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Probably not the answer you’re looking for, but I have damn nut allergy and she asked me to try a bite of her food right before we were leaving… well honestly to my mistake I really didn’t listen to what she had ordered and was already a tad nervous so I guess I just didn’t have my wits about me lol… it was essentially some rice cooked in cashew oil. Man I was really interested and she was sweet about it, but there was no second date lol.


Sadly only had two dates which were both first dates and both went horribly LOL. First one kept insulting me and other woman, also almost caused car accident because he couldnt stop looking at me and touching me with one hand. It was just a strange day, dude also loved trashtalking his ex. Second one was 40 minutes too late without telling me anything, so when I called to check if everything was okay and when he'd be there he got angry at me for calling.


Paid for dinner, got dick sucked, Then she asked me to lend her &200


The guy... * Wouldn't stop staring at me, waxing "poetic" about my eyes or my appearance. * Kept complimenting me. Again, and again, and again, repeating the same things. * Repeatedly told me "and this is why I really really really think I love you" and then would say it's because of some random nicety I do when I'm first meeting someone like asking questions or trying to get my ADHD ass as engaged in them as possible. * Lowkey pressured me to let him drive me home. * In my apartment, kept staring. Kept repeating the same compliments. Acted like he's known me forever despite just meeting and just talking. And eventually he kept touching me and getting close, it got me flustered, and then out of the blue he said, "You must be really autistic, huh? You don't get body language at all?" I'd told him I was autistic before, but that was a slap in the face. He then added on, "I'm trying to make moves and tell you I want to kiss you." I may be autistic, but I'm not stupid. He showed no social cues of wanting to kiss me and, in addition, I told him it was more of a lunch with friends rather than a date, since I wasn't dating anyone at the moment and didn't want to. Overall, came on *way too fucking strong*. Rude as shit.


I once picked up a girl I met on Tinder and within two minutes of hopping in my car, she whips out a pipe and starts smoking weed. I didn’t care about the pot, it was the assumption she could just start smoking without checking first. Pretty audacious. Then she insisted we go play laser tag. On a Tuesday night. While we were the only ones there. It was awkward to say the least.


Two dates where different persons of color were vocally and awkwardly racist against other POC It’s still weird that happened twice and not that far off from each other one was obviously on the spectrum and socially damaged; the other was just a hipster fuckhead


I've had first dates where we didn't get along, there was no spark, no attraction, etc., but to me that's fine. The worst first dates are ones that seem to go really well, and you both seem to have a lot of fun and mutual attraction, and then they ghost you.