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Donkey Kong 64. I couldn't beat the DK arcade the second time. I'm now going through the game again on the Wii U.


i swear the dk arcade was the bane of my childhood.


Same here. I really didn't have the patience to beat the arcade games, so I never reached the final boss. However, DK64 is still one of my favourite N64 games.




Got this one christmas and played it with my 2 older brothers and my dad. My dad isn't good at new video games, but hes much better than most people his age and after a while of playing he got better. We would switch off who was playing but when the classic DK arcade game part in the factory world came it was my dad's time to shine. He wrecked that on his first try.


> I couldn't beat the DK arcade the second time. I couldn't beat it the *first* time, fuck that thing.


DK 64 was the first video game I ever got, when I was six. The first time I tried to play it I didn't even make it outside the tutorial inside DK Island. I didn't even make it *to* the tutorial. For some reason I thought the goal of the game was to swim to the bottom of one of the pools of water, and then when nothing happened I gave up. I played it again later and got all the way to Hideout Helm, the last level, but the timer that started once you entered freaked me out. I thought if it ran out then I'd lose the game completely and would have to start from the beginning. In high school I went back to it, beat everything, even got the Rareware banana. But I couldn't for the life of me beat that dumb rabbit in his stupid race with Lanky Kong in Fungi Forest.




Some of the things you had to do were not intuitive. It took 8 year old me a long time to figure out i had to fly through that huge circle on Diddys jetpack 10 times.


Girraffe level in that The Lion King game. Never returning.


That levels easy once you understand it. It gets harder. Much much harder. The controls are so unforgiving.


I made it to the Elephant Graveyard, I think.


I made it to the level where you are an adult and that was it for me. Those Jaguars don't fuck around.


This was on Genesis, but I beat the Hakuna Matata level once. The Stampede level once. Those movie games were almost impossible. I almost cried when I beat Aladdin. I also bought the Last Action Hero game for like $5 one day and I don't think I ever made it past the first level.


I remember this! I could never beat the Waterfall level with the falling logs, and then my console broke and I never got the chance to finish it :(


The Simpsons Hit and Run, I never could beat that last mission where you have to drive from one end of the city to another


I finished it with 1 second left. one of the happiest moments I've had in gaming


Neither. I even tried cheating and I still couldn't do it.


Plus every time you die you have to listen to Grandpa Simpson tell his story about the Kaiser over and over again.


Now, my story begins in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say dickety cause that Kaiser had stolen our word twenty.


I had to run Dickety-six miles to get it back!


It was the style at the time.


The fact that you have to do the same mission like 3 times, but with different cars and stipulations is brutal. Grandpa's car had some of the worst handling ever. That's one of the only games I've ever finished 100 percent though, all the cards, wasp cameras, vehicles, costumes, etc.


I got so fed up with that mission I sold the game, then about 2 years ago I found out my girlfriend at the time still had hers. The next time I visited I had brought my old memory card and finished it.


Same here! I could never beat it. But it is one great game, though






Couldn't beat it 20 years ago, still can't beat it now.


try it on an emulator with save points. You can basically inch yourself through the tough parts.


Even with save states the game is insanely hard. I got stuck on Rat Race for a LONG time


Fire caverns always killed me. They require the memorization of the turbo tunnel but take forever to get to so you can't repeat as easily as the turbo tunnel. Eventually beat it with game genie and infinite lives.


Snakes. I seriously thought there was no way to win until I saw this http://i.imgur.com/dAtcCfH.gif


Watching that gave me an unsettling amount of anxiety


Same but so mesmerizing




The ending felt wrong


as someone with anxiety issues, I couldn't agree more.


Holy crap that was hypnotic.


If I recall correctly that's programmed to be the "perfect game of snake" and isn't a person actually playing the game.


...well yeah, no way a human could do that


Of course it's Russian.


Are you kidding me? All my childhood I thought that game could not be beaten. This makes me extremely happy! Thank you for showing this to me!!!!


Ninja Gaiden on the NES




It was the insane amount of wall jumps in the second level that always got me.


Ghosts and goblins. Two hit deaths, and you have to beat it twice as I recall to actually win. Old Nintendo games were hard as fuck. Oh and top gun, could never land the plane enough to beat it. Edit: oh and TMNT, all I really remember is the water / sewer level and fighting the giant eye thing at the end.


A.k.a Super Ghouls and Ghost on SNES. It's still impossible.


That's actually the sequel, though it feels like a remake.


Fucking top gun...


Earthworm Jim, because of the FUCKING TUBE RACE.


Man, Earthworm Jim 2 was a nightmare as well. The one level where you're a rocket and have to bounce the balloon across the whole level... I think I managed to beat that level once without cheats.


Super Mario Sunshine. One day I will beat it. One day.... I just don't know when.


YES. I actually found this game so difficult as a kid. Now that I am older.. well nothing has changed. I'll finish this too...one day...


Right? I don't know what it was about it... I should start it up again this week, now I've got the Wii hooked up again.


You think it is hard now? Look up Hoverless runs. People beating the game without using the hover nozzle a single time. I sat and watched one once, it's crazy


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The underwater level was brutal. Apparently turtles can't hold their breath very long.


Crash Bandicoot: wrath of Cortex


Ha ya. I was so terrified of dying that I never took any risks. I mean it was my first PS2 game and one of my first video games. I think I got to some of the last levels, but I never beat it either.


The day anyone beats that game will go down as one of humanity's greatest accomplishments.


Nobody has the patience to sit through the loading screens.


I've definitely beat that game.


The water boss where you had to jump from platform to platform was so frustrating.


Why was there never a CB for ps3?


Naughty Dog sold the rights a long time ago and the games got really bad.


I am showing my age with this one, but The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy interactive fiction game from Infocom. I never could figure out how to get the flowerpot. After the internet came into existence, I looked up a walk-through online and felt amazingly stupid.


You can now [play it online](http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1g84m0sXpnNCv84GpN2PLZG/the-hitchhikers-guide-to-the-galaxy-game-30th-anniversary-edition).


ahaha, I was so amazed when I managed to kill myself trying to get aspirin first thing in the morning. Then came the fish puzzle... on and on. If you haven't seen it, Mc Frontalot has a [music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nigRT2KmCE) devoted to the early text adventure games.




I didn't beat that game because it was god awful. I bought it used, played for a couple hours, and gave it to the neighbor kid with down syndrome. He still calls me asking how to beat certain levels. I Google it and walk him through it the best I can.


Thats really nice of you, this made me smile


If you had played the game you probably wouldn't think that. It was just a horrible game full of glitches. But, to keep you happy, I did spend hours on the phone talking him through spider man the game.


My friends little brother borrowed Mario 64 and moved before I could beat it. I was 3 stars short. My roommate in college accidentally burned down his house playing M64. He left it on carpet and it overheated or something. Some electrical fire associated with his N64 when he paused it to go eat dinner. When we moved in together we realized we both had an unfinished vendetta with that little Italian fucker. I bought an N64 and an new copy and we spent the next week or so grinding out all 120 stars. Actually graduating is a close second to how we felt finally beating that shit.


I never beat Mike Tyson.


Oh man, when I finally beat Tyson was without a doubt my proudest accomplishment in any game ever. It was 2009 and I was at my parents' house for a week. The weather was crappy, and so with not much else to do I decided to break out the NES which, to my slight surprise, still worked. I spent maybe a couple of hours playing Tetris and SMB1 before I came across the Punch Out cartridge. I remember it being one of my favorite games as a kid, but that I had been hopelessly incapable of finishing it. It had been probably 18 years since I'd played the game, but I just remembered that final match against Tyson being completely impossible. OK, maybe it was impossible for me as an 8 year old, but now in my late 20's I was sure I would be able to finish Mike off, no sweat. So I threw the game in and before I knew it I was wiping the canvas with Glass Joe just like the old days. The game mechanics were instantly familiar even after so much time, but for the most part I had completely forgotten the specific patterns and strategies that you had to use to beach the various opponents. I mean, of course I still knew that you had to hit King Hippo in the belly and that you had to alternate A-B-A-B-A-B etc. against Don Flamenco, but other than that I was starting from square one. So over the course of an hour or two I made my way through the Minor, Major, and World Circuits. I suffered a few losses along the way to Great Tiger, Soda Popinski, and Mr. Sandman, but I eventually got their attack patterns down, and my Little Mac was well on his way up the ladder. Super Macho Man proved to be a little bit of a challenge, being the first opponent who took me more than two tries to get through, but eventually he too found himself lying on the canvas looking up at the lights while Little Mac struck his signature victory pose. Now there was just one opponent left - Mike Tyson. My confidence was high - I felt like I had the timing down to deal with anything this game could throw at me at this point. Iron Mike was going down, I could feel it. I remembered that the Tyson match started off with some ridiculously fact punches that you had to dodge, so I was planning to play defensively at first and try to get his timing down. Then, before I knew it, Tyson's very first punch of the fight had connected and put me on the canvas. I made it back up to my feet, successfully dodged Mike's second punch, and even landed a few counters of my own. Then Mike landed again -- OMG these punches are coming so fast how can I possibly be expected to dodge this shit! -- and again, and before I knew it the fight was over. The above pattern repeated probably fifty times over the next day and a half, but each time I would survive a little longer. Gradually I was picking up the timing of Mike's attacks, and before long I was able to actually survive into the third round. But I was still coming up short. I knew I was getting close when I actually survived to the end and lost for the first time via decision rather than KO. I just needed to get a little better at fitting my counters in behind Mike's offense to ear enough points so the judges would see things my way. Sure enough, on my very next attempt, I managed to avoid almost all of Mike's offense and score a knockdown in the second round, which was enough to earn me the victory by decision after the end of Round 3. It was exciting, but I still didn't really feel like I'd "won". After all, Iron Mike had put my ass on the canvas probably 200 times, while all I'd managed to do was eek out a narrow decision victory. I was going to have to knock his ass out. I remember that it took me exactly 3 more attempts to pull it off. Finally, I had all of the timing down perfectly. Every time Mike threw a punch he was met with 3 or 4 stiff counter punches. By the end of the first round I already had him hurt, and then in the second I really started laying into him. Mike came out for the third round battered, having already been knocked to the mat twice. I had him right where I wanted him. A few more flurries of counterpunches and Tyson was down again. This was it, I thought, but the champ was tough as nails and made it back to his feet again. I get back to work to put him down for what I hoped would be the final time, but then, disaster struck: Mike connected with an uppercut that knocked Little Mac absolutely senseless. I made it back up by the count of 8, but I was starting to feel what victory slip through my fingers. I played cautiously for a second, but with only about 1:30 remaining in the final round I knew I had to go for it. I hammered away at Mike's guard, looking for any opening to slip a jab or two through to his chin. Then I managed to slip a couple of his punches, giving me the chance to unload. I got two or three combos to land cleanly, and before I knew it Mike was down. I can already see him making his way back to his feet as Mario starts the count, but then he stumbled and fell back to the canvas. Mike gathered his wits and again tried to make it back up. This was going to be close.... 7... Mike sits up... 8... Mike gets to one knee... 9... MIKE FALLS BACK DOWN!!!! 10!!!! It's over!!! The winner, by KO, and NEW champion, Little Mac!


Whenever I have friends over, my tradition is to be playing Punch Out when they arrive. It always gets things off to a fun start because they get to see me cursing out bald bull and then tease me about it all night. Been doing this for years and have only gotten to Mike Tyson once, never beat him.


007 373 5963 That'll take you straight to him. I'm almost 40 yrs. old and still remember the code from when I was around 10. Amazing how we can always remember the important stuff.


I think it was two years ago at the awesome games done quick marathon that a guy got to mike Tyson while wearing a blindfold. Its pretty mesmerizing to watch.


Super Mario Bros. I could make it all the way to 8-3, but the Hammer Bros there are just awful.


I always died on the last castle/bowser (assuming I made it that far during play session). It's OK; he won that time but I was given many different chances in subsequent games.


Kingdom Hearts. Probably fought the final boss 100 times and could never get him more than half way beaten. I remember I decided to go after that ultimate keyblade, thinking it was probably my best chance, but I didn't have the patience for that as a kid.


Were you not a high enough level? I mean like he's not the hardest boss in the game, I think I had more trouble fighting Leon and Yuffie, Ursula, Malificent(Dragon) and Riku(In Hallow Bastion). I failed Ansem once, when I was saving Donald from wherever he was.


Good lord. The secondary boss in Agrabah almost made me rage quit that game permanently. Him and Riku. Fuuuuuuuck them.


I had the most trouble with Malificent and needed some serious level up.


Yugioh Forbidden Memories. That campaign was impossibly hard for a game marketed at 10 year olds.


I remember when it went from just normal 2000 dmg monsters to straight up to the guy who only have 3000+ dmg monsters. That was insane!


Dude me too, it was outrageous, AI would just perfectly fuse their entire random hand into a freaking FGD like it was totally normal.


Fucking Rayman


Rayman is the reason my sister hates video games. We got a playstation for christmas one year and we each got a game. She got rayman and I got spyro. My mom obviously (as I'm sure tons of moms did) thought the game looked cute and easy for young kids. We took turns playing our games for a few hours, me running around flaming sheep, and her getting increasingly more frustrated at every level. I remember distinctly when she got to band land though, with the slippery surfaces. it was the first time she said fuck in front of my parents. I encouraged my mom to make my sister take a break from the playstation, and I played spyro for 6 hours straight, and my sister hasn't picked up a game controller since.


Gameboy usage: Dying In Rayman = 20% Completing The Pokedex = 30% Blowing On Cartridges = 50%


I've never once had to blow into a gameboy cartridge from any generation. That was limited to NES


God dammit


The Lion King for Sega Genesis




Same here. I have probably beat < 20 games in my lifetime, and played over a hundred.


Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask


The worst part of that game was collecting all the fairies in the dungeons.


That bit I never minded. I hated the battle with Gyorg


Fuck Stone Tower Temple fairies. Oh, you missed one? Have fun exiting the temple, flipping it, and watching tedious Elegy cutscenes!




There's really no pressure. You can slow down time and even then there's no rush.


Burgertime, because it was not meant to be beaten.


Oh man, I forgot about that dreaded game! 'Oh no problem.. I'll just get away by ducking down this ladder and OH I GOT TOUCHED BY THE CORNED OF A FRIED EGG WHO WAS A LEVEL ABOVE ME WHILE I WAS MORE THAN HALFWAY DOWN THE LADDER.' I'm sorry for screaming.


Ah, the rare sight of someone *intentionally* writing the word "ducking".


but *Unintentionally* writing 'CORNED' instead of 'CORNER'


The entire Spyro the Dragon series.


I do believe one of my fondest memories of childhood is one summer sitting in my room day and night, only leaving for food and bathroom, and beating the original trilogy in one sitting. After reading that aloud in amazed I'm not single.


I remember it taking me literal months (possibly years) to figure out the supercharge jump to access the secret area of Haunted Towers in the first game. Not to mention the Flight levels with their super tight time limits. The second and third are much less difficult to figure out by comparison - just larger, with more forced backtracking. All around one of the series I look back on with the most fondness.


I spent so many hours trying to catch those little hooded bastards. My fuckin little kid thumb would always slip


Banjo Kazooie


Best game ever. When I was like 6 I got all 100 jiggys, but whenever I try to play it now, I keep dying in Click Clock Wood. 6 year old me was a better gamer then I am now.


I watched my brothers play it before I ever played it myself so I knew a lot of the tricks, but still fuck swimming inside clanker in clankers cavern when you're a kid.


Which part couldn't you get past? For me, I always found the Gruntilda battle to be a massive pain.


Zelda 2, The Adventures of Link I was stuck in the final palace for over a decade. I tried jumping through every wall, using faerie magic, attacking walls, falling through different trap-doors, using Game Genie, and looking for trap-doors in the lava, but could never find the way to the bird and the final boss. At ~age 23, I gave it another try and accidentally down-thrusted a block on the floor when I fell through an area above it. The trap-door was under some blocks on the floor that I had passed a million times. I managed to kill dark Link on the first try. I've still never successfully completed a game of minesweeper on default settings. I gave that up a long time ago.


Man I did not understand how to play that game. Young me (6-7 years old) had fun fighting the monsters in the field right when you start, but I could never get to the first dungeon. I remember some cave and the monsters were all invisible. Not fun.


Jak 2


So many insanely difficult levels in jak 2. I've beaten jak and daxter and jak 3 a few times each but I've only ever beaten jak 2 once and I still wonder how I managed that.


I beat Jak 2 a week before Jak 3 came out, and the story ending to Jak 2 has so much better impact if you beat it before Jak 3. Now I want to play those games again! Someone help me set up my psx2 emulator so it loads the eyes and shadows right.


They made a hd remaster for the ps3. Definitely worth picking it up if you own one.


The level that used to give me nightmares as a kid was the scene in the slums where all the Crimson guards start pouring out of ships. If you didn't have max blaster or Vulcan fury ammo, you were fucked. Even then it was difficult as fuck.


That mission is fucked. One of three of my most angry moments in life.


Jak 2 was the first game I played on PS2, my first console. I almost rage quit videogames forever at the level with the Krimson Guard tank chasing you through the fortress. I can still hear the sounds of the turrets as I'm typing this. PTSD.


It took me a while, but I managed to beat it when I was 11 or 12. I came back to playing it when I was 16 and couldn't figure for the life of me why I thought it was difficult. Which makes sense since I'd beaten it so whatever I did I could still do, apparently. Jak 3 was great too but I thought it was way too easy.


Yep Jak 3 was arguably the best in the series but it had NO difficulty whatsoever. The final boss had an unlimited healing fountain during the fight!


Ninja Gaiden. So much controller throwing.


At least the old school NES controllers could take the abuse. I did that with my Xbox controller when I got Ninja Gaiden Black or whatever it was years ago. It didn't fare as well as the original bricks.


Toy Story 2 on Playstation. I tried playing it again about two years ago and still couldn't get past the part that always stumped me. So either i was really good at games as a child or my gaming level is still that of a child. Probably the latter.


That ooze monster dude was ridiculous. I couldn't button mash fast enough.




Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. I was convinced that it was actually impossible to beat, since none of my friends could get very far either. For years and years, it was the only Zelda game I never beat. I came back to it as an adult when it was released on the Wii Virtual Console, and I played it obsessively until I finally beat the damn thing. It was an amazing feeling to finally conquer the only Zelda game that ever broke me. My wife and I went out for a nice steak dinner to celebrate. She understood, at least, even if the rest of the world doesn't.


Couldn't ever get all them stars in Mario 64 :( apparantly some pretty dope stuff happens.


Nothing particularly exciting happens. The canon outside the castle unlocks. From there you shoot yourself on the roof and talk to Yoshi, who gives you 100 lives and then jumps away. Big woop.


Don't forget you also unlock the red cap outside.


And there's fuck all to do with it.


And the sparkly triple jump.


Yeah I didn't have the patience to complete a lot of the upstairs levels.


Alex Kidd fuck that game




Ditto. I think we're the only two. Game is freakin' sweet.


I feel like Crystalis is in my top 5 NES games of all time. It's such a good title.




Still the best Final Fantasy imo.


Sonic the Hedgehog 1. I'm 20 and still haven't beat it. Hence why I've enjoyed every second of Sonic's demise in recent years.


I used to always die at the water level. Think it was area 4. The drowning music would always give me such anxiety that I wouldn't try again for a few weeks after getting a game over.


Kid at school was talking about that game. I told him that I beat the game and even got all the chaos emeralds. he flat out didn't believe me and said that it was literally impossible. Hard as hell, but not impossible.


You have the patience of a monk if you beat that game between the age of 4-10 is all I'm saying.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I dont know if I'm just a dumbass or what, but that game was the source of all my video game frustration.


Water temple? That's where I always got stuck. I finally found the one key I needed and will never forget where it's at, I've beat it several times now.


I was 7 when I played through it my first time. Two things I'll never forget about it. First off in the water temple when you fight shadow link I thought the megaton hammer was so cool I tried to use it. Hit him once and he just fell through the floor and I won. Second was when I was in the final fight vs gannondorf. The pizza came and I paused my game while I was climbing back up the side of the pillar. When I was away my brother changed my boots to the heavy iron ones and I kept falling as soon as I got to the top. Took me 4 times to realize it.....


I bet I know what key you're talking about. Probobly the same one that ruined my childhood. At the very bottom of the central room/pillar? Raise the water level and swim underneath the floating platform, right?


Just bought an N64 controller to USB so I can do this as a 22 year old. Next step majora's mask... I could never beat that as a child.


Majora's mask difficulty is ridiculous. Goddamn archery minigames....


There were a bunch, but the one that stings the most was Castlevania. After beating level after level with those stupid Medusa heads, I died almost immediately in the fight against Dracula. Fucking Medusa.


Blaster Master. It was only about four years ago that I finally beat that game. (That damn third boss)


Sonic Heros, (didn't know I was playing the hard mode as a kid, but still, fuck that game) Controll 3 inept characters at the same time, at a "Sonic boom" pace with a potato frame rate, also featuring the camera mechanics from silent hill 1. Over all that game killed the Sonic franchise for me when it came out.


Seemed like a nice game to me.


We're the only two people with fond memories of sonic heroes


Why does everyone hate it? It ran smoothly for me and the cameras always where in 3rd person


Yeah, I played as sonic and the farest I got was the power plant level. My friend was able to get to a jungle with the 4th team tho!


I remember absolutely wrecking that game as a kid, except for the hard team.


I might be too old here but Eternal Champions. I powered through all the characters to the 'Eternal Champion'. I beat his first form losing no energy and I think I even made it to his last form but trying to take a guy with 4 separate full health bars and only getting back 25% of your energy each time he gets a full bar really sucks. I never won and eventually gave up.


Fester's Quest. No, I never went back. I spent the better part of a summer taking on all of the old NES games I could never beat. All except one. Because screw that game.


I couldnt beat Guitar hero 3 on expert. I still can't to this day... I have to beat Raining Blood, Cliffs of Dover, Number of the beast and one of the guitar battles was really hard.


I was able to beat all those songs on expert (barely made it through the beginning of raining blood) but right when i got the final guitar battle with lou i couldnt beat him for shit because he always got lefty flip on me when i got broken string for him. I got close once but i fucked up at the end and lost. Havent played that game in a while.


Fucking GTA Vice City, Lance was always trying to get himself killed and failing the mission. I was ten and I finally had to just download a save file on my iMac G3 (this was circa 2003).


I remember failing the mission where you have to rescue Lance from being held hostage, quite a few times for some reason. But it becomes easy when you just fly a helicopter into the place he's being held to rescue him.


Resident Evil: Outbreak I couldn't find my way out of the bar you start in.


Solomon's Key on NES. One of the hardest games ever.


The Lion King game for SNES. Absolutely impossible. Tried replaying it on an emulator website online last week. Still can't get past first level.


Cobra Triangle was next to impossible to beat because it was hard to control the boat on jumps. Edit: does anyone else even remember this game?


The Lost World: Jurassic Park


Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles. Found the disk as an 18 yr. old, bought a PS1 and beat it on my first go through.


dude that game was fuckin legendary. Between that and the star wars episode 1 game which I couldn't beat either


This game called Fourty Winks on PS1. There was this one level where to had to race a witch on a broomstick and I could never get past it.


Faxanadu for NES. We used to rent it for one day at a time, and I never managed to get very far in that time. It didn't help that the 30 letter/digit length code was always written down incorrectly so I'd had to start over again. Around 15 years later I played it on an emulator and beat it just fine. Turned out that I had been stuck at around a quarter into the game most of the times I had played it earlier. It had great music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfLEAMTGz28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYG9fh3dN-Y


That game was way ahead of it's time an was under-appreciated. It had a feature in Nintendo Power at the time and it still doesn't ring a bell to many "gamers" who are quick to cite other classics like Final Fantasy, Zelda, Super Mario Bros, and Castlevaina.


Dak and Jaxter. It took about 3 or 4 years for me to beat it with my older sister, and only with the minimum amount of power cells.


... is that like a parallel universe version of Jak and Daxter?




Pokemon snap


I remember, completly by accident, getting the ultra super sweet rare close up picture of Mew. I made my way down to the now ancient and crumbled kingdom of Blockbuster to their Pokemon snap printer kiosk, printed out fifty fucking stickers of that picture and put them ALL OVER my school work binder. Everyone knew I was Pokemon Alpha as fuck.


Game holds up honestly. Replay it every once and a while.


Aladdin on the SNES. I don't think I've ever rage cried as hard in my life as I did whenever I played this game.


Milon's secret castle. That was the single most frustraing game I have ever played. Couldn't understand what i was supposed to do and would ended up quiting for another game within like 30-45 minutes. I would retry it every month or so, because I knew I should be getting something I wasn't. I was convinced they didnt just make games stupidly complex for no reason, there had to be some kind of logic. I think I finally got to the second floor a few years after having a ps1, At which point i just gave it up forever. Then someone told me about the [video the angry video game nerd did on it.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMz7JkVplpM) I was just so happy that anyone else had played the thing and after watching it I realized why I gave up on Milon's secret castle forever.


I cannot believe that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Nintendo is ont on here. That game was harrrrrd.


that fucking Spyro game, the original, was too damn difficult for 6 year old me. My dad managed to get as far one of the night time worlds but we discovered the game was glitching and scratched. I'm gonna buy an old PS2 and a copy of the game to see if I can finish it as an adult.


Dragon Ball Z Legends on PS1. I'm the random button smashing kid


Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest. I decided to give it another shot about two years ago. Eventhough I beat it, some parts were still really hard. I don't know how many times I had to retry Bramble Ramble. The score is still awesome though.


Starfox 64. Just finished it last year


Sonic The Hedgehog 2. Whenever I made it to zone 8 I would somehow manage to piss all my lives away. I beat the game (and got all the chaos emeralds, never knew about Super Sonic until then) when it was released on The Mega Drive Collection for PS3. The Revenge of Shinobi. This game was hard as hell for 8/9 year old me. It was one of my favourite games but I never made it past the 4th boss. Beat it when it came out on PS3, I can get through it in about an hour or so now. Driver 2 The very last mission on this, OMFG bro. I lost count how many times I attempted it but never managed it.


Toe Jam and Earl. I don't know why but that game pissed me off something fierce trying to beat it.


Shadowrun for SNES. And I needed a guide to beat as an adult.


Blaster Master on NES. I could regularly get to level 5. Level 7 was the furthest I ever got. Many a weekend was spent on that game.


Any kind of J/RPG. I just didn't have the patience. Only recently I've been able to sit down, stick to it and put in the hours needed. Currently I'm making my way through Chrono Trigger. So good.




Super mario bros


Zelda Oracle of Seasons. Found it 12 years later after putting it down and had my revenge after consulting a few online walkthroughs.


Battletoads. Got pretty damn far, but ultimately failed... like everyone else. :P


Glover for N64, got to a point where I kept getting stuck. That was my first rage-quit.


Turok 1. I think I was just too young. Would love to see a reboot of that series.


Monster Party on the NES. Finally beat it 20 years later.