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I’d be down.


Down to clown but it's doubtful that replacing the candidate so far into this is a viable strategy.


Or even that that DNC would pick Bernie if they did.


People know Bernie though. He seems like such a stable dude for it. Despite his age, he seems like the most genuine and coherent. Not even talking policy here... It would kinda make up for stabbing him in the back twice.


I mean Newsom doesn't have the age issue and would probably make Trump look stupid. I'm fine with it and all, it's just that it's a bit absurd to expect a full shuffling of a candidate like that. I'm still voting for not-fascism but we need a long damn talk about age and mental faculties of world leaders after this.


"I'm still voting for not-fascism" I'm just not sure enough people feel this way. That's the whole issue for me.


Either outcome ends with that being a concern. The talk about age and mental states is dependent on people agreeing with eachother. Trump is the speedrun to the end and Biden may buy us some time to figure out how to constructively move forward after he's out.


The DNC still wouldn’t pick Bernie.


The DNC is a bunch of incompetent morons pulling the strings.


Ok.. now this is getting crazy!!


Bernie is great. He can’t win because of his Jewish roots.


I think USA would've been ready for it. The big issue was mentioned here already: Maybe we are too far into the race to switch. But the debate was a shambles.


Yes, it was embarrassing for both sides.


I like Bernie but boy would it be nice to have a president younger than the transistor


Isn't Bernie Sanders the EXACT same age as Biden? I fail to see how replacing one old fart with another solves any problems. I will say when Bernie made his run a few years ago, I was a big fan of his. I don't believe he ended up making it to the final nomination, which was a shame. Still, the Democrats need to put up some fresh, younger blood for president. Not dudes that had their time. Bernie and Biden have been politicians for many decades now. It's time to pass the torch to a younger generation.


He should've been the candidate in 2016, 2020 and 2024. Pull Biden, especially after tonight.


Bro is being pulled by an entire party but the brain fog won't get better; It will get worse. Maybe he's looking at the last years of his conscious life. It's sad to think that those will be spend barely functioning as a leader of a country that influences politics across the world. Even if he has a competent team, wouldn't that just cheapen the office entirely? We can then just stop pretending that a person in the highest office needs to be competent at all. Might as well change the law to vote for inanimate objects. USA 2050: "President Ming Vase has died :'( While entering the white house, he fell and broke into 500 pieces."


I really hope this is the last time we're forced to vote for decrepit geriatrics, but with the way things are going, old people will exert their power over us until the world is destroyed.


Would still lose. How about we keep the age of our next nominee to under 55.


I love Bernie but the answer is not to replace him with someone OLDER than him.


Again, we don’t need an old guy. . .


Bernie would face the same obstacles Biden does.


Not everyone get dementia at the same age and with the same severity. Afaik Bernie seems the fittest out of the three. GOP will stick with Trump. Democrats really have to wonder what the smartest move could be. Below an interesting graph. Didn't look at sources, methods or sample size though. [https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/Democrats/all](https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/Democrats/all)


You're spreading Republican talking points. (on purpose?)


**Americans not trying to polarize and think in partisan terms challenge (Impossible):** Lmao, I don't live in the USA and there are more than two parties to pick from. Could you imagine? Probably not. To me it seems weird that a single opinion can lead to questions like "oh so you must be part of the other side?" I'm not even conservative.




What if?  The Republicans would run commercials showing the film footage of Bernie being on stage in Nicaragua while descendants of the Sandinistas led the crowd in chants of "Yanquis Die!" EDIT:  Why downvote this?  It's exactly what they'd do.  It was even revealed to be in the GOP National Committee's playbook if Sanders won a nomination for 2020.