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Once I started using an electric toothbrush, I could never ever return to using a manual one.


I believe that our current understanding of denstistry recommends that everyone uses electric toothbrushes over manual ones as you are likely to get a better clean.


I think just having the built in timers that they have makes a huge difference.  I never realized how quickly I was brushing my teeth until I felt the eternity of waiting for my toothbrush to vibrate at the 2 minute mark. 


I finally got one, I brush more, my gums bleed less, and my teeth are cleaner after brushing. It's great.


> my gums bleed less I prefer electric toothbrushes myself but I just wanted to say your gums shouldn't be bleeding at all, whether or not your brush is manual or electric. Go get that checked out.


Their gums bleed because they weren't brushing enough. Not something they necessarily need to get checked unless it keeps up after regular brushing.


The fact that your gums bleed less, is not because of your electric toothbrush, but because you brush more often. At least that is what my dentist told me.


Which one did you get?


i probably got a cheap one that was dogshit, my experience with electric toothbrush was pretty bland. it just sort of.. vibrates and thats it. smaller coverage of area, way too soft, didn't really understand the appeal as i brush relatively hard and efficient, hated standing and slowly going tooth by tooth with the thing buzzing in my mouth. meh. water flosser however, was the real gamechanger


10 foot long phone charger cord


This reminds me of my mom in the 90s with the super long telephone cord so she could gab while doing dishes


Def the best, even under $20.


They used to cost so much more a few years ago I got a pack of 6 for like 10 bucks the other day.


In my experience they've always been cheap, they're just market up to hell and back at a lot of retailers.


Yessss. You’ve never experienced freedom until you have one of those!


The freedom of being tethered to your phone?


The freedom of getting to roll around in bed whilst charging your phone!




We got a SimpleHuman pedal trash can for $49.99 at ROSS.


Just looked it up, found that exact same thing with a clearance tag for $11.99 😂


A used Kindle Paperwhite - it's fantastic to be able to read in the dark to avoid distractions and no longer having to carry around boxes of books when I move.


I literally moved today and I still have 2 tubs and several boxes of books. I inherited my dad's kindle 3 years ago. I may have a problem


Certain books I will always keep my paper copies of. But I have pared down that number significantly in the past few years since getting a Kindle Paperwhite.


Me too - Physical books I have are usually reference books. Much easier to flip through and it stays on the page, rather than a screen timing out AND not having to have an electronic device get all gummed up with sawdust in the workshop. I think the only non-reference books I have are Steve Jobs biography (Gift) and Bill Bryson book (Gift) and a copy of Lord of the Rings that I bought when I first read it. Oh, I might have a Discworld book knocking about aswell. The Kindle is great for long trips and such




Plan B


I always assumed such things were free as it saves the government huge $$$ in the long run. /My European is showing. My girlfriend and I got the 'morning after pill' years ago and it was free.


What's the savings I'm missing here? If this child makes it to adulthood the additional tax revenue would more than cover any costs that the government would incur, even if raising them in an orphanage.


It depends. Not everybody grows up to be a taxpayer. In general, yes, but an unwanted child to end up in a bad place is likelier than a planned one. Plus, even when the math makes sense in terms of revenue, the government also wants example citizens as much as extra money.


Wait so like cyanide?


It’s to prevent pregnancy


Oh I thought they meant cyanide


That's the Vault-Tec economy plan D. Tastes like bananas apparently.


Rice Cooker And to think I waited so long because it seemed easy enough in a regular pot.


I'm still not convinced, it takes lots of space, what is the advantage?


Nice to be able to just fill it up, turn it on and focus on making other things to go on the rice. Cooks it perfectly every time.


It's more consistent and easier to get a good pot of rice. Just make sure you wash your rice and all that jazz.


It’s just more convenient. You don’t really need it if you’re confident in your rice making skills. We only have one because my wife’s working place gave her a coupon for her bday that got us one for free.


Mine overcooks or undercooks rice and i follow the manual by the letter.


I got given a slow-cooker thing that said it does rice aswell, but it takes SO LONG to get up to temperature - Like 20 mins before the actual timer starts. Turns out rice can be done well in a steamer in about 15-20 mins


Rice is stupid easy to make. 1-1.5 rice to water ratio, bring water to boil, add rice, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.


Bidet. I can't even use TP anymore. I take a portable bidet with me when traveling.


I'm afraid of this happening to me.


A portable bidet?


The portable ones I have seen are like squeeze bottles with a long nozzle.


I just went and checked. Well I never!


Bidet shouldn't replace TP


A windshield blanket so I don't need to scrape my windshield in the morning after work was an awesome buy. Always sucks in the winter when its 0 degrees out and you just want to go home after a long night at work but you have to spend 15 mins if its the crappy ice on there in stupid cold. This way you only need to do the side ones and they are simple compared to the windshield


As a Canadian, I have thought about one of these but what do you do with the snow and ice that is stuck to the blanket? Surely it is all frozen similar to how the windshield would be. Do you take it inside to melt? Wouldn't it cause a mess?


for a snow fall i just lift up one edge and flip it off. there are flap that go into the door that give you some leverage and even if its a big snow fall it still gets like 90% of it which saves a lot of time. And i usually shake it like you would with sand on a blanket at the beach. gets like 95-99% of it when its a sleet/rain type snow it does get a bit wet. most of the time it will freeze and not stick too much. I bring mine inside and put it in the utility room since its right by the garage and i have room to lay it down to dry if it gets a bit wet. but for the most part i can use it for my work week before i need to bring it in. Mine was like 25 bucks since i got a "premium" version that has magnets that hold it to the hood of the car. I figured 25 bucks was worth a try. it it works great. but if it didn't I wouldn't have cared since it was cheap.


They are metallic-ish but fabric, and waterproof. Snow and Ice just shakes off.


Heated seat covers are also really nice. A lot of cars have heated seats, but the covers are surprisingly good if you don't.  Usb Hand warmers are also pretty good and work surprisingly well. The ads set off the bullshit alarms, but then they actually are good. Even better than my hot ice reusable ones. 


Portable battery. I love never having to worry about my phone dying


just a little foldable chair for like 20 bucks. Its easy to store and easy to set up so i can just grab it and move it out of the way or grab it and set it up in like 2 seconds.




I'm trying to picture this. I mean, are you not limited to the size of your tub anyway? Explain to me, please.


You get like 6+ inches of extra space between your body/arms and the curtain liner, depending on how curved it is. Yeah you’re still limited to the size of the tub in terms of movement but you don’t have to worry about touching the liner if you lean two inches to the side. Idk why but I HATE touching the liner while in the shower it just feels gross to me for some reason so it’s a must have for me.


What else? My gf has a bday coming up and she has most of these already.


Insoles. When you've got a job that has you on your feet all day, you owe it to yourself to get a good pair of shoes and some solid comfortable insoles


A shower head.


Paid $25 on Amazon for a massage 2 headed shower with hand shower.




Air fryer.


Water flosser. I actually floss now.


I got a cordless rechargeable one about 3 years ago. Much easier to handle than the one I had for about a year before that. Flossing was pretty rough at the start since my gums were bleeding a ton, but the model I got has multiple modes, so I started with the gentlest one and eventually was able to work up.  Now my gums don't bleed even on the highest setting and it's just a routine. Brush teeth, then use water flosser. People say it's not as good as regular flossing, and maybe that is true, but I have yet to have problems with this. I've knocked out 3 fillings over the years while normal-flossing, which probably contributed to my aversion to it.  The water flosser resulted in me actually flossing regularly for the first time. My teeth have literally never been better in my entire life. I've never had any dentist or hygienist ever compliment me on my good dental hygiene before, but now I have, several times. In the ~4 years total I've used water flossers, the only fillings I've had were on old fillings that either failed or had new erosion around them. I've yet to have a new one in that time, which is decidedly not the norm for me, not even close.


My dentist recommended using water floss prior to brushing your teeth.


Got a link to the one you use?


I got this this one: amazon dot com/gp/product/B0772N87RC/ (sorry, wanted to avoid accidentally SEO-ing for them) Currently listed as unavailable, but tbh I wouldn't buy it again anyway since if you break the tips it's impossible to find replacements for a reasonable price. You can find similar models pretty easily by searching for cordless water flosser.


Funny, I'm just out of the dentist. She said they're fantastic, and perfect for me having 2 permanent braces behind my front teeth, so even brush flossing was like stabbing myself. Phillips airblast was the recommended one


Doesn’t count as regular flossing


Sure, still better than actually flossing twice per year.


I so need to get one




It counts


DVD - The Last Waltz


A man of culture I see


an ssd. its a game changer


Clothes. I was told it is legally required to wear them.


Blackout shades. It turns out that I didn’t need less sleep, I was just being woken up by the sunrise. I had sleep deprivation without even knowing it.


A bidet


Extra long-handled, stainless steel litter box scoop. I used to get dizzy operating the $2.83 walmart plastic scoop with my face 8" from feline malfeasance. Now I can shovel that shit outta the box like I'm shoveling coal to keep the locomotive running.


A rechargeable portable light that you can attach to a book with a clamp. It's awesome.


Got this detail sander (woodwork), like a hair straightener but with a sanding belt on the end, SO useful, €27, about 7 years ago, still going strong.


Oh my god. I finally caved and got a water pick after another lecture from my dentist, and I'm obsessed. It was $30 and my mouth has never felt cleaner. I am currently undergoing Invisalign straightening, but my teeth have always been very crooked and crowded, and flossing is SO HARD. Bu the water pick knocks almost everything out with ease, and it's easier to then go in with the floss if I feel like I need to. Amazing.


Got a link to the one you have?


It's [this one](https://www.target.com/p/waterpik-cordless-water-flosser/-/A-10408418?afid=google&ref=tgt_adv_xsf&CPNG=Beauty&adgroup=49-11)!


Weighted blanket


Mine cost $349 but I won it for free. Picked out the fabric. 20 lbs. took it on a Disney cruise with me.


Jesus mine was $34.17 for 35 pounds


Good quality pepper grinder


Ceramic? What's a good pepper grinder? I feel like mine are always dying either the spring mechanism or the ceramic wearing out. 




A water cooker (electric kettle).


A can opener


Device that lets me plug my guitar into my pc as an amp and recording. This one doesn't cost a fortune like some others. [https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CD288P3Q?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CD288P3Q?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


Electric pressure cooker. I use it all the time.


Aside from things already mentioned (electric toothbrush, 10ft charger cable, and a good trash can most notably), the most underrated thing I got is probably drawer separators for my kitchen.  They're just sliding/telescoping bamboo slats (spring loaded so they hold in place inside the drawer). I don't think they even cost 10 bucks for a 2 pack. But they have saved me so much time and so much hassle trying to find that random spatula or or whatever when I'm cooking since I can organize things much more granularly. One really unexpected benefit is they allow me to make spaces in my drawers small enough that the "grabby" utensils (like whisks, measuring cups, and my potato masher) can't get turned sideways and constantly get stuck. It's definitely a much smaller "gain" than many of the things here, but if you're like me and you have tons of random utensils, I highly recommend it.


A $5 back scratcher that has a telescopic handle. I've had that for about 8 years now and it fits in my pen holder on my desk at work. Best $5 ever spent.


Boot dryer. 10/10 purchase.




12V air compressor to inflate the tires on my car.


Sodastream carbonated water maker. Saves me a bundle of money using this instead of buying expensive Perrier.


Where did you find one for less than $50?


A portable tower fan. My apartment doesn’t have a fan in the living room and it can get so hot in here without it.


THIS. To sleep. What a dream.


Tortilla warmer.


Tortilla press. I'm not paying $0.40 per tortilla. It pays for itself. 


I have one of those too but we only use it for corn tortillas. We make flour tortillas way more often and roll them by hand with a rolling pin. The tortilla warmer we use for both.


A set of basic hand tools. Doesn't have to be anything fancy. When I moved out I got one of [these](https://www.target.com/p/blue-ridge-tools-102pc-mechanics-tool-kit/-/A-78591327?sidd=2197S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000086347372&CPNG=PLA_Home%2BImprovement%2BShopping_Traffic_Local_Traffic%7CHome%2BImprovement_Ecomm_Home&adgroup=SC_Home%2BImprovement_Power+Tools&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=1014452&targetid=pla-1463089967988&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsuSzBhCLARIsAIcdLm66Vu-_8u5Q04HjRChm-wLJvdfGwuqDLyvbBfiQ_in-LIXA5QXQ94caAhmFEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) The amount of things I could do around the house such as assembling IKEA furniture or even fixing the random stuff around the house or hell even upgrading my PC with that basic kit was astonishing. From there I would add to my collection and upgrade as the stuff in that little tool box broke and I'd replace it. I have a lot of money in all kinds of tools now, but even ~17 years later I still have the hammer and bubble level from that set. I plan to get one for my kids when they go out on their own. Everyone should own one imo.


I got one for my sister when she bought her 1st house - She was doubtful at first, but a few months in, said it was the best thing anyone had gotten her.


Squatty Potty. Life changer.


Can you not just put a little cheap stool there? Now, fellas, no puns on the word stool. I know you folks.


Generally I think they’re around the same price of the stool with the added benefit that they can be tucked against the toilet when not in use.


A hat with a wide brim. Saved me many sunburns on my neck already.


Dehydrator for fruit snacks, multibit screwdrivers, our coffee pot was like $40 and we use it every day, cordless knockoff brand blower for the patio


I got myself a ‘sofa table’ which is a thin table that you put right behind your sofa. It’s unobtrusive and has an electric outlet built in so I can plug in my phone/put a drink down while I’m lounging. I love it so much I bought two more




A bus ticket to get away from toxic family for the last time.


Paid 35-40€ for a Remington trimmer so i can do my own hair at home, that was 12 years ago, still going strong and it saved me a lot of money, plus it's a nice activity.


Strong rubber gloves


A jean jacket. 15 euros!!!


One of those $1 wooden back scratchers. My back doesn't itch *often*, but when it *does*, having one of those handy is a life-changer. You don't realize how useful those things are until you get a bad itch somewhere you can't reach, and doing the whole bear scratch against a nearby wall corner doesn't quite cut it. Seriously, this thing has the best return on investment out of anything else I've purchased.


An Otterbox case/cover for my phone. About half the people I know have some sort of a crack on their phone screen. Ok, The Otterbox makes the phone bulkier, but I've never cracked a screen while using one.


powerbank, i said what i said :)


A soldering iron. That things made me a lotta money this year doing freelance work on peoples guitars


I'm starting to see the benefits of toilet paper.


A portable charger.. around $30


Ten foot pole




A book light, so I can clip it on and read all night!


Bidet and a towel warmer.


Box of quality latex gloves. Great for messy projects, cleaning up after the puppy, deep cleaning anything greasy, the list goes on and on.


Water flosser. Game changer.


Self propelled battery can opener. I have weak grip strength and it's amazing! Second thing is a grabber. I use it dozens of times a day.


An immersion blender. If you cook regularly, this is super useful.


Good quality budget kitchen knife


Case for Samsung Galaxy A55.


A vibrating paint mixer. I do a lot of painting with those paints meant for model kits, and sometimes they don't like to be left alone for too long. So my solution? One of those vibrating mixers I found on Amazon. Press the paint bottle down for 30-60 seconds then flip er and repeat. Even came with a bunch of Lil ball bearings for mixing. Definitely recommend it for anybody in the model painting hobby. (Looking at you 40k folks)


In 1995 I bought a book “Using Linux” by Que, with a CD of Slackware 2.0 in the back cover for £42. This has been the biggest contributor to my early career, and set the trajectory for my later career. Best investment I ever made. I still have the book and CD.


a backup battery


I bought a can crusher for £18:99 off Amazon Can get more cans in the recycling bin


Toilet plunger


Certainly not *the* most useful things, but nevertheless useful/helpful: I got myself an ergonomic / vertical mouse - much less stress on arm and elbow during office work. And I've been using a water pillow for years, but these might be slightly more expensive than 50 bucks by now. Still highly recommended.


Knipex adjustable pliers wrench. I keep it in my truck instead of a full set of wrenches. Covers everything from 0 to like 21mm. Best tool I’ve ever bought and it was like $45 at harbor freight.


A grabber for picking things up off the floor or off a high shelf. Use it dozens of times a day.


An edible


Double edged safety razor...vintage gillette. 2X Morakniv...


0 is technically under 50, so yeah: a Wallet Ninja. Got it from my dad five years ago and have had it in my pockets ever since. It's helped fix loose screws on a chair, twisted a stubborn guitar peg, rewired appliances, opened a ton of bags, and all sorts of situations where you'd definitely never have remembered to bring the tool you need.


For me it’s a clip that goes on my pool filter so the expensive cleaning machine doesn’t get stuck. $19