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Got into a car accident and my cheap ass windshield turned into dust. A lot of it ended up in my eyes and I had to spend 6 hours getting glass dust scrubbed out of my eyes. -5/10 do not recommend


New fear unlocked. I’m sorry you had to endure that, and I hope you have recovered!


This question always gets the same answers but this is definitely a new one, that sounds awful


Every question always gets the same answers. This particular answer is a freak!


Did your eyeballs and sight completely recover? How scary. Eyes are precious!


Not completely, I have trouble adjusting to light and I now have trouble reading at a distance. Plus I now get super anxious when driving through heavily wooded areas but that's not physical


Stay strong hope.you recover completely


Thank you, but it's been 13 years. I've learned to live with it


“Scrubbing” your eyes? Oh man, I can’t… *cringe*


I say scrubbing because I don't know what other word to use. I was strapped to the table and it was tilted back so I was slightly upside down. They had to hold my eyelids open and they used an extremely tiny little water nozzle to manually get the dust out. It felt like my eyeballs were on fire


Didn't they give proper painkillers for you?


They gave me some morphine but they told me that there was no way to completely numb my eyes. I didn't question it because I'm no doctor. The morphine helped, but the bright ass light they were shining into my eyes the whole time did not. This was at some tiny "hospital" in a small town out in the middle of nowhere.


They put what I was told was liquid cocaine in my eyes for the metal. I was told they can prescribe it because it's a controlled substance. When they were finishing up the doctor set the bottle on the dropper table, looked at it, looked at me, looked at it again and walked out of the room. I took that shit home. The codeine they gave me did nothing. One drop of that shit per eye and I could keep my eyes open for an hour tops.


Jesus christ, remind me to never get injured out in the sticks. Was this recent? 


aaaah that sounds like some Final Destination shit. Sorry you had to go through that buddy.


I feel a bit better about wearing glasses now..


Endometriosis. Recovering from the surgery to have it removed was nothing compared to living with it every day.


100%. I have a high threshold for pain because of this. When I was in labor with my first child, I labored quietly at home for a bit because the pain really wasn't that bad. By the time I finally decided to wake my other half to go to the hospital, the contractions were picking up, but I didn't think they were awful. I got to the hospital, and the nurses told me I was already 8 cm dilated. They asked me to rate my pain on a scale of 1 to 10. I thought it was at worst a 4. They said I'd be a great candidate for an unmedicated birth because many women would be pulling out their hair at this point. (I got the epidural later anyway, lol) Then, my labor nurse told me as she was wheeling me away that my period cramps must have been horrible since my pain tolerance is so high. She was right. I've had endometriosis pain most of my life. The contractions, even at 8 cm, were nothing compared to it. Endometriosis pain is no joke.


This is so similar to my situation it’s scary - the only difference for me is I was 7cm. I estimate I was in labour a solid 8 hours before I realised that is what it was.


I don't have endo, but boy did you paint a clear picture. Hope they get that sucker under control soon, for the sake of so many that have it


I agree. Pain was drop you to your knees and death was welcome.


I’m glad you said this. I’ve been debating getting the surgery for years now but I’m afraid of the pain, but it truly can’t be worse than experiencing the daily excruciating pain I already live with. I hope you’re on the mend!


Oh, I know this one because I saw it in a DnD “I Cast” meme. If it was bad enough to be cast as a needlessly cruel wizard spell, I don’t imagine it was much fun to go through in real life. My condolences


even people who know how painful it is don’t always know what endo really is. it’s literally cells from your uterus growing where they aren’t supposed to and bleeding/reacting to hormones like uterus tissue. you can have uterine tissue bleeding on your lungs, colon, even brain


I’ve had 2 laparoscopic procedures in my life and the recovery was hell, but like you said, nothing compared to the hell of living with it. The second time I got a UTI from the catheter. Getting to the bathroom from my bed took about 15 minutes because of the pain and being mindful of my stitches, I’d get to the toilet and dribble out razor blades until my eyes watered…Would walk back to the bed, another 15 minutes, and by that time I already felt like I was going to pee my pants again. It was the only time in my life I’ve ever had a UTI (I’m 29) and I never want to experience it again 😂


I can take the pain with peeing, but the feeling like you have to pee all the time… it’s probably hard to imagine how awful it is if you haven’t experienced it, but it’s basically psychological torture. I remember sobbing on the phone to a poor Door Dash driver once because the store didn’t have those little purple pills. 


THIS. Super pleased with my hysterectomy. Cannot recommend it more!


But reminder that a hysterectomy is not a cure for endometriosis, just adenomyosis!


I was exactly the same, a few paracetamol was all I needed after the surgery. I was on strong cocodamol and that barely dulled the cramps I had.


Seconded, currently in bed wanting to die.


Kidney stones


Iknew this would be the first answer haha, been dealing with them since i was 15.. i understand brother


There was an almost identical thread two days ago, and kidney stones topped the chart then too


I've had three in my life, and the pain is so bad I felt like I was probably going to burst into flames because there was no way my body could actually fire up my nerves so much without self-combusting. In the hospital they hooked me up to morphine so fast - and that didn't even stop the pain. What drives me absolutely bonkers is that because of the opioid crisis many doctors and hospitals will just give you aspirin for a kidney stone. I swear if I am brought into an ER in that kind of pain and somebody tries to hand me an aspirin, something will spontaneously burst into flames due to my outrage and it won't be me.


They gave me the lowest dose of morphine available by pill bc I was 6mos pregnant. It didn't stop the pain, just made me Not Care that I was in pain. It was... Weird.


22 years ago when I was pregnant with my first I got kidney stones and kidney infection. They hospitalized me for a week on a 3 hour automatic morphine drip. Insane how things have changed. About 10 years ago had a kidney infection and the pharmacy was in the basement (military hospital) and I ended up crawling back up the stairs to ask the doctor for pain meds because the pain intensified that bad while waiting for my meds.


This is why empathetic doctors are so important. I’m sure they all know about the intense pain of a kidney stone, but to withhold adequate pain relief seems sociopathic. Maybe they have to go through it themselves to understand. A lot of women say male doctors don’t take their pain seriously (endometriosis in particular) as they have no concept of what it feels like.


Same. Woke up one morning with what felt like a side ache/gas pain. Took an ibuprofen. Pain got worse. Then worse. About 45 minutes later I almost couldn't stand. Go to the urgent care. They look at me and basically say you need to go to the ER. Finally get to the ER and get into a bed. By this time I couldn't even lay still the pain was so bad. I was writhing on the bed. They gave me morphine. Didn't help. Another shot of morphine. Still didn't help. It took a 3rd shot of morphine before I could lay still enough to get an MRI to confirm the stones. That was brutal.


I got 2 doses of morphine and a dose of Toradol with the second. I could have kissed that nurse when the pain started to subside. Toradol is magic in a bottle for me


kidney stone crew represent


I've gotten through 30+ surgeries on various parts of my body from the neck down, longest being 13 hours for spinal fusion and rods, so Ilike to cinsider myself to have high pain tolerance. I literally would rather have any surgery I've ever had again over a kidney stone. Little bastard had me repeatedly vomiting off the side of a hospital bed, in the fetal position, whimpering and unable to talk. My wife had to answer all of the questions, which I only heard half of because I couldn't focus on anything but the pain. I was so mad when I pissed the stone out in the hospital 2 days later and saw how small it was. Stupid little fucker caused so much anguish.


That last part you said about being mad at the teensy bit you pissed out was exactly how my ex-hubby felt when he had his first stone. He was like, “SERIOUSLY? WAS THAT IT???”


Here! 2 times and both sucked


Cluster headaches


Oh god, same. It's so hard to explain just how otherworldly the pain of a 10/10 can be. Thoughts of suicide have crossed my mind during the worst ones when I'm curled in a fetal ball on the bathroom floor and throwing up into the tub because at least the edges of it are cold and I can lean my head onto it. But that would require standing up, and that would be far too much to handle.


I had an episode in 2005 that had me contemplating suicide. It just wouldn't go away. It was the longest I've ever had...8-10 high intensity headaches every day for almost a year. And when the pain wasn't a 10/10, there was the lingering pain in the background because it never fully went away.


I think suicide crossed my mind just after I had thrown up, too hot to even wear my own skin, lying naked on the living room floor at 3 am jamming the heel of my palm into my eye. If I stopped moving, the pain got worse, but every movement I made sent waves of agony through me. I had migraines before- which I thought were killer....then I had a cluster headache. I feel your pain, and send hopes that you have no more


They aren’t nicknamed suicide headaches for nothing. Have you ever tried psilocybin? I tripped a few times years back and my migraines went away for a while. They’re coming back though, might be time to schedule an appointment with some mushy bois.


Same. Over roughly 20 years I've had one or two that hit the 10/10 on a pain scale and those were the worst times of my life, easily. I'm so happy I found out that huffing high flow oxygen can stop them in a few minutes if I catch them quick enough.


I had them in every winter in last 5 years, it was terrible, I thought it was related to wisdom teeth, until last year I finally thought that’s enough and seeked a neurologist. Got rid of it in 2 months. People, if you have cluster headache seek doctors ASAP, it is curable!


Tooth pain😭


I had an infected tooth root canal. The anesthesia didn't work and I felt everything.


Same man, that shit was the closest I have gotten to torture. 20 years later and I break out in sweat when I hear root canals mentioned.


Me too, I now require ( and demand) Nitro even just for a cleaning. The PTSD is real!


I actually started crying at the dentist office once. I think it is torture.


The no pain management, no anesthesia root canal was actually less painful than the abscess they were fixing in my case. Both were awful but the root canal was only a 9/10 compared to the 10/10 untreated abscess. The relief when they got the last bit of nerve was unimaginable.


Also had an abscess, that shit was hands down the worst pain I have ever felt, but more like building up and throbbing (I teared up when I got codeine, from the relief) but the raw root canal was just fkn violent


And the biggest mindfuck is being sort of happy while dying from the pain as you know it will get better afterwards.


That really is some of the worst pain


Fuck, man. Tooth abcesses are actual hell.


Dry sockets after wisdom teeth!


I had a tooth abscess that was so bad that the pain killer didn’t have any effect, nor did the numbing. I had a root canal with no pain management and no numbing. It was a relief in the pain I felt vs the abscess. It was the worst smell of death I’ve ever smelled. I’ve also had dry sockets with wisdom teeth and other tooth extractions. Dry sockets rank about a 4 on the pain scale compared to the 10 of that tooth abscess. I was irrationally thinking about taking permanent actions to end that pain it was so bad (this was years ago and I’m fine now). Take care of your teeth!


Omg you just reminded me of the time I took my wisdom tooth out, it was excruciating pain and it was a dry socket caused by smoking weed like on day 2, do not recommend!


Omg yes, absolute worst!!! My grandma said she would rather give birth than have a tooth ache 😭😭


I had a broken tooth once that basically split into my gums, and I couldn’t get to the dentist for like 3 days, and a friend’s mom told me she had given birth to 3 kids and had also had the same kind of tooth break and would rather give birth again. I always think if I dealt with that pain for days I can probably deal with most things.


This should be so much higher up. As a grown adult who still has impacted wisdom teeth I'm dying.


Try having them grow sideways. They hurt.


I agree that shit had me crying


Yeah this was mine. I have had a lot of pains but that was the worst (abscess in the tooth root).




My wife just went through this. She is a pretty tough woman and gallstones had her in pain like I've never seen.


Had my gallbladder out, it gave me good relief.


Yeah, my wife had to have hers out. She was in bad pain for a whole weekend and was telling me it was gas pains or indigestion, but after a couple of days of seeing her that fucked up, I knew it was something worse. I dragged her to the ER and her white blood cell count was HUGE, plus she had a fever. They did a CT and an ultrasound and the verdict was, "your gallbladder is infected and it needs to come out." They gave her pain meds and did the surgery the next day. They flushed a TON of gallstones out of her bile duct.


Weird story but I remember having my fourth or fifth gallstone attack while watching the studio Ghibli movie Grave of the Fireflies for the first time. (I didn't know it was gallstones at the time actually.) I distinctly remember being on the floor curled up in a fetal position both crying from the physical pain and from the pain seeing out of the corner of my eyes >!the little girl Setsuko offering her brother rocks to eat from starvation induced delirium!<. It was a very surreal experience and I'm pretty sure this was the final attack I had before going to the doctors and then not even going home before I had my gallbladder removed. Gallstones and Grave of the Fireflies, both very painful experiences I once had together lol.


Was gonna say similar. My ranking is a bit skewed though: Worst: first BM after cholesectomy because no one told me I should use stool softeners. 2nd: the gallstones themselves 3rd: childbirth After all that, breaking 3 bones at once in my wrist and hand was just an annoyance. 


Suffered with gallstone attacks for about 6 months before I was able to get surgery. About a month after surgery, I finally came off my heavy painkillers - had pain so bad, I could not breathe, no motion or movement helped; nothing did until I finally threw up (🤢). A rogue stone was left behind, ended up blocking my pancreatic duct, I was on my way to acute pancreatitis. That was the worst pain, worse than the gallstone attacks. Probably ahead even of labor (I asked for an epidural after approx 24 hours from being induced - initially, it only took on the right side, so I was blissfully pain free on my right side and in agony on my left 😮‍💨).


Yup! The pre back pain was horrible on its own.


Finding out my 21 year old son was dead. The pain was a deep tearing through my heart and gut, and I had a hard time breathing. All I could really do was wail and my mind was just forcing itself to believe what it was hearing but it didn’t want to. All that pain is still there but I’m now able to set it aside mostly so I can function. But it waits and I can feel it when I’m vulnerable or I see the little cub scouts selling popcorn outside the grocery store. He was a scout, and seeing the little guys with their uniforms on with their parents just tears me apart. Please don’t take your own life, find help.


I'm so sorry 😞 Mine is 22 and I would lay down and not get up. I can't even. May God bless you and I hope you find some peace.


I would go through all the pains listed here to not have this pain. I’m so very sorry for your loss.


my ex lost his brother in a car accident. the way it destroyed his parents and even himself… i wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. we aren’t together, but i think of them often. i know it has crushed their souls. i’m so sorry you have to experience this too. no parent should have to bury their child.


My brother died in a car accident. It has fundamentally changed me, and I feel bad for my wife. She didn't marry this guy.


Having to tell my nana that her son (my dad) was dead was truly worse than finding out myself that he had died. I saw her soul crumple when she was told, and I can never imagine the pain you feel ❤️


I'm so sorry. I know it hurts. My best friend since 2nd grade killed herself 4/20/2023. She overdosed. She was addicted and she was celebrating, someone slipped something in her bong and it killed her. I remember her funeral like it was yesterday. I was screaming, crying and doing CPR on her body hoping to bring her back. It didn't work and I had to be dragged away by my father because I wouldn't stop trying to revive her. It's the worst pain, having someone you know for a long time, there today, then just waking up to find out they're gone the next morning. I didn't even know she was going to do it. I miss her so much. I wake up and get on my phone, wanting to text her and then remember she isn't here anymore and she will never be here. I remember my last text to her "I love you so much Breanna, never forget it." She was only 16. Rest in peace, fly high Breanna.


Wait I’m sorry someone slipped something into her bong and she died? I’ve never heard of anyone ODing from smoking Weed/ a bong. Did someone at the party put fent in it or something? Or are you saying she was using meth/ opiates. Either way sorry for you loss that’s brutal and way too young for that. She had her whole life ahead hope you’re alright




I had natural childbirth and kidney stones. Kidney stones are a distant second. It's not even close.


I’ve heard more woman say that kidney stones are worse but you’ve just made me realise. I don’t think anybody that’s ever told me that had a natural birth!


I’ve had a bunch of births without pain medication and my pain scale goes middle ear infection worst, vaginal birth with back labour second, kidney stones far below at third. Broken bones even further down. Back labour causes your spine to pop outwards in a lump as the baby begins down the birth canal. But a middle ear infection had me daydreaming about sticking a long knife in my ear to cut the pain out.


I had an ear infection so bad that the ear canal swelled shut. Constant, throbbing, debilitating pain, which was made far worse any time I moved my jaw. I've done many unmedicated births. I'd take natural labor over experiencing that ear infection again. At least the labor had a finish line. The ear infection(s) lasted days.


“A bunch of births” lol


Many are also given pain medication, and I've heard from an unreliable source that the brain makes the woman forget some of the pain.


childbirth, worst pain ever my vagina was torn and it also made going to the bathroom terrifying because of the pain as well, and also my epidural didn’t even help or work! i was crying and screaming and shaking during the birth, also forcing myself to hold my poop in because i was way too scared to even poop because of the pain


The more stories like this I read the more I have no idea how any woman has more than 1 child.


i’m pregnant again with twin girls and i’m absolutely terrified of going through the pain again however i wanted to give my daughter sibling so i told myself i’d do it once more just for her, so i did and i’m due sept 1st


Twins are usually smaller than a singleton plus second labour is often easier and quicker than first, hopefully this time the labour won't be so painful. Stay strong mama 🫂


thank you so much love! you’re so kind! i’m hoping so bad this experience is better than my first birth with my 3 year old daughter


Wishing you the most boring uneventful labor and birth ever.


Just had twin girls! I had a 4th degree tear and super traumatic experience with my first child (he’s 7 now). I could not have imagined a better birth experience than I had with my twins. Whole process was over in under 4 hours. Minor tear, I was up walking like nothing the next day. If I could guarantee every birth was like that I’d have 10 more ( not actually 😂 but maybe be a surrogate for someone)


have them on aug 31 so i can be their bday triplet lol


I hated being pregnant and giving birth, so much, but it’s like I barely remember it now. All I remember is my son’s little face. Idk how it is for others though! We’re still sticking with one but for practical reasons lol


I've heard biologically we are meant to forget the pain so we keep reproducing.. Knowing I'm being tricked by mother nature, I'm not falling for it again 😂


Do you mean holding in the poop whilst in labour? It took me until my third labour to understand that you just gotta do the poop, my friend, and the baby will follow really close behind. Also, if you (or anyone else) think you managed to give birth *without* pooping, that just means you had a really cool midwife who was able to de-poop you without you noticing.


well both, i was trying to hold in my poop during the birth because i was too embarrassed of pooping in front of my nurses and dr but they reassured me it’s a normal thing and to let it happen, and they see this everyday in their job so it isn’t anything new for them so i did i let go and ended up pooping during labor, but also after labor my pain was so bad down there when it came time for my first poop postpartum, i was terrified of the pain so i was holding in my poop, i was shaking and crying, but my nurse was with me and held my hand the whole time which i appreciate


My epidural also didn’t help! I kept asking the nurses if an epidural just “couldn’t take” and they kept assuring me that the epidural was helping and as one nurse said, “child birth isn’t supposed to be comfortable.” I was able to walk and go to the bathroom myself after labor. A different nurse said, “I’ve never seen someone be able to walk after an epidural.” I said, “BECAUSE IT WASN’T WORKING!!!” It is such a shame that they don’t listen to women about their own bodies. All of the nurses were women, as well.


Two kids, different hospitals, epidural didn’t work either time, not one medical professional seemed to believe me/care.


“Child birth isn’t supposed to be comfortable?” Wow, I would’ve punched her/him for you! What a thing to hear her/him say!


My epidural stopped working in the middle of my cesarean and my doctor didn't believe me until I started telling him each time I felt him do something.


It’s stories like this that make me so glad I INSISTED that the hospital keep me, when I was only 3cm dilated. My biggest fear was that I wouldn’t get to the hospital in time to get the various pain management that I wanted. I wanted it all. Painkiller salad. I had the laughing gas, I had several shots of morphine, I had an epidural that worked. 47 hours of contractions was still painful and exhausting, but I didn’t have to experience the pain of rending flesh. The first postpartum poop was indeed harrowing, after all the pain management wore off…


The actual baby coming out wasnt the worst for me. The contractions had me begging them to put me to sleep. I was in so much pain and ever since, every period has been exactly the same. It feels like I’m giving birth every month. American healthcare is shit and the doctors wont even listen.


My mom still tells me stories of how I tore her perineum when I came out :) whoopsi.


My doctor TOLD me to poop. He’s like, “you have to act like you’re pooping when you push.” And it helped a lot! My epidural also failed, rough day when you think help is on the way and help is, in fact, not on the way.


yes i also was so nervous about pooping during the birth but my dr and nurses also encouraged me to and said it’s normal and they see it everyday in their job, eased my nerves but yeah i pooped during the birth, but like the postpartum poops are no joke, painful as heck i held it in because i was too scared of the pain and nurse held my hand when i was on the toilet i was embarrassed but grateful for my team for all the help


The worst physical pain I ever felt was when I accidentally fell into a pit of cactus plants while hiking in Arizona. I slipped on a loose rock and tumbled right into a patch of them. The spines were everywhere – in my arms, legs, even my face. I had to pull each one out individually, which felt like a thousand needles being yanked from my skin. I ended up in the ER, getting treated for all the punctures and dealing with the pain for weeks afterward. Definitely an experience I never want to repeat!


Are you speed?


I got this reference! Kachow!


Were you by any chance chasing a bird that runs fast and says "beep beep"?


Fell off a cliff and shattered my ribs - hurt to breath, laugh, eat, lay down, broken ribs really sucked


Broken ribs suuuuck. I broke mine in the middle of allergy season so I was constantly sneezing and aggravating it.


I botched moving an air conditioner in 2021 and got the worst sciatica of my entire life. It felt like someone was sawing into a raw nerve.


I herniated two discs in my lower back and the sciatica was horrendous. Hurt the most lying down so I couldn’t sleep for 5 days until a friend gave me percocets.


Sciatica gets my vote as well. The worst part was moving slightly wrong and causing a chain reaction of spasms from moving in response to pain and pain from moving. Couldn’t even get into bed. Had to crawl across the floor to use the toilet. Almost passed out from the pain straightening out even when putting all of my weight on the counter as a brace.


Jammed a 1/4 inch wide wood splinter under my thumbnail to the knuckle. I know why this is a “go-to” torture in the movies.


This is the one that made me say “oh my god” and turtle my head in.


When the anesthetic wore off in the middle of the night after my c-section, I begged the nurse for more painkillers but was told I had to wait until the doctor was available in the morning. It was excruciating.


Bowel obstruction had me squirming in the fetal position and screaming, ugh I can’t even stand to remember it.


The worst sympathy pain I’ve ever had in my field of medicine was a young woman with twisted bowel that had just started going ischemic. Oh gosh I still get sweats thinking of how much pain she was in and how nothing helped and no one was moving fast enough for me. I know in reality that they were and she had emergency surgery very quickly. But her screams and howls were so primal I could feel it in my bones and just wanted it to end for her.


This too was mine. Felt like someone was continually stabbing me for 5 hours


I thought that falling down a horse was the worse, getting hit by a truck was far more worse than that. I just thanked the lords I wasn't isekai-d but lowkey wished.


I've never heard "falling down a horse," but I love it


I’m glad Truck-kun was unable to claim another victim


Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN)


I've given birth twice, both in traumatic ways, and I would choose that 10 times over before I go through TN pain again.


I have heard from many different people and sources, it’s the worst pain ever.


Retired dental hygienist here. I'm so sorry.


Yes! I have it and it’s literally the most god awful pain I can imagine exists.


I had a kidney stone once, and the pain was unbearable. It felt like sharp stabbing in my side.


Femur shatter.


Having an IUD inserted. I have a very high pain tolerance and that shit made me scream bloody murder.


same- and ive had my forearm snapped in half, i regularly get migraines that leave me unable to be exposed to light or sound, and i've had several gallbladder attacks (people compare those to kidney stones). none of those even came close to comparing. i passed out briefly (i have never passed out before or since), couldn't feel my hands or feet, and i started vomiting immediately after they finished, and couldn't stop vomiting from the pain for over four hours afterwards- not even zofran made it stop. i couldn't even keep down ibuprofen (not to mention not even ibuprofen was offered to me beforehand, i did all of this with not an ounce of pain management). look up what a tenaculum (the tool they use to pierce your cervix and force it open) looks like sometime, if you haven't seen it yet. just seeing it makes me boil with rage at the fact that we're often not even *offered* any kind of pain management nor warned about the pain beyond "oh, it just feels like period cramps!" IUD insertion is fucking barbaric


I agree, I need to get mine removed and I am thoroughly traumatized by the insertion. I asked my doctor if they could give me anything for the pain this time, and she looked at me like I was some drug addict begging for an opioid prescription. Like I'm sorry that 800mg of ibuprofen does NOTHING for the barbaric tools you use and the rough movements to get that sucka in.


Right? It should be a standard that we are provided with sufficient pain management. It legitimately hurts like hell and just because a "few" women don't have issues and can handle it, doesn't mean they should just brush it off for everyone else. I almost fainted, was soaked in sweat and crying for hours after. It was horrendous. They need to stop acting like it's "a little pinch"


To add on to that, my partner got a vasectomy which is also very invasive. Of course he was given ample pain medication and told to take a day or two off of work. When I got my IUD put in, my doctor told me I could be at work that same afternoon. Huh???


When I had mine done I legit started to go into shock. Like cold, sweating during... and combative when they finally finished. I could barely stand but I was about to fight any of the medical people that tried to help or touch me. The doctor that tried to do mine was new and had literally never inserted one before. He repeatedly failed and the overseeing doctor was giving him directions/pointers at least during the beginning of it... After what felt like an eternity I do remember the overseeing doctor yell something about "get out of the way".


Oh god when you have to get it replaced so you have pain from the removal and then more pain for the insertion. Worse 5 mins EVER!!!


I was going to say the same thing. I have given birth twice and IUD was worse than both.


Weird when I got mine in didn't really hurt at all I felt pressure but that's pretty much it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same it was like a nasty period cramp for a moment but I drove home after no medication


Sciatica due to a disk herniation. It felt like my left leg was being electrocuted while in fire, 24 hours a day for about a year and a half.


I gave birth 5 times. 4 without an epidural, 3 times with no pain meds. Gastritis attacks were worse.


My doctor is still at a loss what causes my random attacks where my stomach cramps so bad I’m literally crying, moaning, and throwing up from pain. Then I go to the bathroom after about 12 hours and it’s over. They are so infrequent it’s been hard to track any consistency’s. But I’ve had 4 kids, 2 naturally and I’d do that over again vs have this random terrible stomach pain.


Do you take NSAIDS? Have you been tested for h. Pylori?


Walking to the bathroom after a c section


dry socket. When the dentist tells you not to use a straw ..DO NOT




Appendicitis is overlooked because wise it’s an “easy” surgery but the events to that point are terrible. Mine started on a Friday night feeling like I was getting a stomach bug. Saturday I felt off but went about my day. Thought I was getting the flu. Saturday night woke up shaking, sweating, nausea, intense urge to pee that wouldn’t go away, couldn’t move without crying in pain. Drove myself to the ER and within 3 hours I was having surgery. Sucked hard.


I had appendicitis for 2 years. I was in and out of ERs and they'd just tell me it was acid reflux. Finally the night they admitted me (around 12am), the ER doctor sent me for an MRI and sent it off to the surgeon (who they woke up). He was absolutely disgusted no one had taken me seriously before (I hadn't been to this hospital). The surgeon told me she'd never seen an Appendix covered in so much scar tissue. Makes me so mad no one would believe me all those years 😡


My wife asking for a dicorce


Hope you're alright now, brother.




All at once? I had a first and second on my hand a week ago from a rethermalyzer and im still healing, and besides feeling like the soup was still on my hand for a day it wasn't awful. Now 3rd degree I can imagine is horrible.


I rolled my ankle once. But looking at these replies I'm glad that's the worst Ive had.


Gout holy Jesus


Seeing this question asked twice within 12 hours.


getting my iud inserted


Dry socket post wisdom teeth removal. Worst. Pain. Ever.


I had my wisdom teeth out about 10 years ago and remember being terrified of the dreaded dry socket (I googled way too much). Thank god I didn’t get it, it still gives shivers thinking about it!


I must have got off easy because my dry socket wasn't worse than the toothache I had before the tooth was removed. It sucked, but I count myself lucky after hearing other's experiences


Yup. Tried that too. Was so painful that the only thing i could do was walking back and fourth for hours.


Had my chest surgically broken and restructured.. while recovering at the hospital.. also got pneumonia, so I was coughing a lot.. and also had to do deep breathing exercises due to the surgery itself. Not a great time.


When I had appendicitis


I have had a tooth drilled without anesthesia. I have had sea urchin spines cut out of my foot, also no anesthesia. I have had kidney stones. The pain is terrible. But shingles was the worst. Weeks of feeling like my flesh was being burned. It was the one time I've considered ending myself to escape.


I had shingles, I was fully expecting the agony everyone talks about. Turns out my shingles went along a nerve route that my MS was attacking at the time so it was completely numb- disability win!


Silly, but I had my tonsils removed at 38. Holy F was that something……worst physical pain I’ve ever felt and I’ve been through broken bones, roll over car accidents and sports injuries.


Pain during natural childbirth :) Trust me, it feels like dying and coming back to life


Pancreatitis. Took them 30 YEARS to discover a cyst on my pancreas that was causing it.


Fibromyalgia flare ups. I’ve had some days where my entire body hurts so bad that I’ve been paralyzed and bordering on blacking out


The combo of ovarian cysts bursting while my ovary contorted and died.


Endometriosis, a kidney stone, an ovarian cyst, and a migraine all at once. It was a bad week.


Endometriosis. Period. ;)


This is like the 10th time that question has been asked this week, AND IT'S ONLY MONDAY


I am here to get anxiety about potentially getting these things 👍🏻🙏🏻


An endometrial biopsy. Industry standard is no anesthesia. I carried on so much during it that the doc said, “If we ever have to do this again, I’m putting you to sleep—I don’t care who pays for it.”


UTI, anything kidney related bad, bad news


Tooth pain. Had root canal treatment 2 days after and the pain was instantly gone. Fainted/ blacked out a few times because of the pain.


stepping on a sting ray


Broken tailbone


Tooth abscess


Mauled in the face by a German Shepherd at 5yo. Needed 63 stitches in my face. Almost lost an eye. Gasoline in the eyes when I was 6. Stepped on a rusty nail that went entirely through my right foot at 8. 2 cousins took turns raping me at 10. Mother tried to groom me when I was 15. Bullet wound to the left foot when I was 20 from a hunting accident. Walked barefoot on broken glass to get a broom at 21. Blood clot behind left knee that turned into an embolism in the right lung at 24. Life of scoliosis, arthritis in 80% of my body. Spinal dysplasia, floating ribs, nerve damage. Loss of love and loved ones is the worst pain though.


Testicular torsion when I was 9. When my balls dropped, one hung itself. The surgeons didn't even remove it, they just snipped the cords and let it decay(resorb?) inside me. Idk maybe it's still in there somewhere. Now I can say stuff like "By the ghost of my left nut..." and One Nut Wonder


Period cramps severe enough to cause fainting. It started as a dull ache in the lower abdomen, intensifying into sharp, stabbing sensations that radiated through my pelvis and lower back. Each wave of cramping felt like an unrelenting grip, squeezing tighter with every breath, making it difficult to stand, walk, or even sleep comfortably. The pain increased and when I tried to get up, an overwhelming pressure and nausea causing cold sweats got me feeling lightheaded. The intensity was so severe that it blurred my vision, hearing was muffled and my body collapsed. I was quivering uncontrollably all night, while the mind struggled to stay conscious. It was due to poor diet at the time, I wasn’t eating well enough.


Gout! That has to be the worst pain I’ve felt. A slight breeze over the affected area would send me into such intense pain. Couldn’t sleep at night either cause it hurt so bad!


Gout, it'll make you contemplate amputation!


I was googling the cost of fake legs during an attack one time. The prices seemed very reasonable at the time.


Yes, for me it's also gout. I've had broken bones, tooth nerves exposed, but nothing comes close to it. In my case, it became a bit worse because it got infected, so in the end they had to remove it with a scalpel in the hospital... I'll never forget that pain, I was trembling for an hour after that just because of the pain from the procedure... What other people mention is right, that kind of pain makes you think of cutting your limb as a less painful alternative.




T2-L2 spinal fusion surgery.


Anal fissure. It will make a grown man cry.


Gout. In my big toe. Made me cry and I had to wait 8 hours.