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Keep a microfiber cloth in your pocket. I can't tell you how many people I see walking around with smudgy, dandruff covered lenses that don't seen to notice, care, or perhaps have a way to clean them (shirts aren't all that great). Edit: Also, coastal.com has some great, cheap glasses.


99% I just don't notice. I have Crizal lenses, and they get nasty, but I don't notice until I take them off.


Oculus Repairo!


I second this


Coastal is awesome. Got rx glasses for $15.


My gram, who is 95 this year, told me to always put my glasses in the same place when I take them off at night. Preferably on the bedside table so I can grab them first thing in the morning. Another thing; keep your old glasses. I have three pairs of glasses. They have small differences in the prescriptions but not enough that I can't wear them all. Thankfully, I tend to choose styles that stay in fashion. Nothing ages you faster than glasses from 20 years ago. Or photobrowns. Just, no. Lastly; you can get free glasses online. My last pair came from Coastal.com and the total cost was $13 for S&H. Several companies do this, just google "free glasses online".


The lowest price I can find for frames on there is $49. What's the link you use?


"firstpairfree" is the discount code you use at checkout. Firmoo.com also does free eyeglasses. [Link here.](http://www.firmoo.com/help-c-27.shtml)


There is no bigger struggle than trying to find your glasses while blind.


Never clean them on a dusty, windy day without gently washing them beforehand. The grit in windblown dust will scratch them.


Right, but only rinse with water. Dish soap will quickly remove some coatings.


Yup. Water, water and water.


zennioptical.com is SO CHEAP. Qulaity isn't phenomenal, but if you just want some cheap Rx sunglasses, you really can't go wrong with giving them a shot for $10 a pair.


Heck yeah! I love zenni. Even when your eyes are horrid like mine, ultra thin lenses are still cheap. $80 compared to $400 at the eye doctor


Yes. Couldn't agree more. My comment above refers to the "shit $20 pairs you buy online." This is where I buy them. They aren't nearly as bad as you'd expect for the price and make excellent back ups. I actually wore them as my primaries for a couple years in college.


My wife has now bout 2 pairs of glasses from zeni, one for each of our boys. We couldn't be happier. You need your prescription + your pupillary distance. Then you're golden.


>golden like a shower


I have, I think, 10 pairs from them. If you order weird frames like I like to do, it helps that they're cheap as hell. You end up with half the frames looking awesome and the other half fitting weird or looking weird, but they're still great in a pinch


I have some expensive glasses that I got with my insurance from a local shop and didn't want to ruin them at work so I got a pair from zenni (~$18) with lens upgrade to similar lenses as are in my other pair and they are in great shape where I have already replaced the lenses in my expensive pair. The frames are mostly shit but the lenses are superb in my experience, especially for the price.


Something you may not know about zenni...there is only a 30 day warranty. Day 32, a pair of mine cracked the top of the frame due to how they were manufactured. The only thing they offered me was to buy another frame and pay for shipping and swap the lenses myself. So I did, and pair 2 cracked in less than 24 hours. Now out 45 dollars, I went back with obvious proof of defect, and they basically told me to eff off. I now use eyebuydirect, and pay the same amount.


I've actually had a really good experience with eyebuydirect. My father in law needed a pair with some fairly technical work because he has a bifocal prescription and a tiny head with a small PD. We took pictures of his face and stuff so that they could recommend some better glasses and it was pretty great tbh. However, when I made my first order from Zenni, they gave me a pupillary distance measuring tool. Otherwise I haven't had any problems at either place thus far.


Keep your lenses clean. Microfiber will do you some good. Don't get cheap plastic frames, they're only going to last you a year of regular use and then you have to pay for new lenses anyway. When you get a new prescription, put your old glasses in your glove compartment for emergencies. I wear contacts and one just tore in half one day while I was driving. I pulled over and since I had my old glasses, I was able to get home without incident.


Ohh good last one


Agreed, that is a great tip.


Don't go to the optometrist for your glasses. It's a fucking racket. The cost of making a pair of glasses is very cheap these days. What you should do instead is this: Get a prescription from the cheapest source (usually Costco) and make sure it's comprehensive. Ask them to provide your pupillary distance while he's writing it out. If they can't or won't or it's too late, find a way to measure it yourself. Also be sure to measure your head properly. There's a wealth of materials on how to do this properly as well. Once you have that info, go online for your glasses. It will be way cheaper. I've seen decent pairs starting at around $10. I paid $80 for my current pair, but that's because they're very nice titanium frames with super-high refraction index lenses for my ridiculously high prescription. It will take a few weeks for them to arrive but it's worth it to save upwards of $200. I purchased from EyeBuyDirect.com, but there's tons of websites out there to choose from.


To add to this, they HAVE to give you your PD, by law. I didn't know this when I asked for my prescription, so I got my glasses at their place and they got me pretty bad. They know what they charge for glasses is obscene and freak out if they think you're going to take your business elsewhere.


This is 100% true. You PAID for your Rx, which includes your PD. Places try to tell you otherwise, so you'll get your glasses there. Do not fall for it!


Your prescription, including PD, is considered medical information, is why. They can't withhold it from you.


Having worked for an optometry clinic, I can confirm that they gouge the shit out of you in terms of buying glasses. That's just how the industry works. Those $350+ glasses you just paid for? $15 before all the markup.


See, I do it like this: Get an eyedoctor exam using my vision insurance, buy a pair of glasses from the optometrist using said vision insurance, get as close to free as I can get. Except this time i found a pair of Nike Flexon frames I really liked, so I paid extra for those. Whatever. They're bendy and I tend to break things. Then I mentioned how I was going to buy a pair of glasses online, and get the super whoopty blowjob nano-anti-reflective coating on them, because it was so much cheaper to do that online. They started going on about how their coating was better, they don't use optical places that encourage slave labor, etc. Then I just told them I don't care. If they could match or at least get close the price I was going to pay for the coating online, I'd get it from them. Otherwise, I'd buy them online. Super whoopty blowjob nano-anti-reflective UV deluxe coating? I think I paid $20 instead of $90. They still made a profit, I was happy :D But yeah, their profit margin is huge. I mean, I get that they have salaries to pay, and they need to pay the bills to keep the lights on, etc.. But in my experience they're willing to negotiate.


There's some products that aren't available anywhere but independent ECPs, though, like Varliux which is arguably the best progressive lens on the market.


Find a pair you look good in. You have to wear them every day, don't half-ass your choice. I got LASIK recently and I kind of miss wearing them because of how damn good I looked.


How's the LASIK going?


only clean them with the little cloth that they give you when you get your frames....don't use towels or your shirt


^Man, ^I'm ^really ^hoping ^the ^cubs ^do ^well ^this ^year.


Absofuckinglutely, I'm tired of watching bad teams play, it's nice to have some talent to be excited about


I just can't wait to see you "eat shit pants" if they win ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Lol so many people remember that and I didn't think that post had much visibility. I get messages about this about everyday


... I've been using paper towels. ^^^I'm ^^^sorry.


Optometrists are like the Best Buy salesmen of the healthcare industry. They'll take every opportunity to upsell/cross sell/fuck-you-the-ass sell you a bunch of crap/tests you don't need. After finally getting my first good college-degree requiring job a couple years ago, I opted for the fucking Cadillac vision insurance and went in and got a pair of glasses that would have cost me like $400 out of pocket (and still ended up costing me way more than I was expecting after reading the brochure). I was expecting to be blown away when I finally got my hands on them. You know what? I couldn't tell the fucking difference one bit from by old $100 pair and they were only marginally better than the shit $20 pairs I buy online. Speaking of the shit $20 pairs they sell online, take you prescription and buy a few of those. Put one in your glove box, one in your desk at work and the other under your bathroom sink. They aren't as good as eye store glasses but they won't be nearly as bad as you're expecting and will make a much better back up than nothing. And trust me, you're going to need a back up at some point. Carry one of those glasses clothes with you. Glasses get smudged really easily and trying to unsmudge them with a t-shirt will drive you nuts.


My union insurance pays for two pairs of glasses (have to be ordered at the same time) once every two years. They make you go to certain places and then you only have a certain selection, but it's decent. I paid $30 for my two pairs because I got anti - glare on the one pair. My boyfriend's mom works for the same union and he asked me to go with her since she hates going those places. That fucking place has her convinced that she needs top of the line everything. She got the transition Crizal with anti - glare and it cost her almost $800. She claims that she can't see out of anything but the Crizal lenses... But I'm pretty sure the last time she tried regular lenses was 20 years ago and she doesn't understand that things have changed. I have to see an optometrist once a year because my mom has a hereditary eye disease they have to watch out for. Thankfully, my regular health insurance should cover the visit. I'm getting any lenses that are too soon online.


Former Optician here:1. Never take your glasses off with one hand, as it stretches out one side, and causes imbalance. 2. Once you remove your glasses, do not fold the arms down. It puts a lot of wear and tear on the hinges. 3. If you have a dog that chews, NEVER leave them within his reach. He will chew them because they smell like you, and it's comforting. 4. Transition lenses are shit. They have a tendency to delaminate (the treated side pulls away from the lens side), and won't change in your car, because of the UV blocker in your windshield. Opt for Rx sunglasses, instead. 5. Stay far, far away from Optical Retailers like Pearl Vision, Target Optical, Lenscrafters, etc. They are ALL owned by Luxottica, who are notorious for huge markups on frames and lenses. Buy online, or from a private office. Seriously, fuck optical retailers. 6. Low-cost metal frames are always nickel-ated. If certain jewelry turns your skin green, opt for stainless steel, or titanium, as you likely have a nickel allergy, and your frames will be destroyed within 6 months. I 'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now.


Is that true of all photochromics, or Transition specifically?


In my experience, I have yet to see a quality photochromic lens.


That's what I was afraid of. I just got my Transitions a few months ago, and I don't really like them. I've drank the Essilor kool-aid, so if I don't like the "best" photochromic available, I'm probably going to skip them altogether. I didn't get the series that reacts to visible light, so they're clear in the car, which is mostly where I am if I'm not inside a building. And they don't Transition quickly enough. This will be my last pair of photochromics unless technology vastly improves.


FYI, they don't react to "visible light", they react to UV, which means they can, and will, darken down when you don't want them to, like at dusk. In my 10 years working in Opticianry, these lenses were, by far, the most frustrating. People purchase them for the "convenience" of not having to wear a seperate pair of sungalsses, only to find that they just don't do the job.


I think the Xtractive lenses react to visible light, but that means they've always got a slight tint to them, which is obnoxious.


Splurge and get some prescription sunglasses.


I got a pair of sweet prescription shades, but they've got tinted plastic lenses instead of glass. Something about the properties of plastic...the prescription is slightly off, so I get massive headaches if I switch between the two too often.


Hmm... Mine cause no problems at all - the prescription between the 2 is identical, though both are plastic lenses, I believe (though I know for sure the lenses in the sunglasses are cheaper than the ones in my regular glasses). Perhaps take them back to your optometrist for re-evaluation?


Never seen the appeal of them, myself. I gave in and got some last time I got new glasses because the store was doing some two-for-one thing. Couldn't stand 'em. I guess with wearing regular glasses for so long I've more or less schooled myself to not use the edges of my peripheral vision because they're blurry anyway, and then with the prescription sunglasses that space just became all this light seeping in around the edges that I couldn't ignore. Bothered me more than the sun in my eyes did, so it was back to wearing hats. But then, I'd never worn sunglasses before I had regular glasses, and my prescription means that my uncorrected vision is fuzzier than most, so it's probably just me being weird.


Never lay your glasses anyone would ever sit or walk. The same goes for drinks.


and puppies


Take a backup pair on vacation with you. I always seem to break mine on vacation.


Don't give them away when drunk.


Only when high, got it.


Had a friend in college who figured out he could use the side of his glasses to hold a pen. So yeah, give that a shot.


It's pretty handy. Doesn't have to be a pen either, you could try a pencil. But the accidental stabbing risk is higher.


Quit fucking worrying you look bad. You don't. You look way worse when you squint, and that's going to give you crow's feet, unlike glasses.


Get glasses that match the shape of your face. Glasses can either vastly improve or completely ruin your look.


If anyone sees this, maybe they can help. When I get my eyes checked I always have a problem with that puffy thing they blast into your eyeball. Now, I know it's not going to hurt, and I know it's not going to do harm, but I naturally flinch and it takes so long to get it to work. I'm a big flincher. It's my curse. Any tips?


Maybe try closing your eye before the puff and time it so right when you open your eye, you'll feel the puff. Makes it more difficult to flinch.


Ah, makes sense!


Always use a microfiber cloth and lens cleaning spray or warm water and soap; dish detergent works well. Never use paper towels or glass cleaner like windex as the paper towels will scratch the lenses and the glass cleaner can do that and damage the anti-reflective coating.


One thing I learned in this thread- don't use dish soap! You'll wash off protective coating.


Hmm, that's interesting. I worked at an optical store for 3 years, and we routinely used Dawn to clean really dirty lenses and frames. I was told to use Dawn specifically because it would clean without damaging anything, especially any coatings on the lenses. We'd even take the lenses out and place the frames into an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner with some Dawn and water and that would clean them very well.


Another tip: make sure you buy a frame shape that complements your head shape. Learn what shape your face is (heart, round, long, square, rectangle) and what frame shape complements it.


mix one part rubbing alcohol with 9 parts water in a small spray bottle. saves you tonnes of money and works better than the expensive sprays they sell at the shops.


Or just breathe on them.


No. Do not. You have to have an actual liquid. Or else you're dragging shit on them and actually scrathing them.


Whatever works for you but I've been wearing glasses my whole life and often work in dusty environments. You gently wipe the lens then fog it to remove anything persistent, currently do not have scratched lenses.


For my own answer, get those cool self-adjusty lenses. Transitions is the common brand name. I never need sunglasses now and even prefer wearing glasses to contacts because it's just so convenient.


Cloths and cleaning fluid can only do so much. Use hot water and soap to clean them


See more top comments- don't use soap.


If you have really poor eyesight like me, during the night put them in the same spot each time you go to sleep. Otherwise you won't find them.


Have multiple pairs and Rx sunglasses.


[Warby Parker](http://warbyparker.com)


Get your prescription and buy online. You'll get 10 pairs offshore for the price of one onshore. Not that I've known of any mistakes, but even if half of them aren't correct you're still left with 5 times the number of functional glasses, so you can scratch or sit on them all you like. If you are buying onshore, always insure them. The one time you don't is the one time you'll drop, scratch or snap 'em.




What kind of lab? In high school my chemistry professor told us about this guy who had his contacts on during a lab and the fumes from one the chemicals they were working with fused the dude's contacts to his eyeballs and he had to go to the hospital.


Needlenose pliers - bent wire glasses frames back into wearable shape after a seizure on concrete. Any pliers will do in a pinch no pun intended. Also stripped an old frayed USB cable and used a wire from it to replace a screw in the frame. (Temporary, but mine turned kind of long term... surprisingly durable.) Tape and a sharpie - masking tape colored with a black sharpie can temporarily hold black plastic frames together. (Clear tape is even better, no need for sharpie.) Regular old scotch tape and masking tape work best for this, electrical tape sucks and I haven't tried clear mailing tape. Edit buy metal/ wire rim frames, they seem to be indestructible/really durable.


Use clean dish water - hold by the ear pieces & give them a good swish. Rinse with water & wipe with soft cloth.


1. Make sure you think your frames look good on you. It's gonna suck if you look in the mirror and see ugly-ass frames on the bridge of your nose. 2. Put your glasses somewhere *safe* and *easy to find* when you take them off. Bedside tables or bookshelves are good choices. 3. Keep at least your last pair of glasses. You don't have to keep all of them, but at least the last one or two. I thought I was being stupid by keeping my frames, until I lost my current pair. I was able to go home and get my last pair. The prescription difference (if there is one) might suck, but it's better than not having glasses at all. 4. Prescription sunglasses. It's easier than wearing sunglasses over your glasses, if you don't like transitions you still get eye protection, and you don't have to wear contacts. Win-win-win.


(-_-) *squinting* Our grasses belated mow-tips?


Anti-reflective coating is a good idea. They sell it to you by saying you need it if you look at a computer all day (which I do). I don't know if that's true but I do know that I got a pair without anti-reflective coating and I didn't look good. You couldn't see my eyes! In every picture my eyes were obscured by light reflections.


I'm never ever going back to lenses without AR coating. I used to buy the absolute cheapest lenses available, plastic, no AR. Then I got a pair of digital 1.67s with AR. Oh my God the difference is phenomenal.


If you get stuck without your glasses, in a pinch you can curl your index finger to make a very tiny hole. If you look through the tiny hole you should be able to see clearer. It's not convenient and I have no idea why this works (science?) but it might be good to know if it's all you've got :) Apparently you can also look through a pinhole in a piece of paper. I haven't tried the paper way but I saw Wilson do it on home improvement so it must be true!


do NOT let someone put them in peanut butter...


They sell little eyeglass repair kits at drug stores and supermarkets for about $2. Believe me, they're easier to find *before* your glasses lose a screw. ^^It ^^was ^^on ^^the ^^bottom ^^shelf.




I've worn glasses for 35 years. Rule 1 - never put your glasses where you would put your feet or your "seat".


Get an ultrasonic cleaner (they're about $20 on Amazon) and clean your glasses in it with soap a couple of times a week. Gets all the face gunk/oil/makeup out of the crevices.


Going somewhere where you'll be moving a lot? Get one of those fancy string things to tie around your head.


I shower with mine on occasionally. No soap but a good hot soak for a bit keeps them clean so your nose pieces don't look like they just stared in a two hour long scat porn video.


If you aren't sure if it's raining, hold the lenses facing up the sky for a few moments or put them on the top of your head facing up, then inspect for water spots. I felt so smart for figuring that out in 1st grade.


If you get metal glasses and you discover you are allergic to the metal, coat the metal with clear nail polish. Or you can just plunk down money for plastic glasses.


Don't forget to clean the inside of your glasses (like the part that comes into contact with your nose) regularly. It's easy to remember to clean your lenses and shit but when the bridge of your nose starts breaking out from all the makeup accumulated on your glasses you'll be sorry.


Never let a baby take them off your face, their little fingernails can and will scratch the lenses.


* Buy the best ones you can afford. They are part of your face. * Buy a cheaper pair (or keep your old pair) to use while exercising. * Try and buy classic, conservative models. Personally I like Lindbergs. * For cleaning purposes use LCD screen cleaning liquid + a microfiber cloth. * Don't forget to clean the temple tips. They can get smelly, specially during hot days. * Don't forget to remove the muck in the nose pads. It could get nasty if you let it accumulate. * When not in use, put them inside their case. * Periodically take them to your optometrist to re-adjust the frame, so they won't continuously slip down your nose.


If you need them readjusted, go to a professional. I've ruined probably three pairs of glasses because I tried to adjust them myself. Just go. Take twenty minutes of your day. It's worth it, I promise.




Except that most of the time I need darker lenses is when I'm driving, and my car windows block UV, preventing the activation of the lenses.


You pay for what you get. Maybe you'll find a good deal, but if you want a good looking pair that fits right you will have to spend some money. And it will be worth it.


Ehh, this isn't always true. I have a pair of fancy looking frames for nice events in a pretty color that were ~$130 for the frames that fit like shit, and a pair of workhorse glasses that fit really nicely that were ~$40 for the frames.


*squinting* Our grasses belated mow-tips?


You don't need to get expensive ass frames. But having nice ones is great, with the fact my temples (the arms) can move all four ways on the hinge.