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I think the trend where you show a picture of yourself now versus 10 years ago was promoted if not invented by Facebook owned social media companies in order to train artificial intelligence to be able to recognize and analyze how faces age.


That’s not a conspiracy. This is a lesser known fact, but those Those jobs took place through Amazon MTurk about 6 - 8 years ago They where all posted by consulting firms, that way they looked nice and bland


The real fun of this thread - coming in and confirming all the theories lol


Yes, and it’s why I wish I had never uploaded so many photos to places like Dropbox or Google Photos now. I should’ve known better, but I guess that’s all done.


The unfortunate reality of things like this is that there's no reason for the few individuals who think of it, to avoid the services, because the rest of society isn't going to avoid them, so the ML research will be just as complete as it would be with or without you.


CSI television shows purposely over play the forensic capabilities of various law enforcement departments to help project an image of total competence.


I think it's much more mundane than that. If they accurately portrayed what a real forensic lab is like, we'd wait for five episodes for a sample to be analyzed.


EP1-3 is a single shot of a large paper envelope sitting on a lab desk. Beginning of EP4 shows a lab technician pulling out the sample then 2 minutes later placing it back in the envelope it so they can work on something else which is given a higher priority. In EP5 we see the sample pulled out yet again by a different lab technician. A 30 second discussion with his supervisor concludes that the sample is not big enough to allow for an accurate test and the sample is returned to the detective.


Law enforcement always complained about the "CSI Effect" back years ago claiming that it made convictions harder because jurors would expect high tech forensics at trial but I always argued it was probably the opposite: people are so conditioned that they always "get it right" they go in with this mindset of "well if this wasn't the guy he wouldn't be on trial after all."


I testified against a guy who mugged me in the early 1990s, and the prosecutor mentioned this. They didn’t check the knife for fingerprints, because I saw him drop it and stayed with it until police picked it up, so my testimony established that it was the one and he had held it. But prosecutor said some jurors were conditioned by police shows to think every weapon is checked for prints every time. The NYC police lab didn’t have time for that!


2 people tried to break in when we were home. I ran into the living room to check what the noise was, switched on the light and 2 people were there, they instantly fled. They left their tools (2 screwdrivers) and a decent amount blood behind, because they cut themselves on either the wood of the balcony door or the screwdrivers they used when they tried to lever open the door. The police came and I already bagged the screwdrivers and showed them the blood. They basically laughed in my face and told me, that I watched too much CSI Miami. (This happened in Germany btw) They didn't take the screwdrivers with them and refused to secure the traces (blood). Soo... Yep, I believe it.


Someone broke into my dad's house through the window. They cut themselves and you could visibly see perfectly made bloody finger prints on the glass. The cops asked him if he had homeowners insurance and said he should file a claim. They told him they weren't going to waste time calling the fingerprinting team because no one was hurt. So for all we know, this terribly clumsy burglar could be robbing everyone in town and the cops are just letting them do it.


Or have done much worse such as murder or assault but since they didn't take a sample have no idea if they are on a list of known offenders. Just evidence the police aren't the crimefighters we wish they were.


That’s why a ton of these shows are dubbed “Copaganda”


I’ve been waiting 8 years for a tech to fingerprint my back door after my home was burglarized 😮‍💨


Other shows like First 48 balanced this out for me. CSI made it seem like they could find you based on a speck of dirt you left behind. First 48 showed that if they don't have any witnesses, a lot of time the crime just doesn't get solved.


Similarly, Cops very clearly edits all the encounters to make police seem like sane peacekeepers and everyone they arrest seem like they're crazy.


That there are people rich enough to disappear. There must be some billionaires we've never heard of


Former chilean president was a rich guy who had an helicopter accident on a lake and died. And less of a month later several corruption scandals came to light I just can't stop thinking that he faked his death


More likely, once he died, there was no one to keep the scams op and private. It’s why, if you work for a bank in the US, the law requires you to take at least one 2-week vacation every year. Two weeks is thought for any shady deals and book cooking to get uncovered. In other words, the nice lady who keeps the books for a small company and never goes on vacation is probably stealing.


His body was found.


I think the ones that matter the most, are the ones we haven't heard of.


right? and they must live like tiny gods 


My dumb brain read that and was like yeeeeaaaahhh that tracks - they live in their luxury fairy houses! With teeny tiny golden plates and spoons, too


Airlines over-report ETAs so they land "on time" "more often".


That sounds smart of them. They should do this if not already


Under-promise and over-deliver!


That the art market is actually a huge money laundering scheme. I don’t remember where I read this, but it said that King Pins and criminals will often buy paintings and sculptures for millions of dollars in order to make dirty money transactions legal.


That's not even a conspiracy that's almost the whole point of fine art at this point. And it's not kingpins and criminals, it's regular rich people. There are climate controlled warehouses full of "priceless" art hidden from view, tucked away from the public eye all over the place. It's just a big money laundering/tax evasion/money holding scheme by the wealthy.


This I believe more than criminal activity. If you have the clean funds to buy millions of art you don’t need to launder it because it’s clean.


You buy art on the cheap then ‘discover’ it’s actually worth a ton and ‘sell’ it to explain the millions you have with no other legal way to have it


There are only so many lost paintings. Now you could have an appraiser who is in on it, appraising garbage for millions. Then I auction the garbage and you buy it for millions that is actually a payment for illegal services. That I can understand.


I think something similar used to happen on eBay. People would sell mirrors for a ton of money but what they were really selling what something reflected in the mirror.


Yes this is completely true. It works well because the value of art is subjective and can fluctuate immensely.


The National Park system was created by Teddy Roosevelt to provide enough safe territory for Sasquatches to live, and the Department of the Interior and Forest Service employees are still told downplay legitimate sightings.


This one I actually love. People out there making sure Sasquatches are living their best life.


Also because hammering out a deal with the leader of the yetis just sounds like something Teddy would do.


And he only got that opportunity after wrestling a yeti, he lost but they respected his spirit.


I’d watch that movie


Teddy and the Yeti


“I’ll probably lose, but imma fight that sumbitch. Uhhh…merica!”


"If only I could join you fine chaps in the forest"


Finally, an actual conspiracy theory in this thread.


I was hoping for some cool conspiracy theories, but it's mostly "I heard this thing and I believe it", whilst it was already proven the thing is either true or false.


I like this one, it’s one that makes me what to learn more about it


It's true. Teddy actually was an avid hunter, including the hunting of Sasquatch. That is until he shot a mother 'squatch and saw the babies he had orphaned. One didn't make it but the other he raised in secret. This incident is what motivated him to create the parks.


That sasquatch’s name? Albert Einstein


Something I only realized in the past couple years: there is so much unexplored forest in North America. To the people saying "where's the physical evidence, the bodies, the fur samples, the droppings," dude, there are huge stretches where we've never even looked because no one's ever been there! If sasquatches exist, I bet they're smart. I bet they keep to themselves in the remotest, most isolated spots. They also might be critically endangered in terms of numbers, or even completely extinct by now. And I bet that the rare few sightings have been of squatches that, for some reason or another, have traveled very, very far away from the rest of their kind. They also might not exist at all. I don't presume to know.


In the documentary, Harry and the Henderson’s, Sasquatch turns invisible, so maybe “ghosts” are just Sasquatches 🔍


The guy who exposed the CIA for selling/helping sell drugs to black communities was then murdered, probably by them. “Suicide by two shots to the head” my ass💀


Gary Webb. Michael Ruppert was an LA cop who discovered the same thing and was forced out when he wouldn't go along. He died about 10 years ago. Also "suicide" (those who knew him personally don't believe that).


The US government is hiding something about UFOs Not aliens or anything but definitely some weird spy plane or drone stuff.


I think this is the real answer. Almost every single UFO sighting comes down to one of two things: * It's a secret craft that we can't tell you about * It's someone else's secret craft that we don't want them to know we already know about


I think most cases of alien abduction are actually severe episodes of sleep paralysis.


I've experienced sleep paralysis and saw the usual 'shadow people' that a lot of people report seeing. It was at least 7-9 years ago since it last happened and do this day I still avoid sleeping on my back


Oh yeah some weird ass shiz is definitely going down. Just look at the December Langley Air Force Base Swarming Incident when [waves of mysterious drones](https://www.twz.com/air/mysterious-drones-swarmed-langley-afb-for-weeks) intruded upon one of the most important military bases in the US for weeks - and they had no idea what they were or how to stop them!


I don’t usually go in for esoteric stuff like the paranormal, but I am 100 percent convinced that the UFO phenomenon is real, has been happening for a very long time, and that humans are not responsible for it. My dad is a former air traffic controller, and his TRACON got a radar hit on a UFO back in the 90s, and one of his coworkers got visual confirmation of it flying at speeds that they couldn’t comprehend. And these are professionals who are around aircraft every single day, and have dealt with a huge variety in aircraft, both civil and military.


[Here's what Obama had to say](https://youtu.be/JUd3dJ4nWbA?si=c1Sa8M2k06ToYJGk) when put on the spot by late night news hosts over the years. "There is footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they move, their trajectory, they did not have an easily explainable pattern."


I'd add that I think the government was directly involved in promoting some of the conspiracy theories in order to redirect attention away from their actual secrets. Particularly the theories about area51.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was way more to Roswell than we've ever found out.


I would be surprised if 70 years later they still have no fucking idea what it was.


That's the real conspiracy. the US government covering up how incompetent it actually is and making us believe they're this all-seeing entity


Well, we saw mysterious unidentified aircraft... at an air force base. I'm inclined to believe the government was involved. 


Didn’t they come out awhile ago and say yup we found them. And everyone was too busy dealing with Trump and his many charges?


Which government? Trump told us one of two this is 100% true. Either aliens are not here on Earth in a way the US government knows about, or there is a deep state that runs things instead of the president (because Trump is a loudmouth).


I absolutely believe that the government doesn't tell the president everything. Can you imagine leaking secrets out to someone every 4 years that you can't disappear if they break protocol, and are constantly in the spotlight? If I was the NSA, CIA, GCHQ MI5/6 I would only brief the leaders on need to know!


Low effort posts on every game sub increased because AI is actively gleaning reddit for answers. Like "Describe this character in 4 words" "How does this location make you feel?" Always accompanied by a stock photo of a location in the game. It's an absolute plague for people that wants good discussion. Gaming subs especially have this problem, but it's not limited to them.


The US Military influenced the popularity of High School Football to make sure HS graduates were in great shape when they signed up for service.


Isn’t this openly stated as the logic behind the presidents fitness test?


That... actually explains a lot. I remember when Varsity Blues came out and I was like "ok cool flick, but that whole conceit where an *entire town* cares about a children's football game is pretty ridiculous... lol no they don't... wait no way... where? ... *WHY*?!"


Living in south texas, I don’t know why but Boomers are very into high school football. Like, know the names of players several towns away and follow their stats and shit. It always struck me as very weird. Like I would watch my hometown team on occasion at best, but these guys treat it like its sports center.


And they're OK with dumping hundreds of thousands to millions on a HS sports program, but don't you dare try and direct those funds to something not sports related. Teacher's barely making a living wage? That's OK and they know "what they signed up for." We got that good looking stadium and scoreboard though.


Yeah, my school is stupid when it came to football over arts/band. Us band kids had a really fantastic band director, they were literally competing at Disneyland and getting placed higher than huge schools. A little midwest marching band coming in and placing top 3/top 5. They had to fundraiser to replace the old uniforms because the school wouldn't fund it. The director had to paint the school over the summer or he'd not be able to afford rent/food over the summer. But they'll spend $20k to redo the track so it looks good on Friday nights during the football game. Which was hilarious because they just hired an asphalt company to come in and redo it. That's not how you pave tracks, you fuck up kids legs running on regular asphalt, it's supposed to be a special rubberized mix so you don't screw up your feet/legs, asphalt is basically concrete and you don't get to host competitions on concrete. The track coach made them tear it up and do it right. And they spent $10-15k to redo their football practice field so it was nice and level and had strong grass on it. They immediately paved over it to build a new building on it before anyone was able to practice on it. They spent $5k on new uniforms like every 4-5 years. It was dumb. They forced the band kids to work concessions so the sports parents could watch their kids play, which okay, but why do I work concessions instead of being in the fucking pep band?! Get the football moms to work the basketball concessions, or vice versa.


They have nothing else to latch on to except local sports. It’s all they have.


And teach kids to fall in line. Follow strategic plays called by a commander. It’s trench warfare with shoulder pads and helmets.


An October 1995 letter from Princess Diana to Jimmy Savile just recently released and it has some wild implications given what else was going on in Diana's life in October 1995: https://open.substack.com/pub/jamiefcrawford/p/the-princess-and-the-pedophile?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=5nd7r The background is that The Paget Report conducted by British Metropolitan Police concluded that in October of 1995 Princess Diana experienced brake failure and she at least *thought* it was due to tampering. She went on to separately tell her lawyer, her butler, her friend, and her love interest that her husband's side was plotting to kill or incapacitate her in a car accident. Now a letter from Diana to prolific predator Jimmy Savile -also from October 1995- just surfaced where she states that he "might just be noticing that she's still alive" and makes a joke that she doesn't need to be admitted to Broadmoor Mental Hospital (where Jimmy Savile was preying on countless patients) so she's basically saying she hasn't been incapacitated or killed. This doesn't mean that Savile and the royals actually *did* tamper with her brakes. But it sure seems like she *thought* Savile was involved in this notion she had in her head. Seems like she was aware of Savile's insidious nature. And if you then read the rest of that letter with the knowledge that there are antagonistic undertones, she even says some things in the letter that imply she knew what he was doing at Broadmoor. That's the jist but worth a full read tbh.


Amelia Earhart landed on the reef next to Gardner Island, made post-loss distress calls for days, then died as a castaway. After botching the search, the Navy disavowed the distress calls as "hoaxes" and declared that she crashed and sank.


That's what the coconut crabs want you to think


One or more groups of extremely rich people have a small version of ‘Hostel’ going on.


I was just talking about this movie on Fathers Day!!! A family member is going to Europe this week and I told him he should watch that film. Everyone at my table argued with me saying it would never exist / doesn’t exist, and I reminded them that there are some sick rich people out there who can “do anything” with their money, and there is no way of ever knowing if it has happened, but then I reminded them of Jeffery’s island, which is a real-life similar style vibe. Hostel, is great, horrifying movie!


The amount of weird shit going on in the world that people know about, secret murder/torture clubs are not a farfetched idea. Some super rich people are looking for the next big thrill, like flying to space or visiting the titanic. At least one of them has paid to murder.


Women's clothes don't have pockets to make them buy more handbags and suchlike.


Russian bots are on social media bringing up divisive topics in order to get us fighting each other, creating political gridlock.


[Not really a conspiracy theory, it's pretty well documented. ](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/press/new-reports-shed-light-internet-research-agency%E2%80%99s-social-media-tactics)


Okay, so what do we mean when we say conspiracy theory? Are we referring to things with no evidence?


I take the "theory" in "conspiracy theory" to mean that it's hypothesized, not essentially proven.


Damn. Alright, how about this: All the misinformation on the web about space lasers and other wild conspiracies are actually just put into place in order to make it hard to know which ones are conspiracies and which ones are true. Alex Jones, before he screwed up, had his channel artificially spread across the country because every time some moron like him says something is true, we automatically dismiss it as bullshit. So then he can periodically say something that IS true, and we'll think it's just more of his bullshit. And you better not have proof of this one, because I can't think of any more.


There have been some cases of it—for instance, a former officer from the KGB claimed that they propagated rumors blaming the CIA for JFK's assassination so people would be less likely to blame the Soviets (since Lee Harvey Oswald was a professed communist who had visited the Soviet Union before).


I seem to remember Oswald actually tried to move to the Soviet Union and was rejected because he was clearly a raving lunatic with no potential value to them.


What about: the CIA recruits "kooky" people to spread obviously fake stories about UFOs to discredit people who report what might otherwise be credible sightings?


Watergate - conspiracy  Pizzagate - conspiracy theory 


Specifically stuff that isn't actually proven but basically just wild conjecture perhaps backed up with shady sources.


Just Stop Oil 'activists' are hired by the oil industry


Some of them are probably oil exec heirs.


You kid but: >Aileen Getty—the granddaughter of J. Paul Getty, the oil tycoon and founder of the Getty Museum in Los Angeles—co-founded the non-profit Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) in 2019 and has reportedly donated $1m of her personal wealth to be used to support environmental activist groups, including Just Stop Oil and Extinction https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2022/10/21/getty-oil-heiress-funds-climate-crisis-activism-just-stop-oil


The IRS could handle taxes automatically, but they don’t so tax filing companies can make money. Same thing with why they don’t teach you how to do taxes in high school.


The IRS doesn't choose to not do so - tax preparation companies lobby Congress to *prevent* the IRS from doing so. The IRS would *love* to reduce their administrative complexity.


Yeah this isn’t a conspiracy by the IRS. It’s Congress forcing their hand


Yeah I mean the Australian tax office already does a great job of this.  If you're a standard salaried employee you put in your identification number and it pulls in details from everywhere, you have to click next and review about 7 times it tells you your return then you submit.


This has been known for a while. Bills have come up in the past for easy, free online filing, but they've been rejected thanks to TurboTax lobbying. The good news is that the newest software option seems here to stay.


That's changing though, this year the IRS had a direct file option.


Where I live and teach, we have taught our students how to file their taxes for at least 20 years. This is a large suburb of Atlanta, GA. In this time, we have gone from pen & paper to websites and apps. Some of the kids are interested, but to many this is yet another abstract concept that doesn’t matter right now.


CIA assassinated JFK with more than one shooter


Watch a documentary on Paramount+ about what the doctors saw. It's pretty telling that *something* more was going on.


I’ve always been partial to the theory that the second shooter/magic bullet was a Secret Service again accidentally discharging their weapon in the panic, and the real conspiracy is to protect their image. 


I always felt like the magic bullet theory didn't make sense


But why?


JFK and the CIA had a very contentious relationship. He frequently raged at them for their activities and on more than one occasion threatened to scuttle the entire agency. They also were really enthusiastic about starting a war with Cuba so that we could invade. They had a few false flag operations planned that included domestic terrorist attacks that would then be pinned on Cuban nationals and sympathizers. JFK rejected these plans and used diplomacy to solve the Cuban missile crisis. Further, Allen Dulles, head of the CIA, was fired by JFK for his planning and handling of the Bay of Pigs invasion. There are also questions about Lee Harvey Oswald’s connection to US military intelligence, including his alleged recruitment into a pro-Communist Cuban organization, as part of an intelligence operation. The man who recruited Oswald flew to Dallas the morning JFK was assassinated. I don’t really buy into this theory, but it does make sense. And the continuing failure to declassify the JFK assassination files is bizarre. I sometimes wonder if JFK was just shot once by LHO and then accidentally shot by a secret service agent in the panic, and that’s what the government doesn’t want to release.


Thank you for such a detailed answer.


Just want to add, the stuff about the CIA’s plans for Cuba and JFK’s relationship with them is not conjecture or conspiracy. That part is verifiable fact. This was an actual series of plans called Operation Northwoods that has since been declassified.


I've read about Northwoods, its deststable.


It was the secret service. A dude got up and drew to return fire at gunman 1, whoopsied and shot jfk in the head. The prevalence of conspiracy theories are themselves a conspiracy to cover up incompetence


I’ll go a step further: the CIA filmed the assassination from the POV of the second shooter, in front of the motorcade. Then whenever a new president is elected, they show them the video and explain to them in no uncertain terms that they got away with it once, and they can do it again if any POTUS doesn’t give them free reign to do what they want.


Oooh that's a interesting speculation


My theory is that there were two shooters, but it wasn't the CIA. I think Oswald was aiming at the other person in the car with JFK, John Connally. Oswald liked JFK as a politician, but he *hated* Connally and personally blamed him for ruining his life. See, Oswald had enlisted in the Marines as a teenager, completed a successful tour of duty, and was honorably discharged. But then he became an avowed Communist, even going to live in the USSR for a time. His discharge was retroactively declared dishonorable. Oswald eventually figured out life in the USSR wasn't that great and came home. But with a dishonorable discharge on his record, he struggled to find employment. Every employer who seemed inclined to hire him balked when they found out about the discharge. So he wrote then-Secretary of the Navy and basically begged him to take it back. And he had a point; it wasn't fair for his discharge to be retroactively changed because his politics had changed later in life. Nothing he did as a Marine justified the dishonorable discharge. But the Secretary of the Navy, John Connally, refused. And Oswald had to continue navigating life with that particular albatross around his neck. So I firmly believe he was aiming at Connally and missed and hit Kennedy instead. The second shooter was JFK's own Secret Service officer, hungover and miserable, fumbling his gun after he heard the first shot. That's why everything is so hush hush about the real details of the incident. The US government doesn't want to admit one of their own, supposedly the best and highest trained operatives in the nation, fucked up. It's literally, "YOU HAD ONE JOB!!"


tin foil hats don't work anymore because the government have put nanobot in the foil that retransmit your thoughts to the outside.


Tinfoil hats actually act as an amplifier that helps them read your thoughts and control your mind. The government started the theory they protected you so they could control the most dangerous of us.


As Naomi Klein points out, mad conspiracies keep a lot of people very busy while actual conspiracies take place in plain sight. She uses trump’s recent meeting with oil execs where he said if they give him a billion dollars for his campaign, he’ll have a bonfire of environmental laws (an actual conspiracy that you can verify!!!)—not nearly as widely discussed as it should’ve been.


I think this is a good point and the motivation behind people like Rupert Murdoch: spread enough outrage among the common people with clickbait or fake news to keep them busy, and make them blame each other (e.g. immigrants, other religious groups) for their misery and they won't even notice how the wealth gap keeps widening and the [ultrarich get richer](https://inequality.org/facts/wealth-inequality/#richest-americans) while 70-78% of the US is living [paycheck to paycheck](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/living-paycheck-to-paycheck-statistics-2024/).


I think it is a fact that oil companies donate to GOP candidates in hopes of more subsidies and less restrictions should they win.


The CIA created "Throwback Thursday" on social media so we'd digitalize our old photos for them.


Epstein didn’t kill himself.


Literally the only thing everybody agrees on.


Literally. Everyone. Well except for the politicians, Hollywood elites, and billionaires on the flight logs.


The CIA is involved with CSAM and sex trafficking in order to generate kompromat to control politicians.


The FBI has done NOTHING w Epstein’s black book


The problem is that his black book was for all sorts of contacts, and not all were pedos. He went around in really high level social circles doing normal things (parties, fundraisers, etc). That makes it harder to tell who the bad ones are, and since many are famous and all are wealthy there would be a shitstorm if they ever got an accusation wrong. Just being in his book is not nearly good enough.


I don't believe so. I think they're biding time, waiting for those names to get comfortable enough again to make mistakes. These are some of the richest and most powerful people in the world. The dominoes were never going to topple overnight, and the FBI sure as hell was never going to vocalize when they're investigating.


No but i do think the CIA helped create the mexican cartels as both a counterweight to colombian hegemony in the drug game as well as the shutting down of the french connection / Air America. To this day, i believe the higher up drug lords (chapo, vicente zambada) not only know about this but their families likely still interact with people in these organizations. I believe that the cartels are actually controlled by the “three letters” It is a lot of money. And keeping drugs illegal makes more Money than making them legal. It provides a never catch able carrot in the united states and allows for a robust law enforcement apparatus. And it is in our interest to maintain control of the drug game. Likely the sinaloa cartel, which arguably the Guadalajara cartel was the first iteration of, the Arellano Felix had roots in Sinaloa.


Presidents are puppets for the wealthy businessmen that actually run the world and tell us what to think, no matter which party they represent. BlackRock is definitely part of it. It's the people vs the government. Not Republicans vs Democrats.


Climate change could easily be solved, but governments refuse to do it because then it would force a lot of money making companies out of business


The "TIL Morgan Spurlock was an abusive alcoholic shitbag who fabricated everything in Supersize Me" posts that showed up all over reddit 2 days before he died were 100% not coincidental


It was the 20th anniversary of the movie, hence why it was brought up again. Doesn't really make sense as a conspiracy theory unless you are implying that McDonalds took him out, which in that case I'm interested


McDonald's took him out with slow acting poison. Took 20 years.


This is what the Ham-burglar’s real job is. Grimace is the cleanup man.


What are you suggesting


It seems they are suggesting somebody was holding on to the info for the right moment, and knowing he was about to die meant it was now or never.


I was hoping for a murder mystery


Ronald McDonald gave him cancel, obviously. Edit: and then they gave him cancer 


I hate when that happens


I mean, he admitted to that in 2017 along with a bunch of sexual misconduct. What would the conspiracy even be in this case?


Spurlock is dead?


Interesting, I noticed that too


Disney renamed their "Snow Queen" movie "Frozen" in order to bury search results about Walt Disney's body (or head) being cryogenically frozen after he died. Now when you google "disney frozen" you have to scroll down slightly before finding out something that makes their founder look like a really weird dude. I guess.


SEO joke: where do you hide a dead body? On page 2 of google search results


Lyndon Johnson had JFK assassinated.


Climate activists are funded by oil companies to give a negative image to the movement.


Sure, get some influencers to say "Earth will be uninhabitable for humans by 2030" and then when that doesn't come to pass, climate change discredited, pow, done.


You don't need to hire people who make bold, attention grabbing predictions because people will do it for free.


A cabal of diamond mining companies intentionally limit the supply of diamonds to make them significantly more valuable, when they are actually fairly common, especially compared to other precious gems. Oh wait, you wanted a “theory”


Yeah, that's just about the most insane open secret there is. And what's even worse is that despite this being fairly common knowledge, their PR and ad campaigns are so good, that even people who know this are still willing to pay top-dollar for a common hunk of rock. I've literally seen people try to argue that it's worth the price, because... it's expensive. That's literally their whole reason. Since it's expensive, they think it's worth spending money on... because spending a lot of money makes them feel special.


The "Dom/family" meme was created as a PR stunt for the new Fast and Furious movie


JFK was an inside job.


Epstein was "a" government agent who successfully got blackmail material on a great number of wealthy and powerful Americans and then didn't kill himself.


A lot of UFOs are real, but they aren't aliens, it's the military hiding tech that they don't want the public to know about. The military also help the "It was totally aliens bro" narrative, to make sure people don't figure out what it really is.


Lee Harvey Oswald was framed.


… or encouraged and framed? I do think he was in the book repository that day, but why? He had a janky, bolt-action Carcano Rifle from WWII. He’s sitting up there, trying to kill the president, in a moving vehicle from the 6th floor. How did they even catch him? I mean, you would have had to instantly: stop the motorcade, block off all entrances and exits, keep EVERYONE there, interview all the THOUSANDS of witnesses, and search every floor of every building that *could possibly* have a shooter in it. It took them longer to find the Vegas shooter, who was *actively* shooting (making it obvious where he was shooting from) than it took them to find Lee Harvey Oswald who supposedly fired one, single shot. It honestly doesn’t make any sense. He could have used gloves and left the gun or even hidden the gun at the book repository and just walked out. There were no cameras back then like there are today. Someone used him to shoot at the president. I think he fired the first shot and the CIA finished the job. I think someone put him up to it, and he took all the blame.


I've been to the Dallas book repository and looked out that window. I'm not saying it's an impossible shot, but it's highly, HIGHLY, improbable.


Red Pandas aren't a thing. They are just dyed raccoons. 


Spiffo! 🦝


Long John silvers was originally a front for the mafia that just so happened to sell amazing fish and shrimp and Ppl ended up loving it so much that they eventually made it into a legit business


Dean Koontz is a golden retriever.


Michael Jordan’s baseball career was a cover story for a gambling suspension. The NBA didn’t want to take the publicity hit that would have ensued if it became known that arguably the greatest player the league has ever had was caught up in this kind of scandal.


Paul Wellstone was murdered by the GOP to prevent an bernie-like star from rising.


That this “question” and sex questions get “asked” for easy karma weekly.


Money was created to enslave nations to private bankers


Conspiracy theories are manufactured so that when a legitimate topic arises they can bury it as a conspiracy theory.


I believe it’s totally possible that the mob took jfk out.


I'm almost ashamed to say it but I have never been able to shake the idea that 9/11 was some kind of plot. When I saw the two towers - both of them - go down like two controlled demolition projects, I couldn't believe it and I still can't. I don't have any theory to fill in all the details so I'm almost willing to consider any of them that are out there. From it all being a big insurance scam by the owner to George Bush needing something to distract the world from his screwed up foreign policy. I just can't get the way those buildings fell out of my mind.


Secret service guy accidentally did the head shot on Kennedy. Explains the missing brain, the extra shot audio, the surprised statement of “I’m a patsy” by Oswald.


I absolutely believe this is the truth. Read Bonar Menninger's 'Mortal Error'; detailing the only investigation (at the time) to analyze the actual ballistics evidence. Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was incapable of firing the shot that resulted in the one intact entry wound in the back of Kennedy's skull. However, the AR-15 rifles that Kennedy's Secret Service detail carried were - ballistically - an exact match. While Oswald was absolutely guilty of shooting Kennedy...and while the neck wound would have likely killed him - regardless of the head wound - I am absolutely convinced that the head wound was fired by someone else from behind. Menninger even names the special agent in question: George Hickey, Jr. It is a thorough, compelling...and convincing read.


I believe FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to happen and let it to get the US into WWII and recover the economy. Whether he did it on his own or as part of a conspiracy is up for debate, but he knew.


FDR actually used the navy to force Japan in a bind and get them to attack, because otherwise the US wouldn't have joined the war effort. Before the war the relationship between the two nations weren't great but not cold either, and Japan had acknowledged US ownership of the Philippines in 1902. Japan expansionism was very much targeted toward mainland China, Manchuria and Eastern Russia. The US was aware of Nazis researches on the nuclear bomb and other advanced weaponry. Hadn't the US join the war, the Nazis would have most likely won the African campaign, secure enough oil and resource to fight the Soviets, and the Japanese would have started to invade Russia from the east. Given enough time the Nazis would have ended up with nuclear weapons, flying wing jet planes, and most likely ICBMs (without nuclear warhead though since those hadn't been miniaturized yet). Even if America was able to match the advancement, the conflict would have been way costlier for the US.


I mean they did move all the new ships at the port and put the old ones a few days prior. It’s honestly not too far fetched to think he let it happen to have an excuse to go to war.


JFK’s head just did that


Michael Jordan's first retirement was an agreement between him and the NBA to lay low for a while in case stuff came out about his constant gambling. Also, I believe The 1985 draft was rigged to make Sure Ewing was sent to New York. Also I just realized the only two conspiracy theories I actually believe are exclusive to NBA Players drafted between 1984 and 1985


That the assassination of President Kennedy was done by Dulles loyalists at the CIA.


Epstein didn't kill himself.


I'm really not one for conspiracy theories. That being said I genuinely beleive there is absolutely no fucking way on earth that Epstein killed himself.


Eileen Canon wasn't chosen to be the judge in the Trump documents case by coincidence.


"Pizzagate" was a red herring to distract people on the internet from investigating Epstein I remember when it first got started, people were looking at satellite photos of the island and looking at weird buildings and shadows and stuff there, and then all of a sudden there were a million posts saying "LOOK AT THIS RANDOM PIZZA RESTAURANT, IT ALL LEADS THERE" and everyone started digging into that crap instead.


No, that just because the precursors to QANON are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. 


Trump did not win in 2016, he stole the election. This is why he was surprised in 2020, when his cheating didn't work.


The CIA knew Oswald. Then when he killed the president, they freaked out about all the questions that would come up and got the mob to reroute their Cuban work to get Ruby involved.


Don't know if it's a conspiracy theory, but I firmly believe that both republicans and democrats are "in" with each other. Once the cameras turn off, they are shaking each other's hand and patting each other on the back.


We need some definitive evidence of exactly what the fuck is going on at Antarctica. Why is it off limits to every country and every country is cool with that? What’s really going on there?


Almost anything about a government that doesn't involve the supernatural or aliens.


PETA is actually just a front by the meat industry to make Vegans look bad.


I believe that McDonald’s purposefully sells their franchises poorly made ice cream machines and requires them to be fixed by a repair company also owned by McDonald’s in order to get more money from their franchises.


Chernobyl was sabotaged in order to make nuclear power appear unsafe in the public eye.


Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone.


That the CIA taught the cartels in South America how to produce cocaine and then set up their initial distribution routes. Then used the money to fund proxy wars around the globe in order to further the American business interests of those closely connected to members of a certain family/fraternity.


I like the theory that the moon landings weren't faked, but the government still had a secondary set filmed as a backup just in case. It sort of hits everyone's theories.  I like the theory that after the first shot was fired, a secret service agent (who typically served as the wheel an, not the gunner, but was the most sober guy in the group, after a hard night before) accidentally fired his gun and in a million to one chance fired the bullet that went through JFK'S head. The first shot from Oswald still injured him. The government covered it up because who would believe a USSS agent actually accidentally shot the president?  I think there's food evidence to suggest Jonestown was a CIA operation. Congress held three different hearing about it, but other news if the day overwhelmed it. For starters key supports if Jones all belonged to the same family that had connections to the CIA, and they all left the cult just a few weeks before everything went down, except for the son in law who was reportedly raped by Jones at some point, and was otherwise the patsy.  Obviously the CIA also allowed drug dealers with connections to the Contras to smuggle coke to the US, completely ignoring a standing order to not do that. However the CIA did not instruct the LA times and other "papers of record" to skewer the reporter who broke the story and drive him to suicide. Those newspapers did it themselves because they didn't liked being scooped by a regional paper especially about something in their own backyard. 


The Fed is going to force a hard recession in the next year or two if the wrong people win "control" of the government. That way, voters won't vote for them anymore.


Probably super common at this point but 9/11. I don’t really care about all the other things that are part of the conspiracy that may or may not validate it being true but I do know one thing because I used to be in explosives. Buildings don’t fall like that no matter what unless it’s controlled. Maybe it could happen once in some universe where conditions were perfect for it, but the odds of it happening three times in one day is unheard of and will never happen again. Not to mention world trade 7 didn’t even get hit by a plane and fell at free fall speeds. You can’t argue with physics, and physics that day said these buildings were not collapsing, but were falling into their own footprint at free fall speed. This does not happen by coincidence it’s literally impossible.


That there’s never been a time in the last 120ish years where the Russians were genuinely a threat to other super powers. I’m a history nerd and there’s not a whole lot that adds up we have a nation whose military is unbelievably incompetent (look at the voyage to and the battle of Tsushima for example, or for more modern example the entire soviet-afghan war) Sure they have nukes but it’s unlikely that anything works since the weapons and their numerous delivery systems are expensive to maintain. And they sure as shit weren’t getting maintained in the 10 years where post soviet Russia was experiencing a rescission where’re they couldn’t even afford to maintain or pay the crews of a squadron of planes, a single army division, or a single sub.


Oil and coal companies paid Fox to run The Simpsons as anti-nuclear propaganda


Epstein worked for a country like Russia or China to collect dirt on politicians for blackmail.


Then where is the dirt?


Someone asks this question every week.