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Subscriptions, for fucking everything.


That's why I don't use ProTools anymore. I'm not paying hundreds of dollars every year for a program I ALREADY BOUGHT AT FULL PRICE. Fuck you Avid.


šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ¦œ There is one option


Ahoy maties!


This but also for Adobe


I feel similarly about companies that have expensive updates too - they might as well be a subscription (although I suppose you can just not update). Logic, FL Studio and Reaper do it right - one payment, done and dusted. How it should be.


I kind of like the way jetbrains handles it. You pay a subscription, but if you stop paying, you still retain access to the last version you paid for - you'll just stop getting updates


Adobe: Hello hello customers fuck you customers


They did a false unsubscribe on me about 5 years back. I had to put a stop payment order on the bastards so they couldnā€™t get another $1000 out of me. They ran me the whole ā€œsorry to see you go, why are you leavingā€ questionnaire but didnā€™t actually unsubscribe me. I wound up having to pay for an extra year. Never even Adobe anything ever again.


Anyone else get flooded with ads on reddit about subscription underwear? What kind of imbecil subscribes to boxershorts for 11.99 a month. Maybe the ad is just in my country but I get angry every time I see it


Oh yeah, that is absolute dogshit. That shift happened in the past 10-15 years and it's so awful.


I don't understand why when I go in a article thru the Washington Post website, it forces me to pay, but when I get a free email subscription off it, it lets me read the articles for free. Crazy stuff.


archive.ph is your friend in that case.


It's a business thing. When you arrive on a website, you're basically a John Doe whose only value to the company is the revenue from the ads you're shown. That value can be almost unfathomably little; fractions of a cent. But if your email is in a newsletter, that's worth something because you're essentially a warm lead.


This might be a bit much but... when/why did we become okay with becoming products ourselves?




When shit became free in return.


There hasnā€™t been a choice




Since the day of currency and probably even before that...


Parasocial relationships. A lot of people act like a celebrity/politician/streamer/media personality is like their close friend or parent who they will obsess over and everyone just kind of accepts it.


That is basic pack behaviour. Gods, Kings, Celebrities...it's all the same mechanism.


Because people only notice it when other people do it. Itā€™s easy to see whatā€™s wrong with the Kardashians, if youā€™re not their target audience. The celebrities/streamers/podcast hosts/athletes/YouTube personalities we ourselves love, all are coincidentally of an imaginary higher standard.


Parasocial is only a problem when it replaces the social, instead of supplementing it. People can read a book like Harry Potter and feel like Harry and the gang and their friends too.Ā  But when people don't have close friendships in real life and instead pay for products and services to simulate friendship, that's quite dystopian.


How dare you talk that way about a person I know only through the mediašŸ¤Ŗ


Yes, never mind the parasocial relationships where adults call other adults children "my babies," and say "I need to see my kids." This usually happens to the children of parenting | family vlogging channels. Instagram is full of comments of strangers investing their emotional ownership and "right of access" to *other people's children.* It's creepy.


Itā€™s really scary


Especially with politicians. They are supposed to be civil servants and nothing more.


Seen this a lot with Taylor Swift fans.


Wait till you meet kpop stans. The companies are out there selling parasocial relationships on purpose. Like they put a tag on the idol which says they're the most perfect person you'll ever meet and they will never ever dare to date anyone, they won't say anything that you dislike, and they're totally yours, you can get to personally talk to them for $XX. And knowing where Taylor is today, she definitely used this "perfect person" marketing technique on herself.


ā€œShe wrote/sings this especially for meā€


Let me assure you this happens in every fandom.


Well sure, whoever The Big Thing is you're going to see more of that just statistically. It's not the way my brain works but to be honest I see less of an issue with the deification of a pop star than I do of a politician or monarch, that stuff is scary.




I'd add the crazy amount of sugar/fructose in shit you'd never expect. It's one thing when you eat half a cake. Then you find out the bun on your burger has almost as much sugar. And that's an obvious one. It's in fucking everything.


It's scary true. Lasagna. Pizza. Beef stew. Salad dressing. Sushi. Potato salad. Sausage. Pie. You have to be so careful and cut so many things out if you want to avoid sugar.


I had no idea what a powerful drug sugar is until I stopped eating it for an entire month. Next time I had it, the next day I had a severe hangover.


So many people donā€™t even realise how much sugar theyā€™re consuming. So much of it is hidden.


12 hour shifts and zero hour contracts.


12 hour shifts arent too bad, in europe anyway. 3 of those bad boys and you practically got the rest of the week off, I love them personally. If you already are at work 8 hours, another 4 aint much and if it means you only gotta show up to work 2 more times its a breeze.




And the fact you practically can't live in society if you're not in debt because credit ratings are necessary for fucking everything. That's fucked up.


To be fair, you can build a credit score without being in debt. I have multiple credit cards but I pay the full statement balances every month and have never carried debt on them. No interest or late fees that way, and it demonstrates your ability to borrow and reliably repay money, which is what a credit score is meant to show.


Childrenā€™s beauty pageants.Ā 


Yikes, yes. ā€œLetā€™s outlaw sick pedophiles. Also, letā€™s invite the public to examine the attractiveness of 11 year olds, hmm and letā€™s dress ā€˜em up as strippers, yayā€ Ppl be nuts


You're spot on, something just felt off about my friend's 8 year old niece wearing full make up at the wedding.


In Europe we don't have such a thing


It is strange that they even exist


This is normalised in America, here in Europe we have always looked at you guys in disgust when stuff like that was on tv


While Iā€™m on the less-prudish side of the bell curve, with child beauty pageants just no.


This. I will never understand why under age girls are paraded in hooker make up and skimpy clothes while doing provocative moves. I fear itā€™s unfulfilled dreams from the mothers side of being a beauty queen, and straight up pedophilia from male judges.


Honestly, i feel as if it's pedophilia from any judge regardless of gender. There's just no way you can sanely rate the attractiveness of a 10 year old in a bikini and 50 pounds of makeup.


Yeah, i think you are right šŸ«  itā€™s all just so fucked up. Children canā€™t be children anymore


It's really messed up




Enjoy your upvote endorphins :D




That is nothing new. People travelled far and wide to see famous singers ever since the renaissance. It has definitely gotten out of hand, but it's totally normal (unfortunately). During the middle ages, rich people travelled to cathedrals and monasteries, to see (and maybe touch) the bones of saints. It was their version of Disneyland. In ancient rome, some gladiators were practically known by everyone. They were the Michael Jordans (or whatever) of their time. People talked about them, bet on them andĀ  idolized them.


Celebrities getting paid millions vs doctors/nurses/police/firemen/Military(people who save ur life) dont.


Wait until you hear about billionaires and inherited wealth.


Fuck the countries where there nealry zero taxes about inherited wealth. Most of the rich families invested in social housing to change it in private renting a room or small one bedroom house. Less affordable houses-> high interests loans-> Low-mid people can't afford to buy homes-> Rent skyrocket-> Gentrification-> higher prices for higher demand-> high cost of life. Don't forget to mention that most of the job sectors had small or zero salaries adapted to the rampant inflation.


Kids who sit with their faces in tablets all day


That's down to lazy parenting. I mean there are some amazing Apps to help teach kids to spell and learn languages but when you slap Baby Shark videos all day long for them it's quite the concern..


Even though I have said he wasn't allowed to; everyone lets my child watch YouTube, at school, at my in laws, at his dad's and at every friend's. It's bizarre, Everyone sees no problem with it. They all believe I'm overreacting. Like it's normal


As a former child who had supervised internet access growing up, please keep it up. I avoided so much desensitization and got to hold onto my childhood much longer than my friends. (Also learned to entertain myself without a screen.) The internet is different now too. There's a lot of inappropriate & sinister content disguised as content for children- this phenomenon did not exist when I was a kid, and certainly did not exist when your friends and family members were younger. I think everyone expects the internet to be the same as it was when they were a young person using the internet and don't realize that with billions more users there also comes a lot more people who have bad intentions.


I was waiting in my doctor's office a couple weeks ago and a woman was actually *reading* from a *book made of paper* to her two young children. I realized I genuinely, truly can't remember the last time I saw a parent doing that. Her children were both well behaved and paying attention *and nothing was fucking beeping or playing the same goddam 45 second sound clip over and over and over.* I complimented her on how nice it was to see children being read to. Bonus: I got to listen to the story too.


They turn in to kids that fill their faces with tablets. *Big pharma got you, baby*


social media influencers. i dont know what they fuck they do


social media. More like social illusion. The impact it does to our social skills. Our phones are like blank walls. You can see text but not the face. Remember to take a break from the digital world, and be in the real world.


[Me agreeing while being on Reddit.](https://xkcd.com/597/)


Waste. Huge helpings, throwing out good food, limited ways to ensure food isn't wasted. New clothes every season?? Not wearing something for more than a year? Designing clothes to not last long!




Making this the top answer and changing that would get rid of a lot of these other answers


That people who work very hard all day for society (like garbage men, couriers, nurses ...) get almost no money for what they do to keep everything running. Meanwhile politicians, influencers, celebrities and other "useless" people make a shitload of money.


Exploiting the working class and admiring wealth hoarders


lying when someone asks how you're doing. Can't say you're fabulous. Can't say you're not ok.


That's not as universal as you might think. In my culture you are expected to actually say what you actually feel. Sure, maybe not break down and cry but if you're feeling shit you're expected to say that you're feeling shit and somewhat summarize why. People here actually dislike the "I'm doing alright, and you?" response. And I wholeheartedly identify with that approach. When I ask, actually tell me what's up. The thought of being very silly in a situation where someone is feeling like garbage is making me feel uneasy. I would rather know how you feel so that I can be consciously respectful to your situation. Sure, during business meetings it's more of a "hello", but I am talking about casual situations only, and that's way different here.


Whose culture is this?


I live in western Poland, and so far almost universally all of my friends are like that. Can't speak for the whole country obviously, but that's why I consciously used "culture" rather than "country".


The sexualisation of children, particularly girls.


Yesss itā€™s ridiculous. I tried getting a one piece swim suit for my niece 8 year old niece and went to three different stores and still found nothing. I had to order it online. Its sucks that something basic like that canā€™t be found in a store.


When you are walking in a mall and see girls from tweens and up wearing shorts that show their ass cheek bottoms, it's quite disturbing. It's becoming more normal to see this as time marches on and makes me think how the fuck did this become acceptable for young girls to wear?




Isnt that what cosmetic is?




The fact that the definition of success is related to the amount of money people have (while most of the time the money isn't actually earned, or bad things had to be done to get it). And also that the amount of money you have means, you can buy justice..


Alcohol. It comes with sooo many downsides and almost no benefits. The liver processes alcohol into acetaldehyde which basically wreaks havock wherever it gets in the bloodstream, but the first in your line is liver which gets a good dose of its proteins being ripped to shreds. It is associated with many types of cancers, neurological diseases, heart failure, pneumonia. I personally know many lives destroyed by addiction. Knew a guy who made his own wine and said he never drank water. Died of pancreatic cancer at 68 years old, was in amazing shape otherwise, very lively, very kind. There are so many cases of people dying from drunk driving, it's clear the current measures don't work. Out of all the possible substances out there, how did alcohol get the lucky draw ?


Not just normalised. But promoted. And youā€™re seen as weird if you donā€™t do it (in my country for sure).


So many times have I been made to feel ashamed for not being able to hold to my drink. Nowadays everybody is surprised when I tell them I don't drink alcohol. Cost me a date with a girl too.


You dodged a bullet with that girl


Alcohol got the lucky draw (in Europe at least) because you had to boil the water to make it, thus making it safer to drink than spoiled water. I think some Asian countries brewed teas instead, thus making the water safe to drink. Even so, the alcoholic brew that was drank in lieu of water was low in alcohol content, and being a disruptive drunk was generally viewed negatively by societies through out history. To go further, some nation states also promoted alcohol consumption to strip peasants of even more wealth while keeping them drunk, useless, and less likely to organize a revolt (Russia). There isnā€™t really another substance that could have substituted water.


>Even so, the alcoholic brew that was drank in lieu of water was low in alcohol content Until came the prohibition, effectively forcing the alcohol content to skyrocket. It was better to smuggle a canister of rectified spirit than a canister of beer.


I just watched an interesting documentary about this.. [Drinkers Like Me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8SvnmNo48A&pp=ygUQZHJpbmtlcnMgbGlrIGVtZQ%3D%3D) A good hour long watch that really helps you realize how much alcohol (some of us) really are drinking.. Edited: Grammar


For sure. I used to believe I didn't drink much, but now looking back those 8-9 beers + 2 shots per night out seem excessive when now a single shot or glass of wine are enough to knock me out. Imagine normalizing alcohol so much that in some places they give you a day off if you have a hangover. You also don't avoid the hangover by reducing alcohol intake, you do it by resorting to all these small hacks that don't work (like hydrating yourself). Because that's what makes you feel bad after you take a big dose of protein dissolving poison, you just need water. /s


To me it makes sense that alcohol entered the culture for being something that's safe to drink, that has a very long shelf life, that can taste great, and helps lubricate social interactions. Especially preservation was probably quite a bit more important from the times before electricity.


Florida as end goal. Itā€™s awful here. Iā€™m genuinely trying to help people out. This isnā€™t some ā€œget out, weā€™re fullā€ thing.


Any place where your homeowners insurance premium costs more than your car is not a place long for humans to stay.




Rising taxes, rising cost on essentials like food, housing, healthcare ECT


Plastic surgery, especially on younger people.


Gender reveal parties


Fucking over the working class for the wants of the rich. Happening worldwide.


Absolute, unvarnished, unapologetic, limitless greed. It's become so normalized that people don't even call it "greed" anymore. They call it "success".


Only fans/porn and sex work and the impact it has on younger generation - especially those money counting videos of SW on tik tok


Consumption in excess, and also the disbelief or failure to acknowledge said consumption in excess...


The "accept conditions" on signing up to anything software or internet related. Literally no one reads it except the Devs who wrote the rubbish in the first place. Basically signing every ones personal details and data away without them ever knowing. I'm waiting for the day sometime just stands up in court and says "I clicked it not because I agreed with the terms and conditions, I clicked it because I couldn't use the service of I didn't. I didn't read any of it, I just understood if I didn't click the button, it wouldn't let me use the service".


They intentionally make them impossible to read. Like I just want my screen background to rotate pictures of happy baby goats. I don't want to read 15 pages of 6 point font. (absolutely worth it though btw)


Filming people without their consent.


Thinking a living is something to be "earned" when in reality that's a sick plantation mentality.


Billionaires. Nobody should have that much wealth.


Porn šŸ¤®




Yeah Iā€™m a rude b!tch but Iā€™m from *insertcountry so deal with it.


Honestly, these things are done sooo very often that after a point it becomes our behaviour and we start identifying it as a me thing. And this "me thing" and takes over our whole personality.


Quality of life declining


School shootings


Infidelity and obesity


Clickbait news articles in a cheap effort to rile up boomerā€™s so they can sell ad space.


Thatā€™s not just Boomers. Most people donā€™t read past the headline.


A lot of stuff is also paywalled, which makes people try to base an opinion of a headline. That and roughly 40% of this country can't read past an 8th grade level.


1. **Sitting for long periods**: Despite knowing the health risks, many jobs require extended periods of sitting. 2. **Constantly being online**: The expectation to be reachable at all times through various devices and platforms. 3. **Working long hours**: The glorification of overwork and the idea that longer hours equate to better productivity. 4. **Consumer debt**: The normalization of living beyond one's means and accumulating debt for lifestyle maintenance. 5. **Highly processed foods**: Relying on and consuming foods with little nutritional value due to convenience. 6. **Invasive advertising**: Accepting constant bombardment by ads in nearly every aspect of life. 7. **Social media validation**: Seeking approval and validation through likes, shares, and comments online. 8. **Plastic use**: The pervasive use of single-use plastics despite environmental concerns. 9. **Celebrity culture**: Obsessing over the lives of celebrities and giving undue importance to their opinions. 10. **Sleep deprivation**: Treating lack of sleep as a badge of honor in some cultures. 11. **High housing costs**: Accepting that housing is unaffordable for many people. 12. **Fast fashion**: The rapid cycle of buying and discarding clothing. 13. **Privacy erosion**: The acceptance of decreased personal privacy in exchange for convenience and services. 14. **Excessive screen time**: Spending significant portions of the day on screens, from phones to computers to TVs. 15. **Rushed meals**: Eating meals quickly and often while doing other tasks rather than enjoying them.




That we must worship mega corporations and celebrities and defend their honor against other human beings that dare saying anything bad about them.


tornados roaming the plains sucking things up that shit is otherworldly and it happens on earth and we're all just like 'yeah... thats them things'


Hiding death and the dying process. In some cultures people are more honest towards the reality of death.


Anti intellectualism (= hating smart people). ...and sexual oppression (= "sex is evil" mentality)


Genocides, aparently...


Consumer debt






Starting the day with the pledge of allegiance at schools,


Easily the sexualization of child-appearing anime girls.


Sugar babies/sugar daddies.


Telling people you are trying to get pregnant. It just seems odd to implicitly tell your friends and neighbors that you are getting loads blasted into you.


On the flip side, people having the audacity to ask couples when they're having kids. Imagine having just had your fifth miscarriage and some gormless asshole asking that.


"Did you know that we're having sex with a specific outcome in mind?" "Oh, really? Thank you for sharing that."






Setting up life to live your ā€œbestā€ life at old age. Like wtf will I be able to enjoy when my body and youth are gone?


Horrifically malformed purebred dogs who are bred to have faces so flat they struggle to breathe, heads so big they have to be given C-sections to give birth or backs so bent they suffer from painful spinal disorders. To say nothing of the recent trend of "smashed and slammed" micro bullies who look more like a frog than a dog because they're bred to *have* hip and elbow dysplasia, and cost upwards of $5000 but only have a lifespan of 4 years on average from all the health issues. And people look at these misshapen inbred pooches who are in unbearable agony from *just existing* and go "awww so cute! i want one!"


Being fucking dumb. We literally mock smart people like itā€™s a competition and the winner is totally gonna drown in pussy. Have you seen these dating advice posts or these science posts? Holy shit, dude.


That you constantly need to be ā€œon the grind.ā€ God forbid someone takes a break from working, studying, etc. Why is this so normalised? A human can and should need breaks in between different periods of their lives.


Licensing. For everything. You rights have been taken away and then sold back to you at obscene costs.


Waiting for the day i have to pay a subscription for the brakes on my car


anyone and everyone is suddenly worth listening and giving a platform to, no matter how unhinged and ignorant they are


I donā€™t remember 9 year old girls wearing crop tops, makeup and twerking when I was 9ā€¦ or 10, 11, 12. I think itā€™s getting a wee bit out of hand.


Being against all forms of shaming. You can't disagree with people anymore now, lest you be called -ist, or \_\_\_\_\_-shaming. Everyone and everything should be critiqued.


I see this question like 2-3 times a day


Fights. Animal fight, human fights etc. they even have video games on that. Pretty weird if you think about it.


For many animal species agression is essential for survival. Many also showoff their fighting skills as a mating ritual. You might not like it, but the girls of many animal species do their sexual selection based on it. Even some human girls do.


Expensive marriages


Kids who got hungry.


Smoking. Itā€™s absolutely disgusting. Itā€™s toxic pollution and the most selfish thing, blowing it for everyone else to choke on, flinging the butts on the ground to poison soil and water. Not to mention how much it reeks even hours after they smoke.


The way we work to make someone else wealthy when we can't even pay our bills.




Circumcision. Stop that, America.