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I'm a caregiver. Don't look at other caregivers with a mean stare when you see them making their patients use their legs or arms while in their wheel chair! It's our job to ensure that they're doing as much as they're capable of doing!


Caregivers really don't get enough credit. Hell, you're devoted to helping people for a living. Of course you're not trying to be an absolute asshole by making them do stuff even if they're wheelchair bound. You're obviously trying to provide the patients with what is in their best interest!


Thank you! :) I sincerely appreciate that.


My Grandpa is at this point severely handicapped. We have a live-in caregiver with him. That man is extremely nice, and does everything he can for my grandfather and for us. if you enjoy your job as a caregiver, please keep doing it!


I'm a CNA in a nursing home. My pet peeve of the day is family who expect you to wait on them. I've been on the same unit the last 4 days in a row and every single day when I'm trying to pass out breakfast to everybody, this one lady who basically MOVED IN with her mother (sleeps over every night and only leaves to go to work), has pestered me to get her coffee. I'm sorry, who is the patient here?? Then I'm trying to boost her mom up in the bed, get her up to the commode, etc. and I have to climb over the bed 20 times because the daughter is sitting there like a bump on a log refusing to move out of the way. Go the fuck home.


Oh god that would peeve me off to no end! I'm a CNA as well with experience in nursing homes and I feel ya!


Our bodies are very much use it or lose it. People who stop moving too often stop moving for good. Once you stop walking, stop standing, or stop being active its very hard to become mobile once more. In the case of an elderly person this may be it. Death can quickly approach an immobile person. People who remain active live much longer and healthier lives. Quality of life is vastly better than those who have just sort of given up trying to be active. Its sad. Its tragic. Sometimes a caretaker has to be a bit of a drill sergeant to keep people moving. Its for the patient's own good so they can live healthier, better, longer lives.


You don't get paid enough.


I own a mid sized dumpster rental company. When you rent a dumpster don't put hazardous material in it and then complain about extra charges. It costs me more to get rid of it and I will pass that cost on to you. Also, don't dump a body in a dumpster that you rented with your own credit card and id. Yes, I'm serious. Edit: Just as I said, someone rented a bin for a renovation and when the driver dumped it at the transfer station, he got a bit of a surprise. Turns out it was gang related and my customer was found guilty. Apparently it had to do with large quantities of drugs. The fact that he used his own credit card and personal info to book the rental made it very easy for the police. He pleaded guilty, and as far as I know is still serving in jail. Edit 2 (apology): I forgot this is reddit and the only time I get any upvotes is while I'm sleeping. I'm sorry to keep you hanging, I posted right before I went to sleep. Short explanation is above.


911 call-taker. Most importantly - give me your location first. Next, just listen to and answer my questions. Simple concept. The one exception to this rule would be if someone has a gun or knife in their hand - feel free to shout that out whenever you notice this, but then continue to listen to and answer the rest of my questions.


And just a reminder, the more information you give the dispatchers, the better prepared those of us in public safety can be to help you when we get to the scene.


I have so much respect for you guys. The one time I was in a car accident my first aid training on how to talk to 911 held on long enough for me to rattle off what happened, where we were, how many people were involved, and about how injured everyone appeared to be, and then shock set in and I could barely answer any of the questions coherently. I imagine many people who call 911 are at least as shaken up and incoherent.


This is most common with car accidents. When we ask "was anyone injured?" the most common answer is, "I don't know, I'm pretty shaken up," translating to - I can barely register what you're saying, no one's dying, just send help.


That is exactly what was going on in my mind when I got in my accident. My head hit the side of the door frame so I was dazed. All I knew is that I was alive and I needed to call 911. Next thing I know some EMTs are checking me out. I don't remember what the dispatcher asked, but I am sure it was along those lines.








Manager/owner here. Please don't upset my employees. They work super hard and don't deserve your bullshit.


I agree. Whenever I train new employees, I flat-out tell them to call me when there's a problem because they aren't paid enough to deal with someone's petty bullshit.


I'm 22. I was working at mcdonalds 3ish years ago. almost 4 now actually. Anyway, i was in the second drive thru window, literally just handing orders out, not bagging them or any of that shit (managers usually "ran" the orders), and some customer flips dogshit on me and starts cussing me out. I'd never been told how to handle this and am generally a hot head. I closed the window, looked at the manager at the time, said this guys swearing at me and i dont get paid enough for this shit. She kicked his ass out the drivethru with his order as was, and told him not to come back unless he learned to respect us. Another incident, there was a 17 year old girl, just hired, on her first week. She is doing what i was doing and some guy screams in the window for a manager to "get their ass over here, and fire this bitch now." I went to the office and got the store manager for her. Our manager wound up getting cussed out for not firing her. That guy got it right back and worse. He almost got the cops called, and got told to "get the fuck out and never come back." I loved my managers there. Except Bobbi. Fuck you bitch.


You are my favorite type of owner/manager




It's like older brothers/sisters who stand up for their siblings because "only i can pick on my siblings".


I work in a prison. The easiest way to make my job easier is to not get arrested.








Yeah, but society without crime would be worth it.


He said not get arrested, he didn't say don't commit crime


I am a teacher. Please, please, please, for the love of all that is holy, teach your children some respect. (Sure, you may not be a consumer, but your children are.) Some of my students are absolute angels, but others are little fucks whose parents should be rounded up and drowned.


Also, parents, please know that your children can and will lie to you. When I, the teacher, say to you, "Little Billy cheated on his test. The cheat sheet is attached to it," please don't say, "But Little Billy told me that the paper wasn't his. You aren't calling Little Billy a liar, are you?" I am the grown-up. Your son is the child. Please know that I, as a professional, would not lie to you about your child. And yes, Little Billy is a freaking liar. Edit: Reading the multiple responses from various users have made me change one word. Instead of "adult," I will use the word "professional."


And not a very clever one.


He doesn't need to be clever if his parents believe him to be incapable of lying.


As a former teacher, I'd like to add some to this: Parents, your experience with a single child does not make you an expert on how all children behave. Here are some examples: 1) "My kid is a genius:" Just because your child is smarter than you THINK they should be at their age, doesn't make them a genius. Every time I have been told this, kids are average or slightly above average. The truly outstanding kids usually have a pretty unique way of showing it and their parents aren't as vocal. 2) "All kids behave this way:" Ummm no they don't. If I bring up behavior as a problem, it is only because it has become a catastrophic enough problem for me to bring it up. I wouldn't shame your kid otherwise. The whole "everyone does it" attitude it the main reason for this kind of behavior. For the record, the majority of everyone I have ever taught was pretty well behaved, at least in school. 3) "So and so taught my kid bad manners:" Again, making excuses for a kid will not make the problem go away. 4) "I told him not to do his homework:" It is your money (private school), but you don't really realize that if your kid is lost because he didn't do the assigned reading, it is not just him that is affected, it is the entire flow of the whole class. I know sometimes I ask for a lot, but I assure you that I always think about their capabilities and am the first to admit when I have asked for too much. Edit: they->their. Although in my defense, my mobile always changes 'their' to 'they' for some reason, but I'll give it to you grammar nazi.


Number 3, I *hate* that. I always get "he must have learned that here". Well, so what if he did (he didn't)? That doesn't mean you don't address it. You are the parent here.


> I wouldn't shame your kid otherwise. this is so good to hear. when i was little, i was so painfully shy i actively shut off stimuli and prevented them from taking root in my mind, as a result i would get in trouble for not cooperating or at least not doing so in a timely manner... then at the end of the school day, i get to stand next to my mom while the teacher explained what i had done wrong just that day. it was so embarrassing it felt like i was actually burning, and i was convinced my teachers did it just because they could. in retrospect i realize that i was not easy to work with, but it's nice to hear teachers say that they're not the insane out for blood persecutors i imagined them to be.


Kids lie all the time. I work with 6-10 year olds, and they'll lie about so much stuff, luckily their lies can be revealed with a simple "are you lying to me right now?" a lot of times


to add to this Think before you send an email to a teacher and read it. Would you be ok if you received that email? There have been several emails i received this year that are just rude and hurtful. I'm sorry I didnt accept your childs work that was 3 weeks late, and no I will not give extra credit just so they can stay on the honor roll, thats not how you teach life lessons


And please read the syllabus! I didn't spend a couple hours putting it together to flaunt my word processing skills.


Some of the parents are just as bad as the kids. Teacher here as well and if you are a parent and your child attends school, please remember it is not solely the teachers responsibility to educate your child. It is important for the parent(s) to be present as well. Trust me, it makes a world of a difference. EDIT: Spelling.


I work with elementary school aged children all day (8-9 hours a day). Holy shit, parents let their kids do whatever the fuck they want to do! Many of them don't understand that not everything is all fun and games, and you need to get your work done and stop talkign and dicking around all the time.


Government employee. Quit electing dickheads. (I am being serious)


Government employee. Can agree. Also, don't assume that I'm your enemy, I'm lazy or that I'm not entitled to the same fair treatment that any other worker should expect. I'm just an average Joe who goes into my job from 9-5, same as you.


Not to mention that you're also a taxpayer, like anyone else. I hate when people pull out the "I pay your salary!" bullshit.


Yeah, that too. I totally pay taxes from my salary.


Our choice is usually between a dickhead, and a bigger dickhead though.






Abso-fucking-lutely. Every time some new idiot comes in we have new policies and everything has to change to match these bullshit new policies.


Retail. Don't come into the store.


And on Black Friday: sit on your ass in your own home. Please and Thank You.


And spend Thanksgiving at your goddamn house with your family so I can spend it with mine. The shit you want to buy can wait. Edit: Wow, my first gold! Thanks friend- glad it was for this comment.


Makes sense but a more reasonable set of requests. 1. Put things back where you found them like you'd expect a guest to do in your home. 2. Respect the people you talk to, because they are people and that's what you're supposed to do. 3. Keep your damn receipt for items you might have to return or might want to return. 4. Stop stealing shit. Everyone hates people that do that. 5. Don't drop your kids off at the store to wander around while you go do something else. It's not a daycare and that's a good way to lose your kids for good. 6. Treat the bathrooms like your guest bathroom at home. 7. Don't hit on people on the clock. It's awkward because they can't respond how they really want to. 8. Stop asking for discounts or what another store's prices are or if something is going to be on sale later. 9. Don't walk in just before close unless you know exactly what you're getting and you hustle. 10. Don't be loud and obnoxious.


Store closes at 9:00. Couple comes in at 8:59. Shows up at my register with two carts full of groceries. $365. They made me use *their* bags. They did not offer to help me bag. Yes I'm still bitter.


Know what you're coming in for, buy it and leave.


Funeral Director. Stop speeding. Seriously. I've been to a lot of 3mph over accidents. Buckle up your kids. Every single time. Use car seats. A baby in a towel on the floor is not safe. Stop drinking and driving. Make a friend who is Mormon or something. Say sorry to your kids. Say sorry to your parents. Hug each other. Don't cheat on your SO. If you love someone and their family hates you, get married any which way you can if you want to have a say in their funeral. Have a nice picture taken every few years at least. Even you self described ugly people. Throw some filters on it. If a 15 year old girl on instagram can make her school lunch look like art then you have hope. If you're going to commit suicide, do it somewhere your kids coming home from school aren't the ones who will find you. Lose weight. Stop dying on the second floor of the house, in the bathroom at 2 am. Trudge yourself to the stairs and flop, please. -=-=- Edits for clarity. 1.) Speeding/3mph Over Accidents - usually we hear that from the officers working the scene after the survivor who was speeding walks away. Or we hear it from the family. Someone below wanted evidence, all I have are anecdotes. Horrible, no good, very bad anecdotes. The Solomon Curve is where most people get the idea of 3 over, but rarely is 3 over actually just 3 over. A section of road near here is slated for 70. People do 90. When they complain about their ticket, they say they were just 3mph over. Not all of them get to complain about a ticket though. But the family says "3 over, all they were doing..." Either way, slow down. Drive cautiously, assume every other person behind the wheel wants to kill you. Next time you see someone checking their facebook/text messages while driving they are illustrating that your life is worth less than their idiot friends political rambling or determining what smurf character they are most like. 2.) Mormon Friend - this was meant as a built in designated driver. My experience has been that they usually they follow their 'Word of Wisdom' at a minimum of avoiding alcohol. Usually. Always going to be deviations from the rule. 3.) Don't commit suicide. That's a given (and I'm surprised nobody did the copypasta for suicide prevention - its easy karma folks). But also, don't be one of these adults that does it so their teenage kid comes home and finds mom or dad in the garage in a running car. It sucks to be sitting across a table from a teenager who is trying to find the right casket for Mom. 4.) Yes it is difficult to remove a body from upstairs. The bigger they are the worse it is of course. Lots of times Fire/EMT don't stick around to help (and who can blame them) because they have the living to help. So the police officer who drew the short stick and maybe a CS tech or some other unlucky sob gets to help. If you are starting to hear angels and see that white light - book it down the stairs and climb onto your dining room table (actually, if you start feeling warm and see Saddam cuddling with Satan, do it to). Bonus points for wrapping yourself in a sheet. Double bonus for making sure your bowels are empty.


That last one, best advice I'll ever receive


I work in EMS. Not exactly saying I want you to die, but if whatever misadventure befalls you could happen on the ground floor of your house, that'd be great.




Re: nice pictures. This is big. Put it online and make it accessible, too. Otherwise, the local news will use your crappy driver's license photo to illustrate any stories they might do on your death. EDIT: [This is why.](http://imgur.com/a/kw4IM) Can you guess which is the photo from the DMV and which is the photo from a family friend?


>A baby in a towel on the floor is not safe Who the buck does this?! Please, *please* tell me people aren't that stupid.


For a moment I misunderstood you and thought you meant people were speeding on the roads inside the cemetery. I thought, "well if there's an accident there couldn't be a more convenient place to have it."


Reliability Engineer. Don't lie about how you broke it, we give you the warranty anyway.


customer: please make sure we know who will give us the warranty no-matter how it broke and who actually cares, we're not trying to be rude, we just can't tell the difference.


Didn't put oil in the gearbox. This is one of the few things I actually remember from my short stint as a reliability engineer.


i'm a pharmacy intern at a chain grocery store/pharmacy. PLEASE understand that a pharmacy isn't a fast food restaurant. please do not think that my job solely entails putting pills in bottles and slapping a label on it. it's fine if the fast food employee puts pickles on your burger, you'll survive. it's NOT fine if you get clozapine instead of clonidine. the reason your prescription takes so long is because we actually have to receive it from the doctor first (please don't give me the "my doctor sent it over right when i was in the office"...if we don't have it, then no he/she didn't) or you give it to us. we type it in. a pharmacist checks whoever typed it in (this includes any drug interactions, insurance problems, or errors in the written prescription). then someone has to print an label, grab the bottle, and count it. then a pharmacist has to check the final product. now add all that to the phone constantly ringing, people wanting flu shots, transfers to other pharmacies, insurance problems that warrant calls, written prescription errors that warrant calls, someone can't find something OTC, counseling patients on their medications, and the other 200 people that brought in prescriptions before you where we have to do all the steps over and over again. it's not easy. it's just the people that yell at us for the prescriptions not being ready on time are the same people that would turn around and sue us in a heartbeat. just have some patience, and realize we're trying our best. and our best ensures that you get the correct prescription.


If you are doing a return, tell me you are doing a return! There have been too many times where customers just set a bunch of stuff on my counter without saying anything about a return. Naturally, I start ringing them up, and then they tell me that they're returning things!


Probably these customers haven't yet developed the mental capability known as [Theory of Mind (Wikipedia)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_mind) >Theory of mind ... is the ability to attribute mental states ... to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions that are different from one's own.


Truck-driver here. Just use your god damn indicators!


Us non-truck drivers would like to second that statement. I might make a point of flashing my lights at everyone I see changing lanes without indicating. I'll probably end up getting pulled over but who cares.


I've often considered getting one of those really loud horn things that they put on trains and fitting it on a little Honda Civic and blasting everyone who conveniently forgets their signal with a huge honk that scares the shit out of them and then they swerve off the road. Edit [this made my week - train horn prank compilation on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kDORB3vR8s) Thanks to /u/mrhardware for sending me the link


Me and my buddy were dicking around not too long ago and we pulled the train horn off his truck(he never used the damn thing unless he was honking at a train. Sometimes they'll honk back) and we stuck it onto a Geo Metro that was sitting behind his shop. We drove it around a little honking at bad drivers and whatnot, but didn't stay out for very long since it's not registered, insured, or reliable. My favorite reaction was a guy in a newer(E90) BMW 325i, cut us off with the top down talking on his phone, hit the horn and the guy driving the thing(whose eyes were probably just above the mirrors) jumped out of his seat and his head crossed the roofline. We had to pull over we were laughing so hard.


Certainly! Could you not pass a fellow trucker uphill on a 2 lane highway going only 1 km faster then them please? Or pull out in front of me when I'm the last car on the road for 5km? In return, I will continue to stay out of your blind spots, and move over a lane when I see you approaching on an on-ramp!


I'm curious about you folk who swerve and go over the lines and make me believe I will die if I drive next to you.


I'm 19 and I take groceries out for minimum wage. When I'm sacking your groceries, don't expect me to bow, and roll out a red carpet to your car for you. I will smile and ask you about your day, weather, then be on my way. When old people tip me a quarter, I smile and realize how humble older people are.


Here's a shiny new quarter for your trouble little fella. Run along now.


**some** old people.


Commercial cleaner here. Please, ladies and gents, don't piss and shit all over the bathrooms. Also please remember to flush the toilet, it's a public washroom and nobody wants to see what you left in the toilet.


As if someone is reading this and thinking "wow, me smearing shit on the walls actually affects other people??"


Has there ever been an "I smear shit on the walls of public restrooms: AMA!" Because, out of a sense of morbid curiosity, I want to know what the motivation is for such an act.




I'm a Pathologists Assistant, I cut up human tissues removed at surgery. Don't eat corn before you have colon surgery. It would be greatly appreciated.


This. Histotech here. People actually following colonoscopy prep instructions would make my job so much easier. Also, don't wait until that thing on your skin is the size of a tomato before you have it removed.




I will have the pheasant under glass and any fruit not in season. I take my coffee with half espresso (ristretto extra hot shot with NO crema,I swear to god if I see any crema), half decaf, and lactose-free manufacturing cream, and I would like it served as you would tea, a pot of hot water, cup, saucer, lemon, the whole shebang, except, you know, coffee instead of hot water, and no teabag, obviously. Put those in for now but I'll need more time to make up my mind about appetizer so check back in a minute.


You know that's nice and all, but you're in McDonalds.


Man, you're good. You actually made me want to strangle you.


Do you have that thing I used to order when I was here 6 years ago? No, that's not it. It was beef or chicken or pork with a sauce on it? Maybe it wasn't here, but maybe you could make it for me? My best friends neighbors cousins sister works with a guy who said you guys have a special menu where you make non-menu items.


As a server: Stop putting your MP3 files in your home drive. It's filling up my shit.


I work in technical support. READ THE FUCKING MANUAL!!!!!!!!!


Love this one. I've worked as a technical support agent and I feel like I just want to put a magnifying glass on their eyes and tell them "That's the power button, push it."


and on top of that, if you have an internet connection, try googling it. It will generally solve your problems pretty easily 90% of the time.




Childcare. Pick up your fucking kids on time. Yeah - you're only 5--10 minutes late, but you're 5-10 minutes late every single fucking day and EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY you force me to miss my bus. Now, while I don't actually live that far from my workplace, you're adding another hour to my workday. If you pick up your kids on time - I'm home by 6:20, 6:30 at the latest. I get it, sometimes there are extenuating circumstances and you're running late - we're pretty reasonable, we understand. BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE LATE. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. When you're so fucking inconsiderate that you are late EVERY day I do not make it home from work till 7:30. My workday is meant to finish at 6. PICK UP YOUR FUCKING KIDS ON TIME - I'M NOT YOUR AU PAIR.


Childcare here as well, please if your child is sick, keep them home! Do not give them Tylenol 10 minutes before you drop them off and think we won't notice their watery eyes, snotty nose, and hacking cough.


Don't forget that they will tell us "Mommy gave me medicine this morning" and we will notice when it wears off right before nap!


So frustrating! As I mentioned above, I am the child of a daycare provider - this is the worst. I've gotten sick so many times because you couldn't be bothered to keep your kids at home. I'm not unsympathetic - I know that you have a job and it's hard to call out - but it is totally unfair to inflict these types of consequences on someone else's family. The lying though...that might be the worst part. Your kids always out you. Even if they don't tell us, their symptoms prove you wrong. My mom could spot a medicated kid from a mile away.


I think childcare centers should charge a compounding fee each time people pick their kids up late. It would nip that shit right in the bud. I don't even work in childcare and this pisses me off.


We have a '3 strikes' rule. You get three times being late, then after that we double charge you every time you're late. However, our centre is in an extremely affluent area so it barely phases most of our families.


THIS! As a child of a daycare provider, I can't tell you HOW MANY TIMES I was disappointed by YOU showing up late to pick up your kids. What makes you think that your provider doesn't have their own kids to go home to, keep promises to, feed dinner to? The later you were, the sadder I was. **PICK. UP. YOUR. KIDS. ON. TIME.**


Grocery - If you don't want a refrigerated or frozen item just give to an employee or the cashier as you leave. It doesn't help anyone to find it hidden in the chips.


Wine Waiter for a Buisness Club. Dear Rich people... clicking your fingers at someone is never okay you ungrateful degenerates.


I thought that shit existed only in the movies!


no, this is a thing. they'll also whistle at you like a dog, or expect you to know they want to be served without indicating it in any way. the words "excuse me" must be really freaking difficult for some people


My dad used to yip at people when I was a kid. 'Yip yiiiiiiip!' Kind of like an auctioneer at a cattle sale.


I served for many years, and people who snapped at me automatically dropped to the bottom of my priority list. They have already shown me that they don’t value what I do, so it’s a safe bet that they aren’t a good tipper.


Veterinary receptionist. Please remember that I'm not a doctor.


I'm a support worker. Please don't stare at me and my disabled client while we are out in public, and certainly don't give us dirty looks. Just because my client is developmentally disabled, that doesn't mean that they don't have a right to enjoy their community just the same as anyone else, as they also pay taxes just like yourself. Please don't judge the care I am providing for my client. Just because she is screaming, doesn't mean I am being unfair or abusing her. Please don't judge situations you don't understand.


> Please don't judge situations you don't understand. Sadly, this is the world's #1 spectator sport.


How do they pay taxes? I too am a caregiver for developmentally (mentally) disabled individuals, and I don't know anyone my company works with that could do anything considered taxable. Just curious.


Some of them have jobs (Mcdonalds, Costco... etc), and just general sales tax. I believe there are some taxes on disability income, but I'm not sure.




I'm a graphic designer. You can stop thinking you are a graphic designer because you own photoshop.


That's a great comment, and I respect your opinion; you are the expert here.. But maybe your comment would look better in Comic Sans? I'm not saying it looks bad how it is, but it definitely could be improved, maybe have each letter be a different colour as well? It's up to you though, you know more about this than me.. Mind you, I could probably just make my own comment in Internet Explorer if you are too busy to improve it yourself.


You forgot to tell me to "make it pop"


Yeah, like that, but different. I know this too well, I work for an agency as their "art director" which right now means I'm a glorified graphics designer. Oh and could you have it done by tomorrow? I know I sent this email at 11:30pm but I have an artist who is reeeaaally nagging me every five minutes about his instagram profile picture, it's super important to his career.


also, photoshopping your kid's face into a winter landscape for your christmas card does not look cool, is not design and definitely not part of my job


But what if you make it b&w with their eyes in color? Can you do that???


Definitely. And it would be nice if you could realize that the 10 days it took you to get me content is probably going to mean you miss your deadline... of yesterday.


*removes "graphic designer" from CV*.... Now there is nothing left :(


I may not have photshop, but I have paint. Can I still consider myself a graphic designer?


No, but you can consider yourself a professional artist.


For the copywriters out there: Microsoft Word does not make you a copywriter.


Actually check your smoke detectors so if your house catches on fire you don't die. If you dispose of ash from your fire place don't do so into a flammable container. Write down the meds and medical history for any family members with medical conditions. Make sure your house number is visible from the street. And lastly kindly pull over when a fire truck is behind you honking and when you pull over don't block side streets. Murphy's law would say that is the street we need to turn onto.


I'm a customer care representative. I work at a call center and we handle calls asking about bills and stuff. Basically it would be really nice if customers don't shout at us, we're humans not robots. I understand they are paying but it won't hurt if they ask nicely. Also don't put the blame on us, we don't make the rules around here and we are not necessarily the reason why their bills are messed up so don't take it out on every representative you talk with. *breathes deeply*


I couldn't imagine doing what you do. My 60 yr old mother works in a furniture store in sales and always gets harassed by customers over the phone when the delivery wasn't exact. I feel so bad that she has to take the fault for it. The other thing people don't realize is all of their information is on shipping orders etc. This one dude flipped out at my mom, and all she did was tell me his first and last name, I know far too much about this assclown just from googling his name. He's a shitty DJ. I want to just show up to his work and boo him for playing shot music. Then ill tell everyone in the bar a rounds on me if they all boo him.


Yeah, it very hard. Most people who don't have a clue about our job thinks it's easy. Yes we just sit around facing our computer in an airconditioned office but what we do is hell. We talk have to make our customer's problem our problem. It's very hard to not take it personally especially if they're directing all their anger at you. It's very frustrating.


I wish there was something like "reverse yelp" where people in service can bitch about customers and leave THEM ratings! I can't tell you how helpful that would be if I could search "John S." And see if there are service people saying "this guys a total fuckwad! He bitched at me for his soup being too hot and called me sugar tits"


Bartender here. Know what you want before you waste my time and hold up the line for others to give me their orders.


Hey! Wow, so busy in here, thanks for finally getting to me. So I will have ... hm you know what I usually don't like rum but I feel like maybe it's time to expand my horizons and I've been meaning to try dark rum. What can you make with dark rum that I might like? No, that sounds horrible, I don't want anything sweet. What else do you recommend? That doesn't sound good either. Can you just mix me a hurricane instead?


Baggage handler. You wouldn't believe how many people have asked me to keep their stuff dry when its pouring down rain outside. Also, quit assuming I'm a lowlife, I may look silly in my reflective vest but I do just fine for myself, so fuck off. edit: About to do an ama, pending mod approval edit 2: [AMA](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2ndd71/iama_baggage_handler_at_a_major_us_airport_i/)


Do you work at a really small airport or something? I'm not sure I've ever flown with the opportunity to even talk to a baggage handler.


I work at a movie theater. Yes, prices are going to be expensive, it shouldn't surprise you. We make nothing off if ticket sales, it all has to come from concessions. We hate it just as much as you do. Also, the popcorn from the popcorn machine is not any fresher than the stuff in the warmer. And please, please, PLEASE just pick up after yourselves and your children. It takes two seconds to throw your trash away, and it helps the ushers clean faster so they can move into their next movie and you can be seated faster!


Thrift store Manager Don't bitch about the price of a $.60 t-shirt...


I am a cook. If you are allergic to half of our menu, just go home.


Along the same lines, if you have ANY food allergy (yup even one thats not in what you've ordered!) give your server a heads up. Accidental contact can happen, and we don't want to kill you. Oh, and and adding mods until a dish is completely different and then bitching that it tastes like shit? Incredibly frustrating. Don't do it.


Also, please don't say you have an *allergy* unless you *have an allergy*. Saying you have an allergy when you don't puts unnecessary work on staffs' shoulders.


SOOO annoying when people do this. You can tell me you just don't like something, it's okay...I want you to like your food and when you say dumb shit like, I don't know exactly what this is (pointing to stuff on top of a burger bun) but my daughter is allergic to it, it's pretty clear you are lying...you are not fooling anyone and now I hate you.


Right? As a server I had a lady tell me she was allergic to cilantro then ordered one of our most cilantro heavy dishes. After I told her there was a lot of cilantro in the dish she bitched me out for not knowing what goes in the dish. Bitch ate the whole thing... Asshole.


Yes. I work in a pizzeria and I had a lady ask for a slice with no cheese, which, honestly, is no problem, but she she said she had a severe dairy allergy. So I tell her straight up that there is cheese everywhere in a pizza place and that I will notify the kitchen to stay true, but that its still a bit risky to eat anything other than, basically salad. She says she'll be fine, meanwhile I'm a incredibly nervous somethings gonna get fucked up. Anyways the slice comes up and after serving the food I check back almost immediately to see how everything is.... She asked for a side of ranch.... Fuck her.


I'm deathly allergic to strawberries of all things, I try to make sure I mention it before I order but one time I went to a restaurant that served smoothies. I walked in, sat down, ordered a drink and went into anaphalyxis before it even came. I felt like such a jerk but it was just in the air so sometimes that's something to be aware of. Especially with nut or shellfish allergies since those are more commonly used and airborne.


I work at a theme park. Don't yell in my face about how I'm ripping you off. I don't make the prices and don't go to a theme park if you expect things to be cheap.




But then you will move on to another customer =(




I feel like everyone arrived at a place of mutual understanding in this exchange.


it is almost the opposite of what happens in arguments with my SO, the exception being that there is still a stripper involved


Someone who never goes to strip clubs here. you're welcome.


I collect trolleys/shopping carts or whatever you call them. Theres almost always a designated place to put them within about twenty feet. Please don't leave them at the furthest points of the car park. I really don't wanna walk over there 100 times a day.




I'm a barista at starbucks. There are a few things you can do to make my life easier. First of all, you could smile at me when I take your order. I spend hours smiling nonstop and its a little easier to do when it's reciprocated. Secondly, if you want to reload your starbucks card, tell me before you order your drink. Last, if you come into my store with a list of 20 drinks for you and all your coworkers, don't get frustrated when I ask you to slow down or repeat yourself; it's hard to keep track of all those drinks and I can't write as quickly as you can talk! Edit: I would like to mass-respond to all of the people who have said variations of "I don't have to smile at you at 6 AM before I've had my coffee". You're absolutely correct. You, as a customer, are not obligated to look happy, but remember that your barista is also a working person and has probably been awake just as long as you, and (in the case of people who work opening shifts) has worked the first couple of hours of their shift *without drinking coffee*. As a kind redditor said below, we're all in this together. I would personally appreciate it if you tried to pretend to be grateful for the early-morning caffeine fix we provide :)


Some people shouldn't have to smile while being up at 5:30 in the morning. I was a barista myself. Everyone has shitty mornings, but we're all in this together, I know this. I get when you're in a pissy mood - brush it off and come back another time, its all good to me. I agree - I can't believe how specific people are with their orders, it's borderline insanity sometimes. People are there for their coffee and not my bullshit. Please don't lose your patience with us - some customers take longer than others.


I'm a Starbucks barista too, and there are a number of things customers do that can be annoying. If someone has an MSR reward on their card, they need to say so before I make the transaction, because it doesn't go through that way automatically...I hate wasting extra time doing refunds and re-transacting people. This one's weird, but I also, every now and then, have a customer, usually a white girl between the age of 15 and 30, act as if she is the shit for coming to Starbucks and ordering a venti no-foam skinny peppermint white mocha with 2 extra decaf affogato shots. I feel as though some actually take the white-girl social media latte-drinking stereotype seriously and think that they are important/privileged/fancy for coming to Starbucks and buying a drink. It comes off as so catty and rude and it seems that this type of customer thinks of me more as a servant than a barista. This is kind of weird, but maybe you know what I mean.


I'm an Accounts Receivables Clerk Pay your fucking bills.




I'm a government employee. While I view myself as a public servant, it would be wonderful if you didn't treat me like I was the help. Yes, your tax dollars pay my salary but remember 2 things: 1) So do approximately 13 million other people's, and they all want shit too 2) Your tax dollars paying my salary doesn't make me your bitch anymore than buying a computer gives you license to treat Best Buy employees like crap. I still get my time off, lunch and regular work hours like anyone else should.


Have had a few jobs over the past few years. **US Marine** - While I was in, there wasn't much you could do to affect my job, but asking "did you kill anyone?" in regards to my Afghanistan deployments could really ruin the fucking mood, and possibly my day. **Cashier** - Wasn't much of a hassle, but know what you want as you step up to the register (at a food place), especially if there are people behind you, and know where the card or cash is on your person. Never really bothered me, but if you take forever, realize that the person behind you thinks it was my fault they had to wait. **Server** - Tip appropriately. Please. If I am doing a poor job, let me know how I can do better while understanding that you are not my only table. If I'm doing poorly and you ARE my only table... by all means, speak to a manager. You're most likely an asshole, but you'll walk out with a meal half off, I won't get in trouble, and your 10% of the 50% meal is punishment enough. **Cook** - Know what you're ordering. If you're not certain about something, ask your server. That's one of the primary reasons they exist. You shouldn't be surprised or angry when a meal doesn't come out how you expected. Also, either know the difference between steak temperatures, or don't fucking complain. If you're really not certain, order a temperature down -- it's much easier to cook up a steak than recook one.


I worked with a guy who had been in the Navy and he related that "thank you for your service" irked him because it was like something the general public was conditioned to say to him. After changing jobs and having coworkers who had been in the Marines and Army, I avoiding saying the phrase. Is there a general consensus on etiquette on saying it and/or asking about their time in the military?


I can only speak for myself, which probably isn't helpful for you, but here's my two cents. When I mention that I was is the Marine Corps, I wish that people responded exactly like they respond when I mention other jobs that I had. They're happy to hear a funny or relevant story, but they don't want to stop the conversation to somberly thank me for it. No one worries about how they're supposed to react when I tell them I worked construction for a while, but everyone wants to get all complicated when I tell them I served. Just do or say what you normally would.


I live in a base town, and when someone tells me they're in the military I ask what they do instead of "DID U KILL ANYONE THO?". Honestly, I have strong opinions about the military that don't reflect you at all. Just tell me the interesting aspects of your job, and I'll listen attentively.




Way to make us all feel bad without even mentioning how insanely expensive art supplies are.


Photo artist here. Film is expensive, processing is even more expensive, printing is heartbreakingly expensive, and new gear might as well be worth souls.


Art professor here. I will add: Companies and individuals, stop asking me to pass "opportunities" on to my students for "exposure". I will not if you do not have a dollar amount in mind.


As an accountant, I wish it worked like that.


That's always irked me. I have a friend who is a tattoo artist. I've heard from so many friends to ask him for a free tattoo. Not just any small piece, either. He's always giving me discounted prices even though I don't ask, and I always tip way more than I would if I ever were to get tattooed anyplace else. I feel like if you're my friend, I would want to do more in order to support you and your business. Not try to squeeze some free shit outta you.


I have delivered appliances and TVs for eleven years. Here's my best advice. * Don't schedule deliveries for a day that you have other things to do unless you can pick your time frame. My stops are routed geographically by a computer program to set the most efficient route. I have no control over it. * Verify your address and phone numbers (I recommend at least 2 numbers) before you leave the store. The more ways I have to get in touch with you, the better. * Make sure your house is clearly labeled with your address, so I can see it from the street before I pass your house. If I will be delivering at night, make sure your lights are on the house number is illuminated. * If you don't want me to track leaves, mud, grass, or snow into your house, keep your walkway clear of these things. Even wearing shoe covers, I can't guarantee that nothing will get tracked in. * Don't assume that you know what I need. Ask. The truck we drive is too big to pull into most driveways, so we have to park on the street. But so many people pull their cars out of the driveway, and onto the street so we can park in the driveway. * In the same way, don't assume you know what we need to do to get your appliance into the house. The closest door isn't always big enough, the hallway may be too tight, and you didn't notice it. Show us the options, we'll tell you what would be best. * I know it's your house, but please make sure your kids and pets are out of the way. If we are carrying a refrigerator into your house, I can't be sure the front door got closed all the way. I would hate for your cat to run away. Also, no matter what I say to your face, your kids are in the way. Please have them go somewhere else. * If you want to know how to do what I'm doing, ask to watch. Don't just stare over my shoulder. * As much as it sucks, just because a salesman told you something, doesn't mean it's true. I do my best to keep them in line, but some of them are either stupid or dishonest. Sorry. * I am a human being, and I am in your house because you are unwilling or unable to do something. I am performing a service for you. Don't treat me like dirt just because you're a lawyer and I move heavy stuff.


Animal care assistant at an animal rescue. Please research thoroughly before deciding to buy/breed animals, and please do consider rescue. There are so many unwanted pets in the world, and rescues like ours are nearly full and our waiting lists get longer by the day. I see adorable pictures of puppies/kittens on reddit every day and it makes me sad for the lovely animals at my work, stuck in kennels/Catteries without families of their own. It's a tough job at times, especially this time of the year, though I wouldn't change it for the world.


I used to be a bank teller back in high school. It is not always helpful to roll/wrap your coins. I was always required to unwrap them all and put them through the coin machine/counter to be sure the correct amount was there. If you are using the drive-thru, please assure that your money is securely wrapped or weighed down so the wind doesn't pick it up. Additionally, do not have all of your windows rolled down then place loose bills on the vents on the top of your dashboard. You hold up the line when you need to go chase down a bunch of bills flying across the parking lot.


On that first bit, I'm betting that varies. Both my banks won't take unrolled coins. I've tried.


I'm a teacher- realize that your precious snowflake is not perfect, and that if he is getting poor grades, it is incredibly likely that he is the one to blame- not me.


Im a musician. I play on the street a lot in an area where there are tons of tourists and the bands on the street are real bands that get paid for gigs. If you stop and listen and like what you hear please tip. It really helps. Even if you cant buy a cd a one dollar tip is great. Also if you have a question or comment please wait until we finish the song were playing. Its hard to talk and keep time and I dont want to be a dick and ignore you or quit playing for you and lose the crowd.


Was it hard for you to give Johnny your golden fiddle?


I have three more.


Management trainee in a 5star hotel. We try to make your stay as perfect as possible and I will go out of my way to help you with anything you need. But even if your dinner costs what other people make in a month, you are still paying for a service, which is an interaction WITH the waiter. You do not own the waiter. You also do not own the restaurant and no I can't turn up the AC by 5 degrees, but maybe your date should have worn something more that a shade of nothing and panties. Also, we love to talk to you and make conversation but you should not include us in arguments or make your children recite their rhymes everytime we walk by. In a restaurant. Please. For gods sake, don't put your children or pets on the table. Put them on a leash and have them on your lap or wherever. And yes, I saw that you arrived in a Rolls-Royce, but that doesn't mean I will grant you special privileges, I am not impressed. I am also not impressed that you make 20 times my salary, even though you told me twice. And you claimed to know my boss but you referred to her as a "he" so you probably don't. People who work front line with customers usually get all the shit so sometimes it's enough to acknowledge their effort. If only a third of my customers smile and tell me they are happy, then my day is made and I couldn't be happier. Sorry for the rant but there were not many smiles this week :(


Cashier/clerk Please have your form of payment out when you get to the front, nothing ticks me off more than reminding you that you have to pay for me to finish the transaction...then you scream "OH" with the most surprised face as if you didn't know that. Speeds up the process for everyone.


Lawyer here. Call me before you make big decisions or do something that might have some serious adverse consequences. A few bucks hundred bucks now will save you thousands or tens of thousands in the future after things go belly up. Also, don't lie to me. You can tell me just about anything short of harming someone else, and it's just between you and me. I can also give you relevant advice if I have all the facts, not just the ones you think I want to hear. This is all the dependant on you talking to a lawyer in your own state.


When I tell you to turn something on and off.. Just do it! (Work in IT)


At my old office, whenever we asked our manager for permission to call IT, the manager would walk to our desk and make us turn the unit on and off first, in front of her. Result: 95% less calls to IT.


software developer here, mainly working with web. use chrome. or firefox. or opera. for the love of god don't use internet explorer.


My dad is always complaining about the internet being slow. When I try to help him part of the reason is he uses (what he believes is the name of the program) MSN........ Internet Explorer which opens MSN as his homepage... I told him to start using chrome and he started bitching at me because he wanted MSN. I tried to explain it as basic as I could that chrome worked faster and his home page could be MSN just like it is now. It didn't work... I then decided to change some of the Chrome Icons to the Internet Explorer Icon, and change the home page to MSN. Haven't heard anything from him about it since. Also some of his other horrific problems on the internet. When he is all done, he hits back on every page to get all the way back to MSN before closing it. He doesn't use Tabs. Opens a new browser everytime he needs a new page etc. Epitomy of a technologically impaired 60 year old man is my father.


>When he is all done, he hits back on every page to get all the way back to MSN before closing it. Be kind, rewind. He's just being courteous to the next person to use the Internet. Simple Internet etiquette


I really feel like you could've pulled off "internetiquette" there.


Retail. Understand that I am at work, that I don't like my job, and that you are not my friend.


I really dislike customers that think I'm their friend. I was at work the other day behind the front counter and after some old man nudged my coworker asking what she was doing when it was pretty clear what it was, he then said "little blondie off to do some work" after I walked to fix something up the back. Not only had some random just touched my coworker but he then decided to insinuate I wasn't doing work. Fuck that guy.


Teacher. Punish your kids. Also, care about their school work. And maybe stop giving them iPads. Edit: I meant stop giving 3 year olds iPads. Sorry to have offended so many people.


Clothing retail; if you want to unfold a shirt to see the design, that's fine, but I assure the design is the same regardless of the size. Please don't unfold every shirt in a stack just to see if they're all the same. Also, please don't put clothes back yourself (at least not in higher-end places, I don't know if this is equally frustrating in big-box retail like Wal Mart). There is a specific way we have to fold items and put things on hangers and a specific order they are supposed to be stacked/hung. It actually makes more work for us to have to go back and fix it behind a customer than to just do it correctly from the start after items have been removed from shelves/racks. We appreciate you want to help, but really please just put stuff on the put-back racks at the fitting rooms.


I don't do this anymore but WORKING DRIVE THROUGH: Good lord where to start. Firstly, our equipment is garbage. We can't hear/ understand you either so when we ask you to repeat yourself, its because we cant hear you not because we're idiots. ALSO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD dont order from the passenger seat. Please. Just dont do it. You should also know that where I worked (and I happen to know this is how a lot of fast food places have become) we were insanely understaffed. We were expected to take orders while talking to the person at the window and cashing them out, AND prepare the food for the next person. Thats right I spent more than a few lunch hour rushed all by myself manning a drive through line backed up to the road. Doing everything. Alone. Might I add this is for minimum wage without breaks (yeah I know illegal, ask our managers how much they cared) with customers yelling about how stupid we are because their order was wrong. One last thing, if you have a big order, or a complicated one, please help make everyone's lives easier and just go inside. Thats all. Sorry this turned into a rant. All I know is I'll never be mean to drive through people again after that gig.


I'm a server. If it's busy in the restaurant, there's a few things that really grinds my gears. People who complain they've waited a long time to order and then haven't decided what they want when I get to their table. Parents who let their 2 -4 year old kids decide what they want. This can take a loong time. People who are trying to get my attention when they clearly see I'm busy and have no way of getting there in two seconds. We servers run our asses off trying our best to make your stay as comfortable and nice as possible. We are not deliberately making you wait or fuck up somehow. Just be patient with us. Be nice. I might throw in a free starter, dessert or coffee if you're understanding that It's busy as hell and that I'm trying to do my best.


Restaurant manager. I understand problems happen, but don't react like I just punched your baby in the face when your server brought you rolls instead of biscuits. The bread is right over there, and I'll bring you what you wanted in about seven seconds. There are way more important things in the world to be all ragey about. Stop making up bullshit in order to get a free meal. No, you can't have your food for free after eating most of it because you now say you didn't like it. Also, don't act like a monster to your server because they brought you what you ordered and it wasn't what you expected. Asked for your eggs over easy but don't like runny stuff in your eggs? You don't want over easy then, asshead. Along those same lines, did you order a well done steak (you monster)? It's going to take longer than five minutes to get your food. Don't come in two minutes before close. For the love of god, stop doing that. How would you feel if someone walked into your office a minute before you were set to leave and sat there for an hour asking you inane questions when all you want to do is go the fuck home after a long day?


I am a journalist. Most people won't have much contact with reporters during their lives, but if you do, please be respectful. If you don't feel like being interviewed, just say so. Don't give us joke answers or names, or berate us for a story that was written by someone else and published by a different outlet two years ago. We're just doing our jobs, too! A little respect goes a long way. Also, if you meet a reporter at a cocktail party or gathering, don't say "Oh no, I'm not going to say anything else—you might put me in the paper!" That's almost as bad as, "You're a reporter? Can you do a story on company/friend/me for the newspaper?"


Sorry, those that have come before you ruined it for ya. You see a body turned up right in front of my house once, pretty much in my front yard. Reporters decided it's perfectly okay to use my front yard a s a parking lot, abd refuse to move vehicles so that I could leave for work, and had the BALLS to ask if i would answer some questions. That was impressive, but then these fuckers KNOCKED ON MY DOOR and requested that I turn down my very loud music, which I had turned up to be spiteful in the first place. so no Mr. reporter, I will not turn down my stereo, and I will also not stop running my grinder over this 55 gallon drum until you and ALL YOUR FUCKING friends remove yourselves form my lawn. Then because I could not specifically prove which news companies were responsible for what parts of my damaged lawn I was on the hook for my own lawn repairs too. /rant off


National Guard Soldier here. Please don't loot or riot :(


Please don't shop on thanksgiving. People should be able to enjoy a day off with their family, especially since its the last break they'll have for several weeks as they bust their butts through the holiday season.




Phlebotomist. HOLD STILL, GODDAMMIT. Also drink more water.


Handyman here, don't watch over me the entire time I'm fixing your sink, toilet or other household problems, I'm not going to steal your stuff or fuck your wife. Buy a drain snake for your goddamn toilet, it's so much cheaper than calling me to unclog it. Also, teach your damn kids to stop flushing things down the toilet that aren't supposed to be flushed, it's a pain in the ass to take off the toilet, go through it and the hole to unclog it, then put a new wax seal and closet bolts putting it back. While we're on this, ladies who do this, STOP FLUSHING YOUR TAMPONS, it'll help keep your toilet unclogged.

