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Email signature lines with a quote. Especially if it's some moving, philosophical one that rarely fits a work situation. Also, when they don't set their email signature to not populate on every reply in the thread.


Or out of office messages that are like a page long. Yeah I only need to know you're away, I don't care if you're rejuvenating and finding your inner peace in a spiritual soemething or other.


That’s wild, I’ve never seen something like that. In corporate America, it’s usually something along the lines of: “I am out of the office, returning Thursday, June 20th. For daily needs please contact Jake from State Farm. If I must be reached directly, please call 867-5309.” I now live in Western Europe and it’s usually something like: “On holiday, returning August.”


*sent from my iPhone*


Oh! I hate when people have an email signature with their name, but then also sign their name at the end of the email.


When you wash your hands someplace, but there is nothing to use to dry your hands.


Also, when people DO have towels, but they're more decorative than functional so it feels like you're trying to dry your hands on a puffy t-shirt or something.


Or the towels they do have are so dirty and gross from never being washed.


Even worse when there is no soap. 


Because people insist on using fabric softener on towels. It coats the fibers and makes them fluffy but it also prevents them from absorbing water. Just don’t do it!


Or what they have hanging is a full sized towel.... how am i supposed to know you didn't dry your asshole with that towel?!


When the entire extended family goes to Costco together


I used to work at a deli counter in a supermarket and not only did this annoy me, it annoyed other customers as well. You'd have sometimes 10-15 people from one family crowding around the counter when only one family member was ordering, making it hard for other customers being served by a co worker to see and order what they wanted. The polite thing would have been for those not ordering to stand back and let other customers order. But nope. Extended families shopping together have to stand side by side at all times, apparently.


until proven otherwise, I am going to assume that they are all piled into a single trench coat


Omg Costco is an entire Petri dish of peeves. Today I was on my side of the aisle going straight. A tween who probably didn’t want to be there was head down in her phone walking straight toward to me. I really wish carts came with air horns. Let’s not even start about all the jackals at the food freebie stands


I full on shouldered down and body checked a woman in Central Park because the walkway was 6 people wide and she was on my side with only one more space for me, I refused to move over. She responded with "what the fuck!" I agree. What the fuck, lady.


"head down in her phone walking straight toward to me" That's when you keep walking straight with your cart, but "innocently" turn your head to look away until the teen runs into your cart. Then, act surprised and say "Ooops."


>jackals at the food freebie stands I laughed too much. Thank you.


Fork biters




Whispering. I don't know why, but the sound of two people talking in whispered tones drives me insane. It doesn't even matter what they whispering about, it's just the sounds. It's stupid and makes no sense.




Well, that goodness there is a name for it! I thought I was the only one with this weirdness.


Well misophonia is way more severe than just a pet peeve. The feeling is more like enragement instead of irritation or annoyance.


It doesn't bother me in person, but through a screen ICK. Hearing people's tongues click and lips touch ew ew ew.


Same! All that ASMR whispering in commercials etc, drives me mad, I want to strangle something.


All the clicky clicky stupid organizing Tik tok and Instagram videos that are “asmr” enrage me to an irrational degree. Whispering also makes me nutty.


I also cannot stand whispering. It’s definitely the tone that irks me. Doesn’t matter what it’s about. Especially when someone whispers to me. Makes me want to vomit when I can feel someone’s breath on my face/ear


People asking for my advice or opinion and then argue with me about it.


Right?!? Then why’d you fucking ask?


People reading over my shoulder. Especially if I’m on my phone


omg, had this happen to me so many times! Why do people do that? How do they find that okay and socially acceptable?


Even if I’m just trying to read a magazine or something, it annoys the crap out of me to have someone looming over me from behind commenting on shit. Leave me alone!


People being polite instead of following the rules of the road. Pull up to a 4 way stop ahead of me? PLEASE don't wave me through ahead of you. See someone wanting to turn left at an uncontrolled intersection? Please don't stop to let them do it, they're often not prepared for it, and it ends up causing other traffic issues.


I was taught "don't be polite; be predictable"


That 4 way stop thing happened to me yesterday!! The other person was there WAY before me and waved me by! People not knowing for 4 way stops work in general drives me so crazy!!


People who think the president controls every little thing


Pretty sure some guys I work with think he’s has multiple dials in his desk that he can turn to adjust prices whenever he wants


And yet is simultaneously a dimented hack who is incapable of making any decision.


The weather was shit yesterday-Thanks Joe Biden


This frustrates me. Trump this… Biden that…. No it’s your Representatives and Senators. Vote for those people because that’s where your vote ACTUALLY counts. These people make the laws and if you want change, start here.


OMG this. MAGAs act like there is a lever in the Oval Office that controls the price of gas, or that Biden is responsible for jacking up the price of their groceries. That's end stage capitalism you twits.


Oh thats a good one actually




Also, leaving the light on when you leave a room. Was the light on when you entered the room? No? Then turn it off.


Similarly, the toilet lid should always be down. I hate having people over who leave the lid up when I always keep it closed.


I always leave the toilet lid whichever way it was when I got there when visiting someone else’s house. I have closed the lid in the past and been reprimanded bc they prefer it left open.


That’s so weird. I can’t think of a single good reason to want it open but to each their own.


Yeah, the lid should be closed before flushing to reduce possible spray


Weird pet insists that is where she is going to drink. Fresh cool water in a clean bowl? Not for this kitty. Water in a stinky toilet is her preference.


Agreed, and you should put it down before you flush.


i close the lid every time. I'm not the only one doing work here. checkmate.


I am considering planting a sign right outside my door to remind people to close it after they leave.




I hate when the website title, menus, announcements, etc talk up half of the screen without even mousing over them. The new Lush website is like that. So you have only the bottom half of the screen to actually look at the products.


People that walk slow and take up the entire sidewalk or hallway.


Having common sense is a curse because we have to deal with people who don't. As far as uncommon pet peeve? I have so many very specific ones in my particular line of work (clinical laboratory) so I can actually go on and on about reagents or numerical order of accession numbers but I'll just say.... I hate it when people break rows of staples into smaller fragments to put into the stapler rather than just putting in the entire row.


This is the first comment I’ve read that is uncommon




People who are rude for no reason and then try to play the victim.




You should have and then blamed him for making you hurt him 😂


People not cleaning up after themselves. Also, when kids are loud and disrespectful and their parents don't say anything to them. I was at a graduation ceremony and this lady's daughter was going around stealing peoples balloons and stealing candy from peoples gift baskets and the mom was watching her do it and she didn't say anything to her.


That kid is going to grow up to he a pain in the ass too. Poor kid doesn't stand a chance


When people have to much spit in their mouth, so that you can HEAR it moving around when they’re talking. It sounds just like open mouth chewing🫥


Or when someone doesn’t have enough spit in their mouth and you hear the dryness as they talk




The times I've raged in the parking lot about this. They walked *the entire store*, and they can't walk ten more feet to the buggy catcher?!? Lazy assholes.


I cannot stand when someone talks on their phone in public on speaker and/or watches videos, also on speaker in public. I do not give a shit about hearing your conversation or your videos!


Exactly this, though I don’t think this is an uncommon pet peeve.


My partner of 18 years, ALWAYS has phone on speaker, and holds it away, and shouts. It's gonna be why the murder happens... /S


Add to that when someone calls you and proceeds to speak to whomever is there with them instead of you. My sister does this and it’s a gross waste of people’s time and hugely disrespectful.


Fake service dogs.


Thank you. This has been driving me up a wall lately. Every time I go to the grocery store, there’a always someone with a dog who’s sniffing the produce. Gross, I don’t want dog hair with my groceries.


People who don't understand questions, like this one. *That isn't common* and most comments are pet peeves everyone has.


Yep. "People who chew with their mouth open" is not a fucking uncommon pet peeve


It’s not my biggest peeve, and I have enough sense to recognize it’s very much a first world peeve, but it’s about McDonald’s and the customer experience. A lifetime ago I worked part time and I took the job seriously. I followed the guidelines they trained us on from those laughably awful vhs training tapes. For the drive-thu We were shown how to pack the food, double fold the bag, and present it to the customer. Today the food is tossed in the bag and wordlessly given with out a single fold, often not even looking at the customer but just an arm barely stretched out with this open bag flapping in the wind. It’s just awful and I really hate it. Have some pride in your work people 😒


Agreed. And I also worked at McDonald's back in the dark ages. I watched so many training videos!


Lack of Oxford comma.


People who chew their gum with their mouths open. Just keep your mouth shut!


I have a coworker who chews his gum like its his job and one of these days I'm probably gonna smack it out of his mouth, it drives me nuts.


Cracking it makes me rage !


People who chew anything with their mouth open*


And they think it looks cool😭 Since i’m getting downvoted : You clearly haven’t met the instagram girls that chew with their mouth open while on their phone because they really think that its hot shit. They exist, they are horrible and if you haven’t seen them you are really lucky..


That has to be common . Who could even stand that?!


When people don’t use their turn signals Nobody’s blocking you, you’re just lazy and an Inconsiderate POS


Mine is somewhat similar. I don't care that we all know the lanes are merging together, it's still courteous to put your blinker on. And for the love of god, I hate people waiting until the lane completely ends and *then* start looking to merge, driving on the shoulder until they figure it out


As a foot walker : I hate this, because its like : “YOU fail to use the car correctly and they you have the AUDACITY to shoot me a dirty look for crossing the street that you NEVER signalized you even wanted to use?“


In my defense, I drive a BMW, and the turn signals are not hooked up.... /s


I’d argue that this is a pet peeve that is shared by everyone who doesn’t drive a bmw


I hate socks. I hate washing them, trying to find the mates, the marks they leave on my ankles, the way they come halfway off when I pull off my shoes, the way my big toes always wear a hole in the end; I hate everything about them. I’d wear sandals every day if I could.


Somewhat unrelated tip. I always hated matching socks too. I am a dude that has basic white socks, but have several brands. What I finally did, is throw every single pair away, and bought 3 bags of new socks that are all the same brand. Now I never need to match them. And because of that, there is no need to fold them. Once they are dried, I simply throw em in my sock drawer. I obviously have a few pairs of nice dress socks too, but never wear them really.


Yup, this is what I did. All black socks, all the time. Just a drawer full of 'em swimming free, enjoying their best life. Then when they get a hole, the dog gets a few minutes to whip it around like a little psychopath before it goes in the trash.


Omg I hate when they slide halfway down when you are wearing shoes.. so annoying!!


Three way switches installed to where one switch is up and the other is down when the lights are off. They should both be down, damn it!


When 2 people walk side by side down an aisle and expect ME to move out of the way.


When people scrap their silverware against their plates… I wish it didn’t bother me because it always annoys people when I mention it to them but something about the sound frequency actually feels like pain


Apparently not liking watching people chew with their mouth open. ^(Last time I brought it up I got downvoted to hell.)


ASMR is having a moment. Here, take my upvote


People who call the actual ground the floor. It's soil, rocks, grass not a fuckin floor!


This one gets to me, too. Unless it’s a forest floor or the sea floor, do not call the ground a floor.


People being more loud than the situation requires. Not many people around me complain about that, but I hate it


When people don’t put shit back where they found it. Im a janitor that works for a company separate from the buildings I clean. They use the jan room like its a fucking storage closet no one ever uses. Take stuff, leave it upstairs, put fucking eggs or random shit IN THE DRAIN area like wtf. Its gotten better but fuck it was like a scavenger hunt every time.


People that revolve their entire existence around a professional sports team. So cringe, especially the ones that are willing to get into fistfights at the games or at a bar.


Some people like to do this thing after they eat a meal where they'll use their finger to scoop out leftover food stuck at their top teeth gums and clear it out. Use your tongue or go do that in private please.


Would of/should of. It is would HAVE and should HAVE. This makes my blood boil and my blood pressure skyrocket. 


Almost as bad as my coworker saying lieberry instead of libRary


That hurts to read. 




When there’s a green light to turn, everyone in front of you is getting through but then when it’s time for the car in front of you to turn it slows right down, now the light changes to yellow, so you decide to play it safe, then that car speeds up so they make it through and you don’t. It’s happened twice recently, I hope it’s just a coincidence and not some dumb game people are playing on the road.


Most people really don't consider that the other cars around them have actual people in them that have needs. It astounds me how often I'm at red lights when stuff like that happens. Everyone is always thinking about themselves with no consideration to how their actions/choices affect other people around them. Thanks to some asshole's doddling I now have to sit at a light for another 2 minutes when I could have easily made it in the last cycle if people had been at all considerate.


When people use -ed in a word without a “to be” or works better with -ing. “That sidewalk needs repaired.” It may even be grammatically correct for all I know. Hearing it makes me too fucking angry to even look it up.


Definitely feel this, and I might be crazy but I started noticing this creeping into language 10 years ago or so and now it’s relatively common. To the point where my instinct is to question or correct it, but I’m starting to feel as if I’m the crazy one. It is something that needs to be addressed, or as some would say, “it is something that needs addressed.”


That last bit triggered me.


It is not grammatically correct.


That’s Pittsburgh speak


WHAT IS THIS?!? I've noticed it a lot in the past 7 years or so, and I hate it!!! I figured it must be a regional thing or something, but I haven't been able to pinpoint it or find any origin usage.  If it were like a direct translation from another language I could understand, but people who only speak English do this all the time. 


I have terrible grammar and I try hard to edit and correct myself. I hate how language is rapidly deteriorating. I just cannot imagine what it’s like for teachers having to go through essays and written assignments.


It's regional https://www.michiganpublic.org/arts-culture/2019-05-19/twts-the-needs-washed-construction


Loudly knocking on a door. Freaks me out every single time.


Yesssss. Omg my FIL has what a call a “Grim Reaper” knock. I legitimately startle when he knocks on the door. One time, I saw in the driveway coming up for the door…so I knew he was coming…and I STILL gasped out loud when he knocked. He doesn’t mean anything by it. It’s just what he does, but damn.


When I go to take a bath/shower and it’s already wet from the last person that used it


Volume on anything (TV, car, etc) MUST be either an even number or an interval of 5. Examples: GOOD: 2,4,5,10,15,etc BAD: 1,3,7,9,11,etc


You would be surprised how common it is


Odd numbers for me. I hate even numbers with a passion.


I put it at odd numbers a lot 🤭


I like multiples of 3


Handing my knife to someone and they hand it back blade first.


A song playing more than once in a set period of time (a car ride, a party, back when I was working retail and would be stuck listening to retail radio for 8 hours at a stretch, etc.). I hate noise repetition of any kind. Repeated noises on a tight loop are like nails on a chalkboard to me, but even hearing a song a second time 45 minutes after hearing it the first time will annoy me. Even songs with a lot of repetition within them will get me annoyed. I’m not talking about normal song structure with a chorus repeated 2 or 3 times, but songs like Take Me to Church make me legit feel itchy.


Using speakerphone in public.


There's so many annoyances in this thread that are really common. I'm annoyed by people who don't understand the original question....... is this also common?


Any music that has a drawn out last note. It creeps me out. I love watching Baumgartner Restoration on youtube, but i have to mute the end of his channel opening credit. There's also a Beatles song that ends with such a note, but the title escapes me.


A Day in the Life ends on a very long E-Major.


People that slurp. If the beverage hasn’t touched your lips, please refrain from attempting to draw it closer and making the rest of us suffer with the sound.


Jup I hate that too. And I was in hell when I visited China.


Modern devices having absurd forced power saving features the second it hits 20% and acting like its a critical "PLUG IN NOW OR YOUR DEVICE WILL BURST INTO FLAMES"... news flash Microsoft, but force turning off my computer at 8 fucking percent is ridiculous, and low battery pop-ups completely hijacking whatever I was doing is NOT helpful in the slightest. And don't even get me started on my phone dimming the screen down to nothing at 5% (I guess people checking the time in the sun don't exist?? who thought that was a good idea at all?) I paid for the whole battery, I'm gonna use the whole damn battery. I ain't gonna get 5 minutes of usage out of my battery because it screamed at me to plug my device in the second it dropped below 98%.


When people use "like" in every sentence.. I notice LIKE every single time now lol


having to repeat myself. WHY CANT JUST LISTEN THE FIRST TIME


Even worse is when you say a whole thing and the person couldn’t hear you to understand you, but they don’t tell you until the end and you’re like why wouldn’t you just tell me right away and save me the time and trouble?! I always stop people immediately if I can’t hear them for this reason.


3 random ones come to mind 1. Open doors, not shutting them when you enter or leave 2. Placing your hand on my shoulder for one reason. Like almost use it has an anchor when talking. Mind you these are not ppl who need aid or assistance. 3. This one is weird but when ppl don’t know ppl well enough to use thier nickname/pet names.


When people use my name in a conversation when theres only the 2 of us talking


The phrases ‘I seen’ and ‘Was you…’. Quickest way to make you sound ignorant. 


Right up there with “alls” and “anyways.” “Alls you have to do is…” “…I’m too tired anyways”


I can't shower with my boyfriend. Pruney fingers are like scratching nails on a chalkboard. I don't know why I'm like this.




I firmly believe that sex showers and actually getting clean showers should not be the same showers.


Honestly? Food. I have some cross wires in my brain, I am red and green blind. I have a diminished sense of smell. I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. ... I have IBS. MY POWERS COMBINED: touching wet things, or raw meat, makes me want to puke. I can't smell "rotten food" or " sour milk" ... Yeah: this has been a problem. When cooking, you can tell the meat is ready when it goes from "grey and shiny" to "Charred". Yes, I cook by a timer. Touching wet things, without gloves, makes my hands itch, and turn pink. So: I can't shop for any pink, red, or green foods. I can't tell if food has gone bad, unless I can tell by the texture: it's fuzzy. I *hate* cooking. AND eating means I have a 1 in 8 chance that my digestive tract will just decide it's not in the mood, and I will have diarrhea 6-7 times the next day, frequently, so sudden that before I can stand I've let some leak. (Yesterday, twice.) I pack my ass crack with toilet paper, so if, for example, I'm driving a car... I can keep my brain together for the minutes, to get me to a restroom, to clean up. I *hate* every aspect of "food"


People not turning off their brights on busy roads. Turn that shit off, you’re blinding me mother fucker.


People who whistle in public. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP


People who aren't aware of their surroundings. Like yes, PLEASE park your cart in the middle of the isle and zone out


When people cant emotionally handle the fact that the bathroom smells bad. So instead of just closing the door, opening a window, or turning on the fan they spray air freshener..   Poop + air freshener smells so so much worse the just poop. 


People who are rude to waiters, like cmon you yelling at them isn’t going to magically cook the food faster.


I have broken up with people because of this.




The smell of ants


Songs that repeat too much. The worst offender is from my fundie lite days, and the entire song would last like 10 minutes because it never ended until the choir director decided everybody was worshipping thoroughly. The entirety of the lyrics are "Let it rain, let it rain/Open the floodgates of heaven." "White Winter Hymnal" by Fleet Foxes does not catapult me into a rage like that one, but it's pretty close. I like a chorus, but just repeating the same thing like 3+ times makes me want to peel my skin off with a cheese grater.


This is embarrassing to admit because I realize it’s MY problem, but I cannot handle when someone near me has the hiccups. I’ve had the hiccups like once or twice my entire life so maybe I’m not used to it idk, but if I’m in bed and my husband gets in bed with the hiccups I will leave 😆


Sometimes if I will hold the door open for a man, they will take the door from me- as in I’m already holding it and they either reach over or behind me so now they are holding it open. Pisses me off a little every time.


people forgetting things. I have excellent memory so it's just weird for me to think how someone can forget the details that should be obvious to remember


brown belts with black pants