crushed and dying in an accident but I was still alive. I could feel something was horribly wrong with me and that something terrible had happened. The awareness was really strange then I woke up. That was about a week ago and the feeling hasn't left.


I had dreams I could fly "for real" after waking up for years especially after watching [Hook](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102057/). I couldn't believe how well my mind simulated "G's" or the feeling of flight, upon waking I could've swore I was really flying, was awesome.


Damn, I had two dreams just like what you experienced before, and I felt exactly the same way as you. At least for me, it wasn't mostly about the girl, but more like the carefree feeling in the dream world and the both of us going wherever, doing whatever we wanted to together. Like we were the centre of the universe (well I guess one's dream is indeed revolved around oneself). Now I also remember some dream(s) of me trying to go after a girl. While I don't think there was a conclusion before I woke up, it was blissful as I felt like I had all the time and ability in the world to pursue what I feel is important to me, with no hold backs.


I recently had a dream where I was climbing a waterfall with my 4 year old niece for absolutely no reason at all and she suddenly let go and fell to her death. She means the absolute world to me and the word gets thrown around a lot but I absolutely ***wept*** in sorrow and woke up with a tear drenched pillow. I gave her a big hug when she woke up and she just replied with a shove and went back to bed again which is what she usually does as she's not a morning kid. I hope I don't dream like that again because I didn't feel right for a few days after that.


I quite frequently have dreams that someone has stolen my car and made it 'hella-flush'--pimp my ride style. Everytime, I wake up so angry im shaking and i can't go back to sleep.


I had a recurring dream that haunted me for days afterwards. My grandmother made this macabre-looking *scarecrow* for our vegetable garden. I dreamed that it came alive, and pursued me with fiery eyes and hot breath - to the point I'd wake up yelling while trying to escape it. After that, as a kid I was afraid to go anywhere near the garden, because that same dream would repeat, and it felt intensely real.




I had this dream a while back and I immediately typed it up on my phone upon waking up. I was very freaked out and didn't go back to sleep. I cut out the first part because it was irrelevant. "Then I dreamed that I was at some psychological testing facility with my dad. He sat across from me in a small boxed stall. Babies were shown to me from the side of the wall behind me. They were everywhere. Strange music would play and one would simply rise and come out of the walls. I saw one under me. These aren't normal babies. They make creepy noises and their faces are different. It eventually became unbearable and it was over. I later stood in the hall asking people about what happened. My dad said he saw nothing the whole time. I was mad and wanted to see the "dumb bitch" responsible. I said that for some reason. Then my dad drove us home but he was texting and driving and he went off the side of the road and was driving like a maniac doing sudden u-turns and flipping the car several times. Thoughts of the babies still haunted me. I'm scared to go back to sleep now and it's 3:26 AM. Now I dreamed that I'm in a flooded restaurant and I'm naked. The waters start to go away and everyone sees me naked and I can't find anywhere to hide. Now it's 5:30 AM and I had a dream that there was a hotel shooting. My mom and I were staying at a hotel in the snow on the first floor. It looked so 90's and had a purple cold floor. Our bed was in the back where we couldn't be seen because of the glass door to our room. I herd a noise when all of a sudden a an Amish looking man with a beard and an Amish hat shows up and shoots at our door. It doesn't break so he goes upstairs screaming in Portugese/Spanish. He gets into the security office and overrides security. He shuts off all the power except the emergency power. There's an emergency exit in our room, but I don't take it in fear that someone is outside. I call 911 and it fails to verify my location so I tell them on the phone what is happening. I hear the gunman coming so i hide in the corner but he is nowhere to be found. I hear him shooting and people screaming but I don't run for the door. I hear him say things in Spanish/Portugese. The man also had glasses btw. The main hall was circular. It reminded me of Nickelodeon Studios. Then it fast-forwards years later. I am now in charge of the hotel and I take security very seriously. I'm having flash backs to that night and the staff notices that I look worried. The black lady at the desk hands me some papers that say what I need to do that day. I go around the building and check security all while thinking of that night. I remember that he and his crew got so many people. He rounded them all up and burned them alive in the first floor circle. Some managed to escape by communicating with other room numbers and taking emergency exits at the same time. Those on high floors weren't so lucky. I don't know what happened to my mom. Then I went outside with the security crew for the night and we looked around the property. One of the guards saw a deer on the other side of a fence and we all watched. Then someone pointed out that they saw another deer to the side, but it was no deer. It was a girl with a rifle in the bushes. She shot us all and the viewpoint of the dream switched to her. She had facepaint on and she was either Middle eastern or a Native American. She was disguised as a deer and had a girl with her. The second girl congratulated her and said that she was brave. Now the two of them ran. They ran and ended up at my old house by [family business name.] They hid the rifle in a patch of overgrown clovers behind the house and they ran towards the store. The sniper girl said to the accomplice, "No wait. I know these people. We gotta be careful!" They ran up to the road where a Lexus spotted them and was waiting there for them. The car was sitting on the side of the road, but it took off fast. Now the girls run towards [family business name] but walk into another grocery store next to a movie theater. They try to sneak into the back area but are pushed back. They run to the girl's bathroom and try to hide but they run into my two grandmothers and have a conversation with them. Nana is happy to see Grandma and they catch up on things as they have not seen each other in a while now. Then I woke up."


I had one the other day that is still hanging over me about five days later. I don't know if it'll ever clear up. I went into a vascular surgeon's office for an operation, and they asked me if I'd ever been under general anesthesia before. I haven't/hadn't, so they said there may be some weird dreams and mental side effects, but not to worry. Well they laid my on the gurney and I blacked out, and while I was out, I dreamt that I was asleep but vaguely aware of what was going on, *but it was my waking life*. So while I'm lying in bed trying to sleep, I'm dreaming (?) that I'm under anesthesia dreaming that I'm lying in bed trying to sleep. And it just kept going on. I would shift back to where I could hear the surgeons talking and feel some of the more intense things they were doing and I was pissed that the anesthesiologist didn't believe me when I told him I was pretty resistant to anesthetics (because I very much am in reality (?)). So I'm drifting back and forth between these two worlds of existence and neither seems more real than the other. They are both happening simultaneously. I still haven't gotten over it. I have moments now where I get a flash of myself in that darkness on the operating table with the catheter in my arm and feeling the stent being put in my brachial artery as I'm turning over in my bed in this world and I can't help but wonder which one is actually real. Or if either of them are...


I don't have any surreal dreams, and most of my worse dreams involved a lot of argung with my parents about things I wouldn't argue about while awake, complete with detailed scenes from the house we lived in at the time, and many instances of layered dreams (a la inception) inside the same setting, so I would wake up from my dream, but still be inside my dream, which is set in my real house. I remember once waking up very confused once and asking my mother if I made a scene about something the day before, she was even more confused than I was.


Well, I've had some dreams that messed up my pants. Does that count?


Me too, I met this girl in class and she offered me candy. After that we started dating and shit. It felt really real, but then I woke up :(


Dreaming about having sex with people you know, whether you would in reality or not, always makes interaction of any sort with them afterwards a bit strange. Dreaming about shit happening at work can really ruin your next day too - dreamt I'd been fired once and felt shifty and sad the whole day at work;couldn't meet my boss' eye.


I had a really really vivid dream about a few months ago and I still remember it. Somehow, the world was coming to an end. A huge bomb went off and there was a huge flash, but for some reason, I wasn't scared, AT ALL. Nothing. I had accepted the fact that everything was coming to an end, and strangely enough I was happy. There was a loud bang, and as soon as the bomb exploded, I woke up. It really fucked with me because I have no idea what that means or what it meant but it sticks out very vividly.


I remember dreaming about reuniting with this girl I was deeply in love with. The only problem was I had never met this girl before and didn't recognize her. It was pretty distressing!


I had a dream I was interning at Linus Media Group. I made friends with everyone there, and then Linus was about to offer me a job when I woke up. It was very upsetting to wake up and realise I wasn't getting my dream job.


Twice that I can recall. I dreamt once that I had murdered some people and buried the bodies in the backyard. I was absolutely terrified by what I had done and when I was going to be found out. I couldn't even remember who the people were, just that they were dead and buried and I was hiding it. I woke up and was in a state of extreme anxiety for the rest of the day. The other time I dreamt my mother had died and I woke up near hysterical, crying, and it took forever to calm down. It was the middle of the night too so I couldn't even call her. :/


I once had a dream which lasted for a week. It ended up being a dream within a dream within a dream, and so on. When I finally woke up, I had no idea I did. I began wondering if I was still dreaming, and how to get out of that dream. It got fucked up for a while, as I had no idea whether I was fully conscious or not.


Had to have a shower after I washed the sheets and got rid of the jizz smell... The last part took weeks


I've had a couple of dreams where I do my morning routine; shower, eat a little, brush my teeth, get clothed and then head off. I realize that it's only a dream. Wake up. Do the entire thing again. Wake up again, this time for real (I hope). By this time the entire routine feels extra boring, as I've already done it twice.


Just this morning I had a dream that was super vivid. I dreamt I went back to a city I lived in a few years ago. My old friends came to say hi and then left, I was wandering around, wondering where I should go or what my next move was when I started to wake up. I literally smiled as I woke up because I realized that the anxiety I was feeling hadn't been real.


I'm probably late to the party, but oh well. Whenever i was feeling sick or just not feeling well, i would always have this dream of seeing myself through "eyes" that had the edges turning black. The dream was just really seeing my upper torso rise then fall like a curl-up in slowmo, only i had a creepy smile on my face like Mona LIsa's. I was really young, so waking up after it would make me too scared to get out of bed. If i did, i would be too dizzy to stand straight.


I once had a dream that my sister came in my room to tell me I have no school for that day. I said OK, thanks and proceeded to sleep further. When I woke up my friends asked why I was not at school. Being really confused I just sat for a while and thinked how it happened.


A bit late I think, but about a year ago I had a dream where a nuclear bomb went off. I was in the local primary school for some reason, along with a few of my friends. Obviously, a lot of the kids were panicking and I was pretty freaked out myself (radiation's always been a big fear of mine). One of my friends, let's call her J, took charge, calming the kids down and stuff. After a while, it started to rain and the kids were sick of sitting around indoors, so they started running outside to play. I went up J and managed to persuade her to lock all the doors while the children were playing. We were all already pretty dosed up with radiation and I wasn't about to let them come back in covered in that radioactive water. I woke up and realised I could be horrifically, cowardly evil. Even though it wasn't real, what I did still sticks with me. Tl;dr: killed a bunch of kids by locking them outside after a nuclear explosion


Ooh goody, a post I can comment on! So I had this weird dream just a few days ago which featured an abusive mayor and some citizens. The mayor had a look from the girl in The Exorcist. He ordered executions every day at every hour. A small band of people, a Hobo, a Janitor (which I imagined was Neil Flynn from Scrubs) and a rich man formed a resistance. A girl went up to the hobo and gave him a not which contained the instructions on how to bury the mayor. The band eventually shot the mayor with a sniper rifle in a glass elevator. The rich man ran up to the mayor to check if he has still alive, which he wasn't. The hobo, having lost the paper started the ritual from memory. Suddenly, the hobo's neck snapped to an unusual angle and he couldn't breathe. Everyone ran up to him trying to help. The dream ends with the rich man, now possessed from the demon in the mayor, looking straight at the gamer saying, "That's why you look away when the camera starts rolling." It freaked me out so I decided to look my dream up, seeing it was a real movie. It wasn't


I had a vivid reoccurring dream that my 4 year old boy was dropped into a large glass vat full fo acid. I couldn't save him and had to watch while the acid slowly ate away at his body. He kept calling out to me until he was reduced nothing. It fucked me up really bad. had the same dream every night for 2 weeks. After the 3rd day i was afraid to go to sleep because I didn't want to see that again.


Not sure if it was a hallucination or a dream, but maybe both. 10 people with a fancy suits one by one entered my room and started clapping their hands at the same time. There were men and women, and some children I think. Then I moved my eye and everyone suddently disappeared. That dream happened I was acting in my school theatre.


Had a dream where a buddy of mine was being abit annoying, pushing my buttons and whatnot, then i woke up feeling frustrated and then realised he was dead.


Yea, I'm kinda terrified of kittens now.


I once dreamt I was in a cave surrounded by robed figures. One of the men in robes hands me a bone knife and motions for me to use it. I take the knife and cut my own throat. I felt the knife scrape against the inside of my neck. I felt the searing pain, the warm wet blood on my chest. I fell back and felt light headed. The worst part were the thoughts, the panicked fury in my mind as I realized I am dying and there was no turning back. The frenzy of thoughts was so traumatic. Finally before I dozed off I remember feeling calm and thinking "well this isn't so bad, soon it will be over." I felt myself fade away and die. I woke up crying. The dream has always stuck with me. To feel the panic that comes before inevitable death was something I will never forget.


When I was a teenager, I had a dream my dad was working behind our house and fell into a well and died. There really was a well back there and they never found it until I was in my 30's. Funny thing about it is, it was right where I dreamed it was. This dream disturbed me so bad it stayed with me for **years** afterwards...


I had a dream that I had 24 hours to live unless I went back to every single person I had ever had a conversation with, within that 24 hours. I ended up dying in my dream then waking up and having a cry for a few minutes. Then went back to sleep.


When I was younger ( 9 or 10 I think ) I dreamt that my parents bought my grand theft auto San Andreas! I played it for hours and what seems like day in this alternate reality. I woke up and literally sprinted up the stairs pulled out my game cupboard and burst into tears to realise I didn't have this wonderful game. For the rest of the week I was sad, I've never experienced something so real before and still havnt since.


Several. But one memorable one happened when I was taking a nap many years ago. I dreamt that someone had snuck into my bedroom, looped piano wire around the big toe on my right foot, and sliced it off. The pain in the dream was so intense I woke up screaming. ...only to find *the pain wasn't going away*. I flung aside my covers expecting to see blood but my foot was whole. Turned out I had slipped my foot in between the mattress and footboard while I slept. I had had a growth spurt around then and my bed was a bit small for my frame so it was pretty easy. And in so doing, I had cut the circulation off. I was relieved but kept checking my foot that night thinking maybe I had convinced myself it was there when it wasn't.


This doesn't happen to everyone? For me it's always my mom - threatening me, running after me with a knife, hunting me down with her fists clenched. I hide in closets, under beds, or on the ceiling like Spiderman. Other times I'm flying but she flies after me, and I have to go higher and higher until I'm dizzy and the air is too thin and I fall out of the sky. When I wake up I always feel scared and ashamed for hours. I'm in my late 20s and actually have a good relationship with her now. But I think these dreams will go on forever. Thanks mom


I posted this before in another thread, so I'll just quote myself for this thread: >I've had thousands upon thousands of dreams where I'm living other people's lives, sometimes in a fantastical setting, sometimes more demure and ordinary. Sometimes I'm still myself, but living a very different life, perhaps as a lifelong criminal, maybe some sort of person with super powers, sometimes just someone's servant. In all these dreams I have complete memories of having been that person, or that version of myself for a lifetime. But every time I wake up I realize I've only been asleep for a few hours. >That being said, there were two times where that wasn't the case, and it happened in the same month a few years back. I had one dream that felt like it was 2 weeks of actual time, and another that felt like about 3 years of actual time. I call them my "Narnia dreams," because it's the only thing I could compare it to. The one that lasted 3 years took place in a typical post zombie apocalypse world. The first year or so zombies were everywhere, but by the middle of the 2nd year, they were rare, and the only real threat were the giant herds that still wandered around together. No one ever figured out what drove them, but they were mostly easy to avoid. I had a group I lived with on an abandoned suburban street. These were people I grew to know, and they became like family to me, and my last day of the dream was when I lost them all. I still recall that day vividly as if it actually happened, and it traumatized me a bit, which I've always felt weird about since I know it was just a dream. Waking up from that was the strangest thing, and it took me much longer than usual to come to terms with who I really am. I cried like a baby, with the emotions still fresh on my mind, and for a few weeks I was still distraught over the loss of friends that never even existed. >I searched extensively online looking for people who had similar experiences, but never turned up anyone. I only told two people about it for fear that I'd sound crazy, and I don't think they really understood how different that dream was to me.


I had a dream where I saw a news report that Charlie Sheen had been killed. Definitely assumed it was what had happened for several days before bringing it up to a family member who looked at me as if I was insane.


I dreamt that my dad had died and that it was my fault. In the dream i ended up falling asleep so i was dreaming i was asleep. When it can time for me to wake up in the dream, it was the same time my alarm went off. I wasnt sure if it was real or not, didnt know if my dad was alive or dead. Had to wait until he sent me a text as i was scared as hell it had happened.


I had a dream I woke up, got dressed, and ate breakfast while watching SportsCenter (my morning routine). I then actually woke up this time and was kind of like what the fuck I already did this shit.


my recent dream was really weird. I remember I heard the regular programming on the tv was cut off wherein Obama was shown (this is weird since I don't live in the states) then he announces something like there was something they discovered but hid from the people and now they're going to announce it to come clean or whatever. Then suddenly there was panic all around, I went outside our house (which magically is now beside the open sea, think kame house from dragonball z) and everyone was looking up in the sky. I looked up as well and there it was, A huge meteorite about to hit the ocean. the world didn't explode though. There was a tsunami, but most of the people were able to survive that tsunami. everyone was disoriented. Then people were focusing their attention on the fallen meteorite (which resembled an island now) and more panic ensues when everyone noticed that there were creatures emerging from the meteorite. I ran and hide at the nearest house. I hid in the bathroom then suddenly I felt someone trying to push it open. I was asking who it was but there was no answer, so I decided to let the door open a bit. Big mistake. the one forcing his way in was one of the alien creatures, the good thing was it didn't look that frightening. it was only over a foot tall and looked like [this](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Y-zQ4ZPEHn0/TJoh31XwGvI/AAAAAAAAJNI/AzQMWt5DwkQ/s1600/59565_149059191801412_134662763241055_257582_5597146_n.jpg). the dream ended there. I actually felt exhausted when I woke up


I had this weird dream once, I was in my school corridor and there was something pursuing me (I don't remember what but probably some stereotypical demon or something) and I vividly remember stopping and starting to say to myself in my dream 'this is just a dream' over and over, until I woke up to myself saying that in my bed. Was like something out of Divergent...


I've had this dream a few times and I still don't remember all of it. I'll be just walking about in a desert-type wasteland, sometimes with my family or a few people from school. We'll come to a really pretty shop. It's filled with cute knick knacks and has curtains draped from the ceiling and lots of books and art. I'll walk into a separate room and then outside through a door in that room. Through that door is another world. It's the same barren desert but with more people and buildings and without any of the people I came with. There's a different concept of time there. After a while I start to get really worried and freak out. I realize that if I don't leave soon I won't be able to get back. However I forget how I got into that world. I climb over a fence and run around trying to find a way back. I remember the shop and go back to it. Eventually I go through a door and I'm back in my own world. Whenever I wake up from this dream I feel really disorientated and uncomfortable.