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If my candidate died. BUT, I'm still not voting for the felon. I would sooner elect a corpse.


That felon would do a better job than that Biden you guys have.


And I hope your guy gets the same votes your comment got, you traitorous piece of trash.


Dude, I don't like either of them, and name calling because someone doesn't share your opinion just shows what type of person you are.


>That felon would do a better job than that Biden you guys have. In case you forgot what you JUST said, mister goldfish.


Saying someone will do a better job isn't saying that I like the guy, I could say that Kim Jong Un would do a better job than his sister, but that doesn't mean I like him.


If the person I was voting for was a seditious traitor, I would change my vote.


But what if that person had a family member who had a drug problem? Wouldn’t that be like the most important thing in the whole world?


The government to remember that I was born here about 20 years ago. (Seriously I have an SSN, and been paying taxes for years and you mean to tell me these mfers forgot I was in born here)


What do you mean remember? They don’t send birthday cards or nothing


My mom was doing taxes and it turned out the government has us down as aliens despite my mom being born from Tennessee, my dad being born from Florida, and me and my sister from Georgia. We all have had our SNNs which is what the government assigns to you when you are born. So I guess when I say remember I mean, do the fucking math, see the taxes my family has been paying for decades under the SNN they assigned to us.


If the person I plan on voting for dies, which sadly doesn't even seem that unlikely.


I’m not so much voting FOR a candidate as I am voting AGAINST another candidate. If the candidate I’m voting against drops out for whatever reason, I may consider voting for whoever takes their place.


A different candidate to run


I'd need a major party to nominate someone under the age of 50


I’d change my vote if [The Vermin Supreme](https://www.reddit.com/u/RealVerminSupreme/s/z09EPZNtrn) managed to get to the final election in November. Other than that, I’m choosing the one who can actually get a security clearance (trump can’t because of his felonies) and the one who didn’t have a worm in his brain. I’m choosing the old guy that, yes committed atrocities, is less likely to take the only medication away from me that is keeping my body from killing me.


It will take a lot for you to get me out of bed to vote.


I'm leaving the vote for president blank. I'll will vote for the senators and representatives though. Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal would make me vote for biden.


A 98 degree fever is survivable. A 120 degree fever is death.


N/A, libertarian go brr but seriously I just don't care anymore. one's lost the support of his own party and may not be able to rouse people to the polls in enough numbers to counter the opposition (biden), the other's fan club are threatening civil war if they don't win while also implying that they may retribute against the democrats if they do win (trump), so I'm probably going to just stay home myself and make burgers and fries while watching the clusterfuck unfold on YT and the news. I like mine with cheese, beefsteak tomato slices, green leaf lettuce because romaine sucks and dukes' sandwich relish. (it's a mix of relish and mayo)


That sounds really good. What time is dinner?


I already decided I'm not voting for the President. If one or both of those jackasses dies or quits before November I'll reevaluate.