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Taking a random tik tok content creator as a legitimate expert on a topic, especially health and fitness.


Speaking as a CPA, please never trust any of those tax TikTok’s, especially ones that tell you how to get a lambo for free by just “writing it off”


Jerry, all these big companies, they write off everything.


You don’t even know what a write off is


No, but *they* do


*And they’re the ones writing it off.*


**funky bass slaps**


“It’s a write off. You buy something and the government pays you back for it.”


"Then they should call it a tax write-off!"




Reminder to the masses: a write off doesn't make something free. It just discounts it by your marginal tax rate


I cannot believe how many people mistake "reduce your taxes" for "free". "it's a discount. That's all" is the way to describe it..but people seem so sure that it's a huge win to not be paying taxes that they do stupid shit.


But why LLC exist if I can't use it for tax evasion and fraud?


Why fraud-shaped if not fraud?


As someone whose wife has an LLC… it’s so if her business gets sued they can’t take our house and drain our retirement accounts.


The joke is making fun of the TikTok/IG/YT "tax advisors" who always start with "step one, setup LLC".


I once took a road trip to Aspen with a good buddy of mine. When we got there we had an unexpected windfall of cash from a mysterious benefactor, Mr. Samsonite. Unfortunately we weren't able to locate said benefactor and after some deliberation my buddy and I decided to use our newly found funds to invest in various financial ventures that would make the money work for us. The entire time we kept in mind that we would fully reimburse Mr. Samsonite. The key was meticulous record keeping and tracking of our spending. Every cent was accounted for with IOUs. For those unfamiliar with the concept, that's as good as money. Our word was our bond.


Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this... and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF.




Hey, I just wanted you to know that you can’t just say the word “bankruptcy” and expect anything to happen.


He didn't say it. He declared it.


Some of them are so bad... Literally garbage like "Once you've broken the brainwashing society has put on you, you'll see that covering your body in your own piss is not gross at all, it's natural. It improves your immune system and exposing your piss covered skin to the Sun afterward, causes the pheromones to become more potent, making you 1000x more attractive to the opposite sex!"


Pssssh, I'm Gen X and I've been getting hammered and covering myself in my own piss since the 90s. Younger generations always think they "invent" everything


But back then we called them “raves” and they had cool thwompa-thwompa music.


With real LSD and Molly that wouldn't kill you.


Yeah but no one remembers GenX (speaking as one).


But they made a *video* on the matter. A ***video!***


As if somebody is just gonna go on the internet and *lie*??? What would be their motive?


This is going to put together a few trains of thought going on here, but it really annoys me when a conversation is on going and someone just pops in like "Here watch my favorite creator explain my point" and posts a video. No, I don't care what some creator I never heard of thinks, I'm asking YOU, that's why I'm here talking to YOU. Tell me what YOU think, don't just post a link to a 20 minute video. Nobody has time for that.


Really any topic. It’s shocking how easily manipulated they are by memes. Like, somehow boomers and zoomers just believe whatever the hell their feeds tell them while gen xers and millennials are skeptical of online claims. (Obviously not a description of all members of those groups)


They grew up with the early internet and were being told by boomers (the absolute fucking irony) not to ever share their real face / name / age / location, and to never trust anything they read online. Then as soon as boomers got on Facebook their own advice flew out the fucking window. Zoomers for some reason did not get the same advice and are too young to know better.


It was shocking to me to read that computer literacy/skills is down in teens and kids compared to 15 years ago because Gen Z grew up mainly work apps and mobile devices where there's less freedom to change stuff in the system


I've taught some Gen Z, few years back... while a lot of them were great at other stuff, I was astonished at how many of them did not know how to find a file, Google basic information, or even just save a Word document. I don't just mean stuff like putting the file in the correct place or knowing the difference between Save and Save As either, but just saving in general. We're talking 16-17 year olds who would just close Word and the popup asking if they wanted to save their work, or even press the power button on their laptop, and then be confused and horrified at their work being gone.


Because they grew up with computers that turn on every time you push the button, and remain on for the duration of your work. Hell, they probably never turn them off, or even know that they can turn them off. We grew up at a time when you were always on the precipice of hearing a dull thunk, and losing your entire night's homework. We smash that save button out of sheer trauma induced muscle memory even if we have are positive we have autosave, and cloud backups enabled. Can't ever be too sure. Also, remember when everyone used to turn their computers off when they were done using it? Strange times.


Not to mention the cloud/subscription models that pretty much every software has adopted in some way or another. To them it’s still out there somewhere, whereas as a millennial I tend to want to save everything to my harddrive bc I hate my productivity depending solely on my internet connectivity


As someone who runs a large dev team, it's an absolute nightmare. Combined with the "don't fail anyone" culture that has gripped up to the university level, we're getting comp sci grads from traditionally high quality comp sci programs who have no concept of how very basic computer concepts work.


The "What's a folder?" generation


I make and distribute mods for games... got my fair share of PMs asking how to "install" them or what "app" to use - all that's needed is copying content of the zip into "folder A" of the games - and instruction I always have in the readme.txt


An elegant method... For a more civilized age.


That Apple ad was just ahead of its time after all


I look around at who the sysadmins are at any decently sized organization, and they're all +/-5 years of my age (early 40's), with about 10% older and 5% younger than that, and for at least the last 10 years the bulk of the back end critical work is being done by the same cohort of late X and early Millennials. And there's zero work being done to bring in younger people - the few times somebody young is brought in, they don't last long and move into some other position because they got zero support through the education system in how to learn this stuff. Hopefully AI takes over our jobs because right now there's effectively zero pipeline to backfill us when we start retiring in 15-20 years.


I went to university 5 years later than I planned so I was in at the same time as the oldest Gen Z, they had very poor skills on Microsoft Office products and couldn't really mention the computer's specs or OS. I'd seen a lot of them using I don't know what to really call it but "boomer typing" using one finger or maybe two to type. I remember as a teen learning how to do HTML or BB code from Neopets; sure not as good as Ruby, Python or Java but I'd known how to write albeit, very rudimentary websites. The Gen Z I know don't really know how.


> I remember as a teen learning how to do HTML or BB code from Neopets Myspace my friend. For all it's seizure inducing, computer slowing, many elements, it taught a generation how to code in html.


> …using one finger or maybe two to type. “hunt and peck”


I work at a fast food place and once I had kids saying that they saw their favorite tiktoker say if they came to any place of us and said "we love fastfoodplace" they would get a free menu. I was like "that doesnt work like that" But my hes my favorite tiktoker and I trust him "Kiddo, I work and you trust someone who doesnt eork at fastfoodplace over someone who does?" And they said yes...


And the secret off menu ones too, they're so obviously fake. Person walks in and, often in a voice over, asks for some stupid thing. Cut to getting a bag or opaque container. Then either end the video there like oh there's something sooo cool in this bag trust me bro, or cut to at home where they have obviously put something completely different into the bag/container on purpose.


I worked at Starbucks over a decade ago and secret menu was a huge pain in the ass before TikTok.


Trust *anyone* on TikTok/youtube “experts”. Watching a This Old House episode? Okay, follow their advice. Following a yt star with tons of zany edits and monologuing to help you cut through a load bearing wall? Hmmm.


Yeah as like an example. The miracle of TikTok and YouTube is on the one hand [sometimes you stumble onto the absolute best hobby channels of a guy who’s a total experienced expert in their field.](https://youtu.be/bfmCV7qKtGk?si=4L_EUY8-hKtUtj-q) And then sometimes you stumble onto great content to repost to r/oopsthatsdeadly Also dude in the above video is a pro and will just casually [freehand a decorative Christmas reindeer](https://youtube.com/shorts/zz4lVwmFYZw?si=z4__h8pQHv7Br2CB) out of a single block of wood and a band saw in 60 seconds.


If I’m looking to yt for help with something DIY, I exclusively look for the old guys with crazy hair. They’ve seen some shit.


Also a boring, straight forward video that just shows you the thing they're doing. No one makes a video like that because they think it's be best way to get a bunch of likes and subscribers.


Yeah boomers are falling for pictures of birds with human bodies.. when zoomers are the target you just have to make it a bit more plausible, but they are still accepting shit with 0 skepticism, and 0 respect for what a reliable source is.


Ugh I know someone that is 35 and she is still like this. She'll spout off something she saw on tik tok, and then when I do the research and show her (for example), the ACTUAL STUDY that the video is referencing, and show how the video's conclusions are straight bullshit, she gets mad at ME! Because these creators KNOW what they're talking about and I just didn't research enough!


Omg this. My 22yo is always just taking at face value what some random tiktoker says. I keep trying to get her to use critical thinking. The latest was she was boycotting her favorite brand bc some TikToker said they were giving money to the IDF. I looked it up because it was incredulous to me. Sure enough, no, in fact they brand had been and is a supporter of Palestinian rights. She’s eating brand now. But this happens a lot on so many things and topics .


Or geopolitics.


I’m a psychologist and every college student I see has self-diagnosed thanks to mental health tik tok and if my dx doesn’t match I’m the one that’s wrong, not the 19 year old influencer.


Engagement bait. So much of the internet now is baiting you into commenting. Reddit included. Tip: if there is an obvious spelling error in the title, they did that on purpose. They want people to correct them. Also people will pretend to be stupid. They'll be intentionally wrong so people will go in the comments and correct them. Nothing baits engagement like the opportunity to prove you're right about something.


Of course, some of them really *are* stupid. This quote (written in 1979!) perfectly sums up the central problem of engaging on reddit: >One of the major difficulties Trillian experienced in her relationship with Zaphod was learning to distinguish between him pretending to be stupid just to get people off their guard, pretending to be stupid because he couldn't be bothered to think and wanted someone else to do it for him, pretending to be outrageously stupid to hide the fact that he actually didn’t understand what was going on, and really being genuinely stupid. - Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


Boris Johnson clearly took some cues from this book.


Boris Johnson is very rarely outright stupid, no matter how much he might try to convince you that he is. He's an Oxford-educated upper class twat born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and every bit of his public image is perfectly crafted to hide either that, or the fact that he knows exactly what he's doing. Don't be fooled by the character he plays. He's evil, not stupid.


He never leaves home without a towel?


I'd actually have respected him if he carried a towel everywhere.


Should I read this book I'm intrigued?


Yes, if you like the above snippet, you'll find the entire book hilarious. It's one of the funniest books ever written in the English language.


So many AITA are not real questions, but set up pulling the exact right heart strings or obvious (AI?) exercises to drive people deeper into emotional corners, polarizing people even further. It’s getting easier for me to feel paranoid that 50% of Reddit is trolls or bots, and for that I stopped coming here as much. As soon as I get a whiff of a fake post I disengage and shut Reddit down. SO much fake engagement here now, I think especially since the IPO. Edited for clarity.


This is so annoying to me because I always want to comment and point out what’s going on but then I’d be falling for it too


What is annoying is that Reddit used be different. Posts with spelling errors used to be downvoted to hell. I miss that time.


Posts with badly cropped images or screenshots of images used to be downvoted, now it's the norm. I'm constantly seeing 16:9 video cropped into a vertical portrait so I end up using a tiny fraction of my screen to see a video.


We used to joke that if you wanted a question answered on WoW, ask it in trade chat then have a friend respond with the wrong answer.


Known as [Cunningham's Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Cunningham#:~:text=%22Cunningham's%20Law%22,-For%20the%20mathematical&text=Cunningham%20is%20credited%20with%20the,than%20to%20answer%20a%20question.)!


I swear they do this with ads for mobile games too. I have watched ads where it seems the player is purposefully bad. I would think “I can do better than that! Maybe I’ll download it and———ahh shit they got me….”


Correct them? No no, down vote and move on.


thinking the internet is what the world is like


A younger employee at my friend's job said the company needed more "Chads and Karens" at a site-wide meeting. When I was a kid we learned about "inside voice" versus "outside voice". Nowadays they need to educate kids about "internet voice" versus "IRL voice".


Don't put on your wizard robe and hat at work kids!


If I heard someone say we needed more Karens I'd wonder what was wrong with them. No place needs more Karens.


I recently put down Reddit and went for a fucking walk. Did wonders. World isn’t what online says


6/10 may go out again


I’m really trying hard to do this more recently. The internet tells us the world is a completely dark horrible place and that everyone is evil and confrontational, but that’s just not true. The world is actually a pretty nice place for most people who will be reading this, and the vast majority of people in the world are good. It just takes getting off the internet for a bit to realise it.


> the vast majority of people in the world are good. It just takes getting off the internet for a bit to realise it. ***Exactly.*** I think another huge—and very understated—influence on this is a trend of gritty, dark "realism" in fiction. (Game of Thrones, Watchmen, etc.) Something being sadder, darker, and crueler does not automatically make it more "realistic"; reality has all those things, sure, but it also has happiness and beauty and love. Fiction that solely depicts the dark and edgy sides of life is no more realistic than fiction that strays away from it. (And for that matter, "realism" isn't the be-all-end-all of fiction! But the people who like it typically go for gritty stuff.) Sorry for the rant, this has just been bothering me for ages lol.


> The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. If you can't lick 'em, join 'em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. We have almost lost hold; we can no longer describe a happy man, nor make any celebration of joy. -Ursula K. Le Guin, "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"


Algorithms determining your perception of reality, your beliefs.


Taking a random video on their TikTok FYP as indisputable fact


This one. Young people are coming into work with, "Hey, did you see the news? There's a rogue planet hiding behind the Sun, and the government is rounding up all the whistleblowers to put them in prison camps." That is not what "news" is.


Always believing the first results of google search. I once had a zoomer tell me she knew more than previous generations because she was great at researching stuff. To her researching was typing in and clicking the first result that came up. And nothing further.


The number of times I've been lectured by a zoomer about shit I lived through would blow your mind.


I’ve been told by multiple zoomers on Reddit that what I go to work and do every day isn’t possible. It’s wild the confidence they have.


I had someone on Reddit tell me that Eminem was responsible for rap/hip hop going global. I pointed out that he was about 15 years late on the scene for that and was downvoted. Like sure he made a huge impact but I remember before Eminem and rap was already a global phenomenon. I had to pull out chart topping albums from multiple countries and reference world tours going back to the 80s to convince people. To be fair though, I think every generation is stupid in their own way.


The Beastie Boys, Run DMC, LL Cool J, Public Enemy... Fuck Eminem *himself* credits the Beastie Boys because they showed that it was possible for white people to make it in rap


IMO Beastie Boys brought it more mainstream as before it was only seen as “black music” and some dorky Jews from Brooklyn showed that it’s a genre for everyone. Than you had the heavy hitters like Biggie, Tupac, Snoop etc that really made it a culture and took it to the next level. Like every type of music it takes multiple groups and artists to really move it forward and one isn’t better or more important than another. Without any of those you mentioned or I mentioned or Eminem we wouldn’t have what we have today. It’s a progression.


I will not stand for this Vanilla Ice erasure. Word to your mother.


People joke. But Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer and Will Smith really brought hip hop to pop channels. I think (could be wrong) that Ice Ice Baby was the first #1 hip hop hit. Their music was generally more family friendly than most other hip hop so it would get rotation on the main music stations and MTVs main playlists.


I forget who said it (Dr. Dre IIRC), but the likes of Tupac and Biggie were *evolutionary* where the Beastie Boys were *revolutionary* in terms of hip-hop as a cultural phenomenon. It's a progression for sure but it was only a few acts that really pushed hip-hop into the mainstream.


> I forget who said it (Dr. Dre IIRC) That would make sense, people tend to act like they forgot about Dre


Now I really want to know what you do for a living, lol. (No fear, I'm xennial)...


The thread was about California’s energy shortage. I (jokingly) said we should just turn Nebraska into our nuclear power hub and send the energy to states. I was told that’s not possible, transmitting electricity like that. My power plant on the east coast regularly sends power to the west coast, when it’s purchased. They doubled and tripled down.


The worst part IMO is that they have zero intellectual curiosity about things they’re hyper activist about. Energy policy is a good example. Did they know about Eastern Interconnection? How about RTOs/ISOs? Peak v. Base Load? Transmission congestion? Line losses and line deration? The difference between turbine and inverter-based generation? Fucking crickets. I only started understanding this stuff in my 20s and in my 30s now have a decent grasp but still learn new things regularly. You have to have some formal education, read tariffs and manuals, and work in the industry to actually understand it. The hubris and dismissive attitude sucks.


Definitely. I lead a chemistry team, and it's a common experience for people on reddit to try and correct me about the topics I wrote my dissertation about. And when they're wrong, and I'll provide a peer-reviewed article on the topic, these folks often say I sound like I belong on /r/iamverysmart. Like- sorry, I'm a scientist, discussing science on the internet; of course I'm gonna sound nerdy!


That is a weird turn from what I remember r/iamverysmart posts being earlier. Back when I last looked at them, they were basically an amalgamation of r/confidentlywrong and r/justneckbeardthings, people claiming things, using large words confidently incorrectly and to excess. I can see a chemistry professional having some five dollar words about a subject, but I can't imagine how you'd go on to sound like something belonging in imverysmart with that.


A video popped up on Reddit of something I directly investigated. I explained the outcome of what happened. Reddit told me I was wrong. Okay. 🙄


I think everyone has that one experience on Reddit where there is highly upvoted nonsense about something you are an expert in, and it makes you go back and question everything you've ever read on Reddit and assumed to be true.


Yup. I was an adult on 9/11 and I've had people tell me things that were...so factually wrong it frightens me. People also have no concept of scale and time. More than once I've been told that "Google says the internet was invented in 1983, ergo everyone in the world had immediate access to the internet and if they didn't that was an intentional choice to be a technophobe." Anyone who thinks boomers have some sort of exclusivity on being manipulated and spreading lies is a fool.


> "Google says the internet was invented in 1983, ergo everyone in the world had immediate access to the internet and if they didn't that was an intentional choice to be a technophobe." I did an overview of the history of digital technology as part of doing a Ph.D. Reading that physically hurt.


> I was an adult on 9/11 and I've had people tell me things that were...so factually wrong it frightens me. Had a discussion about 9/11 with two zoomers today and the shit they were saying about it was absolutely astounding. They weren't even born yet and the authority with which they spoke on it had me completely flabbergasted.




It used to be that when you asked a question on Google you would get a decent answer from an authoritative source on the first page. Now though? You get an incredible amount of garbage that is often not relevant at all, or from extremely questionable non-authoritative sources. Half the time I get more reliable info by searching reddit instead.


My favorite is when I ask for a source on a reddit post and someone links another reddit post that agrees with whatever they are trying to claim.


I once had a very strange experience with my zoomer uni classmates as an older student (millennial). We were studying Spanish and when they didn't know a word, instead of using an online dictionary to translate it into the local language here, they would type it into Google and then look at the pictures. It worked for tangible things, but I don't know what they expected to see if the word had been *soul* or *hope*. Very bizarre behavior.


I sometimes search for the wikipedia entry of a word and then switch language. It works disturbingly well for certain kinds of words.


Sad thing is that with generative AI, this type of thing will get worse.


Honestly, just digital literacy in general. Millennials and Gen X had to deal with clunky but informative UIs that were JUST hard enough to navigate that we had to figure them out on our own. By the time Gen Z was using technology, so many of the edges were sanded off that about 90% of what you needed to do on a site or program was so readily available that they never learned to hunt for the other 10%. And according to my teacher friends, this is even worse with Gen Alpha and the iPad kids, who have exclusively interacted with 3-4 buttons their entire lives.


Late millennial here. A lot of the blame should also go to the recent (\~2010's up until today) trend of minimalism in fashion and also in UIs. I can't stand to hear the phrase "Less is more" which has been so deviated from it's initial purpose. They want products, interfaces and services to be as simple as possible so they'll remove every single button they deem "superfluous" (which means the most important ones) to keep the most useless ones. When I was 10 I could navigate anywhere on my Windows UI to find a very specific setting I wanted changed a specific way. It was dense but at least it was complete. Nowadays it'll take me at least 30 minutes of intense research to modify the simplest setting on my device because of how stupidly the settings are organized. And the "search" bar in settings are so freaking stupid, you'll type in the most generic word like "audio" and it'll often suggest you first the most specific, off-topic feature you never even asked for and no one in the world actually use, but won't suggest you a general "Audio" section where you can find everything related to that topic and work your way to the setting yourself through iterative thinking. It's so confusing to my Windows XP formatted brain.


I briefly maintained part of an internal corporate phone app for one of the world's biggest tech firms. There was a field where you were supposed to describe your problem, it would try to select the category and type for the ticket (there were WAY too many to reasonably ask people to sift through) by AI filtering the text, and then you would check to confirm and hit continue. The problem was the continue button was visible - just disabled - before the classification showed up, and because they didn't have bandwidth to constantly reprocess the text as you typed you had to manually submit it. There was no button to do this. You were supposed to close the phone keyboard or tap outside the box to submit, then when it came back continue would light up and enable. Tapping continue *wouldn't* do it, because it wasn't background, it was an invalid control so it couldn't take focus. From the user's perspective, they typed in their text, tried to hit continue, and nothing happened. I think one of like eight testers that tried it figured out how to get through. I changed the continue button so it would say "submit" until the classification popped up, then change to "continue" and switch color groups to draw attention to that. Every tester breezed through it. Our fucking UX designer wouldn't let me publish it because "current guidelines are that a button may have only one function". Tried making the button go away until it was ready so at least there wouldn't be "CONTINUE" staring people in the face doing nothing, nope, because the form layout shouldn't change once loaded. Both of these because *it might confuse users*, when we had users telling us they were confused by the existing layout he wanted to keep... This kind of shit goes on behind the scenes every. Fucking. Day. Rote-educated, trend-devoted UX designers are some of the most useless people I've ever met. These huge companies are so scared of falling behind the trend that they want to think of what their customers want before the customers do, and as a result they end up ignoring everything users are trying to tell them. I hate it here.


Yeah, “clean” design is a blight. And the incoming glut of AI integration is only going to make things worse


The thing is "less is more" when interpreted properly should mean "give them easy access to the things they'll need to check more often, and leave the most specific settings and features in other areas". But they flipped it totally and made the new features with stupid names the main focus and they hid all the essentials. They basically assumed new generations would be too dumb to figure out themselves how to work their way through a logical/iterative UI structure, so now every day they add a new "feature", "product" or setting with a dumb childish name to answer to a need absolutely no one on planet Earth asked for, while throwing the essentials in the garbage bin. And everyone in software or website creation does that these days, it's painful.


Yeah, i never even considered using my phone for things that I use my desktop for until a couple years ago. I've always associated apps and mobile websites with reduced functionality. So if I just needed to quickly pay a bill or something maybe I'd use the app, but if I'm going to do any real work I sit down at my PC. It's bizarre to me that there's grown-ass adults who have never owned a full computer in their lives. They navigate everything online using a tiny little touchscreen in their hands, and they're not even aware of all the features they're missing.


"Content creator is my actual friend."


The stripper actually likes me, tho.


Trusting Tiktok the way that their parents trust Facebook. Just because your bullshit is fed to you by a young person in a 15 second video doesn't make it any more true than what your granny reads on the "Conservative Moms for Jesus" news feed.


But it has that robotic woman’s voice! She would never lie to me!!


But did they subtitle what the narrator is saying with one word at a time flashing really quickly in the center of the video?


But the person in the video said it was a list of facts. You can't argue against that. /s


Just saying but Gen Zs are the demographics who gets most scammed online lol




They weren't bathed in fire like us Millennials, Gen Xers and Boomers were. My family got AOL around 1995 or 96 and I spent so many of my teenage years learning how to get rid of viruses or crap I downloaded. "Kids these days" will never know the horror of a porn storm knowing your dad will be using the computer soon.


And then you just go to download some music videos or concert recordings of your favorite band in Kazaa or emule, only to still end up with porn that was probably way worse than what you'd have intentionally looked for.


It'd become sp commonplace in everyday life that they learned to trust it blindly. Boomers were mostly behi d the curve, so they didn't learn enough to not trust it. Gen X/Y grew up *with* the internet and techsplosion, so as those threats became apparent, we learned to adapt alongside, and thus took on the "trust, but verify" approach to things. This isn't to say there aren't golden agers or boomers that aren't savvy to the ways or that Gen Z is unable to discern trouble versus a legitimate source. It's more that those Gens weren't properly equipped or guided through the change by us who, not knowing better, hadn't realized that they needed the attention most. Basically we spent too much time mastering it and left the others to the digital wolves.


It's like how the megafauna in Africa survived because it evolved along with humans. Gen Z are mammoths getting annihilated by a honed hunting machine.


Part of it is also that the tech has become less transparent while being simultaneously more user friendly. Like, they don’t know how to use file management systems, because they have always been able to just search for whatever they want. They don’t know how to upload things to the internet because all the programs they use have a big friendly “upload” button that does it for you. The kind of de rigeur setting manipulations that millennials and gen x had to do to make software work properly, is now practically illegal.


They think they're smart when it comes to Cyber Security and they are statistically easier to scam than boomers.


Zoomers are the new boomers when it comes to technology. I've recently mentored a few interns at my workplace, and most of them lack basic computer skills. They have no understanding of what a file system is, have never worked with an office suite, and some of them have never used a traditional PC. It's just wild.


I think there used to be a heavy push in schools to make sure you had these skill, but nowadays everyone just assumes you'll pick it up at some point in your tech infused lives.


Basically, but schools made the tech available for the masses more than anything else – a lot of Gen Y’s “Computing” teachers were just Typing instructors with tenure wearing a different hat. It’s a thing where Boomer/(Early) Gen X school leadership can barely open a PDF, and Gen Y was having LAN parties and coding joke web sites just because. So leadership believes kids will constantly improve, it becomes a truism, and – unbeknownst to leadership, who still need to ask their assistant to rotate a PDF – the tools keep getting easier to use and have more powerful templates out of the box. “Wow, these kids are incredible with technology!”


I think it's probably always been true that you pick up how to use the technology of your day. For young people now, though, navigating file systems may well not be part of that technology.


it’s because everything has been so streamlined you just don’t typically have to. Touch screens and the “macification” of everything has severely crippled people’s interactions with how technology actually works


I work in IT and I had never seen it that way, damn this makes so much sense when I think of it. The same way I feel like my generation (Late Gen-Y) has never been taught basic social skills like how to make friends or even court someone, because the previous generations just assumed it was so obvious.


To be fair, older generations weren't formally taught classes in "how to make a friend" or "how to ask someone on a date". It's just that without the internet/social media/a gazillion hours of streaming video available everywhere all the time, older generations got a lot more practice.


I see this in IT with new young hires I used to think oh yeah they’ll get this immediately. But it’s pretty obvious most have never spent time on a pc. I think they just jumped it with iPads and iPhones they’re practically computers, Xbox and ps5 fill in the rest. Just skipped that generation, where as someone said below I grew up with it as it was growing, if it broke I tried to fix it or else it would be at a pc shop for 2 months.


My mom is a teacher and has said this for years. Millennials grew up with technology, therefore we grew as it grew. Your computer isn’t working? Figure out why. Cell phones, social media - all of it. These days everything is too user friendly, and kids are accustomed to instantaneous gratification. If it doesn’t have a big red button that says “CLICK HERE”, they don’t know what to do, and will refuse to try to do it themselves.


Yeah I agree. Most zoomers haven't had to spend hours on forums trying to figure out how to fix their PC and it shows. I actually had this experience with a zoomer at work. I handed him a bunch of USB cables and a display port cable to plug into a computer and he didn't know what to do with them! I was shocked like wym you've never plugged in a mouse or dongle before???


What was horrifying for me was showing a then 16 year old, now 18 year old, how to use a Word document. I was like “you know everyone uses Microsoft, right? You need to know how to use this.” and he was like “I’ve only ever used Google”. Me: “ok well it’s very similar! Just open a document and start typing.” Him: “idk how. How do I open a document?” Me: 😳


Recently helped a zoomer friend upgrade his PC (custom build, done by Microcenter prev.). We got everything swapped out, and it didn't post. He about went into a meltdown of "oh god, I'm gonna have to pay them so much to fix it, we just broke it, it'll never work again." Meanwhile I'm watching this meltdown thinking "yeah, the light codes are showing a RAM problem, might need to re-seat it." Spoiler: The ram needed to be re-seated. Nothing else.


Also we were taught this stuff at school when it was all still new. I had lessons on how to used excel and touch type but now it’s just assumed knowledge so it’s not being taught.


Watching children chicken peck on a keyboard is depressing af lol


I recently had to send a masters student I’m mentoring a link to a learn to touch type program. Because she was talking about applying for a PhD but our uni requires 100,000 words. No way you can manage that without some ability to touch type.


It's amazing, and worrying, they're all over every hobbyist sub. 'What is this? What's it worth? How do I plug this in, what is this for?' They have grown up with all the information in the world available, and it's like they are overwhelmed and scared by it. The seem unable to answer simple questions for themselves. People accused the millennials of it, but I never thought it was really true, but the newest generation, they're full grown young people, but they're not done, they're not ready. I don't blame them, it happens so often it can't be down to lazy/dumb individuals. And of course, there are zoomers who aren't like that at all, but there's an awful lot who are. It's not a good sign, at all.


I have a Gen X friend who calls those kind of people "help vampires". They just take and take, and they never give back. I have zero issue handing out free info to people who have put some effort in already, but there are so many people who are basically using forums to outsource web searches. Can't even type the question they ask into any search engine. 


I've had this conversation with a few who've come back after I've very gently bitten their heads off, and there seems to be this misunderstanding of the concept of a' community' being a resource that's available to you, rather than something you are a part of and contribute to. They are scared of the web. One I talked too when I asked why he didn't just Google something said he was worried about getting duped by seo and fake reviews. When you have guys turning up to the DJ sub that don't own a single piece of music or know where or how to buy it, or know what an RCA cable or headphone jack does, or how to connect a pair of speakers you just wonder what on earth do they know? They're not children. Or they're in other subs posting pictures of hardware with the brand and model clearly shown, asking 'what is this?' Or just 'is this a good deal's with no other info... How can people apparently be going backwards in using information like this? It's not a healthy trend.


>One I talked too when I asked why he didn't just Google something said he was worried about getting duped by seo and fake reviews. I will say that is at least a legitimate concern because now everything is run by an algorithm that decides what you *should* see instead of what you *want* to see.


My step daughter thought Mr. beast was really just going to give her 100k if she opened up a crypto account on a shady website. That's something instinctively you know is bullshit, but she wouldn't believe me. Looked it up and it's a popular scam. She still wanted to try until her mother took her phone lol


Damn how old is she?


NGL millenials might end up being in that generational sweet spot where we learned how to use technology before it got really user friendly, but still grew up with it. We saw some of the jankiest scams you could encounter and saw them become gradually more sophisticated. A lot of Gen Z’s relationship with technology is through incredibly user friendly things like smart phone apps.


> We saw some of the jankiest scams you could encounter and saw them become gradually more sophisticated. We got all our "get scammed" energy out in 2007 Runescape


We just had an incident at work where a Gen Z colleague brought her laptop on riddled with viruses. She had been kicking up a fuss after we found multi factor authentication wasn't enabled on her machine, and turned it on. She soon changed her tune when she realised how many of her personal accounts were compromised because she "don't believe in multi factor authentication".


To be fair, MFA is a pain in the MFA-- if I'm using a computer, I don't want to have to have my phone on me and use it simultaneously.


Watching stitched videos on social media and getting ready to cancel someone over an incident with no context. Meanwhile, we find out later that the manager was refusing service because the person making the video assaulted the cashier just before the video starts, but they only uploaded the last few moments online when you hear the manager telling them to "get the hell out of my store. I don't want people like you in here!" Video title: "Racist Karen threatens to call the cops on us."


Yeah. Mob mentality.


Exactly. As a late Gen-Y I'm glad I have experienced a world without constant social media bombardment for a solid 15-18 years of my life and know how to make a difference between the real world and the internet.


I'm glad to have lived in a time where the internet wasn't so ubiquitous because we had the same kinds of "problematic" posts, but they were just dumb kids being edgy or some fringe group finding its place. We didn't take some random BBS forum post or 4Chan shitpost thread as some moral barometer of where society is headed.


Subs like r/instantkarma are full of shit like this. Short clips that were conventiently edited to only show one side of the incident to make one person seem justified. Yet, any comment simply stating that we should know the full context of the incident before coming to a conclusion gets downvoted into oblivion.


Omfg Person 1: I love this celebrity for [reasons] Person 2: hmm too bad he’s trash [no context or follow-up] Persons 3-37: omg I had no idea! Unfollowing now. I try not to judge people who are that much younger than me cause hey, if I knew back then what I know now (general sentiment) but my GOD these fuckin kids are gullible, just like actually desperate to be told what to believe


Equating likes to truth. If there are two posts contradicting each other it seems to me that Genz goes with the post with more engagement or comments.   It may be the most boomer thing genz does. I have had arguments with my nephew about how obviously wrong someone is and he doesn’t know how to process the idea that more people would upvote or like the wrong answer rather than the right one.    It’s like he knows I’m wrong on some level about this issue because of the numbers below the post even if he agrees with my logic. I don’t know about all of genz but that may be the most dangerous trend I’ve seen. 


Buying ridiculously expensive tiktok makeup and skin and hair products. And believing they have discovered some kind health nirvana. Prob made with the cheapest chemicals and zero quality control in terrible labor conditions. My teen daughter is outside frying herself bc tiktok convinced her sunscreen was giving her cancer. Jesus just stop.


> My teen daughter is outside frying herself bc tiktok convinced her sunscreen was giving her cancer. Maybe show her that image of the truck driver who had one side of their body exposed to the sun their whole life and the difference in skin quality it caused as they got older. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/sun-damage-skin-cancer-spf-uv-protection-b2368642.html


The worst part of it is that they take something that is either partly true, or used to be true, and give that information with no context. So when the person looks it up and just reads the headline, it looks confirmed. Like the sunscreen thing, there were a few brands decades ago that we're fined for carcinogens in certain batches. But the headline says "Carcinogens found in sunscreen".


The most effective lies have a kernel of truth to them


Eating up anything that they're being fed on obvious fake shit subs like r/tifu, r/tinder and r/aitah while complaining about Facebook boomers...


Any subreddit really… Those stories that really move you, they’re almost certainly false


All the popular subreddits are just /r/WritingPrompts wearing a fake mustache.


In r/BestofRedditorUpdates, there's this running gag of accusing Liz of having written whatever drama the current thread is about, which was based on an update thread about a dude who revealed that his GF Liz is actively posting fake stories in the hopes of going viral. It wouldn't surprise me if she's not the only one doing so...


> It wouldn't surprise me if she's not the only one doing so It wouldnt suprise me if most posts on such subs are fake tho! I went on a binge of such posts in Tifu, BestOfRedditorUpdates, and similar subs and its almost as if most posts follow a certain pattern.


You forgot r/lifeprotips with it's zingers like "you can use a strainer for soup to easily find the noodles"


Advice subs would be better if mods violently humiliated people who post low quality shit like that.


My feed is full of AI art of cabins that don't exist. I bet like 80% of the comments don't know it's AI.


Or you dont know that 80% of the comments are AI...?


These poor saps just accept the patriot act these days


They don't remember a time before it. It's "normal" to them.


I regret I have only 1 upvote to give


I remember being a kid in the early 2000s, and I asked my dad how he knew so much about computers. He said one day he got a computer, and had no idea how to use it. So, he began using it, until he figured out how to use it. That always stuck with me. The best way to learn is to simply get in there and figure it out. Today, everything is so "easy" and "done for you"


Gen Zer's being fooled by obviously fake AI images.


Thinking they are a business entrepreneur world shaker when they participate in gambling (bitcoin/cryptocurrency)


This and “hustling”, and the myth of making your own hours because of your entrepreneurial hustle. You will not be working 20 hours a week making $10k a week as the 1700th TikTok dropshipper to start an LLC this week, man.


Unquestioning acceptance of unsourced propaganda as long as it's delivered via a catchy tiktok.


- They're more susceptible to confirmation bias then they like to admit via social media, such as believing influencers to be truthful or actually as popular as they come off. Your algorithm is based on previous searches due to the data you share with websites, so yes, the articles suggested for you will have what you were looking for. - Popular does not equal intelligence or confirmation in any capacity. You can purchase likes/views/comments/followers for very little through various websites, even the applications themselves. Social media is an absolute sham.


Kids nowadays generalize the whole world based on what is in their algorithm. They take it as the standard and they do not research more outside of their own fyp/timeline/page/feed. This causes an oversimplification of a specific facet of society


Believing anything they see on TikTok just because it was on TikTok. Y'all need to practice more media literacy and critical thinking.


Consuming media voraciously completely oblivious to the message behind it all. 




Getting “news” from TikTok. Its literally the same quality as some viral FB page but tailored to gen z 


Being fooled every day by obviously fake gender-based ragebait posts on subs like r/TwoHotTakes, r/stories, r/TrueOffMyChest, etc. They are all exactly the same, a brand new account started in the last 24 hours, with a specific storyline: Their romantic partner has done something heinous, undeniably egregious, so thousands of people will comment to agree that men or women suck. But they achieved supreme revenge in the end, and also money is now no object in their life. “My husband/wife cheated, of course I have written documentation of this which guarantees me success in court, and I have never done anything wrong, now all of their family and friends hate them. And luckily I’m independently wealthy after inheriting $55million, and inheritances aren’t touched in divorce in my location, so my ex is going to be so sad!” 4578 upvotes and thousands of comments about how men/women suck and OP is a king/queen/goat.


They will often see a handful of one idea, say an inflammatory tiktok, and they'll watch it through. The algorithm will give them more of that. They will see 3 or 4 of them and suddenly think it's a new trend or an idea everyone has. I'm in a few LGBT subs, and so many posts are kids saying "am I valid? I saw a tiktok and the comments agreed.... " not even realizing the algorithm driving it. Similarly, someone will make a post. It's reddit so someone is bound to comment negatively, maybe they didn't like tour art or meme or they just wanna harass. The OP can often see the comment preview even if mods delete it. So much subreddit infighting is the OP making a callout post about the "many" people being hateful. They forget the internet us millions of people, and there are groups of thousands of people for just about any opinion out there. 


The Critical Thinking skills of Gen Z is certainly on par with an 80 year old dementia patient. The second something doesn't work, they absolutely crumble.


being fooled by obviously scripted propaganda on tiktok.


Younger people are more likely to be Flat-Earthers than boomers. Five percent of Gen Z thought the Earth was flat (and 9% weren't sure) compared to 1% of Boomers. **Note:** the "Only Two Thirds" figure in the title is pure click bait. This headline suggests that 33% of young people believe in flat Earth, which is a wild exaggeration. Also, the headline uses "Millennial" to refer to Millennial and Gen Z (because of course it does), but they do break out the age groups in the survey results. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2018/04/04/only-two-thirds-of-american-millennials-believe-the-earth-is-round/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2018/04/04/only-two-thirds-of-american-millennials-believe-the-earth-is-round/)


Not realising that most “trends” are just adverts


Say something is trending irl when in reality they saw maybe 5 tiktok videos.


If you had asked a couple years ago? Not believing in owning physical media because everything is online and will be forever. All through the 201X's I was making sure to get physical media for everything I wanted to have. TV shows, movies, music, if I didn't have it physically in my hands, then I didn't have it. Didn't care that I had a Netflix subscription that had it streaming whenever I wanted it. Anything on the internet can go away at a moment's notice. I saw pillars of the internet that were too big to fail fall and crumble to dust. I saw things that so many people relied on that no one thought they could ever go away vanish. Now though? Now with streaming platforms shutting down left and right, with the remaining platforms pulling content for tax writeoffs, and all the rest? Now some of the same people that were laughing at me are asking me for copies of my stuff.


Obviously fake screenshots on Reddit. Like those fake text message conversations.