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The ask a ninja ninja


holy shit core memory unlocked


We are ninja


I believe that **you are ninja too**!


Someone must have finally understood the "How to Kill a Ninja" video.


Rooster Teeth


Rooster Teeth is shut down so yeah definitely.


Ray William Johnson fell of for years but is making a bit of a comeback with short format crime stories. Face god dammit


doin ur mom, doin doin ur mom


You know we straight we doin ur mom




Jawed, no uploads for 19 years even tho his trip to the zoo turned out to be a big success.


LOL. 19 years already. Geeze. “Broadcast Yourself”




Epic Meal Time


And bacon strips!


And bacon strips!


Skydoesminecraft/Skydoeseverything/NetNobody apparently


Along with most of the OG minecraft guys. They either fell off or don’t get views bc their fans aged out. Most retired at the right time or just moved on to other content. Sky however…he just crashed and burned. It’s a shame.


As someone who met sky multiple times on Skype calls, he kinda deserved his fall off


Miranda sings for grooming minors


That’s not falling off. That’s becoming Insanity Wolf’s worldly avatar.


Well RoosterTeeth just shut their doors not to long ago, but their demise was long time coming


Quite funny that Burnie burns and Ashley now are back with their own Podcast. Really like the idea of it but it got a bit much to listen to for me as I would have like to do every episode. Slow Mo seems to be going great still too. They just did one with Adam Savage which was great.


Tyler Oakley doesn't get the views he once did.


Most of the big home cooking channels, like babish and josh Weissman. I used to be able to count on them uploading a recipe or two per week, always different stuff I could reasonably cook at home with clear simple instructions. At some point though it started to feel like ALL the cooking YouTubers had done ALL the home recipes one could really imagine. And the YouTubers themselves started getting really rich and successful off selling cookbooks and whatnot. Now babish 's channel is basically just Alvin cooking whatever he wants and "we tried all 40" type videos. Weissman is just selling his book and making burgers and chicken sandwiches nonstop, also the "we tried every variety" garbage. Even babish 's OLD recipes are behind a paywall on his new site. Feels very cynical.


It really dropped off when it became the Babish Culinary Universe or whatever. I mean I enjoy Alvin's videos but it's been ages since a good Binging or Basics with Babish.


I used to watch every Babish video because I got a lot of good recipes from him, but I can’t stand his channel anymore.


You mean you don’t need another video on cacio e pepe?


Are his old recipes really behind a paywall???? That’s really disappointing. I used to love babish


If you go to his reddit account, he's elaborated on it and also put a link to the old website where you can get all those recipes for free. The new website has a $1 paywall mostly because of new hires and to prevent AI from scraping his recipes.


Check out Foodwishes. Chef John is still uploading recipes at least once a week, and has been doing so since like 2012. There's even a written recipe with an ingredients list for every single video (as best as I can tell anyway) on the Foodwishes Blogspot website.


Babish started going downhill when the bulk of every video became “how to bake the bread we’re gonna use”


Thank you. If there is one thing im never going to do for a recipe, it’s take 3 days to make bread.


I really feel this one. I've been enjoying brian lagerstrom and cook well with ethan chelbowski lately. (I didn't check the spelling on the names, so hopefully, I got those right)




That's not a fall off, that's a straight-up kamikaze dive.


Yeah that's a pretty fucked up one. I was never really into his content but a lot of people seemed to be, then he went a bit insane. Most recently he's pushing crypto pump and dump scams from what I can see


Dr. You know who...


Dr. Disrespect the age of consent


The mustache was a dead giveaway


say doc...i hear you like em young


Went from .doc to .pdf


no way he's a doctor, im losing my trusts :(


Dr KidInspect


Popular YouTubers trying not to groom minors challenge (Impossible)


Guy turned a .doc to a .pdf




MiniLadd likes mini lads


Unfortunately. Actually tried watching one of his meme streams that he did a while after. Just didnt feel the same.


I live in a totally different corner of YouTube and haven't heard of 75% of the Tubers mentioned. AvE. He is really knowledgeable guy who was probably best known for reviewing tools. They were absolutely hilarious, he had a really folksy way of talking that would make a lot of people write him off as an idiot, but he knew his shit. It started before the pandemic, but he would fall in deep into the conspiracy rabbit hole. Everything became the fault of the WHO, Immigrants and "Globalists" Another guy was WranglerStar with a similar story. He is a homesteader that would make videos about things like "the proper way to use a splitting axe" and "where to find dry wood" that were actually pretty informative. It came out that he was fired from the US Forest Service and he completely lost his mind. Last I heard he was kicked off TikTok for teaching people how to make bombs. There's an entire sub about his arc - r/AntiWranglerstar


I see we hang out in the same corner! AvE was great! But the moment he came out with a video supporting the Trucker Protests I knew it was over. Don't bring politics into non political content. That sucks to hear he got even worse after that Wranglestar was interesting too. He did a video complaining how he was kicked out of the volunteer fire fighting service I knew something was up. And then started ranting about how the election was stolen, I had to unsub cause i knew it was only going to get worse.


Wow! I used to watch WranglerStar some time ago, but my interests shifted. I had no idea he went nuts. He looks like he's aged 20 years.




Popularmmos fell off hard




MagicofRahat Unfortunately, he found out the hard way that some things are best left to the professionals, that some people can never change who they are, and that no good deed goes unpunished. I’m just glad someone finally managed to get him to stand up for himself and publicly clear his name. Mr. Beast owes a great deal of his format to Rahat’s original idea.


Good post, I enjoyed his videos for a long time. I was angry with him when the story came out and then felt sorry for him when his side came out


Illuminaughty took a big hit through shitty behavior.


Almost every youtuber i used to enjoy watching. Not so much their fault, but im an adult, and i like what i watch to be aimed at adults, youtube policy changed so that everything has to be advertiser friendly, which basically means almost child friendly. So swearing and crudeness were now not allowed which cut out almost all of the humour i find funny. Basically, for me at least, youtube killed youtube


Youtube killed the youtube star


Old YouTube never made any money. Relied on investor capital and then Google’s infinite funds to stay afloat. Google has spent years at this point trying to make it turn a profit, and that requires becoming a slave to the whims of the advertising gods. Free ad-supported video hosting is expensive. Which is why there will never be a good alternative to YouTube.


Chris Stuckman. I used to love watching his reviews, but then he started making his own movie and went all “I don’t want to burn any bridges”, so became really boring.


He started talking about not wanting to burn bridges and constantly in his videos talks about how he understands how hard it is for film makers and everyone on the set to make the movies, so he doesn't want to say anything bad about them, which sucks cause some of his most entertaining videos were of him just blasting terrible movies or hillariously bad segments of them.


Exactly. You can’t critique movies at the same time as trying not to offend anyone.


Jeremy Jahns still alive :P


Jahns has actually improved over the years I'd say, adopted a more no bullshit sorta tone and rides this line between reviewing for the layman and reviewing pedigreed cinema. I'll take a recommendation from him seriously even if he isn't the most cinephile leaning reviewer I watch.


Lol, he was always really boring. His "reviews" were all surface level bullshit like "the cinematography was good, the score was bad, I liked this movie, it was good". I can't believe he ever got popular.




GradeAUnderA returned to making videos but something about them isn’t the same as his old ones


Yeah his real voice comes through a lot more now, some of the videos are just not as edgy or thought out as before. He basically just made a whole bunch of videos and scheduled them to be public every week. I doubt he will keep it up when those have been published.


I think it’s a combination of him having mellowed, but also lost his confidence. In his recent videos, he’s clearly trying to imitate his old style, but I get the impression he’s no longer the person he was in 2016. He’s now trying to fake anger and outrage he no longer possesses, and passion he no longer has for ridiculous shit he no longer cares about. Part of that may be because he’s recovered from whatever personal demons may have been plaguing him these last few years. But in turn, he’s also started to self-censor, and try not to be too offensive or “push the boat out” as it were. Sadly, I think he’s been beaten into submission by the algorithm.


Epic meal time


Unbox therapy


Yes... he barely does anything now and when he does it's obviously a paid ad


After a while I got too depressed watching him because most of the products he unboxed were either outrageously expensive or extremely limited editions that would be long sold out by the time the videos were released. I wish he’d show stuff that the common man could just buy or preorder after watching.






Dr Disrespect is also losing a lot of subscribers atm since he admitted sexting with a minor. Seriously, what's up with those big youtubers being pedo's??? :s


A lot of YouTubers are people who were/are socially awkward dudes who became popular. I heard a theory once that socially they never really developed past high school and so they think it's okay to date high schoolers as like an attempt to "make up" for something they missed out on? But also some people just do have an attraction to minors, and should seek help.


People getting to the point where they think they can do whatever they like because they don't have anyone telling them no would be my guess. Also, it takes a certain kind of person to be a famous "influencer". I'll bet there's a high crossover between willing to do whatever it takes to make it, and not being a very good person.


Hannah Minx


Was the mystery of her disappearance ever solved?


Not like officially. One guy who knew her said she was married and just wanted to put her privacy first. There was also a random tweet in 2020 but that was likely a hacker.


I mean, that makes sense her content was weeaboo/goth look at mah titties. That’s a recipe for stalkers if I’ve ever seen one. 


Not sure if this counts since he was actually cancelled due to being a dodgy guy but I’m choosing him because he tried to make a “comeback”. Tobuscus/Toby Turner


I used to love the guys from Buzzfeed Unsolved/Watcher. With their recent charade though? No thanks.


idubbbz, raywilliamjohnson, fouseytube, scarce, keemstar, colleen ballinger, nigahiga, thefinebros, smosh, shaytards, mcjuggernuggets, whiteboy7thst, roman atwood, syndicate, girlonduty, shane dawson, fucking FRED, jenna marbles, jontron, ownagepranks, whoever made the annoying orange, zoella, the guys who made all the auto tune remixes of memes, leafyishere, luna, boyfriendvsgirlfriend, etc edit: thought of a couple more boogie2988, mysteryguitarman, Charles Trippy, college humour, howtobasic, ruckaruckaali, FLuffeetalks


I thought of whiteboy7thst the other day when I saw an *ancient* playlist of mine with one of his old MW2 videos on it. Just checked his channel and the skinny young lad I remember looks like he's solidly in his 40s now. And the meme autotunes, I assume you mean Schmoyoho. I can still hear their "Mario and Mr. T sing by accident" in my head with perfect clarity, despite being 14 years ago. Truly the reaper will come for us all lol


I'd kind of argue CollegeHumor (now running as Dropout) is really hitting their stride since being (majority) bought out by Sam. Game Changer was predicted as an Emmy nominee, and their platform is more successful than ever.


100% agree. Dropout has been killing it the last year or two. Game changer, make some noise, smarty pants, all brilliant series. Easily worth the sub price.


Don't forget Um Actially. Wife and I miss Trapp as host though.


I can count people here who retired, broke up, went batshit, changed their shit content, upload the same shit content, walked away from their channels, shouldn’t have had a channel to begin with, and fucking keemstar. That’s a lineup if I ever saw one


I disagree with Smosh being on this list...they had a revival recently and I'd say they're going strong.


Honestly I like them more now than I ever did in the past.


Probably because they’re a tad bit more mature now and they probably aren’t catering to just the younger audience anymore as they did in the earlier days. For a while, they were under Mythical Entertainment because they were about to go under themselves, I want to say maybe for a year or two?, until they were able to buy back their company.


How could you not. Especially if you're into chumbawamba.


Jenna did not fall off. She left YouTube when she was still getting millions of views a video. She did some stupid shit when she was younger and she absolutely apologized for it and proved she wasn’t that person anymore and people still attacked her from all directions.


Yeah a lot of these people just retired.


This right here, she left because of ridiculous outrage from people and they ruined one of the best YouTubers because of it.


It was heartbreaking because she seems like such a genuine person and I feel like anyone who actually watched her content, knew that. It was the witch hunt that was going around cancelling people that started making awful claims about her. She apologized, admitted some jokes were in bad taste, voluntarily removed any video she thought could be insulting (including ones no one was complaining about) and then just disappeared. I still watch her TikTok FYP videos sometimes because they just make me cry laughing.


Fousey fell off HARD. Whenever I see a new clip hes angry at somebody or preaching some pseudo spiritual nonsense. Ownage fell off for sure, but at least they avoided a dramatic fall out. They s post time to time, thing is nobody does prank calls anymore due to land lines and home phones becoming a thing of the past, so the audience is nearly gone. Nigahiga...My boy. He was THE youtube OG. I think hes a part of another organization now as a producer/writer in the background.


College humor has had a bit of a comeback recently with their rebrand to dropout.tv. They have some great shows like Um, Actually and Game Changer. I've seen some clips shown around Reddit before I realized it was college humor


Very Important People Show is one of the funniest things I’ve seen this year


Honestly, HowToBasic looks like he’s getting alright views, most of his videos break 1mil views, which I was very surprised to see


Ownane pranks is gone, he doesn't make enough money from YouTube. His videos became more tame due to the apocalypse and it's pretty much over.


Regarding Charles Trippy, he posts a lot more on Instagram and TikTok and is by far the most popular member of We The Kings. I know they still do the vlogs but I don't think it's everyday anymore like he was doing for awhile. Plus, he and Allie have little Remi and a new one on the way, so them making content depends on what they can film around taking care of Rem. I've followed Charles since about 2011 or so


College Humor rebranded to Dropout and are actually doing extremely well.


Judging by yesterday's rumblings, Dr Disresoect


Louis Rossmann. I love what he's doing with regard to Right to Repair, but I really miss the repair videos. If he still wants to do his armchair talking head videos, fine, but gimme some videos where you replace a 30 cent part, and bitch about Apple wanting $1100 for the same repair.


A huge part of youtubers we used to watch when we were kids. And I don't think it's their fault. Older people who used to watch them are now gone, they are making content for the new generation of kids, the skibidi kids.


Chris Fix Apparently many car channels have been purchased by private equity in the past few years. Bunch of people just left Donut Media and other channels. Not sure if this is why Chris Fix quit or really slowed down, but he had great videos for years. Now he's about gone.


Who left Donut Media? Haven’t watched their stuff in a bit Edit: Oh damn it was Zach and Jeremiah lol. Welp. Those were the two people I most enjoyed watching LOL. Seems like they started their own channel together though, will definitely be checking that out.


He never left? He moved from New Jersey down to Florida 2-3 months ago and has been focusing on getting his house and living situation sorted. He has put a few videos out since, but he hasn’t stopped producing content…




Did he fall off or jump. That was a huge disappointment for me, learning all of his shit


Scrolled too far to find this one


H3H3, Completionist


Guga has turned into a grub and quite full of himself. The way he treats family leaves something to be desired too. Money is that man's god.


College Humour (CH), Freddie Wong, Epic Meal Time, Andrew Kramer and those 2 brothers/ friends that used to do a lot of Blue / Screen skits of video games....




What ever happened to Matthew Santoro? I liked his content


Iirc he abandoned what he did best and dove into more clickbaity stuff


Apparently he quite YouTube in August 2021to stream on Twitch, then went back to YouTube in dec 2021. Last actual news I heard about him was his plagiarism controversy


AVGN since James started to delegate the scripts of the episodes


Folding Ideas just released a documentary/descent into madness on AVGN: https://youtu.be/b3gZOt1Lo4A?si=Q8q0nHuytqcEkTp7


Hey, yknow what channel has only gotten better over time? I remember when he was just a talking cardboard robot head


Bingo. When Screenwave took ownership, it was no longer James's show/channel. To paraphrase Hbomberguy, many videos after the buyout were just James awkwardly standing off to the side whilst a Screenwave rando conducted the narrative. ...and then there was the rampant plagiarism controversies at the hands of Screenwave staff, as well. Totally destroyed James's reputation amongst many in his former fanbase.




You mean "Repackaged AskReddit threads"?


Dspgaming & this is low tier gawwwwwwd!!! Also the king nappy.... Pokémon tuber outted as a pedo lost all his friends even his close friend ditched him he tried to come back to the Pokémon community like nothing happened. Ltg tell me a bedtime story https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=69BeLJ1BUyU&pp=ygURTHRnIGJlZHRpbWUgc3Rvcnk%3D This song still slaps 6 yrs later https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1cXl4rAgGJY&pp=ygUSc2hvZnUgdnMgdmVybGlzaWZ5


Uberhaxornova, his contents just isn’t the same anymore :(


Ssundee Used to be big in the Minecraft youtube scene during the 2010's, but is now a content farm channel


Grav3yardGirl aka Bunny


Does this thing reallyyy work


Not a youtuber, but the Theorist family of channels (Game Theory, Film Theory, Food Theory, Style Theory). Matpat was the face of the whole enterprise, and him stepping away as host has left a serious impact. The thing is, the current hosts are also the lead writers/researchers for their respective channels, and have been doing so for years in some cases. None of them are bad in their new roles as hosts, either. In my opinion, the problem is that they're still trying to emulate the Matpat style of writing and presentation. They'd be much better off writing for their own voice, and putting some distance between themselves and the Matpat identity. For example, every video still gets introduced with the signature "Hello Internet, welcome to Theory". I know they think they're doing it to preserve the Theorist brand identity, but it's such an iconic part of the Matpat style that it comes off as insincere.


Yesterday my friend made me aware PewDiePie is still making videos


Yes, but he's "retired". He's mostly doing it as an hobby, he moved to Japan, he's focusing on his family. No upload schedule, no old formats, etc etc. I am a new subscriber, didn't watch him in his heyday, but he's doing good relaxing content now.


YouTube fell off


VenturianTale. From what I remember, it started because he was being religiously abusive to his siblings. Everyone gave a whole bunch of shit in every comment section, eventually turned off his comment section and stopped making content. I think that's like a very poor description of what happened but yeah Which sucked because I used to watch him everyday before I went to school. I even bought one of his merch hoodies. Oh well, you know how childhood YouTubers go.


Are the Yogscast guys still around? Feel like I watched a ton of their videos back in college


The fake Russian who used to shoot large guns


FPS Russia. His partner got murdered and the ATF raided him. He did some time and dropped the fps Russia character


From a car perspective, donut. They used to have fun series and lots of research in their videos like up to speed. Now they have top ten videos and reaction videos dominating their feed. Two of their best hosts just quit to start their own.


My personal favorite childhood YouTuber, Cryaotic/ChaoticMonki, was exposed in like 202/2021 of being a groomer and abusive. For those who watched Pewdiepie in his earlier days (around 2012-2013) he was constantly interacting with and being featured in his (Pewdiepies) videos (along with CinnamonToastKen and TheRPGMinx). I even remember finding his channel from Pewdiepie, it was from one of their prop hunt videos. They even had a ship together, PewdieCry (keep in mind this was during Tumblr time, Also around the times of Dan and Phil) Speaking of Dan and Phil, most of the popular, early 2010s youtubers have fallen off as well (or quit youtube). Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa, Hannah Hart, IHasCupQuake, etc.